Cuyamaca College A Week In The Life Of Michelangelo Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Cuyamaca College A Week In The Life Of Michelangelo Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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journal Instructions:
Take your time reading the articles/book chapters. After reading the article and taking good notes so that you have thought about the material, you are ready to write your Journal entry. Summarize the author’s thesis—what was this reading really about, in a nutshell? What are some of the main points in support of his/her argument? Paraphrase rather than quote—use your own words. What did you find particularly interesting or insightful about the reading? Is there anything you did not understand? Is there one line/a short sentence that really struck you as important? Length should be a few meaty paragraphs (around 500 words), more if you are inspired. This is like a mini-essay, use paragraph form and proper sentences and grammar.
The format will be the same for all assignments. Prepare and paste your response into the Turnitin module. Save your journal response in a document before uploading it, and keep it in a safe place.
1. In one or two sentences, what is the thesis/main argument/subject of the chapter/article?
2. What are three important points that you took away from the reading assignment? Select one or two points from the first third, one or two points from the second third, and the same from the last third of the reading. Use your own words, paraphrase, do not use quotes. Did you have any questions or parts that you didn’t understand?
Here is a suggested format to help you formulate your journal, use sentences and paragraphs like a little essay (you don’t need section headers), not point form or phrases:
2.Important points:
3.Important points from first third:
4.Important points from second third:
5.Important points from last third:
6.Concluding thoughts
Cuyamaca College A Week In The Life Of Michelangelo Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HPU Demonstration Developed by Third Grade Teacher Jane Elliot PPT Writing Assignment Help
Part of your role as an educator will be to work alongside colleagues to assess resources and to determine whether these resources deepen educators’ understandings of cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant learning experiences for students.
Imagine that your principal has come to you and stated that the district is interested in hosting a professional development workshop for educators to help them broaden their cultural competence, improve family-teacher relationships, and enhance educational experiences for all students. The district proposes using the information from “A Class Divided” for the workshop. If you argue that “A Class Divided” should not be used, provide a reputable alternative for your principal to consider.
Create a 6-8 slide digital presentation for the professional development workshop including either “A Class Divided” or another reputable alternative.
Include the following:
- Explanation of “A Class Divided” or the reputable alternative video, and its main claims.
- Explanation of how the information presented in “A Class Divided” or the alternative video could be used to help teachers broaden their cultural competence, build stronger relationships, and create more relevant educational experiences.
- Explanation of key terminology, including privilege, power, difference, and oppression.
- At least three additional resources for teachers with an explanation of how each will deepen their understanding of cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences, build stronger relationships, or create more relevant learning experiences.
- Title, slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.
Additionally, include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.
Support your presentation with 2-3 scholarly resources.
Watch “A Class Divided,” located on the Films on Demand website (1985).
Please read all instructions.
MCY 127 UOM Rock Concert Fortunate Youth Concert Review Essay Writing Assignment Help
Each student will attend a rock (as defined by the material we cover in class) concert of your choice THIS SEMESTER.
Make sure the event you attend is a concert rather than a passive performance (i.e. lounge act, restaurant band, etc.). Concerts in bars with cover bands are OK, but make sure they are the focus of the evening. One way to tell is if there is a flyer with the artist’s name on it distributed by the venue or the artist(s) themselves. Another, is looking at the artists website or social media page for official dates. You can also check Frost School of Music’s event page for on-campus venues. However, be aware that most of these are classical and jazz performances and look closely at the events to ensure you’re attending a rock concert.
After the concert, write an objective review (1500 words) of the concert detailing your experience.
The review should include:
- The names of the performing groups/artists; the date and location of the performance.
- Describe the setting. Is it a large hall or an intimate theater? What type of audience demographic is there? Young or old? How do they respond to the music?
- The different styles/genres of songs the artist(s) perform.
- Use your notes and experience to describe the different musical elements (i.e. melody, harmony, timbre, technology, form, volume, etc.) you recognize in most (if not all) the songs/pieces.
- Be sure to arrive on time to hear the entire concert.
- Attach a photo of the flyer, ticket, or screenshot of the webpage when you submit this assignment.
- Describe your personal reaction to the concert. List reasons why you think it was successful or not. However, do not make this the center of your paper. It should be one or two paragraphs at the end. Further, use data to support your arguments about why it was successful or not successful. (e.g., How did people respond verbally and non-verbally? Was this based on your perception or was there a general consensus? If it is a consensus, then what facts do you have to support this?)
- Try to do some background research on the genre or artist before and after you attend the concert. This is not a research paper, but if you use any information from any source (including the artist’s website), you must cite it both in-text and on a works-cited page.
QU Ethical Hacking Bypassing the Security Systems of A Computer System Essay Humanities Assignment Help
#intro: (120-130 word count) I ready wrote my intro it just need some correction
2-BG info (2-3 sentence)
3- thesis (one sentence)
#Body 1,2,3 ( 250-300 word count) I write body 1,2 but it not complete please make them right – Body 3 the Dr told me it’s irrelevant to my sub points and sub point (a) are similar to sub point (b), so please correct them
structure for body 1, 2, 3: ( the Dr want the body to be two paragraphs – each sub point in one paragraph so the total is two) each body has two paragraph so the total for all body 1,2,3 are 6
-topic sentence + main idea/ sub point 1
– connecting sentence ( 2-3 sentence) NO SOURSE
– paraphrased the evidence + APA
– response for the evidence ( at least 2 response )
Sub point 2:
-topic sentence + sub point 2
– connecting sentence ( 2-3 sentence) NO SOURSE
– paraphrased the evidence + APA
– response for the evidence ( at least 2 response )
– concluding sentence ( summarize sub 1,2)
– restate the thesis ( one sentence)
– summarize the 6 sub point ( 3-6 sentence)
– final thought ( recommendation or suggestions it should be special + must be strong and has impact)
SEU The Macroeconomic Effects of Income and Consumption Tax Changes Case Study Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a Economics case study and need a reference to help me understand better.
When taxes induce people to change their behavior—such as inducing Jane to buy less pizza—the taxes cause deadweight losses and make the allocation of resources less efficient. As we have already seen, much government revenue comes from the individual income tax in many countries. In a case study in Chapter 8, we discussed how this tax discourages people from working as hard as they otherwise might. Another inefficiency caused by this tax is that it discourages people from saving.
Consider a person 25 years’ old who is considering saving $1,000. If he puts this money in a savings account that earns 8 percent and leaves it there, he would have $21,720 when he retires at age 65. Yet if the government taxes one-fourth of his interest income each year, the effective interest rate is only 6 percent. After 40 years of earning 6 percent, the $1,000 grows to only $10,290, less than half of what it would have been without taxation. Thus, because interest income is taxed, saving is much less attractive.
Some economists advocate eliminating the current tax system’s disincentive toward saving by changing the basis of taxation. Rather than taxing the amount of income that people earn, the government could tax the amount that people spend.
Under this proposal, all income that is saved would not be taxed until the saving is later spent. This alternative system, called a consumption tax, would not distort people’s saving decisions.
Various provisions of the current tax code already make the tax system a bit like a consumption tax. Taxpayers can put a limited amount of their saving into special accounts—such as Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans—that escape taxation until the money is withdrawn at retirement. For people who do most of their saving through these retirement accounts, their tax bill is, in effect, based on their consumption rather than their income.
European countries tend to rely more on consumption taxes than does the United States. Most of them raise a significant amount of government revenue through a value-added tax, or a VAT. A VAT is like the retail sales tax that many U.S. states use, but rather than collecting all of the tax at the retail level when the consumer buys the final good, the government collects the tax in stages as the good is being produced (that is, as value is added by firms along the chain of production). Various U.S. policymakers have proposed that the tax code move further in direction of taxing consumption rather than income. In 2005, economist Alan Greenspan, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve, offered this advice to a presidential commission on tax reform: “As you know, many economists believe that a consumption tax would be best from the perspective of promoting economic growth—particularly if one were designing a tax system from scratch—because a consumption tax is likely to encourage saving and capital formation. However, getting from the current tax system to a consumption tax raises a challenging set of transition issues.”
Q1: What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion based on the case given below. (200 words)
Q2: How may it affect Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA? (200 words)
MGT 322 SEU Wk 14 Logistics Management the Benefits of Lean Manufacturing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Submission Date by students: Before the end of Week- 14th
Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre
Weight: 10 Marks
Learning Outcome:
- Apply essential elements of core logistic and supply chain management principles.
- Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes.
- The capacity to write coherent project about actual logistic case studies.
Assignment Workload:
This assignment is an individual assignment.
MGT 322 SEU Wk 14 Logistics Management the Benefits of Lean Manufacturing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SU Statistics Order to Remittance & Control Chart to Evaluate Stability Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help
The following table lists country code and the order to remittance (OTR) time for a firm’s software installations for the last 76 installations (from first to last). OTR is the time it takes after an order is received until the system is installed and payment is received (remittance). Because this company does business internationally, it also notes the country of installation using a country code. This code is listed in the first column.
Country Code | Cycle Time | Country Code | Cycle Time |
1 | 20 | 5 | 29 |
1 | 24 | 6 | 40 |
1 | 46 | 7 | 157 |
1 | 26 | 8 | 19 |
14 | 38 | 5 | 24 |
1 | 15 | 1 | 81 |
1 | 15 | 7 | 53 |
17 | 23 | 7 | 26 |
1 | 31 | 1 | 28 |
1 | 31 | 1 | 34 |
6 | 64 | 1 | 34 |
5 | 29 | 7 | 50 |
5 | 44 | 1 | 52 |
1 | 32 | 1 | 19 |
1 | 15 | 1 | 44 |
7 | 11 | 14 | 150 |
7 | 14 | 7 | 29 |
1 | 89 | 17 | 23 |
17 | 41 | 6 | 79 |
7 | 41 | 17 | 13 |
1 | 36 | 6 | 32 |
8 | 43 | 7 | 61 |
17 | 21 | 8 | 42 |
8 | 28 | 8 | 46 |
7 | 18 | 7 | 88 |
8 | 47 | 14 | 24 |
6 | 26 | 7 | 7 |
6 | 47 | 1 | 33 |
5 | 9 | 5 | 129 |
7 | 42 | 17 | 41 |
5 | 5 | 17 | 43 |
6 | 27 | 14 | 42 |
6 | 27 | 14 | 42 |
1 | 33 | 7 | 53 |
7 | 44 | 7 | 53 |
1 | 21 | 7 | 48 |
1 | 22 | 5 | 21 |
1 | 50 | 1 | 19 |
Using the data in the table above, answer the following questions in a Word document and submit:
- Does the OTR time appear to be stable? Why or why not?
- If you were to use a control chart to evaluate stability, which chart would you use? Why?
- What can you learn about the distribution of the installation process?
- Does it appear that the country has an impact on installation time? Why or why not?
C 803 Daemen College Data Analytics Superfone Pivot Tables & Charts Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
Superfone Pivot Tables and Charts
Welcome to the Superfone sales analytics team! We have some Superfone sales to analyze. Our data includes 1000 orders with date, time, product, price per order, and salesperson. we will analyze this data in two steps:
Part 1: Using pivot tables to summarize the data in several useful ways
Part 2: Using charts to visualize our pivot tables
Required Video Instruction
From: Excel 2016 Essential Training
First, for Part 1:
14. PivotTables
Creating PivotTables
Manipulating PivotTable data
Grouping by date and time (from beginning to 2:20)
Then, for Part 2:
7. Charts
Creating charts
Download the starter file:
Setup Steps
Start by creating and naming a fresh copy of the file. Then get the worksheet of data formatted to make it easy to work with.
1.Copy the file and change the file name to:
2.Open the file and format the column widths to fit the data – or slightly wider to make it easier to read.
3.Format the Price column to the Accounting # format, and then reduce the decimals to no decimals.
Now we’re ready to start analyzing!
Part 1: Creating Pivot Tables
We will begin analyzing this data by creating 5 pivot tables that will summarize the data in useful ways.
1.Select all of the data. Create a pivot table in a new worksheet.
2.Customize and format the pivot table and worksheet as follows:
a.For PivotTable Fields, use Salesperson for rows and Price for values.
b.Format the numbers in the Sum of Price column to Accounting with no decimals.
c.Change the Report Layout for the pivot table so that it shows Salesperson as the heading for the first column, rather than the unhelpful label of Row Labels.
i.With the pivot table selected, you should be able to see and select a Design tab in the upper right of the Excel ribbon.
ii.Select the Report Layout button and change the layout to “Show in Outline Form.” Once done the first column heading should be Salesperson.
d.Sort the rows by the Sum of Price column, so that it shows the highest sales totals to lowest (aka Descending).
Sorted Descending by Sum of Price:
e.Now add a heading in the first row of this worksheet.
i.On the empty first row of the worksheet, type Sales by Salesperson.
ii.Then select the entire first row and format it using the Cell Styles option: Heading 1. Adjust the height of that first row so that it has extra whitespace at the top. See the screenshots below:
f.Finally rename the worksheet tab to match the worksheet heading, and move it to the right, so that it comes after the original worksheet.
3.Congrats! You’ve create the first pivot table we need for this assignment. Now create four more!
Here is a sneak peek screenshot of each to help get the idea:
a.Sales by Product
b.Monthly Sales
– Expand Quarter and Date
– Type to replace the Date column header with “Months”
c.Monthly Orders (similarly expanded and tweaked)
d.Sales by Product and Salesperson (a slightly more complex one)
Part 2: Create Charts
Now create useful charts to visualize our pivot table data.
For this assignment, we only need three kinds:
Column chart
Bar chart (sometimes called horizontal bar chart)
Line chart
1.For each pivot table — except the last one (Product and Salesperson) — insert a chart (sometimes two charts) to the right of the pivot table.
See the screenshots below to illustrate.
a.Sales by Salesperson: two charts — a column chart, and a bar chart (we’ll compare these later)
b.Sales by Product: two charts — also column and bar
c.Monthly Sales: one line chart
d.Monthly Orders: one line chart
2.For each chart:
a.Use the chart Design options to choose the design I’ve selected in the screenshot below – or one close to it. (Notice the improved overall formatting, and the nice labels inside the bars.)
NOTE: To get the Design tab in your ribbon, be sure to select the chart.
b.Replace the chart title with the name of the worksheet: Sales by Salesperson, etc.
c.Remove the legend when it’s not needed.
3.Finally, for the last pivot table, Product and Salesperson:
a.Use Conditional Formatting to highlight the contents of the central cells (not the Grand Total column) with a Green – White color scale.
b.NOW create a *second* conditional formatting rule of the same kind to format the Grand Total column. (We have to do it separately so that it has its own scale of dark green to white.)
When done, your results should look very much like the following sample screenshots.
Sample Screenshots
These two screenshots should contain enough information to give you a picture of how I’d like you to layout each of the worksheets, tables, and charts described above.
When complete, submit your Excel workbook: Yourlastname_Superfone_pivot.xlsx
(No screenshots or Word document required for this assignment!)
Discussion: Superfone Pivot Tables and Charts
Use this discussion board to share tips, recommendations, and discussion regarding the projects in this module. To foster dialogue, I’m requiring everyone to post something — whether a question, a reflection, or feedback to other users.
Here are recommended ideas to prompt your contributions:
Have you gotten stuck? You’re undoubtedly not alone. Please describe your problem and include screenshots if relevant.
Can you provide help in response to another student’s question? If so, please do!
Did you discover any helpful tips in this process? Please share it. Provide relevant screenshots, links, etc.
LAW 2020 Principles of Taxation & Legal Disability Discussion Law Assignment Help
The word length would be approximately 500 words
(I am more than happy to pay more should the word length be over 500
words). The time for requesting change would be the standard 7 days. The
file ‘Question 4 – (10 marks) Trusts and Tax Administration’ is the
question. The pdf “Principles of Taxation Law_nodrm”
is the textbook I have used for the semester. The question involves
chapter 20 of the textbook. The question is very similar to question 3
of the supplementary exam paper for the order
(1603981549). I am writing
this with short notice and am wondering if the Tax Law expert may be
able to help me on this? The due date would be Thursday 5th November at
2AM GMT time the very latest
SUO Jim Collins Significant Contribution to The World of Business Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
250-word reply to 2 classmate’s threads. The reply requires a minimum of 1 properly formatted citation. Each reply must be completed by you, the individual student. Additionally, each thread and reply must reflect a solid Christian worldview through the use of at least 1 Holy Bible reference.
Responding to a classmate’s post requires both the addition of new ideas and analysis. A particular point made by the classmate must be addressed and built upon by your analysis in order to move the conversation forward. Thus, the response post is a rigorous assignment that requires you to build upon initial posts to develop deeper and more thorough discussion of the ideas introduced in the initial posts. As such, reply posts that merely affirm, restate, or unprofessionally quarrel with the previous post(s) and fail to make a valuable, substantive contribution to the discussion will receive appropriate point deductions.
Peer Response #1
Did Collins simply misinterpret how Wells Fargo reported their successes after 2001? Or was it something internal at Wells Fargo that caused the Hedgehog Concept to go awry? If so, how could profit per employee go so wrong? Most importantly, where was the failure in leadership and why?
Jim Collin’s contribution to the world of business and leadership has been nothing short of astounding. The ability to break down such a complex understanding of what it takes to become a great leader is not easily accomplished. Through his writings in both his article and the book, I find that Collins did a good job in interpreting the facts of Wells Fargo going from a smaller company that was not running at the ability it could have to the good to great company it could have been. Although he did a decent job on representing the information, I feel also that it was contradictory to what is stated in the textbook. In our textbook it states that to be a level 5 leader you must be modest, willful, humble and fearless to help them accomplish getting their companies from good to great (Collins, 2011). Also, that level 5 leaders are the ones that don’t speak about themselves and worry about what it is that will make the company thrive. By only looking to what the profits per employee were giving them, this caused the company to no longer look at the big picture of what long-term would make the company a great one. Jesus said to us in Philippians 2:5-8 “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Who, being in very nature, God, did not consider equality with God, something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness, and being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross! This scripture speaks as to remembering who we are and realizing that we must humble ourselves to the same standards we have for others. That is the failure in leadership within Wells Fargo. Taking advantage of profit from others who have no idea to seek the greed aspect of the job and not the reward of honesty.
Peer Response #2
In the article “Good to Great” Collins recognized that the 11 companies that they decided to research had similarities in comparison. In these companies with the most success Collins and his team were astonished at the results they discovered from these good to great companies. For example, Collins expected that good to great leaders would begin by setting a new vision and strategy, however found that was not the case. These leaders first placed the right people within their organization that that aligned with their vision and the ones who were not supportive they dismissed them. Once after organizing the right team they set sail for their journey. During his quest in researching these good to great companies, Collins in examining Wells Fargo performance misinterpreted fraudulent schemes for success.
It would be discovered Wells Fargo would change their economic driver from profit per loan to profit per an employee. “When the Wells team confronted the brutal fact that deregulation would transform banking into a commodity, they realized that standard banker metrics, like profit per loan and profit per deposit, would no longer be the key drivers. Instead, they grasped a new denominator: profit per employee” (Collins, 2001, pg. 104). It would later be discovered not only that Wells Fargo was wrong but in largely they were committing an act of fraud that would amount to $185 million in lawsuit fines along with other penalties. Moreover, because of these acts of misconduct caused the hedgehog strategy to fail.
The result of misconduct and the lack of integrity allowed the misinterpretation of success to result in major financial loss along with direct impact to the representation of what Wells Fargo represented in their communities. “Wells Fargo agreed to pay $1.2 billion and admitted, acknowledged and accepted responsibility for, among other things, certifying to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), during the period from May 2001 through December 2008, that certain residential home mortgage loans were eligible for FHA insurance when in fact they were not, resulting in the Government having to pay FHA insurance claims when some of those loans defaulted” (Department of Justice, 2020). This incident stemmed from poor leadership and internal factors that were used to exploit an opportunity. This is recognized as fraud and it is illegal to do these acts. The Hedgehog concept is a strategic concept that is well recognized within the good to great organizations. What you can be the best in the world at, what creates revenue, and what are we passionate about.
In conclusion, leadership failed Wells Fargo when leaders decided to engage in directing the employees to create phony accounts using loyal customers personal information. Leaders must have instilled attributes that cannot be taught but that they must possess such as integrity, honesty, and be ethical. Because Wells Fargo CEO did not possess these qualities it resulted in lawsuits along with the damaging of who Wells Fargo meant for the people in these communities that relied on them.
Setup Steps
Start by creating and naming a fresh copy of the file. Then get the worksheet of data formatted to make it easy to work with.
1.Copy the file and change the file name to:
2.Open the file and format the column widths to fit the data – or slightly wider to make it easier to read.
3.Format the Price column to the Accounting # format, and then reduce the decimals to no decimals.
Now we’re ready to start analyzing!
Part 1: Creating Pivot Tables
We will begin analyzing this data by creating 5 pivot tables that will summarize the data in useful ways.
1.Select all of the data. Create a pivot table in a new worksheet.
2.Customize and format the pivot table and worksheet as follows:
a.For PivotTable Fields, use Salesperson for rows and Price for values.
b.Format the numbers in the Sum of Price column to Accounting with no decimals.
c.Change the Report Layout for the pivot table so that it shows Salesperson as the heading for the first column, rather than the unhelpful label of Row Labels.
i.With the pivot table selected, you should be able to see and select a Design tab in the upper right of the Excel ribbon.
ii.Select the Report Layout button and change the layout to “Show in Outline Form.” Once done the first column heading should be Salesperson.
d.Sort the rows by the Sum of Price column, so that it shows the highest sales totals to lowest (aka Descending).
Sorted Descending by Sum of Price:
e.Now add a heading in the first row of this worksheet.
i.On the empty first row of the worksheet, type Sales by Salesperson.
ii.Then select the entire first row and format it using the Cell Styles option: Heading 1. Adjust the height of that first row so that it has extra whitespace at the top. See the screenshots below:
f.Finally rename the worksheet tab to match the worksheet heading, and move it to the right, so that it comes after the original worksheet.
3.Congrats! You’ve create the first pivot table we need for this assignment. Now create four more!
Here is a sneak peek screenshot of each to help get the idea:
a.Sales by Product
b.Monthly Sales
– Expand Quarter and Date
– Type to replace the Date column header with “Months”
c.Monthly Orders (similarly expanded and tweaked)
d.Sales by Product and Salesperson (a slightly more complex one)
Part 2: Create Charts
Now create useful charts to visualize our pivot table data.
For this assignment, we only need three kinds:
Column chart
Bar chart (sometimes called horizontal bar chart)
Line chart
1.For each pivot table — except the last one (Product and Salesperson) — insert a chart (sometimes two charts) to the right of the pivot table.
See the screenshots below to illustrate.
a.Sales by Salesperson: two charts — a column chart, and a bar chart (we’ll compare these later)
b.Sales by Product: two charts — also column and bar
c.Monthly Sales: one line chart
d.Monthly Orders: one line chart
2.For each chart:
a.Use the chart Design options to choose the design I’ve selected in the screenshot below – or one close to it. (Notice the improved overall formatting, and the nice labels inside the bars.)
NOTE: To get the Design tab in your ribbon, be sure to select the chart.
b.Replace the chart title with the name of the worksheet: Sales by Salesperson, etc.
c.Remove the legend when it’s not needed.
3.Finally, for the last pivot table, Product and Salesperson:
a.Use Conditional Formatting to highlight the contents of the central cells (not the Grand Total column) with a Green – White color scale.
b.NOW create a *second* conditional formatting rule of the same kind to format the Grand Total column. (We have to do it separately so that it has its own scale of dark green to white.)
When done, your results should look very much like the following sample screenshots.
Sample Screenshots
These two screenshots should contain enough information to give you a picture of how I’d like you to layout each of the worksheets, tables, and charts described above.
When complete, submit your Excel workbook: Yourlastname_Superfone_pivot.xlsx
(No screenshots or Word document required for this assignment!)
Discussion: Superfone Pivot Tables and Charts
Use this discussion board to share tips, recommendations, and discussion regarding the projects in this module. To foster dialogue, I’m requiring everyone to post something — whether a question, a reflection, or feedback to other users.
Here are recommended ideas to prompt your contributions:
Have you gotten stuck? You’re undoubtedly not alone. Please describe your problem and include screenshots if relevant.
Can you provide help in response to another student’s question? If so, please do!
Did you discover any helpful tips in this process? Please share it. Provide relevant screenshots, links, etc.