Cuyamaca College Autobiographic Diorama Art Project Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Cuyamaca College Autobiographic Diorama Art Project Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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For this discussion topic, we are going to begin sharing ideas and plans for the Autobiographic Diorama Art Project.
The fist thing you will want to do is familiarize yourself with assignment. Click here to view the assignment. It will take you up to one hour to view and read the material.
Please completely view the entire Tex talk, and read the articles that are included in the assignment before contributing to this Discussion topic.
For this discussion assignment, you will be telling us about your ideas and “plan” for the Autobiography Diorama assignment.
Please provide in your discussion post:
1. Images of objects that you plan on using.
2. A numbered list of the objects and a brief description of why they are an “Autobiography”.
3. A description of how you “think” that you will use the objects.
4. You must use some of terms from the Principles of Composition. Please review Ch 2 for these.
For this discussion, please reference the assignment:
Autobiographic Diorama Art Project Due December 8.
Chapter 2 section on: PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION:
Composition. Balance: balance, symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance, radial balance. Rhythm: regular rhythm, alternating rhythm, eccentric rhythm. Proportion and Scale: proportion, scale, hieratic scaling. Emphasis: accents. Unity and Variety: unity, variety.
Replies are due on Sunday November 29
For this discussion assignment, you will be telling us about your ideas and “plan” for the Autobiography Diorama assignment.
Please provide in your discussion post (list 1, 2, 3 in a numbered format):
1. Images of objects that you plan on using.
2. A numbered list of the objects and a brief description of why they are an “Autobiography”. This must be specific.
3. A description of how you “think” that you will use the objects.
4. You must use some of terms from the Principles of Composition. Please review Ch 2 for these. Note how in my example, I bolded the terms used.
Example: This is My diorama- My autobiography only.
2. Starting from the top left to right:
cardboard box that will be the “box” that everything will go in
ship list of passengers from my Filipino grandfather when he immigrated to the US- this is a reminder of my ancestry.
Dia de Los Muertos papel picado banner- a practice that I participate in yearly and throughout the year.
vintage spool of thread- a symbolic connection to my mother and the artistic practice we share together
feather- a symbol of my spirituality and connection to nature.
flower broach- a whimsical item from my daughter that represents a mother and child- one flower and a smaller flower.
yarn and bead necklace- an early creative relic of my daughters.
big bead with gold leaf on it- a symbolic reminder to be present and always play.
battery operated twinkle lights- lights are a symbolic reminder of mortality, an ever present element that I think about and drives my values and beliefs.
I will begin by printing several copies of #2 to then cover the entire inside and outside of the cardboard box so that I do not see the cardboard any longer.
Then, I will place one flag from #3 on top of the background.
Once my background is complete, I will arrange the biggest items first and play around with the placement, trying out several compositions; I will experiment with all forms of balance, before deciding on one.
After the big items are positioned, and glued down, I will add the lights and and glue them down or make holes in the box, so that they don’t move.
In the end, I will place one of the #3 in the front of everything, including in front of the lights. That way, the flags will glow since the plastic is translucent.
That is my rough plan. Things may change, items may change; but this is the final plan.
Students>>> please know that plans always change. Please allow your self time and flexibility- we can plan to the very smallest of details, but things can happen- so please be welcoming of the unexpected.
Cuyamaca College Autobiographic Diorama Art Project Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NUR 4590 CBE Rasmussen College Nursing Staffing Justification Email Template Health Medical Assignment Help
You are making a staffing assignment knowing that you are short staffed. You have five registered nurses (RNs), two licensed practical nurses (LPNs), and two nursing assistants. Those nine employees need to provide a 12-hour shift of services to 30 number of clients with a high acuity required to a ratio of nurse to client at 1:3.
Client acuity level
- Six acuity level 1
- Eight acuity level 2
- Nine acuity level 3
- Seven acuity level 4
You will use the acuity-based staffing model to develop the staffing assignment based on the needs of the clients and a template has been created to use (see resources below).
As you create this assignment, include the following in an email to your manager to justify your short staffing plan:
- Complete the staffing assignment based on the acuity level.
- Defend how you would direct the staff to their assigned roles for this shift and provide a rationale for the staffing assignment.
- Describe how you would communicate with each level of care provider to assure the best outcomes possible.
- Address how you would assure client equity in the delivery of services.
- Reflect on how you, as a nursing leader, created the staffing assignment based on your core professional values.
- Describe your professional identity characteristics that supported your decision for the staffing assignment.
- Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation with sources from the past 5 years, spelling, and grammar.
- Staffing Assignment Template
Is attached
- Patient Acuity Model =
SO 101 UN Intersectionality Theory Social Structure & Human Interactions Essay Writing Assignment Help
In the next several weeks we will focus on understanding the connections between social structures and systems of social stratification. We will study gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, as well as class. For this, CR your task is singular but complex. You will explain the theory of intersectionality by applying to a social problem.
To be successful in this CR you must do the following:
- Explain the theory of intersectionality (4O points)
- This requires that you write about (1) its history and origins and most importantly, its (2) principles
- If done well, this will take a minimum of two paragraphs
- Use quotes from the scholars we have and will read to demonstrate your understanding of this theory
- Apply the theory of intersectionality to a social problem or topic of your choice (25 points)
- Briefly describe the social problem/the topic
- Explain how the theory of intersectionality can help us deepen our understanding of this social problem/topic relative to social stratification and social structure
- Again, it is important to bring examples from the scholarship we are reading
- You can use any social problem you are familiar with!
- What are your thoughts on this theory? (15 points)
- Critique/Affirm the theory
- Explain your stance/opinion
Submission Guidelines
- Format: Single Space, APA format[1]
- Length: No more than 3 pages
Business Analytics Implementation of Zero Waste Programs Excel Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
Question #1: In an effort toward being zero waste, our Davis office will require all employees to pack out any waste they bring in that is not recyclable or compostable starting January 1.
Use the ladder of inference framework to identify how at least 2 different types of employees/managers may view and act on this statement. Discuss where any differences in inference may lead to different outcomes by different people, potential problems, or longer-term effects.
Question #2: The problems with scorecards. An over publication of “green” status and everything is ok when projects are not. A tendency to hide “red” dashboard status as yellow or green (when it is not). An imbalance of lagging indicators to dashboards that need both leading and lagging indicators. A lack of focus on the employee metrics that matter. A focus on the desired behavior only after the fact. Through our discussion of metrics and balanced scorecard, we have investigated numerous issues and challenges in the real world over creating balanced and compelling performance measurement systems.
Take a real-life example you have or are dealing with respect to any of these issues and describe your approach of a corrective action plan. How can you construct a balanced and compelling balanced scorecard? How can you change mental models around moving away from measures that do not matter? How can you get leaders to focus on behavior first? Consider using both visuals and a creative story telling technique.
Question #3: The one thing.
What is one thing that could stand in your way in achieving top end business success (however you define it). Be vulnerable. Share a story and your plan to mitigate this force.
Your answer
Oregon State Justification of Meningococcal B as a Required Vaccination Report Health Medical Assignment Help
Assignment instructions
There have been several high profile outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases among students at colleges and universities in the U.S. Currently, Oregon State University requires entering students to document meningococcal vaccination (MCV4), various doses of measles-, mumps-, and rubella-containing vaccines, varicella (chicken pox), tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap), and hepatitis B. Vaccination for meningococcal B was required until 2018 but is now only recommended. See OSU Domestic Student Immunization Requirements (Links to an external site.) and International Student Immunization Requirements (Links to an external site.) for more info.
You are tasked with writing a justification for making meningococcal B a required vaccination again. In 750 words or less, prepare a justification, which includes the following components:
- Introduction: introduce the current OSU immunization requirements and the disease/vaccine for which you are justifying (2 pts)
- Seriousness and severity of disease (3 pts)
- Disease incidence and outbreaks in appropriate locations (i.e. Oregon and U.S.) and age groups (i.e. college students or college-age students) (2 pts)
- Specific vaccine(s) advocating to require, its efficacy and schedule (2 pts)
- Limitations of the new requirement (2 pts)
- Conclusion: discuss impact of the requirement and summarize key points (2 pts)
English grammar is correct, editing, and format will also be assessed (2 pts). You should consult the rubric when writing your justification. You should also consult the CDC Pink Book (Links to an external site.) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (Links to an external site.) for additional information on the vaccine you are justifying.
I do not expect you to perform an exhaustive literature search for this assignment; however, I do expect you to reference material that is not your own (e.g., data on disease incidence, economic impact of disease, etc.). References should follow AMA Manual of Style, 10th Edition ( (Links to an external site.)) and be listed in a separate References section (1 pt).
Include references as superscript numbers in the main text with full corresponding citation in the references section. Please let me know if you need further clarification.
Submission instructions
Include your name and Assignment #4 in the top left corner of the Word document. Note: any references cited will not count toward the word limit. Final submission should be in Word format.
I also attached the rubric below. If you cannot access links above, please let me know.
Grossmont College Early Homo Sapiens Migration Discussion Science Assignment Help
Introduction:Early Homo sapiens migration
The fossil and genomic record tell us that our species originated in Africa around 200,000 years ago (These numbers might now go back further). The first 100,000 years were spent in Africa and soon after our species began to expand into different world regions.
What you are doing
Your task will be to explore the complex fossil and genetic history of modern humans as they left Africa for the first time.
For this webquest you will only be able to choose one of the following world regions:
- The Americas (you will be including both North and South)
- Europe
All the above world regions have complicated population histories that are the result of a number of populations that have come together to form the present population. What insight do genomic studies of ancient fossils and modern populations give us in reference to the number of founding populations that form your chosen world region?
Before you begin your task make sure you read the following items.
- Use the following links to help you with your webquest.
What you have to do for points
- All of the assigned world regions are composed of multiple Homo sapiens populations that arrived at different times to the current world region that you are exploring. What do genomic studies of ancient fossils and modern populations give us in reference to the number of founding populations of your chosen world region and what does the data say about when the different populations arrived?
- Make sure you give citations
Grading rubric
Click on the “Gear icon” located in the top right-hand corner and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion.
Tips for success
- Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.
- I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
- I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.
Grossmont College Early Homo Sapiens Migration Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
LAW 500 SU Legal Liability and The Gig Economy Agency Relationship Essay Law Assignment Help
See the attached guide. I missed this . so i had to resubmit.
Legal Liability and the Gig Economy
Uber is largely hailed as the advent of the gig economy, which is the idea that people do not work as permanent employees for one employer but instead work in a labor market characterized by short-term contracts or freelance work. While creating a new type of entrepreneurship for individuals, a gig economy raises a host of new legal questions about the law of agency for companies utilizing gig workers.
Your boss at an investment firm has asked you to evaluate Uber’s legal exposure for the conduct of its drivers, given the information below and identify, and to explain the law and legal liability in this vast new gig economy world.
Write a 3–4 page interoffice memo in which you do the following:
- Summarize the main principles of agency law as they relate to Uber’s relationship with its drivers.
- Analyze the circumstances under which Uber might be liable for the conduct of a driver who, while intoxicated, caused an accident involving personal property damage and bodily injury.
- Identify the steps Uber can take, if any, to limit its legal exposure due to the conduct of its drivers.
Use the Strayer Library to conduct your research. Include at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not count as quality references.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
- Your news brief or memo should include a heading, summary statement, background, and recommendations.
- Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides.
- Cite your references following Strayer Writing Standards. The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:
- Establish what liability concerns exist for a specific business based on agency law.
IT 226 Southern New Hampshire University Activity Communication in STEM Fields Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications discussion question and need support to help me learn.
Business and STEM leaders have repeatedly stated that learning to communicate well is a key skill needed to be successful (Jensen, 2012). “Research carried out by the Carnegie Institute of Technology shows that 85 percent of your financial success is due to . . . your personality and ability to communicate, negotiate, and lead . . . only 15 percent is due to technical knowledge” (Nelson, n.d.).
To complete this activity, write a short paper based on the claim that information technology professionals should excel in their communication skills.
In your paper:
- Define academic, professional, and technical communication in your own words, using at least two examples.
- Discuss whether you believe the ability to communicate well is the most important skill for a STEM professional to learn.
Resources are not required, but any resources used must be appropriately cited using APA style. While all course materials are valuable resources for this project, the following resource may directly help support your work on this project:
- Shapiro Library – APA Style: Basics
Guidelines for Submission
Submit a Word document or PDF file of your short paper. Your paper must:
- Be at least 500 words
- Be double spaced
- Address all of the requirements in the Prompt section
Jensen, K. (2012, April 12). Intelligence is overrated: What you really need to succeed. Forbes. Retrieved from…
Nelson, B. (n.d.). Three billionaires reveal the underrated skill you really need to succeed (and it’s not intelligence). Reader’s Digest. Retrieved from…
Criteria | Exemplary (100%) | Proficient (85%) | Needs Improvement (55%) | Not Evident (0%) | Value |
Communication Definition | Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner | Defines academic, professional, and technical communication in their own words with at least two examples | Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include using their own words to define the different types of communication instead of relying on resources or including at least two examples | Does not attempt criterion | 35 |
Importance of Communication | Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner | Discusses whether communication is the most important skill for STEM professionals with some details that support the position | Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include selecting too many, too few, or unnecessary main ideas | Does not attempt criterion | 35 |
Articulation of Response | Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner | Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose | Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability | Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas | 15 |
Citations and Attributions | Attributes sources where applicable using citation methods with very few minor errors | Attributes sources where applicable, but with consistent minor errors | Attributes sources where applicable, but with major errors | Does not attribute sources where applicable | 15 |
Total: | 100% |
A1BTC Sports Journalism and The Digital Media Quality and Credibility Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
The goal of this essay is for you to reflect on the use of technology in a particular work setting [a) journalism and news media or b) public relations or c) advertising or d) mass communication] by using your critical thinking and writing skills. Note that you can take a field as a whole or go more in-depth and select a subfield (for example, travel OR sports journalism or race/ethnicity in advertising OR AI in journalism OR AI in PR).
You MUST however choose either journalism, public relations, advertising or mass communication since this is a JOUR course.
Here are just a few examples of work settings:
- Journalism = sports, arts, lifestyle, analytics in news, AI in news, citizen journalism, alternative right wing news, etc.
- PR = PR agency, PR in a corporation, analytics, etc.
- Advertising = ad agency, analytics, etc.
- Mass communications = political communication, health communication, a social media company, an audio media like podcast, film, tv, photography, interactive media such as video games, ebooks, etc.
What to Do Next?
This essay should contain:
- An original title that reflects your central argument;
- Write an introduction summarizing what you will be talking about;
- Write at least four ways the work settings worked before the rise of digital media (this could include changes in norms, practices or values);
- Write at least five ways technology has changed the said industry (try to be nuanced and as specific as you can be using evidence and sources to support your claims);
- And in one or two paragraphs (that are normally 5-6 sentences with one verb for each sentence), reflect on how this new environment is different from pre-digital media;
- Add a conclusion summarizing your essay and your overarching argument.
- Include:
- Two or more academic references (from peer reviewed academic journals). To find that you can use a library database such as Jstor or Communication Databases OR ask Cory our HSJMC librarian. Some good journals in our field can be found here (Links to an external site.) and here (Links to an external site.).
- One secondary media source
- You can, if you want, also add personal experience [if you don’t have any don’t worry it is optional].
A note on citations
You should not cite sources like a typical research paper with in-text citations (i.e. Belair-Gagnon, 2020). Instead, you should cite your sources in a more informal way and provide a link when possible (For example: In an article in the New York Times, Belair-Gagnon wrote that…). Also, you should have references cited at the bottom of the post. You can use any citation style you choose (i.e., Chicago, Harvard, etc.)
How long?
1500 (up to 2000 maximum) words essay. Doubled-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt.
A1 Business and Technical College Advertising in Society Sexy Imagery Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
For this paper, I would like you to choose a topic having to do with advertising and society that we either didn’t cover in class, OR, a topic that we did cover, but that you find particularly interesting and would like to research more. (For example, you could choose to write about the link between military advertising and the video game industry, or LGBTQ identity in advertising, or the corporatization of “Pride” advertising – these are examples of subjects we did not talk about in class but are interesting to think about. Or, you could choose a topic that we DID cover, like the use of sexual imagery in advertising, or political advertising, and write about/study it in more depth.)
To prepare for this paper, you will conduct a literature review. All good research is built upon the shoulders of researchers who came before. Using the UMN library website, navigate to the “Academic Search Premier” tool. You can use this database to search for previously published work on the issue that you chose – journal articles, books and book reviews, and magazine and other coverage of the issue. You will identify several reliable sources that take up the topic you chose, and summarize them in a two-page annotated bibliography, which, with a short paragraph about which topic you chose and why, will serve as a first draft of your paper. (Note: if you search Academic Search Premier and aren’t finding many relevant articles or papers, try varying your keywords or clicking on “Choose Databases” and select all the databases.)
You may use other search resources as supplements, like Google Scholar, but I would like everyone to find at least 2-3 peer-reviewed journal articles that pertain to their subject matter, and the UMN Library databases are the best place to find these.
The final paper should look like this:
- Introduction – introduce us to your topic, and explain why you chose it. Why is this topic a salient issue to consider in a course about advertising and society? The final sentence(s) of your introduction should be your thesis statement, which is a concise summary of the main argument(s) you make in your paper.
- Literature review – in this section of your paper, which should be at least two pages long, you should concisely summarize the information you found in your database search for articles and studies about your topic. What do scholars who have studied this topic say about it? What does the research say? What do we already know? What don’t we know?
- Examples – in this section of your paper, which should be one or two pages long, find at least 2-3 interesting examples of cases or campaigns that involved the topic you chose. What did these examples look like? What did they accomplish? How were they received?
- Finally, in your conclusion/summary at the end, which should represent one to two pages of content, summarize your view on the advertising issue you chose. What is your opinion about the limits or applications of this issue, based on the research you did? What moral philosophies or other influences guided your conclusion? How would you like to see this issue applied or resolved in advertising in the future?
This paper should be 5-6 pages long, double-spaced, with standard 1-inch margins and 12-point font. You should expect to include at least 8-10 outside reference in a works cited or references page at the end of your paper. Don’t forget in-text citations as well. You can certainly cite the textbook, lectures, or other readings from class, if applicable.
A note on citations
You should not cite sources like a typical research paper with in-text citations (i.e. Belair-Gagnon, 2020). Instead, you should cite your sources in a more informal way and provide a link when possible (For example: In an article in the New York Times, Belair-Gagnon wrote that…). Also, you should have references cited at the bottom of the post. You can use any citation style you choose (i.e., Chicago, Harvard, etc.)
How long?
1500 (up to 2000 maximum) words essay. Doubled-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt.