CS204 Unit 6 Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

CS204 Unit 6 Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help. CS204 Unit 6 Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help.

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For this Assignment, you will complete an observation and analytical evaluation of an organization. A template is provided for you at the end of this Assignment description. Be sure to use this template.

You will choose a business to observe either as an employee or as a customer/client. During this course, you will observe and evaluate the organization based on information you have learned about organizational culture. Be sure to refer to the articles you have read during this unit as well as the multimedia presentation about Company Culture in the Learning Activities area for Unit 6.

The Assignment will be comprised of a PowerPoint with narration about your experiences in the observation and your analysis of the organization. In addition, a transcript of the narration will also be needed to be included.

NOTE: The narration is a required element of this assignment and must be included to earn a grade for this assignment.

Bulleted Points on each slide should include brief points that identify the areas that will be addressed in the narration.

Your PowerPoint presentation should include a total of six slides using the following format:

Slide 1: Cover page that includes assignment title, your name, course, section number, and date.

Slide 2: Introduction of Company (1–2 minutes of narration)

CS204 Unit 6 Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business plan proposal- Business Opportunity Evaluation – (distribution services in Singapore) -No more than 10 pages Writing Assignment Help

You will formulate a business plan proposal for starting a business in another country.Your plan should be logically derived from the country analysis and it should be organized per the format below:

  • Executive Summary including the purpose of the report, the opportunity you are proposing (where the opportunity is defined as starting a business in a country outside of the United States) and recommendations. See the attachment for more guidance.
  • Business Model Proposal (derived logically from the country analysis) with details of the proposal (business model, how you are going to make money, value proposition of your product offering, quantitative and qualitative benefits of the project, entry mode, trade barriers, financing decisions, etc.).
  • SWOT Analysis based on your country analysis and the business you are planning to start.
  • Strategic Plan with a 3-5 year sequential implementation plan.
  • Projected 10-Year Cash Flow Analysis including investment and Return on Investment (ROI) target with cash flows brought back to present dollars. Use a discount rate of 10%. Also pick at least 1 parameter (e.g., volume, price, etc.) and show a sensitivity analysis.
  • Issues, Risks, Contingency Plans and Metrics Identify and describe what issues and associated business risks may arise from starting this business in your chosen country. Briefly describe contingency plans to address these. Also include what metrics should be assessed to understand whether the business is achieving plan and how often they should be assessed.

The document should be no more than 10 pages – The title page, reference pages and charts/graphs/tables pages are not included (counted) in the 10-page count.

The paper has to be in APA format, and it must follow APA guidelines for spacing, font, font size and reference formatting and citations.

Please make sure to cite all sources. Sources not properly cited or not cited at all are considered plagiarism. Use scholarly sources such as scholarly journals, articles to support your research (PowerPoint, YouTube video, websites, Wikipedia are not considered scholarly sources.

Beside using credible sources, be sure to use the concepts and learnings from your textbook as you develop your proposal and write your report.

Also, please prepare this report as if it will be given to your CEO or a Venture Capitalist for consideration. Good grammar, no misspellings, and logical flow are all very important!

Please Use the following FAQ’s:

How do I estimate sales?

Answer: Use market estimates, market growth rates and assume your market share for each year.

How do I do 10-year discounted cash flows and ROI?

Answer: See Return on Investment ROI Explained : https://www.business-case-analysis.com/return-on-investment.html

for guidance:

What is a Value Proposition?

Answer: A PowerPoint Slide for Value Proposition is attached.

What is a SWOT analysis?

Answer: A PowerPoint Slide for SWOT analysis is attached.


Please select a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for any selected scenario. You can choose any organization’s plan or create your own. Writing Assignment Help

Please select a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) for any selected scenario. You can choose any organization’s plan or create your own.

1. Describe the key elements of the Disaster Recovery Plan to be used in case of a disaster and the plan for testing the DRP.

2. Briefly discuss the internal, external, and environmental risks, which might be likely to affect the business and result in loss of the facility, loss of life, or loss of assets. Threats could include weather, fire or chemical, earth movement, structural failure, energy, biological, or human.

3. Of the strategies of shared-site agreements, alternate sites, hot sites, cold sites, and warm sites, identify which of these recovery strategies is most appropriate for your selected scenario and why.

4. For each testing method listed, briefly describe each method and your rationale for why it will or will not be included in your DRP test plan.

• Include at least Eight (8) reputable sources.
• Your final paper should be 1,000-to-1,250-words, and written in APA Style.


Art history. You will have several essay response questions to complete. Humanities Assignment Help

1. Identify the following structures (not necessarily the name of the cathedral, but the name of the architectural innovations shown in the picture) and indicate what period they relate to. !!!!!photos(11, 22, 33)

2.Compare and contrast the following images in terms of their use of perspective, naturalistic representation, and other stylistic conventions. Discuss their relationship to Classicism and make connections to specific cultures and terminology that you have studied in this course !!!!!!Photos( 444, 555, 666)

We live today in a pluralistic society. For this last question, you will be choosing 3 works to compare and contrast:

1 work from the lineage of Western Culture that we have studied (from the text book)

1 work from a “Non-Western” culture that we have studied (from the text book)

1 contemporary work (not from the text book)

3.You will be comparing these works according to several (more than 2) compositional aspects that we have studied this semester. Remember, it is not enough to just list information with each, you will need to compare/contrast.

Finally In your analysis, you should give concrete evidence the way in which the works show the influence of the cultures (or not) from the other works.

Remember to:

-Fully address all parts of the question

-Use citations properly

-Use terminology and support info that demonstrates your knowledge of the course material


Week 2 forum post Humanities Assignment Help

This week, first, post brief summaries of the articles you selected for your Integrative Project Literature Review. Then, share in a separate post what challenges you have experienced so far in your work on this project?

Must be 500 words.

Week 1 post for reference:

For the integrative project literature review, I have selected the following programs: Psyc 511 learning and cognition, psych510 lifespan development, psych 516 social psychology, and psyc 526 psychopathology. The four courses I have selected all deal with particular aspects of human psychological development. For instance, lifespan development features the different theories of development that attempt to explain or predict the behaviors of human beings as they grow through different stages of human. One example of an interesting theory in this area is Piaget’s theory of cognitive development that examines how children accumulate knowledge as they grow. Similarly, I find learning and cognition a key area as it explains learning deficiencies that affect the majority of children at some stage of learning. This program will enable me to better understand these learning deficiencies, how they are different from other mental health conditions and how best to manage them. I am drawn to psychopathology and social psychology as they both investigate how the human mind works, how our mental health determines our interactions, and why extreme cases of mental health disorders occur. These two programs are particularly important in this era of deranged serial killers, an increase in cases of suicide amongst teenagers, mass shootings, and radicalization. Although mental health disorders have genetic links, they are primarily caused by prevailing environment conditions around an individual. Therefore, to better manage mental it is essential to first understand how interactions from an early age can result in these conditions. Therefore, the four programs I have selected are all significant in creating a mental health narrative. That is to say, understanding how a human being goes through the stages of development, how an individual learns in these different stages, how an individual interacts with people in these stages of development, and how these four parameters affect an individual’s health in the long-term.

We will begin with the first step this week, identifying 4 courses from the MA in Psychology program on which you would like to base choices of 4 areas of interest per course which will be the basis for your selections of 6 evidence-based articles per interest area (24 articles total) for the Integrated Literature Review.



need two different topics on different docs follow apa references and citations Writing Assignment Help

Journal Article

Pick one of the following terms for your research: authority, competition, confrontation, dependency, empowerment, intergroup conflict, negotiation, organizational politics, power, or rational model.


Journal Article Summary & Discussion:

Within each module, there is a list of key terms. Each student will select one of the key terms and conduct a search of Campbellsville University’s online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format-

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words-this should be in the 150-200-word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected weekly reading assignment Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format.

Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.

Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment

need two different topics on different docs follow apa references and citations Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MBA 670 Project 3: Simulation as a Tool for Strategic Decision Making—Part 1 Step 9: Analyze Your Team’s Decisions and Results Business Finance Assignment Help

CAPSIM simulation: Team Baldwin

Strategy Used: Niche Differentiator

Submit an analysis of Rounds 1 through 4 of the simulation by answering the questions provided in the Project 3 Analysis Questions template. Your report should be eight to ten pages (approximately 250 to 300 words per question), double spaced, excluding cover page. Any tables, graphs, and figures should be included in the body of your answers. Your report should have one-inch margins and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. In-text citations and references should abide by APA format. Do not delete the questions as you complete the template.

1. What strategy were you implementing? Give examples of any three decisions over the four rounds that were consciously driven by your chosen strategy. Explain.

2. Which country and customer(s) did you target with your product (high tech, low tech, or both)? Why? Give examples of two decisions in R&D and two decisions in marketing that you implemented over the four rounds to enable your desired targeting.

3. In the market segment that you were focused on, what do your customers want most? Did your market share for the country where your products are sold change over the four rounds? Comment on how it changed and why.

4. Did you meet your potential demand in Round 1? Round 2? Round 3? Round 4? Hint: Look at Section 3 of the report (marketing). If you observed a stockout (inability to meet demand) in one or more rounds, pinpoint the reasons behind each instance.

5. Based on Section 1 (High Level Overview) of the the Round 1 Report, how did your sales results compare to those of the other five teams? If your sales results were extreme (top two or bottom two among the six teams), explain what other than sheer luck, caused that to happen. In other words, what decisions in Round 1 might have caused your sales to excel or suffer in comparison to its competition?

6. Based on the Round 4 Report, were your sales after Round 4 higher or lower than your sales after Round 3? How do you explain this change in sales in view of your team’s decisions in Round 4?

7. Did you need an emergency loan in any of the four rounds? If so, why? If you did not need an emergency loan in any of the four rounds, explain the decisions that you made to ensure that your company would not need an emergency loan to survive.

8. Explain your capacity decisions, including whether or not to use a second shift in each round. Compare the available plant capacity in each round (first and second shift) versus the number of units produced. Was there idle capacity in any round? Is it possible that you could you have used capacity more efficiently while increasing your plant utilization? Explain why or why not.

9.See Section 5 (Finance) of the Round 4 report. At the end of Round 4, do you have any current debt? Explain the presence or absence of current debt at the end of Round 4. At the end of Round 4, do you have any long-term debt? Explain the presence or absence of long-term debt at the end of Round 4.

10. Did your team’s decisions in Rounds 1–4 always align with the chosen strategy? If you found yourself deviating from your strategy, explain why. In hindsight, what decisions would you have made differently? Explain.


MBA 670 Project 3: Simulation as a Tool for Strategic Decision Making—Part 1 Step 9: Analyze Your Team’s Decisions and Results Business Finance Assignment Help

CAPSIM simulation: Team Baldwin

Strategy Used: Niche Differentiator

Submit an analysis of Rounds 1 through 4 of the simulation by answering the questions provided in the Project 3 Analysis Questions template. Your report should be eight to ten pages (approximately 250 to 300 words per question), double spaced, excluding cover page. Any tables, graphs, and figures should be included in the body of your answers. Your report should have one-inch margins and be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font. In-text citations and references should abide by APA format. Do not delete the questions as you complete the template.

1. What strategy were you implementing? Give examples of any three decisions over the four rounds that were consciously driven by your chosen strategy. Explain.

2. Which country and customer(s) did you target with your product (high tech, low tech, or both)? Why? Give examples of two decisions in R&D and two decisions in marketing that you implemented over the four rounds to enable your desired targeting.

3. In the market segment that you were focused on, what do your customers want most? Did your market share for the country where your products are sold change over the four rounds? Comment on how it changed and why.

4. Did you meet your potential demand in Round 1? Round 2? Round 3? Round 4? Hint: Look at Section 3 of the report (marketing). If you observed a stockout (inability to meet demand) in one or more rounds, pinpoint the reasons behind each instance.

5. Based on Section 1 (High Level Overview) of the the Round 1 Report, how did your sales results compare to those of the other five teams? If your sales results were extreme (top two or bottom two among the six teams), explain what other than sheer luck, caused that to happen. In other words, what decisions in Round 1 might have caused your sales to excel or suffer in comparison to its competition?

6. Based on the Round 4 Report, were your sales after Round 4 higher or lower than your sales after Round 3? How do you explain this change in sales in view of your team’s decisions in Round 4?

7. Did you need an emergency loan in any of the four rounds? If so, why? If you did not need an emergency loan in any of the four rounds, explain the decisions that you made to ensure that your company would not need an emergency loan to survive.

8. Explain your capacity decisions, including whether or not to use a second shift in each round. Compare the available plant capacity in each round (first and second shift) versus the number of units produced. Was there idle capacity in any round? Is it possible that you could you have used capacity more efficiently while increasing your plant utilization? Explain why or why not.

9.See Section 5 (Finance) of the Round 4 report. At the end of Round 4, do you have any current debt? Explain the presence or absence of current debt at the end of Round 4. At the end of Round 4, do you have any long-term debt? Explain the presence or absence of long-term debt at the end of Round 4.

10. Did your team’s decisions in Rounds 1–4 always align with the chosen strategy? If you found yourself deviating from your strategy, explain why. In hindsight, what decisions would you have made differently? Explain.


Week 5 Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

Evaluating Sources Rhetorically

Purpose of assignment: To locate and evaluate possible sources for use in your final paper.

Procedure: In the previous assignment, you practiced narrowing the scope of your research question. In the discussion for this week, you shared various aspects of the topic you have selected to write about for the final paper. For this assignment, you will find sources that are relevant to your topic and purpose. This assignment has two parts:

Part A: EBSCO Practice

Click here to download a copy of the EBSCOhost practice assignment.

Save the document by renaming it with this naming convention: “EN102_yourlastname_yourfirstname_yourGID”

As you complete the assignment, write your answers on the template (it is a Word document).

Attach this document when you are submitting your responses to this assignment.

Part B: Finding and Evaluating Sources

Search EBSCO to find five scholarly sources relevant to your topic. Evaluate each source in terms of the following five dimensions (see Table 12.3 in Chapter 12 of your textbook for examples):

The creator of the source

The purpose of the source

The age of the source

The venue of the source

The relevance of the source

Most of your answers to the above should be expressed in one short paragraph for each dimension. What you are looking for is a reason to justify the source’s inclusion in your paper. Each source should offer something unique or different. You may compare and contrast the sources with each other to show how they complement each other. The purpose and relevance must be expressed in your own words, not copied from the source or the source abstract.

Format: This assignment does not have to be written in essay format. You may use or modify the format of Table 12.3, or use any other format that clearly lists each source and each dimension. APA Style is not required for this assignment, but you must include an APA Style References page citation for each source.

Submitting the assignment: Attach your assignment as a single Word document or .pdf file. Attach the EBSCO practice separately. Submit the practice and the essay together as part of the same attempt to the W5 drop box.

View your assignment rubric.


write about Infromation Governance Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities for Improvement (12 Pages) Computer Science Assignment Help

Infromation Governance Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities for Improvement

  • Choose a subject area that requires strong IG. Some examples may be marketing, privacy and security, E-Mail & text messaging, social media, mobile device use, cloud computing. Research current issues and governance approaches.
  • Write a paper that addresses one aspect of IG as it relates to your subject.

Include the following content:

  • Background of the specific subject area
  • Current issues
  • Current approaches
  • Suggestions for improvement


  • Impacts to specific industries
  • Impacts to specific organizations
  • Minimum word count =3000 (12 double-spaced pages of content)
  • Minimum cited references = 5
  • Paper must be fully formatted according to APA style with header, title page, abstract, in-text citations, and final reference




write about Infromation Governance Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities for Improvement (12 Pages) Computer Science Assignment Help

Infromation Governance Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities for Improvement

  • Choose a subject area that requires strong IG. Some examples may be marketing, privacy and security, E-Mail & text messaging, social media, mobile device use, cloud computing. Research current issues and governance approaches.
  • Write a paper that addresses one aspect of IG as it relates to your subject.

Include the following content:

  • Background of the specific subject area
  • Current issues
  • Current approaches
  • Suggestions for improvement


  • Impacts to specific industries
  • Impacts to specific organizations
  • Minimum word count =3000 (12 double-spaced pages of content)
  • Minimum cited references = 5
  • Paper must be fully formatted according to APA style with header, title page, abstract, in-text citations, and final reference




write about Infromation Governance Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities for Improvement (12 Pages) Computer Science Assignment Help

Infromation Governance Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities for Improvement

  • Choose a subject area that requires strong IG. Some examples may be marketing, privacy and security, E-Mail & text messaging, social media, mobile device use, cloud computing. Research current issues and governance approaches.
  • Write a paper that addresses one aspect of IG as it relates to your subject.

Include the following content:

  • Background of the specific subject area
  • Current issues
  • Current approaches
  • Suggestions for improvement


  • Impacts to specific industries
  • Impacts to specific organizations
  • Minimum word count =3000 (12 double-spaced pages of content)
  • Minimum cited references = 5
  • Paper must be fully formatted according to APA style with header, title page, abstract, in-text citations, and final reference




write about Infromation Governance Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities for Improvement (12 Pages) Computer Science Assignment Help

Infromation Governance Issues, Approaches, and Opportunities for Improvement

  • Choose a subject area that requires strong IG. Some examples may be marketing, privacy and security, E-Mail & text messaging, social media, mobile device use, cloud computing. Research current issues and governance approaches.
  • Write a paper that addresses one aspect of IG as it relates to your subject.

Include the following content:

  • Background of the specific subject area
  • Current issues
  • Current approaches
  • Suggestions for improvement


  • Impacts to specific industries
  • Impacts to specific organizations
  • Minimum word count =3000 (12 double-spaced pages of content)
  • Minimum cited references = 5
  • Paper must be fully formatted according to APA style with header, title page, abstract, in-text citations, and final reference


CS204 Unit 6 Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

CS204 Unit 6 Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

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