Describe the disorder(s) and the treatment as seen in the film.

Psychology Extra Credit
This extra credit assignment will add 5 (five) points to your final grade if completed in totality. Papers not meeting ALL set criteria will not be given any points. The assignment must be 5 pages, double spaced, 12 pt font. In addition, the paper should also include a works cited page.
Select one of the movies list below to complete this extra credit assignment. Each movie deals with a type of psychological disorder. While watching the movie, determine which type of disorder is/are presented and how the disorder(s) is/are treated. Some of these movies are recent release; some are older films.
Describe the disorder(s) and the treatment as seen in the film. You may also include other observations about how you felt about the story line of the movie and your impressions of how well the film dealt with the disorder(s) and treatment. Compare the movie to current information about the disorder and its treatment (including most common or empirically based treatments –if any) Use 3 outside academic sources (peer reviewed) Current (2000 or newer) data.
Movie List
A Beautiful Mind
Analyze That
As Good As It Gets
Clock Work Orange
The Bell Jar
Bennie and Joon
Do You Remember Love
Don Quixote
The Fannie Farmer Story
Girl Interrupted
I Am Sam
In Cold Blood
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Jane Eyre
Lisa and David
The Madness of King George
One Flew
Patch Adams
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Silence of the Lambs
Three Faces of Eve
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
When Rabbit Howls

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