CST 100 Persuasive Marijuana Legal for Recreational Use Nationwide Strategy Report Business Finance Assignment Help. CST 100 Persuasive Marijuana Legal for Recreational Use Nationwide Strategy Report Business Finance Assignment Help.
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SPEECH TOPIC: Marijuana should be legal for recreational use nationwide
- Note the specific purpose of your speech. After noting the purpose statement, reflect further on the type of persuasive message you will be developing using terms from class: a speech to change attitudes, call for action, inspire commitment, or compare and contrast perspectives.
- Note the thesis statement of your presentation using the guidelines for framing a thesis sentence. Observe how the content of your speech will be most closely centered on claims of fact, questions of value or questions of policy?
- Explain your strategies for Audience Analysis and Adaptation
- Review the outcomes from the Audience Analysis Questionnaire (PDF DOC ATTACHMENT BELOW) Explain how you will tailor your speech to the audience in light of the political typology, audience demographics, values and attitudes.
- In terms from our text how do you expect audience members to respond to your message? Note especially pp. 218-220.
- Drawing further from Chapter Nine, describe the best ways to motivate your audience with this topic. In what way will they be motivated in light of how relevant the topic is to their interests, timeliness of the subject matter, and significance to their lives?
- Drawing on our audience analysis, how can you create identification with your audience in terms of the value priorities of the audience? Identify shared values to emphasize that relate to the position you hold.
- Identify your Principle Persuasive Strategies using the terms from Chapter Fourteen that explains types of arguments, from Chapter Eleven on modes of proof, from Chapter Sixteen for aspects of credibility and Organizational Pattern for persuasiveness viz. Problem-Solution, Problem-Cause-Solution, Comparative Advantages, Monroe Motivated Sequence. In addition, explain what types of Supporting Materials you intend to use in your speech using the terms from Chapter Ten.
- Review the feedback you received from your classmates from your last two speeches as well as your own assessments of your speeches. Highlight two or three goals for improvement you want to accomplish in light of that feedback.
Present the Preparation Outline of your speech with side notes that explain how you are developing the parts of your speech. Draw on Chapter 12 to include the essential elements, noting that the parts of your outline should follow the four rules for the preparation outline detailed in pp. 160-161:
- Introduction: the five parts of attention-getter, relevance to audience, develop credibility, state your argument and preview of main points, and relevance of the topic to yourself. This may be done in paragraphs or in full-sentence outline format.
- Body: Include the main points and the sub points with a full-sentence format and use notations to identify the various elements: label the enumeration of main points in Roman numerals, identify persuasive strategies for the sub points that are indicated with capital letters drawing on the principle persuasive strategies that you highlighted in #4 above, note the kinds of supporting material that you indicated with numbers and use labels to identify the type of evidence used such as examples, narratives, surveys, types of testimony, analogies, definitions, numbers and statistics.
- Conclusion: Identify how you are accomplishing the goals of the ending such as signaling your conclusion, summary/instant replay function, and statement of closure/action to clinch the ending.
CST 100 Persuasive Marijuana Legal for Recreational Use Nationwide Strategy Report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Rock Solid Industrial Parts Business & Risks and Changing Trends Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
- Papers must meet the following guidelines (remember you are writing for your “boss”):
- Length: 10 or so single-spaced pages plus a cover page and at the back an endnote page is a fairly average minimum. (Great papers will be 15 to 20 pages)
- Executive Summary: On cover page. In this case, limit to four to five sentences summarizing your analysis.
- Citations: At the end of the paper as Endnotes starting on separate page – use Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago Style). Do not use in text MLA or APA citations. And, do not use a bibliography or references page – Endnotes are the bibliography/references.
- Pictures, graphs, and charts: Readable but reasonable in size. Follow the 1/3 2/3 Rule. (See the following for an example)
- Question Sections: Restate the question in 4 or 5 words and use as the section header (in bold print). Do not start with or use “Question #1” or anything remotely similar. Avoid ‘Section’ numbering and Table of Contents – the paper is not long enough to justify their use.
- Look and feel: (See the following examples)
- Single spaced Times New Roman 12 point font (Never double space in business communications)
- Block justified w 1” margins (top, bottom, and sides)
- Illustrations: Format as ‘Text Wrapping Square’ and place to the left or to the right (preferred) of the text – never in the center. Use the 1/3 – 2/3 Rule and watch your margins.
- Cover page: (See the following examples
- Case Title: Times New Roman 16pt font
- Executive Summary: Times New Roman 12pt font
- Avoid illustrations (Keep it simple, neat and clean)
- The purpose of the case analysis is to present you with a typical scenario you will encounter in business at some point in your early career and to let you apply the concepts you’ve learned in class and/or from the book to analyze the issues facing a specific company (or person). For a good case analysis, you must closely examine the issues with which the company is confronted. A case analysis is not an essay or a report:
Case = A statement of facts and reasons (figures, charts and graphs as well as data) used to support an argument.Analysis = A careful and methodical investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relationships in making up the whole. Requires critical thinking.You will probably need to read the case several times – once to grasp the overall picture of what is happening with the company and then several more times to discover and grasp the specific problem(s) that need to be addressed.Generally, “textbook driven” cases provide clear hints as to what to consider – typically in the form of questions to be answered. The questions may also provide the high-level background that offers both the direction your answer should take and potential sources of additional information. In the case of questions posed by a senior manager in the work environment, such as this case, the questions to be answered may be less clear and will require you to develop/consider additional questions – i.e. you must apply a significant degree of research and critical thinking to explore and articulate alternatives.
- Cover page: (See the following examples
- Case Title: Times New Roman 16pt font
- Executive Summary: Times New Roman 12pt font
- Avoid illustrations (Keep it simple, neat and clean)
The purpose of the case analysis is to present you with a typical scenario you will encounter in business at some point in your early career and to let you apply the concepts you’ve learned in class and/or from the book to analyze the issues facing a specific company (or person). For a good case analysis, you must closely examine the issues with which the company is confronted. A case analysis is not an essay or a report:
- Case = A statement of facts and reasons (figures, charts and graphs as well as data) used to support an argument.
- Analysis = A careful and methodical investigation of the component parts of a whole and their relationships in making up the whole. Requires critical thinking.
You will probably need to read the case several times – once to grasp the overall picture of what is happening with the company and then several more times to discover and grasp the specific problem(s) that need to be addressed.Generally, “textbook driven” cases provide clear hints as to what to consider – typically in the form of questions to be answered. The questions may also provide the high-level background that offers both the direction your answer should take and potential sources of additional information. In the case of questions posed by a senior manager in the work environment, such as this case, the questions to be answered may be less clear and will require you to develop/consider additional questions – i.e. you must apply a significant degree of research and critical thinking to explore and articulate alternatives.
UCLA Reading Raw Data Files and Data Transformation Lab Report Programming Assignment Help
using SAS,using SAS,using SAS,
2 parts, using SAS,
1. Using Formatted Input
The raw data file sales1.dat has employee information for the Australian and U.S. sales staff.
The record layout is shown in the table below.
Layout for sales1.dat
Field Description |
Starting Column |
Length of Field |
Data Type |
Employee ID |
1 |
6 |
Numeric |
First Name |
8 |
12 |
Character |
Last Name |
21 |
18 |
Character |
Gender |
40 |
1 |
Character |
Job Title |
43 |
20 |
Character |
Salary |
64 |
8 |
Numeric $100,000 |
Country |
73 |
2 |
Character ‘AU’ or ‘US’ |
Birth Date |
76 |
10 |
Numeric mm/dd/yyyy |
Hire Date |
87 |
10 |
Numeric mm/dd/yyyy |
a. Create a new SAS data set named sales_staff that contains the fields indicated by arrows in the
layout table.
b. Print sales_staff and add an appropriate title.
Partial PROC PRINT Output (165 Total Observations)
Australian and US Sales Staff
Employee_ Hire_
ID Last_Name Job_Title Salary Date
120102 Zhou Sales Manager 108255 12205
120103 Dawes Sales Manager 87975 6575
120121 Elvish Sales Rep. II 26600 6575
120122 Ngan Sales Rep. II 27475 8217
120123 Hotstone Sales Rep. I 26190 18901
2. Reading Multiple Input Records per Observation
The raw data file sales2.dat has employee information for the Australian and U.S. sales staff.
Information for each employee is in three lines of raw data.
The record layouts are shown below.
Line 1 layout
Field Description |
Starting Column |
Length of Field |
Data Type
Employee ID |
1 |
6 |
Numeric |
First Name |
8 |
12 |
Character |
Last Name |
21 |
18 |
Character |
Line 2 layout
Field Description |
Starting Column |
Length of Field |
Data Type
Job Title |
1 |
20 |
Character |
Hire Date |
22 |
10 |
Numeric mm/dd/yyyy |
Salary |
33 |
8 |
Numeric for example, $100,000 |
Line 3 layout
Field Description |
Starting Column |
Length of Field |
Data Type
Gender |
1 |
1 |
Character |
Birth Date |
3 |
10 |
Numeric mm/dd/yyyy |
Country |
14 |
2 |
Character |
a. Create a new SAS data set named sales_staff2 that contains the fields indicated by arrows in the layout table.
b. Print sales_staff2 and add an appropriate title.
Partial PROC PRINT Output (165 Total Observations)
Australian and US Sales Staff
Employee_ Hire_
ID Last_Name Job_Title Date Salary
120102 Zhou Sales Manager 12205 108255
120103 Dawes Sales Manager 6575 87975
120121 Elvish Sales Rep. II 6575 26600
120122 Ngan Sales Rep. II 8217 27475
120123 Hotstone Sales Rep. I 18901 26190
BANA 5368 Sam Houston State University Histogram and Box Plots Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Exobank Financial Holdings (EFH) is in the process of acquiring a peer-to-peer (P2P) lending company known as FundZap. P2P lending companies are essentially marketplaces that primarily serve the needs of individuals looking for loans. A single loan, say, for $5000, may be funded by several notes from individuals chipping in, say, $25 each. The benefit to using P2P lending for the borrower is often a lower interest rate or more flexible terms. For the peer lender, the benefit is 1 an investment with potentially higher returns than savings accounts or CDs. gaining further insight into FundZap’s platform. EFH is interested in gaining further insight into FundZap’s platform.
2.b. (b) Create neatly formatted and labeled histograms and box plots for each numeric variable in the data set that you identified in the previous question. Present the graphs in pairs for each variable, and describe, briefly and specifically, what insights each pair of graphs gives you about the customers that EFH has acquired through FundZap.
HIST 2010 East Tennessee State University US History and US Constitution Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help
US Constitution Worksheet
US History I HIST 2010
1. Which Article of the Constitution tells us how to change the constitution if it needs to be done?
2. Which Article of the Constitution deals with the office of the President and the Executive Branch of our government?
3. Which Article of the Constitution deals with the Legislative Branch of Government?
4. Which Article of the Constitution tells us how the Constitution will be ratified by the States?
5. Which Article of the Constitution tells us about the Federal Judiciary and the Supreme Court?
6. Which Article of the Constitution tells us which branch of Government will have the power to tax the citizens?
7. According to the Constitution, how is the President selected for office?
8. According to the Constitution, how are Senators selected for office?
9. According to the Constitution, how are Federal Judges placed on the Bench?
10. According to the Constitution, how are Representatives in Congress selected for office?
11. According to the Constitution, How Many rights does the Constitution give to citizens?
Sofia University Development and Applications of Buyer Persona Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the materials recommended under Module 2 Readings & Media to prepare a presentation on the development and applications of buyer personas
Please also do a Google image search for “buyer persona” and view several examples available online.
Presentation Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Quality |
60.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics |
20.0 pts |
Total Points: 100.0 |
Bernstein, G. (n.d.). How to create UX personas. Mastery. https://uxmastery.com/create-ux-personas/ (Links to an external site.)
Infegy. (2020). Dads personas: A social insights report.
https://content.infegy.com/hubfs/2020_DadPersonas/Infegy2020DadsPersonas.pdf (Links to an external site.)
Pickering, B. (2016, January 13). Creating powerful personas. Slide Share.
https://www.slideshare.net/blakepickering7/creating-powerful-personas?from_action=save (Links to an external site.)
Walter, T., & Diddan, A. (2020, September). Marketing a gaming app? New research shares the creative elements that drive installs. Think with Google. https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-apac/marketing-strategies/app-and-mobile/marketing-gaming-app-new-research-shares-creative-elements-drive-installs/ (Links to an external site.)
Young, I. (2016, March 15). Describing personas. Medium.
Sofia University Development and Applications of Buyer Persona Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
RCC How the Commerce Clause Made Congress All Powerful Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Watch the complete video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SDf5_Thqsk
What is the difference between the way progressives (Chemerinsky) and libertarians/conservatives (Eastman) interpret the Constitution. Describe the difference between the two approaches to the Constitution in at least two of the cases mentioned in the video. Given the whole of the conversation, with whose interpretation of the powers of Congress to do you tend to agree? Why? Cite and give evidence from the video.
Do not cut and paste anything from the Internet without quotation marks or proper citation – this is plagiarism. Everything not in quotation marks or cited must be in your own words. Make sure to write a 250-300 word post and to reply to at least one other student with a 100-word response.
14 |
Grossmont Cuyamaca College Structure and Function of Plasma Membrane Questions Science Assignment Help
Complete the following scenarios on osmosis, movement of water. These will be similar to what you will have on the next exam
- A red blood cell (0.9% NaCl) is placed into a solution of 20% NaCl. The water is able to mov through the cell membrane, what happens to the red blood cell in this situation? Is this environment (outside solution) that the cell was placed into hypertonic or hypotonic?
- A red blood cell (0.9% NaCl) is placed into a solution of 100% DI water. The membrane is again permeable to water. What happens to the cell in this situation? Is this environment (outside solution) hypertonic or hypotonic?
- A plant cell (0.9% NaCl) is placed into a solution of 20% NaCl, the membrane is permeable to water. What happens to the plant cell?
- A plant cell (0.9% NaCl) is placed into a solution of 100% DI water, the membrane is permeable to water. What happens to the plant cell?
5 A dialysis bag (simulating a membrane) of 15% glucose is placed in a beaker of 5% glucose. The bag is permeable to both water and glucose.
A. What is the net movement of water?
B. What is the net movement of glucose?
C. Which solution in this situation s hypertonic and which is hypotonic?
UWM Eastern Religions Confucianism Hinduism & the Bhagavad Gita Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Follow the instructions carefully.
Answer the following questions as completely as you can in a single essay: Of the religions we’ve studied thus far, through the Eastern Relgions, all are concerned with balance in the universe, but which of them are more focused on peace (ahimsa) and which are ultimately more focused on notions of duty?…explain.Which are more concerned with allegiance to gods? How might these two questions be connected? (You might want to look at the Bhagavad Gita and Confucianism as a starting point.)
- Your paper should be at least three pages (that means to the bottom of the third page).It should not be more than four pages. It must be double spaced and typed in 12 point Times New Roman font.
- Provide a cover page.Start your essay at the top of the next page.The cover page is not included in the three page minimum.
- Begin with a strong thesis statement followed by relevant evidence from the readings and lecture.Cite Nadeau, Holloway, or Wright as (author pg.#); and cite the presentations/lectures as Colling + lecture/slide #, e.g. (Colling 5/42). Cite often.Document each claim that you make, but use only the assigned sources, i.e. readings and lectures.
- The only outside sources you may use are videos or web pages that have been assigned.Do not be tempted to use outside sources.If you use any sources not assigned for the class, your paper will receive a zero.The purpose of the exam is to assess your understanding of the readings.
- Do not plagiarize.Plagiarism will result in a zero score.
ECON Macroeconomics Of COVID 19 Questions Economics Assignment Help
MACROECONOMICS OF COVID-19 (more advanced)
The objective of this exercise is to illustrate how one can use the model studied in class to think about current events. More than getting the correct answers, I want you to explain carefully how you set up the problem and how you understand it.
Consider the production model presented in your textbook. The economy is described by an aggregate production function, an exogenous supply of labor, and an exogenous supply of capital. During a pandemic, participation to market activities (work, consumption…) generates infections. Suppose that the number of infections is proportional to the number of employed workers and is equal to T = π L where π is a parameter capturing how contagious the virus is. The social cost of an infection is f . Think of this cost as the pain from being sick, the risk of death, the cost of hospitalization, and so on. Consider a benevolent social planner (government) who chooses the amount of capital (K) and labor (L) used in production (e.g., by imposing lock-downs) in order to maximize aggregate output net of the cost of infections, Y − T f . Aggregate production is given by the Cobb-Douglas production function with capital share equal to 1/3, as in the textbook. Recall that K and L cannot be larger than the amount of capital in the economy (K ¯) and the labor force (L ¯).
What is the optimal use of labor and capital? Solve in closed form the share of the labor force that is deemed essential (optimal) to participate as a function of all exogenous variables and parameters, including π and f.
How does the share of the essential workers vary if the virus is more contagious (π increases) or more deadly (fincreases)?