Cryptocurrency and Economy Bitcoin Currency of the Future Paper Writing Assignment Help. Cryptocurrency and Economy Bitcoin Currency of the Future Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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Hello, everyone. I have a research paper and essay to finish. The title is, requirements and contents are listed in the two pictures I published. The first one is the requirements of the research paper. The second one is the requirement of essay. First of all, research paper must use the formal APA format to complete the reference, and APA format should also be used. You need 8 references, all of which must be academic (using journals and books). In addition, the article should reflect the style of discuss or defend, in other words, it should have another point of view. For example, at the beginning of discussion, according to XXX, XXX believed that bitcoin has great potential to become a currency in the future. On the other hand, XXX claims that there are still many loopholes and problems with bitcoin, which cannot replace the real currency. This article will discuss the definition of bitcoin, its definition in the market, its advantages and disadvantages, people’s views on it and whether bitcoin can become a currency in the future. At the same time, the content of the article should be combined with the requirements mentioned in the first picture, and the total words of the research paper should be at least 1200. Now let’s talk about the essay. The content and requirements of essay should be written in the second picture. APA format and the attached reference should also be used. This essay is closely related to the research paper, because you will specifically select three references used in the research paper and explain them further. For example, what does the reference say, why do you use it, make sure to use APA format when writing, for example, according to XXX, XXX. I agree with him, because… (and explain this paragraph for reference). Each reference has to write 250 words, a total of three, so essay has a total of 750 words. Please check the second picture again for specific requirements. Please complete research paper by this Sunday and essay by this Saturday, June 15. Finally, please note that these are two articles. The first is a research paper. The second one is eaasy. thank you very much.
Cryptocurrency and Economy Bitcoin Currency of the Future Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Morgan State University Family Dynamics in Substance Abuse Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please only Bid if you have the textbooks: Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults/ Sylvie Naar-King & Mariann Suarez
Learning Activity #4: Family Treatment Response
- Read Chapter 20 in your textbook by Naar-King & Suarez.
- Read the article titled Adolescent Stress and Depressions in the Teens in Distress Series provided in the link below.
- Recall an emotionally tense situation from your own family experience (either as an adolescent or caregiver); write a paragraph summary of this situation.
- Write a 1-page response, addressing the following points.
- For what reasons would an intervention have been better conducted with the adolescent alone?
- For what reasons would an intervention have been better conducted with family involvement?
- APA formatting is only required for citing sources and references.
Objective 4: Differentiate motivational interviewing with other strategies.
Motivational interviewing is recognized as an evidence-based practice, yet it differs from more traditional strategies. Recognizing those differences and how they impact treatment are an important part of effective implementation.
Learning Activity #5: Developmental Nature Paper
oWrite a 2-3 page paper explaining the key components of motivational interviewing.
- To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need to be thoroughly addressed based on the interview
- Articulate the differences between motivational interviewing strategies and other approaches.
- Please ensure APA formatting is applied correctly.
- Ensure that you have cited and referenced at least two scholarly sources.
California University Power of Nonverbal Communications Reaction Paper Writing Assignment Help
Please check the link:
Watch the video provided and write a 400 word reaction paper to what you learned and as well as how it was presented. Critique the video with pro’s and con’s. You will be doing a video persuasive video as an assignment so utilize this instruction to help with your video.
Associated Files
A reaction paper is your general response to information you have acquired through actual experience,video and/or written material. The paper should reflect your opinions regarding the experience, video and/or written material. Specifically, the reaction paper might address the following questions.
- What did I learn from this experience/material?
- What suggestions would I make, if any, regarding the experience/material to make it more worthwhile?
- Do I agree or disagree with the author’s points of view? Why?
- What further information or research may be needed?
- How did the experience/materials change my viewpoint?
- What else would I have liked to learn about the experience/material?
- Did my feelings, attitudes, or beliefs change as a result of the experience/material?
- Did I learn more about topics important to me?
- Did I learn something I never knew or thought before?
- Did I gain new or fresh insights into things I already knew?
Corruption Perception Index and National Integrity System Assessment Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
To get a sense of the issues in Your Country, you will examine its problems and discuss ways to address them.
1. Go to the website of Transparency International at this link (Links to an external site.). Watch the short video to better understand what the Corruption Perceptions Index is. At the bottom of that page, look at “THE FULL DATA SET” for the Corruption Perceptions Index. Give the rankings for Your Country for the last 4 years. How has it changed?
2. Under the tab “What We Do” find the option “Corruption by Country” and go to Your Country. Find a “NATIONAL INTEGRITY SYSTEM ASSESSMENT” for Your Country (in English) and look at what specific issues Your Country was having at the time. This section is usually Chapter 5 in the PDF of this booklet.
3. Go to the “ANTI-CORRUPTION HELPDESK” at this link (Links to an external site.). Find the publication “Overview of Corruption and Anti-Corruption for” Your Country. What are Your Country’s major issues and are they growing worse of improving?
4. Now that you have a better understanding of some of the corruption issues in Your Country, discuss three options from Chapter 6 to reduce a firm’s risk (you choose the firm) and what the firm gives up by choosing that option.
BUS340 Ashford Difference Between the Terms Ethical Dilemma and Ethical Lapse Writing Assignment Help
1. Describe the difference between the terms “ethical dilemma” and “ethical lapse” using a minimum of one scholarly and/or credible source from the library to defend your answer. Provide an example from your life, or of someone you knew, who was faced with an ethical dilemma in the workplace. Without mentioning the name of the organization, describe the situation and the decision that was made. Explain an alternative solution to the dilemma. Then think of a time where you or someone you knew demonstrated an ethical lapse. Describe the situation and the decision. Then provide an alternative solution to the situation.
2.The insurance company you work for plans to raise all premiums for health care coverage for its customers. Your boss has asked you to proofread a letter she drafted to customers announcing the new, higher rates. The first two paragraphs discuss some exciting medical advances and the expanded coverage offered by the company. Only in the final paragraph do customers learn that they must pay more for coverage starting next year. Describe the ethical implications of this draft. What changes would you suggest? If your boss tells you not to make content changes, what will you do, and why?
MBA515 Southern New Technology Industry Market Domain Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Introduce your potential business opportunity or chosen company (already established or new). Describe the general industry and market domain of the business opportunity or company. In doing this, here are some directions to guide your answer:
- Describe the purpose of your company, its reason for existence in the marketplace, and other general information about the organization, operations, marketing, finance, and technology.
- Discuss some of the key factors of the market domain that you discovered in your research that affect your company.
- Discuss briefly how these factors affect the marketplace and impact your company (these key factors should represent a variety of factors and not just one source, such as technology or changes in supply of natural resources).
MBA515 Southern New Technology Industry Market Domain Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Michigan Childrens Literature Best Practice Portfolio Writing Assignment Help
- As also stated in the syllabus, remember, throughout the course you need to be creating a Children’s Literature Best Practice Portfolio. You will be responsible for creating Children’s Literature Based Best Practice Activity pages to go inside the portfolio with quality children’s literature from the specific list of a variety of genres. You will provide detailed information about the book, author, illustrator, genre, and pre- and post- activities to engage children. The template for the portfolio is in the forms area of our course or at the end of this syllabus. This template provides a list of the items you will need to include in your portfolio. You may arrange the items in your portfolio alphabetically, by genre, or some other method that will be beneficial to you in the classroom. Please use clipart or other pictures and color coding to help you remember specifics about each entry.
- You must choose your 15 books to include in your Children’s Literature Best Practice portfolio.
- You must include quality books, making sure you choose one from each of the following categories yet one book can satisfy more than one category requirement:
- Classic Literature (folktale, fairy tale, legend etc)
- Modern Fantasy
- Animal Fantasy
- Biography
- Realistic Fiction
- Historical Fiction
- Poetry
- Informational Non-Fiction
- Multicultural (provides information about a culture or the history of that culture)
- Christian
- Cross-curricular (books about math, science, art, etc)
- 2 from the same author
- 1 Caldecott Award winner
- 1 Newberry Award winner
- Your final submission must include an original cover page with clip art and a unique design to complete your portfolio.
Rasmussen College Module 3 Online and Digital Strategies Course Project Business Finance Assignment Help
In a crisis, your company needs to get the word out as quickly as possible. For this assignment, you will explain how you will use online outlets to manage the current crisis. You will also discuss which online outlets will be used when you launch the advertising campaign to rebuild your brand/corporate image.
To complete this assignment, do the following in a minimum of 3 pages (not counting title and reference pages):
- Research: Research the current presence of this company on the Internet. Select at least three credible sources to support your recommendations and cite those sources where appropriate throughout your paper.
- Public Relations Digital Outlets: Determine which online/digital outlets will be used in the public relations campaign to effectively manage the crisis.
- Public Relations Rationale: Explain the rationale for using the online/digital public relations outlets you selected. Why do you think these outlets will be effective in reaching the key stakeholders you identified last week?
- Advertising Digital Outlets: Determine which online/digital outlets should be used after the crisis to advertise your brand and rebuild your brand or corporate image.
- Advertising Rationale: Explain the rationale for using the online/digital advertising outlets you selected. Why do you think these outlets will be effective in reaching the target audiences you identified last week?
- Include in-text citations and a title and reference page formatted according to APA standards.
UNC Importance of Being a Member in A Professional Organization Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Select one of the following options to complete this assignment:
- Your current role in a hospital setting
- A professional role, such as an administrator, a nurse, respiratory therapist, health information specialist, physical therapist, or radiology technologist.
Write a 1,050-word paper that summarizes the certifications and continuing education that would be appropriate for a professional role in a hospital or other applicable health care setting. Your paper should:
- Identify a professional organization that would provide professional development opportunities for the role you have selected.
- Describe the professional development and other opportunities the professional organization would provide to you as a member.
- Explain the importance of being a member in a professional organization.
- Include the link to this organization.
Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
ACC556 Strayer University Liabilities Discussion Writing Assignment Help
- For this week’s discussion, research one (1) publicly traded company in which you are interested using the Internet and/or Strayer databases. Locate the company website and financial statements. Also locate information on the types of bonds the company issues. Review the Liabilities section of the company’s Balance Sheet. Be prepared to discuss.
- Imagine that you just read about another company in the same industry facing criminal charges for misrepresenting their liabilities. Naturally, you’re worried that the company you’re researching might be doing something similar. Hypothesize a scenario in which someone at the company could intentionally misstate liabilities for his or her personal financial gain. Recommend two (2) actions that these companies can take to prevent or detect intentional misstatements of liabilities for personal financial gain. Justify your response.
- Imagine that you are advising an investor who is considering purchasing bonds issued by the selected company. Analyze the types of bonds the chosen company issues. Make a recommendation to the investor as to which type of bond would provide the most value. Justify your response.
Cryptocurrency and Economy Bitcoin Currency of the Future Paper Writing Assignment Help
Cryptocurrency and Economy Bitcoin Currency of the Future Paper Writing Assignment Help