DAN 111 University of Miami Cultural and Ethnic & Dance Studies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

DAN 111 University of Miami Cultural and Ethnic & Dance Studies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. DAN 111 University of Miami Cultural and Ethnic & Dance Studies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a dance question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Watch the group dance on the Zoom recording and write a review. What does the dance express to you? What is a unique moment in it for you? What more do you see that you would develop if anything?

Write an artist statement. How has the study of dance influenced you? How do you see yourself as an artist? What principles or concepts have you learned through your study of dance, (doing and viewing) this semester, which you will bring to your personal or professional life? Explain the principles or give video examples. One page single spaced.
Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and classrooms. Founded in 2011, Zoom helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together in a frictionless environment to get more done. Zoom is a publicly traded company headquartered in San Jose, CA. Zoom Video

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DAN 111 University of Miami Cultural and Ethnic & Dance Studies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Penn State University Main Campus Giant Air Filled Capacitor Physics Problem Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a physics question and need an explanation to help me study.

A giant air filled capacitor with 122.22 (F) with charge 0.039 (C) on its plates of area 144 (m2) is attached to a spring stiffness 22.5 (N/m), and the left-hand plate oscillates without friction horizontally as shown in the diagram. The right-hand plate is fixed in place. The left-hand plate is pulled to the right so that it stretches the spring a distance 13.392 (m) and then let go. If the variable x is the displacement of the left-hand plate from its equilibrium position (xequ), what is the force on the charge on the fixed plate in N?

(Assume the plates are large compared to their separation and give answers to at least 3 sig figs).


Saint Josephs University The Enron Scandal Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting question and need support to help me understand better.

Pick a White Collar Crime – (Could be Government, Corporation or Individual)

1)Describe the crime, who the individuals were that were involved in the crime, how it was eventually caught and/or what led it to be caught

2) What were the red flags the accountants/investigators/regulators missed.

3)What was the impact to society as a result of the crime. Who suffered and what was their recourse

4)In your opinion, describe what regulations could have been changed, what could have been done to prevent this crime and what could be done to prevent this crime in the future.


UMGC Canadian Bacon Inc Financial Statements Operating Cycle Problem Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me understand better.

a) Canadian Bacon Inc. financial statements are presented in the table below.

Based on the information in the table, and using a 365-day year, calculate operating cycle.

Round the answers to two decimal places

Balance Sheet December 31, 2014

Cash and marketable securities $132,000 Accounts payable $399,000
Accounts receivable $311,000 Notes payable $98,500
Inventories $512,000 Accrued expenses $89,300
Prepaid expenses $11,300 Total current liabilities $586,800
Total current assets $966,300 Long-term debt $799,400
Gross fixed assets $2,104,000 Par value and paid-in-capital $298,000
Less: accumulated depreciation $398,000 Retained Earnings $988,100
Net fixed assets $1,706,000 Common Equity 1,286,100
Total assets $2,672,300 Total liabilities and owner’s equity $2,672,300

Income Statement, Year of 2014

Net sales (all credit) $4,276,600.00
Less: Cost of goods sold $3,292,982.00
Selling and administrative expenses $349,000.00
Depreciation expense $148,000.00
EBIT $486,618.00
Interest expense $49,600.00
Earnings before taxes $437,018.00
Income taxes $174,807.20
Net income $262,210.80


UN Healing Psychologically Process & Wrong Decisions in Life Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history question and need a sample draft to help me study.

This forum is an opportunity for students to share work and give each other feedback for their writing (or pictures). All of you have written effectively, in a way that could generate meaningful feedback.

This forum is officially worth 25 points, but you can get up to 30 points if you do extra responses and give fellow students a lot of great feedback. You can earn a maximum of ten points for sharing your own work, if you remember to include a note that is meaningful, and you can get up to five points each time you give helpful feedback to another student.

Please feel free to share any essay you have written so far. Please share one whole essay.

When you share a sample of your writing, please give your post a descriptive title such as “River Valleys (Essays and Reflections I)” or “Reflections on Primary Sources (Essays and Reflections II)”. Please include a brief note to give the reader some idea of why you chose this particular sample. For example, you may want to say how this sample reflects your growth, or you might note what kind of feedback you are hoping to generate.

I am also giving you the option of sharing your work as a reply to another person, if you think it would be fun to share perspectives on the same essay. If you do that, please note how you think your work is similar and also how it could be different.

When you give feedback to other students, please address the student by name and tell them what you found especially meaningful in their work. It helps to be specific about what you see that makes their writing effective. Feel free to share one or two suggestions that could be helpful for the future. You may also want to share your own perspective on the topic.



CHEM 101 Brown University General Chemistry Questions Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry practice test / quiz and need support to help me learn.

I will be working on some chemistry questions on May 7th, 4:10-7:10pm EST. We will be communicating live, so please make sure that you will be available during that time frame to solve some questions I’m not certain about. There will be 33 questions in total, all of which multiple choice. During that time frame, I will be sending you individual questions one at a time and I hope to get an answer as fast as possible since there is a 3 hour time limit. I attached the some sample questions that we will be encountering during that time. Also make sure you are familiar with the molecular orbital theory because that’s the part I’m not very good at. It’s important for me to do well in these questions, so make sure you are good at general chemistry and confident that you can nail the attached type of questions within the 3 hour time frame.

CHEM 101 Brown University General Chemistry Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCB Universal Basic Income In The Developing World Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Discussion and need support to help me study.


There has been lots of interest in universal basic income (UBI) in recent years, with some implementation taking place. Stanford University has a “universal income lab” that provides a space for collecting research on UBI; they include a map of past and ongoing experiments in UBI across the world.

Find an article on UBI and discuss some of what it states. Also post a link to the article.

TYPE OF ARTICLE: Article can be a news article or a research article.


UOM Film Appreciation Techniques Used in Film Question Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Essay and need a reference to help me learn.

Must choose one film from the list. this is a film analysis paper, not a film summary paper, need to analysis the film shooting skills.

ENG 202: Short Paper Assignment

For the short paper assignment, you will analyze how an image, a piece of music or background sound, a scene, or another film technique adds to the meaning of the film as a whole. I encourage you to make use of the questions in chapter three of Writing about Movies to help you get started with this paper.

Your paper must make an argument (that is, it must have a thesis statement) about how your selected film technique adds to the meaning of the film as a whole. The readings for week three will be especially helpful for you as you start writing, but please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding the paper assignment.

You will be graded based on content (make sure you work with a clear, focused thesis statement and fully develop your ideas), evidence (use textual evidence from the film to support your thesis), organization (make sure each paragraph connects to your thesis; use topic sentences and transitions), and mechanics (make sure your prose is clean and clear).

*Please note: your paper must be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and in Times New Roman font. Please include a title, a header (first page only), and page numbers.


FILM 225 University of Michigan Moulin Rouge Movie Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing Essay and need a reference to help me understand better.

Prompt options (choose either one or two, or if you have an alternate prompt idea speak with me asap):

1) Write an extended review of one of the films we watched for this class, making a value judgement on how well (or not-so-well) they accomplished a certain film aspect(s). In your review, highlight the techniques we considered in class, including narrative elements, cinematography, and sound, and analyze how the filmmakers utilized these techniques in their making of this film and what the overall effect is for the viewer.

In order to answer this question, however, you will need to first consider what the filmmaker’s purpose was in creating this film. What kind of story were they trying to tell? Once you have a sense of the answer to this question, then you can consider how well they used the above techniques to accomplish this purpose. You might consider doing some informal research to see if you can find an interview with the filmmakers on this film. This is optional. (If you do reference an interview or other critic, however, please be sure to cite it! This paper should be your own opinions and analyses – not a paraphrase of someone else’s.)

2) Analyze one of the films we watched for this class in order to make an argument for what you think the film is suggesting on the way the world works and how a humans should live their lives. Remember at the start of class, we discussed the difference between watching a movie for escape from reality versus watching a film to process reality. This prompt absolutely connects to that idea.

While you’re focused on what ideas about the type of life this film presents, also consider the ways in which the film conveys these ideas. How does the film depict the meaning of life through music, cinematography, character development, plot, etc.? You don’t need to cover every film technique, but be sure to highlight a few to help you find specific ways to analyze what your film is saying about living a meaningful life.

*****You are welcome to come up with an argument outside of these two prompts, but please be sure to run your idea by me before you start writing!**********


Your paper should be 3.5-5 pages, word count at least 1100 (four pages means four full pages), double-spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. Please include an MLA header (on the first page in the left-upper hand corner with your name, class, assignment, and date), page numbers (top right hand of each page—include your last name and page number), and a title for your paper (please do not title your paper “Final Essay Assignment.” Use a title that conveys your argument).

Important Writing Reminders:

For your paper, keep in mind that you are making an argument. You must have a thesis statement (and conventionally, your thesis statement will be stated clearly at the end if your introduction). Your thesis statement will be the focus for your essay, with all your supporting points developing your thesis statement.

For each supporting point you develop, you will want to include evidence from the film to support that idea. Be sure to explain clearly how your evidence connects to the main idea in that paragraph.

You are not required to do any outside research for this essay. Your “research” will include your thoughtful watching of the film. I encourage you to watch the film you choose to write on at least twice,and review specific scenes multiple times as you develop your analysis. If you do include an outside source, please cite your source in MLA format.

When you reference your film title, please italicize it. If you reference any song titles from the film, please put the titles in “quotation marks.”

Be sure to proofread your paper before you submit it!


NURS 220 WUGLBSN W8 Therapeutic Nursing Final Portfolio Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing report and need support to help me learn.




Students will begin developing a portfolio to be used throughout the program. It should

be organized according to the following strands of the nursing program: critical thinking,

communication, therapeutic nursing intervention, science and liberal arts knowledge,

accountability and responsibility, and commitment to professionalism. Examples of work

that should be included in the portfolio are critical thinking exercises, written papers

(Nursing Philosophy, Teaching Plan), curriculum schedule, letters of reference and any

other items that highlight the student’s performance. The portfolio will be submitted to my physical office in Aultman 106 by Sunday at 2355 of week 8

The portfolio will count for 3% of the course grade and will be graded according to the following criteria:

Professional appearance 10%

Organization 15%

Nursing Philosophy 50%

Examples of work 25%

One page talking about what I learned through the semester (include learning about ethical values of nurses and learning about how to communicate with patients and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs).


DAN 111 University of Miami Cultural and Ethnic & Dance Studies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

DAN 111 University of Miami Cultural and Ethnic & Dance Studies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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