CSS 301 University Of Washington Problem of Gambling Among Youths Paper Writing Assignment Help

CSS 301 University Of Washington Problem of Gambling Among Youths Paper Writing Assignment Help. CSS 301 University Of Washington Problem of Gambling Among Youths Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Write a Problem/Solution paper to help the reader understand a problem they have and to solve it, using the solution(s) that you offer.

Your Audience – Determining your Scenario

With all assignments so far, I’ve given you the audience and scenario for your assignment.

With this assignment, you will do this yourself. Your job is to identify an audience who has a problem you’ve identified within your topic area. You can identify any problem area that exists within your topic area; the problem does not need to relate to or lead from your position paper.

In problem/solution writing, the audience is looking for a solution that is accessible to them, that they can use right away to solve a problem. So no editorials!

Pre-Writing brainstorming exercise to determine your scenario

  • Start with blank paper with your topic from Assignment #3 at the top. Go back to the original ,broad topic area, not the thesis you used, as that will restrict your thinking unnecessarily.
  • Reexamine/consider your research for your assignment and inventory what sorts of problems you read about.
  • For those problems, who had that problem? What could be a solution for the problem?
  • Once you have a series of example problems, audience, solutions, then pick one to write about for assignment #4.

In order for your instructor to be able to grade your assignment, he/she needs to be told about your scenario that you’ve established for your P/S paper by these pre-writing exercises.

Therefore, on a separate page, answer the following questions. NOTE: You MUST turn-in a copy of this scenario page with your assignment.

  • POV and Tone

  • Medium-formal to formal, depending on the scenario.
  • POV is whatever you need for your scenario.

    • Use 2nd POV (“you”) to address your reader, to include them in the solution.
    • Use 3rd POV to refer to anyone else. Do not use 3rd POV to address the reader.
    • Avoid 1st POV (e.g., “I”), unless your scenario calls for it. Problem solution isn’t about the author having the solution, rather the reader that has the problem.

Delivery Mechanism

You have 3 options. Choose the one the makes the most sense for your readers, i.e., the place they would most likely go to look for a solution. Your 3 options are

  • A report: either

    • internal (you are writing from within an organization) or
    • external (you are writing as a member of an outside NGO, consulting group, think tank, etc). You will need to make your report look as if it was produced by the organization with which you are affiliated, by using fonts, colors, logos, and any other design elements.
  • An article in an actual existing online or print newspaper or magazine. You will need to make your document look exactly like the real-world location.
  • A webpage. You will need to mimic the various elements of the actual webpage.

Length, Format

  • 550-600 words – Include your final word count at the bottom of your final page, as shown: [word count xxx]
  • Use headings for all the major sections: Introduction, headings in the body by step or solution or major point, Conclusion, and References.
  • Include a References section to identify any sources that you accessed or influenced you in the writing of this assignment. Based on your scenario, you might rename this “References” section and call it “For More Information,” “Sources,” “Further Reading,” etc. It depends on the delivery.
  • Format your assignment based on your exact – real world – delivery look. Do not make up a look. Match or copy an existing look, using your knowledge of Robin Williams’ C*R*A*P* and font principles as discussed in The Non-Designer’s Design Book.

Turn-in instructions and due dates on Canvas.

CSS 301 University Of Washington Problem of Gambling Among Youths Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Coastal Carolina University Prepare Now to Survive a Pandemic Proposal Memo Humanities Assignment Help

Proposal memo assignment

Assuming you read the syllabus, you know that this course centers around students’ majors (or jobs, if preferred). Many of the weekly assignments revolve around bringing technical documents into compliance with technical writing practices. (Your final report is to direct those recommended changes to the documents’ authors.)

This week, you will search the internet for one or more documents in your major (or work-related) that contains the following elements:

  • at least one term defined (i.e. a definition)
  • instructions of some sort (steps to follow)
  • a table or a figure (graph, image, etc.)
  • some kind of decomposed description of some sort (a list of parts or stages or features that are defined or described).

Do not look for “perfect” documents; that will be harder for you. Instead, look for documents (PDFs, webpages, etc.) that you know aren’t perfect, or are problematic. This gives you more to work with.

In your propoasal memo this week, please outline or describe the ways in which your documents fit those criteria. You might list the criteria and they page they’re on, for example,

My document titled “…” has

  • a graph on p. 1
  • a set of x steps to follow for how to … on pp. 4–5 .

It can be just as simple as that.

Please note that this assignment should look like a business document, not a school assignment. So please use a memo heading (after doing the reading); use my name in the To: field; make sure the title of your document (e.g. “documents proposal” or something similar” is in the subject field and that you do not repeat the title.

My major is “Health Administration” and the memo would need to revolve around it.

you can read pages 66-72 to get a better understanding


Maintaining Data Integrity with Hash Functions Presentation Programming Assignment Help

12 slide powerpoint presentation that you will present and a 1 page single spaced summary and an annotated reference list as described below

Defend your choice of topic in 500 words or more. Include at least 3 expert supporting quotes surrounded by quotation marks and cited in-line. Provide an annotated reference list at the end. Annotations consist of two paragraphs of at least five sentences each about each of at least five references. The first paragraph should summarize the content of the source and the second are your thoughts or reflections about the source.

Topic: Maintaining data integrity with hash functions


CGD 318 Ashford University Wk 3 New Product Sale New Release Writing Assignment Help

News Release [CLOs: 1-6]

Review the section entitled “The Format of a News Release” in the beginning of Chapter 6. Choose an existing product or a made up product and write a one to two page news release (not including title and reference pages) announcing the introduction of the new product using the provided format.

The paper:

  • Must be one to two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at leaste one scholarly source in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


MGMT 630 HU Managing Organizations Organizational Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Discussion 1

The UMGC Library has wonderful resources available to you that show you how to write and cite in APA style.  (APA is one among several academic writing styles; others are MLA, Chicago, and then for journalists the style is AP.)    The good news is that it is easy because there are so many resources to help you.


  1. Go to the Library and choose a scholarly article less than five years old, from the online library that features an organizational theory or theorist.
  2. In the initial post write a 2-3 paragraph summary of the selected article focusing in the way management is unique for the field.
  3. DO NOT PROVIDE THE TITLE, Cite, Author or link. Merely create a heading that describes the subject area, for example Not for Profit Management.
  4. Choose 4-5 other posts to reply to and using your library skills to find the article and link for the student’s post.
  5. In addition to the link you have identified and referenced compare the skills mentioned in the post review and compare them with your own article.
  6. Extend the conversation by working with the class to create a list of common management skills for today and how they would differ from some of the early theorists.
  7. Include the list and your explanation in your final discussion post.


As you know, our first discussion forum requires you to locate a scholarly article. 

You’ll find a link to the online library under the Resources tab in the top navbar (navigation bar) in our classroom. However, if you need to learn how to or brush up on how to locate scholarly articles in the library, you may want to go here to view the special MGMT library module created for us.   This can also be accessed under Content, Course Resources.  

Grading – Discussions are graded according to four criteria:

  • Content – Does it address the assignment and demonstrate understanding of concepts, etc.?
  • Support – Do posts provide relevant credible sources in support?  Note: Scholarly sources from the UMGC online library and course readings are the only relevant sources to be used in this course, unless otherwise specified.  (Web sources are not scholarly sources.)  APA in-text cites and references at the end are expected. 
  • Participation – Are there sufficient and substantive posts throughout the discussion period?  (Replies to 4-5 classmates ASAP, before the last day, are expected.)
  • Writing and APA – Are posts well written, error-free, and do they use proper APA Style citations and references?  


Discussion: Organizational Structures & Culture Sessions 3-5

The exercise is comprised of analyzing different types of organizational structure and workflow.  Select three different organizations from different industries. Contact management (via phone/email, etc.) and explain that you are a graduate student conducting a study on organizational structure and that you would like to find out how the company works and decision-making flows. Ensure that your questions will only be used in class.  You may need to explain some of these items or ask more questions to have the correct category or answer. Be cautious of your safety during a pandemic or other concerns. 

Name of Business & Industry




Employee contacted

job title

Org Goals/Mission

Type of technology using

Organization structure

Team vs individual


Tasks: Routine vs non-routine

Specialization of tasks by employee

Standardization of products/services

Decision making


Does your company culture support the mission? Can you give examples?

Type of market focus

What surprised you about the responses and why?


Next, post your finished table to the discussion area along with;

  • an evaluation of common areas and findings/conclusions
  • how organizational structure supports goals/mission
  • how organizational culture supports goals/mission
  • Support your work with at least one scholarly source and with information from this session’s readings
  • Finally, reply to 4-5 other learners showing an understanding of the content, expanding on the topics, and extending the conversation with your research.

Annotated Reading List

In this assignment, you will be seeking to compare the functional duties that a manager has within an organization today with those of the past. According to our definition, managers are involved in planning, organizing, directing, and controlling.

Your manager overheard you telling a colleague that you are taking a graduate-level organizational theory class at UMGC.  He remembers his college course on organizational theory and realizes that he found the knowledge he learned extremely useful over the years. Experience has taught him that professional development is a lifelong endeavor. He wonders if there are new theories and ideas that may help him be a better manager. He has asked you to provide him with a list of articles and/or videos he could read/watch to refresh his memory with the older theorists and introduce him to the new theorists and schools of thought. He would like to see your take on the material so he asks that you guide him through your choices with a summary of their content. He would also like to read your choice as to what theory or theorists you find most relevant to today. Here are the points he wants you to address:

  • Using OneSearch in the online library, conduct a search for at least 6 scholarly articles on management theory.
  • The articles should reflect the evolution of management theory.  Article selection should consider the major schools of thought and lead theorists representative of the school. 
  • Using the APA template format found here Annotated Bibliography create an annotated bibliography. The articles should be summarized in at least one or two paragraphs as the format suggests.
  • Give a two-paragraph summary of the schools of thought, how they have changed, and why.
  • Conclude with a two to three paragraph discussion your selection of one theory and lead theorist that you feel is most relevant today. Give your reasoning for the selection. This should be supported with examples from class readings related to the modern organization.
  • Follow APA style guidelines for the title page, citations and reference cited page. The paper should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins with 12 pt. font.
  • Upload your assignment in the Assignment Folder.

Additional Requirements and How to Prepare the Submission

  • Submissions should be in proper business writing forms.   
  • If appropriate for the assignment APA formatting is required (in-text and reference list only).
  • Read the grading rubric for the assignment
  • Check the instructions to make sure all elements of the assignment have been covered.
  • Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second-person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person .
  • Contractions are not used in business writing, so the expectation is that students do not use contractions in assignments.
  • Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. This means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, put a passage from a source document into your own words, and attribute the passage to the source document. Provide the page or paragraph number. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.
  • Students are expected to use a variety as well as multiple course readings and research to support ideas, reasoning, and conclusions.
  • Submit the final project into the appropriate assignment submission folder.  Once submitted, the project is eligible for grading and students will not be permitted to make changes or make another submission.

NOTE:  All submitted work is to be your original work. You may not use any work from another student, the Internet or an online clearinghouse.  You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations with regard to proper citation of sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 7th Ed. (Students are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only). 

Due DateSep 15, 2020 11:59 PM



ALU Impact of Technology Followership in Global Technology Companies Paper Writing Assignment Help

Followership in tech companies .

  1. Background- Here you will provide general information, including facts, historical data, and relevant context regarding your topic of research. In-text citations are required for critical information provided in this section;
  2. Statement of the Problem- in this section you will define your main problem or the reason why you feel there is a need for your research. What will happen if your proposed research is never conducted? You will also need to identify whether this problem is mainly concerned with individuals or companies, or if there is a broader context, such as an entire industry or the society/economy in general. (Note: While you are stating your opinion as the problem that needs to be studied, you must avoid using statements in the first person in this section as well as the entire dissertation.)
  3. Purpose of the Study- this section should help the reader clearly understand what your research intends to accomplish. The following information must be included in the purpose of the study; research design (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods), phenomena being studied, covered geography (if applicable), theoretical framework (with references to specific theories that will be used in structuring the study), and study variables (properly defined).
  4. Research Questions- use this section to clearly define your research questions. Use level three headings in APA style to define your research questions. Avoid using double barrel or double negative statements in defining research questions. (Note: Quantitative or mixed research methods require specific hypotheses to accompany each research question. However, the research hypothesis will be defined in the methodology section).
  5. Nature of the Study- in this section you will need to describe your research methodology and explain why is appropriate given the purpose of the study. In doing so, you will need to discuss how the study design allows you to accomplish your goals in conducting this research.
    In addition, in this section you should provide important details regarding the study design, key variables or constructs involved and any considerations regarding their measurement. In particular, you will need to briefly define your proposed method of data collection, including surveys and instruments, and sampling considerations.
  6. Significance of the Study- in this section, clarify whether your study is categorized as “basic” or “applied” research and how it contributes to the field of study. What are the expected benefits of having the answer to the research questions outlined above?
  7. Definition of Terms- provide a conceptual or empirical definition of all variables that will be used in your study. Use level three headings in APA style to define each variable. (Note: in chapter three, the methodology section, you will need to define operational definitions for these variables, i.e., definitions that will be used to measure or calculate these variables. Here, however, you just need to provide a conceptual definition of these terms).

ALU Impact of Technology Followership in Global Technology Companies Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Module 1 Integrated Marketing Communications Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

To help you think through the real meaning and the elements of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and why it is essential for brand promotional success.

Now write a story about the many marketing communications, ads, blogs, influencers that find you, and you actually seek yourselves.

Use a combination of current products and your own real-life examples as analogies to explain your understanding of IMC. Be specific. What do you as the targeted customer want or need? How do companies go about getting that information to you in this digital age? How do you go about finding the pre-buying information you need in this digital age? Also, reflect on the ads and texts and intrusions into your life that you get about products and services that have absolutely no interest to you (at least right now at this stage of your life).



California Miramar University Mission of The United Players Group Case Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The marketing mix concept (the 4 Ps of marketing) is a key concept in all business operations (especially athletic program fundraising). From the following scenario, develop a preliminary marketing mix synopsis.

You are the club directors of a not-for-profit junior level (any sport) program. The club operates in a small community (population under 20,000) and its funds are limited. To achieve the club’s mission and long-term goals, it is imperative that external funds be acquired. Develop a preliminary marketing mix which answers the following:

1. What type of product (fundraising activity, event,or program) could you operate and who will it target in the community? This should be decided by both team members. (30pts)

2. What type of pricing structure will you use? Completed by one member. (25pts)

3. How will you distribute/place the fundraiser, event, or program in the community? Completed by one member. (25pts)

4. What type of promotional tactics will you consider (remember the club program’s funds are limited) Completed by one member. (25pts)

5. Create either a PowerPoint or Google Presentation. Completed by one member. (25pts)

You need to justify your answers and not just give a short simple answer.


GCU The Brain and The Nervous System Presentation Science Assignment Help

I would like some help with this assignment. The instructions state:

Create a PowerPoint presentation (9-12 slides) that outlines the basic functions of the brain and nervous system. Be sure to address the following issues in your presentation:

  1. Brain: Illustrate the major lobes of the brain as well as the areas in the sub-cortex. A brief description of the function of each component should be included.
    • Show the gross anatomy of the brain.
    • Show both the neurons and various types of glial cells.
    • Identify the structure of a neuron.
  1. Nervous System: Illustrate the major components of the nervous system (Central/Peripheral, Autonomic/Somatic, and Sympathetic/Parasympathetic). Also, include the basic functions of each section, along with the basic functions of neurons.
    • Show the gross anatomy of the nervous system
    • Show synaptic transmission
    • Explain what happens to cells during an action potential

You are required to use a minimum of two to four scholarly resources.


Grand Canyon University Gordon Parks Civil Right Movement Photos Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

1. Select any 1 BLACK AND WHITE photograph by Gordon Parks that represents an aspect of the Civil Rights Movement and compare/contrast it against any 1 KODACHROME COLOR photography by Parks that also represents an aspect of the Civil Rights Movement .

2. Think critically about and discuss the racist history behind the development of color film stocks and the color photography printing processes, specifically: Kodachrome.

3. Discuss why Kodachrome was an especially meaningful choice of photographic medium for Gordon Parks to use during the Civil Right Movement. In what ways does this intersect with the concept that “the medium is the message”?


CSS 301 University Of Washington Problem of Gambling Among Youths Paper Writing Assignment Help

CSS 301 University Of Washington Problem of Gambling Among Youths Paper Writing Assignment Help

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