CRJS 345 American Intercontinential Public vs Private Prisons Individual Project Humanities Assignment Help

CRJS 345 American Intercontinential Public vs Private Prisons Individual Project Humanities Assignment Help. CRJS 345 American Intercontinential Public vs Private Prisons Individual Project Humanities Assignment Help.

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One of the recent developments facing the public administration of corrections is that there has been an increasing call by public officials and the citizenry to privatize the prison systems in the United States.

In a 5–6-page-paper, address the following:

  • From the perspective of a public-sector correctional administrator, make 2 arguments for keeping the jails in public hands.
  • From the perspective of a private-sector correctional facility manager, make 2 arguments for turning the correctional system over to the private correctional industry.
  • Briefly discuss the types of challenges that each sector—both public and private—may face.
  • Are there any legal issues, either criminal or civil, that need to be addressed before privatization can occur?

Support your viewpoints from your readings and other appropriate outside sources. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

CRJS 345 American Intercontinential Public vs Private Prisons Individual Project Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

IST 7020 WU Features and Functions of Saas and NonSaas Solutions Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

After a Lakewood IT management team meeting, they decided there is a need for even more information about the the IT service solutions you researched last week. The management team asked for more detail about the solutions you identified as the best selections. Revisit the solutions you selected in week 2’s paper in order to compare and contrast, at least five, features and functions in each solution. In addition, be sure to identify risks associated with implementing each recommended solution. Lastly, make sure to gather and include the capital costs and any on-going operational costs for the hardware/software associated with each solution.

The paper must not exceed 5 pages of content (the title page, abstract [if required], reference pages, figures/tables, and appendices are not content pages). In addition, the paper must use:

  • Times New Roman, 12 pt font/typeset
  • Double spaced lines
  • The APA Manual, 7th edition’s title page, header, margins, figure, table, and heading formatting
  • The APA Manual, 7th edition’s writing mechanic guidelines


Cuyamaca College Scott Tipton Congressional Representative Paper Writing Assignment Help

For Congressional Representatives, you are looking for what industries are donating to their reelection funds.

  • Go to
  • Click on MENU and then under POLITICIANS AND ELECTIONS click on “Congress”
  • In the “Find a Member of Congress” search box, type the name of your representative.
  • You can use 2016, 2018, or 2020 campaign data (use whichever data appears to be the most complete). Make sure that “Campaign Committee Only” is selected (should be the default – we want campaign committee only because that is the committee in charge of raising money solely for the Representative’s reelection).
  • Scroll down and look at the Representative’s Top 5 Contributors (Political action committees (PACS) or businesses), and the Top 5 Industries that have donated to the Representative’s reelection campaign. (Note: The contribution totals for Industries include not only formal PACs representing corporations, but also individuals who have listed that industry as their profession. These individuals are giving money independently of their corporations).
  • To document your participation in this tutorial and receive full credit, save a screenshot of the page with the Top 5 Industry donations to a file on your desktop. Paste the screenshot into a word processing document, and write a brief (150-250 word) description of the donations, and what they suggest about the motivations and strategies of the Congressional representative you have selected.

  • Further National Challenge research on a Congressional Representative:
    • To develop a more detailed, or extensive look at a representative’s fundraising record, you can use the tabs at the top of the page to investigate the different dimensions of fundraising. If you click on the CONTRIBUTORS tab, you will be able to find the Top 20 & Top 100 contributors to your representative’s campaign. If you click on the name of a contributor, it will take you to that contributor’s page. Under the RECIPIENTS tab, you can see how much was contributed to your representative.
    • If you click on the GEOGRAPHY tab on the top, you will be able to find out which states, area codes, and metro areas are giving the most to the representative. (You can answer questions such as, does more money seem to come from within the representative’s state, or from outside the state?)
    • If you click on the tabs for PACS, you will find a breakdown of donations by business, labor, agricultural, or ideological sectors.
    • If you click the tab for INDUSTRIES, you will find the following: 1) a list of the top 20 industries that contribute to the Representative; 2) a bar graph of the total contributions by sector, with different colors representing contributions by individuals and PACS; and 3) a designation of which industry has made the Representative their top recipient.


Los Angeles Pierce College The Epic of Gilgamesh Dixons Version Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Your essay should be minimum 700 words in length and should not exceed 5 pages. Even though this is a short essay, your response should still be framed as an argument and include textual references/citations in support of your claims from the Dixon text. No secondary research is required.

Make sure that your essay is formatted as follows:
• 12-point font; Times New Roman or Arial
• Double spaced
• 1 inch margins
• Align text to the left
• Indent the first line of every paragraph


Select one of the following passages from the Epic of Gilgamesh and discuss its significance to the epic as a whole. You might consider, among other things, what your chosen passage says about the poet/translator/artist’s conception of humanity or civilization, relationship to the natural environment, mortality as a shaping force, knowledge vs. wisdom.

Passage 1:

He who saw everything, did everything–you need his name?
The one who knew, and told us these things, even of the days before the flood?
Whose journey was that but his–that wore him down to the marrow?
Whose story of that journey, carved in stone–and by whom?
Who built the great wall around Uruk, and the temples for Anu, King of the gods,
protector of our city; and for his daughters, too–Ishtar, goddess of love?
The wall stands today, its burnt bricks shining like copper. See it? (Dixon 1)

Passage 2:

They coupled for a week.
Coming to, he glanced about, looking for his furry friends. Heads up, they spooked,
then fled as if he were a man!
It nearly killed him, he watched them disappear. He wondered at their speed, he who
till now had glorified at the head of any herd.
And then he caught himself, thinking of then, and thinking of now, and thus did he
begin with understanding.
He returned and sat himself as Shamhat’s feet. He gazed up at her, as if to say, Tell me
priestess, fill my head now as you have my loins. And she, pleased with things so far,
told him he was wise. (Dixon 7)

Passage 3:

Utnapishtim: ‘The find youth, the beautiful maid–see them? And did they know, in their beauty, they would finally breed death?
No… No one sees death.
No one looks for death’s face, no one turns to death’s voice, and yet– (…)
But I’m entertained, I’ve not talked in a while. Tell me, are you a builder of houses that
last forever?
The meticulous contract, you sealed it with an eternal signet? The brothers, their
families will live there forever, divvying shares for all time? And the contenders, will enmity last so long? You see what I’m saying?
When the river rises, and the land is drowned, does the earth become a sea
The dragonfly flits on the river, darting off into the sun–it has always been so, am I not right?
Will it flit before Shamash’s face forever? Say yes? And what of the night?
But I prate, while your eyelids grow heavy as pitch.
My point is nothing’s forever, certainly not staying awake–you need a bed!
But say I drew you a picture of such a one peace fully sleeping, and another utterly
dead, do you think you could say which was which? (Dixon 135-136)

-Remember, I don’t want a book report!

-Support your argument with evidence from Dixon’s comic adaptation Epic of Gilgamesh.

-Your thesis has to answer the prompt question with a single position that is supported by at least three supporting reasons.

-At least three body paragraphs that have quotes integrated with each.

-Minimum 700 words (3 pages)

MLA (Links to an external site.) format with Works Cited Page

For the Thesis: please give three supporting reasons for the claim.


Triton College The Sahel Crisis Questions Writing Assignment Help

1. Do you think that businesses need to concern themselves with “the larger social good”? How might you be able to incorporate social responsibility in your future workplace?

B. “Our most fundamental responsibility as citizens,” Loeb writes, “is to love not only our own children, but other people’s as well—including children we will never meet, who grow up in situations we’d prefer to ignore.” In other words, focusing beyond our families is fundamental to our public lives and commitments. If you repeated this quote in one of your classes, or to a group of your friends hanging out for the evening, or to your family, what kinds of responses do you think you would receive? How would you interpret their reaction? (You might actually do this as an experiment.)

Think of a social problem or issue that interests you. It can be one that affects you or others within or outside your community. It can be a campus, city, state, or even national or global issue. What issue have you chosen, and why? What would you like to see happen with this issue? After you reflect on why you’ve chosen this issue, think of groups you could connect with or with whom you are already connected, that could help you achieve your goal. These could be groups of friends, your church/synagogue/mosque, your college classes, campus clubs, your dorm or local neighborhood. Why did you choose the specific groups you listed and how do you think they could help?
Answer these questions 250+ words.

  • Read the following articles and view at least one of the videos.
  • Create a thread (100+ words) on the Discussion Group Forum titled “Sahel Crisis” describing what is going through your mind right now regarding this crisis. What are the most moving parts of what you read/watched? Did you have any idea before Class #4 of the scale of the global displacement issue? Thinking of the camp that Ashley works in in Burkina Faso – if you could pick one sliver of this problem to address, what would you want to do and why?


Here are 2 additional short videos that give a very clear and comprehensive overview of Sahel Crisis:



University of New Mexico Auditing Code of Conduct Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter #1 – Why is an audit important to attract potential investors? What is the effect of an audit on business risk and information risk? What are the potential consequences to a company of not having its financial statements audited?

– Chapter #2 – What is the difference between employee and management fraud? What is the auditors’ responsibility for detecting fraud in an audit? What is the auditors’ responsibility regarding illegal activity by a client?

– Chapter #3 – What are the purposes of the three parts of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct? What disciplinary actions may be taken against violators? What differences in rules exist for members in non-public practice?

– Chapter #4 – If an auditor is associated with an S-1 filed under the Securities Act of 1933 and a lawsuit arises, what would the plaintiff need to prove? What defenses are available to the auditor?

University of New Mexico Auditing Code of Conduct Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL 020 Maricopa Community Colleges Rhetorical Precis Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

Rhetorical Precis Worksheet

Work Sheet:

  1. Name of author and title of work . . .; a rhetorically accurate verb (such as asserts, argues, suggests, believes, reports); plus, a “that” clause containing the major assertion (thesis statement) of the work.
  2. A brief but accurate explanation of how the author develops or supports the thesis, usually in the same order as was developed in the essay.
  3. A statement of the author’s apparent purpose followed by an “in order to” phrase.
  4. A description of the intended audience.

Please answer these question on MS word that I had uploaded below

thank you


ENGL 4344 University of Rio Grande An Interpretation of the Euthyphro Essay Writing Assignment Help

This paper offers you an opportunity to appreciate the ways that Plato’s Euthyphro dramatizes the norms of argumentation that we’ve studied. Your paper should develop an interpretive thesis that focuses on one central element of the exchange between Socrates and Euthyphro that you find particularly revealing or important.

Book:Euthyphro by Plato

Argument on: At the heart of the contrast between Euthyphro and Socrates are opposing warrants about how issues of guilt and innocence should be decided in courts of law – such as the court where Euthyphro is bringing charges of murder against his father – and where Socrates has been charged by Miletus for the crime of corrupting the young. Make a claim about how the dialogue is contrasting opposing warrants and how this contrast highlights the need for a standard of justice independent of local tradition that can be used for deciding particular cases of innocence and guilt.

You can structure your essay in a very straightforward manner:


a.Open with background information that can provide context for your focus and for the

claim that the paper will advance. This contextual information might include what

struck you about the dialogue – or how the dialogue raises issues that remain alive


b.Segue from background to a clear statement of your thesis


a.If needed, begin the body with a paragraph that established key background features of the dialogue that are pertinent to your claim. Assume that your reader is familiar with the dialogue, so you have no obligation to begin with a summary of the whole dialogue. Your outline should let you know whether you should start your body with a section that offers background or context.

b.If there is an obvious counter-interpretation to the one you are advancing, address counter-views to your thesis.

c. Elaborate on the evidence that supports your thesis over other positions.

(The body should be in the range of three to four paragraphs)


a.Brief restatement of your thesis

b.Brief explanation of the significance of your thesis for your reader.

Format/Self-Reflection — The paper should be in the range of three (double-spaced word-processed) pages. Use 12 pt. font, center the title on the first page (no title page) with name & Class printed in the upper left corner. Please use MLA citation format. Your paper will be submitted through safe-assign in BB. Make sure it’s a argumentative essay.

Be sure that you save your paper as a word document – not a PDF, or any other file format. Word is the only program I can use to give feedback on your paper.


Clayton State University Coca Cola and Pepsi Marketing Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The marketing mix is used within the implementation of the marketing strategy. Please select one of the industries listed below, and search for information about the marketing mix used by at least two companies in your selected industry:

  • soft drink,
  • fast food/restaurant,
  • hotel,
  • cell phone provider,
  • banking,
  • automobile,
  • airline, or
  • entertainment.

Provide an example of the four areas of the marketing mix—product, price, placement, and promotion—used by each of your selected companies.

Discuss where their marketing mix strategies are similar and where they are different. Explain why.

Identify the product positioning and brand strategy used by your two chosen companies. Relate the importance of product positioning to their brand strategy.

Also, consider the element of ethical promotion and social responsibility toward consumers.

In addition to company websites, and are excellent resources to find information about markets and individual companies.

Your research project must include an introduction. You must also reference at least three articles from business-related or news websites; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least three sources. Your research project must be at least three pages in length and double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Use APA style guidelines for formatting. An abstract is not required.


SOC 360 SUNY Morrisville What Is the Role of The Corporate World Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

CHOOSE A TOPIC: Write a 2-page (500-word) concept paper with the title in the form of a question, a paper which clearly describes a social movement that you want to research. (Use the introductory notes and this Wiki page to get some ideas of what movements you might choose from). Narrow your topic as specifically as possible and discuss how the movement is related to the experience of its participants as well as how a sociologist might use one or another social theory to understand the movement (see Week 1 notes, readings). Briefly discuss how the movement meets the definition of having a motivation, becoming organized, and the level of social transformation it seeks. What type of movement is it (see Week 1 notes, readings)? The paper should clarify its relevance to you, the main question that is important to you, a thesis statement regarding the main idea about how you want to discuss the movement (this should be summarized as the title question for your paper), and briefly discuss where you might find sources of information to answer your research question and clarify your thesis question.


CRJS 345 American Intercontinential Public vs Private Prisons Individual Project Humanities Assignment Help

CRJS 345 American Intercontinential Public vs Private Prisons Individual Project Humanities Assignment Help

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