CSUS Fostering the Careers of Several Artists & Maori Tattooing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

CSUS Fostering the Careers of Several Artists & Maori Tattooing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. CSUS Fostering the Careers of Several Artists & Maori Tattooing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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Choose two of the following three questions to answer.

Interpretive Questions

  1. Discuss the role that the business class played in fostering the careers of several artists who specialized in oil painting during the Renaissance in Northern Europe. Do you support any artist or art form as a consumer? If so, what do you feel you get for you patronage?
  2. Discuss the importance of tattooing to the Maori. Do you think that modern American tattooing also displays a cultural value?
  3. Discuss the reason why the Neoclassical style was deemed appropriate for sculpture and architecture in the United States.

Each answer should be one or two paragraphs and begin with a clear statement expressing your opinion or belief on that subject, like a thesis. The grading will be based on your stated ideas or thesis, and how well you reason your argument.

CSUS Fostering the Careers of Several Artists & Maori Tattooing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Violence in Colonial Women Novels Paper Works Cited Page in Alphabetical Order Humanities Assignment Help

Step 7 for your research paper is composing a Works Cited page.

It consists of listing all of the sources you believe you might use in MLA Bibliographic format. Of course, you may find an additional source at the last minute or even delete a source, but it’s all good since the majority of sources will be bibliographically correct. Remember that the page at the end of our Research Paper is titled Works Cited. There, we will list only the sources that actually were used in the paper. If you did not offer a quote, summary, or paraphrase from a source, you cannot list it.


  1. Bibliographically cite the source using MLA citation rules.
  2. Alphabetize the list.
  3. Use a hanging indent.


Herzing University Principles of Marketing New Shoes Company Ad Infographic Health Medical Assignment Help

You will be creating a full page ad for your New Shoes company. Follow the guidelines below to ensure that the ad is competed in its entirety

Ensure that your ad addresses the following:

  1. What are the features and benefits for the consumer?
  2. Why will this product make the customer’s life better?
  3. Will you include an image of the product? Keeping in mind that the ad is used to create or feed a desire for your shoes.
  4. Less is more.
  5. Don’t share everything, give the consumers a reason to come and see your shoes in person.
  6. A full page ad is 8.25 in. x 10.75 in.
  7. Your completed ad must be saved in electronic format (.jpg or .png). You can use any graphics program to design the ad. Please upload your full page Ad to the grading area and not the simulation.
  8. Ensure use of the assignment rubric.

Assignment Objectives

  • Understand the process to create a full page advertisement for an organization.

Please review the following source to assist you with converting a Word file to an Image.


Halted, S. (2019). How to Convert Word Documents Into Images. Retrieved from



DEP 2000 Miami Dade College Ageing Process Questions Humanities Assignment Help


Chapter 20

  • What suggests that the aging process is not dependent solely on time and genes?
  • How is the appearance of aging affected by whether an adult is male or female?
  • How does sexual arousal change with age?
  • Why do some experts think exercise is more important than weight?
  • What impairs fertility in men and in women?

Chapter 21

  • Why would a person prefer to have greater Miami Dade College than fluid intelligence?
  • Why would a person prefer to have greater fluid intelligence than crystallized intelligence?
  • What is the connection between stress and health?
  • In what situations is emotion-focused coping the best?
  • In what situations is problem-focused coping the best?


Miami Dade College Effective Communication in Nursing Role Discussion Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a science question and need an explanation to help me study.

Thinking about your experiences as a student nurse, have you observed effective communication improve patient care outcomes? Have you observed the impact of poor communication on patient outcomes?

Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.



UOP Social Work of Nurses with Terminal Patients Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Abdul Hakeem was dying from AIDS. He had been in a hospice for six weeks during which time social worker/human services worker Anna had worked closely with Abdul. As she helped him prepare for the inevitable, they developed a strong relationship. Anna helped Abdul find an attorney who would prepare his will and also helped him repair his relationship with his father. The father and son had not seen each other for the past six years as both rejected the values of the other. Abdul’s father was hurt and disappointed about his son’s sexual orientation and Abdul was angry at his father’s lack of acceptance. Their reunion had been both tearful and joyful as they realized that this would perhaps be the last time they would see each other alive. As expected, Abdul died a week later and Anna attended the funeral along with Abdul’s father. The father expressed his heartfelt thanks to Anna for caring for his son and for encouraging them to end the estrangement that had kept them apart for so long. Several months following the funeral, Anna received a notice from Abdul’s father that his son included her in his will. Abdul had left his home and car to Anna along with a note stating his satisfaction over the quality of care she provided. He also left various sums of money to the hospice agency and two nurses at the agency. Anna is unsure what to do in this situation. Both the nurses and the agency accepted the money but Anna is struggling with her decision.

1. What would you recommend Anna do in this situation? Ground your recommendation in any applicable section of your profession’s code of Ethics.

2. If Anna refused to accept the bequest, would it be appropriate for her to point out to the nurses and agency director the ethical issues involved in this situation?

3. Identify which social work/human services values are involved in this case. Are any of these values or obligations in conflict with one another?

4. Apply and discuss a concept you have learned in class or from the textbook to this case.

UOP Social Work of Nurses with Terminal Patients Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Diego State University Chemical Alterations and Biological Function Essay Science Assignment Help

Only 3 sentences using, it says how we should have a chemical explanation only, other ppl did the biological function using the altered position and Number of N atoms in nucleobase. Using google scholar only with citation by the end of the 3 sentences. And the whole citation at the end. It should look like this

All citations must be in American Chemical Society format, <https://libguides.williams.edu/citing/acs#s-lg-box…


(1) Turner, M. B.; Purse, B. W. Fluorescent Tricyclic Cytidine Analogues as Substrates for Retroviral Reverse Transcriptases. ChemPlusChem 2020, 85, 855–865. https://doi.org/10.1002/cplu.202000140

(Links to an external site.)



University of Maryland Baltimore County UV VIS Spectroscopy Lab Report Science Assignment Help

I am attaching the lab manual and the report guidelines

Lab Report should

  1. Material and Methods : Describe the procedures to determine the types of solids based on lab manual and demonstration performed during lab meeting.
  2. Present the calibration curve from Table 5-1.
  3. Report solution concentrations of three unknown samples (Table 5-2) in the result section.
  4. Summarize your findings of test results and discuss the possible source of errors when conducting this experiment in the lab in the discussion section.
  5. Don’t forget to list all citation as a APA or MLA format
  6. Follow lab report guidelines and writing styles (Links to an external site.) under Class Syllabus/Course Info on Canvas.

Result and Data Analysis

Table 5‑1 Absorbance of standard solutions

Concentration(ppm) Absorbance
20 0.0791
50 0.1686
100 0.2985
200 0.5762
500 1.3804

Table 5-2 Absorbance of unknown samples

Serial Dilution Absorbance
1 1/10 1/100
Sample 1 0.9083 0.1152 0.0404
Sample 2 1.984 0.2854 0.0547
Sample 3 1.963 0.4512 0.0698


Community College US Corn Subsidies Said to Damage Mexico Questions Economics Assignment Help

Answer each question with a total 500 words. Paper needs to be a total of 1500. APA style with in-text citations and reference page at the end for all sources.

1.The most common example of a market with the perfect competition is agriculture. How could farm subsidies distort a model of perfect competition? Explain.

2.American corn farmers receive billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies each year. These subsidies allow them to sell their grain at prices below what it costs to produce it, particularly for export markets. How do U.S. corn subsidies hurt Mexican farmers?

3.Summarize the arguments both in favor of and against eliminating farm subsidies. After your evaluation, where do you stand on this issue and why?

Helpful links for info:



These first three selections are included within the Points of View Reference Center database which the CCBC library subscribes to and can be accessed through the following URL that can be pasted into a browser window.

“Farm Subsidies: An Overview”

Ford, A., & Flynn, S. I. (2019). Farm Subsidies: Overview. Points of View: Farm Subsidies, 1–3.

“Point: Farm Subsidies Are no Longer Necessary”

Lee, D., & English, M. (2019). Point: Farm Subsidies Are No Longer Necessary. Points of View: Farm Subsidies, 2.

“Counterpoint: Farm Subsidies Are Needed for American Farmers”

Goldmark, S. M., & Grant, R. A. (2019). Counterpoint: Farm Subsidies Are Needed For American Farmers. Points of View: Farm Subsidies, 3


AABN Trait Perspective & Personality Perspective Self Analysis Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology project and need support to help me understand better.

Paper Requirements:

Format – The paper must include a title page, 5-7 pages of content, and a references or works cited page. A minimum of 5 references are required, and students may use both internet and non-internet sources for the project. However, all sources must be of good quality, thus peer-reviewed journal articles or government sites are preferred. Students will be graded on meeting the number of good quality references requirement, APA format, meeting the page requirement, and content of the paper. If you are not familiar with how to write in APA format please see these guidelines: APA Guidelines for Research Papers.docx

The Basic Outline of a Paper


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Outline Example


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Presentation Requirements:

Content – Presentations are simply your paper in PowerPoint format and therefore should include the same sources that are within your paper. Sources must be cited within your PowerPoint and there must be a works cited slide at the end of your presentation. Sources should be cited using APA format and references on works cited page should be listed in APA format. Be sure to make your presentation aesthetically pleasing. Include details such as pictures and other visuals. Presentations will be graded on overall aesthetics, sources requirements, and details of content (i.e., appropriate self-analysis).

My Presentation topic is about Trait Perspective and personality perspective

My ressult https://www.outofservice.com/bigfive/results/?o=69…








CSUS Fostering the Careers of Several Artists & Maori Tattooing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

CSUS Fostering the Careers of Several Artists & Maori Tattooing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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