CYB 6040 Wilmington University Week 2 OSINT & SCADA Systems Powerpoint Computer Science Assignment Help. CYB 6040 Wilmington University Week 2 OSINT & SCADA Systems Powerpoint Computer Science Assignment Help.
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Week 2 Assignment: OSINT & SCADA Systems PowerPoint (TEAM)
Download DHS National Infrastructure Protection Plan & see page 19 (29/188) for 12 sectors at: Link
READ Executive Summary. CIKR = Critical Infrastructure & Key Resources
Choose ONE of 12 National Critical Infrastructure Sectors (NCIS) defined by DHS that uses SCADA systems (they all do) and document the 5 top SPECIFIC threats to that sector. See the CIS Interrelationships Figure uploaded previously to get an idea of the cyber and SCADA inter-dependencies. We are expanding our target vector space from SCADA networks (Assignment W1) to much large game, National Critical Infrastructure. (Assignment W2)
Use: Link to clarify NCIS interrelationships.
Provide a brief description of the threat, parties involved, and reason why the threat is one of the top five. Include any maps,diagrams, charts, etc. that would enhance the readers understanding of group, target, and/or attack. USE the RN equation format *** shown in the Week 1 individual assignment to present your case. In addition, Pick 3 OSINT sources that you used to develop your case. This would diminish confirmation bias in sources. Ideally, every threat team reviewed would have 1 or more OSINT source.
This assignment should be a minimum 25-40 slides, BUT 50 slides would be better (including references in APA format to do justice).
Philosophy note: Don’t stick to the minimums. Students who think minimum performance generally settle for minimum salaries at job time. Think bigger. Get out of your comfort zone. A little extra goes a long way. Students in this class use their final team preparation as a point of differentiation on their resumes. It always starts a “warm conversation with recruiters.” That is what you want – show your talent is better than others in the game. You are a Dragon / Dragoness and your training is much better! You can negotiate for more when the time comes and it will be worth your effort. The “others” will be sucking their thumbs as they watch you get the job First!
Please proceed as follows:
1. NCIS Sector
Kolawole Oyekanmi (XO) will select the NCIS Sector for the project.
2. NCIS Sector Top 5 Threats
Kolawole Oyekanmi (XO) will determine what the top 5 threats are in order from the highest to lowest threat.
3. NCIS Sector Threat Group Member Assignment
Kolawole Oyekanmi (XO) will inform Panagou, Imassi, Muller, and Nguyen which particular threat to research.
4. NCIS Sector Threat Research
Each group member prepares the following for their assigned threat:
NCIS Sector Threat:
A. Threat Description
B. Parties Involved
C. Why is it a top 5 threat to the chosen NCIS Sector?
1. Vulnerabilities
2. Impact
3. Countermeasures
D. R/N Equation (based upon the vulnerabilities/impact/countermeasures)
E. Include at least one figure (map, chart, etc.)
F. One OSINT used in your research (Three OSINT for the top threat)
G. List of References
The information does not have to be in any particular format. Just make sure that everything is included that is listed in number 4 above.
24-29 |
Group Member. |
Description |
Parties Involved |
Reason why top 5 |
Vulnerabilities |
Impact |
Countermeasures |
At least 1 figure (map, chart, etc) |
R/N Equation for threat |
CYB 6040 Wilmington University Week 2 OSINT & SCADA Systems Powerpoint Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HSCI 337 CSUN Eating Habits and Dietary Intake Nutrition Project Health Medical Assignment Help
This paper record portion of the project will be used along with the Choose My Plate Recommendations (“My Plan”) to plan what foods you hope to eat based on the recommendations. See Panopto Video to access this information from (Links to an external site.). You will need this to complete the second part of the Nutrition Project (Part 2).
Example: If your MyPlate Plan recommends 3c. Dairy, then you should incorporate 3c. Dairy into your day. Maybe 1c milk between a bowl of cereal and cup of coffee; 1c. cheese in a quesadilla lunch; 1/2c. cheese in a salad; 1/2 c. ice cream. So,
Use this form 4 Day Meal Plan Sheet.doc
to complete your plan. I have provided 4 days for you to practice with, as I will only be collecting the first sheet (Day 1 and Day 2) for this portion of the project.
Here is a sample from the one I demonstrated in class. Notice how the measurements I included at the top (from MyPlate Plan) match the amount of each group for the day. Sample 4 Day Meal Plan Sheet.doc
DSO 510 USC Data Analysis & Business Analytics Prospect Solicitation Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Prompt (The question): I’m a senior manager at a large bank. I oversee about 10 products that we provide to our customers. I have about 10 million credit card accounts, but only about 100,000 of these also have an installment loan with us. I’d like to do a solicitation campaign to try to get people who are currently noncustomers (prospects) to sign up for an installment loan. Requirements: Generate a business plan/model that could solve the existing question above. Specify the data and steps you would use to generate the ideal result. State your ideal in a clear and easy-to-understand way. Try your best to make the readers understand and agree with your idea. Please refer to the attached files as examples for the format/expectations of your submission.
Clarifications for the homework: Questions/answers regarding HW1 Clarification: – Wants responses on installment loan solicitations – Can buy data about consumers – Plenty of data from past similar campaigns (a few million solicitations, a couple hundred thousand responses) – But prior solicitations were done on a different population of prospects (very little overlap) Q: I don’t have a large collection of prospects and their data; A: I’ll just give any model you build to a data broker after the model after is built. Q: For the point above, will the broker return a list of prospects for sending out the solicitations? A: Yes, I’ll probably give them a limit, maybe 1 million, and they build the list. Q: Do you get to know the overlap number of people getting the installment loan again from your past campaigns? A: I don’t know but we can explore the overlap if you think it’s important. Q: What data do you have about past solicitations? A: Done them in the past, but all we have is the name, address, who we solicited, and whether they responded. However, we have enough PII to link to 3rd party data Q: For the past campaigns, do you know how many times customers received invitations before they actually decided to take the loan? A: Good question. In general, yes, because we’d see them on multiple past lists. Q: Did you want to get customers within this bank? Or are we trying to get customers from other banks to take the installment loan from our bank? A: I want customers who are not my current customers (these are called prospects), and I don’t care what other banks if any they are with. Q: Do our target customers all come from the USA or come from all over the world? A: Our target will be US customers only.
A1 Business and Technical College Major Idea in Philosophy Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Choose only one of the following major ideas and explain it in at least one paragraph that is at least 4 to 6 sentences, or more: rationalism, empiricism, methodic doubt and the cogito, the ontological argument, the mind-body problem, impressions and ideas, no permanent self (Hume). When you first explain the idea, it must be summarized from the Green Course Reader: you cannot use an outside source. If you want to cite a source after that to deepen your discussion of the idea, it should be done according to the rules below. Then, offer any views or opinions you have about the idea in at least one additional paragraph that is 4 to 6 sentences, or more. You can either talk about an idea you found interesting (or not), one that you understood very well (or not), or one that you agree with (or not). It is perfectly acceptable to write about an idea you don’t understand, but please be honest and specific about exactly what it is you don’t understand.
green course reader link:…
PHI 2000 Capella University Ethical Theory Application Case Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
You have now studied the three approaches to ethical theory (deontological, consequentialist, and virtue theory) as exemplified in the work of Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and Aristotle. Your assessment is to write an essay applying these three approaches to the following practical case:
You are called to consult in the critical care unit of your local hospital. The hospital admits JoEllen, 53, after she takes an overdose of prescription medications with alcohol. On admission, she says, “Not supposed to be here . . . ” and soon becomes uncommunicative. As her condition deteriorates rapidly, her son arrives with a notarized advance directive in which JoEllen specifically asks not to be placed on life support. What should you recommend to the attending health professionals?
Assessment Instructions
As you write your essay, consider how you would achieve the following:
- Explain the ethical issue in this scenario.
- Apply the three traditional theories of normative ethics to this situation.
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the three theories as they relate to this situation.
- Apply ethical theory to justify your stance on the right thing to do in this situation.
Your instructor may provide video feedback on your work, as well as complete the official scoring guide for the assessment.
Additional Requirements
- Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style guidelines.
- Number of resources: Use your judgment to ensure your topic is thoroughly researched. There is no minimum number of resources required.
- Length of paper: Submit 2–3 typed, double-spaced pages.
- Font and font size: Use Arial, 12-point font.
University of the Cumberlands Data Science Role Data Driven Decisions Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a Computer Science writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Practical connect Assignment: How this course is connected to your career. why you are getting this degree,or what you have learned .
My Course: Dissertation Seminar (DSRT-736-M52) – Full Term
My Dissertation Topic:
Role Of Data Science In Making Data-Driven Decisions In App Development Companies
My Designation: Mobile Developer
Note: your answer must be 600 words. Follow the APA 7 format and How this course is connected to your career.
why you are getting this degree,or what you have learned . add at-least 5 references.
University of the Cumberlands Data Science Role Data Driven Decisions Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UCLA World of Politics Has Always Been a Theological Playground Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help
Below I provided single key argument summarized into a thesis statement. Your job will be to write a 400-500 word response this thesis statement in which you either agree, disagree, or otherwise make an argument about the idea question. No sitting on the fence – try to pick a single claim and defend it. The challenge will be to persuasively explain what you think and why you think that way.
(Stuart Gray, Re-Examining Kautilya and Machiavelli,” p. 651-652):
“…Kautilya’s political-theological realism furnishes a mirror for our own condition and helps identify our potential blind spots. Just as scholars have not fully recognized how Kautilya’s realist tactics are justified by and grounded in religious doctrines, so many citizens in secular democracies may remain mesmerized, and ultimately deluded, by the supposed non-theological aspects of their government’s realist tactics. Kautilya’s critique of Machiavelli incisively explains how destructive religious or theological beliefs in contemporary democracies such as the United States can hide behind a secular smokescreen and thus potentially damage democratic legitimacy. Kautilya’s political thought provides a cross-cultural vantage point that helps us locate potentially similar, and problematic, motivations and tactics involved in different types of political realism.”
***I also attached below the reading that you have to use and the citation format as well.
Monroe College Nike Company Business Policy and Strategy Project Report Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Should the leaders of the House and Senate be chosen based on seniority? Why or why not?
One main post and 2 comments to classmates
2. The oversight function is one of the least understood functions of Congress. What is the purpose of this function and why is it important? Give specific examples of areas where congressional oversight might be critical in the health, safety and defense of citizens.
3. Which branch of government did the founders expect to be the most powerful of the three? (Legislative) Which branch do you believe is the most powerful and why?
Assignment ContentTop of Form
Before this assignment, please make sure to review the provided YouTube clip and the following: & Accessibility score: Medium Click to improve
NOTES NOTES – Alternative Formats
In this assignment, rank the 12 core competencies as you see as most important to least important. Why did you rank them this way? Finally, choose one prompt/question from each competency and answer it.
At least 200 words is due Sunday by 5:00pm.
** This assignment maps to Learning Objective 3**
C. please see the attachment that i put and make sure to read the full document to understand it and see the comments on it with yellow that the teacher added to fix and add do what she said on carefully!!! dont miss any comment please………….
HI 103 Marymount University Life of Charlemagne by Einhard Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Einhard was a Frankish scholar and member of the court of Emperor Charlemagne. He had been educated at Fulda, one of the most prestigious centers of learning in the Frankish territories (this includes Germany, central Europe, and France) of the time. His most important work was the Vita Karoli Magni (the life of Charlemagne), which became one of the first biographies of European kings written and modeled after ancient Roman literature. Einhard’s work is the most extensive source of the life of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne.
Read the primary source, The Life of Charlemagne by Einhard and answer the following questions in 1-2 paragraphs or in a video response:
1. How does Einhard describe Emperor Charlemagne physically? (Use specific examples)
2. How does Einhard describe Emperor Charlemagne intellectually? (Use specific examples)
3. As the Holy Roman Emperor, what kind of learning and education does Charlemagne seem to support?
4. Why do you think ancient Roman forms of education (the study of Latin and liberal arts) were still important in the reign of Charlemagne?
Outcome: The purpose of this discussion is to encourage students to examine the interconnectedness of political structures with religious institutions in the ancient world.
No Other sources needed.
Pasadena City College Social Media Tool in Youth Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I need you to help me on this speech assignment. I already wrote my outline and speech. I would like you to fix my outline and speech if anything is wrong. I must have attention statement, thesis, preview, review, reiterate thesis, concluding statement in my outline.
Are you familiar with the names such as Instagram, Facebook or Twitter? (attention statement) If not, then you’ve been living under a rock (jk). However, if so, then it is not surprising as these are very popular social media names today. In the age of technological advancements, most teenagers own social media accounts. When anything newsworthy occurs then you’ll find that many teenagers have quick access to current events through the use of social media. Social media is an important part of modern day society that has benefited many teenagers utilizing it. (thesis) However, there are also negative aspects. In this speech I will be addressing the positives and negative aspects of social media and will also explore what this means for future generations. (preview)
- What is social media?
- Social media is a new way of communicating with others.
- Social media is a , thoughts, and information.
2. What are the benefits of social media?
- Social media allows people to access quickly to many sources which are informative.
- Social media enablenew technology that facilitates the sharing of ideass people to establish strong unity by participating in activities such as video games and school work.
- Social media works in favor of the youths as it is a source of self-esteem, platform for youths with disabilities, and source of information according to Woods (2020)
3. What are the negatives of social media?
a. People have the possibility to obtain false information from the internet.
b. People can get Cyberbullied easily.
c. People can and often impersonate another person with fake accounts.
In conclusion, technology has become a part of our everyday life. Social media is one of the results of the technology. Today we focused on social media and the impact it has on teenagers. (review) Some argue for and others against the use of these platforms, but research shows limiting the time spent on them and ensuring parental involvement will go a long way into mitigating the adverse effects that come along with the usage of social media. Social media provides a source of information, a sense of belonging for teenagers, and boosts their self-esteem. (reiterate thesis) These platforms, however, are characterized by cyber bullying and harassment. The teens also lose their in-person and social skills. (concluding statement)
Informative Speech
Are you familiar with the names such as Instagram, Facebook or Twitter? not, then
you’ve been living under a rock (jk). However, if so, then it is not surprising as these are
very popular social media names today. In the age of technological advancements, most
teenagers own social media accounts. When anything newsworthy occurs then you’ll find
that many teenagers have quick access to current events using social media.
Social media is an important part of modern-day society that has benefitted many
teenagers utilizing it. However, there are also negative aspects. In this speech I will be
addressing the positives and negative aspects of social media and will also explore what
this means for future generations.
Benefits of Social Media to Teenagers
Social media has made it easy to access information, making teenagers more informed than ever before. Social media platforms are open and accessible from anywhere. Teens have unparalleled access to information that concern their schools, state, country, and the rest of the world (Woods, 2019). They are equipped with knowledge of current happenings, social debates, and environmental issues (Beck, 2020). The information empowers these teens to ensure they can make informed decisions regarding their lives and their future. The easy, unlimited access to relevant information is the top reason why we must encourage teenagers to embrace social media.
Teenagers also find social media an ideal platform to boost their self-esteem. Being a teenager can be overwhelming and confusing. Teenagers deal with immense changes, and failure to secure a support system could result in depression. With social media at hand, teenagers find groups of like-minded people to share their stories and discuss their personal issues (Beck, 2020).There are also social media pages for celebrities and public figures who relate to similar problems, as Woods (2019) state. These teenagers get inspired and get a place they can easily fit. The ability of social media to create a safe environment cannot be undermined in such cases.
Lastly, social media came at a time when children with disabilities are rarely heard. With social media accessible from everywhere by almost everyone, disabilities are becoming almost invisible. In the past, teenagers with disabilities would rarely get a chance to communicate with their peers (Fuller, 2020). Teenage peers are ignorant, which is a disadvantage to young people with disabilities (Woods, 2019). With the rise of social media and advancements in technology, these teenagers are empowered to do almost everything their peers are doing without facing constraints. Their sense of belonging is redefined.
Cons of Social Media on Teens
Despite the benefits of social media, we cannot overlook its flip side and the impact it has on teenagers’ well-being. Cyber bullying is a common occurrence. There are harsh words and taunts everywhere. Cyber bullying is on the rise, and playground issues are no longer left on the playground. According to a report by the Pew Research Centre, 59% of teens in the United States have been harassed or bullied online (Anderson, 2018). Teenagers are not always safe in the cyberspace. When teenagers become victims of cyber bullying, their mental health is adversely affected as they cannot handle the trauma that comes with the vice.
Social media also kills social skills among teenagers. These teenagers spend most of their leisure time online and have lost the culture of meeting and interacting in person. According to New York Behavioral Health research, 22% of teenagers log into their social media accounts more than 10 times a day (Fuller, 2020). The users gain a false sense of confidence, and they lose even the most essential life skills like communication. Teenagers are now losing their real character into the characters they get online.
In conclusion, technology has become a part of our everyday life. Social media is one of the results of the technology. Today we focused on social media and the impact it has on teenagers. Some argue for and others against the use of these platforms, but research shows limiting the time spent on them and ensuring parental involvement will go a long way into mitigating the adverse effects that come along with the usage of social media. Social media provides a source of information, a sense of belonging for teenagers, and boosts their self-esteem. These platforms, however, are characterized by cyber bullying and harassment. The teens also lose their in-person and social skills.
Work Citation
Anderson, M. (2018). Many teens have experienced some form of cyber bullying. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech.
Beck, A. (2020, February 10). Pros and cons of social media for teens. Family Orbit Blog.…
Fuller, J. R. (2020, August 31). The impact of social media use on social skills. New York Behavioral Health.…
Woods, R. (2019, October 31). The pros and cons of social media use by teens. PhoneSpector.…
The Assignment
- Prepare and deliver a 4-6 minute informative speech.
- A minimum of 3 different outside sources must be used for this speech.
- You are required to incorporate a minimum of one (1) visual aid into the presentation.
- Two (2) 3×5 note cards are allowed for this speech.
- A one-page sentence outline will be turned in with an annotated bibliography
using correct MLA or APA style. See page 2 for guidelines.
The better speech will adhere to the following elements:
- Will have selected a topic that is unique, compelling, and focused.
- Provides the audience with information that they DID NOT know before.
- Has a strong introduction, conclusion, and an effectively organized body.
- Is adequately researched with information coming from credible sources.
- Incorporates a visual aid that enhances the understanding of the speaker’s topic.
- Is not memorized, but practices an extemporaneous style of speaking
- Will not pull from a text which slanders, libels, insults, degrades or in any way marginalizes members from a particular race, creed, religion, or sex.
- Has been practiced so that the speaker is not stumbling, stopping & starting etc.
- Incorporates appropriate hand gestures and body movement, including an effective use of space.
- Improves upon the previous speech; meaning that any comments and suggestions from previous evaluations should be addressed and remedied for this presentation.
Think of the informative speech as a door you need to walk through, but there are three locks on that door which require three keys. In order to be effective as an informative speaker you’ll need to possess these three keys. And they are: 1) finding a topic that is unique, new, and compelling; 2) gathering strong supporting material (research); 3) organization. With all three keys you easily pass through the doorway, but without them you will struggle and stumble and trip through, which will be embarrassing because everyone will be watching. Then your housemates will be mad at you, and then it’ll get all awkward and uncomfortable…GOOD LUCK!
[supanova_question] using correct MLA or APA style. See page 2 for guidelines.
The better speech will adhere to the following elements:
- Will have selected a topic that is unique, compelling, and focused.
- Provides the audience with information that they DID NOT know before.
- Has a strong introduction, conclusion, and an effectively organized body.
- Is adequately researched with information coming from credible sources.
- Incorporates a visual aid that enhances the understanding of the speaker’s topic.
- Is not memorized, but practices an extemporaneous style of speaking
- Will not pull from a text which slanders, libels, insults, degrades or in any way marginalizes members from a particular race, creed, religion, or sex.
- Has been practiced so that the speaker is not stumbling, stopping & starting etc.
- Incorporates appropriate hand gestures and body movement, including an effective use of space.
- Improves upon the previous speech; meaning that any comments and suggestions from previous evaluations should be addressed and remedied for this presentation.
Think of the informative speech as a door you need to walk through, but there are three locks on that door which require three keys. In order to be effective as an informative speaker you’ll need to possess these three keys. And they are: 1) finding a topic that is unique, new, and compelling; 2) gathering strong supporting material (research); 3) organization. With all three keys you easily pass through the doorway, but without them you will struggle and stumble and trip through, which will be embarrassing because everyone will be watching. Then your housemates will be mad at you, and then it’ll get all awkward and uncomfortable…GOOD LUCK!