The goal of policy analysis is to provide in-depth, relevant, and evaluative information about a policy. Using a framework as a guideline for the analysis provides scaffolding for logically and carefully considering the policy issue. To select a framework, one should consider the focus of the policy being analyzed and whether the policy is intended to be predictive or prescriptive. For this Discussion, you will choose a policy issue that is important to you and after evaluating the frameworks described in the Learning Resources, select the framework most appropriate for analyzing the issue.
To prepare:
• Reflect on your understanding of the policy process: how policy is formulated, adopted, implemented, and evaluated.
• Review the various frameworks presented in the readings and consider how they are applied to nursing and health policies. How do they assist you in understanding and shaping policy?
• Brainstorm a list of the issues that are most important to your practice (these can be issues at the institutional, local, state, national, or international level). Then identify a specific nursing or health care policy related to one key issue, and consider which of the frameworks you would use to examine the issue:… (The issue concerning my practice site is: The ability for nurse practitioners to order home health care services for those who are homebound. Currently only physicians are allowed to do this and not nurse practitioners.)
Note: You may not select the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for this analysis.
• Identify the policy you have selected which is “Allowing nurse practitioners the right and the ability to order home health services for patients who are homebound.
• Describe the framework that you would use for this particular issue, and provide your rationale.
• At what other stages in the policy process might an analysis framework provide guidance?