critique essay Writing Assignment Help

critique essay Writing Assignment Help. critique essay Writing Assignment Help.

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The debate over whether or not abortion should be a legal option continues to divide Americans long after the US Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision on Roe v. Wade declared the procedure a “fundamental right” on Jan. 22, 1973.

Proponents, identifying themselves as pro-choice, contend that choosing abortion is a woman’s right that should not be limited by governmental or religious authority, and which outweighs any right claimed for an embryo or fetus. They say that pregnant women will resort to unsafe illegal abortions if there is no legal option.

Opponents, identifying themselves as pro-life, contend that individual human life begins at fertilization, and therefore abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human being. They say abortion inflicts suffering on the unborn child, and that it is unfair to allow abortion when couples who cannot biologically conceiv

critique essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Give me 5 sentences of definitions for each terms Humanities Assignment Help

Each of terms listed below should be explained about 5-6 sentences each by using information from the lectures and readings attached as links and files below.

. L=Lecture R=Reading


Week One:Symbolic Interaction (L), Functionalism (L), Conflict Theory (L), Sociological Imagination (R), Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (L)

Class Part: Clip from Berkeley in the Sixties

Week Two: MLK’s Mountaintop Speech (R), MLK’s stance on Vietnam (L/F), Black Lives Matter (R), MLK’s Poor People’s Movement (F), Three Myths about MLK (L), Maslow’s Sixth Stage (R)

Class Part: The Promise Land(Episode 10)

Week Three: Girl Watching (L), #MeToo Movement (R), Organizational Dynamics in Harrassment (Gruber) (R), ‘Masculinity’ and Workplace Harassment (R/L)

Class Part: Clips from Working Girland Mad Men

Week Four: Life Stages Theory (L), Greatest (Silent) Generation (L/R), Millenials (L/R), Generation X (L/R), Baby Boomers (L/R), Generational Differences Chart (R)

Class Part: Clips from The Graduate, Into the Wild, and Legally Blonde, Hunger Games (Trailer)

Week Five: Borderlands/La Frontera(R), Mestizaje(R), UCSD and Kumeyaay (R/L), Indigenous Family History (R), Edward Curtis


data collection Business Finance Assignment Help

1. Read the Case Study:

Fraud Versus Ethics: The Case Of The Backdating Of Stock Options

2. The article involves several theories on ethics and mentions the issue of stock options manipulations. Specifically it examines violations committed and whether the actions by executives were fraudulent or unethical. Please discuss how the author goes about researching and supporting the main topic of the case study.

Think about the following:

  • What type of data was used for the research?
  • How did the author synthesize or organize the information?
  • Describe the references that were incorporated and if they supported the argument.
  • Overall, do you think the author presented a strong research topic with supporting evidence?

3. Reply to 2 additional students.*

*(Initial posts are due by end of week 1 and Reply Posts are due by end of week 2).


Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis of your categorical data results for each research scenario. Mathematics Assignment Help

Write a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis of your categorical data results
for each research scenario.

In your analysis, display the data for the

Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the
implications of social change might be.

Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing for your analysis, research question, and display of output.

I am supplying a perfect example of how the paper should be written all you need to do is reword.

I am attaching all three scenarios but again the paper named we11assgn1example is a perfect paper.

I attached week11 with the tables broken down for each scenario.

This is an easy thing to do.


Modify a Lesson Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

From one of the three websites listed in the required readings, find a lesson plan addressing any content area you wish. Analyze the plan and determine whether it is an effective approach for English language Learners (ELLs). If it is, tell why by addressing how it is differentiated, how sheltered instruction is used, and how the plan applies strategies for ELLs and English as second language (ESL) learners. If it is not, modify the plan to include the components previously mentioned.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.



Paradigm paper Science Assignment Help

write 5 page paper about who you are that reflects on the above mentioned 5 components of paradigm?

Your job is to write a 5 page paper (I go by word count, so you need 1200-1500 words and I don’t worry about font, size, double or single space, etc) about who you are that reflects on the above mentioned 5 components of paradigm. I encourage you to write this as a first person, reflective- somewhat casual paper. It is essential that we know who we are before we try to understand other cultures. Here is the Paradigm paper longer description

Lecture note and description of writing assignment

In thinking about this idea or paradigm being comprised of ethnicity, class, gender, age and belief we need to flesh out what each of those are for the purpose of this class and from and anthropological view.

Ethnicity is not race. The textbook addresses this, but the most important thing to remember is that ethnicity is about the cultural connection to a group that you identify with, that identifies with you and that others see you as. These are not always aligned; when people are from multicultural or inter-racial backgrounds that might be easy to see. As an example, I have a friend from Hawaii. When she was living in Greeley, people assumed she was Hispanic. This is a mismatch of her ethnic identity. As another example, I was born and raised in Bolivia South America. My father’s heritage was Portuguese, and my mother was mostly Irish. I look like my mother, so people don’t see me and identify me with a Latin culture- though that culture is the most influential in my thinking, cultural values, etc. Everyone has an ethnic heritage that may or not be highly influential in their sense of self- but we all have one. Think about how you view the world around the idea of ethnicity and how the world views you.

Class is not just about money, it is about access to resources (Ruby Payne has a great book called A Framework for Understanding Poverty that addresses this if you are interested- very useful and easy to read book!). When thinking about access to resources, think about access to societal values (those with more money are more likely to value career- even over family; whereas those with less money tend to value family more than career). Think about access to education, healthcare, strong sense of community, etc. How does that impact the way you look at the world?

Gender is not sex- it is not about your sex parts or chromosomes, but rather is about the rules, beliefs and meaning cultures construct around what sex a person is. These rules and beliefs impact what we wear, what jobs we think are most suited to each sex, etc. Gender also weaves in ideas about orientation. Again, think about what you believe it means to be a man/woman/inter-sexed individual.

Age often influences what things we think about and are important to us. This often influences how we see the world and how we view people of different ages. Our culture offers great privilege to youth, for example and tends to infantilize the elderly.

Finally, belief- this is not just your spiritual beliefs, but your values and ideas about what it means to be you (such as personality theories, talents, etc.)

Your job is to write a 5 page paper (I go by word count, so you need 1200-1500 words and I don’t worry about font, size, double or single space, etc) about who you are that reflects on the above mentioned 5 components of paradigm. I encourage you to write this as a first person, reflective- somewhat casual paper.

It is essential that we know who we are before we try to understand other cultures


Paradigm paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Spider Diagram on Block-chains and Data Privacy Writing Assignment Help

Write your idea/title/topic/thesis in the center of a piece of paper. Draw a circle around it.

  • Draw a “leg” from the central “body” of your topic towards the top right hand corner of the page. Label this “leg” with the first topic/category.
  • Add more legs moving clockwise around the page until all the sections have been included, with the final one being somewhere near the top left of the page.
  • Now divide each “leg” up into smaller “legs” with all the points that you made in each section. (Again work clockwise from the top left so that the sequence of ideas is maintained).
  • Finally, please be sure that one section is devoted to identifying any gaps or niches in the research.


Work Breakdown Stucture Business Finance Assignment Help

“Creating a Project from a Template” video and “Working with Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Codes” video.

Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and a project schedule for the Learning Team project selected in Week 2. You can access Microsoft Project via Toolwire. The link to MS Project via Toolwire is available in the Week 1 Recommended Activities folder.

Use Microsoft® Project to list the components and breakdown of the project’s WBS (i.e. project phases, grouping of tasks, resource assignments, etc.).

Develop a Gantt chart with the following:

  • Project Phase
  • Tasks
  • Resource Names/Titles
  • Duration
  • Start and Finish Dates
  • Predecessors
  • Milestones Highlighted


discussion responses needed Humanities Assignment Help

Please respond to responses to the initial discussion post in a minimum of 75 words. Please refer to Ch 8 attached. Please also label with Response 1 and Response 2. PLEASE BE SURE TO USE APA FORMATTING

Ormrod, J. (2016). Human learning. (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing

Initial Discussion Prompt:

Choose a topic with which you are familiar, and imagine that you have to give a half-hour lecture on that topic. Describe your topic, then explain in concrete terms the steps you would take in your lecture to maximize the likelihood that your listeners would engage in:

  1. Meaningful learning
  2. Organization
  3. Elaboration
  4. Visual imagery

Remember to choose a topic that you currently teach, would like to teach, or one that you would like to present to a group of faculty members

Response 1

My topic would be elaboration. We use elaboration to help us understand new information increasing from simple to complex thinking. To make sure that the listeners engage in elaboration I would inform them that we can think of elaboration as one that students use to think about the learning process. Our process includes taking prior knowledge to enhance the old and new knowledge as they merge together thereby creating a new version. Then we store the new revised data which is a process of learning more than the material presented (Ormrod, 2016).

I would give an example about students responding to the usage of elaboration. For example, have you ever asked your students to put a story in writing about their favorite food? They usually give long drawn-out details of when they last ate it or describe how it looks. Some people use elaboration incorrectly because individuals generalize a situation that did not accuracy happened. According to Ormrod (2016), elaboration provides more details which we can later retrieve from different parts of our memory. Elaboration explains the cognitive processes that may be involved in long-term memory storage (Ormrod, 2016). For example, teachers may give a procedural task, the simplest is presented first, then other lessons present more versions until the full range of the tasks are taught (Reigeluth, 2017).

Response 2

My topic would be professional learning communities. Professional learning communities are schools that have professionals meet and collaborate in order to grow as teachers and to help improve student performance. This process is to ensure that every student in the community learns more. In order for a PLC to thrive, all teachers and staff must be all in and willing to collaborate and share in a organized environment. They must be willing to give time and effort to get better at their professions as well. The first thing I would do in my lecture is to relate the PLC as something the teachers can understand and relate to.

To make sure that the listeners engage in meaningful learning I would explain that the PLC acronym can really be dropped. I would also explain that any good professional is really already engaging in this activity with the PLC stigma on it. I would relate their learning to writing of lesson plans. When your looking for a fun activity to do on dividing fractions you look online or use resources from others to find the activity. Rarely does any teacher create a new activity for every topic. No, they choose to find other’s activities and use them to meet their needs. PLC is the same way just you use teachers in your community to bounce ideas off of. This relates to something each teacher has background knowledge on and can help with meaningful learning. I would organize my lecture to ensure learners internalize the information. The first thing I would start with is telling them why we plc. Starting with the why gets them thinking of the end results and that would drive there what. Backwards learning helps with organization in a persons mind because the learner knows their end and can then work to get their. The third step I would take in my lecture is to allow the listener to elaborate on what is being said. I would dwell into certain inferences people make about professional learning communities. This will also help them make connections in with they are hearing and what their minds are processing. The last step I would take to endure listeners are actively learning while I speak is to create visual imagery. I would help learners draw a mental picture of what PLC looks like. I would help by leading them to this picture by using illustrations of successful PLC groups and how it helps kids from all diverse economic groups (Ormrod, 2016).

If I can do all this will speaking, my listeners will have learned what a PLC is and how to be part of one.


Your opinion Business Finance Assignment Help

read each paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree


Define the importance of having an emergency operations plan (EOP).

EOP – Emergency Operating Plan addresses strategy, tactics, responsibilities and resources, the pillars emergency operations system. The importance of having an EOP is to reduce the risk of severe losses due to causalities and establish overall authority, roles and responsibilities for trained personnel. (

Identify steps that could be taken to address shortfalls that may occur in the areas of resources or trained personnel capabilities.

Equipment inventory is not part of the EOP. Equipment lists serve to identify and correct shortfalls. Personnel using special purpose equipment such as self-contained breathing apparatus, as required by OSHA, should have refresher courses and training yearly. (Perry & Lindell, 2007)

Lack of communication and coordination between governmental agencies and hospitals. The EOP needs to define plans for situations when or if the hospital is deemed unusable. Additional training of hospital personnel needs to be improved. (Farmer & Carlton, 2006)

Explain your rationale behind the step selections. Lack of proper and/or outdated equipment can delay effective and efficient recovery efforts.

Personnel in charge of issuing or using equipment need to be fully trained on how to properly use the equipment.

During any disaster whether natural or terroristic, hospitals play one of the most important parts in providing medical attention to those in need. Should the nearest hospital become unusable, due to lack of rooms, personnel, medicine, there needs to be a backup plan. Local government and all hospitals in the surrounding area need to have a plan to be available at a moment’s notice.


Entire communities can be shut down by a disaster. This includes local businesses, government buildings and city services. It is important that each of these organizations create an emergency plan for the stability of operations. An emergency operations plan (EOP) is a basic component of an emergency management program that provides the general authority, roles, and functions performed during incidents. Emergencies may include fires, bomb threats, terrorism, natural disasters, or major crimes. The plan establishes guidelines for dealing with a variety of situations and to ensure that emergency officials are familiar with those procedures and their roles in the event of a crisis (Perry & Lindell, 2007).

Shortfalls in emergency planning can occur when planners fail to account for community’s needs, capabilities, and resources. One way to address these gaps is to ensure the community is engaged in the planning process and included as an integral part of the plan. An effective plan cannot be achieved without an understanding of the community. Another way is to ensure the EOP is flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. Contingency plans need to be included so emergency officials can respond adequately by improvisation during an emergency. A large, complicated plan makes it hard for responders to understand their roles in the overall emergency response (Perry & Lindell, 2007).

Additionally, constant training and exercises for all hazards would improve personnel and response capabilities. Training ensures everyone in response roles knows their duties and responsibilities. This includes fire personnel, police, emergency medical services personnel, public works employees, and others. There also should be training for personnel in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and other facilities (Perry & Lindell, 2007)


Paradigm paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Spider Diagram on Block-chains and Data Privacy Writing Assignment Help

Write your idea/title/topic/thesis in the center of a piece of paper. Draw a circle around it.

  • Draw a “leg” from the central “body” of your topic towards the top right hand corner of the page. Label this “leg” with the first topic/category.
  • Add more legs moving clockwise around the page until all the sections have been included, with the final one being somewhere near the top left of the page.
  • Now divide each “leg” up into smaller “legs” with all the points that you made in each section. (Again work clockwise from the top left so that the sequence of ideas is maintained).
  • Finally, please be sure that one section is devoted to identifying any gaps or niches in the research.


Work Breakdown Stucture Business Finance Assignment Help

“Creating a Project from a Template” video and “Working with Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Codes” video.

Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and a project schedule for the Learning Team project selected in Week 2. You can access Microsoft Project via Toolwire. The link to MS Project via Toolwire is available in the Week 1 Recommended Activities folder.

Use Microsoft® Project to list the components and breakdown of the project’s WBS (i.e. project phases, grouping of tasks, resource assignments, etc.).

Develop a Gantt chart with the following:

  • Project Phase
  • Tasks
  • Resource Names/Titles
  • Duration
  • Start and Finish Dates
  • Predecessors
  • Milestones Highlighted


discussion responses needed Humanities Assignment Help

Please respond to responses to the initial discussion post in a minimum of 75 words. Please refer to Ch 8 attached. Please also label with Response 1 and Response 2. PLEASE BE SURE TO USE APA FORMATTING

Ormrod, J. (2016). Human learning. (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing

Initial Discussion Prompt:

Choose a topic with which you are familiar, and imagine that you have to give a half-hour lecture on that topic. Describe your topic, then explain in concrete terms the steps you would take in your lecture to maximize the likelihood that your listeners would engage in:

  1. Meaningful learning
  2. Organization
  3. Elaboration
  4. Visual imagery

Remember to choose a topic that you currently teach, would like to teach, or one that you would like to present to a group of faculty members

Response 1

My topic would be elaboration. We use elaboration to help us understand new information increasing from simple to complex thinking. To make sure that the listeners engage in elaboration I would inform them that we can think of elaboration as one that students use to think about the learning process. Our process includes taking prior knowledge to enhance the old and new knowledge as they merge together thereby creating a new version. Then we store the new revised data which is a process of learning more than the material presented (Ormrod, 2016).

I would give an example about students responding to the usage of elaboration. For example, have you ever asked your students to put a story in writing about their favorite food? They usually give long drawn-out details of when they last ate it or describe how it looks. Some people use elaboration incorrectly because individuals generalize a situation that did not accuracy happened. According to Ormrod (2016), elaboration provides more details which we can later retrieve from different parts of our memory. Elaboration explains the cognitive processes that may be involved in long-term memory storage (Ormrod, 2016). For example, teachers may give a procedural task, the simplest is presented first, then other lessons present more versions until the full range of the tasks are taught (Reigeluth, 2017).

Response 2

My topic would be professional learning communities. Professional learning communities are schools that have professionals meet and collaborate in order to grow as teachers and to help improve student performance. This process is to ensure that every student in the community learns more. In order for a PLC to thrive, all teachers and staff must be all in and willing to collaborate and share in a organized environment. They must be willing to give time and effort to get better at their professions as well. The first thing I would do in my lecture is to relate the PLC as something the teachers can understand and relate to.

To make sure that the listeners engage in meaningful learning I would explain that the PLC acronym can really be dropped. I would also explain that any good professional is really already engaging in this activity with the PLC stigma on it. I would relate their learning to writing of lesson plans. When your looking for a fun activity to do on dividing fractions you look online or use resources from others to find the activity. Rarely does any teacher create a new activity for every topic. No, they choose to find other’s activities and use them to meet their needs. PLC is the same way just you use teachers in your community to bounce ideas off of. This relates to something each teacher has background knowledge on and can help with meaningful learning. I would organize my lecture to ensure learners internalize the information. The first thing I would start with is telling them why we plc. Starting with the why gets them thinking of the end results and that would drive there what. Backwards learning helps with organization in a persons mind because the learner knows their end and can then work to get their. The third step I would take in my lecture is to allow the listener to elaborate on what is being said. I would dwell into certain inferences people make about professional learning communities. This will also help them make connections in with they are hearing and what their minds are processing. The last step I would take to endure listeners are actively learning while I speak is to create visual imagery. I would help learners draw a mental picture of what PLC looks like. I would help by leading them to this picture by using illustrations of successful PLC groups and how it helps kids from all diverse economic groups (Ormrod, 2016).

If I can do all this will speaking, my listeners will have learned what a PLC is and how to be part of one.


Your opinion Business Finance Assignment Help

read each paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree


Define the importance of having an emergency operations plan (EOP).

EOP – Emergency Operating Plan addresses strategy, tactics, responsibilities and resources, the pillars emergency operations system. The importance of having an EOP is to reduce the risk of severe losses due to causalities and establish overall authority, roles and responsibilities for trained personnel. (

Identify steps that could be taken to address shortfalls that may occur in the areas of resources or trained personnel capabilities.

Equipment inventory is not part of the EOP. Equipment lists serve to identify and correct shortfalls. Personnel using special purpose equipment such as self-contained breathing apparatus, as required by OSHA, should have refresher courses and training yearly. (Perry & Lindell, 2007)

Lack of communication and coordination between governmental agencies and hospitals. The EOP needs to define plans for situations when or if the hospital is deemed unusable. Additional training of hospital personnel needs to be improved. (Farmer & Carlton, 2006)

Explain your rationale behind the step selections. Lack of proper and/or outdated equipment can delay effective and efficient recovery efforts.

Personnel in charge of issuing or using equipment need to be fully trained on how to properly use the equipment.

During any disaster whether natural or terroristic, hospitals play one of the most important parts in providing medical attention to those in need. Should the nearest hospital become unusable, due to lack of rooms, personnel, medicine, there needs to be a backup plan. Local government and all hospitals in the surrounding area need to have a plan to be available at a moment’s notice.


Entire communities can be shut down by a disaster. This includes local businesses, government buildings and city services. It is important that each of these organizations create an emergency plan for the stability of operations. An emergency operations plan (EOP) is a basic component of an emergency management program that provides the general authority, roles, and functions performed during incidents. Emergencies may include fires, bomb threats, terrorism, natural disasters, or major crimes. The plan establishes guidelines for dealing with a variety of situations and to ensure that emergency officials are familiar with those procedures and their roles in the event of a crisis (Perry & Lindell, 2007).

Shortfalls in emergency planning can occur when planners fail to account for community’s needs, capabilities, and resources. One way to address these gaps is to ensure the community is engaged in the planning process and included as an integral part of the plan. An effective plan cannot be achieved without an understanding of the community. Another way is to ensure the EOP is flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. Contingency plans need to be included so emergency officials can respond adequately by improvisation during an emergency. A large, complicated plan makes it hard for responders to understand their roles in the overall emergency response (Perry & Lindell, 2007).

Additionally, constant training and exercises for all hazards would improve personnel and response capabilities. Training ensures everyone in response roles knows their duties and responsibilities. This includes fire personnel, police, emergency medical services personnel, public works employees, and others. There also should be training for personnel in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and other facilities (Perry & Lindell, 2007)


Paradigm paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Spider Diagram on Block-chains and Data Privacy Writing Assignment Help

Write your idea/title/topic/thesis in the center of a piece of paper. Draw a circle around it.

  • Draw a “leg” from the central “body” of your topic towards the top right hand corner of the page. Label this “leg” with the first topic/category.
  • Add more legs moving clockwise around the page until all the sections have been included, with the final one being somewhere near the top left of the page.
  • Now divide each “leg” up into smaller “legs” with all the points that you made in each section. (Again work clockwise from the top left so that the sequence of ideas is maintained).
  • Finally, please be sure that one section is devoted to identifying any gaps or niches in the research.


Work Breakdown Stucture Business Finance Assignment Help

“Creating a Project from a Template” video and “Working with Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Codes” video.

Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and a project schedule for the Learning Team project selected in Week 2. You can access Microsoft Project via Toolwire. The link to MS Project via Toolwire is available in the Week 1 Recommended Activities folder.

Use Microsoft® Project to list the components and breakdown of the project’s WBS (i.e. project phases, grouping of tasks, resource assignments, etc.).

Develop a Gantt chart with the following:

  • Project Phase
  • Tasks
  • Resource Names/Titles
  • Duration
  • Start and Finish Dates
  • Predecessors
  • Milestones Highlighted


discussion responses needed Humanities Assignment Help

Please respond to responses to the initial discussion post in a minimum of 75 words. Please refer to Ch 8 attached. Please also label with Response 1 and Response 2. PLEASE BE SURE TO USE APA FORMATTING

Ormrod, J. (2016). Human learning. (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing

Initial Discussion Prompt:

Choose a topic with which you are familiar, and imagine that you have to give a half-hour lecture on that topic. Describe your topic, then explain in concrete terms the steps you would take in your lecture to maximize the likelihood that your listeners would engage in:

  1. Meaningful learning
  2. Organization
  3. Elaboration
  4. Visual imagery

Remember to choose a topic that you currently teach, would like to teach, or one that you would like to present to a group of faculty members

Response 1

My topic would be elaboration. We use elaboration to help us understand new information increasing from simple to complex thinking. To make sure that the listeners engage in elaboration I would inform them that we can think of elaboration as one that students use to think about the learning process. Our process includes taking prior knowledge to enhance the old and new knowledge as they merge together thereby creating a new version. Then we store the new revised data which is a process of learning more than the material presented (Ormrod, 2016).

I would give an example about students responding to the usage of elaboration. For example, have you ever asked your students to put a story in writing about their favorite food? They usually give long drawn-out details of when they last ate it or describe how it looks. Some people use elaboration incorrectly because individuals generalize a situation that did not accuracy happened. According to Ormrod (2016), elaboration provides more details which we can later retrieve from different parts of our memory. Elaboration explains the cognitive processes that may be involved in long-term memory storage (Ormrod, 2016). For example, teachers may give a procedural task, the simplest is presented first, then other lessons present more versions until the full range of the tasks are taught (Reigeluth, 2017).

Response 2

My topic would be professional learning communities. Professional learning communities are schools that have professionals meet and collaborate in order to grow as teachers and to help improve student performance. This process is to ensure that every student in the community learns more. In order for a PLC to thrive, all teachers and staff must be all in and willing to collaborate and share in a organized environment. They must be willing to give time and effort to get better at their professions as well. The first thing I would do in my lecture is to relate the PLC as something the teachers can understand and relate to.

To make sure that the listeners engage in meaningful learning I would explain that the PLC acronym can really be dropped. I would also explain that any good professional is really already engaging in this activity with the PLC stigma on it. I would relate their learning to writing of lesson plans. When your looking for a fun activity to do on dividing fractions you look online or use resources from others to find the activity. Rarely does any teacher create a new activity for every topic. No, they choose to find other’s activities and use them to meet their needs. PLC is the same way just you use teachers in your community to bounce ideas off of. This relates to something each teacher has background knowledge on and can help with meaningful learning. I would organize my lecture to ensure learners internalize the information. The first thing I would start with is telling them why we plc. Starting with the why gets them thinking of the end results and that would drive there what. Backwards learning helps with organization in a persons mind because the learner knows their end and can then work to get their. The third step I would take in my lecture is to allow the listener to elaborate on what is being said. I would dwell into certain inferences people make about professional learning communities. This will also help them make connections in with they are hearing and what their minds are processing. The last step I would take to endure listeners are actively learning while I speak is to create visual imagery. I would help learners draw a mental picture of what PLC looks like. I would help by leading them to this picture by using illustrations of successful PLC groups and how it helps kids from all diverse economic groups (Ormrod, 2016).

If I can do all this will speaking, my listeners will have learned what a PLC is and how to be part of one.


Your opinion Business Finance Assignment Help

read each paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree


Define the importance of having an emergency operations plan (EOP).

EOP – Emergency Operating Plan addresses strategy, tactics, responsibilities and resources, the pillars emergency operations system. The importance of having an EOP is to reduce the risk of severe losses due to causalities and establish overall authority, roles and responsibilities for trained personnel. (

Identify steps that could be taken to address shortfalls that may occur in the areas of resources or trained personnel capabilities.

Equipment inventory is not part of the EOP. Equipment lists serve to identify and correct shortfalls. Personnel using special purpose equipment such as self-contained breathing apparatus, as required by OSHA, should have refresher courses and training yearly. (Perry & Lindell, 2007)

Lack of communication and coordination between governmental agencies and hospitals. The EOP needs to define plans for situations when or if the hospital is deemed unusable. Additional training of hospital personnel needs to be improved. (Farmer & Carlton, 2006)

Explain your rationale behind the step selections. Lack of proper and/or outdated equipment can delay effective and efficient recovery efforts.

Personnel in charge of issuing or using equipment need to be fully trained on how to properly use the equipment.

During any disaster whether natural or terroristic, hospitals play one of the most important parts in providing medical attention to those in need. Should the nearest hospital become unusable, due to lack of rooms, personnel, medicine, there needs to be a backup plan. Local government and all hospitals in the surrounding area need to have a plan to be available at a moment’s notice.


Entire communities can be shut down by a disaster. This includes local businesses, government buildings and city services. It is important that each of these organizations create an emergency plan for the stability of operations. An emergency operations plan (EOP) is a basic component of an emergency management program that provides the general authority, roles, and functions performed during incidents. Emergencies may include fires, bomb threats, terrorism, natural disasters, or major crimes. The plan establishes guidelines for dealing with a variety of situations and to ensure that emergency officials are familiar with those procedures and their roles in the event of a crisis (Perry & Lindell, 2007).

Shortfalls in emergency planning can occur when planners fail to account for community’s needs, capabilities, and resources. One way to address these gaps is to ensure the community is engaged in the planning process and included as an integral part of the plan. An effective plan cannot be achieved without an understanding of the community. Another way is to ensure the EOP is flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. Contingency plans need to be included so emergency officials can respond adequately by improvisation during an emergency. A large, complicated plan makes it hard for responders to understand their roles in the overall emergency response (Perry & Lindell, 2007).

Additionally, constant training and exercises for all hazards would improve personnel and response capabilities. Training ensures everyone in response roles knows their duties and responsibilities. This includes fire personnel, police, emergency medical services personnel, public works employees, and others. There also should be training for personnel in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and other facilities (Perry & Lindell, 2007)


Paradigm paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Spider Diagram on Block-chains and Data Privacy Writing Assignment Help

Write your idea/title/topic/thesis in the center of a piece of paper. Draw a circle around it.

  • Draw a “leg” from the central “body” of your topic towards the top right hand corner of the page. Label this “leg” with the first topic/category.
  • Add more legs moving clockwise around the page until all the sections have been included, with the final one being somewhere near the top left of the page.
  • Now divide each “leg” up into smaller “legs” with all the points that you made in each section. (Again work clockwise from the top left so that the sequence of ideas is maintained).
  • Finally, please be sure that one section is devoted to identifying any gaps or niches in the research.


Work Breakdown Stucture Business Finance Assignment Help

“Creating a Project from a Template” video and “Working with Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Codes” video.

Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and a project schedule for the Learning Team project selected in Week 2. You can access Microsoft Project via Toolwire. The link to MS Project via Toolwire is available in the Week 1 Recommended Activities folder.

Use Microsoft® Project to list the components and breakdown of the project’s WBS (i.e. project phases, grouping of tasks, resource assignments, etc.).

Develop a Gantt chart with the following:

  • Project Phase
  • Tasks
  • Resource Names/Titles
  • Duration
  • Start and Finish Dates
  • Predecessors
  • Milestones Highlighted


discussion responses needed Humanities Assignment Help

Please respond to responses to the initial discussion post in a minimum of 75 words. Please refer to Ch 8 attached. Please also label with Response 1 and Response 2. PLEASE BE SURE TO USE APA FORMATTING

Ormrod, J. (2016). Human learning. (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing

Initial Discussion Prompt:

Choose a topic with which you are familiar, and imagine that you have to give a half-hour lecture on that topic. Describe your topic, then explain in concrete terms the steps you would take in your lecture to maximize the likelihood that your listeners would engage in:

  1. Meaningful learning
  2. Organization
  3. Elaboration
  4. Visual imagery

Remember to choose a topic that you currently teach, would like to teach, or one that you would like to present to a group of faculty members

Response 1

My topic would be elaboration. We use elaboration to help us understand new information increasing from simple to complex thinking. To make sure that the listeners engage in elaboration I would inform them that we can think of elaboration as one that students use to think about the learning process. Our process includes taking prior knowledge to enhance the old and new knowledge as they merge together thereby creating a new version. Then we store the new revised data which is a process of learning more than the material presented (Ormrod, 2016).

I would give an example about students responding to the usage of elaboration. For example, have you ever asked your students to put a story in writing about their favorite food? They usually give long drawn-out details of when they last ate it or describe how it looks. Some people use elaboration incorrectly because individuals generalize a situation that did not accuracy happened. According to Ormrod (2016), elaboration provides more details which we can later retrieve from different parts of our memory. Elaboration explains the cognitive processes that may be involved in long-term memory storage (Ormrod, 2016). For example, teachers may give a procedural task, the simplest is presented first, then other lessons present more versions until the full range of the tasks are taught (Reigeluth, 2017).

Response 2

My topic would be professional learning communities. Professional learning communities are schools that have professionals meet and collaborate in order to grow as teachers and to help improve student performance. This process is to ensure that every student in the community learns more. In order for a PLC to thrive, all teachers and staff must be all in and willing to collaborate and share in a organized environment. They must be willing to give time and effort to get better at their professions as well. The first thing I would do in my lecture is to relate the PLC as something the teachers can understand and relate to.

To make sure that the listeners engage in meaningful learning I would explain that the PLC acronym can really be dropped. I would also explain that any good professional is really already engaging in this activity with the PLC stigma on it. I would relate their learning to writing of lesson plans. When your looking for a fun activity to do on dividing fractions you look online or use resources from others to find the activity. Rarely does any teacher create a new activity for every topic. No, they choose to find other’s activities and use them to meet their needs. PLC is the same way just you use teachers in your community to bounce ideas off of. This relates to something each teacher has background knowledge on and can help with meaningful learning. I would organize my lecture to ensure learners internalize the information. The first thing I would start with is telling them why we plc. Starting with the why gets them thinking of the end results and that would drive there what. Backwards learning helps with organization in a persons mind because the learner knows their end and can then work to get their. The third step I would take in my lecture is to allow the listener to elaborate on what is being said. I would dwell into certain inferences people make about professional learning communities. This will also help them make connections in with they are hearing and what their minds are processing. The last step I would take to endure listeners are actively learning while I speak is to create visual imagery. I would help learners draw a mental picture of what PLC looks like. I would help by leading them to this picture by using illustrations of successful PLC groups and how it helps kids from all diverse economic groups (Ormrod, 2016).

If I can do all this will speaking, my listeners will have learned what a PLC is and how to be part of one.


Your opinion Business Finance Assignment Help

read each paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree


Define the importance of having an emergency operations plan (EOP).

EOP – Emergency Operating Plan addresses strategy, tactics, responsibilities and resources, the pillars emergency operations system. The importance of having an EOP is to reduce the risk of severe losses due to causalities and establish overall authority, roles and responsibilities for trained personnel. (

Identify steps that could be taken to address shortfalls that may occur in the areas of resources or trained personnel capabilities.

Equipment inventory is not part of the EOP. Equipment lists serve to identify and correct shortfalls. Personnel using special purpose equipment such as self-contained breathing apparatus, as required by OSHA, should have refresher courses and training yearly. (Perry & Lindell, 2007)

Lack of communication and coordination between governmental agencies and hospitals. The EOP needs to define plans for situations when or if the hospital is deemed unusable. Additional training of hospital personnel needs to be improved. (Farmer & Carlton, 2006)

Explain your rationale behind the step selections. Lack of proper and/or outdated equipment can delay effective and efficient recovery efforts.

Personnel in charge of issuing or using equipment need to be fully trained on how to properly use the equipment.

During any disaster whether natural or terroristic, hospitals play one of the most important parts in providing medical attention to those in need. Should the nearest hospital become unusable, due to lack of rooms, personnel, medicine, there needs to be a backup plan. Local government and all hospitals in the surrounding area need to have a plan to be available at a moment’s notice.


Entire communities can be shut down by a disaster. This includes local businesses, government buildings and city services. It is important that each of these organizations create an emergency plan for the stability of operations. An emergency operations plan (EOP) is a basic component of an emergency management program that provides the general authority, roles, and functions performed during incidents. Emergencies may include fires, bomb threats, terrorism, natural disasters, or major crimes. The plan establishes guidelines for dealing with a variety of situations and to ensure that emergency officials are familiar with those procedures and their roles in the event of a crisis (Perry & Lindell, 2007).

Shortfalls in emergency planning can occur when planners fail to account for community’s needs, capabilities, and resources. One way to address these gaps is to ensure the community is engaged in the planning process and included as an integral part of the plan. An effective plan cannot be achieved without an understanding of the community. Another way is to ensure the EOP is flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. Contingency plans need to be included so emergency officials can respond adequately by improvisation during an emergency. A large, complicated plan makes it hard for responders to understand their roles in the overall emergency response (Perry & Lindell, 2007).

Additionally, constant training and exercises for all hazards would improve personnel and response capabilities. Training ensures everyone in response roles knows their duties and responsibilities. This includes fire personnel, police, emergency medical services personnel, public works employees, and others. There also should be training for personnel in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and other facilities (Perry & Lindell, 2007)


critique essay Writing Assignment Help

critique essay Writing Assignment Help

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