CYB 600 NU Wk 3 Computer Security Threats Addressing Effects of Subversion Essay Computer Science Assignment Help. CYB 600 NU Wk 3 Computer Security Threats Addressing Effects of Subversion Essay Computer Science Assignment Help.
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For this assignment, students will submit a review of an academic-related paper (template attached). Students shall select papers from conference sites or academic journals. Students will read the academic paper and prepare a summary of the paper. Classroom discussions may also be held on the academic papers. For this assignment, vendor white papers and SANS reports are not considered academic papers.
Submissions must provide:
- An overview of the paper, including the main point of the paper.
- The contribution the paper makes to the research body of knowledge to the Cybersecurity community and an assessment on the validity of the research.
- How the paper relates to this course.
- Weak areas of the paper.
The reviewed papers do not have to be recent and students are encouraged to review a “seminal” paper in Information Security. This site has a list of seminal papers:
The audience of your summary is you and your class to broaden your knowledge on research and provide ideas for future research.
- The assignment is due Sunday before midnight (Pacific Time).
- Assignments submitted late will be assessed a penalty of 5 points per late day.
- Assignments must be in APA format with the student’s name clearly designated on the title page (use the provided template)
- Body of paper should be 3 – 4 pages (does not include title page or references)
- Font sizes shall be NO LARGER THAN 12 point.
- Margins shall be One (1) Inch
- Double spaced
- Please provide a hyperlink to your primary reference
- All sources should be properly cited and referenced
- Students will be graded on spelling and grammar in addition to content and appropriateness for “college-level” submissions (see rubric for details).
Click on the “Week Three Assignment – Academic Paper Review” link above to submit your assignment, as well to get more information regarding the due date and grading rubric.
CYB 600 NU Wk 3 Computer Security Threats Addressing Effects of Subversion Essay Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NYU Political Science Legislative Process Enactment of A New Law Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Please respond briefly to each question and number your responses.
- Why do opponents of a bill have an advantage over supporters of a bill in the legislative process?
- How does this advantage affect the proportion of bills that become law?
- How does the “traditional” filibuster differ from the modern use of the filibuster?
- What factors motivate Members of Congress to seek a specific committee assignment?
- How can a member of Congress use their committee membership to help win reelection? Provide an example (real or hypothetical).
Your response to this paper should be 300-400 words. You may upload a response as either a Word document or PDF.
Saint Leo University Lack of Prison Reforms Problem Statement Paper Writing Assignment Help
Course Project I
During this module, we will begin by working toward the creation of an Administrative Position Paper by completing two separates, but equally important, items:
- A Problem Statement
- Factors Bearing on the Problem
Problem Statement: This is a one- to two-paragraph description of the issue you have identified to base your Applied Project on. The problem statement must stick with the problem. What is the reason that you are writing about this issue? Do not go into any data or research. This is strictly your opinion, so there is no need for in-text citations. Make sure that the problem is clear, concise, and to the point. Do not discuss any potential remedies at this point. The statement of the problem tells the criminal justice executive what the difficulty is; what problem is to be solved. No discussion is necessary at this point. In later sections you will be elaborating on the facts, issues, solutions, etc.
Course Project II
The second item that you will need to complete is called Factors Bearing on the Problem. Start off with a sentence or two that explains to the reader what the section is about. What is causing the problem? Then list no less than four (4) and no more than six (6) points which are directly related to the Problem Statement. Each factor must relate to a problem that is associated with your project. Your Discussion section should only mention the factors you list. Information that is not directly related to a factor you have described should not be included, so make sure you spend time on this area to ensure that you are capturing the right information for a factor. Each point is to be put in bullet form and must be no less than two (2) sentences and no more than four (4) sentences that describe in detail the bullet point. You do not need to use in-text citations and the factors can be opinion- based. Make sure that you do not use any first-person verbiage. Each factor must be clear and to the point. There should be no data, research, or potential remedies in this area. This section includes facts or statements of truth which can be substantiated. For example, “The average education level of the police officer in this city is 14.5 years (or high school plus 2 1/2 years college).” Another example might be, “Last year the citizens of this county only reported 200 crimes in progress to the police” or “the jail population averaged 20% above maximum capacity in fiscal year 1983/84.”
List each fact separately. (Use bullets to identify factors, however each factor MUST be a complete sentence). Each bullet item must ONLY be two sentences. You are to have 4 factors and if you require more, you must get permission from your instructor. Also, you must have an introductory statement to this section explaining what the section means. This introduction must be 2 -3 sentence ONLY. As an example, the introduction statement could be: This section of the paper will identify the four (4) issues that are directly related to the problem.
Also, at the end of the listed factors, the student must list any assumptions which lend weight to their final recommendation/solutions. Example: Assumption- It is assumed that if the victims of crimes are compensated for their time spent testifying in court, more citizens will be willing to become involved in prosecutions; or, it is assumed that better trained officers will be able to more effectively communicate with the public. The assumption goes after the last factor. The assumption must not be any more than four (4) complete sentences.
You are to color each of the factors. Then when you are writing your information on a factor in the discussion section, you color the wording to match the factor. This way you have a clear visual on how much information you have written on the topic. You may keep the colors on the paper for each of the submissions, except the final submission.
The problem I want you to write about is Criminal Ethic History
ENG 120 GCC Snapshot of Personal Writing Skills Creative Writing Exercise Essay Humanities Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to give me a snapshot of your writing skills which will help me to determine the skills we will review in our English 020 class. For this writing sample assignment, you will compose a short essay on the following topic:
Write an essay about a memorable personal experience that has made a big impact on your life.
- In your essay’s thesis, identify your subject (the personal experience) and the point you want to make about this experience.
- Use descriptive details that support and develop your thesis.
- Use a logical organization and transitions to help the reader easily follow your essay.
- Write at least 350 words. (The maximum is around 500 words.)
- Spend no more than 75 minutes on composing the writing sample because I want to see an example of your unpolished, “raw” writing.
Sample Essay
I was never one to believe in things like miracles or fate, but since my accident a few months ago, I look at things a little differently. Whether it was a miracle, or fate, or just plain luck, I’m still here to tell this story.
It was a Monday morning, just about 8:15. I was actually a little early for once and was glad I didn’t have to race to work. It was my second week as a bank teller at Harrison Savings and Loan. There had been some freezing rain earlier that morning, but the roads seemed clear as I pulled out of the driveway. I turned left at the light, right at the Dunkin Donuts, and then left again onto the onramp for Route 61. I sped up to merge with the oncoming rush-hour traffic when suddenly I felt my car, a brand new Durango, lose control. I’d hit a patch of ice.
What happened next probably lasted no more than fifteen seconds, but if felt like hours. I spun around like a top, turning two full revolutions as I crossed the two southbound lanes. Then I hit the median strip and the car flipped over as it crossed into the northbound traffic. I skidded across the highway and the car stopped in the right-hand lane. There I was, upsidedown and backwards, after crashing across four lanes, and somehow I was alive. Somehow I hadn’t hit a single car.
But I had no time to appreciate that miracle, because when I looked out the shattered windshield, I saw an 18-wheeler was bearing down upon me at about 65 miles an hour. There was no time to get out of the car. I screamed and braced myself for the impact. But instead of hearing the crunch of metal crashing into metal, I heard the screeching of brakes as the truck swerved around me, just in time to avoid a head-on collision. The truck skidded to a stop on the shoulder about a hundred feet away from me. Then the driver jumped out and ran over to see if I was okay.
That night at home, I eased my aching body into bed. But I was climbing into my own bed, in my own room, not in the hospital. Somehow, the only injuries I sustained were a few cuts on my face and hands, a bruised right shoulder, and two bruised calf muscles. My new car was totaled, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was that I was alive.
Your grade will be based on effort. You will earn the full 25 points if you write at least 350 words.
Rasmussen College Comparing Maya Angelou & Charles Dodgson Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help
Module 02 – Thesis and Outline
Scoring Rubric:
Criteria |
Points |
Began with a couple of introductory statements that introduced the topic and main idea to the audience. |
2 |
Had strong transition sentences that introduced the thesis |
2 |
Provided strong, succinct thesis statement that foreshadows main points of outline |
2 |
First section – provided highlights of section topic in full sentence outline format. |
2 |
Second section – provided highlights of section topic in full sentence outline format. |
2 |
Third section – provided highlights of section topic in full sentence outline format. |
2 |
Conclusion that reiterates thesis and leaves reader with something to think about. |
2 |
Used correct spelling and grammar; formal sentence outline style (not draft); formatted in APA style |
2 |
Total |
16 |
The rubric for Week 05 is pasted below for your reference as you work toward a draft, revise, and submit in Week 05. Please use the Writing Lab in Weeks 03/04.
Module 05 – Final Comparative Analysis is Due
Scoring Rubric:
Criteria |
Points |
Chose two subjects of the Humanities from different eras and provides an introduction that features a brief overview of the subjects (two figures) and engages the reader. |
3 |
First section of paper provides supporting details and examples of contributions of subjects, focusing on similarities and/or differences. |
3 |
Second section of paper provides supporting details and examples of contributions of subjects, focusing on similarities and/or differences. |
3 |
Third section of paper provides supporting details and examples of contributions of subjects, focusing on similarities and/or differences. |
3 |
Paper has an ending that adequately concludes the piece. |
3 |
Paper is free or virtually free of grammatical, mechanical, |
1 |
Paper meets minimum length requirement. (4-5 pages) |
1 |
Paper meets APA requirements (font, margins, etc.) with proper in-text citations within the paper. |
1 |
Cover page includes listed items from guidelines. |
1 |
Separate reference page that has a minimum of four sources listed. |
1 |
Total |
20 |
Ashford University Cyber Security Malware Attack Questions Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a cyber security project and need support to help me study.
- “What Is OWASP? What Are The OWASP Top 10 (Links to an external site.)?”
- Access and read the article “A Brief History of Malware (Links to an external site.)” (and perhaps some of the links at its end) and share any experience you may have had with a virus or malware attack. If you have not knowingly suffered an attack, which of the malware listed would you most fear? And why?
Pick one of the OWASP Top 10 application security risks and write a description of the threat, the commission of the attack, and what safeguards can be applied to mitigate the threat inhave already attached the assignment to our personal chat.
Ashford University Cyber Security Malware Attack Questions Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Saint Cloud Technical College Dementia Among Different Ethnicities Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a political science case study and need a sample draft to help me study.
I will make several data sets from recent surveysavailable to students for the purposes of completing short research note(8pages, not including title page, abstract, references or tables and figures)that will test a hypothesis relating TWO survey measures in a causal relationship (e.g., you might hypothesize that ideology is causally related to attitudes on immigration). Students may choose to examine any combination of survey items they wish, but they MUST base their analysis on data from the Survey, and they MUST develop a well-reasoned hypothesis that explains why they expect to find a causal relationship between the two variables they are studying. The goal is to apply, explore, andcritically evaluate what we have learned in class by analyzingthe datacollectedin either the Fall Survey of Minnesota Residents or the Spring Survey of SCSU Students(all of the data and questionnaires are posted on D2L Brightspace). To help you stayon track with this project, I will require students to meet a series of “benchmarks” throughout thesemester (and clearly marked in red in the course schedule). Failure to submit the required work on these dates will result in a 20% penalty on your final paper grade for each of the following benchmarks missed:(a)Abstract:On Monday, January 25th,each student will submit a one-paragraph “abstract” of the survey questionsyou wish to study in your paper(your topic mustbe based on questions from the 2019 FallSurvey). An abstract is a short proposal of what you intend to do in your paper –what is your topic, why is that topic important, what do you expect to find, and how will you study it? While it is likely that your topic will change some over the course of the semester, writing an abstract early on will help you to begin the work of thinking about your paper and developing a research question. I will provide an example of an abstract on D2L as a template for you to follow, and to help you understand what I am looking for.
(b)Annotated Bibliography: On Monday, March 17th, each student will submit an updated abstract, followed by an Annotated Bibliography of the scholarly sources you will use in framing your study and assessing the state of our existing knowledge in the scholarly literature. Student must have at least 10scholarly sources, and each entry will include a short (2-3 sentences) description of how each source will contribute to your study.The purpose of this benchmark is to ensure that you have reviewed the scholarly literature on the subject you wish to study and that you have found sources that are relevant to your project. I will provide an example of an annotated bibliography on D2L as a template for you to follow, and to help you understand what I am looking for.(c)Final Research Note:The final, finished draft of your paper will be due at the end of our officially scheduled final exam time on May 5th.A “research note” is a scholarly manuscript that describes a relatively small empirical studythat extends our existing knowledge or is the start of a much larger, long-term research project. While a formal research article is typically 25-40 pages long, a research note is a much more concise report on a fairly narrow research question.I will provide an example of a research note on D2L as a template for you to follow, and to help you understand what I am looking for.General guidelines for your paper:Papers must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font with the default margins (1” on top and bottom; 1.25” on left and right). Papers should be formatted using the APSA Style Manual guidelines for political science research:
Penn Foster College Creating an Instructional Video Question Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Explore the instructional videos shared below for Paint and Paint 3D, Photos and Video Editor, Groove Music and Movies & TV. List two things about the videos that helped you understand how to use the app. List two things that you think could be improved. What would you do differently if you were creating an instructional video for any of these apps? (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
University of New Orleans Telemedicine and Electronic Medical Records Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Pick one of the following topics:
Telemedicine and Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)
- Read ABOUT TELEMEDICINE (Links to an external site.) from the American Telemedicine Association
- Read The pros and cons of EHRs (Links to an external site.) (Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records mean the same)
- Watch Future Medicine: Daniel Kraft at TEDxAcademy
- Discuss the following:
- How technology is shaping the delivery of healthcare and how it may impact the role of healthcare professionals
- During the Covid pandemic of 2020, telehealth saw a drastic increase in use. Do you think this positively or negatively impacted patient care?
- How will technological advances in the delivery of medicine impact the various generations of people seeking healthcare (millennials to elderly)
Advertisement and Public Relations
- Identify and provide a link for an advertisement or commercial for a healthcare facility or organization. Provide a brief explanation/opinion of what you think of the advertisement.
- Explore methods that healthcare organizations use to advertise:
- Explain how branding and logos affect a patient’s choice of where they seek healthcare
- Predict how a negative experience alters a patient’s future choice in where they seek healthcare
- Relate and discuss the health professionals role in the overall success of ensuring a positive patient experience.
The Power of the Black Experience in the Classroom Video Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Video Link: (19:30)
Video Context: Keith Mayes makes a compelling case for how the black experience in the classroom could have remarkable impact. Dr. Keith Mayes is an Associate Professor of African American & African Studies at the University of Minnesota and the College of Liberal Arts’ Arthur “Red” Motley Exemplary Teacher. Holding a Ph.D. in History from Princeton University, his professional interests include the Civil Rights and Black Power Movement; education policy and history; black holiday traditions; and racial equity and critical ethnic studies pedagogy. Dr. Mayes authored the book Kwanzaa: Black Power and the Making of the African American Holiday Tradition and is currently working on The Unteachables: Civil Rights, Disability Rights and the Origins of Black Special Education. Dr. Mayes also established the Mayes Educational Group and Black Curriculum and Cultural Innovations, LLC. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at (c) 2016
REQUIRED: View the video by Dr. Richards and provide feedback to your “take-aways” from this video. What are the key things that stood out to you in the black experience in education. What areas can you bring culturally relevant pedagogy into your subject area (Physical Education)? What other refections do you have on the message presented here?
SUBMIT: This in-depth reflection is to be 2-3 pages.