De Anza College Dana Gender Identification Case Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. De Anza College Dana Gender Identification Case Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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discussion 1:
Describe at least one specific detail from “Dutee” there is another link( that you find strange, interesting, or revealing. Describe how the detail(s) is strange, interesting, or revealing to you, and then explain how the detail relates to your understanding of the text. In other words, you are discussing what you think is significant in the text.
Respond to someone’s post. You can comment on the person’s post, adding to it from your own experience and perspective. You can respectfully disagree and explain why.
Your post should be between 300 and 500 words and your response should be at least 300 words. They will be graded and scored out of 50 points each, for a total of 100 points for the assignment. Please do not upload files/attachments for your post and response to post.
discussion 2
Describe at least one specific detail from “Dana” here is another link( you find strange, interesting, or revealing. Describe how the detail(s) is strange, interesting, or revealing to you, and then explain how the detail relates to your understanding of the text. In other words, you are discussing what you think is significant in the text.
Part 2:
Respond to someone’s post. You can comment on the person’s post, adding to it from your own experience and perspective. You can respectfully disagree and explain why.
Your post should be between 300 and 500 words and your response should be at least 300 words. They will be graded and scored out of 50 points each, for a total of 100 points for the assignment. Please do not upload files/attachments for your post and response to post.
De Anza College Dana Gender Identification Case Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
WR 39C UC Irvine Future of Functional Foods Annotated Bibliography Health Medical Assignment Help
1.Annotated Bibliography (The topic of this lesson is about food)
By this point, you should have at least 4-5 sources for your CP, and you should be working with the information from those sources as you draft your essay.
For this assignment, you will submit a Working Annotated Bibliography of all of those sources: it should be formatted in MLA*, and each annotation should be a minimum of 50 words, with 100 or more for scholarly (and other, more in-depth) articles. Whatever kind of source you’re using, the annotation should address:
- What new information this source adds to your CP–what does it cover or explain that your other sources didn’t?
- What information, if any, overlaps with your other sources. Include a brief analysis of whether it agrees, disagrees, or complicates the information from the other sources–what’s the conversation?
- Anything you found intriguing, helpful, informative, or enlightening–what did this source add to your own own understanding of the topic/issue? What is your impression of the source’s reliability and authoritativeness? (ex: if you’re using a TedTalk video, the style might be more casual than a scholarly article, but you should explain what you found persuasive about the speaker, the data they present, etc.)
*Remember, for MLA format, you will need to:
- alphabetize by author’s last name or title, if no author
- use the hanging indent
- verify the correct placement of all information–see Purdue OWL (link on Syllabus) for more
You should not use bullet points, numbers, or any other system to delineate one source from the next–that’s what the hanging indent is for. Here’s a page with some sample Annotations (Links to an external site.) for your reference.
2.CP Rough Draft
Submit your Rough Draft by 11:59pm on Friday, 4/24. These drafts should:
- be at least 1,000 words
- quote, cite, and integrate 4-5 sources, with at least two (2) scholarly, peer-reviewed articles among them
- include THREE specific questions that you have for myself and your peers; type these questions at the TOP of your draft so that they’re easy to find!
- include your Annotated Bibliography (aka your Works Cited page with annotations); put these on their own page, but make sure that they’re in the same document/file as the essay itself.
Peer Review assignments will automatically be disbursed on Sunday morning–any essay drafts submitted after 11:59pm on Saturday, 4/25 will not be included. See the Week 5 Module for Peer Review instructions; you will have until Tuesday to complete and submit Workshop Letters for your peers.
Grand Canyon University Health Care Accreditation Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help
Complete a 750-1,000 word analysis focusing on the licensing and accreditation governing an organization. Assess the impact in the organization’s function and operations. Include the following:
Identify two types of accreditation governing the organization, or a branch of the organization.
- Identify whether or not the accreditation is mandatory. Explain the purpose for the accreditation and how it supports the organization.
- Discuss why this accreditation is important to the patient, to the organization, to the community, and to health care.
- Identify accreditation requirements for the organization, and resources needed to maintain accreditation.
- Discuss the accreditation process from initial accreditation to re-accreditation. Explain the differences between the two types of accreditation.
Identify two types of licensing the organization has received.
- Identify whether or not the licensure is mandatory. Explain the purpose for the licensure and its requirements in health care.
- Describe the consequences for the organization if it were to lose the licensure.
General Requirements
Support your analysis with three to five references using APA guidelines.
California State University Long Beach Extreme Sports and McConkey Paper Writing Assignment Help
Please follow the format correctly.
1st Paragraph – “Introduction” of Extreme Sports
2nd Paragraph – Discuss what drives McConkey to do what he does?
3rd Paragraph – Use a specific reference from the Lecture, Reading material or web research. Why do others in Extreme Sports do what they do despite suffering numerous serious injuries and too often death?
4th Paragraph – “Conclusion” Discuss your opinion if these risks are worth the reward.
Use “Key Words” to start each paragraph and support your perspectives with a segment from the videos.
Also please remember to give example from the materials to support your answer.
The documentary:
other materials need to include in paragraph 3:
UC Irvine Paranormal Investigation Scientist and Sensitive Critical Response Humanities Assignment Help
Please read the guideline that I attached below. It is very important.
Please read Marc Eaton’s “Paranormal Investigation: The Scientist and the Sensitive” pp. 76-94.
Writing Guidelines:
11 or 12 point Times New Roman or Calibri font only
One-inch margins on all sides
Numbered pages in upper right corner
Proper Citations Required (You may use footnotes, endnotes, and in-text citations)
Your name, course number, and date on a separate cover sheet.
Separate works cited page
(Response papers that do not meet these guidelines will be penalized)
This paper should not merely be a summary of the reading itself. Rather, the paper will be graded based on the following inclusions:
- An overview of the author’s main arguments (Approximately 3 or more pages)
- What overall argument is the author making? What specific examples does the author focus on in the reading?
- How is this argument being made? (e.g., What kind of data is being used by the author to support her argument?)
- How does this argument support or refute arguments made by other authors in the section?
- Your personal critical response to the reading (Approximately 2 pages)
- What, if anything, do you find convincing about the argument being made?
- What problems and/or oversights do you see in the reading?
- What, specifically, do you think this article contributes to broader discussions of the topic?
Your essay should include:
1) an introductory paragraph providing a general overview (preview) of the main body of your essay and your conclusions
2) main body (summary and critical response)
3) concluding paragraph
Grading Rubric:
Response papers will be graded according to the following criteria:
- Content and Development (Total points: 80)
- Paper addresses the main arguments and issue(s) raised: 50 Points
- Critical response is substantive: 30 Points (Well-formed, thoughtful, and detailed responses to the reading. Minimum total of 5 double-spaced pages per paper.)
- Mechanics (Total points: 10)
- Rules of spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed: 10 Points
- Readability and Style (Total points: 10)
- Sentences are complete, clear, and concise, and the tone is appropriate to the content and assignment: 10 Points
100 points total per paper
PSY 338 Saint Leo University Communication at World Wide Travels Case Analysis Writing Assignment Help
- This assignment asks you to once more address your fantasy organization.
- Submissions should be in APA format, with 12 point Times New Roman Font, 1” margins all around. Avoid passive voice, avoid first person, and check both grammar and spelling prior to submission. Students should include both a title page and a reference page in their submission, and should use at least 3 academically credible sources. Submissions should be double spaced and at least 2 ½ pages, not including title page, reference page, and appendices.
- Wikipedia is not a credible reference; do not use it.
- Neither your textbook nor Gardiner (1925) are included in the required 3 sources.
- Here’s what you should do:
- Explain how communication occurs in your organization. (My organization is World Wide Travels. Please see attachment for particulars for my country).This should include upward, downward, and lateral communications.
- What is your organization’s official policy on communication?
- What really occurs?
- How does the leadership at the top see the importance of organizational communication, and why?
- What are the organizational leader’s thoughts on inclusion of employees in decision making?
- Explain the leadership philosophy of the organizational leader, and from where this philosophy developed.
- As an appendix, include the following:
- an example of a downward communication explaining the institution of merit-based pay for employees.
- an example of a downward communication explaining the need for an immediate reduction in force.
- These should be professional business memoranda, and should include your organization’s logo.
- Grammar, spelling, and overall professionalism will be important, as your leader’s cognitive ability may be inferred from the quality of the communication.
PSY 338 Saint Leo University Communication at World Wide Travels Case Analysis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Cypress College Types of Ecological Succession Exam Questions Science Assignment Help
1. What are the two types of ecological succession? Describe the stages in each and list any important species types involved with these stages.
2. What types of adaptations do species have to avoid predation? Be sure to give a specific species example of each type and describe the adaptation.
3. What are the three types of symbiotic relationships? Describe the relationship in terms of who is positively, neutrally, or negatively impacted. Give an example with at least two species for each relationship.
4. Describe a biogeochemical cycle. Be sure to identify where most of the nutrient is stored and how it flows through the biotic and abiotic parts of the ecosystem.
5. What are the three major man-made threats to biodiversity? Describe each threat and give a real-world example of species or ecosystems impacted by these threats.
6. Choose a biome and describe it in detail. What types of plants and animals live in the biome? What latitudes is it found in? What is its climate like?
7. Explain how mark-recapture allows for population size estimation. Be sure to explain the formula.
8. What are some of the factors that population ecologists study? Make sure to define them.
9. What are the factors that affect K, the carrying capacity of an environment?
10. Explain what we can learn from the differences in survivorship curves (type I, II, III) and give examples of species that would have each curve type.
ENG124 Cuyamaca Proponents of Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Research Paper Other Assignment Help
This is a 5-page researched argumentative essay which 1) utilizes at least 5 concepts from pages 19-209 of They Say, I Say and 2) also includes a clear demonstration of one or more concepts from this external website (Links to an external site.). You may find the prompt here, and a sample paper here.
You may write on any current controversial issue (check with me if in doubt about your topic–but please don’t ask me to give you a topic), but please don’t write about the following three things: gun control, abortion, and theism. These are very important topics that should be vigorously debated, but I rarely see remotely acceptable arguments about them–even from students I agree with.
Effects of COVID 19 on Social Events Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Paper Outline: The paper outline is a hypothetical research paper. No data will be collected, and no data will be analyzed. However, you will have to think of an original topic to discuss. It is not to be merely measuring the association between two variables, but, rather, you need to identify some situation or condition. Then you need to hypothesis about the process that could have caused such a condition. After this is done, you need to design an experiment that could distinguish your process from other potential processes that could also explain the condition. You will NOT then do this experiment. This is a freshman class and the techniques to do this will be taught to you in other classes. Rather, you need to discuss what you would conclude based on the different potential results you could get from this experiment. A literature review is required, and the writing has to meet certain standards as well. This will be discussed more in lecture and in labs. It is worth 100 points. The 100 points will be made up from two 10-point paper exercises (Homework) and a final 80-point paper.
OL 3051 Bethel University Memory Retention and Learning Optimization Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
This assignment involves responding to 5 questions. Each question must be answered with a minimum of 500 words and at least one peer-reviewed reference.
(1) Preparing to study is often as important as studying itself. Chapter 8 outlines the process of preparing to study and remembering what we studied. Research and discuss setting the stage for studying. What should go into this process? Discuss where you study best and what strategies you utilize to retain what you are studying.
(2) Chapter 8 outlines 6 steps involved in becoming an active reader. List and discuss those steps. Which steps do you see benefitting you the most.
(3) Chapter 8 outlines the role that memory plays in learning. List and discuss the 8 R’s of Retention.
(4) Mnemonics and the 8R’s of Retention are important memory tools that you can utilize to improve recall. Discuss 4 ways that mnemonics relate one piece of information to another.
(5) Discuss in detail 5 “Companion Strategies for successful studying.
The pages from Chapter 8 to follow.
Textbook Reference: Bethel University. (2014). Introduction to Adult Online Learning. Retrieved from