Database design Programming Assignment Help

Database design Programming Assignment Help. Database design Programming Assignment Help.

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Include in this section the following subsections:

  • 2.1 Company/Organization Name (0.25)
    • One paragraph describing the company or organization for which the database is build
    • If you cite information from the web, be sure you use correct citation and references to your sources.
  • 2.2 Unit Name (0.25)
    • One paragraph describing the unit/department for which your database is build
    • If you cite information from the web, be sure you use correct citation and references to your sources.
  • 2.3 Database Scope (0.25)
    • One paragraph, followed by bullet points describing what your database will store and why
    • Be sure for each scope aspect you include a web reference to the web page showing that aspect


  • Be sure you have a statement for each entity describing the attributes that the entity must have from the customer perspective. (0.25 total)
    • An entity instance of E1 is in relation R with (zero or one, exactly one, zero or more, one or more) entity instances of E2
    • An entity instance of E2 is in relation R with (zero or one, exactly one, zero or more, one or more) entity instances of
  • Be sure you have two statements for each relationship: E1 R E2 (0.25 points)

SECTION 4: ENTITIES (0.25 points)

  • You must include a list of entities (including bridge entities)
  • If the name is not self evident include in parentheses an explanation
  • Be sure the names are singular, noun phrases and they follow the same conventions
  • You must have between 8-10 entities


  • You must include a list of relationships, in the format ENTITY 1 NAME relationship name ENTITY 2 NAME
  • If the name is not self evident include in parentheses an explanation
  • Be sure the names of the relationships are third person verb phrases and they follow the same conventions
  • You must have between 8-10 relationships
  • All the entities used for relationships must have the same name as those in section 4


  • Draw a conceptual ERD. Include a picture of the ERD in the project and the source file with your submission.
  • You can use MySQL Workbench or any other tool. If you draw the ERD by hand be sure is easily readable.
  • Entities (0.5 points)
  • Relationships (0.5 points

Database design Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Meteorology Acitivity Science Assignment Help


A .pdf with the Module 9 assignment can be found here: Module 9 Activity .pdf

Steps 1-6: Module 9 Steps 1-6

Steps 7-13:

Finishing the three activity

Module 9 Activity #1

Answer the following two questions in the text box below. Please include a link to your sources in order to receive credit (not including your sources will result in a “0”)

1. (2pts): Why don’t hurricanes typically impact California
2. (3pts): Describe one instance where a hurricane or tropical storm directly impacted California (note: I mean California the state in the USA… NOT Baja California in Mexico, which is regularly impacted by tropical storms and hurricanes).

Please include the sources you used to answer questions 1 and 2. I will not accept answers without the sources cited and the links included in your answer. You may use any citation style (MLA, APA, WTF, etc…) you like, but please be consistent. Again, I will NOT accept answers without the sources cited (meaning you’ll get a “0” for this portion of the activity).


Laurel Springs LES4 UNIT5 Comparing Economics Systems & Command Economy HW Humanities Assignment Help

Answer the following questions.

1) Match the words with the descriptions.
capitalism, nationalization, planned economy, market economy, command economy, communism, laissez-faire, socialism, mixed economy. possible answers

an economic system with little or no involvement by the government
economic system where individual may own private property and take a risk in order to make a profit
an economic system in which private industry and the government both have a role
an economic system that focuses on economic equality through public ownership of property and resources
state-directed economy

a state-controlled economic system and ruling political party in which all products and services are collected and redistributed by government agencies
another name for capitalism or free enterprise

the economy of socialism and communism

the socialist government takeover of a private industry for public use

2) Check all that apply.


3) Check all that apply.

How do antitrust laws protect the free market?

They equalize profits.

They redistribute wealth.

They promote competition.

They break up monopolies.

4) Select the best answer.

Graphical organizer

What would be the best title for the above diagram?

Communism: State Distribution and Ownership

Free Enterprise: Public Ownership

Socialism: Equality for all

Capitalism: A System of Choices

5) Check all that apply.

What are the three basic economic systems?







6) Check all that apply.

Give TWO reasons a developing country might choose socialism as its economic system.

Government expenses are reduced to a minimum.

It provides a solution to deal with struggling industries while ostensibly increasing national employment and profit.

Socialism appeals to politicians who desire absolute power.

The government can channel profits to meet economic needs that would be considered unprofitable under capitalism.

7) Check all that apply.

Place a check mark by all answers that represent capitalism.

guaranteed success

right to own property

public ownership of goods and services


freedom of choice

equal wages

right to risk capital and enjoy profit if successful

8) Check all that apply.

Select TWO examples of indirect controls that can place pressure on the market to produce specific goods and services.

expanding laissez-faire policies

allowing local governments to establish their own quotas

setting prices for products and supplies

controlling the allocation of labor and resources

9) Type the correct answers.

Does the United States have a laissez-faire economic system? Explain your answer.

10) Type the correct answers.

What is the main difference between a market and a command economy?


Marketing sheet Health Medical Assignment Help

Need the first article by tomorrow so I can see if you are on a good track

Marketing Fact Sheet 3-4 pages

Purpose of Assignment:The marketing fact sheet that you create in this assignment using research-based data will be an important tool for you to use to market the APN role.

List the topic as a SEPARATE HEADING prior to the presentation of the bullet points for that article.


1. Outcomes of care 6 points (must have at least 2 articles)

2. Quality of care provided 6 points (must have at least 3 articles)

3. Cost-effectiveness of care 6 points (must have at least 2 articles)

4. Format, grammar, appearance, creativity 2 points

Requirement: – Minimum of 7 separate PRIMARY research articles regarding APN practice must be cited (using APA 6th format) – Articles DOI must be turned in with the paper. (ONLY provide DOI with link in uploaded copy)

Additional Instructions:

You can provide copies to prospective employers, bankers approached for small business loans, news reporters, your mother, patients, policy wonks – you get the idea.

Make the facts sing for you – be creative!

You will learn how to work these research facts into your everyday conversations, much to the dismay of your close friends.

Assignment: Develop a 3-4 page summary (minimum) of key RESEARCH findings regarding the process and outcomes of advanced nursing practice:

***(select one (1) specific APN role- nursing leaders, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, etc.).

(Do NOT use articles about the APN role or describing the role.

Find specific research articles OR the entire article will be deducted for 10 points.)

Provide bulleted points of key findings with additional research information (e.g., sample size, sample health status, healthcare setting, specific outcomes, etc).

You must provide enough specific information about the study so the research findings are not vague and they can be understood in context (see example below).

Provide appropriate citations for each finding. Use complete sentences.

***Majority of key points must focus on patient outcomes related to APN practice (e.g., patient satisfaction, reduced incidence of hospitalization, improved health status, etc.)

***Also include focus on quality of care and cost-effectiveness of APN care (You must have articles that address these outcomes also.)

***You will lose points for bullet points that are too vague or too limited to be able to “understand” the study

***You will also lose points if you write a narrative paper. This is NOT a regular paper.

***Consider drawing the conclusion for the reader for each article or finding (see example below). An example of brief overview of an article that addresses outcomes: A large randomized study of 3000 adult patients in public clinics was conducted in NYC. Patients were managed by NPs and physicians for six months measuring physiologic variables for HTN, diabetes, and asthma outcomes. Measures of A1C, BP, and asthma exacerbations resulted in essentially no difference in outcomes between the two provider groups indicating competency of the NPs to manage these chronic illnesses as well as physicians (Mundinger, et al, 2000).

(If the fact sheet assignment paper is too poorly written to read, there will be a 5 point deduction that cannot be redeemed). Please use the university writing center for consultation if you are not a strong writer prior to submitting the paper. Articles should be current within the past 5-7 years.

The studies do not have to be in your specialty area but you should try to find these as they will benefit you more. International studies are not as powerful because of different healthcare systems and different cultures but can be used if necessary to count as 1-2 articles. Be sure you have selected research articles—you must have the article with the primary findings, not a secondary mention.

Use the following articles

Cost Effectiveness (2 articles)

Huang, L. (2012). The Cost-Effectiveness Of Nurse Practitioners. The Nurse Practitioner, 15(7),

40???42. doi: 10.1097/00006205-199007000-00010

Bauer, J. C. 2010. Nurse practitioners as an underutilized resource for health reform: Evidence-

based demonstrations of cost-effectiveness. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse

Practitioners 22 (4): 228-231.

Outcomes of care 6 points (must have at least 2 articles) Choose the best 2

Paez, K. and Allen, J. 2006. Cost-effectiveness of nurse practitioner management of

hypercholesterolemia following coronary revascularization, Journal of the American

Academy of Nurse Practitioners 18 (9): 436-444

Borgmeyer, A., Gyr, P.M., Jamerson, P.A., and Henry, L.D. 2008. Evaluation of the role of the pediatric nurse practitioner in an inpatient asthma program. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 22 (5): 273-281.

Counsell, S.R., Callahan, C.M., Clark, D.O., Tu, W., Buttar, A.B., Stump, T.E., and Ricketts, G.D. 2007. Geriatric care management for low-income seniors: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association 298 (22): 2623-2633.

Lenz, E.R., Mundinger, M.O., Kane, R.L., Hopkins, S.C., and Lin, S.X. 2004. Primary care outcomes in patients treated by nurse practitioners or physicians: Two-year follow-up. Medical Care Research and Review 61 (3): 332-351

Quality of care provided 6 points (must have at least 3 articles)

Stanik-Hutt, J., Newhouse, R., White, K., Johantgen, M., Bass, E., & Zangaro, G. et al. (2013). The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners. The Journal For Nurse Practitioners, 9(8), 492-500.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2013.07.004

Kuo, Y.-F., Chen, N.-W., Baillargeon, J., Raji, M. A., & Goodwin, J. S. (2015). Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations in Medicare Patients With Diabetes. Medical Care, 53(9), 776–783. doi: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000000406

Tsai, C.-L., Sullivan, A. F., Ginde, A. A., & Camargo, C. A. (2010). Quality of emergency care provided by physician assistants and nurse practitioners in acute asthma. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 28(4), 485–491. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2009.01.041


Risk Management 4 part process Health Medical Assignment Help

Students will begin the process to building their risk management plan by completing a four-part process in organizing their initial thoughts. Prior to starting, students will identify a made-up organization that deals with a leisure service connected to Sport and Recreation (Part 1). Then they will move on to creating a working table that allows them to determine the risks to their organization, prioritize them, and address them in terms of their future risk management plan (Part 2)

You will use the table feature inside the bar to help organize your thoughts with this portion of the assignment and so others will be able to understand it properly.

You will use Table 8.1 on page 151 to help setup this table. You will use information starting on page 150-151 to help work through each step of this table for your topic. These four basic steps will help determine the risks to the organization, prioritize them, and address the in terms of your risk management strategy.

Integrated Risk Management for Leisure Services

Chapter 13

Robert B Kauffman

Merry Lynn Moiseichik



Perl Program Programming Assignment Help

Create a PERL program as follows:

  • Read a user’s input
  • Create a menu for 5 operations:


  • Enter a deposit
  • Withdrawal
  • Check balance
  • Show all the transactions
  • Exit program

3] if and elsif for menu checking.

4] make a do while loop for this menu and exit with last.

5] each transaction should be stored (recorded) in @transaction array and the balance will be stored in $balance variable.

6] The user will provide transaction type (DEP for deposit and WD for withdraw), date of transaction, comment, and amount of transaction for withdrawal and deposit.

The transaction samples are:


WD:11/21/2019:ATM withdrawal:100

Sample data input:

Deposit 11/20/2019 Paycheck 1000

Withdraw 11/21/2019 ATM 100

Withdraw 11/22/2019 InternetBanking 80

Deposit 11/23/2019 ATM 200

Withdraw 11/24/2019 ATM 50

[check balance]

Account balance is: $970.00

[show all the transactions]


Perl Program Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

For this course students will be asked to create a comparative timeline including events from Georgia history as well as from US histor Humanities Assignment Help

Instructions for ED 213 Comparative Timeline

For this course students will be asked to create a comparative timeline including events from

Georgia history as well as from US history. Students may work with 1 partner on their timeline.

The timeline should be created in an electronic format, but the program or website used is the

choice of the student. Students may choose which events in Georgia and US history they wish to

include, but their choices must be justified. Each event in Georgia history should be

accompanied by a paragraph annotation describing the event and why the student considers it to

be important to Georgia history. This is an ongoing assignment through the course session

which will be completed and presented to the class during the final week.

The requirements for the timeline are as follows:

Timelines should include no fewer than 25 events from Georgia history, each of which

should be paired with a related contemporaneous event from US history. The two events

do not have to have happened on the same day, but should be reasonably close in time.

Each Georgia history event should be accompanied by an annotation of approximately 1

paragraph containing a very brief description of the event along with a justification for

why that event was included.

US history events do not need to be annotated, but should be related in some manner to

the Georgia event with which they are paired (e.g. Battle of Atlanta (GA) and Siege of

Petersburg, VA (US)).

The events should be spread out over all of Georgia history. Prehistoric events should

not be included. For example, the student may wish to include 2 events from the

Colonial Era, 2 events from the Antebellum Era, 3 events from the Civil War Era, 2

events from Reconstruction, and so on. Actual numbers and choices of events are up to

the student.

The timeline should be submitted in electronic format. The program or website used is up

to the choice of the student.

Some suggested electronic formats are:

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office Powerpoint


Timetoast ( (this is an excellent, free web tool that allows you to

create illustrated timelines with text annotations. Your timeline will be shared with anyone on

the site, however).


Hum Project Humanities Assignment Help


  1. PICK A THEME that connects the chapters:
        • Architecture
        • Art/painting/sculpture
        • Fashion
        • Music
        • Medicine
        • Technology
        • Warfare/war tech
        • Famous Women
        • Science
        • Literature

  1. DO RESEARCH to add information to your understanding or appreciation of the topic.
      • Background information (historical, cultural, etc.)
      • An image or photo that complements the topic or relates to it in some way.
      • Audio or video related to the topic (YouTube, TED Talks, etc.).

Objectives of the Portfolio:

  • Showcase a themed collection of “highlights” inspired by each chapter.
  • Select some online resources, which add to your understanding of the topics.
  • Create an electronic scrapbook using one of the following to present your theme and related sources: PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, or Canva.
  • Document your sources accurately in MLA format.


  • Include a title page that clearly identifies the theme.
  • Create a minimum of 1 content page/slide per textbook chapter.
    • If we read 20 chapters, your Portfolio would have at least 20 slides of content, plus a title slide and an additional Works Cited slide(s).
  • Connect your examples from each chapter back to the theme.
  • Use at least 3 college level sources beyond the textbook (not Wikipedia). See handout “A Word About Research.”
  • Use citations appropriately for all of your sources including photo credits for images borrowed online. This includes in-text citations where needed as well as a separate Works Cited page/slide.
  • Submit your work to the appropriate submission folder as a PPT or PDF file.

DO NOT SIMPLY COPY/PASTE INFORMATION FOUND ON THE INTERNET. Do research and explain your understanding of the theme and how it is reflected throughout the humanities in your own words.


Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help

The final paper is supposed to be on the statistics on how many people crossing the

border have died from either shootings or being captured and dying since Trump VS Obama’s

presidency. I will be comparing the deaths in Trump’s presidency vs Obama’s. I would like to

see if there is a correlation of more violence since Trump, or if that is simply conjecture and

media portrayal. Since Trump is the current topic of many and is something current, I think it

would be an interesting regression.

Final Project

Your final project will be a short paper featuring a simple regression on a topic of your choosing. You will work individually on this project.

The purpose of the project is to enable the CalSouthern Learner to apply the statistical concepts learned to different topics. Pick any topic you are interested in, which can be answered in the form of a simple least squares regression. It can be any topic. For example: Is there a relationship between higher abortion rates and the crime rate going down? Does the number of hotdogs sold in Fenway Park explain Josh Beckett’s ERA from 2001 to 2011?

Prior to beginning your project e-mail your idea to your Mentor for approval.

Find the data you need online – utilize the CalSouthern library and any additional online services to find good data.

Run a regression analysis. If you are using an analysis tool other than Excel, put your data into Excel and “Save As…” a comma-separated values (.csv) spreadsheet. Load the data and complete your analysis.

Your project should include:

  • An introduction that explains the question you want to answer. Why should anybody care about your topic? (your topic should have already been approved by your mentor)
  • A short summary of the book chapters related to what you’re doing. What is new about what you’re doing?
  • Why is least squares regression a good method to answer your question?
  • Describe where your data comes from (Sources). Give some descriptive statistics for both variables.
  • Graph of the data with regression line.
  • Interpret the intercept, slope, coefficient of determination of the regression line. Is there a significant relationship?
  • Predict the response variable for one unit outside of the range of your data.
  • Write your conclusion – be sure that your conclusion is backed up by your data/analysis.

Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Write in complete sentences and use good grammar double-spacing, 12-point font, with one-inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors.

Assignment Outcomes

Integrate and apply Critical Thinking and content specific competencies ethically to course concepts

Analyze and evaluate your overall comprehension of the course relative to a broad-based evaluation of you understanding of the course concepts


5 case studies – International Business – Case Summary in IRAC Format – Issues?Recommendations?Application?Conclusion? of each case Business Finance Assignment Help

Read through the cases given, prepare the case summaries in the IRAC format. The details of the format of case summary document are given below.

Case Summary Document Format:

The recommended methodology will be IRAC, i.e. Issue (basis of the case), Response (of the parties in the case/Relevance/Recommendations (of the student), Application (to the issue or problem raised and the different options out there) and Conclusion (Analysis of the company’s response and well as your recommendations Thus, to expand on the above , the IRAC categories are the main “headings” of your written case summary and under the “IRAC” categories are sub-headings that may take the following forms, e.g. Basis of the case/Pertinent issues (Issue), Analysis of the fact pattern in the case (Response), alternative options prescribed (Application), Predicted, Possible, and Desired Outcomes (Conclusion) etc. must be part of the case summary.

In a simple manner, the document should meet the IRAC conditions as mentioned above. The Issue should be format of an questioning on the basis of case. Response should the possible recommendations to the solve raised issue and Application should the action plans to meet the recommended response. Conclusion would clearly state the outcomes of the plan.

I can share a couple of sample documents that would give you a better idea. Feel free to do your own research for more evidences and include them in references.

Attached the Case Studies for your reference. Let me know if you can help me with this. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.

Thank you!

1 min ago


Lenz, E.R., Mundinger, M.O., Kane, R.L., Hopkins, S.C., and Lin, S.X. 2004. Primary care outcomes in patients treated by nurse practitioners or physicians: Two-year follow-up. Medical Care Research and Review 61 (3): 332-351

Quality of care provided 6 points (must have at least 3 articles)

Stanik-Hutt, J., Newhouse, R., White, K., Johantgen, M., Bass, E., & Zangaro, G. et al. (2013). The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners. The Journal For Nurse Practitioners, 9(8), 492-500.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2013.07.004

Kuo, Y.-F., Chen, N.-W., Baillargeon, J., Raji, M. A., & Goodwin, J. S. (2015). Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations in Medicare Patients With Diabetes. Medical Care, 53(9), 776–783. doi: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000000406

Tsai, C.-L., Sullivan, A. F., Ginde, A. A., & Camargo, C. A. (2010). Quality of emergency care provided by physician assistants and nurse practitioners in acute asthma. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 28(4), 485–491. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2009.01.041


Risk Management 4 part process Health Medical Assignment Help

Students will begin the process to building their risk management plan by completing a four-part process in organizing their initial thoughts. Prior to starting, students will identify a made-up organization that deals with a leisure service connected to Sport and Recreation (Part 1). Then they will move on to creating a working table that allows them to determine the risks to their organization, prioritize them, and address them in terms of their future risk management plan (Part 2)

You will use the table feature inside the bar to help organize your thoughts with this portion of the assignment and so others will be able to understand it properly.

You will use Table 8.1 on page 151 to help setup this table. You will use information starting on page 150-151 to help work through each step of this table for your topic. These four basic steps will help determine the risks to the organization, prioritize them, and address the in terms of your risk management strategy.

Integrated Risk Management for Leisure Services

Chapter 13

Robert B Kauffman

Merry Lynn Moiseichik



Perl Program Programming Assignment Help

Create a PERL program as follows:

  • Read a user’s input
  • Create a menu for 5 operations:


  • Enter a deposit
  • Withdrawal
  • Check balance
  • Show all the transactions
  • Exit program

3] if and elsif for menu checking.

4] make a do while loop for this menu and exit with last.

5] each transaction should be stored (recorded) in @transaction array and the balance will be stored in $balance variable.

6] The user will provide transaction type (DEP for deposit and WD for withdraw), date of transaction, comment, and amount of transaction for withdrawal and deposit.

The transaction samples are:


WD:11/21/2019:ATM withdrawal:100

Sample data input:

Deposit 11/20/2019 Paycheck 1000

Withdraw 11/21/2019 ATM 100

Withdraw 11/22/2019 InternetBanking 80

Deposit 11/23/2019 ATM 200

Withdraw 11/24/2019 ATM 50

[check balance]

Account balance is: $970.00

[show all the transactions]


Perl Program Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

For this course students will be asked to create a comparative timeline including events from Georgia history as well as from US histor Humanities Assignment Help

Instructions for ED 213 Comparative Timeline

For this course students will be asked to create a comparative timeline including events from

Georgia history as well as from US history. Students may work with 1 partner on their timeline.

The timeline should be created in an electronic format, but the program or website used is the

choice of the student. Students may choose which events in Georgia and US history they wish to

include, but their choices must be justified. Each event in Georgia history should be

accompanied by a paragraph annotation describing the event and why the student considers it to

be important to Georgia history. This is an ongoing assignment through the course session

which will be completed and presented to the class during the final week.

The requirements for the timeline are as follows:

Timelines should include no fewer than 25 events from Georgia history, each of which

should be paired with a related contemporaneous event from US history. The two events

do not have to have happened on the same day, but should be reasonably close in time.

Each Georgia history event should be accompanied by an annotation of approximately 1

paragraph containing a very brief description of the event along with a justification for

why that event was included.

US history events do not need to be annotated, but should be related in some manner to

the Georgia event with which they are paired (e.g. Battle of Atlanta (GA) and Siege of

Petersburg, VA (US)).

The events should be spread out over all of Georgia history. Prehistoric events should

not be included. For example, the student may wish to include 2 events from the

Colonial Era, 2 events from the Antebellum Era, 3 events from the Civil War Era, 2

events from Reconstruction, and so on. Actual numbers and choices of events are up to

the student.

The timeline should be submitted in electronic format. The program or website used is up

to the choice of the student.

Some suggested electronic formats are:

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office Powerpoint


Timetoast ( (this is an excellent, free web tool that allows you to

create illustrated timelines with text annotations. Your timeline will be shared with anyone on

the site, however).


Hum Project Humanities Assignment Help


  1. PICK A THEME that connects the chapters:
        • Architecture
        • Art/painting/sculpture
        • Fashion
        • Music
        • Medicine
        • Technology
        • Warfare/war tech
        • Famous Women
        • Science
        • Literature

  1. DO RESEARCH to add information to your understanding or appreciation of the topic.
      • Background information (historical, cultural, etc.)
      • An image or photo that complements the topic or relates to it in some way.
      • Audio or video related to the topic (YouTube, TED Talks, etc.).

Objectives of the Portfolio:

  • Showcase a themed collection of “highlights” inspired by each chapter.
  • Select some online resources, which add to your understanding of the topics.
  • Create an electronic scrapbook using one of the following to present your theme and related sources: PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, or Canva.
  • Document your sources accurately in MLA format.


  • Include a title page that clearly identifies the theme.
  • Create a minimum of 1 content page/slide per textbook chapter.
    • If we read 20 chapters, your Portfolio would have at least 20 slides of content, plus a title slide and an additional Works Cited slide(s).
  • Connect your examples from each chapter back to the theme.
  • Use at least 3 college level sources beyond the textbook (not Wikipedia). See handout “A Word About Research.”
  • Use citations appropriately for all of your sources including photo credits for images borrowed online. This includes in-text citations where needed as well as a separate Works Cited page/slide.
  • Submit your work to the appropriate submission folder as a PPT or PDF file.

DO NOT SIMPLY COPY/PASTE INFORMATION FOUND ON THE INTERNET. Do research and explain your understanding of the theme and how it is reflected throughout the humanities in your own words.


Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help

The final paper is supposed to be on the statistics on how many people crossing the

border have died from either shootings or being captured and dying since Trump VS Obama’s

presidency. I will be comparing the deaths in Trump’s presidency vs Obama’s. I would like to

see if there is a correlation of more violence since Trump, or if that is simply conjecture and

media portrayal. Since Trump is the current topic of many and is something current, I think it

would be an interesting regression.

Final Project

Your final project will be a short paper featuring a simple regression on a topic of your choosing. You will work individually on this project.

The purpose of the project is to enable the CalSouthern Learner to apply the statistical concepts learned to different topics. Pick any topic you are interested in, which can be answered in the form of a simple least squares regression. It can be any topic. For example: Is there a relationship between higher abortion rates and the crime rate going down? Does the number of hotdogs sold in Fenway Park explain Josh Beckett’s ERA from 2001 to 2011?

Prior to beginning your project e-mail your idea to your Mentor for approval.

Find the data you need online – utilize the CalSouthern library and any additional online services to find good data.

Run a regression analysis. If you are using an analysis tool other than Excel, put your data into Excel and “Save As…” a comma-separated values (.csv) spreadsheet. Load the data and complete your analysis.

Your project should include:

  • An introduction that explains the question you want to answer. Why should anybody care about your topic? (your topic should have already been approved by your mentor)
  • A short summary of the book chapters related to what you’re doing. What is new about what you’re doing?
  • Why is least squares regression a good method to answer your question?
  • Describe where your data comes from (Sources). Give some descriptive statistics for both variables.
  • Graph of the data with regression line.
  • Interpret the intercept, slope, coefficient of determination of the regression line. Is there a significant relationship?
  • Predict the response variable for one unit outside of the range of your data.
  • Write your conclusion – be sure that your conclusion is backed up by your data/analysis.

Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Write in complete sentences and use good grammar double-spacing, 12-point font, with one-inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors.

Assignment Outcomes

Integrate and apply Critical Thinking and content specific competencies ethically to course concepts

Analyze and evaluate your overall comprehension of the course relative to a broad-based evaluation of you understanding of the course concepts


5 case studies – International Business – Case Summary in IRAC Format – Issues?Recommendations?Application?Conclusion? of each case Business Finance Assignment Help

Read through the cases given, prepare the case summaries in the IRAC format. The details of the format of case summary document are given below.

Case Summary Document Format:

The recommended methodology will be IRAC, i.e. Issue (basis of the case), Response (of the parties in the case/Relevance/Recommendations (of the student), Application (to the issue or problem raised and the different options out there) and Conclusion (Analysis of the company’s response and well as your recommendations Thus, to expand on the above , the IRAC categories are the main “headings” of your written case summary and under the “IRAC” categories are sub-headings that may take the following forms, e.g. Basis of the case/Pertinent issues (Issue), Analysis of the fact pattern in the case (Response), alternative options prescribed (Application), Predicted, Possible, and Desired Outcomes (Conclusion) etc. must be part of the case summary.

In a simple manner, the document should meet the IRAC conditions as mentioned above. The Issue should be format of an questioning on the basis of case. Response should the possible recommendations to the solve raised issue and Application should the action plans to meet the recommended response. Conclusion would clearly state the outcomes of the plan.

I can share a couple of sample documents that would give you a better idea. Feel free to do your own research for more evidences and include them in references.

Attached the Case Studies for your reference. Let me know if you can help me with this. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.

Thank you!

1 min ago


Lenz, E.R., Mundinger, M.O., Kane, R.L., Hopkins, S.C., and Lin, S.X. 2004. Primary care outcomes in patients treated by nurse practitioners or physicians: Two-year follow-up. Medical Care Research and Review 61 (3): 332-351

Quality of care provided 6 points (must have at least 3 articles)

Stanik-Hutt, J., Newhouse, R., White, K., Johantgen, M., Bass, E., & Zangaro, G. et al. (2013). The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners. The Journal For Nurse Practitioners, 9(8), 492-500.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2013.07.004

Kuo, Y.-F., Chen, N.-W., Baillargeon, J., Raji, M. A., & Goodwin, J. S. (2015). Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations in Medicare Patients With Diabetes. Medical Care, 53(9), 776–783. doi: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000000406

Tsai, C.-L., Sullivan, A. F., Ginde, A. A., & Camargo, C. A. (2010). Quality of emergency care provided by physician assistants and nurse practitioners in acute asthma. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 28(4), 485–491. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2009.01.041


Risk Management 4 part process Health Medical Assignment Help

Students will begin the process to building their risk management plan by completing a four-part process in organizing their initial thoughts. Prior to starting, students will identify a made-up organization that deals with a leisure service connected to Sport and Recreation (Part 1). Then they will move on to creating a working table that allows them to determine the risks to their organization, prioritize them, and address them in terms of their future risk management plan (Part 2)

You will use the table feature inside the bar to help organize your thoughts with this portion of the assignment and so others will be able to understand it properly.

You will use Table 8.1 on page 151 to help setup this table. You will use information starting on page 150-151 to help work through each step of this table for your topic. These four basic steps will help determine the risks to the organization, prioritize them, and address the in terms of your risk management strategy.

Integrated Risk Management for Leisure Services

Chapter 13

Robert B Kauffman

Merry Lynn Moiseichik



Perl Program Programming Assignment Help

Create a PERL program as follows:

  • Read a user’s input
  • Create a menu for 5 operations:


  • Enter a deposit
  • Withdrawal
  • Check balance
  • Show all the transactions
  • Exit program

3] if and elsif for menu checking.

4] make a do while loop for this menu and exit with last.

5] each transaction should be stored (recorded) in @transaction array and the balance will be stored in $balance variable.

6] The user will provide transaction type (DEP for deposit and WD for withdraw), date of transaction, comment, and amount of transaction for withdrawal and deposit.

The transaction samples are:


WD:11/21/2019:ATM withdrawal:100

Sample data input:

Deposit 11/20/2019 Paycheck 1000

Withdraw 11/21/2019 ATM 100

Withdraw 11/22/2019 InternetBanking 80

Deposit 11/23/2019 ATM 200

Withdraw 11/24/2019 ATM 50

[check balance]

Account balance is: $970.00

[show all the transactions]


Perl Program Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

For this course students will be asked to create a comparative timeline including events from Georgia history as well as from US histor Humanities Assignment Help

Instructions for ED 213 Comparative Timeline

For this course students will be asked to create a comparative timeline including events from

Georgia history as well as from US history. Students may work with 1 partner on their timeline.

The timeline should be created in an electronic format, but the program or website used is the

choice of the student. Students may choose which events in Georgia and US history they wish to

include, but their choices must be justified. Each event in Georgia history should be

accompanied by a paragraph annotation describing the event and why the student considers it to

be important to Georgia history. This is an ongoing assignment through the course session

which will be completed and presented to the class during the final week.

The requirements for the timeline are as follows:

Timelines should include no fewer than 25 events from Georgia history, each of which

should be paired with a related contemporaneous event from US history. The two events

do not have to have happened on the same day, but should be reasonably close in time.

Each Georgia history event should be accompanied by an annotation of approximately 1

paragraph containing a very brief description of the event along with a justification for

why that event was included.

US history events do not need to be annotated, but should be related in some manner to

the Georgia event with which they are paired (e.g. Battle of Atlanta (GA) and Siege of

Petersburg, VA (US)).

The events should be spread out over all of Georgia history. Prehistoric events should

not be included. For example, the student may wish to include 2 events from the

Colonial Era, 2 events from the Antebellum Era, 3 events from the Civil War Era, 2

events from Reconstruction, and so on. Actual numbers and choices of events are up to

the student.

The timeline should be submitted in electronic format. The program or website used is up

to the choice of the student.

Some suggested electronic formats are:

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office Powerpoint


Timetoast ( (this is an excellent, free web tool that allows you to

create illustrated timelines with text annotations. Your timeline will be shared with anyone on

the site, however).


Hum Project Humanities Assignment Help


  1. PICK A THEME that connects the chapters:
        • Architecture
        • Art/painting/sculpture
        • Fashion
        • Music
        • Medicine
        • Technology
        • Warfare/war tech
        • Famous Women
        • Science
        • Literature

  1. DO RESEARCH to add information to your understanding or appreciation of the topic.
      • Background information (historical, cultural, etc.)
      • An image or photo that complements the topic or relates to it in some way.
      • Audio or video related to the topic (YouTube, TED Talks, etc.).

Objectives of the Portfolio:

  • Showcase a themed collection of “highlights” inspired by each chapter.
  • Select some online resources, which add to your understanding of the topics.
  • Create an electronic scrapbook using one of the following to present your theme and related sources: PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, or Canva.
  • Document your sources accurately in MLA format.


  • Include a title page that clearly identifies the theme.
  • Create a minimum of 1 content page/slide per textbook chapter.
    • If we read 20 chapters, your Portfolio would have at least 20 slides of content, plus a title slide and an additional Works Cited slide(s).
  • Connect your examples from each chapter back to the theme.
  • Use at least 3 college level sources beyond the textbook (not Wikipedia). See handout “A Word About Research.”
  • Use citations appropriately for all of your sources including photo credits for images borrowed online. This includes in-text citations where needed as well as a separate Works Cited page/slide.
  • Submit your work to the appropriate submission folder as a PPT or PDF file.

DO NOT SIMPLY COPY/PASTE INFORMATION FOUND ON THE INTERNET. Do research and explain your understanding of the theme and how it is reflected throughout the humanities in your own words.


Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help

The final paper is supposed to be on the statistics on how many people crossing the

border have died from either shootings or being captured and dying since Trump VS Obama’s

presidency. I will be comparing the deaths in Trump’s presidency vs Obama’s. I would like to

see if there is a correlation of more violence since Trump, or if that is simply conjecture and

media portrayal. Since Trump is the current topic of many and is something current, I think it

would be an interesting regression.

Final Project

Your final project will be a short paper featuring a simple regression on a topic of your choosing. You will work individually on this project.

The purpose of the project is to enable the CalSouthern Learner to apply the statistical concepts learned to different topics. Pick any topic you are interested in, which can be answered in the form of a simple least squares regression. It can be any topic. For example: Is there a relationship between higher abortion rates and the crime rate going down? Does the number of hotdogs sold in Fenway Park explain Josh Beckett’s ERA from 2001 to 2011?

Prior to beginning your project e-mail your idea to your Mentor for approval.

Find the data you need online – utilize the CalSouthern library and any additional online services to find good data.

Run a regression analysis. If you are using an analysis tool other than Excel, put your data into Excel and “Save As…” a comma-separated values (.csv) spreadsheet. Load the data and complete your analysis.

Your project should include:

  • An introduction that explains the question you want to answer. Why should anybody care about your topic? (your topic should have already been approved by your mentor)
  • A short summary of the book chapters related to what you’re doing. What is new about what you’re doing?
  • Why is least squares regression a good method to answer your question?
  • Describe where your data comes from (Sources). Give some descriptive statistics for both variables.
  • Graph of the data with regression line.
  • Interpret the intercept, slope, coefficient of determination of the regression line. Is there a significant relationship?
  • Predict the response variable for one unit outside of the range of your data.
  • Write your conclusion – be sure that your conclusion is backed up by your data/analysis.

Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Write in complete sentences and use good grammar double-spacing, 12-point font, with one-inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors.

Assignment Outcomes

Integrate and apply Critical Thinking and content specific competencies ethically to course concepts

Analyze and evaluate your overall comprehension of the course relative to a broad-based evaluation of you understanding of the course concepts


5 case studies – International Business – Case Summary in IRAC Format – Issues?Recommendations?Application?Conclusion? of each case Business Finance Assignment Help

Read through the cases given, prepare the case summaries in the IRAC format. The details of the format of case summary document are given below.

Case Summary Document Format:

The recommended methodology will be IRAC, i.e. Issue (basis of the case), Response (of the parties in the case/Relevance/Recommendations (of the student), Application (to the issue or problem raised and the different options out there) and Conclusion (Analysis of the company’s response and well as your recommendations Thus, to expand on the above , the IRAC categories are the main “headings” of your written case summary and under the “IRAC” categories are sub-headings that may take the following forms, e.g. Basis of the case/Pertinent issues (Issue), Analysis of the fact pattern in the case (Response), alternative options prescribed (Application), Predicted, Possible, and Desired Outcomes (Conclusion) etc. must be part of the case summary.

In a simple manner, the document should meet the IRAC conditions as mentioned above. The Issue should be format of an questioning on the basis of case. Response should the possible recommendations to the solve raised issue and Application should the action plans to meet the recommended response. Conclusion would clearly state the outcomes of the plan.

I can share a couple of sample documents that would give you a better idea. Feel free to do your own research for more evidences and include them in references.

Attached the Case Studies for your reference. Let me know if you can help me with this. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.

Thank you!

1 min ago


Lenz, E.R., Mundinger, M.O., Kane, R.L., Hopkins, S.C., and Lin, S.X. 2004. Primary care outcomes in patients treated by nurse practitioners or physicians: Two-year follow-up. Medical Care Research and Review 61 (3): 332-351

Quality of care provided 6 points (must have at least 3 articles)

Stanik-Hutt, J., Newhouse, R., White, K., Johantgen, M., Bass, E., & Zangaro, G. et al. (2013). The Quality and Effectiveness of Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners. The Journal For Nurse Practitioners, 9(8), 492-500.e13. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2013.07.004

Kuo, Y.-F., Chen, N.-W., Baillargeon, J., Raji, M. A., & Goodwin, J. S. (2015). Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations in Medicare Patients With Diabetes. Medical Care, 53(9), 776–783. doi: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000000406

Tsai, C.-L., Sullivan, A. F., Ginde, A. A., & Camargo, C. A. (2010). Quality of emergency care provided by physician assistants and nurse practitioners in acute asthma. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 28(4), 485–491. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2009.01.041


Risk Management 4 part process Health Medical Assignment Help

Students will begin the process to building their risk management plan by completing a four-part process in organizing their initial thoughts. Prior to starting, students will identify a made-up organization that deals with a leisure service connected to Sport and Recreation (Part 1). Then they will move on to creating a working table that allows them to determine the risks to their organization, prioritize them, and address them in terms of their future risk management plan (Part 2)

You will use the table feature inside the bar to help organize your thoughts with this portion of the assignment and so others will be able to understand it properly.

You will use Table 8.1 on page 151 to help setup this table. You will use information starting on page 150-151 to help work through each step of this table for your topic. These four basic steps will help determine the risks to the organization, prioritize them, and address the in terms of your risk management strategy.

Integrated Risk Management for Leisure Services

Chapter 13

Robert B Kauffman

Merry Lynn Moiseichik



Perl Program Programming Assignment Help

Create a PERL program as follows:

  • Read a user’s input
  • Create a menu for 5 operations:


  • Enter a deposit
  • Withdrawal
  • Check balance
  • Show all the transactions
  • Exit program

3] if and elsif for menu checking.

4] make a do while loop for this menu and exit with last.

5] each transaction should be stored (recorded) in @transaction array and the balance will be stored in $balance variable.

6] The user will provide transaction type (DEP for deposit and WD for withdraw), date of transaction, comment, and amount of transaction for withdrawal and deposit.

The transaction samples are:


WD:11/21/2019:ATM withdrawal:100

Sample data input:

Deposit 11/20/2019 Paycheck 1000

Withdraw 11/21/2019 ATM 100

Withdraw 11/22/2019 InternetBanking 80

Deposit 11/23/2019 ATM 200

Withdraw 11/24/2019 ATM 50

[check balance]

Account balance is: $970.00

[show all the transactions]


Perl Program Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

For this course students will be asked to create a comparative timeline including events from Georgia history as well as from US histor Humanities Assignment Help

Instructions for ED 213 Comparative Timeline

For this course students will be asked to create a comparative timeline including events from

Georgia history as well as from US history. Students may work with 1 partner on their timeline.

The timeline should be created in an electronic format, but the program or website used is the

choice of the student. Students may choose which events in Georgia and US history they wish to

include, but their choices must be justified. Each event in Georgia history should be

accompanied by a paragraph annotation describing the event and why the student considers it to

be important to Georgia history. This is an ongoing assignment through the course session

which will be completed and presented to the class during the final week.

The requirements for the timeline are as follows:

Timelines should include no fewer than 25 events from Georgia history, each of which

should be paired with a related contemporaneous event from US history. The two events

do not have to have happened on the same day, but should be reasonably close in time.

Each Georgia history event should be accompanied by an annotation of approximately 1

paragraph containing a very brief description of the event along with a justification for

why that event was included.

US history events do not need to be annotated, but should be related in some manner to

the Georgia event with which they are paired (e.g. Battle of Atlanta (GA) and Siege of

Petersburg, VA (US)).

The events should be spread out over all of Georgia history. Prehistoric events should

not be included. For example, the student may wish to include 2 events from the

Colonial Era, 2 events from the Antebellum Era, 3 events from the Civil War Era, 2

events from Reconstruction, and so on. Actual numbers and choices of events are up to

the student.

The timeline should be submitted in electronic format. The program or website used is up

to the choice of the student.

Some suggested electronic formats are:

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office Powerpoint


Timetoast ( (this is an excellent, free web tool that allows you to

create illustrated timelines with text annotations. Your timeline will be shared with anyone on

the site, however).


Hum Project Humanities Assignment Help


  1. PICK A THEME that connects the chapters:
        • Architecture
        • Art/painting/sculpture
        • Fashion
        • Music
        • Medicine
        • Technology
        • Warfare/war tech
        • Famous Women
        • Science
        • Literature

  1. DO RESEARCH to add information to your understanding or appreciation of the topic.
      • Background information (historical, cultural, etc.)
      • An image or photo that complements the topic or relates to it in some way.
      • Audio or video related to the topic (YouTube, TED Talks, etc.).

Objectives of the Portfolio:

  • Showcase a themed collection of “highlights” inspired by each chapter.
  • Select some online resources, which add to your understanding of the topics.
  • Create an electronic scrapbook using one of the following to present your theme and related sources: PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, or Canva.
  • Document your sources accurately in MLA format.


  • Include a title page that clearly identifies the theme.
  • Create a minimum of 1 content page/slide per textbook chapter.
    • If we read 20 chapters, your Portfolio would have at least 20 slides of content, plus a title slide and an additional Works Cited slide(s).
  • Connect your examples from each chapter back to the theme.
  • Use at least 3 college level sources beyond the textbook (not Wikipedia). See handout “A Word About Research.”
  • Use citations appropriately for all of your sources including photo credits for images borrowed online. This includes in-text citations where needed as well as a separate Works Cited page/slide.
  • Submit your work to the appropriate submission folder as a PPT or PDF file.

DO NOT SIMPLY COPY/PASTE INFORMATION FOUND ON THE INTERNET. Do research and explain your understanding of the theme and how it is reflected throughout the humanities in your own words.


Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help

The final paper is supposed to be on the statistics on how many people crossing the

border have died from either shootings or being captured and dying since Trump VS Obama’s

presidency. I will be comparing the deaths in Trump’s presidency vs Obama’s. I would like to

see if there is a correlation of more violence since Trump, or if that is simply conjecture and

media portrayal. Since Trump is the current topic of many and is something current, I think it

would be an interesting regression.

Final Project

Your final project will be a short paper featuring a simple regression on a topic of your choosing. You will work individually on this project.

The purpose of the project is to enable the CalSouthern Learner to apply the statistical concepts learned to different topics. Pick any topic you are interested in, which can be answered in the form of a simple least squares regression. It can be any topic. For example: Is there a relationship between higher abortion rates and the crime rate going down? Does the number of hotdogs sold in Fenway Park explain Josh Beckett’s ERA from 2001 to 2011?

Prior to beginning your project e-mail your idea to your Mentor for approval.

Find the data you need online – utilize the CalSouthern library and any additional online services to find good data.

Run a regression analysis. If you are using an analysis tool other than Excel, put your data into Excel and “Save As…” a comma-separated values (.csv) spreadsheet. Load the data and complete your analysis.

Your project should include:

  • An introduction that explains the question you want to answer. Why should anybody care about your topic? (your topic should have already been approved by your mentor)
  • A short summary of the book chapters related to what you’re doing. What is new about what you’re doing?
  • Why is least squares regression a good method to answer your question?
  • Describe where your data comes from (Sources). Give some descriptive statistics for both variables.
  • Graph of the data with regression line.
  • Interpret the intercept, slope, coefficient of determination of the regression line. Is there a significant relationship?
  • Predict the response variable for one unit outside of the range of your data.
  • Write your conclusion – be sure that your conclusion is backed up by your data/analysis.

Your responses must be complete, using terminology and concepts presented in the primary textbook as well as supplementary resources. Write in complete sentences and use good grammar double-spacing, 12-point font, with one-inch margins. Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors.

Assignment Outcomes

Integrate and apply Critical Thinking and content specific competencies ethically to course concepts

Analyze and evaluate your overall comprehension of the course relative to a broad-based evaluation of you understanding of the course concepts


5 case studies – International Business – Case Summary in IRAC Format – Issues?Recommendations?Application?Conclusion? of each case Business Finance Assignment Help

Read through the cases given, prepare the case summaries in the IRAC format. The details of the format of case summary document are given below.

Case Summary Document Format:

The recommended methodology will be IRAC, i.e. Issue (basis of the case), Response (of the parties in the case/Relevance/Recommendations (of the student), Application (to the issue or problem raised and the different options out there) and Conclusion (Analysis of the company’s response and well as your recommendations Thus, to expand on the above , the IRAC categories are the main “headings” of your written case summary and under the “IRAC” categories are sub-headings that may take the following forms, e.g. Basis of the case/Pertinent issues (Issue), Analysis of the fact pattern in the case (Response), alternative options prescribed (Application), Predicted, Possible, and Desired Outcomes (Conclusion) etc. must be part of the case summary.

In a simple manner, the document should meet the IRAC conditions as mentioned above. The Issue should be format of an questioning on the basis of case. Response should the possible recommendations to the solve raised issue and Application should the action plans to meet the recommended response. Conclusion would clearly state the outcomes of the plan.

I can share a couple of sample documents that would give you a better idea. Feel free to do your own research for more evidences and include them in references.

Attached the Case Studies for your reference. Let me know if you can help me with this. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions.

Thank you!

1 min ago


Database design Programming Assignment Help

Database design Programming Assignment Help

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