Cuyamaca College Teamwork and Effective Team Dynamics Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Cuyamaca College Teamwork and Effective Team Dynamics Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Cuyamaca College Teamwork and Effective Team Dynamics Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Answer the following questions in 300-400 words:

  1. Applying what you know about effective teams (pp. 159-166 of the textbook) or any of the other reading/videos about groups/teams, what other than Randy is not going well for this team? and
  2. What have you done in the past to make teams you have been a part of more effective? Or what will you do in the future to make teams you are a part of more effective?

NOTE: Attached is the article that you only use for the discussion and the module 5 slides from the book.

no need for any format it is only a discussion.

Thank you

Cuyamaca College Teamwork and Effective Team Dynamics Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUS 499 Strayer Product Diversification And International Expansion Discussion Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

Please respond to the following:

  • What incentives influence firms to use international strategies? What are the three basic benefits firms can gain by successfully implementing an international strategy? Why?
  • Determine why, given the advantages of international diversification, some firms choose not to expand internationally. Provide specific examples to support your response.
  • As firms attempt to internationalize, they may be tempted to locate their facilities where business regulation laws are lax. Discuss the advantages and potential risks of such an approach, using specific examples to support your response.

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.


Herzing University Role of The Advanced Practice Nurse Value Of APRN Model Response Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Discussion Peer/Participation Prompt


Please respond to at least 2 of your peer’s posts.

  • Do you agree with your peers’ assessment?
  • Share your thoughts on how you support their opinion and explain why.
  • Present new references that support your opinions.

Responses need to include peer reviewed journal evidence to support your position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

*****Pls write it in simple words and easy to read*******


If I were a NP who owned my own practice, I would first focus on one-on-one interactions with my patients. By providing high quality care, I would rely heavily on word of mouth of my patients who have had good experiences with me. In order to promote the business, I would determine my target clientele and spend the majority of my marketing money on a clean, professional website and advertising. The platform(s) of choice would be Facebook and Instagram as you can target adds to certain demographics within your area. It is possible that I would arrange for a podcast or television interview to draw attention to my practice.

For over 50 years, NP’s have paved the way toward the evolving trend of health promotion and prevention. Based on a systematic review of 37 studies, Newhouse et al (2011) found consistent evidence that cost-related outcomes such as length of stay, emergency visits and hospitalizations for NP care are equivalent to those of physicians. (AANP) Recent studies (and not so recent studies) have found NPs to be as good as or better than MDs as primary care physicians (PCPs). (Buppert, 2018)


Buppert, C. (2018). Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (6th ed.).

Nurse practitioner cost effectiveness. (n.d.). Retrieved February 18, 2021, from…


To help to promote the value of the APNP model to the public, I would start an internet blog to raise awareness of NPs as experts on primary care. I would write articles on a variety of health topics on a weekly basis, which would include facts about what NPs are, what we do, and how we do it. I would also include tips on promoting a healthy lifestyle regarding diet, exercise, maintaining good blood pressure, and decreasing stress. I would include different topics, for example, incorporating recipes for healthy eating and support for smoking cessation.

Many patient satisfaction surveys have revealed that patients are either as satisfied with NPs as with physicians and others showed they were more satisfied. Surveys also revealed that there were no differences in health care for patients treated by an NP versus an MD and the quality of care was in some ways better for patients treated by NPs (Buppert, 2015).

There is strong evidence that shows that NPs perform comparable tasks at a lower total cost than physicians (Fund & Swanson-Hill, 2014) and that cost-related outcomes such as length of hospital stay, ER visits, and hospitalizations for NP care are equivalent to those of physicians (AANP, 2021). One systematic review of 26 studies found that health status, treatment practices, and prescribing behavior were consistent between NPs and physicians. The review concluded that care by NPs was as effective as care led by MDs, and associated with higher levels of patient satisfaction and compliance, longer consultations, and higher rates of laboratory tests (Fund & Swanson-Hill, 2014).


CYC Changing Work Environment and Ethical Responsibilities Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 3: The Manager’s Changing Work Environment and Ethical Responsibilities.

Since most of you express interest in understanding how organizations work, this chapter will help you accomplish that. It will identify and explain the role of various stakeholders in and out of an organization. Values and ethics are essential in an organization as much as in an individual. A section of this chapter will go over the importance of both in driving efficiency in management. In recent years, the concept of corporate social responsibility became an important metric for organizations. A good section of chapter 3 will explain this concept. And the last two sections will go over the importance of governance and how this chapter’s main subject will help you shape your career readiness.

Based on your reading assignment, chapter 3, discuss the following.

Back in 2015 “Daimler and the Renault-Nissan Alliance today broke ground for their joint-venture manufacturing complex, COMPAS (Cooperation Manufacturing Plant Aguascalientes), in Aguascalientes in central Mexico, which will build next-generation premium compact vehicles for the brands Mercedes-Benz and Infiniti.” (click here to see full article).

  • From the organizational perspective, discuss the task environments these two companies have to achieve.
  • Discuss which technological change you think is apt to affect you personally during the next decade. What kind of strategies for change will managers have to adopt?
  • Briefly dentify how the general environment forces could influence an organization.

A few years ago, Wells Fargo was embroiled in a scandal of creating an aggressive sales environment that resulted in its sales agents opening bogus accounts to meet sales goals.

  • How well do you think Well Fargo is managing the balance between its economic and its social performance? What could it be doing better?
  • Do you think the focus on financial performance, in this case, impacted the teamwork sperit? If so, explain.

Employers ofter monitor employees’ emails, and company-owned communication means. If that happens to you, do you think it infringes on your moral-right to privacy?

What is your take on Sarbanes-Oxly Reform Act?

Discuss sustainability and philanthropy social responsibility.

Your answers are due by Saturday, and your comments are due by Tuesday. Let me know if you have any questions. is the textbook i will give you the log in when you’ve accepted my work


Purdue Univ Patient Retention and Acquisition Healthcare Business Plan Summary Health Medical Assignment Help

In this task, you will create a business plan detailing a well-researched proposal of a solution to a real-world challenge or healthcare need (identified as “Patient Acquisition and Retention”). It is intended to be a professional document to persuade interested investors or executives at an organization to consider implementing your plan.

A. Summarize the following points:

  • the healthcare challenge or need
  • your proposed innovative solution
  • B. Discuss your value proposition by doing the following:

    1. Predict the anticipated benefits of the proposed solution in terms of health outcomes and population health.

    2. Explain how the key stakeholders identified in the prospectus could be impacted by the proposed solution.

    3. Evaluate how the proposed solution is unique or different from current care or service delivery.

    4. Discuss how the proposed solution optimizes value-based care and patient-centered care.

    C. Complete a strategic analysis by doing the following:

    Note: Depending on the type of solution proposed, the strategic analysis can be completed using a SWOT analysis or an IAF.

    1. Discuss the risks and opportunities that will impact the success of the proposed solution.

    2. Describe the market segmentation of the target population.

    3. Conduct a stakeholder analysis.

    4. Describe the regulatory and legal environment as relevant to the implementation of the proposed solution.

    5. Evaluate human resource needs.

    6. Describe how you would respond to challenges identified in the strategic analysis.

    a. Explain how success will be measured in addressing challenges.

    D. Complete a financial analysis by doing the following:

    Note: The analysis may be based on the initial financial assessment in the prospectus, but it should also include a thorough and comprehensive projection of feasibility and sustainability. The focus of the financial analysis is sustainability. The specific tools for financial analysis may change depending on the specific proposal and the supporting business model.

    1. Identify the resources required for the implementation of the proposed solution.

    2. Explain how the proposed solution could impact revenue.

    3. Describe the anticipated financial risks that could arise during the development and implementation of the proposed solution.

    4. Describe the measurements that will be used to monitor financial health and inherent challenges.

    E. Analyze the impact the proposed solution will have on health outcomes for individuals or the target population by doing the following:

    Note: The specific methods or approaches for determining health outcomes depend on the proposed solution. Measurements for assessing health outcomes may include qualitative and quantitative data that target individual or population data, clinical utilization, or other elements appropriate to the proposed solution.

    1. Compare anticipated health outcomes with existing health outcomes. Include data on the existing outcomes as part of your comparison.

    2. Discuss factors that will influence the improvement of health outcomes as a result of the proposed solution.

    3. Explain how you will measure improvement in health outcomes.

    F. Develop an operational plan that addresses the real-world challenges of implementing your proposed solution by doing the following:

    1. Describe the role of leadership in implementing the operational plan, including the following points:

  • the decision makers involved
  • the individuals responsible for implementing the proposed solution
  • 2. Evaluate any changes to organizational structure that are necessary to support the implementation of the proposed solution.

    3. Discuss the role of organizational culture in influencing the success of the proposed solution.

    4. Discuss modifications that might need to be made to the current workforce management practices in order to implement your proposed solution.

    Note: An example of a modification could be an identification of what expertise or personnel are needed.

    5. Describe the operational processes and risk factors that should be monitored to determine successful implementation progress.

    G. Complete the attached “Projected Outcome Chart” by doing the following:

    Note: The projected outcomes can be based on information in prompts A−F and other instruments for projecting outcomes, such as breakeven analysis and pro forma. Your response to part G3 may be in the format of a table, but this format is not required.

    1. Identify 2–3 key indicators to monitor progress and improve sustainability after the implementation of the proposed solution.

    2. Identify the type of measure for each of the indicators identified in part G1 (i.e., leading, real-time, lagging).

    3. Predict the best-case and worst-case scenario for each key indicator for years 1, 3, and 5.



    Campbellsville University Module Disaster Recovery Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    Part 1

    Using a Web browser, search for “incident response template.” Look through the first

    five results and choose one for further investigation. Take a look at it and determine if

    you think it would be useful to an organization creating a CSIRT. Why or why not? (250 words in APA format please)

    Part 2

    Search “” or your textbook. Include at least 250 words in your reply. Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Discuss ways organizations have built a CSIRT. What are the components to building an effective and successful CSIRT team? (500 words in APA format please)

    Campbellsville University Module Disaster Recovery Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    LAW 204 UArizona Global Duress and Undue Influence in Law of Contracts Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Consider the following hypothetical: Ed contracted with Becky to build a house.
    Immediately prior to that meeting, Becky was so nervous that she drank an entire bottle
    of champagne and she does not remember all of the details of the meeting. Shortly
    before the closing, Ed met with Becky, accused her of fraud and threated to prevent the
    contract from going to closing. Ed’s associate, a former stunt double for Dwayne “the
    Rock” Johnson, stood outside the door for two hours to prevent Becky from leaving. Ed
    gave Becky the choice of signing a new contract promising him more money for the
    build or going to court. Becky signed the agreement but now has sought legal advice

    • Imagine that you are Becky’s attorney.

    What would you tell her about whether
    she can rescind the contract? (Big Hint: Capacity to Contract, Duress and Undue

  • Include one resource, in addition to the textbook.o Use APA format for non-legal sources such as the textbook. UseBluebook citation format for any legal citations.• Submit a Word document.• Maximum two pages in length, excluding the Reference page
  • [supanova_question]

    SYG 2000 Ashford University South Africa Cultural Project Case Study Writing Assignment Help

    I’m working on a powerpoint presentation and need an explanation to help me study.

    Cultural Project

    The purpose of this project is to explore the different cultures that you will encounter on the nursing units. The culture will be assigned by the course instructor.

    For the project you must complete an oral/powerpoint and a written presentation, (APA paper) assigned by your instructor.

    South Africa

    • Explain what transcultural nursing is and why it is so important. What is the impact it has on nursing care?
    • Explain the components of the culture.
    • Explain specific religions and cultural dietary practices.
    • Explain specific beliefs and practices around health care and treatment.
    • Conclusion, label it as such.
    • Utilize assigned APA format and cite at least 3 references for this project.
    • Grading Rubric is provided.
    • Times New Roman 12 font.
    • Double spaced —go by your APA paper
    • A power point presentation is required.


    Cuyamaca College Native Americans Discussion Humanities Assignment Help


    Watch the Module 3 Videos and answer the following questions. Write at least 1 paragraph for each answer (Should be around 1 page in length).

    1. What did you know about Native American societies before taking this class?

    2. What are two new things that you learned about ancient Native American societies? Please provide one example from each film.

    3. Has your perception/view of Native Americans changed after watching these videos? Why or why not?

    4. How does what you learned about Native Americans connect to current events/issues?


    DCB Biological Pillar Neuroscience Sensation Consciousness Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    Please complete this assignment in Canvas, and submit your responses by the deadline. Here’s a word doc version you may work from: Evidence Worksheet

    Module 2: Biological Pillar – Neuroscience, Sensation, Consciousness

    Assignment: Evaluating the Evidence Worksheet 1 (10 points)

    We are consistently presented with claims about human behavior and mental processes on a near daily basis. It is important that we begin to develop skills required to critically evaluate these claims. These critical thinking skills will help us understand what we are being asked to believe, evaluate the evidence supporting claims, and assist us in deciding whether we want to base our own judgements on these claims. Below you will find two claims related to Module 2. Select one and proceed with completing the evidence worksheet.

    Claim 1: Most people use 10% of their brain power.


    Claim 2: Brain training will make you smarter.

    1. Collect and read at least two sources of evidence related to your claim (in any direction). WHERE did you find evidence? Provide the website/author’s name and links for the material you considered from Evidence Worksheet 1: Reference Examples for Claims 1 & 2 Please note, you are not limited to these materials; you may also include other evidence, and provide those references (article/author name, link) here.
    1. WHAT did the evidence say?
    1. What TYPE of evidence was it? Place an “X” before the types of evidence you considered.

    Something that I or someone else heard (hearsay)

    My own or another person’s story (anecdote, blog/web posts)

    Case study


    Correlational study

    Quasi-experimental study

    Longitudinal study

    Controlled Experimental study

    Review or summary of many studies

    Other (specify):

    1. RATE the strength of the evidence on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the strongest), and EXPLAIN why you gave that rating.


    Cuyamaca College Teamwork and Effective Team Dynamics Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    Cuyamaca College Teamwork and Effective Team Dynamics Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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