Delaware Stanton Wilmington Role of AI in Software Development Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Delaware Stanton Wilmington Role of AI in Software Development Essay Computer Science Assignment Help. Delaware Stanton Wilmington Role of AI in Software Development Essay Computer Science Assignment Help.

I’m working on a computer science report and need an explanation to help me learn.
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Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should not, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace

Delaware Stanton Wilmington Role of AI in Software Development Essay Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PSYC 100 Future University in Egypt Behavior Change Goals Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Choose a Behavior to Modify

  1. Identify one behavior you would like to change this semester. Make it a S.M.A.R.T. behavior change goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to you, and Time-Limited. In other words, a good behavior to choose is an observable behavior, habit, or routine that you can reasonably try to change this semester and that is important to you personally.

Here are some examples of common behaviors that students have chosen in recent semesters:

-Reducing or cutting out soda and/or coffee consumption

-Improving sleep habits

-Increasing study time

-Quitting nail biting, lip-biting, hair-pulling (any nervous, mindless, or distracted habit)

-Cutting out chips or other snacking; increasing healthy eating

-Increasing exercise

-Saving money

2. Submit a paragraph (100-200 words) describing:

  • The specific behavior you would like to change
  • How you would it to change in a specific and measurable (observable, quantifiable) way this semester
  • A few reasons why this change is important to you

Example paragraph: “I’d like to reduce my caffeine use. Right now, I drink about three caffeinated beverages per day, sometimes more, and I’d like to reduce that to no more than a coffee in the morning. Right now, I feel like I need caffeine in the afternoon to stay alert, and I don’t like feeling like I’m dependent on it. I also spend too much money on it. Finally, I hear reducing caffeine use can decrease anxiety. I’m already stressed this semester, so I think this is one behavior I can change to better manage stress. This is important to me because I value being a relaxed and focused person. I think it will help me achieve my goals and save money too.”

Paragraphs will be graded for writing quality (complete sentences, spelling, grammar, and clarity), and I will also give feedback that might help you clarify your S.M.A.R.T. behavior modification project goal


BFIN 323 Longevity Risk Life Insurance and Annuity Products Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Longevity Risk is a hot topic among insurance academics and the industry. In fact, there is an entire conference that is focused on research related to longevity risk. For more info on Longevity Risk, check out: (Links to an external site.)

Put on your CEO hat, and imagine you are the Chief Executive Officer of an insurance company that sells life insurance and annuity products. How would an increased life expectancy impact your company’s business model? Would the impact be the same for life insurance products and annuity products? What role does the investment income earned on insurance premiums play?

NOTE: Life expectancy in the United States dropped a full year during the first half of 2020, as the coronavirus (Links to an external site.) pandemic took hold of the nation, according to provisional estimates in a new report (Links to an external site.) published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Do you see this as a temporary counter-trend or a major shift in life expectancies?


University of California Los Angeles Subtle Racism of Latin America Discussion Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

I’m working on a history question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

To fulfill this assignment you are required to write at least one quote/excerpt from a reading and then explain why you find it compelling, interesting, important, or perhaps problematic. Think about what the message is, What resonated with you and why? Also, what is the argument that the author is making? How does the Arthur provide examples, and or evidence to aid their argument?

*Follow the 4 Step Writing Process

1. How Does this make you feel?

2. What is a message from your perspective?

3. Why is this important?

4. How does this connect to this class?


Requirements: more than 2 pages


ECON 384V New Mexico State University Yearly Economic Benefits Paper Economics Assignment Help

The table below shows yearly economic benefits for a (simple) three‐year time horizon from two

different ways of operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam being built at the Nile headwaters in

Ethiopia. A summary of its history is…

Two (of many) ways to operate the dam after finished, are:

 Protect downstream deliveries to Egypt by reducing water use by Ethiopian agriculture.

 Protect Ethiopian agriculture by reducing downstream deliveries to Egypt while maintaining

water use in Ethiopian agriculture.

1. Using the table data below, calculate overall Discounted Net Present Value for each country for each

way of operating the dam using a discount rate of .05 (5 percent). Please show work.

2. Please summarize which, if either dam operation plan passes the test of a Pareto Improvement



UC Government Planning and Entrepreneurial Innovation Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing government planning and/or entrepreneurial innovation. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal article) that substantiates the findings in the article you are reviewing.

You should use the UC library ( and/or Google Scholar to find these types of articles ( )

Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it. This is considered a research article review.

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately 3-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

UC Government Planning and Entrepreneurial Innovation Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FSC Jacksonville Legislative Term Limits and Government Spending Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Political gridlock has become the mainstay of congressional operations. A number of factors contribute to this stalemate. America’s predominate two-party system adds to this deadlock with its propensity towards partisan politics. Another dynamic in this instance can be found in the lack of term limits for members of Congress. Many believe that in the absence of such restraints, members of Congress are not motivated to cooperate with their partisan counterparts in the interest of the American public. With this mind, reply to the following question:

Should members of Congress be subject to term limits? Why or Why not?


Our discussions are a valuable opportunity to have thoughtful conversations regarding a specific topic. You are required to provide a comprehensive initial post with 3-4 well-developed paragraphs that include a topic sentence and at least 3-5 supporting sentences with additional details, explanations, and examples.


INR 3038 University of South Florida Globalization Discussion Writing Assignment Help


  1. Critics of globalization argue that this phenomenon is widening global income inequality, increasing the exploitation of children in developing countries, and contributing to the degradation of the natural environment.
      • Identify an ethical dilemmarelated to any of the aforementioned issues and propose your own solution(s) to the problem.
  2. Lack of leadership and self-interest have led to less or a lack of cooperation among countries to deal with global issues we face today. In your own opinion, what are some leadership problems and challenges that the world faces today in the age of globalization? What would be your solution(s)?
      • Incorporate in your analysis the role of international organizations, such as the United Nations, or individual powerful states, such as the United States.

Threaded Discussion Requirements:

  • You are required to answer two of my questions, thus starting two new discussion threads for other students to reply.
      • Each answer to my questions should be in at least 300 words, totaling 600 words for both answers.

      You are required to provide in-text citations and references in the 6th edition of the APA writing format.

        • In-text citations for the textbooks or any other source of information should include (1) the author last name(s), (2) publication year, and (3) page number (s)., i.e. (Oatley, 2019, p. 37).

        • External source may be used to enrich your responses; however, such use should be secondary.


MKTG 6322 St Edwards University Wk 7 Southwest Bank Case Study Mathematics Assignment Help

  • Please answer the extra credit using the Southwest Bank Case Study for this assignment and support your answers with data from the case.
  • Please read the Extra credit question in the Extra credit document, and answer the following questions.
    • What about missing data? Does missing data affect the result?
    • Compare the group for which you have data to the one for which you do not have complete data and analyze your results.
    • HINT: Create the new variable(s) to answer.
    • Submit in Word format in 12 point type.
    • Copy and paste SPSS output into the extra credit document if needed
    • Label each question by question number.
    • No length limitation.
    • You are expected to use APA style citation and references: Writing at the Graduate Level


PHY 221 Grantham University Week 8 Half Life Lab Report Writing Assignment Help

PH221 – Week 8 Lab


Welcome to the Lab component of Physics II. All our labs use simulation applications of real laboratory equipment that are combined with measurement and graphing tools to allow you to explore, observe and analyze experiments. Each week you will complete one laboratory exercise using a virtual lab application and then use your results to write a formal lab report. Each experiment will be based around one main topic.

For this week’s lab you will use the Half-life simulation. Download and read the following user guide to familiarize yourself with the simulation.

Half-Life User’s Guide

Download the instructions for two laboratory activities you will complete this week. You may wish to print them out and use to collect and organize your results.

Half-Life Lab

Use the answers to the laboratory questions to help you write your lab report. Your report will focus on investigating the change in activity of a radioactive isotope with time and determining the half-life of an isotope graphically. You should discuss the effect of time on radioactive activity

The lab report will have the following six sections. Include section headings in bold at the beginning of each section.

1.Introduction – Explain the purpose of this laboratory and what results you expect to see in this experiment.

2.Background – Discuss the concepts that form the foundation for this lab. You should address what you learned from the weekly lectures and readings that are related to the lab.

3.Methodology – Describe the apparatus that was used in the experiment(s) and how it was used in performing the experiments. Also explain what tools were available within the laboratory that allowed you to collect or analyze the data.

4.Data – Enter the data that you collected in the lab. You can use screen shots from the Data Table within the Pivot Interactives labs. Data should be clearly labeled with physical quantities and units.

5.Analysis – Analyze your results. If your Data Table included Calculated Columns, then the equation you used in those calculations should be included and described here. Any graphs created with the data go in this section, as well as your interpretations of their meaning. Were your results consistent with your original expectations?

6.Conclusion – Provide a concise summary of the results of your experiment(s) – what you did, what you found and what it means. Speculate on possible sources of experimental error and/or uncertainty within the experiment. Describe an additional experiment that could be run with this equipment to expand on what you’ve learned OR explain how you could use this equipment to answer another real-world problem.


Delaware Stanton Wilmington Role of AI in Software Development Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Delaware Stanton Wilmington Role of AI in Software Development Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

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