Cuyamaca College Importance of Effective Communication in Families Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Cuyamaca College Importance of Effective Communication in Families Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Cuyamaca College Importance of Effective Communication in Families Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a business discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
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What would you do if you were Melinda?

What would you do if you were Margaret?

What would you do if you were Anil?

the case:

Margaret and her husband, Rupert, both in their mid-sixties, have been working with 

Anil, their investment counselor, for the last 10 years. Recently, Rupert was diagnosed 

with Alzheimer’s disease. At the moment, he is lucid more often than not, but the doc-

tors suggest that within a few months, things will take a turn for the worse.

Concerned about how Rupert’s condition will impact their financial situation in 

the short term (e.g., additional co-pays, out-of-pocket expenses) as well as the growing 

(and sad) likelihood that Margaret will have to deal with more (and soon all) of the 

financial duties relating to their estate, Margaret makes an appointment to see Anil. 

She shares with him the situation, and tells Anil that some changes need to be made in 

their portfolio. Anil asks Margaret a few questions, but becomes convinced that she is 

overreacting, and that he needs to keep things the way they’ve been to maximize her 

returns. Anil explains his logic, and Margaret—not accustomed to playing a key role 

in such discussions—hesitatingly agrees.

However, after pondering her conversation with Anil and chatting with a few 

friends, Margaret has second thoughts. She calls and leaves a message for Anil. Hours 

later, there is no response, so Margaret calls again, and transfers to the operator. She 

asks to speak to Anil’s manager, Melinda. Melinda offers to have Margaret work with 

a different investment counselor, but now Margaret feels bad; after all, as far as she 

knows, Anil has performed well to this point. But Margaret can’t help but think that 

Anil really didn’t listen to her. Now Margaret doesn’t know what to do .?.?.

Cuyamaca College Importance of Effective Communication in Families Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUS 508 Capella University Week 2 Alikay Naturals Product Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 508 Activity Contemporary Business Week 2

Week 2 Explore Activity

How You See It

PART 1: Think of something you purchased that you no longer use because it became outdated or obsolete. Upload a picture of the item in the discussion thread along with answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the product in the picture?
  2. Why did you initially purchase the product?
  3. Why do you no longer use it?
  4. Did you replace the product with anything? If so, what?

PART 2: Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.


University of Central Florida Social Enterprise Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Here in the fourth and final assignment, you’ll put together your plan.

1. Summary: here, explain briefly what your social enterprise is about, and clearly define the problem that you are seeking to address and how your social enterprise addresses it. Include a mission statement and then also a values statement.

2. Key Partners: Who do you need to work with? What suppliers do you need, if any, and what do you need them to do for you?

3. Value Propositions: For a good example of value propositions, here’s a link: It should be clear what value you are delivering to a customer/client/society/community or so on.

4. Customers: Who are you customers? They may be the people buying your product or service, or they could be the people using your product or service–or both (think of Toms, who has a buy one, give one model. Both recipients could be thought of as customers.) They may also be donors, depending on the type of organization you have? Who are the most important customers?

5. Channels: How are you reaching your customers/clients? How do you raise awareness of your organization’s products or services? How do you help people think of your organization positively? How do people access or purchase or products and services? How will you deliver these products or services? What happens after you deliver the product or service? What relationship do you expect to have, if any?

6. Cost Structure: What are the most important costs in your business model? What activities and resources are the most expensive?

7. Revenue Streams: Where does the money come from? How much will customers pay? How much are you asking donors to give? How much do they currently pay (with you, or even someone else?) What are the most important revenues?


Campbellsville University Big Data Visualization Tools Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Several Big Data Visualization tools have been evaluated in this weeks paper. While the focus was primarily on R and Python with GUI tools, new tools are being introduced every day. Compare and contrast the use of R vs Python and identify the pros and cons of each. Provide an example of both programming languages with coding examples as well as your experience in using one or both programming languages in professional or personal work. If you have no experience with either language, please discuss how you foresee using either/both of these languages in visualizing data when analyzing big data.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.


Walden University Genetic Disorders Early Diagnosis Response Writing Assignment Help

I need a response to the post below:

Genetics refers to the study of genes and the inheritance of certain traits or conditions from one generation to the next. Genomics describes the study of a person’s genome—which is all of that person’s genes. Genomics includes the scientific study of complex diseases. These diseases are typically caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors than by the genes themselves (Genetics vs Genomics). Genetics and Genomics nursing is the focus on the actual and potential impact of influences on a patient’s health. These nurses advise, educate, and support patients and their families on influences that might impact and manage their health (Genetics/Genomics Nursing).

When my stepson was eight, he was diagnosed with pilomyxoid astrocytoma of the brain and spine. After two years of surgeries, radiation and chemo, what was left of the tumors were classified as scar tissue and treatment was complete. When the time came for my husband and I to have children, I was terrified. I would never willingly put another child through what we witnessed for those two years, not only with our own son, but other children in the chemo unit. Unfortunately, his type of cancer was “too new” to truly understand or identify a gene to determine if the cancer was hereditary at that time. It put a great deal of stress and guilt on me. I decided to stop trying to get pregnant. God had other plans for us and for that I’m thankful. If we would have had the opportunity to have genetic testing to identify that gene, it would have prevented years of anxiety. It would have prevented years of absolute fear when any of my children complained of headaches.

From a nursing perspective, it is our responsibility to document a thorough family health history with goal of early diagnosing and management of diseases. Doing so, this would optimize proper diagnostic screening, testing, and counseling. Genomics testing can increase the patient’s chance of successful treatment and detect the disease before symptoms begin. Nurses are a wonderful tool to initiate quality improvement, to educate health care personnel and family regarding a particular infection, and methods to prevent the spread of that infection. (Plavskin, 2016.)



CD 131 Cuyamaca College Family Welcome Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help



Sample Questionnaire

You will be holding an orientation to your center and want as many families as possible to attend. Last year you used this flyer, and not many families attended. Please re-create the flyer so it meets more of the needs of the children and families you are serving. Your center has 4 different languages spoken (Spanish, Farsi, Arabic and Vietnamese), more than half of your families receive free or reduced lunch, and children who either live with their grandparents or their parents work full- time jobs.

At your meeting, you want to obtain information about the families. You will also need to create a questionnaire to handout to families that will give you some information about the families. You will be able to decide what information you would feel would be most beneficial to you.

For this assignment, you will need to turn in the following:

  1. Revised flyer
  2. A questionnaire that can be given to families

Assignment should be submitted to Canvas


Family Welcome Plan

Family Welcome Plan

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFlyer

10.0 pts

Flyer is welcoming, includes information for families (when, where, etc.)

5.0 pts

Flyer is welcoming. Flyer is missing some information.

0.0 pts

Flyer missing

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePart II

10.0 pts

Questionnaire complete

Questions will give the teacher important information about the family.

0.0 pts

Questionnaire incomplete

10.0 pts

Total Points: 20.0


CD 131 Cuyamaca College Family Welcome Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

INT 401 Grantham University What Are the Characteristics of Alibabas Growth HW Business Finance Assignment Help

Address the following in your paper:

  • What are the characteristics of Alibaba’s growth, innovation, and financing strategies that are typical of successful entrepreneurial firms?
  • What is unusual about Alibaba?
  • Why has Alibaba become globally famous by focusing on its domestic market?
  • Sometimes the IPO of widely successful firms flops— Facebook’s disappointing IPO comes to mind. Does Alibaba deserve to be one of the world’s most valued firms?

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

  • Write between 750 – 1250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
  • Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
  • Include cover page and reference page.
  • At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
  • No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
  • Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
  • Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.


University of California Los Angeles College of Dentistry Admission Essay Writing Assignment Help

I am applying for UCLA college of Dentistry.

I will attach my personal statement so you can have a general idea about my personality.

Please answer the following questions :


4- In a professional way.


University of Nairobi Economic development of US Essay Economics Assignment Help

I will post an essay on the west coast of the United States. The time limit is completed within 24 hours. I uploaded some reading materials but I am not sure if it is needed. The suggestion is that tutor can take a look to save writing time. This time the essay requirement is about 1000 words with the theme of economic development. I set the deadline time to 24hours, I will delay the time according to the newly requested deadline, no need to worry.but please remember that there is only one day to complete this essay.


NUR 370 Denver School Wk 2 Asset Based Approach to Health Improvement Response Health Medical Assignment Help

Step 1 Post a response to the discussion board.
Explain the meaning of an asset-based approach to health improvement.

  • Provide an example of how positive resources available to individuals and communities enable them to gain more control over their lives and circumstances.
  • Describe two to three implications for nursing practice including the cultural aspects.

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm MT.

As part of your response to your peers’ posts, provide your peers the two to three implications to nursing you wrote about in your primary response and share why you chose the implications you did.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Peer Discussion 1 (Kayla)

An asset-based approach, or sometimes referred to as “asset-based community development” is a method of exploring, and responding to the needs and strengths of a population or group (Week 2 Lesson, n.d.). Sometimes all people need in order to take control of their health is resources. If resources can be provided, a better outcome can be the result. An example of this is the WIC program for pregnant women, infants and children. If a mother (or soon to be mother) makes too little income to provide the healthy food necessities for a growing baby or child, they help provide those. The also help with wellness checks, nutrition counseling, and vaccinations and blood work. This one little resource can help provide the best nutrition and education to these mothers. Then theses people can utilize these resources to take their health into their own hands and pass down healthy habits to their children.

When it comes to cultural aspects of learning, it is important for the nurse to be culturally sensitive. Just because someone has different beliefs or a different culture than you does not give you the right to disregard it. It is your job as the care taker to make sure their cultural needs are being met and respected. This could mean what comes on their food tray, fasting or eating at unusual hours, or what medications you will provide.


Week 2 Lesson, (n.d.), Topic 01: The Asset Based Approach,…

Peer Discussion 2 (Rebecca)

Within population based approach it evaluates the health needs of the community (Week 2, n.d.). In addition it allows the population to have a voice in the needs they feel would benefit the community. Allowing the community to have a voice in the needs additionally assists in determining cultural needs. Some cultures will have different ideation of health as well as their needs. Certain cultures believe in all family entity staying in one home therefore, may require additional resources for geriatrics in comparison to others. Asset maps within the community will assist in further breaking down the community health needs within smaller sections of the city (Week 2, n.d.). Some cities are fairly large, and having smaller segments will help identify the community’s needs more efficiently. Some cultures do not believe in birth control. Therefore, community may require additional resources for children. Including daycare needs, immunizations, and formula needs. WIC (Women, infant, and children) is a community based organization that assists pregnant mothers and children up to age of five in ensuring their health needs are met. WIC allows for monthly food allowance for their participants. Additionally, allow for routine health evaluations and education.

I feel population based approach is beneficial to nursing in its entirety. It allows nurses to better identify the cultures within the community. Therefore, allow nurses to better educate themselves on the needs of the culture within. Nurses play a pivotal component in healthcare needs of certain cultures. From timing meal trays, rest breaks, eye contact, body language, and even gender of healthcare worker working with certain patients at times. Certain cultures would find it highly offense to have a female taking care of a male. We attempt meeting cultural needs to best of ability within the organization, but not always feasible. Allowing nursing staff to better understand cultural needs will assist in better patient outcomes and patient satisfaction.


Week 2: Population-Based Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved from…





Cuyamaca College Importance of Effective Communication in Families Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Cuyamaca College Importance of Effective Communication in Families Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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