Cuyamaca College Difficulty with Chemistry in High School Questions Writing Assignment Help

Cuyamaca College Difficulty with Chemistry in High School Questions Writing Assignment Help. Cuyamaca College Difficulty with Chemistry in High School Questions Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me study.
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In this activity, we will learn to become familiar with our Inner Critic, Inner Defender, and Inner Guide. You will also get to practice disputing the judgments of your Inner Critic and Inner Defender. See pages 69-70 in your On Course textbook for an example on how to dispute judgments.


  1. Read Chapter 2 pages 56-70 in your On Course textbook.
  2. Write a sentence expressing a recent problem or event that upset you. Think of something troubling that happened in school, at work, or in your personal life.
  3. Write a list of two criticisms your Inner Critic might say to you. Then immediately write down a response from your Inner Guide disputing both criticisms.
  4. Write a list of two criticisms your Inner Defender might say to you. Then immediately write down a response from your Inner Guide disputing both criticisms.
  5. Write a paragraph about what you have learned about your inner conversation. Dive deep and really reflect on your inner conversations. Do your inner conversations tend to be positive or negative? Are they encouraging or discouraging? What are the possible outcomes of these inner conversations

Cuyamaca College Difficulty with Chemistry in High School Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Causes of Mental Health Issues in China Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology Discussion and need support to help me study.

Reading: “The Power of Concentration,” “Freudians put China on the Couch” and “Stressed and Depressed, Koreans Avoid Therapy” [in Asia-Psychology_Today in Files on Canvas]

Homework on Reading: Give short definitions/discussions (a few sentences) of each term or concept or answer the questions.

Describe the difference between mindfulness and multi-tasking.

Describe the causes of mental health problems in China.

According to the essay “Stressed and Depressed, Koreans Avoid Therapy,” why are Korean people so depressed?

What help is available for Chinese and Korean people to get treatment for mental illness?

Homework on Lectures: Give short definitions/discussions (a few sentences) of each term or concept or answer the questions; describe the essence of the contribution made by each philosopher, scientist, and artist.


Ankoku Butoh

Sankai Juku

Akira by Otomo Katsuhiro

Chinese Cultural Revolution

Mu Xin

Ai Wei Wei


Cho Duck-Hyun

Homework on Film:

In the Mood for Love (2001)

Chow Mo-wan, a journalist, and Su Li-zhen, a secretary, are both married to unfaithful spouses. They find themselves often alone: eating alone, sleeping alone. The film portrays their relationship as repressed desire for each other. What are some examples? The film is also about secrets. Can you think of anything so secret (so erotic, so violent, or so private) that you can’t see it in a film today? (I can’t!) At the end of the film, when Chow is at Angkor Wat, why did Wong Kar-Wai (the director) have Chow whisper into a hole rather than speak to the audience?


Strayer University Role of Human Resource in The Health Care Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a management writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

As part of an orientation program for new managers, HR has developed a section of the orientation designed to help new managers learn more about HR’s functions and role in helping them become more effective in handling their HR responsibilities.Using the course readings and articles, address the role of human resource management. Support your analysis with a minimum of three credible sources of research. (Keep in mind this document is meant for an orientation. The new managers may or may not have a strong understanding of the role of HR in health care.)

  1. Determine the key roles that human resource management plays in today’s health care organizations.
  2. Evaluate three to five core functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to a health care organization.
  3. Justify which HR function you believe is the most important in helping a health care organization achieve its strategy.
  4. Analyze the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan.
  5. Go to the Strayer Online Library and locate at least three quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.


Ashford University Advantages and Disadvantages of the Telecommuting Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

My topic is the Relationship between COVID-19 Pandemic and Information Systems and my Research Question is What are the challenges and advantages of telecommuting and working remotely during the COVID-19 era in the United States?

Please read my research proposal, the requirements and follow the outline. Also please read my Annotated Bibliography and use those sources. (You can use some additional sources related to the research question

should be only2 pages long please. i will share the documents with the selected tutor


ENGL 101 Formal Scientific Process of Documentation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me study.


for this you going to do 3 assignments. please do every assignment in a file ( don’t do them all in 1 file).


Please answer these questions about The T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project:

—How does the T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. project diverge from genre expectations?

—What’s the purpose of the T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. project?

—How do the authors use the genre to achieve their purpose?

T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S project link:…


What is a piece of academic writing you have done in the past (could be something from this class, or something entirely different) that you could imagine in different modes? What modes would make sense for a revisioning of this paper?


For this assignment, you will be reading three different pieces discussing consent and power abuse (content warnings: sexual assault, sexual harassment, emotional abuse).………

Then, respond to these questions:

  • What are reasons given in the first piece as to why Louis C.K.’s public statement is offensive and inadequate? What is Christina Cauterucci’s main argument?
  • How does the people being interviewed in the NPR piece respond to and discuss opposing views? How does this impact their opinions? Are we more likely to believe them?
  • Who is the intended audience for the caregiver abuse piece? (answering “everyone” isn’t going to cut it!)



Florida Institute Risk Management Plan in the Aircraft Operation Industry Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a case studies case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The page count for your case analyses is five pages:

Page 1, Title page;

Pages 2 and 3, Analysis (Introduction, Problem Statement, Significance of the Problem, Alternative Actions, and Recommendation);

Page 4, Summaries;

Page 5, Reference list.

Expectations of each Case Analysis Assignment

The introduction should set the stage, establish the environment, set out the nature of the problem. You should consider that you are establishing the context within which your problem exists. You must have in-text citation to substantiate your introduction.

The case analysis assignment requires you to identify and isolate just one problem. This problem should be well developed, where did it come from, why is it able to exist? What conditions and/or factors caused it or contributed to it? Your problem statement is the common thread that you weave throughout your analysis, everything must be connected to your problem. You must have in-text citation to substantiate your problem statement.

The significance of the problem is the result of the problem not being solved. You need to indicate what will happen if your problem is not addressed or fixed. This is your opportunity to tell management they need to do dedicate appropriate resources to fix the problem. You need in-text citation to substantiate the significance of your problem.

Alternative actions are corrective actions based upon the textbook and/or magazine/journal article and/or other sources you are using. You need two alternative actions, each much have reason or rationale, and two advantages and two disadvantages. Here again in-text citation must be used to substantiate your alternative courses of action.

The recommendation must be separate and distinctly different than either alternative action. You should consider what you would do to correct the problem if you had unlimited resources. The recommendation must have reason or rationale, one advantage and one disadvantage. And, in-text citation must be used to substantiate your recommendation.

A reference list (in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) must be compiled based solely upon the sources you used to substantiate your analyses.

Florida Institute Risk Management Plan in the Aircraft Operation Industry Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Population affected by Moyamoya Disease and Demographics PPT Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Other and need guidance to help me study.

You are preparing to speak at a global health conference about a disease affecting a global population. You plan to present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population and discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease.


Select a disease impacting a population outside of the United States. Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

  • Explain the disease (1 slide)
  • Describe the population affected by the disease, including demographics (1 slide)
  • Present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population (1 slide)
  • Use the notes section of this slide to explain the difference, in your own words, between incidence and prevalence.
  • Discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease (1 slide)
  • Use the notes section of this slide to analyze the effectiveness of these efforts.

Use a total of 6 PowerPoint slides, including a title slide and a slide for your reference list. Use APA format for citations and references.


Film History Akira Kurosawas Career Paper Writing Assignment Help

Choice #1 – “analytic”

Write a paper. If you want to do this, let’s talk about what subject matter you might choose. Some thoughts about this here.

Pick a director – not necessary one whose work we have looked at – and write a ten-page doubled-spaced essay detailing his/her career. Give biographical details and mention all key films. What is crucial is to place this individual within his/her historical context. For example, if you write about Kurosawa, give a background to post-war Japanese cinema. If Fellini interests you, explore his work as an Italian neo-realist screenwriter and subsequent progression into a more stylized cinema. A focus on Andrea Arnold might take you from British Kitchen-Sink drama of the Sixties to modern-day representations of working class life. If you want to pick one of your favorite directors (perhaps one who has been making films for only a few years), consider how you can write about them historically. Though you may love the work of Christopher Nolan or Wes Anderson or Stanley Kubrick or Woody Allen or Quentin Tarantino, I don’t want to read what is just a summary of their careers. It’s probably better to pick a figure from film history than your favorite director.

Or pick any film – not necessarily one we have watched together – and write a ten-page doubled-spaced essay placing it in its historical context. If you choose All the President’s Men, for example, write about New American Cinema of the Seventies. If you want to consider The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, this gives you the opportunity to ponder John Ford, John Wayne and the American Western. Picking Battleship Potemkin means you’ll be exploring Russian cinema of the Twenties (throw in some montage theory while you’re at it). Psycho is an excuse to talk about horror films or early independent Hollywood productions or Alfred Hitchcock, etc. Cleo from 5 to 7 offers an opening into the French New Wave. Do the Right Thing will lead you into the world of independent American film of the Eighties and Nineties. Pick Toy Story and you can fill page after page on the history of animation.

Or surprise me with a ten-page doubled-spaced essay. But: email me with your idea before you start writing so I can sign off on it. For example, if you are especially interested in Iranian cinema, you might want to focus on the fairly recent wave of cinema from that country. Or perhaps you have a favorite cinematographer or genre of cinema you want to write about. Anything goes, so long as you let me know in advance.

Whatever you decide to do, pick a subject area that (a) interests you and (b) might conceivably be useful to you in the future or ties in with any other classes you are taking. Throw in your own opinions, but remember: this is not a film review or a “reading” of the film (i.e. I don’t want a Marxist reading of Eisenstein or a Freudian take on Fellini). I have, in the past, had to fail students who have insisted upon giving me what is a review of a single film, without giving any consideration to the fact that this is a film history class. I also do not need historical context to the events portrayed in the film (i.e. if you write about All the President’s Men, I don’t need detailed background to the Watergate Scandal, and if you pick Lawrence of Arabia I don’t want to read a history essay about the British army and the Arabs during the First World War). So remember: this class deals with the century-long history of cinema. You need to demonstrate some knowledge of where your chosen director or film fits in to the more than century-long history of cinema. Dates and names are always good. Always refer to other films and directors.


Week 6 Government Organizations in the Lottery by Shirley Jacksons Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature discussion question and need support to help me study.

This one is week 6 – Hardes one as per instructor

Please check attached documents for full instructions

The paper should be at least three pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font. Go to the Discussion Board Assignment 6 forum and create a thread and post the file by the due date. Remember that your work won’t be graded until you’ve read and commented on two other papers. Try to get that done by Tuesday following the due date.


Fifty Laws Discriminating Blacks from Whites in America Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Discussion and need support to help me understand better.


Reading: Madness in America-4 [in Files on Canvas]

Homework on Reading and Lecture: Give short definitions/discussions (a few sentences) of each term or concept or answer the questions; describe the essence of the contribution made by each philosopher, scientist, and artist.

Describe Freud’s view of the original of racial prejudice and children and in adults

James McCune Smith

1840 Census

Frederick Douglass

Abraham Lincoln

Franz Fanon

Martin Luther King Jr.

Barack Obama

Homework on Film:

Pressure Point (1962)

Made in the United States in 1962 at the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, the film tells the story of an African-American psychiatrist at a federal penitentiary and his patient, a white prisoner. The patient has two problems: he’s neurotic (he has a reoccurring nightmare) and he’s a psychopath (he hates Blacks and Jews). The psychiatrist tries to help him. Does he cure the patient of neurosis? If so, how? At the end of the film, is the patient still a psychopath? If so, what are his symptoms?


Then, respond to these questions:

  • What are reasons given in the first piece as to why Louis C.K.’s public statement is offensive and inadequate? What is Christina Cauterucci’s main argument?
  • How does the people being interviewed in the NPR piece respond to and discuss opposing views? How does this impact their opinions? Are we more likely to believe them?
  • Who is the intended audience for the caregiver abuse piece? (answering “everyone” isn’t going to cut it!)



Florida Institute Risk Management Plan in the Aircraft Operation Industry Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a case studies case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The page count for your case analyses is five pages:

Page 1, Title page;

Pages 2 and 3, Analysis (Introduction, Problem Statement, Significance of the Problem, Alternative Actions, and Recommendation);

Page 4, Summaries;

Page 5, Reference list.

Expectations of each Case Analysis Assignment

The introduction should set the stage, establish the environment, set out the nature of the problem. You should consider that you are establishing the context within which your problem exists. You must have in-text citation to substantiate your introduction.

The case analysis assignment requires you to identify and isolate just one problem. This problem should be well developed, where did it come from, why is it able to exist? What conditions and/or factors caused it or contributed to it? Your problem statement is the common thread that you weave throughout your analysis, everything must be connected to your problem. You must have in-text citation to substantiate your problem statement.

The significance of the problem is the result of the problem not being solved. You need to indicate what will happen if your problem is not addressed or fixed. This is your opportunity to tell management they need to do dedicate appropriate resources to fix the problem. You need in-text citation to substantiate the significance of your problem.

Alternative actions are corrective actions based upon the textbook and/or magazine/journal article and/or other sources you are using. You need two alternative actions, each much have reason or rationale, and two advantages and two disadvantages. Here again in-text citation must be used to substantiate your alternative courses of action.

The recommendation must be separate and distinctly different than either alternative action. You should consider what you would do to correct the problem if you had unlimited resources. The recommendation must have reason or rationale, one advantage and one disadvantage. And, in-text citation must be used to substantiate your recommendation.

A reference list (in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) must be compiled based solely upon the sources you used to substantiate your analyses.

Florida Institute Risk Management Plan in the Aircraft Operation Industry Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Population affected by Moyamoya Disease and Demographics PPT Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Other and need guidance to help me study.

You are preparing to speak at a global health conference about a disease affecting a global population. You plan to present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population and discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease.


Select a disease impacting a population outside of the United States. Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

  • Explain the disease (1 slide)
  • Describe the population affected by the disease, including demographics (1 slide)
  • Present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population (1 slide)
  • Use the notes section of this slide to explain the difference, in your own words, between incidence and prevalence.
  • Discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease (1 slide)
  • Use the notes section of this slide to analyze the effectiveness of these efforts.

Use a total of 6 PowerPoint slides, including a title slide and a slide for your reference list. Use APA format for citations and references.


Film History Akira Kurosawas Career Paper Writing Assignment Help

Choice #1 – “analytic”

Write a paper. If you want to do this, let’s talk about what subject matter you might choose. Some thoughts about this here.

Pick a director – not necessary one whose work we have looked at – and write a ten-page doubled-spaced essay detailing his/her career. Give biographical details and mention all key films. What is crucial is to place this individual within his/her historical context. For example, if you write about Kurosawa, give a background to post-war Japanese cinema. If Fellini interests you, explore his work as an Italian neo-realist screenwriter and subsequent progression into a more stylized cinema. A focus on Andrea Arnold might take you from British Kitchen-Sink drama of the Sixties to modern-day representations of working class life. If you want to pick one of your favorite directors (perhaps one who has been making films for only a few years), consider how you can write about them historically. Though you may love the work of Christopher Nolan or Wes Anderson or Stanley Kubrick or Woody Allen or Quentin Tarantino, I don’t want to read what is just a summary of their careers. It’s probably better to pick a figure from film history than your favorite director.

Or pick any film – not necessarily one we have watched together – and write a ten-page doubled-spaced essay placing it in its historical context. If you choose All the President’s Men, for example, write about New American Cinema of the Seventies. If you want to consider The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, this gives you the opportunity to ponder John Ford, John Wayne and the American Western. Picking Battleship Potemkin means you’ll be exploring Russian cinema of the Twenties (throw in some montage theory while you’re at it). Psycho is an excuse to talk about horror films or early independent Hollywood productions or Alfred Hitchcock, etc. Cleo from 5 to 7 offers an opening into the French New Wave. Do the Right Thing will lead you into the world of independent American film of the Eighties and Nineties. Pick Toy Story and you can fill page after page on the history of animation.

Or surprise me with a ten-page doubled-spaced essay. But: email me with your idea before you start writing so I can sign off on it. For example, if you are especially interested in Iranian cinema, you might want to focus on the fairly recent wave of cinema from that country. Or perhaps you have a favorite cinematographer or genre of cinema you want to write about. Anything goes, so long as you let me know in advance.

Whatever you decide to do, pick a subject area that (a) interests you and (b) might conceivably be useful to you in the future or ties in with any other classes you are taking. Throw in your own opinions, but remember: this is not a film review or a “reading” of the film (i.e. I don’t want a Marxist reading of Eisenstein or a Freudian take on Fellini). I have, in the past, had to fail students who have insisted upon giving me what is a review of a single film, without giving any consideration to the fact that this is a film history class. I also do not need historical context to the events portrayed in the film (i.e. if you write about All the President’s Men, I don’t need detailed background to the Watergate Scandal, and if you pick Lawrence of Arabia I don’t want to read a history essay about the British army and the Arabs during the First World War). So remember: this class deals with the century-long history of cinema. You need to demonstrate some knowledge of where your chosen director or film fits in to the more than century-long history of cinema. Dates and names are always good. Always refer to other films and directors.


Week 6 Government Organizations in the Lottery by Shirley Jacksons Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature discussion question and need support to help me study.

This one is week 6 – Hardes one as per instructor

Please check attached documents for full instructions

The paper should be at least three pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font. Go to the Discussion Board Assignment 6 forum and create a thread and post the file by the due date. Remember that your work won’t be graded until you’ve read and commented on two other papers. Try to get that done by Tuesday following the due date.


Fifty Laws Discriminating Blacks from Whites in America Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Discussion and need support to help me understand better.


Reading: Madness in America-4 [in Files on Canvas]

Homework on Reading and Lecture: Give short definitions/discussions (a few sentences) of each term or concept or answer the questions; describe the essence of the contribution made by each philosopher, scientist, and artist.

Describe Freud’s view of the original of racial prejudice and children and in adults

James McCune Smith

1840 Census

Frederick Douglass

Abraham Lincoln

Franz Fanon

Martin Luther King Jr.

Barack Obama

Homework on Film:

Pressure Point (1962)

Made in the United States in 1962 at the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, the film tells the story of an African-American psychiatrist at a federal penitentiary and his patient, a white prisoner. The patient has two problems: he’s neurotic (he has a reoccurring nightmare) and he’s a psychopath (he hates Blacks and Jews). The psychiatrist tries to help him. Does he cure the patient of neurosis? If so, how? At the end of the film, is the patient still a psychopath? If so, what are his symptoms?


Then, respond to these questions:

  • What are reasons given in the first piece as to why Louis C.K.’s public statement is offensive and inadequate? What is Christina Cauterucci’s main argument?
  • How does the people being interviewed in the NPR piece respond to and discuss opposing views? How does this impact their opinions? Are we more likely to believe them?
  • Who is the intended audience for the caregiver abuse piece? (answering “everyone” isn’t going to cut it!)



Florida Institute Risk Management Plan in the Aircraft Operation Industry Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a case studies case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The page count for your case analyses is five pages:

Page 1, Title page;

Pages 2 and 3, Analysis (Introduction, Problem Statement, Significance of the Problem, Alternative Actions, and Recommendation);

Page 4, Summaries;

Page 5, Reference list.

Expectations of each Case Analysis Assignment

The introduction should set the stage, establish the environment, set out the nature of the problem. You should consider that you are establishing the context within which your problem exists. You must have in-text citation to substantiate your introduction.

The case analysis assignment requires you to identify and isolate just one problem. This problem should be well developed, where did it come from, why is it able to exist? What conditions and/or factors caused it or contributed to it? Your problem statement is the common thread that you weave throughout your analysis, everything must be connected to your problem. You must have in-text citation to substantiate your problem statement.

The significance of the problem is the result of the problem not being solved. You need to indicate what will happen if your problem is not addressed or fixed. This is your opportunity to tell management they need to do dedicate appropriate resources to fix the problem. You need in-text citation to substantiate the significance of your problem.

Alternative actions are corrective actions based upon the textbook and/or magazine/journal article and/or other sources you are using. You need two alternative actions, each much have reason or rationale, and two advantages and two disadvantages. Here again in-text citation must be used to substantiate your alternative courses of action.

The recommendation must be separate and distinctly different than either alternative action. You should consider what you would do to correct the problem if you had unlimited resources. The recommendation must have reason or rationale, one advantage and one disadvantage. And, in-text citation must be used to substantiate your recommendation.

A reference list (in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) must be compiled based solely upon the sources you used to substantiate your analyses.

Florida Institute Risk Management Plan in the Aircraft Operation Industry Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Population affected by Moyamoya Disease and Demographics PPT Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Other and need guidance to help me study.

You are preparing to speak at a global health conference about a disease affecting a global population. You plan to present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population and discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease.


Select a disease impacting a population outside of the United States. Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

  • Explain the disease (1 slide)
  • Describe the population affected by the disease, including demographics (1 slide)
  • Present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population (1 slide)
  • Use the notes section of this slide to explain the difference, in your own words, between incidence and prevalence.
  • Discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease (1 slide)
  • Use the notes section of this slide to analyze the effectiveness of these efforts.

Use a total of 6 PowerPoint slides, including a title slide and a slide for your reference list. Use APA format for citations and references.


Film History Akira Kurosawas Career Paper Writing Assignment Help

Choice #1 – “analytic”

Write a paper. If you want to do this, let’s talk about what subject matter you might choose. Some thoughts about this here.

Pick a director – not necessary one whose work we have looked at – and write a ten-page doubled-spaced essay detailing his/her career. Give biographical details and mention all key films. What is crucial is to place this individual within his/her historical context. For example, if you write about Kurosawa, give a background to post-war Japanese cinema. If Fellini interests you, explore his work as an Italian neo-realist screenwriter and subsequent progression into a more stylized cinema. A focus on Andrea Arnold might take you from British Kitchen-Sink drama of the Sixties to modern-day representations of working class life. If you want to pick one of your favorite directors (perhaps one who has been making films for only a few years), consider how you can write about them historically. Though you may love the work of Christopher Nolan or Wes Anderson or Stanley Kubrick or Woody Allen or Quentin Tarantino, I don’t want to read what is just a summary of their careers. It’s probably better to pick a figure from film history than your favorite director.

Or pick any film – not necessarily one we have watched together – and write a ten-page doubled-spaced essay placing it in its historical context. If you choose All the President’s Men, for example, write about New American Cinema of the Seventies. If you want to consider The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, this gives you the opportunity to ponder John Ford, John Wayne and the American Western. Picking Battleship Potemkin means you’ll be exploring Russian cinema of the Twenties (throw in some montage theory while you’re at it). Psycho is an excuse to talk about horror films or early independent Hollywood productions or Alfred Hitchcock, etc. Cleo from 5 to 7 offers an opening into the French New Wave. Do the Right Thing will lead you into the world of independent American film of the Eighties and Nineties. Pick Toy Story and you can fill page after page on the history of animation.

Or surprise me with a ten-page doubled-spaced essay. But: email me with your idea before you start writing so I can sign off on it. For example, if you are especially interested in Iranian cinema, you might want to focus on the fairly recent wave of cinema from that country. Or perhaps you have a favorite cinematographer or genre of cinema you want to write about. Anything goes, so long as you let me know in advance.

Whatever you decide to do, pick a subject area that (a) interests you and (b) might conceivably be useful to you in the future or ties in with any other classes you are taking. Throw in your own opinions, but remember: this is not a film review or a “reading” of the film (i.e. I don’t want a Marxist reading of Eisenstein or a Freudian take on Fellini). I have, in the past, had to fail students who have insisted upon giving me what is a review of a single film, without giving any consideration to the fact that this is a film history class. I also do not need historical context to the events portrayed in the film (i.e. if you write about All the President’s Men, I don’t need detailed background to the Watergate Scandal, and if you pick Lawrence of Arabia I don’t want to read a history essay about the British army and the Arabs during the First World War). So remember: this class deals with the century-long history of cinema. You need to demonstrate some knowledge of where your chosen director or film fits in to the more than century-long history of cinema. Dates and names are always good. Always refer to other films and directors.


Week 6 Government Organizations in the Lottery by Shirley Jacksons Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature discussion question and need support to help me study.

This one is week 6 – Hardes one as per instructor

Please check attached documents for full instructions

The paper should be at least three pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font. Go to the Discussion Board Assignment 6 forum and create a thread and post the file by the due date. Remember that your work won’t be graded until you’ve read and commented on two other papers. Try to get that done by Tuesday following the due date.


Fifty Laws Discriminating Blacks from Whites in America Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Discussion and need support to help me understand better.


Reading: Madness in America-4 [in Files on Canvas]

Homework on Reading and Lecture: Give short definitions/discussions (a few sentences) of each term or concept or answer the questions; describe the essence of the contribution made by each philosopher, scientist, and artist.

Describe Freud’s view of the original of racial prejudice and children and in adults

James McCune Smith

1840 Census

Frederick Douglass

Abraham Lincoln

Franz Fanon

Martin Luther King Jr.

Barack Obama

Homework on Film:

Pressure Point (1962)

Made in the United States in 1962 at the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, the film tells the story of an African-American psychiatrist at a federal penitentiary and his patient, a white prisoner. The patient has two problems: he’s neurotic (he has a reoccurring nightmare) and he’s a psychopath (he hates Blacks and Jews). The psychiatrist tries to help him. Does he cure the patient of neurosis? If so, how? At the end of the film, is the patient still a psychopath? If so, what are his symptoms?


Then, respond to these questions:

  • What are reasons given in the first piece as to why Louis C.K.’s public statement is offensive and inadequate? What is Christina Cauterucci’s main argument?
  • How does the people being interviewed in the NPR piece respond to and discuss opposing views? How does this impact their opinions? Are we more likely to believe them?
  • Who is the intended audience for the caregiver abuse piece? (answering “everyone” isn’t going to cut it!)



Florida Institute Risk Management Plan in the Aircraft Operation Industry Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a case studies case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The page count for your case analyses is five pages:

Page 1, Title page;

Pages 2 and 3, Analysis (Introduction, Problem Statement, Significance of the Problem, Alternative Actions, and Recommendation);

Page 4, Summaries;

Page 5, Reference list.

Expectations of each Case Analysis Assignment

The introduction should set the stage, establish the environment, set out the nature of the problem. You should consider that you are establishing the context within which your problem exists. You must have in-text citation to substantiate your introduction.

The case analysis assignment requires you to identify and isolate just one problem. This problem should be well developed, where did it come from, why is it able to exist? What conditions and/or factors caused it or contributed to it? Your problem statement is the common thread that you weave throughout your analysis, everything must be connected to your problem. You must have in-text citation to substantiate your problem statement.

The significance of the problem is the result of the problem not being solved. You need to indicate what will happen if your problem is not addressed or fixed. This is your opportunity to tell management they need to do dedicate appropriate resources to fix the problem. You need in-text citation to substantiate the significance of your problem.

Alternative actions are corrective actions based upon the textbook and/or magazine/journal article and/or other sources you are using. You need two alternative actions, each much have reason or rationale, and two advantages and two disadvantages. Here again in-text citation must be used to substantiate your alternative courses of action.

The recommendation must be separate and distinctly different than either alternative action. You should consider what you would do to correct the problem if you had unlimited resources. The recommendation must have reason or rationale, one advantage and one disadvantage. And, in-text citation must be used to substantiate your recommendation.

A reference list (in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) must be compiled based solely upon the sources you used to substantiate your analyses.

Florida Institute Risk Management Plan in the Aircraft Operation Industry Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Population affected by Moyamoya Disease and Demographics PPT Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Other and need guidance to help me study.

You are preparing to speak at a global health conference about a disease affecting a global population. You plan to present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population and discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease.


Select a disease impacting a population outside of the United States. Create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following:

  • Explain the disease (1 slide)
  • Describe the population affected by the disease, including demographics (1 slide)
  • Present the incidence and prevalence of the disease within the population (1 slide)
  • Use the notes section of this slide to explain the difference, in your own words, between incidence and prevalence.
  • Discuss efforts to control, eliminate, and eradicate the disease (1 slide)
  • Use the notes section of this slide to analyze the effectiveness of these efforts.

Use a total of 6 PowerPoint slides, including a title slide and a slide for your reference list. Use APA format for citations and references.


Film History Akira Kurosawas Career Paper Writing Assignment Help

Choice #1 – “analytic”

Write a paper. If you want to do this, let’s talk about what subject matter you might choose. Some thoughts about this here.

Pick a director – not necessary one whose work we have looked at – and write a ten-page doubled-spaced essay detailing his/her career. Give biographical details and mention all key films. What is crucial is to place this individual within his/her historical context. For example, if you write about Kurosawa, give a background to post-war Japanese cinema. If Fellini interests you, explore his work as an Italian neo-realist screenwriter and subsequent progression into a more stylized cinema. A focus on Andrea Arnold might take you from British Kitchen-Sink drama of the Sixties to modern-day representations of working class life. If you want to pick one of your favorite directors (perhaps one who has been making films for only a few years), consider how you can write about them historically. Though you may love the work of Christopher Nolan or Wes Anderson or Stanley Kubrick or Woody Allen or Quentin Tarantino, I don’t want to read what is just a summary of their careers. It’s probably better to pick a figure from film history than your favorite director.

Or pick any film – not necessarily one we have watched together – and write a ten-page doubled-spaced essay placing it in its historical context. If you choose All the President’s Men, for example, write about New American Cinema of the Seventies. If you want to consider The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, this gives you the opportunity to ponder John Ford, John Wayne and the American Western. Picking Battleship Potemkin means you’ll be exploring Russian cinema of the Twenties (throw in some montage theory while you’re at it). Psycho is an excuse to talk about horror films or early independent Hollywood productions or Alfred Hitchcock, etc. Cleo from 5 to 7 offers an opening into the French New Wave. Do the Right Thing will lead you into the world of independent American film of the Eighties and Nineties. Pick Toy Story and you can fill page after page on the history of animation.

Or surprise me with a ten-page doubled-spaced essay. But: email me with your idea before you start writing so I can sign off on it. For example, if you are especially interested in Iranian cinema, you might want to focus on the fairly recent wave of cinema from that country. Or perhaps you have a favorite cinematographer or genre of cinema you want to write about. Anything goes, so long as you let me know in advance.

Whatever you decide to do, pick a subject area that (a) interests you and (b) might conceivably be useful to you in the future or ties in with any other classes you are taking. Throw in your own opinions, but remember: this is not a film review or a “reading” of the film (i.e. I don’t want a Marxist reading of Eisenstein or a Freudian take on Fellini). I have, in the past, had to fail students who have insisted upon giving me what is a review of a single film, without giving any consideration to the fact that this is a film history class. I also do not need historical context to the events portrayed in the film (i.e. if you write about All the President’s Men, I don’t need detailed background to the Watergate Scandal, and if you pick Lawrence of Arabia I don’t want to read a history essay about the British army and the Arabs during the First World War). So remember: this class deals with the century-long history of cinema. You need to demonstrate some knowledge of where your chosen director or film fits in to the more than century-long history of cinema. Dates and names are always good. Always refer to other films and directors.


Week 6 Government Organizations in the Lottery by Shirley Jacksons Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature discussion question and need support to help me study.

This one is week 6 – Hardes one as per instructor

Please check attached documents for full instructions

The paper should be at least three pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font. Go to the Discussion Board Assignment 6 forum and create a thread and post the file by the due date. Remember that your work won’t be graded until you’ve read and commented on two other papers. Try to get that done by Tuesday following the due date.


Fifty Laws Discriminating Blacks from Whites in America Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Discussion and need support to help me understand better.


Reading: Madness in America-4 [in Files on Canvas]

Homework on Reading and Lecture: Give short definitions/discussions (a few sentences) of each term or concept or answer the questions; describe the essence of the contribution made by each philosopher, scientist, and artist.

Describe Freud’s view of the original of racial prejudice and children and in adults

James McCune Smith

1840 Census

Frederick Douglass

Abraham Lincoln

Franz Fanon

Martin Luther King Jr.

Barack Obama

Homework on Film:

Pressure Point (1962)

Made in the United States in 1962 at the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, the film tells the story of an African-American psychiatrist at a federal penitentiary and his patient, a white prisoner. The patient has two problems: he’s neurotic (he has a reoccurring nightmare) and he’s a psychopath (he hates Blacks and Jews). The psychiatrist tries to help him. Does he cure the patient of neurosis? If so, how? At the end of the film, is the patient still a psychopath? If so, what are his symptoms?


Cuyamaca College Difficulty with Chemistry in High School Questions Writing Assignment Help

Cuyamaca College Difficulty with Chemistry in High School Questions Writing Assignment Help

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