Degree in Aeronautics With Specialization in Certified Flight Instructor Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help

Degree in Aeronautics With Specialization in Certified Flight Instructor Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help. Degree in Aeronautics With Specialization in Certified Flight Instructor Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help.

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When you reflect about your workplace evaluations, do you think about Charles Dickens’ opening line in A Tale of Two Cities? It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

Discuss your personal experience with the appraisal process in organizations where you have worked (or, if you have limited work experience, include school or other competitive environments), highlighting what you consider your best experience and your worst experience.

In your post of at least 300 words:

  • Briefly describe the jobs and the settings. You do not have to identify the specific organization or company if you do not feel comfortable doing so.
  • Describe the format used in the evaluation – i.e., informal discussion, formal discussion, review of productivity, etc.
  • Respond to these questions for your positive and your negative experience.
    • How was this evaluation conducted?
    • What criteria were used to evaluate performance?
    • What about the evaluation process was positive or negative, particularly as compared to others?
    • What did you learn from this process?
    • How did you apply this in future settings?
  • Explain what could have been done in your negative experience to make it a more positive one.
  • Discuss the legal issues that could apply in either situation
    • Return to this discussion activity throughout the module week and reply with meaningful comments to a minimum of two of your colleagues.

Degree in Aeronautics With Specialization in Certified Flight Instructor Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Developing Your Theoretical Orientation in Counseling and Psychotherapy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

A theoretical orientation guides our work as counselors and provides a “lens” through which we conceptualize our clients’ issues. It also serves as a framework for setting goals and choosing effective interventions for our work with clients. Some liken it to a “road map” for counseling.

Complete the Selective Theory Sorter. Based on your results, discuss the top three theories or schools of thought with the highest scores. What steps will you take to use the results of this activity to help refine your choice of theoretical orientation?

Requirements: The paper should be substantive, well-developed, and reflective of critical thinking and graduate-level writing. At least 3 scholarly sources should be referenced.

The paper should be a minimum of 600 words. Content in the posts should be related to working with children and adolescents. APA guidelines should be followed.

SOURCES TO BE USED: Smith-Adcock, S., & Tucker, C. (2017). Counseling Children and Adolescents. SAGE Publications. Chapters 5,6,7,8 & 9 above textbook

Erford, B. T. (2015). 40 Techniques every counselor should know (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Halbur, D. A. & Halbur, D. V. (2011). Developing your theoretical orientation in counseling and psychotherapy (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.


PUBH 8315 WU Economics & Financing of Public Health Systems Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help

Envisioning a new plan, program, or initiative that has the potential to benefit a community, city, state, or nation is relatively easy. The most difficult aspect of embarking on this journey is determining how to finance this inspired plan, program, or initiative. Locating appropriate funding sources is a large task made more difficult by each funding sources’ specific rules and regulations governing the use and distribution of funds. It is a tremendous challenge to be sure, but not an insurmountable one.

This week, you will explore the financial needs and possible funding sources associated with implementing your selected public health solution. You also consider funding challenges and strategies related to addressing those challenges.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze budget line items, costs, sources of revenue, and deficits
  • Analyze the fiscal soundness and long-term viability of a selected public health initiative
  • Analyze the relationship between public health expenditures and public health outcomes
  • Analyze expenditure and revenues associated with public health initiatives
  • Project: Scholar-Practitioner Project

    Part 2: Financial Accounting AnalysisFor this part of your Scholar-Practitioner Project you will develop a financial accounting analysis of the public health initiative you selected in week 2. In your analysis be sure to incorporate return on investment, time-value of money, and inflation factors.The financial accounting analysis should include:

    • A 5-year proposed budget including major line items. Please use PHS398 form page 4 and PHS 398 form page 5.
    • See blank forms for proposed budget on NIH grants page located here:

    Grant Application PHS 398 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Manual

    • An analysis of budget line items, costs, sources of revenue, and deficits
    • An analysis of the fiscal soundness and long-term viability of the public health initiative

    Be sure to review the example budget in the Resources area of Week 9Assignment length: 5–6 pages


Oakwood University WK3 The Alpha Pro Pump Competitive Innovation Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

W3 Assignment: Complete Case 5.1: The Alpha Pro Pump: A Case Study of Competitive Innovation

  1. Carefully READ the entire CASE first, and review again the chapter(s) pertaining to the case(s). Take time to critically think about all of the aspects of the case(s).
  1. Write a brief Overview/Summary of the case in your own words describing the nature and/or background information pertaining to the case. (Minimum 1/2 -1 page)
  1. In your opinion, what were some Critical Aspects in the case that were identified? What were some Critical Aspects that you perceived to be very vital? (Minimum 1 page)
  1. How were you able to make those Assessments of selecting the critical aspects or components for the case author/writer and for yourself? (Minimum 1 page)
  1. Identify and/or list some of the Outcomes, Solutions and/or Resolutions you extrapolated from the case. (Minimum 1 page)
  1. Write a Reflection on what you learned from the case pertaining to global leadership. (Minimum 1 page)
  1. Make sure your paper format is outlined with the above: (1) Cover Page Sectional Headings (2) Overview/Summary, (3) Questions and Answers, (4) Critical Aspects and/or Assessments, and (5) Reflection page.

General Expectations for All Written Assignments:

1. Papers should follow current APA guidelines in terms of type, margins, and citations and address the following

  • Address the actual assignment topic. Consult the instructor for additional information or clarity on assignment instructions.
  • Cover the assignment topic in sufficient detail and depth with scholarly sources to support claims.
  • The content should reflect ample use of required readings and other course materials.
  • The Case Study Analysis Rubric provides grading guidelines.


ENGL 221 Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Reflection Memorandum Writing Assignment Help

After you have written your early draft of the Instruction Manual, revise and complete it. Review the Instruction Manual Overview to confirm the exact requirements.

  • Contain at least 20 individual steps detailing how to accomplish a technical task.
  • Incorporate at least two (2) visual aids.
  • Follow the principles of rhetorically effective design of instructional material as outlined in the Module 1 and Module 2 resources.
  • Be accompanied by a Reflection Memo of between 250 and 300 words that succinctly describes the rhetorical choices you made to address your audience and the specific actions you took to execute those rhetorical choices. Your Reflection Memo should utilize proper memo formatting.

Note: The Reflection Memo is a condensed version of the Reflection Letter. Substantial revision is expected.



DePaul University The Good Oak Chapter Story Summary Writing Assignment Help

A CRR is your take-away from the reading assigned. It is not a summary. Rather it is what you got out of the reading and how it applies, or does not apply, to your life. This should be top notch writing. You cannot do it in 10 minutes! You must read and analyze the reading, and then THINK. Then THINK some more.

Please read the attached pdf THE GOOD OAK and write how it applies, or does not apply, to your life.

– 1 page is required

– 12 point font

THE GOOD OAK pdf is attached below

Requirements: 1 page

Requirements: Other | 1 pages, Double spaced

DePaul University The Good Oak Chapter Story Summary Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

LAS 20601 DePaul Behaviors Satisfying Selfish Interests at Expense of Others Reply Writing Assignment Help

A CRR is your take-away from the reading assigned. It is not a summary. Rather it is what you got out of the reading and how it applies, or does not apply, to your life. This should be top notch writing. You cannot do it in 10 minutes! You must read and analyze the reading, and then THINK. Then THINK some more.

Please read the attached pdf THINKING LIKE A MOUNTAIN and write how it applies, or does not apply, to your life.

– 1 page is required

– 12 point font

The THINKING LIKE A MOUNTAIN pdf is attached below

Requirements: 1 page

Requirements: Other | 1 pages, Double spaced


Global Information Systems Case study Computer Science Assignment Help

Read attached Case Study and answer following, Case Study Questions

2-13 Identify the management, organization, and technology factors affecting adoption of internal corporate social networks.

2-14 Compare the experiences implementing internal social networks of the organizations described in this case. Why were some successful? What role did management play in this process?

2-15 Should all companies implement internal enterprise social networks? Why or why not?


the assignment followed APA style of writing, was of at least 1000 words and citations were duly noted in the content

The assignment contained a critical analysis of the assignment content that also provided an example of comprehension.

The assignment included outside resources that were properly cited.


Hult International Business School Privacy in the Work Place Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Students are expected to contribute to this discussion forum every other week. They summarize, analyze, develop, and critique arguments about ethical issues that they hear or read in the media and from other people. They also comment on the posts of their classmates.

Grading criteria: This assignment assesses:

  • students’ awareness of the ethical problems and discussions in the media and their everyday lives
  • students’ ability to think critically and apply ethical concepts outside an academic setting


40% Regularity and quality of posting


Substantial, thoughtful, insightful posting every week. Thoughtful, supportive responses to other students’ posts every week.


Substantial posts in at least 8 weeks. Frequent supportive responses to other students’ posts.


Substantial posts in at least

6 weeks. Occasional responses to other students’ posts.


Irregular but substantial posts.


Infrequent or superficial posts.

10% Choice of topic


Appropriate, interesting, challenging ethical issues raised.


Topics usually appropriate


Topics often trivial or irrelevant to the course


Few topics of interest


Irrelevant issues raised

40% Argument and analysis


Ethical problems or positions consistently accurately summarized, precisely analysed, persuasively criticized.


Ethical problems or positions usually accurately summarized, precisely analysed, persuasively criticized.


Ethical problems or positions often inaccurately summarized, imprecisely analysed, unpersuasively criticized.


Consistently poor summary, analysis, critique.


Little attempt at analysis or critique

10% Organization, writing, proofreading


Organization clear and logical, writing precise, correct, engaging, proofreading meticulous, appropriate references in correct format


Organization and writing clear and comprehensible, if not always correct. Minor problems with proofreading and references.


Unclear or illogical organization, distracting problems with writing, significant weaknesses in presentation


Organization and writing weak enough to impair understand. Poor or non-existent proofreading or references.


Word porridge


ECO 365 UofM Multiple Linear Regression and Indicator Variables Coding Task Economics Assignment Help

Here is part of the assignment, please make sure you can work on this question before make a bid. Need to answer all questions, this is from ECO class, OSL questions, need run R-project

Q01. Load your R packages. You’re probably going to need/want tidyverse and here (among others).

Q02. Now load the data. I saved the same dataset as two different formats:
an .rds le: use a function that reads .rds les—for example, readRDS() or read_rds() (from the
readr package in the tidyverse .
a .csv le: use a function that reads .csv les—for example, read.csv() or read_csv() (from the
readr package in the tidyverse .

Q03. Check your dataset. How many observations and variables do you have? Hint: Try dim() , ncol() , nrow() .
Getting to know your data

Q04. Plot a histogram of individuals’ personal income (variable: personal_income ). Note: Household income is in
tens of thousands of dollars (so a value of 3 implies an income of $30,000.)
Don’t forget to label your plot’s axes. A title wouldn’t be be, either.

Q05. Compare the distributions of personal income for (1) women vs. men and (2) black individuals vs. white
individuals. Are the differences at the extremes of the distribution or at the center (e.g., mean and median)?
Note: Your answer should include four histograms (women, men, black, and white).


Degree in Aeronautics With Specialization in Certified Flight Instructor Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help

Degree in Aeronautics With Specialization in Certified Flight Instructor Reflection Business Finance Assignment Help

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