CU Innovations in Cybersecurity and Americans with Disabilities Act Essay Humanities Assignment Help

CU Innovations in Cybersecurity and Americans with Disabilities Act Essay Humanities Assignment Help. CU Innovations in Cybersecurity and Americans with Disabilities Act Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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ADA and Legal Considerations

In this discussion you will demonstrate your understanding of the American Disabilities Act and Section 504. Address the following in your post:

  • Describe how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504, and the law influence working with clients and students who have a disability.
  • Share a case that you have worked on in the past or invent one that will apply to this discussion. You can change the information as necessary to address the topics in the discussion. For example, you may change the age or ethnicity of the client. Remember to maintain the confidentiality of the client.
  • Apply the legal understanding you have gained from this unit’s websites and coursework to your approach for working with a student who has a disability.

Response Guidelines

Respond to the main discussion posts of two of your peers. Address their understanding of how the ADA and laws are applied to working with students or adults with disabilities.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Describe how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504, and the law influence working with clients or students who have a disability.
  • Apply a personally familiar case pertaining to ADA and legal considerations.
  • Communicate in a clear and articulate manner, sharing personal insights, perspectives, and experiences.


CU Innovations in Cybersecurity and Americans with Disabilities Act Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Capella University HTML Introduction Discussion Writing Assignment Help

As we continue to think about why we are learning HTML in this course, let’s dive into the vocabulary a bit. Specifically, I want to investigate and come to an agreement on the following:

  • head element
  • head section
  • header element
  • heading element

If you are new to HTML, or have picked it up here and there as you’ve gone along, you may see the potential for some confusion here. Provide a brief explanation of each term and logically how they relate to one another, if applicable.

We’re starting off this week with this most basic question as we dive into web-based applications. Why should you learn HTML? It is probably also important to think, as you ponder your response, are there any reasons you should not learn HTML?


PSY 450 UP Wk 2 Intelligence Testing Handout & Intelligence Theories Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Wk 2 – Intelligence Testing Handout [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Use the Electronic Reserve Readings, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least three articles concerning intelligence testing. Create an informational handout for a local elementary school. Consider your audience, as this information would likely be distributed during meetings where a child might have received an intelligence test. Your handout would be given to parents, guardians, and others to help them better understand the purpose of intelligence testing.The handout should be colorful, interesting, and be on one or two pages. This is not an academic paper: it gives information to a specific audience in a relatable way. Include the following:

    • a brief overview of at least two theories of intelligence related to the content of your selected articles to help your audience understand what intelligence testing accomplishes.
    • methods of measuring intellectual functioning.
    • how the concept of intelligence is different from academic achievement.

    Include three credible, peer-reviewed references.Format the citations consistent with APA guidelines.


NUR 445 Denver School of Nursing Wk 8 Patient Care Technology Options Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

To complete this discussion, you will be logging into The Neighborhood.

  1. Click Accessing and Using The Neighborhood for directions to enter the virtual community.
  2. Select the link watch the video for further instruction on The Neighborhood.
  3. Click Neighborhood to access the neighborhood simulation.

Step 1 In The Neighborhood, read:

  • Yvonne Johnson:
    • Season 2

Step 2 In an initial post of approximately 150 words, respond to the prompt.
In Episode 13, you learn that Yvonne Johnson searches the Internet for information about her ongoing symptoms. Review the document Tips and Suggestions for Evaluating Websites

Identify ways to determine whether an Internet site is trustworthy and valid when you are seeking medical information. Also discuss any negative experiences you might have encountered when a patient or someone you know has used the web for “medical advice.”

Step 3 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm MT.
In your response posts, discuss other options, not mentioned by your peers, that could be used to assist in determining what medical information websites are valid and reliable.


ENG 200 University of Phoenix Week 2 Federal Sexual Education Program Paper Writing Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will create a minimum 800-word rough draft of your persuasive essay. Review your thesis statement and research you gathered in Weeks 1 and 2 before beginning. Be sure to note any feedback from your instructor about changes you might want to consider.

There are different approaches to preparing a draft, so feel free to explore what works best for you. You may wish to start by creating an outline that you can refer to as you compose you draft. An outline also gives you an opportunity to record notes to yourself on where to flesh out ideas; you can use this as a reference for later revisions. The Creating an Outline document from the Center for Writing Excellence includes a sample outline. Other approaches to preparing your draft include: writing it from start to finish, writing the body or sections individually and then compiling and adding connections, starting by writing what intrigues you most about the topic. These strategies are meant to help you get started on your paper, but remember to engage in revision so that you have a complete draft to submit. Keep in mind that only the draft will be required for submission in this assignment. You do not have to submit your outline or notes.

Complete the following as you prepare your rough draft:

  • Visit the APA Templates page from the Center for Writing Excellence and select the appropriate template, or use RiverPoint Writer or other software program to assist with APA formatting.
  • Complete the title page information with your details and original title.
  • Underline or bold the thesis statement within your introduction paragraph.
  • Include direct quotes or paraphrased information from the research you gathered in Week 2 (3 pieces of cited evidence, 1 of which is peer reviewed). Refer to “Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words” from the Purdue Online Writing Lab for assistance.
  • Include a References page with citations formatted according to APA guidelines on the last page of your essay. Each cited source should have 1 reference within the paper.
  • Use a grammar checking tool from the Center for Writing Excellence to review your work for errors and make corrections as needed.
  • Proofread with a peer or friend; read your paper aloud; be sure to revise your first draft at least one time.



Park University Connection Between Social Media and Popular Culture Response Humanities Assignment Help

Unit 2: Discussion

No unread replies.No replies.

Welcome to the unit discussion area for EN106. This area will fill up quickly with lively interchanges among you, your colleagues and your instructor. Check back often!

Important! Most units, you are required to post your own responses before you can see your classmates’ responses. The reason for this is that your instructor and classmates are interested in your thoughts on the subject! Remember, most of the topics in discussion have to do with your analysis and interpretation, not an objective right/wrong answer. Your unit discussion responses are graded not only for accuracy but also for creativity and insight. See the Grading and Assessment page for more details.

Due Dates: Your initial (first) post is due no later than Thursday Noon Central Standard Time (CST), with the expectation that you will return between Thursday and Sunday to converse with your peers.

Assessment: See the Grading and Assessment content item under Course Information.

For all references, use an appropriate form of documentation (MLA, APA, or another standard academic style discussed in Easy Writer.)

Discussion Topic

To complete this unit’s discussion, create two separate posts: one for each of the 2 prompts below.

Prompt 1

Effective academic writers know how to summarize. In this prompt, use Greene and Lidinsky’s categories to practice summarizing one of the assigned articles from Ch. 14. Create a post that does all of the following:

Describe the key claims of the text. To understand the shape and direction of the argument, study how paragraphs begin and end, and pay attention to the author’s point of view and use of transitions. Then combine what you have learned into a few sentences describing the key claims.

Select a representative quotation to illustrate the author’s argument. Find one quotation that illustrates the “flavor” of the article, and that illustrates the author’s most important ideas.

Present the gist of the author’s argument. Describe the author’s central idea in your own language with an eye to where you expect your argument to go. (Hint: to ensure that you are using your own language, try to present the argument in a different order than the writer does. In other words, don’t try to summarize paragraph by paragraph. Instead, try to explain his position as simply and clearly as you can.)

Contextualize what you summarize. Cue your readers into the conversation. Who is the author? Where and when did the text appear? Why was the author writing? Who else is in the conversation?

Your post for this prompt should be about 150-200 words, and should include in-text citations for any quotations or paraphrases.

Prompt 2

As you learned in this week’s lecture, academic writing can be thought of as a conversation. (Remember Burke’s metaphor of the parlor?) After reading the assigned articles from Ch. 14, how would you describe the conversation of ideas these articles are a part of? What is the subject of this “parlor”? If you were to make a contribution to this conversation, what you say?

Your post for this prompt should be about 100-200 words, and should include in-text citations for any quoted or paraphrased material.

Follow-up posts

In your follow-up posts this unit, comment on two classmates’ posts by responding, asking questions, pointing out something you noticed about their post, or identify what you found meaningful or memorable about their post. Imagine you are in Burke’s parlor — add your voice to the conversation!

Park University Connection Between Social Media and Popular Culture Response Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CALUMS Distribution Strategy for The Organic Supermarket Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.


Discuss the role of demographics in relationship to integrated marketing communications.

Note: Write minimum 550-600 words including 2 references

2.) Write a brief and detailed report on “DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY” for concept mentioned in the attachment. Please find the attachment below.

Note: Write a 3-page report, excluding (3 references) with 1.5 line spacing and font size 12. Attachment will be provided once the bid is finalized.


Please do follow the minimum word count as mentioned below for each question.

Content should be precise and active tone (no repeats)

Provide references from academic journals/articles.

Content should be in APA format and include in-text citations.


PSY ACU Pros & Cons of Serial Monotonic Learning & Zeigarnik Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of both serial monotonic learning and Zeigarnik optimal learning taking into consideration the quality of knowledge gained by each style of learning. How might this information be applied in a traditional classroom? How might this be applied in an online classroom?


MacLeod, C. M. (2020). Zeigarnik and von Restorff: The memory effects and the stories behind them. Memory & cognition, 48, 1073-1088.

Olivier, G. N., Paul, S. S., Walter, C. S., Hayes, H. A., Foreman, K. B., Duff, K., … & Dibble, L. E. (2021). The feasibility and efficacy of a serial reaction time task that measures motor learning of anticipatory stepping. Gait & Posture.

Needed 500 words

APA format

Six in text citations


Northcentral University Entity Relationship Diagram & Databases Report Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a databases question and need support to help me learn.

For this assignment, you must examine the entity-relationship diagram for the database created in Week 4

Your submission should include the following:

  • Using MySQL Workbench, reverse engineer an ERD for the database you created in Week 4 and take a screenshot of the diagram.

In a Word document, address the following items:

  • Explain the cardinality (relationship types) such as 1:M, 1:1, M:M, or M:1. Be sure to indicate the determined factors from the previous assignment requirement.
  • Determine the normal form of your database design. Justify your choice with evidence from your design and the definitions of the normal forms.
  • If your design is not in at least third normal form, revise it so it is in at least third normal form. Provide the revised design in addition to the original. Justify why the new design is now in at least third normal form with evidence from the design and the definitions of the normal forms.
  • Provide three specific examples of data anomalies (including at least one insert, update, and delete anomaly each) that might happen if your database were not in at least third normal form. Provide sample non-normalized data and tables, the action taken, and the resulting anomalous data. Explain why your design avoids each possible problem.
  • Insert the screenshot(s) of your ERD(s) within the body of your paper in the appropriate place(s) and label each screenshot.

Length: 2-3 pages, not including title, diagrams, and reference pages

Please I need some one to help me out with the database aspects as I’m unable to get mySQL run properly on my computer. I can do the paper writing. I need the appropraite screen shots.


Savannah State University Law Questions Discussion Law Assignment Help

No plagiarism… must be 5-7 sentences for each response

Questions are below

1. Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) is an important consideration when assessing the harm or damage that a drug inflicts on its users and the users’ peers. Weigh the relative harm that tobacco and alcohol inflict, in the light of YPLL. Do the same for the legal drugs versus the illegal drugs. Does the factor of YPLL significantly change our previous estimates of the picture of drug harm?

2. In the past, the classic model of drug addiction was used to explain why some users took drugs compulsively and abusively. More recently, drug researchers have used the dependence-reinforcement model to explain ongoing, abusive, compulsive drug abuse. How are these two models different, what phenomena do they help explain, which drug is each of them most relevant to, and why is the latter model a more powerful explanation for drug abuse?

3.Alcohol is the most widely used drug both globally and in the United States, and marijuana is the most popular and widely used illicit drug. Is the popularity of these drugs an accident of history, a function of their legal status, or inherent to the objective properties of these two drugs themselves? Justify your argument.


CU Innovations in Cybersecurity and Americans with Disabilities Act Essay Humanities Assignment Help

CU Innovations in Cybersecurity and Americans with Disabilities Act Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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