Database problem, 500 words report. Report B only. Business Finance Assignment Help

Database problem, 500 words report. Report B only. Business Finance Assignment Help. Database problem, 500 words report. Report B only. Business Finance Assignment Help.

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1. Provide a revised ER diagram. Use the notation of the lecture to draw the ER model and describe the changes to the model briefly in continuous text (changes may or may not arise from the feedback on report A and the experience in the implementation process.



  1. Provide a revised relational model/relational database schema normalized to 3NF(some tables might be in 2NF if a clear rationale is provided – do not “over normalize” the database; keep the design as efficient and simple as possible). Use the notation of the lecture to draw the final model and document the normalization process in a suitable way. Describe the model in continuous text.
  2. Create a relational database in Oracle based on your relational database schema. Populate the tables of the database with at least ten sample records in each table. Use data from the above scenario or add data from your own knowledge and understanding. Ensure that you have adequate data to run and test queries and showcase the database.
  3. Develop the above SQL queries for the database. Provide printouts of the results of the queries (e.g., screenshots) in the report.
  4. Provide a discussion of any noteworthy features (beyond standard features, max. 500 words, around 1 page), a description of possible improvements (useful future extensions, max. 500 words, around 1 page) and a discussion of issues and ethical considerations (potential impacts on stakeholders, potential risks and misuses, max. 500 words, around 1 page).
  5. Provide a critical reflection on the group work itself (see next section).
  6. Final presentation: This is the report final presentation. Your team will be presenting your database system to hospitals similar to IBC. (i.e. you need to convince your audience to purchase your product.

Database problem, 500 words report. Report B only. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Semi-formal Investigation Report Writing Assignment Help


You represent a private Management Consulting Firm specializing in ethical and professional conduct, and legal compliance for federal and state government agencies. Your company’s specialty includes technical related issues in STEM fields such as engineering and information technology. Your company has been hired by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to “investigate” the ethical and legal implications from the SANSHANDS contest as evidenced from the State Senate Ethics Commission. In particular, you are tasked to find any ethical misconduct or possible criminal violations that may have occurred during the SANSHANDS project.


Write a semi-formal investigation report based on the situation described up above. Use Figure 6-1 (WRTGR, Page 70) to help you build a framework for your investigation. You should also use/reference the NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers to help you formulate your conclusions and recommendations (Outcomes). Focus on how you can improve the DOT’s “Code of Ethics” so a situation such as the SANSHANDS project doesn’t repeat itself in the future. Also consider your “recommendations” to the DOT on implementing and distributing the new code within the organization. In other words, how will your new code of ethics be embedded within the DOT culture (top down, bottom up, or from the middle) to foster change? You may adopt a made-up company name. You are to assume the identity of an expert investigator and “Engineering Consultant” for your company.


Use the format from the WRTGR example starting on Page 73 of your text. Use “headings” to help break up your text. Include enough “white space” between sections to help the reader focus. Include tables and graphics as you deem necessary. Your single-spaced report should be between 3 – 4 pages in length.


You should end up with three to four pages, focused, organized, edited. Write and revise with your situation (author, audience, report purpose) in mind. Graphics are not required, but consider using them, and if you do, integrate them smoothly into the report, use labels, and give credit if images are borrowed.


Your report itself will be evaluated on: detail, organization, tone, clarity, document design, mechanics (grammar and spelling), graphics (if used), and, most importantly, how well you suit the report to the specific situation. For example, level of detail depends on what your particular audience needs to know (or doesn’t know already). Make it clear in the report what your author-identity is, who your audience is, and why the report is being written.

HELPFUL HINTS – Semi-formal Investigation Report!

Consider the following questions:

  • How will you implement this new “code of ethics” for your client (DOT)??
  • Why would your recommendation(s) be successful and make a difference?
  • What’s different about your recommendation that hasn’t already been implemented??
  • How can the DOT “act” on the Code instead of “react”??

Also, you might want to take a gander at the current Code of Conduct from the AZDOT website to help you generate ideas for our fictional DOT in the case study. Here’s the website: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Remember, there are words, and then there are “actions.” A big piece of your recommendation is how to enforce the code so the DOT is in compliance with the NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers rather than reacting to any violations.


REL 126 4 Discussion Questions Humanities Assignment Help


Around the breakfast table the four characters begin to delve into the concept of The Trinity and some serious questions about the character of God. Choose a statement that you feel is significant to one of these ideas and share it with the class, explaining why it is important.


Sarayu reveals many things about the Holy Spirit and the human condition. Which do you find the most significant and why?


Here Jesus and Mack discuss relationships: people to people, people to God/Trinity, and God/Trinity to people. Share an insight new to your from this chapter and why it is important.


What does Mack learn about judgement? How does it change him? Has any of this information affected your thinking about “judgement”? Why or why not?


Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

Read textbook pp. 246-269.

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

An Annotated Bibliography is a list of the sources you are thinking of using for your argument/research paper with their citations in MLA style (8th edition) and a brief explanation of what each source says and how it is relevant to your essay topic. Your Annotated Bibliography should have at least four sources, at least one of which comes from an academic database such as Proquest or Academic Search Complete. Although it does not have to be the final group of sources you use in your paper (things may change) the better and more complete your Annotated Bibliography, the easier completing your paper and your Works Cited page will be.

Your textbook has information on how to do an Annotated Bibliography on pp. 268-269. I am looking for 1-5 sentences for each citation. Your citations should be alphabetized by author and follow MLA format for a Works Cited entry.

Below is a sample entry in the format I want you to follow. While your textbook shows a block format, I want you to follow the sample below. Then in order to do your Works Cited page the citation is already formatted with the hanging indent and all you have to do is delete the annotations and change the title from Annotated Bibliography to Works Cited.

Rosenstein, Jay. “How Do Native Americans Really Feel About the Washington Redskins Nickname?” The Huffington Post, 31 May 2016,

In this article Rosenstein casts doubt on the telephone survey results the Washington Redskins team released, and discusses resolutions opposing the name from groups representing Native Americans.

NOTE: An Annotated Bibliography is not the same as a Works Cited page. In the past some students have just attached the Annotated Bibliography to their paper, and then were required to re-do a Works Cited page in the proper format. Both a Works Cited page and an Annotated Bibliography should have citations in proper MLA style. However, the Works Cited page does not include the explanations of relevance to your topic. Presumably you have cited these sources in your text so the relevance is clear within your paper.


The United Nations, – Cold War Writing Assignment Help

The United Nations

One important outcome of the war was the establishment of the United Nations. How effective is the United Nations in the world today?

Find find two modern-day examples from the news of specific UN efforts in different parts of the world. Provide a single paragraph summary of each article along with its URL.

For each question, you are to use the internet to find two modern day examples, from two different regions of the world, which can be used to help answer the question.

Use one of the following websites:

BBC World News:

Yahoo News:

Google News: This one will take you to different news websites, not all of which are reliable. See attached instructions on how to access Google News: google news.pptx

The following are good newspaper websites, but some may require a subscription:

New York Times:

Washington Post:

Los Angeles Times:

Christian Science Monitor:

The Cold War

What challenges

What challenges does the US face in the international order of 21st century?

Fin two articles and describe

Fin two articles and describe challenges the US currently is facing in at least two different world regions.

Single paragraph summary for each article .

Use the websites above.




Research Paper for Oliver Twist Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of the assignment is to explain how literature from the past eras—Enlightenment, Revolutionary, Romantic, Modern, Science Fiction—shaped, influenced, or paved the way for the book you read (Note: the chosen book is Oliver Twist). You should also pay special attention to the book’s influence, explain any ideals revealed in your text of choice, how those ideals do or do not reflect ideals from the past and influence the future, and discuss how the characters are indicative of what the intended audience needed, expected, feared, or desired at the time of publication.

The paper should focus on what social factors influenced the author to write the book and how the book in turn prompted social change. The research will focus on the author, the social norms and historical/political events of the time the text was published, any literary criticism or discussion you can find from experts, and how the text was influenced and is still influential. Determine the genre of the text, do some research on it, and provide your own analysis as to how the text meets those expectations of the genre requirements.

1. Please read the World Literature Project document carefully and pay attention to the specific and complete requirements of Research Paper.

2. The Research Paper is about 1800 words MLA format, and you have about 75 hours. (The time limit can only be set for 3 days. I will postpone it for several hours)

3. Please answer the questions in the World Lit Research Paper Prewriting document and give it to me by Wednesday evening Central Time. Answer each question in as many words as possible. (These questions should also be included in the Research Paper)

4. Please make a 5 or 6 slides PPT according to the Research Paper.

5. Don’t forget that there are six sources in the Annotated Bibliography document. They also need to be used in Research Paper, that is, you use these resources to write the Research Paper.


Research Paper for Oliver Twist Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

NSTRUCTIONS: For your Profile Essay, you will need to select and interview one person who is currently involved in your culture. The person you select is your Profile Subject and your primary source. Prepare to interview this person multiple times. Withou Writing Assignment Help

5-6 pages Double Spaced, TNR, 12, MLA Format w/ Works Cited Page.] WC Page should include the Profile Subject interview, plus 2 credible secondary sources.

Key Features of a Profile Essay

Interesting Angle of the Profile Subject/Writer’s Stance on Profile Subject

Integration of Background Information to create a larger context

Integration of Field Research [Interview/Observation]: “Engaging Details” about people: specific

information, sensory images, figurative language, dialogue, anecdotes

Integration of Additional Sources to deepen understanding, provide a different perspective, or fill

in gaps.

the second doc I upload is the prompt follow the one that is due today and I also attached the interview


Alpha-beta pruning and linear regression problem Computer Science Assignment Help

1) Use the alpha-beta pruning for the “1-2 steal marbles “, for 13 marbles.

Initially, there are 13 marbles on the board.

One of the players can choose to remove 1 or 2 marbles leaving 12 or 11, after that the other player can do the same, choosing to take again one or two marbles from the board. The process continue until there is only one marble in the board. The player who wins is the one the leaves the last marble on the board. (For example: If there are 3 marbles and it’s my turn , then I will choose to remove 2 to leave one in the board to win)

Comment the results.

2) given the pairs (time, price) (1,3) ,(2,5), (3,8) use linear regression to find the line ax+b that approximate these values. Use that line to calculate the price when the time is 4.

Please do not plagiarize.

Alpha-beta section 5.3 in P167


Handgrip Strength and Validation Lab Writing Assignment Help

Measurement and Evaluation

Handgrip Strength and Validation Lab

Overview (course objective):

This semester project aims to cover both measurement of strength and utilization of statistical analysis from a range of statistical tests and creation of variable some additional variables using formulas.

Overview (lab objective):

We have several devices that each measure handgrip strength in kilograms. We do not know the state of the two older devices, but the Jamar Plus+ was recently purchased and came calibrated from the manufacturer. It will serve as our gold standard. We will test all three devices concurrently in a group of undergraduate students and determine the level of both reliability and validity of the older devices.

Protocol for conducting tests of handgrip strength

1.Adjust the dynamometer handgrip position before each attempt on the three different handgrip dynamometers

2.Position your arm in a 90 degree angle (with your upper arm down at your side and your forearm parallel to the ground)

3.Reset or prep the device for recording

4.Squeeze and hold with a quick, maximum effort for 2 seconds using your dominant hand.

5.Allow a short rest between trials

Recording Data:


  • Trial 1: ____42_____kg
  • Trial 2: ____33_____kg
  • Trial 3: _____40____kg


  • Trial 1: ____44_____kg
  • Trial 2: ____35_____kg
  • Trial 3: _____40____kg


  • Trial 1: ___27.4______kg
  • Trial 2: ____25.3_____kg
  • Trial 3: ____25.2_____kg

Upload best trial to spreadsheet under variable GripStr_Plus, GripStr_TEK, and GripStr_Pat.

Upload InBody body composition variables (when available):
Skeletal Muscle Mass, Dominant arm weight (Under segmental lean analysis)

Preparing the lab report:

Outline of Results

Include a description and interpretation of each statistic conducted (what is the statistic that was calculated and what does it mean in relation to our research question).

Write a lab report: Include a cover page, the below headings, and references section:

Write research paper manuscript: including the above data using the following headings:


Introduction – Describe in your own words the purpose of the lab and the research question.

Methods – Provide sufficient detail such that someone could replicate the lab and confirm the

results. Include the protocols for handgrip strength and any participant characteristics.

Results – Include the tables and figures described above as well as interpretations.

Discussion – What is the main finding? How does it address the research question?


Cover Page will include

Class Title

Title of Lab

(Lab write-up must have a descriptive title)


Start New page


Why was the lab done? What is the concept or theory being tested?

You should review relevant literature regarding the concept or theory being tested.

Need to utilize information from the textbook, readings, lecture, and outside sources as relevant. This is important, and it must be done


What is the purpose of the lab test or experience?

How does the test or experience relate back to the theory or concept being explored?


What do you expect to happen based on theory and previous research?

Need to utilize information from the textbook, readings, lecture, and outside sources as relevant.

Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypotheses should be stated


These are step by step instructions on how to do, what is needed to do the experiment.

This section describes in logical order how the lab was done.

This is written in clear and concise language.

If done well, the reader will be able to replicate the lab or experiment based on the description provide.


This section will usually include data Tables and perhaps Graphs.

This section will present the raw data and any statistical calculations that are done.


An analysis of the results from the lab is in this section.

Relate the results to back to previous literature and theory from textbook or other sources.

How do the data and results presented reflect or replicate what has previously been reported?

Was the purpose of the lab met and was the hypothesis proven or disproven?


need a 2 page reflection sociological theories and concepts Writing Assignment Help

Write a two-page reflection paper that addresses the following requirements:

  1. Explain how sociological theories and concepts affect your work, home, and/or community life and influence your future learning opportunities.
  2. Identify a minimum of two different sociological concepts or theories you learned from this course and explain how you will apply these sociological concepts or theories to your work, home, and/or community life.
  3. Use specific sociological terms and concepts from the textbook readings and article from the library in your paper to demonstrate that you understand and can apply the concepts.

Some examples of topics/concepts/theories that you can apply to your own life include (but are not limited to):

  • sociological imagination
  • sociological perspectives
  • elements of culture
  • breaking norms
  • deviance
  • the role of socialization
  • agents of socialization
  • theories of self
  • social structure
  • roles or status groups
  • inequality
  • social class
  • gender roles
  • perspectives on aging
  • life chances
  • race/ethnicity
  • social institutions’ (i.e., family, religion, education) role in society
  • social change
  • the environment
  • population dynamics

Create citations and a references list for all cited materials. Include a title page, and use 12-point font, double spacing, and one-inch margins for your paper.


Database problem, 500 words report. Report B only. Business Finance Assignment Help

Database problem, 500 words report. Report B only. Business Finance Assignment Help

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