Deanza College Writing the Short Story Paper Humanities Assignment Help. Deanza College Writing the Short Story Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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Exercise A: A Given First Line
Write the beginning of a story—approximately two paragraphs or 200-300 words—that starts with one of the three lines below (or a different line that your instructor provides as a prompt). Use the line as a jumping off point to see where the narrative will lead you. Note that this is not intended to be a completed work; just use this as a way to commence creative thought. Let it take you somewhere unexpected.
“If only _____ had/hadn’t . . .” (theme: regrets)
“. . . was/were not what it seemed . . .” (theme: false appearances)
“______ had imagined this moment so many times, but never expected . . .”
- Their marriage was not what it seemed.
- The job offer was not what it seemed.
- The adoption agency was not what it seemed.
- If only I hadn’t left her alone that night . . .
- If only Beth had taken the rumors seriously . . .
- If only they hadn’t stepped into that elevator with him . . .
- Frankie had imagined this moment so many times, but never expected it to result in a trip to the ER.
- Jung Eu had imagined this moment so many times, but never expected to actually be sent off to war.
Readers love regret, false appearances, and intrigue. By letting them know that something or someone is not what he/she/it seems, that something has gone seriously wrong, or that something unforeseen has occurred, you create a narrative drive, and the reader naturally wants to know more.
The power of these simple prompts lies in their ability to start in medias res. Throwing your reader—and yourself—right into the action can open up possibilities immediately and help to avoid too much exposition that might slow the reader down.
Exercise B: Tipping or Turning Point
“I’m interested in memory because it’s a filter through which we see our lives, and because it’s foggy and obscure, the opportunities for self-deception are there. In the end, as a writer, I’m more interested in what people tell themselves happened rather than what actually happened.“
–Kazuo Ishiguro
Choose one of the three pivotal situations below. Write a 250-600 word story (or beginning of a story) that shows one of the following:
- When you first learned that you wouldn’t live forever. This is a question about mortality. Recall an incident as a child where death came to mean what you know it to mean as an adult.
- When you learned about love outside of the realm of family. When did you first fall in love? What happened?
- When you first realized that your parents weren’t infallible, omniscient or omnipotent.
Although the prompts above use the word “you,” you aren’t required to write directly from your own life. If it feels more comfortable, you may create a fictional character and situation; however, you’ll want to draw from your true experienced emotions.
Remember, too, that your exercise should be written as a story, not an essay. “Show, don’t tell.”
Part 2:
Respond to one of your peer’s posts. (Please respond to work in the order it is posted, i.e., respond to the earliest posted exercise that has yet to receive a response.) Your response should be in the form of three “what if?” questions. Try to come up with three very different questions that may prompt the author to take the story in an unexpected direction. So we’re not offering commentary on the writing or the idea; we’re simply responding with three thought-provoking questions in order to spark new ideas.
- Sample “What if?” response questions:
- What if the true risk is the son’s life?
- What if your protagonist chooses to reveal his infidelity?
- What if your protagonist is pregnant?
To put your characters into immediate action (in medias res) and develop them through their own actions in a plot. This exercise will give you practice in shaping a significant moment in a character’s life, so that you can create a character-driven story.
This is not necessarily meant to be the beginning of your longer short story (due in Module 5), but it may be, if you wish. This is just an exercise. If you like it enough to expand it into a story, great, but it’s not required.
To respond to peers using ideas, rather than critique.
As noted in Module 1, these exercise topics are run like a workshop in a “live” classroom; we’ll respond to as many as possible within the time period of the discussion
Deanza College Writing the Short Story Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BSU Blessed Hand Nursing Home Facility Organizational Leadership Change Mission Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
In a written paper of 1,500 words, evaluate the current forces driving change in your Nursing field or industry. As a leader, or considering the role of a leader, assess your organization and evaluate how well it is responding to the forces, and identify where there is a need for change (USE OF EHR, versus PAPER DOCUMENTATION in patient care). Develop a vision to inspire this change. Include the following:
- Describe your organization (Nursing HomeFacility ), include the organization’s mission, and identify the various stakeholders.
- Identify the external and internal forces that drive organizational change in your field or industry. Explain the origin or reason for these internal or external driving forces. Explain how these forces directly affect the viability of your organization.
- Choose one of the driving forces. Describe the specific issues this driving force creates, or will potentially create, for your organization or department.
- Propose the steps needed for your organization or department to respond to this driving force.
- Predict how employees at various levels in the organization will respond to your proposed change initiative.
- Develop a vision for change. Describe how this vision correlates with the organization’s mission, and how you will present this vision to internal stakeholders.
- Predict how you think your vision will assist internal stakeholders in supporting the change initiative. Identify potential considerations posed by stakeholders, and discuss how you will respond.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guide line, Using 5 APA citation reference within 5years with nursing content.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
UFM Supply Chain Forecasting Accuracy Causing Uncertainties Essay Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a finance report and need an explanation to help me learn.
A typical argument in Operations and Supply Chain is Sales saying to Operations, “Why don’t you make what we sell?” Operations is often responding with “Well why don’t you sell what we made, after all you forecasted it?” And Sales then responds with “Well the customer changed their mind, and besides, things always change all the time and no forecast is 100% accurate”
So how then, can we use and manage forecasting ina way that breaks this endless cycle of both sides yelling at each other?
Tell me what you think, why, and the impact of your thoughts
Paper Length: 1-3 pages
University of California Irvine Arellano Infinite Varieties of Mexican Food Discussion Writing Assignment Help
What does Arellano mean when he argues that “we must consider the infinite varieties of Mexican food in the United States as part of the Mexican family – not a Fraud, not a lesser sibling” (Intro., p. 9)? To what extend do you agree or disagree with him? Why?
Required Reading range:
Taco, USA: Intro Chapter – Chapter 1
VERY IMPORTANT: 1. You need to show direct connections to the reading text as evidences. 2. You need to answe each questions directly 3. You need to cite and quote materials from readings and analyze the cited materials to explain why they are supportive of your answer to the prompt
Approximately 300 words. I have attached the reading text below.
Campbellsville University Emerging Concepts Using Blockchain and Big Data Research Writing Assignment Help
`The Final Portfolio Project is a comprehensive assessment of what you have learned during this course.
There are several emerging concepts that are using Big Data and Blockchain Technology. Please search the internet and highlight 5 emerging concepts that are exploring the use of Blockchain and Big Data.
Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section.
The paper needs to be approximately 6-8 pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of 8-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.
Your paper should meet these requirements:
- Be approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
EDMG 220 AMU Response and Recovery Departments Questions Science Assignment Help
After reading the CPG 101 V2, Appendix C, Chapter 3-18. Write a Mass Casualty Incident Specific Annex describing the response to a high amount of casualties during a disaster in BOBSVILLE
Your annex should:
- Identify the departments and agencies designated to perform response and recovery activities and specifies tasks they must accomplish
- Outline the integration of assistance that is available to local jurisdictions during disaster situations that generate emergency response and recovery needs beyond what the local jurisdiction can satisfy
- Specify the direction, control, and communications procedures and systems that will be relied upon to alert, notify, recall, and dispatch emergency response personnel; warn the public; protect residents and property; and request aid/support from other jurisdictions and/or the Federal Government (including the role of the Governor’s Authorized Representative)
- Provide coordinating instructions and provisions for implementing Mutual Aid Agreements (MAAs)
- Describes the logistical support for planned operations.
Write a minimum of 4 pages on the function and its contents. You may reference CPG101 Appendix C and other agencies documents as reference but you must write your Annex for BOBSVILLE specifically. You will use this document in future classes and execute this plan so help yourself by being thorough.
EDMG 220 AMU Response and Recovery Departments Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Rasmussen College Infographic of Pop Culture Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Develop: Infographic or Timeline
Evaluation Title: Kinds of Pop Culture
As media grows and changes, we incorporate the new forms of communications into popular culture. However, the previous communication methods continue to be used as well.
Your assignment this week has two parts: First, you will create a timeline or infographic to address the following questions:
- Research and provide examples or comparisons that demonstrate these changes over time from each of the categories: Print, Radio/Music, Cinema, Television, and the Internet. Include images of each artifact.
- How have these various forms of communication have evolved since they were first introduced? (Give a “before” and “after”)
Second, you will write a mini-statement answering the following question.
- In 300-500 words, give your opinion: Will pop culture ever stop using a form of media? Why or why not?
You will submit an Infographic or timeline in response to part 1 with an accompanying mini-statement to address part 2. Your infographic can be submitted as MS Word document or if you use an online infographic creator like the ones listed below you can submit your infographic as a URL. Your accompanying mini-statement can be included on your infographic or submitted separately as an MS Word document.
Helpful tips:
- Here are a couple of perfect tools to use to create your infographic for this assignment! You can open a free account at https://venngag (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) or (Links to an external site.) to make your infographic.
- Prezi (Links to an external site.)would be a good tool to use for your infographic as well. Here’s a great example of a Prezi timeline template:
AMU Pillsbury Cookie Challenge Marketing Case Ivan Guillen Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Most case study reports will include the following major sections and components:
- Cover page including basic student and class information
- Table of contents showing where key parts of the report can be found
- Executive summary of the key recommendations and points of the report
- Introduction to the report and identification of the focal problem being faced
- Analysis of the problem and application of course/program content
- Decision criteria and possible alternatives for solving the problem
- Recommendation for solving the problem
- Implementation plan for executing the recommendation and ensuring its success
- Exhibits that help to elaborate upon the content included in the report
- Reference list of any sources that were used at any point in the case study project
COMM 108 Glendale Community College Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Make a comments on students discussion. Total 8 students and there are two different type of discussion.
First discussion
consider self-concept in general. You can use your own or the self-concept of someone you are familiar with. (Change the names to protect the innocent). What role does self-concept play in the way that we interact with others?
Student#1 Our own self-concept is not the same as everyone else’s perception of us but they have a concept of who you show to others. If you consider yourself an ambitious student and relay that to your friends, they’re most likely going to associate you with being a student and may ask you in the future how the education is coming along.
Student#2 Self concept is something that is created via an individuals environment. My environment was full of loving people and a big family that only wanted what was best for me. Self-concept plays a role in the way we interact with others because the way we see ourselves can reflect the way we see others. For example, Cliff’s favorite teacher was the teacher that seemed to care more about his death than anyone else. Or if I had an idol or someone I look up to, I’d want to be more like them.
student#3 I have a female friend who struggles deeply with self-worth issues stemming from her childhood and young teen years. She struggles with feeling adequate at the most simplest of tasks. She constantly degrades herself and never has confidence in anything she does. It breaks me heart. because no matter how often I remind her of her worth, it just doesn’t register. Self-concept plays a big role in how we interact with others. If we have a negative self-concept, then we feel other perceive us that way also, so that in turns makes any socializing difficult because we would constantly be worried about others’ view of us or judgement of us.
Student#4 Someone that I am familiar with, which we’ll call Bob, doesn’t have a good self-concept about himself because he lets the people around him affect him. Bob is a little older in age and in his culture it is a norm for people to get married at an early age. But since Bob is older, everyone talks negatively about him basically being a loser, not having his life set straight and organized. This led to Bob overthinking everything that everyone was saying and felt somewhat depressed because he really believed that his life is horrible because he’s not following the cultural norms. Self-concept plays a significant role in how we communicate with others because of course, we want people to think positively which then reciprocates back to how we feel about ourselves. But when others get a bad impression and talk about it, then you start thinking if something is wrong with yourself.
Second discussion question.
The Ron Situation from Reflect & Relate:
You have been assigned to a group project in one of your classes. Your final grade will depend to a great extent on how well the group project turns out. You were assigned to your group by your professor, who also designated you as the group leader.
Your duties include telling the professor what grade you think each individual in the group deserves, based on his or her individual contributions to the project.
As the project gets under way, one group member, Ron, begins presenting some problems. Ron seldom makes it to group meetings on time and he skipped one meeting without calling anyone in advance to let the group know. At the next meeting, Ron arrived late. He apologized for missing the previous meeting, and mentioned something about “family problems.” Ron then volunteered to do all the background research on one important aspect of the project, saying he had a special interest in the topic.
The group project is due next week. The group planned to put together the final draft of the report presentation at a meeting scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Ron calls you up today and says he doesn’t have his library research done and can’t get it finished before the meeting. He says he needs more time.
What would you say to Ron?
There are 3 basic kinds of message you can send to Ron:
1.“Ron you are a jerk! I can’t believe you don’t have the work done! This why I hate group Projects – no one ever gets the work done that they’re supposed to. Things like this always happen to me.”
2.“Ron, you said you’d get the work done on time, so you have to stick to your promise. I know you’ve been having problems, but everyone has problems, and our first priority is completing this project. As group leader, it’s my responsibility to make sure you have it done. Have the work done by the group meeting tomorrow, or I’ll have to fail you from the group.”
- “Ron, thanks for letting me know. How much more time do you need? What’s going on with your family that’s keeping you from getting this work done? Is there anything I can do to Help? How about this: I’m planning on going to the library tomorrow morning anyway, so why don’t I swing by your place around ten, and pick you up? That way we can both get our work done. What do you think?”
Answer the following questions:
- What are the pros and cons of each message to Ron?
- Which one would you describe as the most competent? Why?
- What message would you use to communicate with Ron? Why?
Student#1 1. Pros and cons for each message to Ron:
- 1. Pros: None. Cons: Is rude, and not sympathetic to Ron’s situation.
- 2. Pros: Is straight to the point. Supports your other group members. Con: Still is not sympathetic to Ron’s situation.
- 3. Pros: Very sympathetic to Ron’s situation. Not only gives him more wiggle room, but gives him someone to lean on during his hard time. Con: It might just take a few more days to get the project done.
2. I would say that 3 is the most competent. This is naturally how I would respond, and how I would want someone to respond to me. This gives Ron some sympathy to his situation, and will make him feel better if he has someone to work with. Things happen, and sometimes we have no control over it. It’s important to just accept it and find a better solution that works best for everyone, but does not hurt anyone’s feelings or grades. This also ensures, that as group leader you are able to take him to the library and make sure/help him get the work done.
3. I would choose message number three, for the same reasons typed above. Ron seems to need some kindness and a lending hand, and number three seems like the best option for that.
Student#2 For the first response, a pro is that I would be trading appropriateness for truth. I am telling Ron exactly how you feel and the reality is that Ron’s actions will impact the group in a negative way. A con for that response is that it would not be ethical for me to respond to someone in that way. The second response, a pro is that I would be holding Ron accountable for his actions. The con is that this will not ensure that the work will be done. All the response is doing is telling Ron he has to do it but that doesn’t ensure it will get done. This response would not be effective. Lastly, the third response, a pro is that it is respectful to Ron and instead of shunning him from the group I would still be trying to figure out the end goal of getting the work done. A con to this response is that it would make more work on me.
I believe the last response is the most competent. The reason why is because it meets the three criteria, appropriateness, effectiveness, and ethics. The response is appropriate in the way that I would be respectful of Ron and his situation. It is also effective in the sense that I am looking to solve the problem on hand. Finally, it is ethical in that I am not showing my frustration nor making Ron feel bad about the situation. Out of all three responses, I would choose the last response to send to Ron. As mentioned prior, it is not aggressive and it to the point with the end goal in mind.
student#3 Definitely, the first one is a huge con for its negativity and discouragement. It is telling Ron that he is the mistake of the group and that his actions are what makes him. I don’t see any pros for this first one. The second encourages him to catch up on the work to his peers. He is pushing him to work on the work, but in the end, said that failing Ron from the group would be the result. Owing to Ron’s disappearance, family problems, and backwardness, this response may cause Ron to panic even more. The last one, Ron is getting all the positive support from his leader to encourage him if he isn’t in the right mind to take his time, meet up, and working through it with them. This response will allow much ease on Ron for the examples we have learned this week that we don’t know what is going through other people’s minds and it is important to talk to them for help.
The most competent, in my opinion, would be the last one. I believe it is best to always help guide one another as we guiding by those before us. We may not see or know what is going through each others’ minds, but guiding one another can bring the light out of the bad.
If I were the leader of Ron’s group and see that he’s lacking behind his peers is to encourage him that each one of us has or is in a situation that feels like it’s taking us down, but look at the light side of it. The good makes most of the bad throughout our lives. I tend to guide him to meet in the library or coffee shop and continue our work. If Ron does want to speak about it, I would be glad to listen in and give advice hoping he gets better.
student#4 The first message has two cons and one pro as far as I can tell. Calling Ron a jerk insults the group leader and ultimately does no good for the group. The second con is the hypothetical student getting upset. It not only causes stress but causes his mood to shift from good to worse. This not only negatively impacts him, but all those around him. The only pro I see to this statement is that the student from the group is expressing how he feels to get some closure.
The second statement has two cons and two pros. The first pro is the communication in the beginning, and the second one is the motivation to finish the project to not get kicked. The con in this message is that the group leader is undermining Ron’s personal problems by saying that everyone has them implying that whatever he is dealing with is nothing. Secondly, he puts the group project before his partner.
As far as I can tell, there are no problems in the third message. However, there are three pros. The first pro is in the beginning where the group leader let Ron know that he was appreciative for his communication. The second pro to the conversation was when the group leader showed sympathy towards Ron and asked how much time he needed to finish his part, even asking about his family to discuss potential problems getting in the way of this project. Another pro in this conversation was when the group leader took action by asking if Ron wanted to go to the library and finish it together.
I think the third message is the most competent. This is because instead of having a negative interaction, the group leader figures out a way to make things all right. That being said, I would use the third message to communicate to Ron. Not only because it’s the only message with action, but because the group leader shows that he cares for Ron.
Environmental Science Rhinos Becoming Extinct Video Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Please either view the video Rhino Mafia through your own access. (It’s available in amazon prim).
Please post answers to the following questions and comment on two others’ posts. This is an entire class discussion.
1. What disturbs you most about the video?
2. They use the term “Rhino Dollars” throughout the video. Did you see any foreshadowing of that in the early parts of the video? What does it mean in the context of the video when talking about the actual poachers versus the lead traffickers higher in the syndicate and the customers.
3 How do you feel about the punishments being levied the individual/poachers who are caught that pull the trigger versus those higher up the syndication?
4. Discuss solutions are posed to help stem poaching and which do you think will be most successful.
5. How can we approach the actual use of Rhino Horn by cultures and individuals who believe it has medical value, is an aphrodisiac, or has spiritual value when there is no scientific evidence to support that?
Deanza College Writing the Short Story Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Deanza College Writing the Short Story Paper Humanities Assignment Help