CSUCI The Affordable Care Act Policy Issue Purpose & Significance Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

CSUCI The Affordable Care Act Policy Issue Purpose & Significance Essay Health Medical Assignment Help. CSUCI The Affordable Care Act Policy Issue Purpose & Significance Essay Health Medical Assignment Help.

I’m working on a global health report and need a sample draft to help me study.
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Focus is on Affordable Care Act

Please focus on the policies within the Affordable Care Act . The outline to this paper will be listed below


—Policy Introduction ( explain what the policies are or what this act is )

—Policy Issues ( Issues that are brought up with the Affordable Care Act)

—Policy Purpose (What is the purpose for this Act, who is it serving, how was it supposed to be helpful

—Significance ( Expand more on how it is meant to be helpful and who is the target population, and what is the governments involvement in the act )

—Policy Analysis ( Is it effective? How can it be improved ? And is it benefiting the people/ population

–Discussions, Conclusion and Recommendation ( Add recommendations on how it can be improved , What policies within this act are effective and which are not )

Include References ( minimum of 10 ) and it must be no later than the year 2014

Must at least have 2,000 Words

CSUCI The Affordable Care Act Policy Issue Purpose & Significance Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UM Potential Liability Concerns & Litigation on New Business Entities Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business law writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Answer must be around 3 paragraphs or 400 words (give or take 50 words).

Dental Light (DL), a publicly traded corporation incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Austin, Texas, develops and manufactures a range of laser-based products used in dental care. The patents covering DL’s key products are due to expire in November 2031.

Wanda Wave and Patrick Photon ran the Research and Development division of DL. They were both officers. They had each signed nondisclosure agreements with DL. The employee handbook which they also signed stated that all disputes between the employer and the employee would be resolved by litigation in the state of Texas.

In 2019, Wanda and Patrick developed an optical imaging technology they dubbed Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). They developed OCT at work using frequency technology owned by Dental Light. Like an ultrasound device, OCT generates a real-time two dimensional image of living tissue. The OCT has potential applications in the fields of dentistry and ophthalmology, as well as in other medical fields. Wanda and Patrick have sketched out ideas for many other related inventions but they have not yet done any work, such as developing prototypes.

Wanda and Patrick have grown increasingly dissatisfied at DL, due to its heavy bureaucracy. Patrick emails their discovery on March 4, 2019, to his wealthy friend Roarke Ruby who lives in Dallas. Roarke agreed to be an “angel” investor to help Wanda and Patrick develop their own company by investing $5M. Patrick and Wanda quit their jobs at Dental Light. On April 27, 2019, Patrick and Wanda file for a patent in the US, the EU and Japan for their OCT invention, listing themselves as the inventors.

Wanda and Patrick want to sever all ties with Texas so they move to the state of Washington. They now want to form a new entity in Washington to be called Laser Diagnostics. Laser Diagnostics will manufacture and sell the OCT product, as well as the additional inventions Patrick and Wanda are planning to develop. Patrick and Wanda want the ownership interests to be equal, although they realize Roarke may want a larger ownership interest compared to theirs, given his large investment in the company. No party wants personal liability. Roarke does not want to be involved in the day to day management of the company, but for his investment, he does want a seat on the board of directors.

Wanda and Patrick know they will need to approach several venture capital firms in the coming year to raise about $15 million to fund the FDA application and preclinical trials. They also want to have strong incentives to help them recruit high level employees.

Wanda and Patrick are also concerned that DL is not happy about this and may pursue them for legal claims in Texas. They would prefer litigation to take place in Washington. The only time they go to Texas now is for quarterly board meetings with Roarke.

They seek advice on the various legal issues presented by this situation. How would you advise them? How would you advise Roarke? What potential liability concerns do they have?


ANTHRO 404 Washington State University Selfscape Dreams Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Make sure you correctly use the following terms in your discussion:

  • id
  • ego
  • superego
  • reality principle/pleasure principle
  • repression
  • need/desire
  • sublimation
  • free association
  • manifest content/latent content
  • day residue

Q2: What does Kracke mean that culture offers dreaming mind a grammar? Give examples. What does Kracke mean that cultures offer our dreaming minds thesauri. Give examples from the Parintintin of Brazil, Annette’s dream, from Limbong and Steve’s dreams and from the Balinese and Samoan dreams you read earlier this semester.

Q3: Discuss Krake’s interpretations of Manezinho’s dreams. What are his forbidden wishes and how are they symbolized in each of the dreams he recounts? Give examples of symbolization in the dreams and dream puns. Do hidden meanings come more to the surface through the series of dreams Manezinho recounts? If so, please explain.

This is all in chapter 8 of the book linked below



Miami Dade College Policy Politics and Regulation in The Nursing Field Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Read Chapter on Davis Plus: Triaxial of Action: Policy, Politics, and Nursing in order to answer the questions below. Book and chapter PDF attached.
1. Mention the four critical reasons for the need for regulation in the nursing field.
2. What are the goals for the Designation Magnet Recognition Program for Nursing?
3. What is the role of the Health and Human Services Department?
4. What the abbreviation stands for ICN and NCSBN?
5. What is Policy
6. Why should nurses become active in the development of policy and politics?
7. What are the four spheres of Political Influence?
8. What is Multi-state licensure?
9. Who was Florence Nightingale?
10. Mention two of the Lillian Wald’s accomplishment
11. What does NCLEX exam do for nurses?
12. What is the Nursing Practice Act?


The Fight how Things Are Done and How Society Perceives Things Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

In Section 6 of “The Fight”, Dana says that Tom Weylin “wasn’t a monster…[he was] just an ordinary man who sometimes did the monstrous things his society said were legal and proper”.

In two well-developed paragraph, complete the following:

  • Explain what Dana’s statement means and how this statement can apply to Rufus and/or Tom Weylin.
  • Discuss to what extent you agree with Dana’s statement. Comment on what bigger statement about society Butler is making with this idea.
  • Make sure you have zero plagiarism and zero grammar mistakes.
  • This must be written in two well-developed paragraphs (no more than two)



FNU BSN Program Laceration and Sprain Care Guidelines Gangrene Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

An 11-year-old boy presents to the emergency room (ER) with a 4-inch laceration on his right arm. He was with his friends doing bicycle stunts when he fell off his bike and cut his arm on a rusty nail from the ramp. In addition, his wrist is swollen, bruised, tender to touch, and warm, with limited mobility. He will most likely need stitches to close the laceration and a splint for the sprain.

a. After treatment, as he prepares to leave, you give him last-minute care instructions for laceration and sprain. What would be important for this boy to know to prevent further health concerns with his injuries?

b. The boy concernedly asks you, “My uncle lost his foot because he got gangrene in it. Am I going to lose my arm if I get an infection in this cut?” How would you respond?

Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

FNU BSN Program Laceration and Sprain Care Guidelines Gangrene Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ABC Knowledge & Leadership Theories like Servant Leadership Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Executive Program Practical Connection Assignment

At WSU, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that
allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and
knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will
demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or
theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current
work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these
theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those
must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a
connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment
asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives
were applied or could be applied in the workplace.


GEN 215 National Louis University Leadership in the Workplace Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

1.Review your class notes and the VUCA World PowerPoint.

  1. Complete Milestone 3: The Social Skills of Leadership:
    • Acceptance and collaboration
    • Eye contact
    • Listening
    • Reframing
  2. Of the skills above, identify a movie character that exemplifies one or more of these social skills.
    • How did they specifically demonstrate those social skills?
  3. Of the skills above, identify a movie character that poorly demonstrates or does not demonstrate these skills.
    • How did they fail in demonstrating these skills?
  4. Next, reflect on the these social skills by explaining how each one of these skills will help you develop as a leader. Also:
    • Explain how you can use these skills on your path to personal, professional, and academic success.
    • Which of these skills listed above is best suited to the preferred group role that you identified in Milestone 2?
    • Which of the skills listed above fits best with your preferred leadership style that you identified in Milestone 1?


IT 235 Southern New Hampshire University Database Design Lab Report Computer Science Assignment Help

In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product.
t should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course.

PART 1 : This is Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Requirement Gathering: Read the provided scenario in order to determine the overall purpose of the database and the user requirements,
specifically the following:
A. Define the purpose, goals, and objectives of the database as determined by the scenario.
B. Assess the user requirements associated with the database according to its owners and stakeholders.
C. Explain the business processes and restrictions that the database addresses in support of the user requirements.
D. Explain what the end result of the database should be as determined by the scenario.
AI. Conceptual Design: Using your analysis of the provided scenario, address the following in order to determine an appropriate entity-relationship
model (ERM) that will inform your final design:
A. Assess various ERMs for their design applicability to your database design.
B. Determine the appropriate ERM and explain your choice.
C. Identify the data sets for the database, including all entities and attributes.
BI. Design Revision: During this stage, you will draft your entity-relationship diagram (ERD), addressing the following elements:
A. Construct your ERD, utilizing your identified entities and attributes.
B. Determine appropriate primary and foreign keys for each entity and note them on your ERD.
C. Determine table relationships and note them on your ERD.
D. Determine appropriate data types and sizes for each attribute and note them on your ERD.
E. Complete the normalization process utilizing dependency diagrams in order to prove tables are in third normal form (3NF), and adjust
your ERD if necessary.
IV. Design Finalization: Finalize your ERD after normalization, and conclude your report package, addressing the following elements:
A. Draft your recommended final ERD, which accounts for any adjustments made to its elements as determined through the normalization
B. Summarize your process for developing your database design, including an explanation for the determinations you made while filling in
your ERD and making adjustments after normalization.
C. Explain how your design will allow the database to achieve your desired end result, including consideration of the user requirements,
business processes, and restrictions.




Monte Vista High School Compound Interest Activity Economics Assignment Help

Compound Interest Activity

Directions: Use the links below to fill in the highlighted blanks


  1. Compound interest, is interest on ________, while simple interest is the interest earned on the _______ only
  2. $10,000 invested on simple 5% interest over three years would yield $_____
  3. $10,000 invested at 5% compounded annually over three years would yield $_____
  4. The effect of compounding becomes especially powerful over _______ time periods.

Lesson Learned: 1. Compound interest can earn you a lot of money if you give it a lot of time.

Compound Interest Calculator: http://www.moneychimp.com/calculator/compound_inte…

  1. Your beloved grandmother gives you $10,000 (Current Principal) and you invest it at 7% for 30 years (years to grow) compounded annually. Assuming you add nothing else, you would yield $_____.
  2. Let’s say you add an additional $100 a month ($1200 a year) to the above initial investment, you would yield $______.
  3. If the investment for #7 only was invested at an interest rate of 2% you would yield $_______

Lessons Learned: 2. A one-time windfall can grow massive over time. 3. Adding a modest amount to an investment can have a large effect. 4. The interest rate makes a large difference in the money earned.

Home Mortgage Calculator: mortgage calculator (Use the calculator at the top of the results.

  1. Change the Mortgage amount to $500,000. The Monthly Payment is $_______ and the total cost of mortgage is $________
  2. Change the mortgage period to 15 years. The Monthly Payment is $_______ and the total cost of mortgage is $________
  3. Change the interest rate to 8. The Monthly Payment is $_______ and the total cost of mortgage is $________. (The original interest rate was 3.92)

Lessons Learned: 5. Shortening the time to pay a loan can drastically reduce how much you have to pay in the long run. 6. We shorten a loan by paying more per month. 7. A higher interest rate will drastically increase the cost of a home loan.

Additional Lessons to Learn: 8. Having a good credit score will allow you to get lower interest rate loans. 9. You can achieve a perfect credit score by living debt-free

Of all the Lessons Learned and Additional Lessons, which do you feel is most important for you to remember? Why? (50 words)


CSUCI The Affordable Care Act Policy Issue Purpose & Significance Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

CSUCI The Affordable Care Act Policy Issue Purpose & Significance Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

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