Cuyahoga Community College Teslas Marketing Campaign Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. Cuyahoga Community College Teslas Marketing Campaign Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.
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You have decided to create a marketing/advertising/thought leadership campaign aimed in response to recent events in the United States and throughout the world. It is based on the recent BLM issues that have received much notice since the murder of George Floyd and the demonstrations first in the United States and then around the world. Your client, the company you are doing for your final team projecr has embraced as its vision one that is focused on uniting people across boundaries through the understanding and appreciation of treating each other with dignity and respect and they will be partnering with some local NGOs (non-profits) to advance that platform.
Cuyahoga Community College Teslas Marketing Campaign Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University General Motors Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
-use times new Roman (size 12,double spaced) font.
– you must in every question Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Part (1)
When she gets out of bed, what does Mary Barra (CEO of GM) think about? “I spend a lot
of early mornings thinking about executing our plan quickly. The big thing I worry about is
speed,” says Barra. CFO Chuck Stevens agrees, highlighting a statement from the faulty ignition
switch internal investigation about the culture at GM, “No sense of urgency. No accountability
or responsibility. A siloed mentality.” Barra has reacted quickly and with force to make culture
change a reality by implementing a number of initiatives including “GM 2020,” which is a
program designed to create cross-functional labs throughout the company. Barra has also pushed
hard to create a new culture of speed by creating a year-long transformational leadership course
for upper-level executives that Barra personally leads. It’s not focused on company strategy, but
rather the interpersonal skills she believes are necessary to create change. HR chief John Quat-
trone says, “Mary believes that if we change the behaviors (of top managers), people who work
for us will see that and emulate it.”
Barra’s major vision for GM is to lead in safe autonomous driving. This puts them directly up
against the fast-moving cultures of Google, Uber, and Tesla. Barra believes GM’s recent acquisi-
tion of Cruise Automation ($581 million) puts them square in the driver’s seat. After a success-
ful, high-profile test of an autonomous Chevy Bolt (with Barra riding in the back seat), Barra
told a large group of Cruise employees, “If somebody (at GM] says you can’t have something, or
you can’t do something, or it’s going to take this much time, and it doesn’t make sense to you,
challenge them. I want you to take the energy and speed and how you look at doing things and
drive it into the core of GM.”
GM believes that they have the advantage. GM product chief Mark Reuss says, “The piece
that is not well understood outside of the automotive industry is how hard it is to take technology
and integrate it into a car. It seems like you should be able to layer it in and have it work and that
would be great. Right. The effort to integrate that into the car is equal to or more than the tech-
nology itself. A car has to work right every time, all the time.” So far, the technology companies
have spent billions of dollars in development and have little to show for it. Still, Barra is not will-
ing to bask in success for long. Onstage at GM’s headquarters she told her group, “Don’t confuse
progress with winning. Are you doing what you can? Or are you doing what it takes to win?”
Question 1- Do you think GM can outduel the technology companies for safe autonomous driving
vehicles? (Min words 150-200)
Question 2- Would you consider Mary Barra to be the prototypical transformational leader? In what
ways does she fit or not fit that model? (Min words 200-250)
Question 3- Given GM’s history, why does Barra put a premium on her executives’ leadership
behaviors? (Min words 200)
(Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.)
Source: M. DeBord. “Mary Barra Is About to Become the Most Influential CEO in GM History,”,
February 17, 2017:; C. Fussman.
“What I’ve Learned: Mary Barra,”, April 26, 2016:…
what-ive-learned-mary-barra); P. Ingrassia. “Hail Mary,” Fortune, September 15, 2016, pp. 84-89; B. Luscombe. “13 Ques-
tions with Mary Barra, ” Time, June 2, 2016:; and R. Tetzeli. “The Accelerators,”
Fast Company, November 2016, pp. 68-74, 100.
Part(2): Discussion question :
which statement did you feel was more accurate: “Leaders are born” or “Leaders are made”? How do you feel now, and why do you feel that way? (Min words 200-300)
(Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.)
ENG 130 CUNY Queens College Redefining Gothic Works in Jen Silverman The Moors Essay Writing Assignment Help
Assignment 3: Research Project
10 pages
Project due: December 22nd
Main Texts need analyze : The Moors by Jen Silverman.
Thesis & Main argument:
In the novel the moors, Jen Silverman made a new definition of Victorian Gothic works in line with the characteristics of the times. She used the inspiration of the Bronte sisters and broke through their traditions to show the audience a completely different Gothic the loneliness of existence and the surreal study of the meaning of life. She gave the audience a brand-new Victorian Gothic consciousness space of contemporary significance.
Possible Theoretical Texts:
1, Cohen, Jeffrey. Jerome. (Editor). Monster culture (seven theses). Monster Theory: Reading Culture, edited by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
2, Lindsay B, Cummings. “Intimacy and Isolation in Jen Silverman’s Gothic Worlds.” Modern Drama, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS, 27 May 2020,
3, Bekx, Abigail. “The Bronte Sisters’ Inspiration and Exploration of Human Nature.” Blogis Librorum, Aspiration Marketing, 30 July 2018,…
The plots and characters relationship that needs to be analyzed:
1), the contact and conflict between the protagonist AGATHA and EMILIE
AGATHA pretends to be brother BURNWELL and writes to EMILE, attracting EMILIE to the mansion, and trying to make EMILIE fall in love with her, the meaning of queer culture (you can quote the added quote)
1, first kiss on page 49
2, second kiss on page 69
2), role and relationship and conflict with AGATHA and HULDEY
At the beginning of the novel, AGATHA treats HULDEY similar dolls
AGATHA’s disregard for sister HULDEY
In the end, HULDEY was irritated and killed his sister AGATHA, and she also disappeared in moors.
Page 79 (quoting Cohen theory)
HULDEY sings the song she wrote to kill AGATHA, page 81.
3), the relationship and conflict between anthropomorphic roles MASITFF and MOOR-HEN
Race, species conflict, and ultimately the laws of nature,
1. MASIFF meets MOOR-HEN page 22
2. MASIFF falls in love with MOOR-HEN page 40
3. The relationship between MASIFF and MOOR-HEN starts to deteriorate Chapter 10
4. MASIFF continues to worry that MOOR-HEN will leave, and begins to quarrel between them. Page 75
5. at end of chapter 13, MASIFF KILLS MOOR-HEN (quoting Cohen theory)
4), the connection between the character MARJORY and HULDEY
MARJORY hides everything, acts as a bystander and plans something.
MARJORY has repeatedly instigated and angered HULDEY to kill AGATHA. Page 53,
Chapter 11
5), the indifference and indifference of the characters EMILIE and MARJORY after the murder. The horror under this performance.
The coldness after MASTIFF’s killing shows the horror of predators. (Quoting Cohen theory) (MASTIFF walks in with blood and feathers)
6), Analyze the Actor’s Language:
AGATHA: “you know every little about women and what they are capable of.” page 31
AGATHA: “I cannot stand weakness, I cannot stand it in myself, and I cannot abide it in others.” page 46
HULDEY: “Nobody is going to murder my sister before I do.” page 64
The Assignment: Make an argument that answers an interpretive question that you raise about one of the texts listed below. Support your argument with close reading, using secondary texts to define your terms precisely. You might begin with the historical and theoretical texts that we studied in class, and you should also refer to at least three sources that you find through original research.
Possible useful references: ( you need to choice some of them, but focus on the moors and cohen ,Lindsay B, Cummings)
1, Cohen, Jeffrey. Jerome.
Thesis VII. The Monster Stands at the Threshold … of Becoming
“They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.”
Thesis III. The Monster Is the Harbinger of Category Crisis
“so the monster is dangerous, a form suspended between forms that threatens to smash distinctions.”
“The horizon where the monsters dwell might well be imagined as the visible edge of the hermeneutic circle itself: the monstrous offers an escape from its hermetic path, an invitation to explore new spirals, new and interconnected methods of perceiving the world.”
Thesis IV. The Monster Dwells at the Gates of Difference
“Any kind of alterity can be inscribed across (constructed through) the monstrous body, but for the most part monstrous difference tends to be cultural, political, racial, economic, sexual.”
Thesis VI. Fear of the Monster Is Really a Kind of Desire
2, Abigail Bekx.
“The Brontës show readers both the light and the dark present in human nature. They explore the balance needed through their characters, allowing readers to learn about their own nature through the experience of others.”
“The novels they produced explore the intricacy of human nature and the effect one person can have on others. Their lives provide examples of the difficult life faced by citizens in Industrial Age England.”
“Through their writing and, by extent, their lives, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë give readers a glimpse into the life of well-educated, intelligent women in the Victorian Era.”
“The Brontë sisters, like many writers, explored their place in society through their writing. Due to their work as governesses, they were especially concerned about the role of the well-educated young women—with no marriage prospects—and elements of human nature.”
“In their novels, the Brontë sisters explore elements of human nature.”
“Emily explores the darkness present in human nature in Wuthering Heights. The primary example of this can be seen in the influence Heathcliff has on the other characters. His darkness and desire for revenge cause a chain reaction, sucking the other characters into his self-destructive spiral.”
“ Charlotte expresses this view when she writes, “If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” ”
3, Lindsay B, Cummings.
“Possessed of both the hyper rationality and the hyper-individualism that characterize neoliberal thinking, characters in the neoliberal gothic pursue their own goals to destructive ends.”
“But despite its investment in the conventions of Victorian gothic, The Moors asks questions about loneliness, intimacy, and isolation that resonate with our society today, a connection Silverman affirms unambiguously in her staging note: “this play is about the present” ”
“When the moorhen suggests that intimacy cannot guarantee the future, the mastiff is overcome with fear and anger and becomes violent. The relationship comes to a bloody end.”
“Moreover, Agatha found Huldey’s diary – and by implication Huldey herself – boring. Huldey reacts with violence. She kills Agatha in a fit of rage and disappointment, then sings a power ballad to an imagined audience in which she depicts murder as both a form of liberation – “Murder is a baby bird who suddenly learned to fly” – and a longed-for companion – “Murder is the gentleman you wish would stay” ”
“As Silverman’s work demonstrates, these villains reveal the affinity between neoliberal discourse and the pursuit of sublime power, a power that liberates us from the control and influence of others.”
“The conventional gothic villain, in these terms, is not merely transgressive but also destructive, willing to pursue individual freedom to the point of social collapse. Silverman’s villains share with this model devotion to individual liberty, but they pair it with what Brown refers to as “neoliberal rationality,” the extension of market-based thinking into all aspects of life.”
“ Emilie, meanwhile, has been chosen because her letters suggested someone easily “at the mercy of the world” ”
“Self-preservation and self-interest, the ruling principles of neoliberal gothic worlds, offer a small sense of stability in the face of tremendous precarity.”
“the monster and the ideal are two sides of the same person. Neoliberal rhetoric would have us think that this monster is one of our own making, a product of our failure to achieve neoliberal subjectivity.”
Possible useful Thoughts:
1, in the article “Monster Culture Seven Theses,” Jeffrey Jerome Cohen discusses and analyzes monsters and their origins. In the beginning, Cohen introduced the monster’s body with a fascinating concept, used it as the main body, and then applied a seven-stage argument to analyze and explore its culture from the deep. Guide readers to gradually understand the origin, development, and return of monster culture, and there are many forms of differences between monsters. Cohen expressed his points to audiences that monsters manifest any form of difference, whether ideological, cultural, sexual, or racial differences. These differences reflect people’s fear and anxiety about unknown mysterious things,By locating the origin of the monster. Cohen strives to reveal the values and tendencies of our culture. In Cohen’s Thesis VII, he wrote, “They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.” Monster Culture is hidden deep in our minds, and it will always return and emerge in the final. Through this theory, we can understand the dog The Mastiff, who has been hypocritical to Moor-Hen but eventually kill Moor-Hen at the end of the novel. Because of its nature that The Mastiff is ultimately unable to get rid of its brutal nature, monster thinking is hidden under his body. It will eventually return and emerge, thus exposing the nature of The Mastiff. It is ultimately impossible for a dog and a hen to have a cross-racial relationship, and the natural law of the weak will eventually return.
2, In her article, Lindsay B. Cummings analyzes Jen Silverman’s plays and demonstrates how her use of Gothic customs illustrates the promotion of isolation and emotion in neoliberal discourse The exchange of intimate relationships to intimate public relationships and the commodification of intimate relationships in the attention economy. Through the lens of Gothic effects, one can explore neoliberalism’s influence, primarily how neoliberalism constructs connections between people. Through the redefined Gothic metaphor, Silverman found the similarities between Gothic’s rebellious nature and the transindividualism advocated by neoliberal discourse. She further recounted the struggle between the Gothic heroine and patriarchalism, using it to examine the role of family life in neoliberalism. Understanding her concept can be used to understand the characters’ characteristics in the moors novel, the hidden meaning of the plot setting, and the convoluted plots, character relationships, and conflicts. In the article, she mentioned: “Possessed of both the hyper rationality and the hyper-individualism that characterize neoliberal thinking, characters in the neoliberal gothic pursue their own goals to destructive ends.” “It follows that the neoliberal gothic operates as a locale for exploring the violence of life under neoliberalism.” so, Silverman successfully combined these concepts and shaped the characters.
3, In Abigail Bekx’s blog post, he showed the audience his documentary of the famous three Brontë sisters in literature history. The novels they produced explored the complexity of human nature and the influence of one person on others. Their lives provide examples of the complicated lives faced by citizens of the British industrial age. Through their writing and life, to a certain extent, readers will get a glimpse of the life of a smart, well-educated woman in the Victorian era. In his blog, he mainly explained Charlotte’s life and creation process, the oldest of the three sisters, and Emily, the second sister. He affirmed the achievements of the Bronte sisters in literary history. He summarized that the Bronte sisters explored human nature elements in the novel, and they showed readers the light and darkness in human nature. They use roles to explore the balance needed so that readers can understand their nature through others’ experiences. Correspondingly, Silverman’s novel “The Moors” has also been influenced by the Bronte sisters’ works. We can all see characters in her novels similar to those in Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights. The two novels’ similarities show women’s refusal to succumb to fate and their intense passion for fate’s autonomy. It is different from the women in the novels of the Three Sisters of Bronte who are in low status, persecuted, and oppressed, and fight for freedom, happiness, and status. The women in Silverman’s novels are a strong defense, even resorting to violence and bloody endings. Moreover, in Silverman’s novel, she deliberately set men’s absence to emphasize women’s resistance. Besides, in the novel, Silverman sets up the male dog Mastiff’s plot and the hen. This is also a metaphor for humans. The conflict between the hen and Mastiff is used as a metaphor for women to challenge to male authority. The plot at the end shows the fragility of women to some extent, their powerlessness in the face of male persecution. This setting echoes the conflict between the heroines AGATHA and HULDEY, enhancing the drama of the novel.
Secondary Research: You must have at least three substantial scholarly sources that you have found through your own research, but you may cite other kinds of research in addition if you choose
Writing Lessons:
Thesis: Identify a meaningful question for literary analysis and find a method of analyzing it using historical and/or theoretical sources when they are useful.
Motive: Make an argument for the significance of your thesis.
Evidence and Analysis: Use close reading to guide research, following inquiry toward evidence. Evaluate sources in relationship to the thesis, prioritizing the most useful evidence and articulating its utility. Continue to practice source use with original research.
SOC 2109 University of Ottawa Social Psychology & Everyday Life Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I will send you the material.
Based off of the results from the sexual deviance survey, as well as using at least one (1) external source (peer-reviewed article or course book) from the course, discuss these results. Your role is to critically analyze these results in order to further understand them. Use course readings/content, the results of the survey, and if possible, personal experience.
To receive full marks, you must write between 600 and 800 words detailing personal reflections about the course material (these are not journal entries, they are academic engagements) as well as two separate responses to other student’s post of at least 250 to 450 words each. You will receive 2 marks for your discussion post, and 1 mark for each response – 2 in total. Please also remember to include a word count for both your original post and your response.
Please remember that, in spite of the relative anonymity of the internet and online platforms, these discussion boards are meant to be safe and enabling spaces for you to engage with the course materials and postulate responses in a professional and scholarly manner. We will not tolerate any form of hate speech so please be respectful and adhere to the University of Ottawa’s policies regarding such behaviour.
To participate, use the “Discussion Board” option on the course’s Brightspace page. There, select “Discussion Board #6 – Sexual Deviance” and initiate a new discussion. To do this, select “Start a New Thread” and write your thoughts. Then, to answer to someone else’s thread, select that thread, read your classmates’ thoughts, and provide a constructive and pertinent response.
Florida National University Community Nursing School Health Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help
Chapter 22: School Health
The school nurse has a unique role in the provision of school health services for children with special health needs, including children with chronic illnesses and disabilities with various degrees of severity. This case describes the role of the school nurse caring for a child with type 1 diabetes.
Susan has two students with type 1 diabetes in her school, one requires blood glucose monitoring and daily insulin injections, while the other has a continuous insulin infusion pump. The incidence of type 1 diabetes presents a complex challenge to school healthcare providers. Type 1 diabetes ranks as the second most common chronic illness in childhood, second only to asthma. The American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2015) reports that about 193,000 Americans under age 20 live with diabetes and 17,900 are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes annually, and another 5,300 with type 2 diabetes. Children with diabetes are considered disabled and as such are protected under federal laws that prohibit discrimination against children with disabilities. Studies show that the majority of school personnel have an inadequate understanding of effective diabetes management. It is best for the student to monitor blood glucose and respond to the results as quickly as possible to avoid possible complications.
1. When the school nurse is unavailable, who is legally responsible for providing care to a child with diabetes? Explain your answer.
BUSI 730 Liberty University Capital Budgeting Decisions Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Focus: Strategic Planning Implications Concerning Resource Allocation and Capital Budgeting Decisions
Instructions: Select 1 of the 2 techniques/concepts discussed in your Discussion Board Forum 2 thread and develop a real-world application paper. Select a company that you work for now or have worked for in the past, or a company in your community of which you have sufficient knowledge. Show how the selected technique/concept would be applied to that particular business in its strategic allocation of financial resources in the area of capital budgeting decisions. Your paper must be in current APA format and must include references from at least 7 peer-reviewed journal articles. The paper must be at least 5–7 pages, not including the title page and reference page.
I work for 7 Eleven
The text book that is used for this course is “Cost Management : A Strategic Emphasis” by Edward J. Blocher
The technique to pull from in order to build this paper is : Chapter 11. Decision Making with a Strategic Emphasis, looking at The five steps of the decisions making process.
BUSI 730 Liberty University Capital Budgeting Decisions Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MGT 521 Saudi Electronic Comprehensive Change Management Process Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
The final critical thinking assignment for this course requires a comprehensive Change Management Process, including its origination and implementation. To complete this project, address the following:
- Choose a Middle Eastern organization in which you are currently working, or with which you are familiar. Provide a brief description of the organization, including its history, number of employees, products/services, mission/vision, strategies, etc.
- Discuss the problem or issue confronting the organization. Why is there a need to change (e.g., falling profits, low morale, challenges recruiting talented employees, etc.)?
- Assess the principle reasons for the organization’s problem or issue. What is the root cause and what are other causes of the problem/issue?
- Identify the intended change you propose for the organization. Detail the reasons for the change, including any research you conducted that led you to this recommendation (for instance, similar organizations in a similar situation followed this strategy, or studies indicated this was the preferred solution for other organizations in a similar situation).
- Identify a plan to implement the change. Be clear about the steps or processes that you propose to implement this change, including any resources which may be needed throughout the process.
- Identify the measurement/control mechanisms you would utilize to determine if the change management process is working effectively. Also, include any contingency plans you would propose if/when the plan is not implemented as intended.
- Finally, offer a brief statement about what you learned from completing this project and how your research in this course has affected your perspective/perception of change.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 6-8 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook (Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2020). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (4th ed.).) , at least four scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Please cite the book as it is a requirement.
Rasmussen Communicating Effectively and Understanding and Valuing Differences PPT Writing Assignment Help
Develop a 12-slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you do the following:
1. Identify the population and provide a description of it.
2. Discuss cultural elements associated with this identified group and communication dynamics.
3. What cultural considerations should be understood by Human Services Professionals, regardless of specialty, when communicating with this group?
4. What specific strategies should Human Services Professionals employ to ensure effective service delivery?
5. Provide any additional research-specific topics related to effective and efficient communication with diverse group (with the identified population or in general) that is applicable to Human Services practice.
6. Cite at least two sources using a reference slide.
MGT 422 SEU Ethical Dilemma of Who Survives Self Driving Car Accident Questions Writing Assignment Help
- This assignment is an individual assignment.
- The due date for Assignment 3 is by the end of Week 13 (28/11/2020).
- The Assignment must be submitted only in WORD format via an allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented. This also includes filling in your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention the question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Read the case article “Ethical dilemma of who survives self-driving car accident”Publication info: The New Zealand Herald; Auckland, New Zealand [Auckland, New Zealand]03 Jan 2019: B.3. available in SDL and answer the following questions:
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Workload:
- This Assignment comprises of a Case Study.
- The assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.
Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:
After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the
LO 1.1 Demonstrate a solid understanding of prominent theories of ethics and morality
LO 2.1. Defend their rationale for decisions related to acceptable and unacceptable business conduct based on the business ethics principles.
LO 4.5. The capacity to write a coherent project about a case study or actual research about ethics.
Critical Thinking Question(s):(Marks 5)
- Analyze the philosophical approach (3 prescriptive approaches) the author speaks about considering the examples mentioned in the article. (3 Marks)
- Evaluate one of the Philosophical approaches and describe why you have (or would) use this approach to guide your decision making. (2 Marks)
Grading Criteria – Rubric for Assignment
Below Average
The philosophical approach to ethical decision making involves Prescriptive approaches (Students must discuss ethical perspectives of Consequentialist theory, Deontological Theories, and Virtue Ethics) must be clear.
(60 % Score)
Explain all the three approaches with relevant examples from the article case is clear.
(3 Marks)
Examples are clearly explained but fail to explain all the three approaches.
(2 Mark)
Examples and Approaches are not well explained.
(1 Mark)
The explanation should be based on selecting and reasoning the approach being used as a guideline for decision making. Eg if the student chooses the consequentialist approach then reasoning should be based on maximum benefits to society and minimize harms.
(40 % Score)
All the facets of the approach along with reasons are well explained.
(2 Marks)
Explanation lacks clarity about the approach.
(1.5 Mark)
Reasons are not acceptable for selecting a particular approach.
(0.5 Mark)
Oakwood University Wk 7 Managerial Economics Economics Assignment Help
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him” (Jeremiah 17:7, King James Version).
“Everybody is searching for peace. No one can avoid the strain of life or the severe stress it brings with it. Jesus radiated love, serenity and peace; no matter how turbulent or chaotic the circumstances were around Him. This was the result of His intimate relationship with His Father. Jesus regularly withdrew in solitude to pray and pour out His heart to His Father. Then He was able to return to a stormy life with the peace of heaven in His heart. Whatever life may have in store for you, you will be victorious in His strength because”, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13, King James Version)” (Christian Art Gifts, June 7).
250 words
APA style
The plots and characters relationship that needs to be analyzed:
1), the contact and conflict between the protagonist AGATHA and EMILIE
AGATHA pretends to be brother BURNWELL and writes to EMILE, attracting EMILIE to the mansion, and trying to make EMILIE fall in love with her, the meaning of queer culture (you can quote the added quote)
1, first kiss on page 49
2, second kiss on page 69
2), role and relationship and conflict with AGATHA and HULDEY
At the beginning of the novel, AGATHA treats HULDEY similar dolls
AGATHA’s disregard for sister HULDEY
In the end, HULDEY was irritated and killed his sister AGATHA, and she also disappeared in moors.
Page 79 (quoting Cohen theory)
HULDEY sings the song she wrote to kill AGATHA, page 81.
3), the relationship and conflict between anthropomorphic roles MASITFF and MOOR-HEN
Race, species conflict, and ultimately the laws of nature,
1. MASIFF meets MOOR-HEN page 22
2. MASIFF falls in love with MOOR-HEN page 40
3. The relationship between MASIFF and MOOR-HEN starts to deteriorate Chapter 10
4. MASIFF continues to worry that MOOR-HEN will leave, and begins to quarrel between them. Page 75
5. at end of chapter 13, MASIFF KILLS MOOR-HEN (quoting Cohen theory)
4), the connection between the character MARJORY and HULDEY
MARJORY hides everything, acts as a bystander and plans something.
MARJORY has repeatedly instigated and angered HULDEY to kill AGATHA. Page 53,
Chapter 11
5), the indifference and indifference of the characters EMILIE and MARJORY after the murder. The horror under this performance.
The coldness after MASTIFF’s killing shows the horror of predators. (Quoting Cohen theory) (MASTIFF walks in with blood and feathers)
6), Analyze the Actor’s Language:
AGATHA: “you know every little about women and what they are capable of.” page 31
AGATHA: “I cannot stand weakness, I cannot stand it in myself, and I cannot abide it in others.” page 46
HULDEY: “Nobody is going to murder my sister before I do.” page 64
The Assignment: Make an argument that answers an interpretive question that you raise about one of the texts listed below. Support your argument with close reading, using secondary texts to define your terms precisely. You might begin with the historical and theoretical texts that we studied in class, and you should also refer to at least three sources that you find through original research.
Possible useful references: ( you need to choice some of them, but focus on the moors and cohen ,Lindsay B, Cummings)
1, Cohen, Jeffrey. Jerome.
Thesis VII. The Monster Stands at the Threshold … of Becoming
“They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.”
Thesis III. The Monster Is the Harbinger of Category Crisis
“so the monster is dangerous, a form suspended between forms that threatens to smash distinctions.”
“The horizon where the monsters dwell might well be imagined as the visible edge of the hermeneutic circle itself: the monstrous offers an escape from its hermetic path, an invitation to explore new spirals, new and interconnected methods of perceiving the world.”
Thesis IV. The Monster Dwells at the Gates of Difference
“Any kind of alterity can be inscribed across (constructed through) the monstrous body, but for the most part monstrous difference tends to be cultural, political, racial, economic, sexual.”
Thesis VI. Fear of the Monster Is Really a Kind of Desire
2, Abigail Bekx.
“The Brontës show readers both the light and the dark present in human nature. They explore the balance needed through their characters, allowing readers to learn about their own nature through the experience of others.”
“The novels they produced explore the intricacy of human nature and the effect one person can have on others. Their lives provide examples of the difficult life faced by citizens in Industrial Age England.”
“Through their writing and, by extent, their lives, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë give readers a glimpse into the life of well-educated, intelligent women in the Victorian Era.”
“The Brontë sisters, like many writers, explored their place in society through their writing. Due to their work as governesses, they were especially concerned about the role of the well-educated young women—with no marriage prospects—and elements of human nature.”
“In their novels, the Brontë sisters explore elements of human nature.”
“Emily explores the darkness present in human nature in Wuthering Heights. The primary example of this can be seen in the influence Heathcliff has on the other characters. His darkness and desire for revenge cause a chain reaction, sucking the other characters into his self-destructive spiral.”
“ Charlotte expresses this view when she writes, “If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” ”
3, Lindsay B, Cummings.
“Possessed of both the hyper rationality and the hyper-individualism that characterize neoliberal thinking, characters in the neoliberal gothic pursue their own goals to destructive ends.”
“But despite its investment in the conventions of Victorian gothic, The Moors asks questions about loneliness, intimacy, and isolation that resonate with our society today, a connection Silverman affirms unambiguously in her staging note: “this play is about the present” ”
“When the moorhen suggests that intimacy cannot guarantee the future, the mastiff is overcome with fear and anger and becomes violent. The relationship comes to a bloody end.”
“Moreover, Agatha found Huldey’s diary – and by implication Huldey herself – boring. Huldey reacts with violence. She kills Agatha in a fit of rage and disappointment, then sings a power ballad to an imagined audience in which she depicts murder as both a form of liberation – “Murder is a baby bird who suddenly learned to fly” – and a longed-for companion – “Murder is the gentleman you wish would stay” ”
“As Silverman’s work demonstrates, these villains reveal the affinity between neoliberal discourse and the pursuit of sublime power, a power that liberates us from the control and influence of others.”
“The conventional gothic villain, in these terms, is not merely transgressive but also destructive, willing to pursue individual freedom to the point of social collapse. Silverman’s villains share with this model devotion to individual liberty, but they pair it with what Brown refers to as “neoliberal rationality,” the extension of market-based thinking into all aspects of life.”
“ Emilie, meanwhile, has been chosen because her letters suggested someone easily “at the mercy of the world” ”
“Self-preservation and self-interest, the ruling principles of neoliberal gothic worlds, offer a small sense of stability in the face of tremendous precarity.”
“the monster and the ideal are two sides of the same person. Neoliberal rhetoric would have us think that this monster is one of our own making, a product of our failure to achieve neoliberal subjectivity.”
Possible useful Thoughts:
1, in the article “Monster Culture Seven Theses,” Jeffrey Jerome Cohen discusses and analyzes monsters and their origins. In the beginning, Cohen introduced the monster’s body with a fascinating concept, used it as the main body, and then applied a seven-stage argument to analyze and explore its culture from the deep. Guide readers to gradually understand the origin, development, and return of monster culture, and there are many forms of differences between monsters. Cohen expressed his points to audiences that monsters manifest any form of difference, whether ideological, cultural, sexual, or racial differences. These differences reflect people’s fear and anxiety about unknown mysterious things,By locating the origin of the monster. Cohen strives to reveal the values and tendencies of our culture. In Cohen’s Thesis VII, he wrote, “They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.” Monster Culture is hidden deep in our minds, and it will always return and emerge in the final. Through this theory, we can understand the dog The Mastiff, who has been hypocritical to Moor-Hen but eventually kill Moor-Hen at the end of the novel. Because of its nature that The Mastiff is ultimately unable to get rid of its brutal nature, monster thinking is hidden under his body. It will eventually return and emerge, thus exposing the nature of The Mastiff. It is ultimately impossible for a dog and a hen to have a cross-racial relationship, and the natural law of the weak will eventually return.
2, In her article, Lindsay B. Cummings analyzes Jen Silverman’s plays and demonstrates how her use of Gothic customs illustrates the promotion of isolation and emotion in neoliberal discourse The exchange of intimate relationships to intimate public relationships and the commodification of intimate relationships in the attention economy. Through the lens of Gothic effects, one can explore neoliberalism’s influence, primarily how neoliberalism constructs connections between people. Through the redefined Gothic metaphor, Silverman found the similarities between Gothic’s rebellious nature and the transindividualism advocated by neoliberal discourse. She further recounted the struggle between the Gothic heroine and patriarchalism, using it to examine the role of family life in neoliberalism. Understanding her concept can be used to understand the characters’ characteristics in the moors novel, the hidden meaning of the plot setting, and the convoluted plots, character relationships, and conflicts. In the article, she mentioned: “Possessed of both the hyper rationality and the hyper-individualism that characterize neoliberal thinking, characters in the neoliberal gothic pursue their own goals to destructive ends.” “It follows that the neoliberal gothic operates as a locale for exploring the violence of life under neoliberalism.” so, Silverman successfully combined these concepts and shaped the characters.
3, In Abigail Bekx’s blog post, he showed the audience his documentary of the famous three Brontë sisters in literature history. The novels they produced explored the complexity of human nature and the influence of one person on others. Their lives provide examples of the complicated lives faced by citizens of the British industrial age. Through their writing and life, to a certain extent, readers will get a glimpse of the life of a smart, well-educated woman in the Victorian era. In his blog, he mainly explained Charlotte’s life and creation process, the oldest of the three sisters, and Emily, the second sister. He affirmed the achievements of the Bronte sisters in literary history. He summarized that the Bronte sisters explored human nature elements in the novel, and they showed readers the light and darkness in human nature. They use roles to explore the balance needed so that readers can understand their nature through others’ experiences. Correspondingly, Silverman’s novel “The Moors” has also been influenced by the Bronte sisters’ works. We can all see characters in her novels similar to those in Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights. The two novels’ similarities show women’s refusal to succumb to fate and their intense passion for fate’s autonomy. It is different from the women in the novels of the Three Sisters of Bronte who are in low status, persecuted, and oppressed, and fight for freedom, happiness, and status. The women in Silverman’s novels are a strong defense, even resorting to violence and bloody endings. Moreover, in Silverman’s novel, she deliberately set men’s absence to emphasize women’s resistance. Besides, in the novel, Silverman sets up the male dog Mastiff’s plot and the hen. This is also a metaphor for humans. The conflict between the hen and Mastiff is used as a metaphor for women to challenge to male authority. The plot at the end shows the fragility of women to some extent, their powerlessness in the face of male persecution. This setting echoes the conflict between the heroines AGATHA and HULDEY, enhancing the drama of the novel.
Secondary Research: You must have at least three substantial scholarly sources that you have found through your own research, but you may cite other kinds of research in addition if you choose
Writing Lessons:
Thesis: Identify a meaningful question for literary analysis and find a method of analyzing it using historical and/or theoretical sources when they are useful.
Motive: Make an argument for the significance of your thesis.
Evidence and Analysis: Use close reading to guide research, following inquiry toward evidence. Evaluate sources in relationship to the thesis, prioritizing the most useful evidence and articulating its utility. Continue to practice source use with original research.
SOC 2109 University of Ottawa Social Psychology & Everyday Life Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I will send you the material.
Based off of the results from the sexual deviance survey, as well as using at least one (1) external source (peer-reviewed article or course book) from the course, discuss these results. Your role is to critically analyze these results in order to further understand them. Use course readings/content, the results of the survey, and if possible, personal experience.
To receive full marks, you must write between 600 and 800 words detailing personal reflections about the course material (these are not journal entries, they are academic engagements) as well as two separate responses to other student’s post of at least 250 to 450 words each. You will receive 2 marks for your discussion post, and 1 mark for each response – 2 in total. Please also remember to include a word count for both your original post and your response.
Please remember that, in spite of the relative anonymity of the internet and online platforms, these discussion boards are meant to be safe and enabling spaces for you to engage with the course materials and postulate responses in a professional and scholarly manner. We will not tolerate any form of hate speech so please be respectful and adhere to the University of Ottawa’s policies regarding such behaviour.
To participate, use the “Discussion Board” option on the course’s Brightspace page. There, select “Discussion Board #6 – Sexual Deviance” and initiate a new discussion. To do this, select “Start a New Thread” and write your thoughts. Then, to answer to someone else’s thread, select that thread, read your classmates’ thoughts, and provide a constructive and pertinent response.
Florida National University Community Nursing School Health Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help
Chapter 22: School Health
The school nurse has a unique role in the provision of school health services for children with special health needs, including children with chronic illnesses and disabilities with various degrees of severity. This case describes the role of the school nurse caring for a child with type 1 diabetes.
Susan has two students with type 1 diabetes in her school, one requires blood glucose monitoring and daily insulin injections, while the other has a continuous insulin infusion pump. The incidence of type 1 diabetes presents a complex challenge to school healthcare providers. Type 1 diabetes ranks as the second most common chronic illness in childhood, second only to asthma. The American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2015) reports that about 193,000 Americans under age 20 live with diabetes and 17,900 are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes annually, and another 5,300 with type 2 diabetes. Children with diabetes are considered disabled and as such are protected under federal laws that prohibit discrimination against children with disabilities. Studies show that the majority of school personnel have an inadequate understanding of effective diabetes management. It is best for the student to monitor blood glucose and respond to the results as quickly as possible to avoid possible complications.
1. When the school nurse is unavailable, who is legally responsible for providing care to a child with diabetes? Explain your answer.
BUSI 730 Liberty University Capital Budgeting Decisions Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Focus: Strategic Planning Implications Concerning Resource Allocation and Capital Budgeting Decisions
Instructions: Select 1 of the 2 techniques/concepts discussed in your Discussion Board Forum 2 thread and develop a real-world application paper. Select a company that you work for now or have worked for in the past, or a company in your community of which you have sufficient knowledge. Show how the selected technique/concept would be applied to that particular business in its strategic allocation of financial resources in the area of capital budgeting decisions. Your paper must be in current APA format and must include references from at least 7 peer-reviewed journal articles. The paper must be at least 5–7 pages, not including the title page and reference page.
I work for 7 Eleven
The text book that is used for this course is “Cost Management : A Strategic Emphasis” by Edward J. Blocher
The technique to pull from in order to build this paper is : Chapter 11. Decision Making with a Strategic Emphasis, looking at The five steps of the decisions making process.
BUSI 730 Liberty University Capital Budgeting Decisions Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MGT 521 Saudi Electronic Comprehensive Change Management Process Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
The final critical thinking assignment for this course requires a comprehensive Change Management Process, including its origination and implementation. To complete this project, address the following:
- Choose a Middle Eastern organization in which you are currently working, or with which you are familiar. Provide a brief description of the organization, including its history, number of employees, products/services, mission/vision, strategies, etc.
- Discuss the problem or issue confronting the organization. Why is there a need to change (e.g., falling profits, low morale, challenges recruiting talented employees, etc.)?
- Assess the principle reasons for the organization’s problem or issue. What is the root cause and what are other causes of the problem/issue?
- Identify the intended change you propose for the organization. Detail the reasons for the change, including any research you conducted that led you to this recommendation (for instance, similar organizations in a similar situation followed this strategy, or studies indicated this was the preferred solution for other organizations in a similar situation).
- Identify a plan to implement the change. Be clear about the steps or processes that you propose to implement this change, including any resources which may be needed throughout the process.
- Identify the measurement/control mechanisms you would utilize to determine if the change management process is working effectively. Also, include any contingency plans you would propose if/when the plan is not implemented as intended.
- Finally, offer a brief statement about what you learned from completing this project and how your research in this course has affected your perspective/perception of change.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 6-8 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook (Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2020). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (4th ed.).) , at least four scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Please cite the book as it is a requirement.
Rasmussen Communicating Effectively and Understanding and Valuing Differences PPT Writing Assignment Help
Develop a 12-slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you do the following:
1. Identify the population and provide a description of it.
2. Discuss cultural elements associated with this identified group and communication dynamics.
3. What cultural considerations should be understood by Human Services Professionals, regardless of specialty, when communicating with this group?
4. What specific strategies should Human Services Professionals employ to ensure effective service delivery?
5. Provide any additional research-specific topics related to effective and efficient communication with diverse group (with the identified population or in general) that is applicable to Human Services practice.
6. Cite at least two sources using a reference slide.
MGT 422 SEU Ethical Dilemma of Who Survives Self Driving Car Accident Questions Writing Assignment Help
- This assignment is an individual assignment.
- The due date for Assignment 3 is by the end of Week 13 (28/11/2020).
- The Assignment must be submitted only in WORD format via an allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented. This also includes filling in your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention the question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Read the case article “Ethical dilemma of who survives self-driving car accident”Publication info: The New Zealand Herald; Auckland, New Zealand [Auckland, New Zealand]03 Jan 2019: B.3. available in SDL and answer the following questions:
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Workload:
- This Assignment comprises of a Case Study.
- The assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.
Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:
After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the
LO 1.1 Demonstrate a solid understanding of prominent theories of ethics and morality
LO 2.1. Defend their rationale for decisions related to acceptable and unacceptable business conduct based on the business ethics principles.
LO 4.5. The capacity to write a coherent project about a case study or actual research about ethics.
Critical Thinking Question(s):(Marks 5)
- Analyze the philosophical approach (3 prescriptive approaches) the author speaks about considering the examples mentioned in the article. (3 Marks)
- Evaluate one of the Philosophical approaches and describe why you have (or would) use this approach to guide your decision making. (2 Marks)
Grading Criteria – Rubric for Assignment
Below Average
The philosophical approach to ethical decision making involves Prescriptive approaches (Students must discuss ethical perspectives of Consequentialist theory, Deontological Theories, and Virtue Ethics) must be clear.
(60 % Score)
Explain all the three approaches with relevant examples from the article case is clear.
(3 Marks)
Examples are clearly explained but fail to explain all the three approaches.
(2 Mark)
Examples and Approaches are not well explained.
(1 Mark)
The explanation should be based on selecting and reasoning the approach being used as a guideline for decision making. Eg if the student chooses the consequentialist approach then reasoning should be based on maximum benefits to society and minimize harms.
(40 % Score)
All the facets of the approach along with reasons are well explained.
(2 Marks)
Explanation lacks clarity about the approach.
(1.5 Mark)
Reasons are not acceptable for selecting a particular approach.
(0.5 Mark)
Oakwood University Wk 7 Managerial Economics Economics Assignment Help
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him” (Jeremiah 17:7, King James Version).
“Everybody is searching for peace. No one can avoid the strain of life or the severe stress it brings with it. Jesus radiated love, serenity and peace; no matter how turbulent or chaotic the circumstances were around Him. This was the result of His intimate relationship with His Father. Jesus regularly withdrew in solitude to pray and pour out His heart to His Father. Then He was able to return to a stormy life with the peace of heaven in His heart. Whatever life may have in store for you, you will be victorious in His strength because”, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13, King James Version)” (Christian Art Gifts, June 7).
250 words
APA style
The plots and characters relationship that needs to be analyzed:
1), the contact and conflict between the protagonist AGATHA and EMILIE
AGATHA pretends to be brother BURNWELL and writes to EMILE, attracting EMILIE to the mansion, and trying to make EMILIE fall in love with her, the meaning of queer culture (you can quote the added quote)
1, first kiss on page 49
2, second kiss on page 69
2), role and relationship and conflict with AGATHA and HULDEY
At the beginning of the novel, AGATHA treats HULDEY similar dolls
AGATHA’s disregard for sister HULDEY
In the end, HULDEY was irritated and killed his sister AGATHA, and she also disappeared in moors.
Page 79 (quoting Cohen theory)
HULDEY sings the song she wrote to kill AGATHA, page 81.
3), the relationship and conflict between anthropomorphic roles MASITFF and MOOR-HEN
Race, species conflict, and ultimately the laws of nature,
1. MASIFF meets MOOR-HEN page 22
2. MASIFF falls in love with MOOR-HEN page 40
3. The relationship between MASIFF and MOOR-HEN starts to deteriorate Chapter 10
4. MASIFF continues to worry that MOOR-HEN will leave, and begins to quarrel between them. Page 75
5. at end of chapter 13, MASIFF KILLS MOOR-HEN (quoting Cohen theory)
4), the connection between the character MARJORY and HULDEY
MARJORY hides everything, acts as a bystander and plans something.
MARJORY has repeatedly instigated and angered HULDEY to kill AGATHA. Page 53,
Chapter 11
5), the indifference and indifference of the characters EMILIE and MARJORY after the murder. The horror under this performance.
The coldness after MASTIFF’s killing shows the horror of predators. (Quoting Cohen theory) (MASTIFF walks in with blood and feathers)
6), Analyze the Actor’s Language:
AGATHA: “you know every little about women and what they are capable of.” page 31
AGATHA: “I cannot stand weakness, I cannot stand it in myself, and I cannot abide it in others.” page 46
HULDEY: “Nobody is going to murder my sister before I do.” page 64
The Assignment: Make an argument that answers an interpretive question that you raise about one of the texts listed below. Support your argument with close reading, using secondary texts to define your terms precisely. You might begin with the historical and theoretical texts that we studied in class, and you should also refer to at least three sources that you find through original research.
Possible useful references: ( you need to choice some of them, but focus on the moors and cohen ,Lindsay B, Cummings)
1, Cohen, Jeffrey. Jerome.
Thesis VII. The Monster Stands at the Threshold … of Becoming
“They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.”
Thesis III. The Monster Is the Harbinger of Category Crisis
“so the monster is dangerous, a form suspended between forms that threatens to smash distinctions.”
“The horizon where the monsters dwell might well be imagined as the visible edge of the hermeneutic circle itself: the monstrous offers an escape from its hermetic path, an invitation to explore new spirals, new and interconnected methods of perceiving the world.”
Thesis IV. The Monster Dwells at the Gates of Difference
“Any kind of alterity can be inscribed across (constructed through) the monstrous body, but for the most part monstrous difference tends to be cultural, political, racial, economic, sexual.”
Thesis VI. Fear of the Monster Is Really a Kind of Desire
2, Abigail Bekx.
“The Brontës show readers both the light and the dark present in human nature. They explore the balance needed through their characters, allowing readers to learn about their own nature through the experience of others.”
“The novels they produced explore the intricacy of human nature and the effect one person can have on others. Their lives provide examples of the difficult life faced by citizens in Industrial Age England.”
“Through their writing and, by extent, their lives, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë give readers a glimpse into the life of well-educated, intelligent women in the Victorian Era.”
“The Brontë sisters, like many writers, explored their place in society through their writing. Due to their work as governesses, they were especially concerned about the role of the well-educated young women—with no marriage prospects—and elements of human nature.”
“In their novels, the Brontë sisters explore elements of human nature.”
“Emily explores the darkness present in human nature in Wuthering Heights. The primary example of this can be seen in the influence Heathcliff has on the other characters. His darkness and desire for revenge cause a chain reaction, sucking the other characters into his self-destructive spiral.”
“ Charlotte expresses this view when she writes, “If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” ”
3, Lindsay B, Cummings.
“Possessed of both the hyper rationality and the hyper-individualism that characterize neoliberal thinking, characters in the neoliberal gothic pursue their own goals to destructive ends.”
“But despite its investment in the conventions of Victorian gothic, The Moors asks questions about loneliness, intimacy, and isolation that resonate with our society today, a connection Silverman affirms unambiguously in her staging note: “this play is about the present” ”
“When the moorhen suggests that intimacy cannot guarantee the future, the mastiff is overcome with fear and anger and becomes violent. The relationship comes to a bloody end.”
“Moreover, Agatha found Huldey’s diary – and by implication Huldey herself – boring. Huldey reacts with violence. She kills Agatha in a fit of rage and disappointment, then sings a power ballad to an imagined audience in which she depicts murder as both a form of liberation – “Murder is a baby bird who suddenly learned to fly” – and a longed-for companion – “Murder is the gentleman you wish would stay” ”
“As Silverman’s work demonstrates, these villains reveal the affinity between neoliberal discourse and the pursuit of sublime power, a power that liberates us from the control and influence of others.”
“The conventional gothic villain, in these terms, is not merely transgressive but also destructive, willing to pursue individual freedom to the point of social collapse. Silverman’s villains share with this model devotion to individual liberty, but they pair it with what Brown refers to as “neoliberal rationality,” the extension of market-based thinking into all aspects of life.”
“ Emilie, meanwhile, has been chosen because her letters suggested someone easily “at the mercy of the world” ”
“Self-preservation and self-interest, the ruling principles of neoliberal gothic worlds, offer a small sense of stability in the face of tremendous precarity.”
“the monster and the ideal are two sides of the same person. Neoliberal rhetoric would have us think that this monster is one of our own making, a product of our failure to achieve neoliberal subjectivity.”
Possible useful Thoughts:
1, in the article “Monster Culture Seven Theses,” Jeffrey Jerome Cohen discusses and analyzes monsters and their origins. In the beginning, Cohen introduced the monster’s body with a fascinating concept, used it as the main body, and then applied a seven-stage argument to analyze and explore its culture from the deep. Guide readers to gradually understand the origin, development, and return of monster culture, and there are many forms of differences between monsters. Cohen expressed his points to audiences that monsters manifest any form of difference, whether ideological, cultural, sexual, or racial differences. These differences reflect people’s fear and anxiety about unknown mysterious things,By locating the origin of the monster. Cohen strives to reveal the values and tendencies of our culture. In Cohen’s Thesis VII, he wrote, “They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.” Monster Culture is hidden deep in our minds, and it will always return and emerge in the final. Through this theory, we can understand the dog The Mastiff, who has been hypocritical to Moor-Hen but eventually kill Moor-Hen at the end of the novel. Because of its nature that The Mastiff is ultimately unable to get rid of its brutal nature, monster thinking is hidden under his body. It will eventually return and emerge, thus exposing the nature of The Mastiff. It is ultimately impossible for a dog and a hen to have a cross-racial relationship, and the natural law of the weak will eventually return.
2, In her article, Lindsay B. Cummings analyzes Jen Silverman’s plays and demonstrates how her use of Gothic customs illustrates the promotion of isolation and emotion in neoliberal discourse The exchange of intimate relationships to intimate public relationships and the commodification of intimate relationships in the attention economy. Through the lens of Gothic effects, one can explore neoliberalism’s influence, primarily how neoliberalism constructs connections between people. Through the redefined Gothic metaphor, Silverman found the similarities between Gothic’s rebellious nature and the transindividualism advocated by neoliberal discourse. She further recounted the struggle between the Gothic heroine and patriarchalism, using it to examine the role of family life in neoliberalism. Understanding her concept can be used to understand the characters’ characteristics in the moors novel, the hidden meaning of the plot setting, and the convoluted plots, character relationships, and conflicts. In the article, she mentioned: “Possessed of both the hyper rationality and the hyper-individualism that characterize neoliberal thinking, characters in the neoliberal gothic pursue their own goals to destructive ends.” “It follows that the neoliberal gothic operates as a locale for exploring the violence of life under neoliberalism.” so, Silverman successfully combined these concepts and shaped the characters.
3, In Abigail Bekx’s blog post, he showed the audience his documentary of the famous three Brontë sisters in literature history. The novels they produced explored the complexity of human nature and the influence of one person on others. Their lives provide examples of the complicated lives faced by citizens of the British industrial age. Through their writing and life, to a certain extent, readers will get a glimpse of the life of a smart, well-educated woman in the Victorian era. In his blog, he mainly explained Charlotte’s life and creation process, the oldest of the three sisters, and Emily, the second sister. He affirmed the achievements of the Bronte sisters in literary history. He summarized that the Bronte sisters explored human nature elements in the novel, and they showed readers the light and darkness in human nature. They use roles to explore the balance needed so that readers can understand their nature through others’ experiences. Correspondingly, Silverman’s novel “The Moors” has also been influenced by the Bronte sisters’ works. We can all see characters in her novels similar to those in Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights. The two novels’ similarities show women’s refusal to succumb to fate and their intense passion for fate’s autonomy. It is different from the women in the novels of the Three Sisters of Bronte who are in low status, persecuted, and oppressed, and fight for freedom, happiness, and status. The women in Silverman’s novels are a strong defense, even resorting to violence and bloody endings. Moreover, in Silverman’s novel, she deliberately set men’s absence to emphasize women’s resistance. Besides, in the novel, Silverman sets up the male dog Mastiff’s plot and the hen. This is also a metaphor for humans. The conflict between the hen and Mastiff is used as a metaphor for women to challenge to male authority. The plot at the end shows the fragility of women to some extent, their powerlessness in the face of male persecution. This setting echoes the conflict between the heroines AGATHA and HULDEY, enhancing the drama of the novel.
Secondary Research: You must have at least three substantial scholarly sources that you have found through your own research, but you may cite other kinds of research in addition if you choose
Writing Lessons:
Thesis: Identify a meaningful question for literary analysis and find a method of analyzing it using historical and/or theoretical sources when they are useful.
Motive: Make an argument for the significance of your thesis.
Evidence and Analysis: Use close reading to guide research, following inquiry toward evidence. Evaluate sources in relationship to the thesis, prioritizing the most useful evidence and articulating its utility. Continue to practice source use with original research.
SOC 2109 University of Ottawa Social Psychology & Everyday Life Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I will send you the material.
Based off of the results from the sexual deviance survey, as well as using at least one (1) external source (peer-reviewed article or course book) from the course, discuss these results. Your role is to critically analyze these results in order to further understand them. Use course readings/content, the results of the survey, and if possible, personal experience.
To receive full marks, you must write between 600 and 800 words detailing personal reflections about the course material (these are not journal entries, they are academic engagements) as well as two separate responses to other student’s post of at least 250 to 450 words each. You will receive 2 marks for your discussion post, and 1 mark for each response – 2 in total. Please also remember to include a word count for both your original post and your response.
Please remember that, in spite of the relative anonymity of the internet and online platforms, these discussion boards are meant to be safe and enabling spaces for you to engage with the course materials and postulate responses in a professional and scholarly manner. We will not tolerate any form of hate speech so please be respectful and adhere to the University of Ottawa’s policies regarding such behaviour.
To participate, use the “Discussion Board” option on the course’s Brightspace page. There, select “Discussion Board #6 – Sexual Deviance” and initiate a new discussion. To do this, select “Start a New Thread” and write your thoughts. Then, to answer to someone else’s thread, select that thread, read your classmates’ thoughts, and provide a constructive and pertinent response.
Florida National University Community Nursing School Health Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help
Chapter 22: School Health
The school nurse has a unique role in the provision of school health services for children with special health needs, including children with chronic illnesses and disabilities with various degrees of severity. This case describes the role of the school nurse caring for a child with type 1 diabetes.
Susan has two students with type 1 diabetes in her school, one requires blood glucose monitoring and daily insulin injections, while the other has a continuous insulin infusion pump. The incidence of type 1 diabetes presents a complex challenge to school healthcare providers. Type 1 diabetes ranks as the second most common chronic illness in childhood, second only to asthma. The American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2015) reports that about 193,000 Americans under age 20 live with diabetes and 17,900 are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes annually, and another 5,300 with type 2 diabetes. Children with diabetes are considered disabled and as such are protected under federal laws that prohibit discrimination against children with disabilities. Studies show that the majority of school personnel have an inadequate understanding of effective diabetes management. It is best for the student to monitor blood glucose and respond to the results as quickly as possible to avoid possible complications.
1. When the school nurse is unavailable, who is legally responsible for providing care to a child with diabetes? Explain your answer.
BUSI 730 Liberty University Capital Budgeting Decisions Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Focus: Strategic Planning Implications Concerning Resource Allocation and Capital Budgeting Decisions
Instructions: Select 1 of the 2 techniques/concepts discussed in your Discussion Board Forum 2 thread and develop a real-world application paper. Select a company that you work for now or have worked for in the past, or a company in your community of which you have sufficient knowledge. Show how the selected technique/concept would be applied to that particular business in its strategic allocation of financial resources in the area of capital budgeting decisions. Your paper must be in current APA format and must include references from at least 7 peer-reviewed journal articles. The paper must be at least 5–7 pages, not including the title page and reference page.
I work for 7 Eleven
The text book that is used for this course is “Cost Management : A Strategic Emphasis” by Edward J. Blocher
The technique to pull from in order to build this paper is : Chapter 11. Decision Making with a Strategic Emphasis, looking at The five steps of the decisions making process.
BUSI 730 Liberty University Capital Budgeting Decisions Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MGT 521 Saudi Electronic Comprehensive Change Management Process Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
The final critical thinking assignment for this course requires a comprehensive Change Management Process, including its origination and implementation. To complete this project, address the following:
- Choose a Middle Eastern organization in which you are currently working, or with which you are familiar. Provide a brief description of the organization, including its history, number of employees, products/services, mission/vision, strategies, etc.
- Discuss the problem or issue confronting the organization. Why is there a need to change (e.g., falling profits, low morale, challenges recruiting talented employees, etc.)?
- Assess the principle reasons for the organization’s problem or issue. What is the root cause and what are other causes of the problem/issue?
- Identify the intended change you propose for the organization. Detail the reasons for the change, including any research you conducted that led you to this recommendation (for instance, similar organizations in a similar situation followed this strategy, or studies indicated this was the preferred solution for other organizations in a similar situation).
- Identify a plan to implement the change. Be clear about the steps or processes that you propose to implement this change, including any resources which may be needed throughout the process.
- Identify the measurement/control mechanisms you would utilize to determine if the change management process is working effectively. Also, include any contingency plans you would propose if/when the plan is not implemented as intended.
- Finally, offer a brief statement about what you learned from completing this project and how your research in this course has affected your perspective/perception of change.
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 6-8 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook (Cawsey, T. F., Deszca, G., & Ingols, C. (2020). Organizational change: An action-oriented toolkit (4th ed.).) , at least four scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Please cite the book as it is a requirement.
Rasmussen Communicating Effectively and Understanding and Valuing Differences PPT Writing Assignment Help
Develop a 12-slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you do the following:
1. Identify the population and provide a description of it.
2. Discuss cultural elements associated with this identified group and communication dynamics.
3. What cultural considerations should be understood by Human Services Professionals, regardless of specialty, when communicating with this group?
4. What specific strategies should Human Services Professionals employ to ensure effective service delivery?
5. Provide any additional research-specific topics related to effective and efficient communication with diverse group (with the identified population or in general) that is applicable to Human Services practice.
6. Cite at least two sources using a reference slide.
MGT 422 SEU Ethical Dilemma of Who Survives Self Driving Car Accident Questions Writing Assignment Help
- This assignment is an individual assignment.
- The due date for Assignment 3 is by the end of Week 13 (28/11/2020).
- The Assignment must be submitted only in WORD format via an allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented. This also includes filling in your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention the question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Read the case article “Ethical dilemma of who survives self-driving car accident”Publication info: The New Zealand Herald; Auckland, New Zealand [Auckland, New Zealand]03 Jan 2019: B.3. available in SDL and answer the following questions:
Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Workload:
- This Assignment comprises of a Case Study.
- The assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.
Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:
After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the
LO 1.1 Demonstrate a solid understanding of prominent theories of ethics and morality
LO 2.1. Defend their rationale for decisions related to acceptable and unacceptable business conduct based on the business ethics principles.
LO 4.5. The capacity to write a coherent project about a case study or actual research about ethics.
Critical Thinking Question(s):(Marks 5)
- Analyze the philosophical approach (3 prescriptive approaches) the author speaks about considering the examples mentioned in the article. (3 Marks)
- Evaluate one of the Philosophical approaches and describe why you have (or would) use this approach to guide your decision making. (2 Marks)
Grading Criteria – Rubric for Assignment
Below Average
The philosophical approach to ethical decision making involves Prescriptive approaches (Students must discuss ethical perspectives of Consequentialist theory, Deontological Theories, and Virtue Ethics) must be clear.
(60 % Score)
Explain all the three approaches with relevant examples from the article case is clear.
(3 Marks)
Examples are clearly explained but fail to explain all the three approaches.
(2 Mark)
Examples and Approaches are not well explained.
(1 Mark)
The explanation should be based on selecting and reasoning the approach being used as a guideline for decision making. Eg if the student chooses the consequentialist approach then reasoning should be based on maximum benefits to society and minimize harms.
(40 % Score)
All the facets of the approach along with reasons are well explained.
(2 Marks)
Explanation lacks clarity about the approach.
(1.5 Mark)
Reasons are not acceptable for selecting a particular approach.
(0.5 Mark)
Oakwood University Wk 7 Managerial Economics Economics Assignment Help
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him” (Jeremiah 17:7, King James Version).
“Everybody is searching for peace. No one can avoid the strain of life or the severe stress it brings with it. Jesus radiated love, serenity and peace; no matter how turbulent or chaotic the circumstances were around Him. This was the result of His intimate relationship with His Father. Jesus regularly withdrew in solitude to pray and pour out His heart to His Father. Then He was able to return to a stormy life with the peace of heaven in His heart. Whatever life may have in store for you, you will be victorious in His strength because”, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13, King James Version)” (Christian Art Gifts, June 7).
250 words
APA style
The plots and characters relationship that needs to be analyzed:
1), the contact and conflict between the protagonist AGATHA and EMILIE
AGATHA pretends to be brother BURNWELL and writes to EMILE, attracting EMILIE to the mansion, and trying to make EMILIE fall in love with her, the meaning of queer culture (you can quote the added quote)
1, first kiss on page 49
2, second kiss on page 69
2), role and relationship and conflict with AGATHA and HULDEY
At the beginning of the novel, AGATHA treats HULDEY similar dolls
AGATHA’s disregard for sister HULDEY
In the end, HULDEY was irritated and killed his sister AGATHA, and she also disappeared in moors.
Page 79 (quoting Cohen theory)
HULDEY sings the song she wrote to kill AGATHA, page 81.
3), the relationship and conflict between anthropomorphic roles MASITFF and MOOR-HEN
Race, species conflict, and ultimately the laws of nature,
1. MASIFF meets MOOR-HEN page 22
2. MASIFF falls in love with MOOR-HEN page 40
3. The relationship between MASIFF and MOOR-HEN starts to deteriorate Chapter 10
4. MASIFF continues to worry that MOOR-HEN will leave, and begins to quarrel between them. Page 75
5. at end of chapter 13, MASIFF KILLS MOOR-HEN (quoting Cohen theory)
4), the connection between the character MARJORY and HULDEY
MARJORY hides everything, acts as a bystander and plans something.
MARJORY has repeatedly instigated and angered HULDEY to kill AGATHA. Page 53,
Chapter 11
5), the indifference and indifference of the characters EMILIE and MARJORY after the murder. The horror under this performance.
The coldness after MASTIFF’s killing shows the horror of predators. (Quoting Cohen theory) (MASTIFF walks in with blood and feathers)
6), Analyze the Actor’s Language:
AGATHA: “you know every little about women and what they are capable of.” page 31
AGATHA: “I cannot stand weakness, I cannot stand it in myself, and I cannot abide it in others.” page 46
HULDEY: “Nobody is going to murder my sister before I do.” page 64
The Assignment: Make an argument that answers an interpretive question that you raise about one of the texts listed below. Support your argument with close reading, using secondary texts to define your terms precisely. You might begin with the historical and theoretical texts that we studied in class, and you should also refer to at least three sources that you find through original research.
Possible useful references: ( you need to choice some of them, but focus on the moors and cohen ,Lindsay B, Cummings)
1, Cohen, Jeffrey. Jerome.
Thesis VII. The Monster Stands at the Threshold … of Becoming
“They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.”
Thesis III. The Monster Is the Harbinger of Category Crisis
“so the monster is dangerous, a form suspended between forms that threatens to smash distinctions.”
“The horizon where the monsters dwell might well be imagined as the visible edge of the hermeneutic circle itself: the monstrous offers an escape from its hermetic path, an invitation to explore new spirals, new and interconnected methods of perceiving the world.”
Thesis IV. The Monster Dwells at the Gates of Difference
“Any kind of alterity can be inscribed across (constructed through) the monstrous body, but for the most part monstrous difference tends to be cultural, political, racial, economic, sexual.”
Thesis VI. Fear of the Monster Is Really a Kind of Desire
2, Abigail Bekx.
“The Brontës show readers both the light and the dark present in human nature. They explore the balance needed through their characters, allowing readers to learn about their own nature through the experience of others.”
“The novels they produced explore the intricacy of human nature and the effect one person can have on others. Their lives provide examples of the difficult life faced by citizens in Industrial Age England.”
“Through their writing and, by extent, their lives, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Brontë give readers a glimpse into the life of well-educated, intelligent women in the Victorian Era.”
“The Brontë sisters, like many writers, explored their place in society through their writing. Due to their work as governesses, they were especially concerned about the role of the well-educated young women—with no marriage prospects—and elements of human nature.”
“In their novels, the Brontë sisters explore elements of human nature.”
“Emily explores the darkness present in human nature in Wuthering Heights. The primary example of this can be seen in the influence Heathcliff has on the other characters. His darkness and desire for revenge cause a chain reaction, sucking the other characters into his self-destructive spiral.”
“ Charlotte expresses this view when she writes, “If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.” ”
3, Lindsay B, Cummings.
“Possessed of both the hyper rationality and the hyper-individualism that characterize neoliberal thinking, characters in the neoliberal gothic pursue their own goals to destructive ends.”
“But despite its investment in the conventions of Victorian gothic, The Moors asks questions about loneliness, intimacy, and isolation that resonate with our society today, a connection Silverman affirms unambiguously in her staging note: “this play is about the present” ”
“When the moorhen suggests that intimacy cannot guarantee the future, the mastiff is overcome with fear and anger and becomes violent. The relationship comes to a bloody end.”
“Moreover, Agatha found Huldey’s diary – and by implication Huldey herself – boring. Huldey reacts with violence. She kills Agatha in a fit of rage and disappointment, then sings a power ballad to an imagined audience in which she depicts murder as both a form of liberation – “Murder is a baby bird who suddenly learned to fly” – and a longed-for companion – “Murder is the gentleman you wish would stay” ”
“As Silverman’s work demonstrates, these villains reveal the affinity between neoliberal discourse and the pursuit of sublime power, a power that liberates us from the control and influence of others.”
“The conventional gothic villain, in these terms, is not merely transgressive but also destructive, willing to pursue individual freedom to the point of social collapse. Silverman’s villains share with this model devotion to individual liberty, but they pair it with what Brown refers to as “neoliberal rationality,” the extension of market-based thinking into all aspects of life.”
“ Emilie, meanwhile, has been chosen because her letters suggested someone easily “at the mercy of the world” ”
“Self-preservation and self-interest, the ruling principles of neoliberal gothic worlds, offer a small sense of stability in the face of tremendous precarity.”
“the monster and the ideal are two sides of the same person. Neoliberal rhetoric would have us think that this monster is one of our own making, a product of our failure to achieve neoliberal subjectivity.”
Possible useful Thoughts:
1, in the article “Monster Culture Seven Theses,” Jeffrey Jerome Cohen discusses and analyzes monsters and their origins. In the beginning, Cohen introduced the monster’s body with a fascinating concept, used it as the main body, and then applied a seven-stage argument to analyze and explore its culture from the deep. Guide readers to gradually understand the origin, development, and return of monster culture, and there are many forms of differences between monsters. Cohen expressed his points to audiences that monsters manifest any form of difference, whether ideological, cultural, sexual, or racial differences. These differences reflect people’s fear and anxiety about unknown mysterious things,By locating the origin of the monster. Cohen strives to reveal the values and tendencies of our culture. In Cohen’s Thesis VII, he wrote, “They can be pushed to the farthest margins of geography and discourse, hidden away at the edges of the world and in the forbidden recesses of our mind, but they always return.” Monster Culture is hidden deep in our minds, and it will always return and emerge in the final. Through this theory, we can understand the dog The Mastiff, who has been hypocritical to Moor-Hen but eventually kill Moor-Hen at the end of the novel. Because of its nature that The Mastiff is ultimately unable to get rid of its brutal nature, monster thinking is hidden under his body. It will eventually return and emerge, thus exposing the nature of The Mastiff. It is ultimately impossible for a dog and a hen to have a cross-racial relationship, and the natural law of the weak will eventually return.
2, In her article, Lindsay B. Cummings analyzes Jen Silverman’s plays and demonstrates how her use of Gothic customs illustrates the promotion of isolation and emotion in neoliberal discourse The exchange of intimate relationships to intimate public relationships and the commodification of intimate relationships in the attention economy. Through the lens of Gothic effects, one can explore neoliberalism’s influence, primarily how neoliberalism constructs connections between people. Through the redefined Gothic metaphor, Silverman found the similarities between Gothic’s rebellious nature and the transindividualism advocated by neoliberal discourse. She further recounted the struggle between the Gothic heroine and patriarchalism, using it to examine the role of family life in neoliberalism. Understanding her concept can be used to understand the characters’ characteristics in the moors novel, the hidden meaning of the plot setting, and the convoluted plots, character relationships, and conflicts. In the article, she mentioned: “Possessed of both the hyper rationality and the hyper-individualism that characterize neoliberal thinking, characters in the neoliberal gothic pursue their own goals to destructive ends.” “It follows that the neoliberal gothic operates as a locale for exploring the violence of life under neoliberalism.” so, Silverman successfully combined these concepts and shaped the characters.
3, In Abigail Bekx’s blog post, he showed the audience his documentary of the famous three Brontë sisters in literature history. The novels they produced explored the complexity of human nature and the influence of one person on others. Their lives provide examples of the complicated lives faced by citizens of the British industrial age. Through their writing and life, to a certain extent, readers will get a glimpse of the life of a smart, well-educated woman in the Victorian era. In his blog, he mainly explained Charlotte’s life and creation process, the oldest of the three sisters, and Emily, the second sister. He affirmed the achievements of the Bronte sisters in literary history. He summarized that the Bronte sisters explored human nature elements in the novel, and they showed readers the light and darkness in human nature. They use roles to explore the balance needed so that readers can understand their nature through others’ experiences. Correspondingly, Silverman’s novel “The Moors” has also been influenced by the Bronte sisters’ works. We can all see characters in her novels similar to those in Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights. The two novels’ similarities show women’s refusal to succumb to fate and their intense passion for fate’s autonomy. It is different from the women in the novels of the Three Sisters of Bronte who are in low status, persecuted, and oppressed, and fight for freedom, happiness, and status. The women in Silverman’s novels are a strong defense, even resorting to violence and bloody endings. Moreover, in Silverman’s novel, she deliberately set men’s absence to emphasize women’s resistance. Besides, in the novel, Silverman sets up the male dog Mastiff’s plot and the hen. This is also a metaphor for humans. The conflict between the hen and Mastiff is used as a metaphor for women to challenge to male authority. The plot at the end shows the fragility of women to some extent, their powerlessness in the face of male persecution. This setting echoes the conflict between the heroines AGATHA and HULDEY, enhancing the drama of the novel.
Secondary Research: You must have at least three substantial scholarly sources that you have found through your own research, but you may cite other kinds of research in addition if you choose
Writing Lessons:
Thesis: Identify a meaningful question for literary analysis and find a method of analyzing it using historical and/or theoretical sources when they are useful.
Motive: Make an argument for the significance of your thesis.
Evidence and Analysis: Use close reading to guide research, following inquiry toward evidence. Evaluate sources in relationship to the thesis, prioritizing the most useful evidence and articulating its utility. Continue to practice source use with original research.