Cuyamaca College English Effect of Exercising Question Writing Assignment Help

Cuyamaca College English Effect of Exercising Question Writing Assignment Help. Cuyamaca College English Effect of Exercising Question Writing Assignment Help.

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We will use the link above in a YouTube video that has Speed & Agility – Techniques and Modifications. In this video, it lists the name of each exercise and how to complete the exercise. Simply scroll to the appropriate title to review the exercise before you complete this assignment. I know you have been practicing these exercises in our lab portion of this class. Now you get a chance to show me your “skills.”

I want you to take a video of yourself completing two exercises:

  • Out-Out Turn
  • Slow Mountain Climbers

If you do not know the names of the exercises, please do not guess. Simply go to the techniques and modifications video to find the name of each exercise. Please turn this video into me in your skill assignment video #1. Please upload the video to your assignment when you hand it in to me. These videos can just be 6-10 seconds in length for each exercise that show you completing the exercise 1-2 times. Total video should be between 15-20 seconds in length.

I also want you to give me feedback on what you thought about these exercises. I would like you to cut and paste the questions below. You then will simply answer each question and hand it in with your short video.

How hard were these exercises for you to complete?

Have you completed similar exercises like these before? If so, what are the differences and similarities?

Which exercises were easy and which were hard for you?

How much practice (time) did you need to complete the exercise at a level that you were satisfied?


In order to receive full credit for this skill assignment video you must do the following:

  • Video tape yourself performing the correct exercises
  • Answer the questions by cutting and pasting the questions and answering each one

Cuyamaca College English Effect of Exercising Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

WR 121 UOFM In the Basement of The Ivory Tower Education System Response Paper Writing Assignment Help

Reading link:…

WR 121: Response Paper #1

For this assignment will write a summary of and response to “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower.” You will be applying your summarizing skills that you’ve practiced the last two weeks to this next assignment, while also incorporating your response. Your response should be thesis-driven. It needs to make an argument and support that argument with reasons and examples. (Please see the video presentation on Beacon Learning for more detailed information on this.) After briefly introducing the overall topic in an introductory paragraph, your essay will include two major sections: a summary and a response. A paragraph at the conclusion of the essay will restate your thesis and apply your ideas to a broader context.

Steps in the process:

1.Outline the major points of the essay, especially those points you want to emphasize in your response. Then brainstorm and outline your response, clearly identifying your main thesis.

2.Write a summary and response essay.

The summary section of your essay (200-300 words) should clearly and objectively present the main ideas, as well as the important sub-points, of the essay you have chosen to write about. The summary should be written almost entirely in your words; only use particularly important quotations when they are necessary for your summary.

The response section of your essay (300-400 words) should include an original idea as its main thesis. While the summary is objective, the response is subjective and presents your ideas on the subject. The response can take one of the following forms:

(1) an explanation of your agreement or disagreement with the author’s claim(s) (If you choose to agree, you must go beyond simply saying you feel similarly by presenting new information or reasons that you feel the author’s position should be supported.)

(2) an evaluation of the author’s presentation of his or her argument. Your response should present evidence from your own knowledge and experience to support your argument. You do not need to use additional sources in this essay.

Length: 500-700 words (same formatting as previous assignments!)


CIS 505 Strayer Personal Satellite Communication Technologies & Challenges Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

1. In the past few weeks, you’ve been “consulting” on the various networking technologies. As a manager, you will need to know how to evaluate the recommendations of the people on your team, many of whom may be more qualified than you to decide the best course of action. You must have a working knowledge of how the various technologies work. Reliability may be your most important concern. Another is cost. As a leader, you’ll have to find a balance between quality issues and expense.

Discuss how you are going to evaluate the recommendations rather than just saying you will evaluate them. What will you take into consideration? Will 802.11 be sufficient for your small business? What about a larger one? Do you need ATM? Why or why not? What about gigabit Ethernet?

2. Some businesses have no alternative but to use satellite communication solutions.

Give some examples of when you think this would be appropriate and what considerations you need to take into account when choosing a satellite option.

How would this affect your need for ATM or your large business WAN operations?

You’ll need to know how to deploy your teams and resources to support these networks. Talk about your first thoughts on how you might do this based on what you’ve learned in class so far.


WR 121 University of Michigan In the Basement of the Ivory Tower Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Reading link:…

WR 121: Response Paper #1

For this assignment will write a summary of and response to “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower.” You will be applying your summarizing skills that you’ve practiced the last two weeks to this next assignment, while also incorporating your response. Your response should be thesis-driven. It needs to make an argument and support that argument with reasons and examples. (Please see the video presentation on Beacon Learning for more detailed information on this.) After briefly introducing the overall topic in an introductory paragraph, your essay will include two major sections: a summary and a response. A paragraph at the conclusion of the essay will restate your thesis and apply your ideas to a broader context.

Steps in the process:

1.Outline the major points of the essay, especially those points you want to emphasize in your response. Then brainstorm and outline your response, clearly identifying your main thesis.

2.Write a summary and response essay.

The summary section of your essay (200-300 words) should clearly and objectively present the main ideas, as well as the important sub-points, of the essay you have chosen to write about. The summary should be written almost entirely in your words; only use particularly important quotations when they are necessary for your summary.

The response section of your essay (300-400 words) should include an original idea as its main thesis. While the summary is objective, the response is subjective and presents your ideas on the subject. The response can take one of the following forms:

(1) an explanation of your agreement or disagreement with the author’s claim(s) (If you choose to agree, you must go beyond simply saying you feel similarly by presenting new information or reasons that you feel the author’s position should be supported.)

(2) an evaluation of the author’s presentation of his or her argument. Your response should present evidence from your own knowledge and experience to support your argument. You do not need to use additional sources in this essay.

Length: 500-700 words (same formatting as previous assignments!)


BA 453 The University of Memphis Risk Assessment and Contingency Plans Paper Writing Assignment Help

This is a group work, my part is RISK part. The company we choose is Academy Sports

The word file named Part2 (see attached file) has the part that I’m responsible to do, which is Risk

Assessment and Contingency Plan. I also highlighted this part! For this part, basically we just analysis that what could go wrong, maybe the distribution center, or anything else.

2. The PDF file named BA 453 Phase 1 (see below link) is our previous group work, and it has all the

information that we have done so far.…

3. Please do as many researches as you can and cite them all.

4. page length is about 350-400 words for this draft!

Dont’ need to give any introduction or any conclusion, just directly write the Risk

Assessment and Contingency Plan part, thanks!!



Public Relations & Press Release AwesomeCon Convention & Iditarod Race Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.


Write a press release of 300-500 words on one of the following events:

The AwesomeCon comic convention coming to Washington, DC in August

The Iditarod race, which begins March 6

Earth Hour, which is scheduled for March 27

Visit the website of the event you choose to determine your news angle, as well as other research necessary to complete a press release. Do not copy any releases you find during your research.

Your press release must include:

Logo of the organization or event

Contact name and information

Headline (subhead is optional)


Lead, including attribution/source

At least one quote from a likely spokesperson. As the organization’s public relations representative, you will ghost-write the quote for your spokesperson.

Background data, research, pricing or other facts

Boilerplate (OK to copy boilerplate if it exists)


Does the press release include logo, contact info and dateline? (1 point)

Is the headline newsworthy, interesting and brief (2 points)

Does the lead cover the 5Ws in one to two sentences and include attribution? (2 points)

Is there a quote from a high-level spokesperson? Is the quote interesting? Does it bring another perspective to the information? Does it persuade the reader? (2 Points)

Is the press release newsworthy? Does it provide details and facts that convince the reporter to cover the story? Is it written in AP style (2 points)

Does it include a complete boilerplate? (1 point)

Public Relations & Press Release AwesomeCon Convention & Iditarod Race Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

California State University Sacramento Environmental Ethics Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Write a respond to these two posts:

I found the section about argument tables especially interesting in this weeks reading. I like how the framework resembled the scientific method. It is a really good way to flesh out ideas to make a well rounded ethical argument. By coming up with multiple premises to support or refute your argument, it indicates whether or not your ethical hypothesis requires revision. I also think it very important to consider all of the stakeholders in the argument in order to come up with thorough premises. When it comes to applying argument tables in my life, I highly doubt that I’ll make the time to write out my premises for my arguments other than in an academic setting. However, I found this exercise very useful for the upcoming debate, and I look forward to getting together with my group and adding to the list. My only question from the text was about the importance of the “controversial” category in shaping the argument. Is it because public perspective might not agree with the ethical argument, although the factual evidence supports the argument?

Second post:

  1. What are the most important and/or interesting things you learned from the course materials this week? Explain. -The most important thing that I learned this week was the premise system of forming an argument. The use of argument tables greatly helps with checking how true and appropriate my premises for my argument are, as well as how controversial they are. Sometimes a part of my argument might be true or appropriate but it is steeped in controversy, so I would have to make extra premises to my argument to get past the public perception on that premise.
  2. How will you use this new information in your academic studies, work, personal relationships, etc? -Our group has already formulated different arguments, as using the argument tables is fantastic for going into greater depth on certain arguments. This has allowed our group to narrow down the arguments we will use in our debate, scrapping certain arguments or combing them to form stronger arguments, stimulating more conversation. I will definitely use argument tables in the future when I am required to write an argumentative essay.
  3. What are the most important questions you still have about the material? How might you go about finding out how to answer these questions? -I am still having a bit of trouble determining how much of the debate/arguments should be based purely around ethics. I know that this is an ethical debate, but how many facts or statistics can be included to support the arguments made. I will review the older material provided at the start of class to get a better sense of ethical arguments, as well as revisit intelligencesquaredUS.


ACCT 301 SEU Concept of Equivalent Units in Process Costing Saudi Aramco Case Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


WR 121 UOFM Mark Bauerlein Whats the Point of A Professor Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Reading link: What’s the Point of a Professor?…

WR 121: Summary and Response #2

For this second summary and response assignment, I want us to go deeper into our responses.

1.Make sure your response is driven by a clear thesis. Please read over the PDF “How to Write a Good Argument.” This document walks you through crafting a strong thesis statement.

2.I want you to develop your thesis statements by breaking your argument down into at least two points. Each point should be a separate paragraph.

3.There are several ways to “break an argument down.” A lot will depend on what your argument is. Let’s look at an example:

a.Not everyone should go to college right out of high school because many people do not know what they want to do for a career.

b.My claim is that not everyone should go to college right out of high school. This is debatable, especially given that a college degree in our society highly increases one’s career opportunities. Furthermore, some may say that even if you don’t know what you want to do for a career, college is the perfect place to explore your options.

c.My main reason that supports my claim is that many people do not know what they want to do for a career. When we unpack this reason and how it connects to the claim, I’ve started to “break down” the argument:

i.College is expensive, and if you don’t know what you want to do career-wise, you will not go through college as efficiently nor will you make the most of the resources and opportunities available to you.

ii.College is challenging. Without a clear focus and goal, you might struggle to overcome the challenges and truly grow as a person.

iii.For some people, getting hands-on skills at first can make the schoolwork much easier. Some people need concrete experience to connect ideas and theories to, otherwise the ideas and theories make little sense.

d.After looking at “How to Write a Good Argument,” you should be asking what kind of claim you are making. The example I’m working with here is a claim about policy/solution. The problem is whether or not going to college straight out of high school is the best decision for students. A key word that indicates claims about policy is “should”: this indicates action in the world, whereas some of the other claims are not as concerned about what action one should or should not take.

e.Now, I’ve generated a list of three points that I can make to support my thesis. However, for this summary and response paper, I can choose to make only two of those points (unless I’m in dire need of a higher word count!).

4. For this summary and response paper, I want you to articulate the significance of your argument as emphasized in chapter 7 of They Say, I Say. Some of you may have inadvertently done this in your previous paper, but let’s be intentional this time around. In order to intentionally articulate the significance, you should identify who cares in your response and answer the so what? question. In the same way that many of you have started your summaries by indicating the group of people the author is addressing, you can do the same in this summary section and continue speaking to that group in your response. However, it’s possible that your audience might differ from the audience the article author addresses. In that case, indicate your audience in your response. Page 95 in They Say, I Say gives you templates to work with. Many of those templates refer to researchers or critics; you may find that your audience is directed toward students (as in the case of my example above) or teachers. Pages 98-99 in They Say, I Say give you templates for articulating why your argument matters. You can front your argument by expressing its significance in the first paragraph, or you might consider including a short conclusion for this paper that ends on by expressing your argument’s significance.

5.As in the first summary and response paragraph, continue to provide evidence to support your claims!

6.Your summary should be about 200-300 words, and this time your response should be about 400-500 words (600-800 words total).


WR 121 UOFM Mark Bauerlein Whats the Point of A Professor Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Reading link: What’s the Point of a Professor?…

WR 121: Summary and Response #2

For this second summary and response assignment, I want us to go deeper into our responses.

1.Make sure your response is driven by a clear thesis. Please read over the PDF “How to Write a Good Argument.” This document walks you through crafting a strong thesis statement.

2.I want you to develop your thesis statements by breaking your argument down into at least two points. Each point should be a separate paragraph.

3.There are several ways to “break an argument down.” A lot will depend on what your argument is. Let’s look at an example:

a.Not everyone should go to college right out of high school because many people do not know what they want to do for a career.

b.My claim is that not everyone should go to college right out of high school. This is debatable, especially given that a college degree in our society highly increases one’s career opportunities. Furthermore, some may say that even if you don’t know what you want to do for a career, college is the perfect place to explore your options.

c.My main reason that supports my claim is that many people do not know what they want to do for a career. When we unpack this reason and how it connects to the claim, I’ve started to “break down” the argument:

i.College is expensive, and if you don’t know what you want to do career-wise, you will not go through college as efficiently nor will you make the most of the resources and opportunities available to you.

ii.College is challenging. Without a clear focus and goal, you might struggle to overcome the challenges and truly grow as a person.

iii.For some people, getting hands-on skills at first can make the schoolwork much easier. Some people need concrete experience to connect ideas and theories to, otherwise the ideas and theories make little sense.

d.After looking at “How to Write a Good Argument,” you should be asking what kind of claim you are making. The example I’m working with here is a claim about policy/solution. The problem is whether or not going to college straight out of high school is the best decision for students. A key word that indicates claims about policy is “should”: this indicates action in the world, whereas some of the other claims are not as concerned about what action one should or should not take.

e.Now, I’ve generated a list of three points that I can make to support my thesis. However, for this summary and response paper, I can choose to make only two of those points (unless I’m in dire need of a higher word count!).

4. For this summary and response paper, I want you to articulate the significance of your argument as emphasized in chapter 7 of They Say, I Say. Some of you may have inadvertently done this in your previous paper, but let’s be intentional this time around. In order to intentionally articulate the significance, you should identify who cares in your response and answer the so what? question. In the same way that many of you have started your summaries by indicating the group of people the author is addressing, you can do the same in this summary section and continue speaking to that group in your response. However, it’s possible that your audience might differ from the audience the article author addresses. In that case, indicate your audience in your response. Page 95 in They Say, I Say gives you templates to work with. Many of those templates refer to researchers or critics; you may find that your audience is directed toward students (as in the case of my example above) or teachers. Pages 98-99 in They Say, I Say give you templates for articulating why your argument matters. You can front your argument by expressing its significance in the first paragraph, or you might consider including a short conclusion for this paper that ends on by expressing your argument’s significance.

5.As in the first summary and response paragraph, continue to provide evidence to support your claims!

6.Your summary should be about 200-300 words, and this time your response should be about 400-500 words (600-800 words total).


Cuyamaca College English Effect of Exercising Question Writing Assignment Help

Cuyamaca College English Effect of Exercising Question Writing Assignment Help

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