Cumberland University Robotics Applications In Industry Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help. Cumberland University Robotics Applications In Industry Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help.
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1.Based upon the current state of the art of robotics ap- plications, which industries are most likely to embrace robotics? Why?
2. Watch the following two videos: https://www. and https:// for a different view on impact of AI on future jobs. What are 5. your takeaways from these videos? What is the morelikely scenario in your view? How can you prepare for the day when humans indeed may not need to apply for many jobs?
3.Identify applications other than those discussed in this chapter where Pepper is being used for commercial and personal purposes.
4. Go through specifications of MAARS at https://www. maars.pdf. What are the functions of MAARS?
All questions needs to be in APA format, question 1,2 can be limit to 1-2 pages. question 2,3 should be one page each
Cumberland University Robotics Applications In Industry Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Complexities and Professional Challenges in Personality Assessment Paper Humanities Assignment Help
As you continue to prepare for the in-residence component of this course, be aware of how the Learning Resources contribute to your understanding of the various personality assessments, including the NEO-PI-3. Based on all the resources you have reviewed thus far, you likely recognize the unique complexities associated with each personality assessment and its related topics. What specific topics in this week’s course readings pose a challenge for you? What other topics in preceding weeks of this course have been challenging for you?
For this Discussion, review this week’s Learning Resources. Select at least one topic from the course readings on the NEO-PI-3 that you found challenging and reflect on why you found it challenging. Also consider what other topics have been challenging this term. Finally, think about what topics you hope are covered in more depth during the week in residence.
Post by Day 4 a description of at least one topic from the required reading on the NEO Personality Inventory-3 that you found challenging or of interest for further exploration and explain why. Then explain any other topics related to this week you would like to pursue in more depth in the in-residence component and explain why.
Be sure to support your posts and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
AACE International Canons of Ethics Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
See the attach file ( Project.pdf ), it has all information and the instructions you need to know.
Use just the case study I give it to you ( Case Study ) and the file ( AACE Canons) as source. The two files related to each other.
Do not use any other source.
I have 5 question to answer (in red color) on file ( Project ), Read them carefully.
– The answer for Question 1 is from file ( AACE Canons).
– The other Questions from file ( Case Study ).
Be attention:
Use the questions as headings and an outline to work.
Rel2011 Florida International University Deities and Cosmogonies Summary Writing Assignment Help
Summary Part 1
Based on a massive worldwide study conducted from 2010 to 2017 of the most ancient inscriptions and the earliest levels of civilization, research[ers] concluded that the original world belief was monotheistic; a belief in one God/creator with no imagery of any kind. It gave way relatively quickly to polytheism; belief in multiple deities. Further research gave way to other traceable worldwide beliefs such as the religious significance of the immortality of the soul. It was assessed that the entire ancient world possessed original traditions of a creation myth, the existence of the human soul and the afterlife, the special status of the number seven, the dignity given to the dead and ancestors.
One thing that researchers agreed upon was that mankind has always believed in a higher power. Archaeology has shown that no ancient society ever existed that did not believe in the supernatural and supernatural beings. One popular theory has argued that moralizing gods were necessary for the rise of large-scale societies. Small societies, so the argument goes, were like fishbowls – it was almost impossible to engage in antisocial behavior without being caught and punished – whether by acts of collective violence, retaliation, or long-term reputational damage and risk of ostracism. But as societies grew larger and interactions between relative strangers became more commonplace, would-be transgressors could hope to evade detection under the cloak of anonymity. For cooperation to be possible under such conditions, some system of surveillance was required.
The process by which the awareness of one God gave way to a belief in many gods, has been described by Scandinavian researchers as splitting: the belief that people gradually viewed God’s attributes of truth, righteousness, fertility etc., as separate from him/her, and afterwards personified and worshiped the attributes themselves, until God was largely forgotten. However, what better idean than to come up with a supernatural “eye in the sky” – a god who can see inside people’s minds and issue punishments and rewards accordingly. Believing in such a God might make people think twice about stealing or reneging on deals, even in relatively anonymous interactions. Maybe it would also increase trust among traders. If you understand that someone believes in an omniscient moralizing deity, you might be more likely to do business with them, than with somebody whose religiosity is unknown to you. Simply by wearing insignia, such as body markings, jewelery, or garmentry alluding to belief in a God through such sacred material culture might have helped ambitious people prosper and garner popularity as societies grew larger and more complex throughout history.
Bring into conversation the above excerpt about deities, and the assigned article. Thinking about a social issue that is critical to you, create a deity that has come about – or was cosmically birthed – with the sole purpose of championing for this cause. The deity you create can should have special features that connect them to the social movement you are linking them to.
- What is your major social movement?
- Describe in detail the deity that champions your cause (fe/male, older/younger, war/peace like, phenotype, etc.), and how their personal attributes represent your social cause.
- How is your individual deity worshipped (specific rituals and how these connect to your social cause)?
- How is their worship connected to the social cause they represent, and how did these develop? Give examples.
- In what ways does the worship of your deity alleviate the crisis’ caused from within your social movement?
- The following is a lost of social movements/links for you to think about:
Summary Part 2
For this summary, let us bring into dialogue the three (3) articles assigned for this week found in the course syllabus. Studies of cosmogonies are fascinating, each with its own idiosyncratic nuances, peculiarites, and traits. Thus, ideas of a cosmogenic truth bring together science and religion in a unique way: we all know we came from somewhere!
IMPORTANT: Copy/paste this article to you Google search – it will help with your creativity:…
Taking into critique the cosmogonies presented in our readings for the week, design your own creation myth. Be as creative as you wish, but construct your summary simulating the guidelines used to describe the cosmogonies in our readings. Be sure to create and ground a theory for your creation myth. Your theory is the hypothetical reasons and explanations as to how and why your universe came into existence. Copy/paste the following link to your browser for a list of the Top 10 Cretion Myths so that you can get a better idea as to how this essay should read:…
Layout and Design:
Writing 200 words for each Summary Part 1 & 2, and complying fully with the following criteria makes for a successful assignment:
- Typed in Times New Roman in a 12pt font
- double-spaced
- numbered pages
- appropriate heading (name, class, date, professor’s name, topic)
- creative title (use your imagiantion and create a cool title)
- use of literature and citations if applicable
- your grade will reflect grammatical inaccuracies in your work.
Explaining Impacts of Drugs in Sports Essay Writing Assignment Help
ESSAY 3: Explaining Opposing Positions
By now, you’ve become comfortable with your paper topic. In this essay, we’re going to build on the information you presented in Essay 2 and start to evaluate opposing positions. Select any two people (or an official platform of an individual organization) with opinions on your essay–official positions are best, but you can also choose to conduct a personal interview. Then present these two positions in a comparison-contrast paper.
You will need to draw on your Essay 2 for background information for this essay, but be careful that the background doesn’t overwhelm the essay. Limit this to AT MOST 1.5 pages: less is better. The remaining three (plus) pages are to be used to evaluate the positions you have chosen.
Remember, you are not yet presenting your own position nor are you proposing a solution–you are simply reporting the positions of others in a fair, objective manner.
This essay must be at least 5 pages long, set in Time New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Your text must be double-spaced and you must use MLA format. Also, remember to cite all information that you cull from outside sources.
University of Phoenix WeLoveVideo Inc Change Management Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Building a new software application is just the start, as organizations invest in software to help solve business problems. For systems to be effective and have a positive influence on organizational goals, they need to address user experience and focus on how best to gain new system adoption. The ideas for a new strategy are compiled in a document titled, “A Change Management Plan.” This plan contains information about the new user experience, how the new system will be supported, and the communication plans to inform the system users, which include FAQs and instructions on how to use the system.
Develop a change management plan (between 1- to 3-pages of content) for WeLoveVideo, Inc. Within the change management plan, incorporate the following:
- Ways in which the system was designed to support a positive user experience
- How the system changes will be communicated to users
- Ways in which you will shape communications to ensure a positive outlook
- Collateral (i.e. FAQs and user guides) that will be developed in support of the new system
- The type of support that will be available to users after implementation
University of Phoenix WeLoveVideo Inc Change Management Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HCA 430 PMI Consumer Health Informatics & Patient Generated Health Data Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Health informatics is a multidisciplinary field that utilizes technology to deploy information to other systems and to patients. For this assignment, you will explore the various pieces and options that go into this.
Using peer reviewed literature from the Google Scholar, explore and explain the history of health informatics, the areas it is currently being used, and some future options. Include an explanation of the regulatory role of the Office of National Coordinator.
Your paper should be two full pages (not including cover and reference page), double-spaced, fully researched and in-text citations. There are many journal articles available on this broad topic, so the research should be very straightforward on this assignment.
Provide a separate reference page at the end with complete information (not just pasted URLs).
Writing LEVEL 3
Points Possible: 35
4 points for an introduction that clearly describes the purpose of your paper
3 points for an appropriate conclusion
20 points for body paragraphs that explain the history of health informatics, describe what the term means, areas currently used, future options, and role of ONC
8 points for writing level
Tennessee State University The Civil Right Movement Paper Writing Assignment Help
Imagine yourself a student in the 1960s, or 1970s. Choose one of the movements that existed and tell why you would be involved. Also, share its beliefs/philosophies and criticisms. Trace the root of the movement and its demise unless it is still in existence.
please use MILA in referencing, also need a good introduction and conclusion
In your draft, address some of the following questions:
1.What lessons can contemporary civil rights groups learn?
2.What strategies worked best to promote civil rights?
3.Was violence or repression involved?
4.Was your movement a revolution or a social movement?
Social Conflict is the struggle for agency or power in society. Social conflict or group conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each other in social interaction, reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals and prevent the opponent from attaining them.
Revolution is a forcible overthrow of the government or social order, in favor of a new system.
5.Papers should be no less than four pages with standard font and margins (1.5). Remember this is research and must include a work cited page and citations in the body of your paper, otherwise the paper is a zero.
Also, include a socially conscious song of the period and, without giving all the lyrics, tell why you feel the song best describes the movement.
Songs can include but are not limited to:
Say it Loud, I’ m Black and I’m Proud
I’m Coming Out
Move on Up
I am Woman
Blowing in the Wind
People Get Ready
Lift Every Voice
How I Got Over
If There’s a Hell Below
Mississippi God****
Strange Fruit
Fortunate Son
Yo Soy Chicano
Lift every voice
The song in its entirely does not need to be printed, only a verse or stanza and why is meshes with your selected movement.
Dominican University Efficiency of Companies HBR Digital Articles Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the following HBR Digital articles:
- Christensen, et al., (2016). Know your customers: Jobs to be done. HBR Digital. September 2016.
- Porter, M. and Heppelmann, J. (2015). How smart, connected products are transforming companies. HBR, 93, No. 10, October 2015, 97 – 114.
- Porter, M. and Kramer, M. (2011). Creating shared value. HBR, 89, Nos. 1 – 2, January – February, 2015. 62 – 77.
Complete the referenced HBR readings, then answer the following questions.
- Critique the argument that Porter and Heppelmann (2015) make about how smart products are changing the ways companies compete in a digital age. Consider how the company you work for is being affected.
- Porter and Kramer (2011) see “value” as having to be redefined. Discuss their position and what this potentially means for companies to create new markets?
- Discuss why Christensen et al., (2016) contend that products perform a particular “job” for a customer – how does help with innovation in an era of rapid technological change?
AU Executive Leadership the Power of Positive Leadership & Diversity Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Positive Leadership can help an organization overcome obstacles such as a hostile work environment. Positive Leadership can also foster an effective organizational culture enhanced by diversity and gender differences. This assignment is generally 5-6 total pages in length. Please combine the questions into one document in APA form.
Please refer to Chapters 1-5 in The Power of Positive Leadership.
Positive Leadership Concept Questions:
Answer the following questions:
- How can a Positive Leader Create and Share a Positive Vision with an organization?
- In your opinion, what is a Leader’s most important job?
- How can a Leader shift an organizational culture from negative to positive?
- Please provide an examples of Positive Leadership.
Layout and Design:
Writing 200 words for each Summary Part 1 & 2, and complying fully with the following criteria makes for a successful assignment:
- Typed in Times New Roman in a 12pt font
- double-spaced
- numbered pages
- appropriate heading (name, class, date, professor’s name, topic)
- creative title (use your imagiantion and create a cool title)
- use of literature and citations if applicable
- your grade will reflect grammatical inaccuracies in your work.
Explaining Impacts of Drugs in Sports Essay Writing Assignment Help
ESSAY 3: Explaining Opposing Positions
By now, you’ve become comfortable with your paper topic. In this essay, we’re going to build on the information you presented in Essay 2 and start to evaluate opposing positions. Select any two people (or an official platform of an individual organization) with opinions on your essay–official positions are best, but you can also choose to conduct a personal interview. Then present these two positions in a comparison-contrast paper.
You will need to draw on your Essay 2 for background information for this essay, but be careful that the background doesn’t overwhelm the essay. Limit this to AT MOST 1.5 pages: less is better. The remaining three (plus) pages are to be used to evaluate the positions you have chosen.
Remember, you are not yet presenting your own position nor are you proposing a solution–you are simply reporting the positions of others in a fair, objective manner.
This essay must be at least 5 pages long, set in Time New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Your text must be double-spaced and you must use MLA format. Also, remember to cite all information that you cull from outside sources.
University of Phoenix WeLoveVideo Inc Change Management Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Building a new software application is just the start, as organizations invest in software to help solve business problems. For systems to be effective and have a positive influence on organizational goals, they need to address user experience and focus on how best to gain new system adoption. The ideas for a new strategy are compiled in a document titled, “A Change Management Plan.” This plan contains information about the new user experience, how the new system will be supported, and the communication plans to inform the system users, which include FAQs and instructions on how to use the system.
Develop a change management plan (between 1- to 3-pages of content) for WeLoveVideo, Inc. Within the change management plan, incorporate the following:
- Ways in which the system was designed to support a positive user experience
- How the system changes will be communicated to users
- Ways in which you will shape communications to ensure a positive outlook
- Collateral (i.e. FAQs and user guides) that will be developed in support of the new system
- The type of support that will be available to users after implementation
University of Phoenix WeLoveVideo Inc Change Management Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HCA 430 PMI Consumer Health Informatics & Patient Generated Health Data Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Health informatics is a multidisciplinary field that utilizes technology to deploy information to other systems and to patients. For this assignment, you will explore the various pieces and options that go into this.
Using peer reviewed literature from the Google Scholar, explore and explain the history of health informatics, the areas it is currently being used, and some future options. Include an explanation of the regulatory role of the Office of National Coordinator.
Your paper should be two full pages (not including cover and reference page), double-spaced, fully researched and in-text citations. There are many journal articles available on this broad topic, so the research should be very straightforward on this assignment.
Provide a separate reference page at the end with complete information (not just pasted URLs).
Writing LEVEL 3
Points Possible: 35
4 points for an introduction that clearly describes the purpose of your paper
3 points for an appropriate conclusion
20 points for body paragraphs that explain the history of health informatics, describe what the term means, areas currently used, future options, and role of ONC
8 points for writing level
Tennessee State University The Civil Right Movement Paper Writing Assignment Help
Imagine yourself a student in the 1960s, or 1970s. Choose one of the movements that existed and tell why you would be involved. Also, share its beliefs/philosophies and criticisms. Trace the root of the movement and its demise unless it is still in existence.
please use MILA in referencing, also need a good introduction and conclusion
In your draft, address some of the following questions:
1.What lessons can contemporary civil rights groups learn?
2.What strategies worked best to promote civil rights?
3.Was violence or repression involved?
4.Was your movement a revolution or a social movement?
Social Conflict is the struggle for agency or power in society. Social conflict or group conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each other in social interaction, reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals and prevent the opponent from attaining them.
Revolution is a forcible overthrow of the government or social order, in favor of a new system.
5.Papers should be no less than four pages with standard font and margins (1.5). Remember this is research and must include a work cited page and citations in the body of your paper, otherwise the paper is a zero.
Also, include a socially conscious song of the period and, without giving all the lyrics, tell why you feel the song best describes the movement.
Songs can include but are not limited to:
Say it Loud, I’ m Black and I’m Proud
I’m Coming Out
Move on Up
I am Woman
Blowing in the Wind
People Get Ready
Lift Every Voice
How I Got Over
If There’s a Hell Below
Mississippi God****
Strange Fruit
Fortunate Son
Yo Soy Chicano
Lift every voice
The song in its entirely does not need to be printed, only a verse or stanza and why is meshes with your selected movement.
Dominican University Efficiency of Companies HBR Digital Articles Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the following HBR Digital articles:
- Christensen, et al., (2016). Know your customers: Jobs to be done. HBR Digital. September 2016.
- Porter, M. and Heppelmann, J. (2015). How smart, connected products are transforming companies. HBR, 93, No. 10, October 2015, 97 – 114.
- Porter, M. and Kramer, M. (2011). Creating shared value. HBR, 89, Nos. 1 – 2, January – February, 2015. 62 – 77.
Complete the referenced HBR readings, then answer the following questions.
- Critique the argument that Porter and Heppelmann (2015) make about how smart products are changing the ways companies compete in a digital age. Consider how the company you work for is being affected.
- Porter and Kramer (2011) see “value” as having to be redefined. Discuss their position and what this potentially means for companies to create new markets?
- Discuss why Christensen et al., (2016) contend that products perform a particular “job” for a customer – how does help with innovation in an era of rapid technological change?
AU Executive Leadership the Power of Positive Leadership & Diversity Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Positive Leadership can help an organization overcome obstacles such as a hostile work environment. Positive Leadership can also foster an effective organizational culture enhanced by diversity and gender differences. This assignment is generally 5-6 total pages in length. Please combine the questions into one document in APA form.
Please refer to Chapters 1-5 in The Power of Positive Leadership.
Positive Leadership Concept Questions:
Answer the following questions:
- How can a Positive Leader Create and Share a Positive Vision with an organization?
- In your opinion, what is a Leader’s most important job?
- How can a Leader shift an organizational culture from negative to positive?
- Please provide an examples of Positive Leadership.
Layout and Design:
Writing 200 words for each Summary Part 1 & 2, and complying fully with the following criteria makes for a successful assignment:
- Typed in Times New Roman in a 12pt font
- double-spaced
- numbered pages
- appropriate heading (name, class, date, professor’s name, topic)
- creative title (use your imagiantion and create a cool title)
- use of literature and citations if applicable
- your grade will reflect grammatical inaccuracies in your work.
Explaining Impacts of Drugs in Sports Essay Writing Assignment Help
ESSAY 3: Explaining Opposing Positions
By now, you’ve become comfortable with your paper topic. In this essay, we’re going to build on the information you presented in Essay 2 and start to evaluate opposing positions. Select any two people (or an official platform of an individual organization) with opinions on your essay–official positions are best, but you can also choose to conduct a personal interview. Then present these two positions in a comparison-contrast paper.
You will need to draw on your Essay 2 for background information for this essay, but be careful that the background doesn’t overwhelm the essay. Limit this to AT MOST 1.5 pages: less is better. The remaining three (plus) pages are to be used to evaluate the positions you have chosen.
Remember, you are not yet presenting your own position nor are you proposing a solution–you are simply reporting the positions of others in a fair, objective manner.
This essay must be at least 5 pages long, set in Time New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Your text must be double-spaced and you must use MLA format. Also, remember to cite all information that you cull from outside sources.
University of Phoenix WeLoveVideo Inc Change Management Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Building a new software application is just the start, as organizations invest in software to help solve business problems. For systems to be effective and have a positive influence on organizational goals, they need to address user experience and focus on how best to gain new system adoption. The ideas for a new strategy are compiled in a document titled, “A Change Management Plan.” This plan contains information about the new user experience, how the new system will be supported, and the communication plans to inform the system users, which include FAQs and instructions on how to use the system.
Develop a change management plan (between 1- to 3-pages of content) for WeLoveVideo, Inc. Within the change management plan, incorporate the following:
- Ways in which the system was designed to support a positive user experience
- How the system changes will be communicated to users
- Ways in which you will shape communications to ensure a positive outlook
- Collateral (i.e. FAQs and user guides) that will be developed in support of the new system
- The type of support that will be available to users after implementation
University of Phoenix WeLoveVideo Inc Change Management Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HCA 430 PMI Consumer Health Informatics & Patient Generated Health Data Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Health informatics is a multidisciplinary field that utilizes technology to deploy information to other systems and to patients. For this assignment, you will explore the various pieces and options that go into this.
Using peer reviewed literature from the Google Scholar, explore and explain the history of health informatics, the areas it is currently being used, and some future options. Include an explanation of the regulatory role of the Office of National Coordinator.
Your paper should be two full pages (not including cover and reference page), double-spaced, fully researched and in-text citations. There are many journal articles available on this broad topic, so the research should be very straightforward on this assignment.
Provide a separate reference page at the end with complete information (not just pasted URLs).
Writing LEVEL 3
Points Possible: 35
4 points for an introduction that clearly describes the purpose of your paper
3 points for an appropriate conclusion
20 points for body paragraphs that explain the history of health informatics, describe what the term means, areas currently used, future options, and role of ONC
8 points for writing level
Tennessee State University The Civil Right Movement Paper Writing Assignment Help
Imagine yourself a student in the 1960s, or 1970s. Choose one of the movements that existed and tell why you would be involved. Also, share its beliefs/philosophies and criticisms. Trace the root of the movement and its demise unless it is still in existence.
please use MILA in referencing, also need a good introduction and conclusion
In your draft, address some of the following questions:
1.What lessons can contemporary civil rights groups learn?
2.What strategies worked best to promote civil rights?
3.Was violence or repression involved?
4.Was your movement a revolution or a social movement?
Social Conflict is the struggle for agency or power in society. Social conflict or group conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each other in social interaction, reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals and prevent the opponent from attaining them.
Revolution is a forcible overthrow of the government or social order, in favor of a new system.
5.Papers should be no less than four pages with standard font and margins (1.5). Remember this is research and must include a work cited page and citations in the body of your paper, otherwise the paper is a zero.
Also, include a socially conscious song of the period and, without giving all the lyrics, tell why you feel the song best describes the movement.
Songs can include but are not limited to:
Say it Loud, I’ m Black and I’m Proud
I’m Coming Out
Move on Up
I am Woman
Blowing in the Wind
People Get Ready
Lift Every Voice
How I Got Over
If There’s a Hell Below
Mississippi God****
Strange Fruit
Fortunate Son
Yo Soy Chicano
Lift every voice
The song in its entirely does not need to be printed, only a verse or stanza and why is meshes with your selected movement.
Dominican University Efficiency of Companies HBR Digital Articles Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the following HBR Digital articles:
- Christensen, et al., (2016). Know your customers: Jobs to be done. HBR Digital. September 2016.
- Porter, M. and Heppelmann, J. (2015). How smart, connected products are transforming companies. HBR, 93, No. 10, October 2015, 97 – 114.
- Porter, M. and Kramer, M. (2011). Creating shared value. HBR, 89, Nos. 1 – 2, January – February, 2015. 62 – 77.
Complete the referenced HBR readings, then answer the following questions.
- Critique the argument that Porter and Heppelmann (2015) make about how smart products are changing the ways companies compete in a digital age. Consider how the company you work for is being affected.
- Porter and Kramer (2011) see “value” as having to be redefined. Discuss their position and what this potentially means for companies to create new markets?
- Discuss why Christensen et al., (2016) contend that products perform a particular “job” for a customer – how does help with innovation in an era of rapid technological change?
AU Executive Leadership the Power of Positive Leadership & Diversity Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Positive Leadership can help an organization overcome obstacles such as a hostile work environment. Positive Leadership can also foster an effective organizational culture enhanced by diversity and gender differences. This assignment is generally 5-6 total pages in length. Please combine the questions into one document in APA form.
Please refer to Chapters 1-5 in The Power of Positive Leadership.
Positive Leadership Concept Questions:
Answer the following questions:
- How can a Positive Leader Create and Share a Positive Vision with an organization?
- In your opinion, what is a Leader’s most important job?
- How can a Leader shift an organizational culture from negative to positive?
- Please provide an examples of Positive Leadership.
Layout and Design:
Writing 200 words for each Summary Part 1 & 2, and complying fully with the following criteria makes for a successful assignment:
- Typed in Times New Roman in a 12pt font
- double-spaced
- numbered pages
- appropriate heading (name, class, date, professor’s name, topic)
- creative title (use your imagiantion and create a cool title)
- use of literature and citations if applicable
- your grade will reflect grammatical inaccuracies in your work.
Explaining Impacts of Drugs in Sports Essay Writing Assignment Help
ESSAY 3: Explaining Opposing Positions
By now, you’ve become comfortable with your paper topic. In this essay, we’re going to build on the information you presented in Essay 2 and start to evaluate opposing positions. Select any two people (or an official platform of an individual organization) with opinions on your essay–official positions are best, but you can also choose to conduct a personal interview. Then present these two positions in a comparison-contrast paper.
You will need to draw on your Essay 2 for background information for this essay, but be careful that the background doesn’t overwhelm the essay. Limit this to AT MOST 1.5 pages: less is better. The remaining three (plus) pages are to be used to evaluate the positions you have chosen.
Remember, you are not yet presenting your own position nor are you proposing a solution–you are simply reporting the positions of others in a fair, objective manner.
This essay must be at least 5 pages long, set in Time New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Your text must be double-spaced and you must use MLA format. Also, remember to cite all information that you cull from outside sources.
University of Phoenix WeLoveVideo Inc Change Management Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Building a new software application is just the start, as organizations invest in software to help solve business problems. For systems to be effective and have a positive influence on organizational goals, they need to address user experience and focus on how best to gain new system adoption. The ideas for a new strategy are compiled in a document titled, “A Change Management Plan.” This plan contains information about the new user experience, how the new system will be supported, and the communication plans to inform the system users, which include FAQs and instructions on how to use the system.
Develop a change management plan (between 1- to 3-pages of content) for WeLoveVideo, Inc. Within the change management plan, incorporate the following:
- Ways in which the system was designed to support a positive user experience
- How the system changes will be communicated to users
- Ways in which you will shape communications to ensure a positive outlook
- Collateral (i.e. FAQs and user guides) that will be developed in support of the new system
- The type of support that will be available to users after implementation
University of Phoenix WeLoveVideo Inc Change Management Plan Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HCA 430 PMI Consumer Health Informatics & Patient Generated Health Data Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Health informatics is a multidisciplinary field that utilizes technology to deploy information to other systems and to patients. For this assignment, you will explore the various pieces and options that go into this.
Using peer reviewed literature from the Google Scholar, explore and explain the history of health informatics, the areas it is currently being used, and some future options. Include an explanation of the regulatory role of the Office of National Coordinator.
Your paper should be two full pages (not including cover and reference page), double-spaced, fully researched and in-text citations. There are many journal articles available on this broad topic, so the research should be very straightforward on this assignment.
Provide a separate reference page at the end with complete information (not just pasted URLs).
Writing LEVEL 3
Points Possible: 35
4 points for an introduction that clearly describes the purpose of your paper
3 points for an appropriate conclusion
20 points for body paragraphs that explain the history of health informatics, describe what the term means, areas currently used, future options, and role of ONC
8 points for writing level
Tennessee State University The Civil Right Movement Paper Writing Assignment Help
Imagine yourself a student in the 1960s, or 1970s. Choose one of the movements that existed and tell why you would be involved. Also, share its beliefs/philosophies and criticisms. Trace the root of the movement and its demise unless it is still in existence.
please use MILA in referencing, also need a good introduction and conclusion
In your draft, address some of the following questions:
1.What lessons can contemporary civil rights groups learn?
2.What strategies worked best to promote civil rights?
3.Was violence or repression involved?
4.Was your movement a revolution or a social movement?
Social Conflict is the struggle for agency or power in society. Social conflict or group conflict occurs when two or more actors oppose each other in social interaction, reciprocally exerting social power in an effort to attain scarce or incompatible goals and prevent the opponent from attaining them.
Revolution is a forcible overthrow of the government or social order, in favor of a new system.
5.Papers should be no less than four pages with standard font and margins (1.5). Remember this is research and must include a work cited page and citations in the body of your paper, otherwise the paper is a zero.
Also, include a socially conscious song of the period and, without giving all the lyrics, tell why you feel the song best describes the movement.
Songs can include but are not limited to:
Say it Loud, I’ m Black and I’m Proud
I’m Coming Out
Move on Up
I am Woman
Blowing in the Wind
People Get Ready
Lift Every Voice
How I Got Over
If There’s a Hell Below
Mississippi God****
Strange Fruit
Fortunate Son
Yo Soy Chicano
Lift every voice
The song in its entirely does not need to be printed, only a verse or stanza and why is meshes with your selected movement.
Dominican University Efficiency of Companies HBR Digital Articles Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the following HBR Digital articles:
- Christensen, et al., (2016). Know your customers: Jobs to be done. HBR Digital. September 2016.
- Porter, M. and Heppelmann, J. (2015). How smart, connected products are transforming companies. HBR, 93, No. 10, October 2015, 97 – 114.
- Porter, M. and Kramer, M. (2011). Creating shared value. HBR, 89, Nos. 1 – 2, January – February, 2015. 62 – 77.
Complete the referenced HBR readings, then answer the following questions.
- Critique the argument that Porter and Heppelmann (2015) make about how smart products are changing the ways companies compete in a digital age. Consider how the company you work for is being affected.
- Porter and Kramer (2011) see “value” as having to be redefined. Discuss their position and what this potentially means for companies to create new markets?
- Discuss why Christensen et al., (2016) contend that products perform a particular “job” for a customer – how does help with innovation in an era of rapid technological change?
AU Executive Leadership the Power of Positive Leadership & Diversity Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Positive Leadership can help an organization overcome obstacles such as a hostile work environment. Positive Leadership can also foster an effective organizational culture enhanced by diversity and gender differences. This assignment is generally 5-6 total pages in length. Please combine the questions into one document in APA form.
Please refer to Chapters 1-5 in The Power of Positive Leadership.
Positive Leadership Concept Questions:
Answer the following questions:
- How can a Positive Leader Create and Share a Positive Vision with an organization?
- In your opinion, what is a Leader’s most important job?
- How can a Leader shift an organizational culture from negative to positive?
- Please provide an examples of Positive Leadership.
Cumberland University Robotics Applications In Industry Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Cumberland University Robotics Applications In Industry Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help