CUNYLC Latin America History Visual Source of Late 19th Century or 20th Century Essay Humanities Assignment Help

CUNYLC Latin America History Visual Source of Late 19th Century or 20th Century Essay Humanities Assignment Help. CUNYLC Latin America History Visual Source of Late 19th Century or 20th Century Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Task: Analyze a visual source of late 19th-century or early 20th-century Latin America.

Source: Tulane University Howard-Tilton Memorial Library. Early Images of Latin America Collection

This assignment values quality over quantity in analysis. The maximum word limit is 600.


For many years, New Orleans was one of the most important ports connecting the United States and Latin America. As a result, many merchants and companies with interests in Latin America were based in New Orleans (the infamous United Fruit Company was headquartered there for many years). Over time, these collections were donated to Tulane University which now boasts some of the best collections of Latin American images from 1850 to about 1950. Your task is to select one visual source from the late-nineteenth century or early-twentieth century of Latin American history and to analyze its context based on your understanding of the class lectures and reading.

Besides selecting an image, no outside research is required for this assignment. In fact, I would discourage you to do so; it’s better to focus on analyzing the source that you have selected than finding supplemental material. Instead draw upon the textbook, information in lecture, and materials found in the Problems in Modern Latin American History collection.

In particular, you should chose images that address some of the critical themes we have discussed in module 2 of class which include (but aren’t limited to): the rise of liberal political projects, the expansion of Latin America’s export-oriented economy, rising neo-colonialism, and debates over race, nation, and citizenship.

Be sure to include a copy of the image you have analyzed in your analysis. You simply have to attach or paste a copy of the image.

CUNYLC Latin America History Visual Source of Late 19th Century or 20th Century Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Negative Impact on Children During the Remote Study & Interactive Learning Essay Writing Assignment Help

My most important requirement is someone who is not busy and therefore could read a lot about my topic and spend time focusing on my work. I am always open to any suggestions or changes and would willingly make appropriate changes. The person who is willing to help me should have the following skills:

  • Ability to create valid questions for a survey
  • An excellent English speaker and writer also an expert on analysis design.
  • Someone who is familiar with the online classes and how the educational system works there.
  • Someone who has had access to and the ability to find academic journals appropriate to the topic
  • A person who is very good at writing strong and knowledge-based papers of appropriate length.
  • I am looking for someone with critical and analytical thinking who also has good explanation skills
  • Great writing skills and the ability to use various recourses
  • Used and familiar with APA citation format 7th edition. Must use APA citation format 7th.
  • The literature review shouldn’t be less than 10 sources.


I use two plagiarism detection tools on the Internet, safe-assign, and Turnitin. So if I see any content without citation and reference will ask for cancellation immediately and no chance to redo it. Of course, I will provide a report for that to show you where you plagiarised. Sorry for the long talk but I am i want you to know that I am looking for free plagiarism work and high quality.

I have no limited number of pages but you are responsible to answer and cover all these instructions.

I estimated that not less approximately 25-30 pages without references


Harvard University Secondary Trauma Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)

(Paper with grammar errors or incoherent sentences won’t be accepted)

(Minimum 3 Pages, Double Spaced,Apa Format)


Subject of the paper: The Subject is secondary trauma

  • Ensure you include no less than 3 scholarly references in addition to the course text as sources within your essay (follow all APA writing requirements for citation and references).
  • Write a 3-5 page APA essay on Secondary Trauma (not including title and reference pages).

Below is what I submitted as topic proposal (which means that the paper needs to be written based on this abstract)

Abstract: Trauma is a term that many persons have used to describe the impact of an event that has left a negative impact on them and/or their lives. However what many are unaware of is that while trauma exposure is the most common means of developing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) it is not the only way. Throughout this paper the topic of Secondary Trauma will be explored. Secondary trauma is the sometimes sudden development of PTSD-like symptoms without directly witnessing or having being involved in a traumatic event. Secondary trauma is defined as indirect exposure to trauma through a firsthand account or narrative of a traumatic event. The vivid recounting of trauma by the survivor and the clinician’s subsequent cognitive or emotional representation of that event may result in a set of symptoms and reactions that parallel PTSD (e.g., re-experiencing, avoidance and hyperarousal) (Zimering PhD & Bird Gulliver, PhD, 2003,). It is important in the counseling profession to understand who may be at risk of secondary trauma as well as identifying and understanding the signs of secondary trauma. As a counselor there may be times when a person presents with trauma it is beneficial to know the similarities and differences between chronic trauma, complex trauma, compassion fatigue and secondary trauma. At the conclusion of the paper we will review of approaches to cope with Secondary Trauma during the healing process.

Requirement: The following represents the full request of this task:

Other information: No plagiarism, No grammar errors


  • APA Format
  • No plagiarism is accepted
  • Only academic resources should be used, no older than 5 years old
  • Adhere to the requested number of words/pages
  • No Grammar errors ( refunds will be asked for incoherent/ full of grammar errors papers)

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***


Thank you for your support


CMN 597 University of New Hampshire Meme and Its Role in Public Relations Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment Five on a Meme and its role in Public Relations

Find and summarize a meme that seems essential to an organization and its publics. Was this meme produced as original content or did it take up a prior meme? What media does this meme depend on? Which senses does this meme appeal to? Was this meme created internally or externally? Was this meme created by an ally or foe of the organization and its publics? To what extent has the meme gone viral? How does this meme capture, maintain, and shape the ethos shared by this organization and its publics? How is this meme shared, recycled, and re-purposed? To what extent has this meme benefitted the organization and its publics? To what extent has the meme harmed the organization and its publics?


Harvard University Relationship Between Absence of Father and HIV Cases Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)

(Paper with grammar errors or incoherent sentences won’t be accepted)

(2 Pages, Double Spaced,Apa Format)


Subject of the paper: Relationship between missing fathers and increase in HIV cases in SIngle Parent Family in the African american communities

Requirement: Develop a research problem that is based on evidence found in peer-reviewed journal articles based on the research topic that you have chosen. This assignment will allow you to practice in finding, evaluating, and summarizing peer-reviewed scholarly literature and provide evidence of a gap in the literature.

Instructions: For this assignment, you are going to work on the first portion of your research project, defining a research problem. This is #1 on the Research Alignment Form. The goal of the assignment is to take the information you have found in weeks 1 – 4 and start to develop your need for conducting research on a specified topic. This assignment will help create the documentation to show a need for the intended research.


  • In approximately 1 – 2 page(s), summarize the body of literature that you found on the research topic that you have selected. Please note: You should not summarize each article, but rather synthesize the key points and main themes from your references.
  • Include a list of 5 peer-reviewed journal articles supporting your topic (Must be in APA 7 Format)
  • At the top of the paper, write the intended research topic (in 1 – 2 Sentences). Example: The intended research is to evaluate the differences in data breach types based on the type of covered entity.
    • Please note: This will not become part of your final project, but rather assistance to you and your instructor to focus on your intended research topic.

Format: Submit the assignment in a word document. Your paper should be formatted following APA 7 Guidelines. You do not need a cover page for this assignment. Please make sure your paper meets these guidelines:

  1. 2 – 3 Pages in Length
  2. Double Spacing
  3. Times New Roman, Size 12 font
  4. Minimum of 5 Peer-Reviewed References in APA 7 Format (CSS Library Help on APA Reference Formatting:

Other information: No plagiarism, No grammar errors


  • APA Format
  • No plagiarism is accepted
  • Only academic resources should be used, no older than 5 years old
  • Adhere to the requested number of words/pages
  • No Grammar errors ( refunds will be asked for incoherent/ full of grammar errors papers)

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***


Thank you for your support



ECOM 301 Saudi Electronic University Digital Marketing Campaign Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Marketing project and need support to help me understand better.

Part 3, around (1000) words: Due week 13. on 26/11/2020. (Refer to the Textbook Chapters 7, 8, 9 &10) – For legal reasons, you will not actually create business profiles and launch a campaign on different platforms. You will merely write the proposed plan and the expected results and accumulated costs, using real facts from the chosen used platforms. So, do the proper research and choose wisely.

Create a campaign for your company to launch, starting January 2021 till December, that will be active for 12 months. Marketing budget: SR 450,000 to spend on digital advertising media over the next 12 months. The budget also includes up to SR 340,500 for advertising creative and content development, and for the company to manage the program.

a.What is your campaign message? (about your digital campaign message)

b.What is your digital marketing campaign Schedule: recommend digital marketing content and the schedule for the content? (Must include timeline for the content distribution, frequency of posts and ads).

c.What platforms and digital media you will use to deploy your campaign, and for which purpose? Social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat) and any other platform that might help achieve your goals, like google, YouTube, etc. (Must include screenshots of the platforms’ process of creating the campaign) . Also, include a table of the budget allocations for each platform on a monthly basis. Try to justify your selection.

d.Monitoring and Optimization: describe how you will measure and improve digital marketing performance during the campaign. What tools you will use to monitor the campaign’s activity. (Must include screenshots of the monitoring tools that will keep track of your costs and activity).

ECOM 301 Saudi Electronic University Digital Marketing Campaign Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 496 Ashford Wk 3 Warehousing System Implementation Potential Risks Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Review the “System Implementation” section in Chapter 6 of the text. Select two risks that your current (or former) organization could potentially face. In 200-250 words, provide a potential risk mitigation recommendation for each of the two.

Text Book: Emmett, S. (2005). Excellence in warehouse management (1st ed.). Retrieved from

Download the O.S.H.A Pocket Guide – Worker Safety Series: Warehousing (Links to an external site.). Identify two potential safety issues that your current (or former) organization could be facing and explain why in 200-250 words.



MIS 201 SEU Infrastructure & Management System of Coca Cola Company Analytical Review Business Finance Assignment Help

Part one in attachment only as below.

  1. Cover Page This must contain topic title, student names and Students ID, section number and course name. (you can find the cover page in the blackboard)
  1. Table of Contents (0.5 mark).Make sure the table of contents contains and corresponds to the headings in the text, figures, and tables.
  1. Executive Summary (1 marks).What does the assignment about, briefly explain the distinct features
  1. Organizational Profile (1.5 marks).Brief background of the business including organization details, purpose, and organizational structure.
  1. Strategies (3 marks).Discuss different types of strategies for competitive advantages and then select and discuss the most appropriate strategies to improve the performance of the organization.

Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization

  1. Technology Involved (4 marks).How is the organization set up in terms of its IT infrastructure? Discuss the hardware, software, telecommunication, information security, networks, and other elements.

Hint: You can discuss any points that you learned in this course and its related to your selected organization


MUSM 3120 University of Iowa Museum Origins & Studies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

In his Report of the National Museum from 1889, Goode states, “A finished museum is a dead museum, and a dead museum is a useless museum” (Museum of the Future, p.445). Using examples from the text/resources and from what you have learned this semester, describe Goode’s philosophy of museums. How is his view of museums different or the same from those we hold today? Do you agree with his initial statement that a “dead museum is useless museum”? Explain.

use 1 inch margins, double spaced, must use examples from texts provided.


Friends University Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball Club Management Questions Writing Assignment Help

Hi there guys, another quick and easy assignment to do. Just this small case study to be answered. All information and questions are below. No format needed, just need to be answered. Please and thank you guys.

The Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball Club is a minor league baseball team in the short-season New York Penn League. The Cyclones are located in Brooklyn, New York, and are affiliated with the New York Mets, who also are located in Brooklyn. The Cyclones are in a competitive marketplace. They not only have two Major League Baseball teams to compete against but also face additional competition from sport programming on TV and other forms of entertainment.

Submit a fully developed answer for each of the following questions (should be around 500 words total).

  • How would you market a minor league team compared to a Major League Baseball team?
  • What are some similarities and differences between the two marketing approaches?
  • What media challenges does a minor league team face competing against a professional team in the same area?
  • After consumers attend a major league game, how might they consume the product—the Brooklyn Cyclones Baseball Club—differently in terms of benefits, sport form, or the marketing mix?
  • What is the target audience for the Brooklyn Cyclones as opposed to the Yankees and Mets and other minor league teams such as the Long Island Ducks?


CUNYLC Latin America History Visual Source of Late 19th Century or 20th Century Essay Humanities Assignment Help

CUNYLC Latin America History Visual Source of Late 19th Century or 20th Century Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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