CSC 142 Geiger Counter Radiation Measurements Programming Project Programming Assignment Help

CSC 142 Geiger Counter Radiation Measurements Programming Project Programming Assignment Help. CSC 142 Geiger Counter Radiation Measurements Programming Project Programming Assignment Help.

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I have a Geiger Counter ( that measures beta, gamma, and X-ray radiation in counts per minute.

The Geiger counter cannot distinguish between those types of radiation, and does not know from which direction the radiation originated.

I don’t have any strong radioactive sources in my home that I know of, so I assume the Geiger counter is measuring only the natural background radiation in the local environment of the counter. (

Some of the background radiation measured comes from the decay of radioactive isotopes in the earth. Another component of the background radiation comes from cosmic rays, originating in outer space.

Average background radiation counts per minute varies somewhat by geographic location. (you can find a map on the internet if you are interested)

However, our atmosphere helps shield us from the cosmic ray component of the background. The Wikipedia article above notes that the city of Denver, Colorado (5200 feet elevation) receives approximately twice the amount of radiation from cosmic rays as a city at sea level.

The raw data file logged by the counter was originally formatted as a .csv file produced by Microsoft Excel.


(I had to rename the file to the extension .txt to get around some Microsoft-created problems. The file content is unchanged, only the name has been changed.

The file looks like the following when displayed using the vi text editor. Other text editors may show dozens of commas after the data on each line.

(it may display quite differently in other text editors or in Excel):

GQ Electronics LLC, GMC Data Viewer, Version 2.40

Date Time,uSv/h,CPM,#1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8,#9,#10,#11,#12,#13,#14,#15,#16,#17,#18,#19,#20,#21,#22,#23,#24,#25,#26,#27,#28,#29,#30,#31,#32,#33,#34,#35,#36,#37,#38,#39,#40,#41,#42,#43,#44,#45,#46,#47,#48,#49,#50,#51,#52,#53,#54,#55,#56,#57,#58,#59,#60,


2018-04-06 17:13,Every Minute,16,

2018-04-06 17:14,Every Minute,18,

2018-04-06 17:15,Every Minute,15,

2018-04-06 17:16,Every Minute,15,

There is an option on the Geiger counter to log location data – those are the lines in the file that contain the string “Federal Way”.

After I inspected the log file, I found that every time the location was written to the log file, the Geiger counter skipped logging one or two minutes of data. I turned off the location logging around the end of April 2018 in the file, and never turned it back on.

For this project, you are only interested in lines that look like the last few above: The time and date the data was taken, and the number of counts per minute (the integer at the end of the line).

Your program will read a file with the above format named ‘7_14_2019.txt’.A link to the file is located under the Resources block in WAMAP.

The file consists of over a year of background radiation measurements, one measurement per minute. The first data line in the file shows that at time 17:13 on April 6th, 2018, 16 radiation events were counted.

For this programming project:


  • Find the maximum number of counts per minute in the file and write all of the data lines to the console that are within 5 counts of the maximum number of counts per minute.
  • Answer this question if you can:

Write the date and counts per minute to the console for those data lines in the format:

Date Counts per minute

5-06-18 35

6-17-18 33



I took the Geiger counter with me on one or two camping trips, and stayed for at least one full day at an elevation of 4900 feet. My house is 500 feet above sea level, so we would expect a greater value for the counts per minute, on average, at the higher altitude.

What is the date that I was most likely to be on that camping trip? Explain what you tried and how you figured this out at the bottom of your header comment block.

There are two questions. Line limits 100 in the program. Write what methods do in the header comments.

CSC 142 Geiger Counter Radiation Measurements Programming Project Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GU International Bond Funds Open End and Closed End Fund Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Melanie is considering purchasing shares in an international bond fund. She has limited her search to one open-end and one closed-end fund. Information on the funds follows:




$ 13.63

$ 26.19

Sales price


$ 22.96

Annual expenses





YTD return





a. How much would Melanie pay per share for the open-end fund? How much would she pay per share for the closed-end fund?

b. Is the closed-end fund selling at a discount or a premium to its NAV?

c. Given both funds’ similar returns and expense ratios, would you recommend that Melanie purchase the closed-end fund? Why or why not?


South University Online History of Psychology and Immanuel Kant Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The history of psychology is built upon understanding the work of particular individuals throughout history. Your textbook mentions several major and minor contributors to the understanding of psychology’s history. However, the textbook is one interpretation of the writings and thoughts of these historical figures. To have a better understanding of those thoughts, you need to read samples of the original works.

  • For this assignment, you will research something that has been written by an individual from the time period(s) being studied (choose a name from the textbook readings) this week.
  • The work must be something written by the chosen person, but need only be a sample of the chosen historical work and involve only a few pages of writing. Make sure the writing deals with the topics being covered this week.
  • There are several sources to use to obtain the works; the best place to start is to search for the person’s name on the Internet using Google but you can only utilize this to find information about the person. Use an original historical work by an author of your choice, but keep in mind that Outside Reading Rubric you should use peer-reviewed, academic sources for the analysis of this work. You can most easily find these in the South University Online Library.
  • You can use the textbook to support your work, but do not use it as the primary source. This is an outside reading assignment.
  • After reading the material, answer these questions:
    • What were the main points of the writing?
    • What were the differences and similarities between what you read and what was written about the individual in the textbook?
    • Based on your own views of psychology, how does the author’s viewpoint fit into your current understanding of psychology?


FAU Apple Company iPhone & Consumer Decision Making Process Response Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


How has Apple addressed products that have not been as successful and the iphones?

Thank you

question one is relating to the original post of marketing attached


Hello everyone,

As we all know, different consumers have different needs, behave in different ways, and approach the consumer decision making process differently. Therefore, in order to satisfy these diverse needs and

behavior, organizations must provide different types of products for the different consumer groups (Su & Liu, 2017; Liu, Li, Mizerski & Soh, 2012). Consumers with similar needs, preferences, and behavior fall

into a segment of the market that the organization needs to pay special attention to in order to improve value, customer relationship, and customer loyalty (Martin, 2011). The basis of market segmentation is so the

organization can achieve competitive advantage and increased profitability.

I would say I am a very loyal Toyota customer since the very first car I owned was a Toyota Camry around 15 years ago. I have owned subsequent vehicles, and they have all been the Toyota brand,

including the current Toyota Tundra. My experience with the Toyota brand has been good over the years and I have developed a level of trust in it. I found the brand to be affordable, durable, easy to maintain, and

reliable, and I intend to continue to support this brand. Liu et al (2012) posit that brand loyalty is the degree of attachment a customer has for a brand, and it is closely linked to use experience. Lin & Wang (2006)

cited by Menidjel et al (2017) posit that trust is also a significant factor in determining customer loyalty and is highly correlated with customer satisfaction. According to Kandampully et al (2015) cited by

Menidjel, Benhabib & Bilgihan (2017), loyal customers exhibit brand attachment and commitment and are not attracted to competitors’ offerings. While I agree with the first part of the statement, I do not

necessarily agree with the second part. While I have an attachment to the Toyota brand, it does not mean I am not attracted to other brands. In fact, I am very much attracted to the Honda brand, but I am aware

that the Honda brand is more pricey than the Toyota brand, and so the Toyota brand fulfills my needs at this time.

According to Martin (2011) consumer market segmentation include the following:

Geographical Segmentation – The market is divided by regions or location. Depending on the part of the world you are living, consumers usually have the same or similar needs and wants, and so companies

would aim to fulfill those particular needs depending on the demand.

Demographical Segmentation – Organizations take into consideration the age, ethnicity, nationality, occupation, etc of consumers and choose which group to accommodate.

Behavior Segmentation – Organizations collect data based on consumer behavior.

Psychographic Segmentation – Organizations match brands with consumers’ personality, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

Toyota’s Strategies

Toyota Motor Corporation provide a wide variety of vehicles ranging from cars, to minivans, to trucks, crossovers and SUVs, and Hybrids, all in an effort to fill the needs of consumers across different

geographical regions. The company works to develop and manufacture innovative, safe, and high-quality products and services that create happiness and satisfaction in its consumers. Its aim is to build the right

car, in the right place, at the right time to sucit the lifestyles of their diverse customer base. Toyota’s success is embedded in its commitment to design, engineeer, and build cars according to the specific needs of

the regions in which they are sold, that is, in more than 170 countries and regions around the world. In order to remain competitive, Toyota invests regularly in improving and updating its production capabilities

and efficiency, according to the needs of its consumers, and is constantly looking for new ways to create more desirable and competitive products. They have even made low emission hybrid vehicles such as the

Yaris in keeping with environmental protection and climate change, as well as electrified vehicles which are used to generate power to persons in emergency situations in particularly in Chiba, Japan who

experience frequent power outages due to natural disasters. Toyota also appeals to customers emotions through its promotion of motorsports and corporate sports activities for people to enjoy themselves.

Now that I have a better understanding of how Toyota operates, I feel even more connected and loyal to the brand. I do see where my personality, values, interests, and lifestyle seems to be aligned with

theirs and I intend to follow them to see the improvements they will be making in the future to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty to the brand.


Liu, F., Li, J., Mizerski, D., and Soh, H. (2012). Self-Congruity, Brand Attitude, and Brand Loyalty: A Study on Luxury Brands. European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 46, No. 7/8: 922- 937

Retrieved from

Martin, G. (2011). The Importance of Marketing Segmentation. American Journal of Business Education. Vol. 4, No. 6

Menidjel, C., Benhabib, A., and Bilgihan, A. (2017). Examining the Moderating Role of Personality Traits in the Relationship between Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty. Journal of Product & Brand Management.

Vol. 26, No. 6: 631 – 649 Retrieved from

Su, Q. and Liu, W. (2017). Market Segmentation and Pricing Strategies based on Product Platform. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 29, No. 1: 183 -199

Retrieved from

1 and 2 are marketing



Critical thinking is a skill that most people do not possess simply because they do not see it as a real value. Evaluating, problem solving and decision-making are the various aspects of critical thinking that were considered in the ideas of trade-offs presented by the author.

When determining a tradeoff, the same critical thinking skills are used. Because you first have to identify and evaluate the problem. Critical thinking requires you to use your ability to reason. It is about being inactive learner rather than a passive recipient of information. Critical thinkers will identify, analyze, and solve problems systematically.

Analysis is essential in determining tradeoffs and making a better decision. Having the ability to connect pieces of information together to determine what the intended meaning of the information was meant to represent.

Evaluation is another step in the critical thinking that the author uses to approach tradeoffs. Evaluation occurs once we have understood and analyzed the objectives and all our alternative to achieve the objectives and the reasons offered to support it. Then we can appraise this information to decide which of your objective you will prioritize.

4 decision bottlenecks identified by Rogers and Benko

Decisions are the coin of the realm in business. Every success, every mishap, every opportunity seized or missed is the result of a decision that someone made or failed to make. At many companies, decisions routinely get stuck inside the organization like loose change.

But it’s more than loose change that’s at stake, of course; it’s the performance of the entire organization. Never mind what industry you’re in, how big and well known your company may be, or how clever your strategy is. If you can’t make the right decisions quickly and effectively, and execute those decisions consistently, your business will lose ground.

Indeed, making good decisions and making them happen quickly are the hallmarks of high-performing organizations. When we surveyed executives at 350 global companies about their organizational effectiveness, only 15% said that they have an organization that helps the business outperform competitors.

What sets those top performers apart is the quality, speed, and execution of their decision making. The most effective organizations score well on the major strategic decisions—which markets to enter or exit, which businesses to buy or sell, where to allocate capital and talent.

But they truly shine when it comes to the critical operating decisions requiring consistency and speed—how to drive product innovation, the best way to position brands, how to manage channel partners.

Even in companies respected for their decisiveness, however, there can be ambiguity over who is accountable for which decisions. As a result, the entire decision-making process can stall, usually at one of four bottlenecks: global versus local, center versus business unit, function versus function, and inside versus outside partners.

The first of these bottlenecks, global versus local decision making, can occur in nearly every major business process and function. Decisions about brand building and product development frequently get snared here, when companies wrestle over how much authority local businesses should have to tailor products for their markets. Marketing is another classic global versus local issue—should local markets have the power to determine pricing and advertising?

The second bottleneck, center versus business unit decision making, tends to afflict parent companies and their subsidiaries. Business units are on the front line, close to the customer; the center sees the big picture, sets broad goals, and keeps the organization focused on winning. Where should the decision-making power lie? Should a major capital investment, for example, depend on the approval of the business unit that will own it, or should headquarters make the final call?

Third bottleneck, Function versus function decision making is perhaps the most common bottleneck. Every manufacturer, for instance, faces a balancing act between product development and marketing during the design of a new product. Who should decide what? Cross-functional decisions too often result in ineffective compromise solutions, which frequently need to be revisited because the right people were not involved at the outset.

The fourth decision-making bottleneck, inside versus outside partners, has become familiar with the rise of outsourcing, joint ventures, strategic alliances, and franchising. In such arrangements, companies need to be absolutely clear about which decisions can be owned by the external partner (usually those about the execution of strategy) and which must continue to be made internally (decisions about the strategy itself). In the case of outsourcing, for instance, brand-name apparel and foot-wear marketers once assumed that overseas suppliers could be responsible for decisions about plant employees’ wages and working conditions. Big mistake.

Clearing the Bottlenecks

The most important step in unclogging decision-making bottlenecks is assigning clear roles and responsibilities. Good decision makers recognize which decisions really matter to performance. They think through who should recommend a particular path, who needs to agree, who should have input, who has ultimate responsibility for making the decision, and who is accountable for follow-through. They make the process routine. The result: better coordination and quicker response times.


Kahneman, D., & Charan, R. (2013). HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Making Smart Decisions (with featured article” Before You Make That Big Decision…” by Daniel Kahneman, Dan Lovallo, and Olivier Sibony). Harvard Business Press.


Critical thinking is a skill that most people do not possess simply because they do not see it as a real value. Evaluating, problem solving and decision making are the various aspects of critical thinking that were considered in the ideas of trade-offs presented by the author.

When determining a tradeoff, the same critical thinking skills are used because you first have to identify and evaluate the problem. Critical thinking requires you to use your ability to reason. It is about being an active learner rather than being passive recipient of information.

The first of these bottlenecks, global versus local decision making, can occur in nearly every major business process and function. Most decisions about brand building and product development frequently get snared because companies wrestle over how much authority local businesses should have to tailor products for their markets.

The second bottleneck, center versus business unit decision making, trends to afflict parent companies and their subsidiaries. Business units are on the front line, close to the customer; the center sees the big picture, sets broad goals, and keeps the organization focused on winning.

Third bottleneck, Function versus function decision making is perhaps the most common bottleneck, Every manufacture, for instance, faces a balancing act between product development and marketing during the design of a new product.

The fourth decision-making bottleneck, inside versus outside partners, has become familiar with the rise of outsourcing, joint ventures, strategic alliances, and franchising.

The most important step in unclogging decision-making bottleneck is assigning clear roles and responsibilities. Good decision makers recognize which decisions really matter to performance. They think about who needs to agree, who should have input, who has the ultimate responsibility for making the decision, and who is accountable for follow-through. They make the process routine. the result: better coordination and quicker response times.


Critical thinking: Basic theory & instructional structures. (1999). Wye Mills, MD: Foundation for Critical Thinking.

Sanford, E., & Adelman, H. M. (1977). Management decisions: A behavioral approach. Cambridge (Mass.): Winthrop.

Sanford, E., & Adelman, H. M. (1977). Management decisions: A behavioral approach. Cambridge (Mass.): Winthrop.

3 and 4 are advanced decision making


Cuyamaca College Davin Lynch Surrealism Film Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Surrealism is about the dream state or what challenges what we logically know or are familiar with. Television and film have often used Surrealism to visually make points when words will fall short.

Discussion Questions:

Tell us why you chose this film clip.

What is it about the clip that made an impression on you?

What do you feel makes it visually effective? Discuss some principles of design that are responsible for the visual impact created in the film clip.

Avoid going to Google for answers to the questions. Adding a little info from a source is OK, but I really want to hear your very own thoughts.

Part 1: Write a short essay that answers the above questions in detail. Additions to your thread resulting from any added research is fine. But remember to stay on topic and answer the questions.

Part 2: Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Posts.

Points will be distributed in this manner: Your initial Post can earn you up to 10 points, and each response is worth up to 5 points max. Maximum points is 20. Extraordinary posts and responses will be rewarded with extra points, making totals larger than 20, but no more than 24 points. Poor spelling and grammar will result in the loss of points. Entries with any errors in spelling and grammar will receive no higher than 17/20. Be sure to make your entries perfect.



Colorado Technical University Organizational Sustainability Discussion Programming Assignment Help


In your initial post, reflect on your understanding of the concept of sustainability, as applied to program design in human services. Based on the course readings, list and explain three examples of tools for organizational sustainability that must be considered when developing a program. How do these tools apply to the hypothetical program you are developing as a response to the call for action inspired by this course’s media piece?

Chapter 12

Program Development in the 21st Century: An Evidence-Based Approach to Design, Implementation, and Evaluation

ISBN: 9781452238142

By: Nancy G. Calley

Developing the Outcomes Evaluation Plan As is true of all evaluation efforts, the outcomes evaluation is a complex process and, as such, requires significant planning. In addition to conducting all the preparatory work needed to effectively support the evaluation process, there are three major areas that compose the planning process: Determining the evaluation design Selecting the assessment instruments Establishing the evaluation time frames Outcomes Evaluation Design Similar to fidelity assessment and process evaluation, outcome evaluations are highly complex and require a tremendous amount of planning, effort, and attention to detail. Outcome evaluations are the driving force behind the development of evidence-based practices. Indeed, without an effective program evaluation, an evidence basis cannot be established. As a result, the highest degree of scientific rigor is required in order to most effectively evaluate outcomes. To this end, randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have become the gold standard for the efficacy of outcome evaluations. This is because of the potential of RCTs to maximize internal validity (i.e., attribute outcomes directly to the treatment rather than other causes; Del Boca & Darkes, 2007). The significance of the interdependent relationship shared by fidelity assessment, process evaluation, and outcomes evaluation is further underlined by the requirement of RCTs, because RCTs are dependent on treatment fidelity as well as an effective process evaluation. Whereas RCTs are indeed the gold standard, experimental designs that use a control group (i.e., withhold treatment) are not always feasible in practice settings for ethical as well as logistical reasons. As a result, program developers must be well versed in various types of program evaluation design to ensure that the most effective and ethically sound evaluation is used. Although there are multiple types of design that can be used, I would like to focus briefly on quasi-experimental design, since it may account for the most rigorous type of design, given the inherent challenges of research in practice settings. One of the most commonly used types of quasi-experimental design in mental health and human services is the pre/post-test design. In the pre/post-test design, clients can be randomly assigned or deliberately assigned to either one of two treatments or to a treatment or control group (i.e., no treatment is provided). But again, because of ethical reasons prohibiting the withholding of treatment to those in need, pre/post-test design in practice settings typically involves assigning clients to one of two treatments—an evaluation design that is increasingly common today (Heppner, Wampold, & Kivlighan, 2008). A pre/post-test design allows you to examine pretest differences, a critical aspect when comparing unequivalent groups. In comparison to a post-test-only design, the pre/post-test design is stronger and more interpretable because of this (Heppner et al., 2008). However, it should be noted that a threat to this type of design is related to potential problems with external validity that can occur as a result of pretest sensitization—the pretest itself creates a difference between the two groups. However, most agree that this is minor, and the benefits of the design outweigh this risk (Heppner et al.,2008; Kazdin, 2003). The aspect of random selection should be briefly discussed, particularly as it can significantly impact the integrity of the pre/post-test design. In order to maximize the strength of research findings, the two treatment groups being evaluated should be equal. Such equality among treatment participants is referred to as between-groups design—meaning that the groups are equal prior to treatment. By ensuring this, you are able to more easily attribute post-treatment differences to the treatment. Accounting for between-groups equality requires random selection of participants to one of the two or more groups. Random selection, or randomization, means that participants have been assigned without bias. Random selection can be accomplished in several ways, such as assignment to one of the two groups based on order of program admission—Client 1 is assigned to Treatment 1, Client 2 to Treatment 2, Client 3 to Treatment 1, Client 4 to Treatment 2, and so on. In this type of randomization, all odd-number admissions are assigned to Treatment 1, while all even-number admissions are assigned to Treatment 2. While quite straightforward, this type of randomization requires that clients enter in a sequential manner and that the sequence of client admission is tracked. This may not be feasible in some practice settings, particularly when clients are admitted en masse. To address this issue, the old and trusted hat trick may serve better. You can simply place the names of all clients in a hat, and use the order in which names are pulled to assign the clients to one of the two treatment groups (i.e., first name pulled is assigned to Treatment 1, second name to Treatment 2, third name to Treatment 1, etc.). As with every aspect of research design, the issue of random selection must be given adequate attention in order to further strengthen your overall design. While basic research design composes one part of an evaluation program, the other area that must be given thoughtful attention is that of research methods; however, such a discussion is outside the scope of this text. A number of quantitative and qualitative research methods may be used in program evaluation as relevant to the study design, and a good resource for use in designing the program evaluation is Heppner et al.’s (2008) Research Design in Counseling. Whereas little can replace firm knowledge of research design, attention to specific issues related to design may provide basic guidance for planning the research design (see Box 12.2). BOX 12.2 BASIC GUIDE TO DETERMINING THE RESEARCH DESIGN Consult your profession’s ethical standards related to research. Review each of the potential types of research design to identify the most rigorous design that can be implemented within the practice setting. Seek out more and new knowledge as needed to increase your own competency level with regard to research design and analysis. Consult with experts in research design and statistical analysis as needed. Involve staff and other stakeholders in the design selection process to promote early engagement in the research. Most importantly, before embarking on any research design project, ensure that you have a comprehensive grasp of research design and methods. This often requires revisiting research methods coursework, pursuing new coursework, attending training and workshops focused on research design and methods, and utilizing the vast array of texts and tools available to you in this area. Failure to do so will almost certainly threaten your ability to effectively evaluate your program’s outcomes. It is often at this stage that we get to finally put to practice in the real world what we have learned only conceptually or through academic assignments. As a result, this should be viewed as an exciting opportunity to grow. Therefore, regardless of any previous struggles that you may have experienced with research design and/or methods, applying research in practice often signifies the opening of a window that has not been opened before. So rather than facing it with discomfort or fear, pursue it with zest and perseverance, and once you have thoroughly engaged in it, the stimulation and sense of accomplishment will reinforce how truly rewarding the process of learning is. Selecting Assessment Tools The research design will guide the selection of assessment instruments. This is particularly true if you have selected a pre/post-test design, since assessment instruments that assess change over time are needed rather than assessment instruments that have been developed to assess issues that are static or not prone to change. For instance, there are assessment instruments that evaluate potential risk based on events that occurred at a particular time in a person’s life, such as the age at which an individual committed his/her first crime or when an individual was physically abused. The results of this type of assessment will not change over time; therefore, the assessment is intended to be used just one time to gain specific information. However, other assessment instruments are developed precisely to evaluate change over time and, therefore, are designed to be given multiple times. Examples of these types of outcomes include mental health functioning, recidivism, sobriety, and employment. These types of outcomes lend themselves to evaluation through a pre/post-test research design, whereas the former (i.e., static outcomes) do not. Selecting both the most effective and the most relevant assessment tools for an outcomes evaluation requires quite a bit of work and investigation; however, much of this work should have been completed during the program design stage (discussed in Chapter 5). At this step, then, it means revisiting the program design in order to review previously selected assessment instruments and determine if additional instruments are needed. There are several guidance factors that should be considered in the selection of assessment instruments: Use assessment instruments only with established psychometric properties. Use assessment instruments only for their intended purpose and in the manner in which they have been found to be effective. Ensure a thorough understanding of the strengths and limitations of assessment instruments. Review the qualifications level needed to administer a test, and ensure that individuals charged with test administration have the required qualifications. Ensure a firm understanding of the ethical standards that guide the use of assessment instruments. Use assessment instruments for the purpose of treatment planning and improving treatment and services, not for denying or limiting services that would otherwise be provided. Ensure a firm understanding of the role that testing conditions play in test performance, work to promote optimal testing conditions, and include a discussion of testing conditions and potential impact on test scores in the testing summary. Gather and maintain assessment data, as you do all client information, in a confidential manner, and protect it in accordance with all relevant state and federal laws. Practice additional compliance as required for all research protocols, policies, and laws when using assessment data for research purposes (e.g., outcomes/program evaluation). Gain consent and/or authorization, when required, from the oversight organization with indirect responsibility for the client, in addition to gaining consent from clients and/or other authorized individuals (in the case of minors and vulnerable adults). Conduct all research in accordance with laws regarding the protection of human subjects and with authorization and oversight by an institutional review board. In addition, a valuable resource regarding the use of tests is Responsibilities of Users of Standardized Tests, promulgated by the Association for Assessment in Counseling (2003). The publication provides broad-based guidance in seven key areas: Qualifications of test users Technical knowledge Test selection Test administration Test scoring Administering test results Communicating test results The publication is available at no cost through the association’s website ( Establishing Evaluation Time Frames Conducting any type of evaluation is always a lengthy process—and understandably so, given all that is involved. This is why planning for the evaluation is such a critical aspect. Part of this planning process requires the establishment of evaluation time frames. Essentially, these are the time frames in which the actual evaluation will be conducted. For instance, a basic research design may include one pretest and one post-test that will be given at program admission and then at program discharge, respectively. However, there are multiple other time frames that may be used based on the research design, some of which allow you to evaluate progress during the treatment process and others that allow you to evaluate long-term treatment gains. Table 12.2 provides examples of time frames for conducting assessment activities based on the research design. Table 12.2 Evaluation Time Frame Samples In addition to identifying time frames for conducting specific assessment activities, “developing a timeline to facilitate the collection of data for the development, maintenance, and revision of the program evaluation plan is recommended” (Gard, Flannigan, & Cluskey, 2004, p. 177). Again, I cannot stress enough the use of specific planning tools to help organize the planning process. Whereas timelines are often essential, Gantt charts and project maps may also prove indispensable not only in managing your time but also in communicating plans to others. Comprehensive Evaluation Planning Whereas a large part of this chapter has been devoted to outcomes evaluation and its various aspects, mental health professionals should be engaging in comprehensive evaluation that includes all three types of evaluation discussed above—fidelity assessment, process evaluation, and outcomes evaluation. This is because each has specific relevance and, therefore, is conducted for specific purposes. Indeed, comprehensive evaluation planning should include the use of multiple types of evaluation and should be used to guide long-term evaluation activities. When engaging in comprehensive program evaluation, several issues must be attended to that include, but are not limited to, the following: Identify specifically what is being evaluated and why and how the evaluation results will be disseminated and used to inform treatment and services. Engage all stakeholders in the evaluation process early in order to sustain engagement throughout the evaluation process. Provide orientation and training to all evaluation participants to promote knowledge and understanding of evaluation procedures, rationale, and methods. Establish a comprehensive evaluation plan with identified evaluation types and time frames as part of initial program planning. In addition to promoting effective program management, engaging in comprehensive evaluation planning ensures that the evaluation processes are well organized and are a pivotal part of program development. Considerations in Evaluation As mentioned earlier, evaluation can be one of the most rewarding endeavors in which you engage, particularly as viewed from a program management perspective. In order to fully consider all that is involved and related to evaluation efforts, there are three key areas that I would like to highlight: Evaluation as a tool for organizational sustainability Costs and benefits of evaluation Creating a culture of evaluation Evaluation as a Tool for Organizational Sustainability Evaluation is a tool—a tool that is used by professionals in order to gain critical information. In the case of process and outcomes evaluations, data is collected and analyzed to determine the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of programs and services (Boulmetis & Dutwin, 2005). As such, evaluation demonstrates accountability—the accountability of a provider of services to the recipient/client, to the funder or contractor of services, to the public, to the profession to which the provider belongs, and to the industry in which the provider is working. It is this accountability that may allow the provider to continue providing services—just as, conversely, a lack of accountability may result in the discontinuation of practice. Because the appropriate and effective use of evidence-based practices guides the mental health and human service fields today, evaluation is no longer an optional activity for those who are so moved but a required activity that must be incorporated into all aspects of practice. Indeed, when called on to provide evidence of program or intervention effectiveness, mental health professionals can effectively draw on information gathered from the evaluations that they have instituted (Astramovich & Coker, 2007). As such, evaluation is a tool—a tool necessary for the long-term sustainability of the service, program, organization, and counseling and other mental health professions. The Costs and Benefits of Evaluation As any good manager knows, never embark on any new endeavor without conducting a thorough cost-benefit analysis. Otherwise, you may find that your investment far outweighs your return, that what you received was far from what you originally hoped, or any number of other unfortunate surprises. There are multiple potential costs and benefits related to engaging in evaluation efforts. I use the term potential since, ultimately, the outcomes will dictate actual costs and benefits.Table 12.3 provides a sample of some of the costs and benefits typically associated with evaluation efforts. Table 12.3 Sample of Potential Costs and Benefits of Engaging in Evaluation Efforts The point here, although rather obvious, is that the benefits resulting from engaging in evaluation efforts should always greatly outweigh the costs. And while only few costs and benefits are economic and can be easily quantified, the benefits to the professionals involved in evaluation efforts are priceless. This is of particular significance in a profession that does not naturally receive immediate feedback about the impact of our work. Unlike the car salesperson who gains immediate feedback about her/his selling ability based on the act of completing a car sale or the senator who witnesses the passage of a bill that s/he authored, many mental health professionals rarely gain substantial feedback about their work unless an evaluation has been conducted. It is in this regard, then, that evaluations provide significant and meaningful information about our work. Even when anticipated outcomes have not been attained, evaluation data usually provides other significant information and is useful for service/treatment improvement efforts and, as such, provides essential input to our work. Creating a Culture of Evaluation The environment in which an evaluation is conducted plays a major role in any evaluation process. This is due to many reasons, not least of which is the very intent of evaluation—to assess or evaluate how one is doing. And in this case, it means evaluating the work of mental health professionals. For many of us—regardless of how otherwise healthy we might be—the notion of having our work evaluated has a tendency to make us a bit uneasy. It is because of this that the climate created within practice environments is key to effectively supporting evaluation efforts. Creating a culture or climate for evaluation requires close attention to several details and adequate preparation of the work environment. Murray (2005) identifies two of these issues: Encouraging an atmosphere of openness and trust throughout the evaluation process Including all relevant stakeholders throughout the evaluation process In addition, all stakeholders must understand the purpose of the evaluation and how the results will be used. Often, uncertainty about how results will be used can cause the greatest anxiety to stakeholders in an evaluation process. Therefore, an environment must be created in which continuous improvement is the overarching goal—and the philosophy that there is no failure, only room for improvement, is used to guide the process. It is only in this type of environment that evaluation can be viewed as a necessary and positive experience, regardless of the results. However, this also means that evaluation results cannot be used for punitive measures, since such measures are counterproductive to creating a healthy evaluation environment. The following activities should also be used to promote a culture of evaluation: Before starting the evaluation process, identify where you would like it to lead and all that will result from the evaluation. Openly and frequently discuss the relationship between evaluation and accountability and long-term sustainability. Incorporate progress updates into existing forums so that evaluation information and activities are consistently shared among stakeholders as part of the ongoing communication cycle. Share various types of results with stakeholders frequently to keep the evaluation process alive. Explain precisely how each set of evaluation results will be used, and then provide ongoing updates regarding their use. Celebrate evaluation processes as a core part of work life. Summary Evaluation is an integral part of comprehensive program development and one that is specifically connected to program design and program implementation. The significance of evaluation has grown steadily over the past several decades and today is viewed as standard practice in mental health and human services. Moreover, the significance of the various types of evaluation has also continued to grow as our understanding of the influence of treatment fidelity and process implementation on evaluation has developed. While there is still room for growth in broad-based acknowledgment about the role that fidelity and process implementation play in comprehensive program evaluation, today there are signs that this knowledge will only continue to evolve. As such, fidelity and process implementation may soon reach the same level of significance as outcomes evaluation holds today. The manner in which mental health professionals perceive evaluation as a core part of program development and thereby embed evaluation activities throughout programs and organizations is largely indicative of their commitment not only to quality and accountability but to long-term sustainability. Whereas there continues to be a need to bring in external evaluation experts to handle evaluation activities on behalf of the organization, evaluation knowledge and skills are essential skills of all mental health professionals. As a result, there is increased understanding of the link between program design, implementation, and evaluation and a much more intimate relationship between the treatment provider and the treatment. This is not only a basic right of accountability to which all consumers are entitled but also what consumers most prefer—a closer relationship between the product and the seller to ensure that the seller is intrinsically aware of all that the treatment and/or service is and is not able to provide. CASE ILLUSTRATION Alana and Ava had been cofacilitating a treatment program for adults with panic disorder and agoraphobia for the past year and a half. Their interventions consisted of individual and group therapy using cognitive-behavioral interventions. Whereas cognitive-behavioral interventions had been found to be effective in addressing panic disorder, Ava and Alana knew that they needed to evaluate their approach to determine if it was indeed evidence-based, and they also needed to explore existing evidence-based models. Adding a sense of urgency to this, Alana and Ava were increasingly being recognized as specialists in their community for treating panic disorder, and therefore, they were anxious to ensure that they were providing the best treatment they could to their clients. After reviewing the research, Ava discovered a treatment approach that was evidence-based and shared the details with Alana. The approach had been rigorously evaluated with strong outcomes over multiple evaluations—reinforcing their excitement to implement the approach with their clients. Alana got a hold of all the details of the model, examining all the components and how each was implemented so that she and Ava could implement it as designed, thus retaining the model’s fidelity. At the same time, Ava designed the evaluation components, including a fidelity assessment, process implementation, and outcomes evaluation. The outcomes that would be measured were determined based on the research about expected outcomes for panic disorder and the results of previous outcomes evaluations. The assessment tools were identified based on the research as well as on the previous outcomes evaluations. Because they wanted to evaluate their existing program as well, Alana and Ava decided to use a quasi-experimental design to evaluate their existing treatment approach against the evidence-based model. They would do this through randomly assigning clients into one or the other of the treatments, evaluating treatment outcomes during treatment, at discharge, and at 6 months post-discharge. Neither Ava nor Alana had conducted a formal evaluation before, so they consulted with an evaluator for guidance in finalizing the evaluation design, thus learning how to design and conduct the evaluation. They then developed informed consent forms for their clients and obtained approval through the agency’s human subjects committee to conduct the study. Ava and Alana developed a timeline to guide the evaluation, including the implementation date for the new treatment model, which was also the date that the evaluations would begin for both the existing and the new model. Following implementation, Alana and Ava met to review the initial fidelity and process evaluation data and were pleased to note that they had implemented the evidence-based model as designed. After 4 months, they had their initial outcomes data set, which did in fact illustrate significant differences between the two treatment groups, with clients who had received the evidence-based treatment showing greater improvements (i.e., fewer panic symptoms and less frequent episodes) than those clients who had received their existing treatment. Whereas Ava and Alana realized that these short-term outcomes may not translate into long-term outcomes, they were anxious to learn what the long-term outcomes would be. Soon enough, they witnessed the first four groups complete treatment and had enough data to analyze the post-treatment outcomes. The post-treatment outcomes also revealed significant differences between the two treatment groups, with the clients who had received the evidence-based treatment continuing to show even greater improvements (i.e., less panic symptoms and less frequent episodes) than those clients who had received the existing treatment. In addition, Ava and Alana’s existing treatment did not produce significant positive outcomes in comparison with the evidence-based model, and the findings did not indicate any significant change for this group. Because both the fidelity assessment and process implementation assessment results indicated that Alana and Ava had implemented the treatments as originally designed and intended and they had effectively conducted the evaluations, they were confident that the results of the outcomes evaluation were valid. Unfortunately, the outcomes did not provide evidence that the treatment approach that they had been using was effective, and therefore, they planned to immediately stop using it. In its place, they would continue to use the evidence-based treatment model that they had now become comfortable using and, more importantly, that had yielded significant positive outcomes for their clients. Being guided in this decision making by the evaluation data, Ava and Alana were excited about their newly adopted treatment approach, their outcomes, and the continuation of their evaluation program—which would continue to inform and guide their practice well into the future.

Colorado Technical University Organizational Sustainability Discussion Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CST 206 QCC Computer Forensics Analysis in The Jurisdictions of African Essay Writing Assignment Help

CST 206 -70 Computer Forensics Final Research paper requirements

Final research paper requirements:

The purpose of this final project is to explore and understand the aspects of Computer Forensics investigation and Incident Response techniques and practices.Your paper should relate a specific case, event, or related area of study and document how the details align with Computer Forensics principles and procedures.

Students should compose a 2 to 3 page paper that comprises of the following area(s):

  • Focuses on a specific forensic case, investigation, or area of study
  • Details the specifics of a case, incident, investigation, response or event
  • Define how your subject relates to the overall Computer Forensics field of study
  • Identify forensic technologies and techniques
  • Explain the forensic methodology used and its association with your case or incident

Also, feel free to give your opinion, thoughts, and feelings on a specific case, aspect of the case, or any other Forensics related aspect of your topic.

This should be a college level paper, of 2 to 3 pages, with an introduction, and summary.

  • It should contain the following;
  • 12 point font
  • Graphics as needed
  • Bibliography and source documents
  • No typing or spelling errors
  • Proper use of grammar
  • Formatted professionally
  • All original work

The Final paper for the CST 206 Sec 70 Computer Forensics will be due no later than Midnight on monday December 13th, 2020.


MAT 135A University of California Davis Statistics and Probability Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

I’m working on a statistics question and need a reference to help me learn.

see the picture below and finish it befure Due 11:59pm on Dec 10th.

1 Solve and turn in the following problems:
1. For a given shape S ⊆ R
, let c(S) = qVar(X) Var(Y )−Cov(X,Y )
(a) Let S = [−1, 1]2
. Determine c(S).
(b) Let S be the disk of radius 1. Determine c(S).
2. Describe a counterexample that shows that Markov’s inequality does
not hold if the random variable can take negative values. More precisely, show that there exits a random variable X and a value a > 0
such that P(X ≥ a) > E(X)/a.
3. Describe an example that shows that Chebyshev’s inequality is tight.
More precisely, show that there exists a random variable X and a value
> 0 such that P(|X − µ| ≥ ) = σ
. (Optional hint: find first an
example that shows that Markov’s inequality is tight)


AU Marketing Plan Quick Mart Inc Leading Trading Businesses Report Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Need written in British English and APA 7th formatted.

Will provide an exemplar marketing plan that you can follow/draw inspiration from.

Marketing Plan: Choose a business or marketing idea (i.e., new product/service) to deploy to the New Zealand marketplace. Your business or marketing idea must take place in New Zealand). A key element of your marketing plan is to conduct, at the very least, secondary research through the library database, or online, from reputable sources. Your marketing plan may also feature primary data (i.e., survey or open-ended responses from consumers, or businesses, directly). Note: You are NOT required to complete Step 6: Evaluation and Control. You will also need to support your environmental analysis and strategy with trusted concepts and references. Trusted sources include your textbook, journal articles and reports.

Step7: Executive Summary


Step1: Environmental Analysis:


Part A: The Marketing Environment

Competitive Forces:





Economic Forces:




Political Forces:



Legal and Regulatory Forces:



Technological Forces





Sociocultural Forces





Part B: Target Markets






Needs Analysis





Part C: Current Marketing Objectives and Performance

Review Marketing Objectives


Performance Analysis:







Step2: SWOT Analysis:

















Matching Strengths to Opportunities, Converting Weaknesses and Threats:




Step3: Marketing Objectives

Provide and Analyze Objectives:






Step4: Marketing Strengths

Target Markets:





Marketing Mix







Step5: Marketing Implementation

Marketing Organization:


Activities, Responsibility, and Timetable for Completion:













Step6: Evaluation and Control: (NOT REQUIRED)

Performance Standards and Financial Controls:













Monitoring Procedures:



COMM 335 EC Sexual Harassments in The Media Traumatic & Challenging Experience Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Topic: Sexual harassments in the media

Writing Requirements

  • The final research paper should be 7-9 pages in total, which includes both the title and reference pages.
  • The paper should include a title page, an introduction to your
    topic, and a thesis, which is the focus of your paper. In the body of
    the paper, you should include observations about the topic that you’ve
    researched as well as information about your knowledge of professional
    codes of ethics. Lastly, include a reference page.
  • Please provide headings for each of the sections in the paper.
  • 7 credible sources should appear on the reference list.
  • Be certain to provide in-text citations in the body of your paper to identify the sources of information.
  • Use transition sentences or paragraphs to guide the reader from one section of the paper to the next.
  • Write for an audience that is not familiar with your topic or
    ethical theories. You should provide definitions, examples, or
    explanations to assist their understanding.
  • Lastly, after you receive feedback on your draft, please
    list at the end of your final paper the areas that you tried to improve.
    Important: you must demonstrate that you have revised your paper given
    the feedback from your instructor. Points will be deducted if you do not
    provide this list.

Content Requirements

  1. On page 1, your title page should contain the title of your paper and your name. On page 2, begin your introduction.
  2. In your introduction, you should briefly summarize your paper topic
    and specific aspects of ethical communication your paper covers. You
    should create a thesis, which must appear as the last sentence of your
    introduction. It articulates in one sentence the aim or focus of your
  3. In the body of the paper, you should include the following items:
    1. Identify and define one or more ethical theories or concepts that apply to your topic.
    2. Discuss what others have written about this particular topic or issues related to this topic.
    3. Identify and cite codes of ethics that you examined that apply to your topic.
    4. Explain how the codes of ethics may have (1) helped identify ethical
      issues related to your topic and/or (2) provided guidance in making
      decisions about ethical communication related to your topic.

  4. In your summary, you could include the following:
    1. Consider and reflect on how individual cultural differences may
      impact the perspectives of your ethical communication topic. For
      example, how might people of different genders, races, ethnicities,
      nationalities, religious beliefs, etc. see the topic differently
      depending on their culture? How might these perspectives relate to one
      or more of the five key ethical values of truth, justice, freedom, care,
      and integrity?
    2. Reflect on your personal observations based on your personal code of
      ethics. How does your personal code of ethics impact your perspective
      on the topic?

  5. Conclude by summarizing one or more recommendations you feel are
    important for others to consider about aspects related to your topic
    that they might encounter in their lives.
  6. Please create page numbers for all pages, including your reference
    page. Your reference section should contain an alphabetical listing of
    each of the sources you used for the paper, formatted in APA style.


CSC 142 Geiger Counter Radiation Measurements Programming Project Programming Assignment Help

CSC 142 Geiger Counter Radiation Measurements Programming Project Programming Assignment Help

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