Data Collection Process, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Data Collection Process, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help. Data Collection Process, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Now that the initial meetings with the DiVito family have taken place, it is time to start the data collection process. The decision has been reached that each possible target market will be surveyed.

Begin the implementation of your Marketing Strategy. Create a Marketing Research Report for the owners of DiVito’s Italian Bakery consisting of the following:

    • Title page
    • Table of contents
    • Executive summary
    • Problem definition
    • Objectives of the research
    • Research design
    • Methodology
    • Results
    • Limitations
    • Conclusions and recommendations

Individual deliverable:

Your individual work will be used to compile the group deliverable.

  • Establish a pool of 10–12 questions that will collect the desired information for developing the marketing strategy. These questions should be worded to be appropriate for use in a consumer survey.
  • You have already compiled available resources for secondary data that would help you in presenting the results to your client (it is understood that much of the information on the World Wide Web is for sale, but many sites give you a certain amount of information free). Analyze and summarize findings from your secondary data search. Be sure to cite the resources used.
  • In the context of this course, you have a limited amount of time to collect primary data. Therefore, the primary data have been provided for you. (Click here to view the primary data.)
    • In lieu of that, you are to establish a plan for the collection of primary data.
  • What would be the best method(s) and what channel (mail, personal, telephone, online) will you use to collect the data, given the characteristics of your target population?
  • Explain the key methods used (channels) in primary data collection. Explain why they would or would not work for your particular population.

Data Collection Process, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Research Project, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Research Project:

Choose any one of the selections listed and any one of the suggested themes provided. Write a 5 page typed paper providing researched documented material for support of your thesis. The tentative thesis, outline and background information about your chosen topic,(a seven to 10 sentenced paragraph, including the source that you used to familiarize yourself with the chosen literary selection..If your selection comes from the Norton text, you may use it for the information . The assignment is due Wednesday, October 26, 2016. The final paper and presentation is due on Monday, December 5, 2016.

1.Ancient Egyptian Poetry (Selections not read in class)

“Akhenaten’s Hymn to the Sun”

The Leiden Hymns (trace similar theme through several poems)

2.The Bible: Old Testament (Selections not read in class)

3.Book of Songs (Chinese Poetry)

4.Confucius and Analects

5.Chuang Chow Chuang Tzu

6.The Nine Songs

7.The Mahabharata/ Ramayana (Indian Epic)

8.The Jataka

9.The Bhagavad – Gita

10.The Tamil Anthologies

11.The Koran

12.Li Po Chinese Poetry

13.The Thousand and One Nights


15.African Mythology

16.The Orphan of Chao

17.Canterbury Tales

18.The man Yoshu

19.The tale of the Genji

20.Augustine Confessions

21.The thousand and one nights

22.Yian Chen; The story of Ying-Ying

23.The Pillow book

24.Essays in Idleness

25.Virgil’s Aneid.

26.Sapphos and Lesbos

27.The Aesop Fables

Choose one of the following themes to trace through your literary selection:

  1. Attitudes Toward Women
  2. Attitude Towards Family Trees
  3. Ideas About Leadership and Responsibility
  4. Societal Demands and Burdens of Leadership
  5. Attitudes Toward Evil
  6. Punishment, Mercy and Law
  7. The Power of The Word
  8. The University of Love and Passion
  9. The Intervention of God/Gods in The Lives of Humankind
  10. Images of Sensuality and Spirituality
  11. Poetry As a Political Form
  12. Retribution and Justice
  13. Human Mortality
  14. The Expression of Emotion in Nature/Animals
  15. Sensual Imagery of The Devotional Lyric
  16. The Role of Fate
  17. Role of Religion or Belief System

and about the outline, papers and presentation the thesis should be one sentence and 3 to 5 major ideas they must be in order for example

Ali is great due to his strength , courage and whatever




so please I want the outline , papers and presentation to be the same at least 5 sources.

and here is an example for the outline



The attitude towards women in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales as expressed by the wife of Bath depicts women in “The Wife of Bath Tales” as strong minded, powerful, and sexually free.

I.Women in the “Wife of Bath Tales are strong minded.

  1. Unwavering, she states that women should be able to have multiple husbands like men.
  2. She emphatically sees her husband as the supplier of her money.
  3. She controls her sexuality by not allowing the church fathers to define her sexual role as a woman.
  4. She refuses to be defined by the way she looks.

II.Women in the “The Wife of Bath” are powerful. ( This section should not be in all caps. Note roman numbers I and Ii and Properly format your outlines.

A.The wife of Bath refuses to have sex with her husband unless he gives her money.

B.She freely expresses that women use sex to control men.

1.She is in charge of her lovers.

2.the women had power to punish their men.

C.She is not afraid to fight her husband when he frustrates her.

D.They had power to punish the men.

E.They were in charge of their lovers.

  1. The women in “The Wife of Bath Tale” are sexually free.
  1. They could choose to have multiple sex partners if they wished to do so.
  2. The wife of bath uses her sexual prowess to get her husband to submit.
  3. The wife of bath takes ownership that sexual seduction is a gift to women.
  4. She commits to the fact that sexuality is not determined by the way a woman looks.This sample outline is the way that all outlines for your research project should look. Note the structure and format of the outline. Then of course, your paper will support and supply the evidence from your literary selection and your five outside scholarly sources. Wikipedia and similar sources are not scholarly sources.Use Morgan’s library port to find sources.


Sustainability Worksheet, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Section A: Answer the following questions in complete sentences or you may write your answers on a separate sheet. Your response to each question should be written in a minimum of 175 words.

  1. Define sustainability. Describe the different aspects of sustainability as it relates to individuals, organizations, and social awareness.

  1. Based on this week’s required readings, what are the main causes of threats to the environment and the quest for a green society?

  1. Define social responsibility. What do scientists predict will happen in Earth’s future if we do not increase our sustainability practices?

Section B: Fill in the chart below with complete sentences or you may write your answers on a separate sheet. Your response to each section of the chart should be written in 90-175 words.

For each item listed below:

  1. Identify one related threat to the biosphere.
  2. Describe business practices that may cause this problem.
  3. Describe alternative business practices that may help reduce or avoid this problem.

Section C: Answer the following questions in complete sentences or you may write your answers on a separate sheet. Your response to each question should be written in a minimum of 260 words.

  1. Based on this week’s required readings, summarize threats to the environment that may cause global climate change. Then, conduct an Internet search on opposition of accepted causes of climate change. Which perspective do you agree with? Cite at least two APA-formatted sources to support your points and include a reference page at the bottom.
  2. List several ways in which an organization’s leadership can encourage social responsibility and environmental awareness. What potential effects might such actions have on business practices and public perception?


The FMLA in Practice, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was enacted in 1993 and entitles eligible employees of employers covered under it to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specific family and medical reasons. During this leave, group health insurance coverage continues under the same terms and conditions applicable if the employees had not taken leave.

You may access the latest rules covered under the FMLA at the following Web site:

In this assignment, you will analyze the FMLA policy of an organization to understand the policy’s role and importance in employee management.


See the attachment to access and read a portion of the employee handbook of Widgets Inc. that outlines the company’s FMLA policy statement. Analyze the handbook on the basis of FMLA guidelines. Identify a minimum of five errors or oversights that relate to the FMLA and list their solutions in a separate document.

Write a minimum of 4 -5 pages. Cite at least 4 references using the internet as well as scholarly references.

In addition, in the same document, include answers to the following questions:

  • What are three alternative methods of calculating twelve weeks of leave within a twelve-month period? Which method do you believe is the best and why?
  • An employee should give as much notice as possible to his or her employer. The Department of Labor suggests a minimum notice of thirty days. What if an employee needs emergency FMLA leave? Is the employee still allowed to take FMLA leave, although he or she was unable to give the thirty-day notice?
  • What are the legal ramifications if the same position is not available to an employee on his or her returning from FMLA leave?
  • During an employee’s FMLA leave, Widgets Inc. downsizes and closes the department in which the employee works. What will happen to the employee? What are the legal ramifications?

Submission Details:

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Identified a minimum of five errors or oversights on the basis of the FMLA policy and suggested practical solutions for each.


Evaluated alternative methods of calculating twelve weeks of leave within a twelve-month period.


Explained the stand of the FMLA policy if an employee needs emergency FMLA leave without giving the thirty-day notice.


Explained the legal ramifications if the same position is not available to an employee on his or her returning from FMLA leave.


Explained the legal ramifications if a company downsizes and closes the department in which the employee works during the employee’s FMLA leave.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.



Term Paper MGT, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Term Paper – Project Instruction

The purpose of the term paper is for the student to demonstrate a working knowledge and practical application of the concepts which were discussed over the course of the term.

Students are encouraged to use Microsoft Power Point or other Office software to properly present their information.

Although hand drawn parts and processes are acceptable for submission, all drawings required for the project must be neat and legible and data is to be presented in an acceptable business format.

Please note that the paper is in the form of a presentation and a seperate paper is not necessary detailing the information of the presentation.

The following are the requirements and points allotted for the specific tasks of the assignment:


You may use an existing product that you can modify or change the component of a product to make the product a “green” product. If you have an idea that you currently are working on, test it out here.


  • Show the assembly drawing of the product and its parts. This should look like an instruction sheet with pictures to show how the individual components make up the assembly.(Hand made drawings scanned into the computer are acceptable).(10 pts)
  • List the raw materials that are required to make the part and the Bill of Materials that compose the assembly (B.O.M). For example, a chair is made of foam, fabric, wood and steel. Detail the amount of each material required for your product. For the assembly B.O.M. the components are the frame, legs, casters, seat adjuster and so on.. List the components you will need, the quantity requried and cost per piece. (10pts)


  • Show the process flow chart of your operation. How the components flow from one process to the next for assembly should be illustrated. In the flow chart , include the places where you must make a decision. These are normally the points where inspection and rework must take place. Be sure to include what happens when a part is rejected. (10pts)
  • Draw a simple layout your assembly system of your plant. Do you have straight line production? Do departments make components and feed an assembly line? Does your production line follow a lean manufacturing concept using the U shape for material flow? The material flow should also be documented. (10pts)
  • Determine the location of your plant and justify why you chose to be there. (10pts)


  • Show the break even analysis based upon an estimated annual sales of the product. These are based on your “market research”. Include a sentence as to where you found the data that allowed you to forecast your annual sales. (10 pts)


  • Describe the various methods of quality control, and quality assurance you will be using to maintain the products quality through out the assembly process and supply zero defect quality. What are you doing with rejected products in your assembly operation? Do you tear them down and recycle parts or do you scrap them? (10pts)


  • Describe how are you going to forecast the annual demand of the product. What system will you employ to regulate production? Will you make to order only or will your spread your production out over the year to capture seasonal trends? Include how long you are planning on making the product in it’s current state before you either redesign or get rid of the product line. Are you using planned obsolescence? (10pts)
  • Illustrate your production plan for the period of one year. Show your master production schedule and a material requirement planning schedule for the one year time frame.This should include the amount of materials needed monthly, the units produced monthly and the predicted sales monthly. (This can be done using an excel spreadsheet). (10pts)


  • List the references that you used for forecasting your sales, material costs and any other information necessary to complete the assignment.If you used web sites for your data, please reference them properly according to the MLA format. (10pts)



Tax Return Problem #1, accounting homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Juliette White is a head of household taxpayer with a daughter named Sabrina. They live at 1009 Olinda Terrace Apt. 5B, Reno, NV 78887. Juliette works as a receptionist at a local law firm, Law Offices of Dane Gray, and attends school in the evenings at Reno Community College (RCC). She is taking some general classes and is not sure what degree she wants to pursue yet. She is taking three units this semester. Full-time status at RCC is nine units. Juliette’s mother watches Sabrina after school and in the evenings (no charge) so that Juliette can work and take classes at RCC. Social security numbers are 412-34-5670 for Juliette and 412-34-5672 for Sabrina. Their birth dates are as follows: Juliette, 10/31/1988; and Sabrina, 3/1/2012.

The Form W-2 Juliette received from the Law Offices of Dane Gray contained the following information:

Wages (box 1) =$19,502.50

Federal W/H (box 2) = $2,000.14

Social security wages (box 3) = $19,502.50

Social security W/H (box 4) = $1,209.16

Medicare wages (box 5) = $19,502.50

Medicare W/H (box 6) = $282.79

Juliette also had the following expenses:

Education Expenses:

Tuition for Reno Community College $775

Juliette had qualifying health care coverage at all times during the tax year.

Prepare Juliette’s federal tax return for 2015. Use Form 1040 and any additional appropriate schedules or forms she may need for credits.

For any missing information, make reasonable assumptions.

Tax Return Problem #1, accounting homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Java Program using mySQL Databases and JavaFX, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

The document named “POSWriteup” is an outline of what this project should include, with a few additions noted below:

System is to output an invoice/sales receipt and the sales must deduct from inventory. Generate a low inventory report as well which can be used to place orders to restock those items.

These databases should be done with mySQL and need to be able to be exported to be looked at. Here’s some info:

“If you are using an external database, I must be able to access it with my computer (i.e. your database must include account info to connect) or you must use a local database as a simulation and therefore export it as mentioned it above.”

I have not designed any GUI yet so if this is done, you can create it with simple buttons and etc. like I wrote about in the writeup, nothing has to be too extreme, just nice and crisp. I was thinking different buttons that acted as a tab categorized for food items, ice cream, hot food orders (For a concession stand)
The items within these tabs can be named generic things if you’d like (food1, food2, Icecream1 and etc.) I just would very much like the whole back end of everything to be working successfully.
I can answer any questions you have just ask.

Delivery time says a Day, it’s more like a day and a half or so, just no option for anything in between 1-2 days.


Parent involvement and the relationship parents have with their child’s teacher/school, psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Parent involvement and the relationship parents have with their child’s teacher/school are important for all children. This is especially true for children with disabilities. For this assignment, you will be asked to contact a local preschool, Head Start, or Early Head Start program. You will interview a director, teacher, or parent coordinator to find out how they collaborate and communicate with families who have children with learning differences. Be sure to describe the type of program you gathered information from and the role of the practitioner that you interviewed. Find out the following information:

  1. How do families get information at the time of enrollment? Is there a handbook for the center? What resources does the center offer to families?
  2. What services are available to families in their community and do families get information about these services from the program or school?
  3. How does the center communicate on a day to day basis? For example, is there a family notebook that goes to school and home each day for teachers to touch base? Do they use email? Newsletters?
  4. How does the practitioner view the effectiveness of these communication techniques? What does he/she feel works well? What does not work well?

After you gather this information, write a statement describing your own beliefs about school/home communication. Discuss ideas and approaches to communication you might use in your own classroom. Make sure that evidence of the interview is woven throughout your paper. This two- to three-page paper, not including title and reference pages, must be formatted according to APA style. Make sure to cite who you connected with and utilize at least one scholarly resource.


week10 l successful companies constantly evaluate the performance of their company discussion response, homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

All successful companies constantly evaluate the performance of their company. Comparing the figures of a company prior figures, industry competitors or other successful business is one of the norms for a company. As an investor / creditor, I would look at more than attainable numbers, such as sales, profits, and total asset, however those figures are important. The ratios I believe to be key information needed to make accurate predictions about the company’s financial condition when analyzing a company would be ratios such as income, profitability liquidity, working capital, bankruptcy, long-term analysis, and other key ratios. These are profitable tools in financial analysis, which predicts and provide indications of potential problem areas, for example net sales-cost of goods sold / net sales = gross profit on net sales.

Target is my chosen company, as a creditor or investor the ratio that would provide the most information to make accurate prediction about Target financial condition: I would analyze their segment financial ratios. Because the segment margin shares the amount of net profit or loss generated by a portion of the company. In my opinion it is key to tracking segment margins, in order to know which segment of a total business are performing better or worse than average. This particular segment of information would be pertinent to me in my decision making.

In my opinion it is important to track how your business is doing, comparing to past quarters and years. However,it is equally important to know how your business is doing in comparison to the competitors.



Analysis of Gender as a Social Construction, English Essay help Humanities Assignment Help


For this paper you will write a formal academic essay in which you select a primary source as a starting point (intellectual context) and respond to that source with an argument of your own. You will establish your own project, carve out your own niche, and approach the discussion from any angle that interests you most. To do so, carry out small, focused research task to find information that helps clarify, illustrate, extend, complicate, or qualify your primary text/topic (the primary text will in some way establish a starting point for your topic). The goal is to synthesize what your sources say so you understand the topic better: you must identify connections among your sources and blend them into a coherent whole that articulates ideas of your own, as opposed to simply reporting what other authors have said. In the process, you will contribute to the larger conversation, put in your oar, and take your own stand on the topic.


2.5-6 Pages, not including the works cited page.

3.At least one article from those assigned in class.

4.At least three sources are required, though more will help you to develop your conversation.

5.MLA format.

Evaluation Criteria: Successful papers will

  1. Signal the topic, and give some indication of how the paper will proceed (project statement).
  2. Smoothly integrate information and evidence from at least two sources to help support your argument.
  3. Analyze HOW and WHY these connections illustrate, clarify, extend, or complicate claims found in your primary text, and use this analysis to come to a conclusion of your own. In making your argument, you will use claims or synthesize claims from the sources that you find to help make your argument, and in the process of making your argument, provide full explanation of ideas.
  4. Address an academic audience unfamiliar with your topic.
  5. Use an effective structure that carefully guides the reader from one idea to the next. Pay particular attention to body paragraphs, making sure you have strong transitions/metadiscourse that connections the larger pieces of your paper, topic sentences that control your paragraphs (and ideas), and transitions/metadiscourse that connect individual paragraphs as needed.
  6. Make sure that you answer the “so what, who cares, why does it matter” question: from everything you have read, what is the significance of the topic you’re researching? Who cares, and why does it matter?
  7. Be thoroughly edited so that sentences are readable and appropriate for an academic paper, including meticulous attention to grammar as well as MLA formatting & citation.
  8. Writing mechanics:
    1. Paragraphs focus on single ideas.
    2. Transitions between paragraphs are smooth.
    3. Quotations and references from text are properly integrated and accounted for. You can consult and use the templates in “Synthesis Describing Relationships” and “The Art of Quoting” when composing your sentences.
    4. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct

Here is a list of gender topics for this assignment. You can choose from this list or find another topic in the class readings that is not listed here. Regardless, your topic must come from the assigned readings. One useful way to come up with a thesis is to ask yourself an opinionated critical question about one of these topics. Your answer to this question will then be your thesis. For example, a question could be “Who makes better homemakers, men or women?” The answer could be “Men make better homemakers than women because they are strong enough to carry multiple items at once, they are handy around the house, and they are effective disciplinarians.” (Do not use this thesis as your own, and this thesis represents a 5 paragraph essay, an essay that is too simple for this level class.).

Gender as a social construction

Changing one’s gender

Gender versus sex

Children’s understanding of gender

Adults’ understanding of gender




Body postures, speech patterns, and gestures

Power imbalance

How to be a “real man” (the Guy Code)

Males’ and boys’ influences (father, older siblings, coaches…)

Consequences of a male acting feminine

Insults used to put down a feminine male


Necessity to prove heterosexuality

The Boy Code (learning the Guy Code at an early age)

Necessity of males to avoid showing emotion (stoicism)

Violence as only acceptable form of emotional expression

Consequences of males suppressing emotions

Sexism in rap music

African American pain/need for dominance over women

Changing gender norms and behaviors

Women as alphas

Gender roles and sexuality

Body image and Advertising

Violence in Advertising

Advertising and Dehumanization

Advertising and sexual aggression

Sex and Advertising

Objectification of male or female body

Male physical violence against women

Emotional violence against men

Rhetorical violence/aggression in language regarding gender roles


Data Collection Process, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Data Collection Process, marketing homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

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