Description of Purpose Practice Team Compositions & Care Practices Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Description of Purpose Practice Team Compositions & Care Practices Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Description of Purpose Practice Team Compositions & Care Practices Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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With new information continually emerging, professional nurses must be equipped to critique scholarly literature and discern its value for practice.

Select one current, qualitative or mixed methods scholarly nursing article related to your PICOT question and determine its strengths, limitations, and potential application.

My PICOT below , you did these assignments for me , all the information is below , APA , no plagiarism , sources peer reviw within 5 years

In community-dwelling adults (Population) what is the effect of NP intervention(Intervention) in comparison to standard care (Comparison) on a decrease in hospital admissions (Outcome) to be completed over 3 years (Time)?question

Identify and describe one practice-related issue or concern. Explain why the issue/concern is important to nurse practitioner practice and its impact on health outcomes.

The issue to be discussed is the primary care gap. The landscape of primary care practice is declining. Hospitals have started to buy up primary care practices. People who finish their education on primary care are opting to join bigger organizations (Enochs, 2019). The United States has a serious geographical maldistribution in giving out primary care services and is in a state of primary care employee shortages. This issue is not only a United States issue but a worldwide concern. With a decline in premature mortality, a rise in longevity, as well as an increase in a healthy lifestyle, the fitness-for-purpose of present health systems can be examined. This makes it a significant issue for nurse practitioners (Penm, et al, 2017).

P-Population and problem

These are Grown-up, Primary care patients, who have been receiving treatment on chronic diseases. The second population is children with special health care needs.

I- intervention

The primary care gap strategy is aimed at improving chronic diseases care of giving out the provision in preventive services. The intervention of the primary care gap is a combination of these components; Team base care, coordinated care, enhanced access to care, comprehensiveness, reorganizing care delivery, and a sustainable partnership.


Usual care and programs that are aimed at improving primary care quality.

O – Outcome

The outcomes include the Process of care, experiences by the staffs, which include retention rates, and job satisfaction. Also, patients experience and assessed validated measure is also an outcome.

T- Time frame

The time will depend on the quality of care given and the seriousness of the disease. The minimum time is 1 year.

PICOT question

Are ­­­­­­­­­­­________ (P) who have____________ (I) at________ (increased/decrease) risk of _______ (O) in comparison with _______ (P) with __________(C) over _________ (T)

Are the hospitalized patient’s populations at the age of between 25 to 80 years, (P) suffering from brittle diabetes (I) compared with those with normal diabetes (C) at increased risk of all having brittle diabetes (O) during the first year of admission (T)?


Enochs, S. (2019). Bridging the Gap between Emotional Trauma Practice Guidelines and Care Delivery in the Primary Care Setting (Doctoral dissertation, Brandman University).

Penm, J., MacKinnon, N. J., Strakowski, S. M., Ying, J., & Doty, M. M. (2017). Minding the gap: factors associated with primary care coordination of adults in 11 countries. The Annals of Family Medicine, 15(2), 113-119.

Complete the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Practice Appendix E Evidence Appraisal Tool. Once you’ve completed the tool, use your own words to summarize your appraisal of the article. Include the following:

  • Description of the purpose
  • Explanation of research design
  • Discussion of sample
  • Description of data collection methods
  • Summary of findings
  • Strengths of the study (minimum of 1)
  • Limitations of the study (minimum of 1)
  • Recommendations regarding potential application for future practice that are insightful and appropriate.

Attach the article to your post, in addition to including the full reference for the article in your post.

During the week, read a minimum of two articles posted by peers and add your thoughts about whether you feel their article would support an EBP change.

Description of Purpose Practice Team Compositions & Care Practices Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grand Canyon Marketing Expenses Perceptual Map & Organizational Chart Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Marketing Expenses, Perceptual Map, and Organizational Chart Analysis

The Company is Chipotle

Part I – Marketing Expenses versus Rival Firms

  • Go to the Investor Relations page on Chipotle’s website as well as two of its primary competitor’s websites (Moe’s Southwest Grill and Qdoba ) and download the three form 10Ks for the respective firms.
  • Look in the Table of Contents of each Form 10K to find the pages that reveal the three firms’ marketing or advertising expenditures.
  • Prepare a comparative data table to consolidate this information.
  • Prepare a 250-750-word report to suggest implications for your company in terms of marketing or advertising expenditures going forward as needed to implement strategies.

Part II – Perceptual Map

  • Utilize your Strategic-Planning Template to develop the Perceptual Map for your company.
  • In 100-150 words, summarize the information and how it influences the firm’s strategy choices.

Part III – Diagramming Existing and Proposed Organizational Chart

  • Develop an existing organizational chart for your Chipotle. Please use numbers in your chart. Always number executive positions to reveal reporting relationships.
  • Develop a new and improved organizational chart for the firm. You may want to change the list given, adding and deleting positions as you deem necessary as well as changing certain titles.
  • Write a 250-500-word overview to detail the specific changes, associated costs, and recommendations you made.

Submit all parts of the assignment as one deliverable and please update the excel Strategic Planning Template

Please cite three to five relevant and credible sources in support of your content.


Bilingual Speakers Code Switch And Bilingual Advantage Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Often bilingual speakers talking to each other will code switch ( (Links to an external site.)) – they will go back and forth between speaking both of the languages they are fluent in.

Please provide an example of where you have seen this (describing it, asking a friend who does it, or showing a clip/video is fine) and try to come up with reasons why you think bilinguals often do this. What contexts do you think it is most likely to occur in? When do you think it is less likely to occur? Can you think of any social implications for code switching?

When commenting on classmates’ posts comment on how it is different or similar to the examples and reasons you provided.

Question will be proven after disc


NR 505NP CCN NP Interventions Effects on Community Dwelling Adults Essay Writing Assignment Help

Use the same picot question , you did the assignments

Picot on primary care gap

In community-dwelling adults (Population) what is the effect of NP intervention(Intervention) in comparison to standard care (Comparison) on a decrease in hospital admissions (Outcome) to be completed over 3 years (Time)?

This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to find and appraise resources related to the PICOT question from Week 2. The focus of this assignment is to evaluate pertinent literature that supports the practice change intervention.

Note: You are to locate original studies with research conducted and published by the primary investigator. You may also use systematic reviews or Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs).

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO1: Integrate evidence-based and research to support advancement of holistic nursing care in diverse healthcare settings. (PO 1,4)

CO2: Integrate knowledge related to evidence-based practice and person-centered care to improve health outcome. (PO 1, 2)

CO4: Develop knowledge related to research and evidence-based practice as a basis for designing and critiquing research studies. (PO 1, 5)

CO5: Analyze research findings and evidence-based practice to advance holistic care initiatives that promote positive healthcare outcomes. (PO 1, 2, 5)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 5

Total Points Possible: 200 Points


Find and review ten (10) scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles, systematic reviews, or CPGs in support of the practice change intervention. Complete the Research Summary Worksheet table for each article. I will put the worksheet below.

  1. State the PICOT question
  2. For each article, supply the following:
    1. The complete reference for the article in current APA format
    2. Description of the purpose of the study/review/practice guideline
    3. Description of the evidence type
      1. Research article/systematic review/CPG
      2. If a source is a research article
        1. Is the study quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods?
        2. Is the study experimental, quasi-experimental, or descriptive?
    4. Description of the sample, sample size, and setting (not used for CPG)
    5. Discussion of the data collection methods used (not used for CPG)
    6. Discussion of the study findings or CPG content
    7. Assessment of the limitations of the study (not used for CPG)
    8. Discussion of the relevance the study to the PICOT question and advanced practice nursing

Preparing the Assignment:

  1. Use the designated Research Summary Table Worksheet to supply the required information.
  2. All scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles must be current – within a 5-year time frame – unless a valid rationale is provided, and the instructor has approved the use of an older reference.
  3. Use APA formatting for references

Directions and Assignment Criteria

Assignment Criteria




PICOT question



PICOT question provided in sentence format

Articles 1-10


150 total

7.5% / article

75% total

For each article:

  • Article is scholarly
  • Publication date is current within 5 years
  • Purpose and evidence type clearly stated
  • Describes sample, sample size, setting and data collection methods
  • Discusses study findings and limitations
  • Explains relevance to PICOT question and implications for advanced nursing practice




  • Use of worksheet template
  • Correct APA format for the following:
    • Font style and size
    • Citing and referencing sources
    • Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)

Graduate-level writing style



  • Correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure
  • Clarity, organization, and logical flow of ideas within writing
  • Synthesis of information is present with no more than one short direct quote (15 words or less)
  • Correct APA format for the following:
    • Font style and size
    • Title and reference pages
    • Citing and referencing sources
    • Mechanics of style (abbreviations, capitalization, italics, numbers)
  • Use of template



100 %


Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost Short Poem Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Choose a poem from the assigned readings, which are listed in the Syllabus and found in our course eBook. Title your discussion response with the poem’s title. This will help other students see which poems have already been discussed. Once a poem has been discussed twice, please do not choose it for analysis.

Post a response of at least 150-200 words, focusing on the elements below.

  • Identify the key images in the poem, which you believe are vital to understanding it.
  • Provide a detailed discussion of how those images function in the poem.
  • Do the images work together to form a coherent pattern?
  • What ideas or feelings are conveyed by the images?
  • How do the images contribute to the overall meaning of the poem?


Remember to provide evidence for your claims in the form of quoted passages from the poem. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries should be cited according to APA rules of style, including in-text and reference citations. Quoted material should not exceed 25% of the document.


DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. I will check and you will not be paid.I rather you not do the document than plagiarize!!!!



How the Dopaminergic Pathway Stimulates Motivation Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Research has proven that the disposition to seek pleasure has been linked to the brain’s reward system, while the tendency to avoid or withdraw from stimuli has been linked to the amygdala. The left prefrontal cortex has been linked to positive effects, while the right prefrontal cortex has been linked to negative effects. The prefrontal cortex also affects how we self-regulate our behavior.

  • Do neurotransmitters play a role in regulating your mood, adaptive behavior, and motivation? If so, how? If not, why not? Provide support using your course readings.
  • Explain how neurotransmitters are tied into information transmission and mood creation?
  • Explain how the dopaminergic pathway stimulates motivation. Substantiate your response with reasons and supporting evidence.

How the Dopaminergic Pathway Stimulates Motivation Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

California State University Fresno Leading Goal Setting And Intrinsic Motivation Business Finance Assignment Help

Now read the following short note by that provides a nice succinct summary on providing strategic direction at the organizational level.

Mission Vision and Values Link (Links to an external site.)

1) After reading this go back and refine your original strategic direction document (Part 1) plan using the suggestions introduced in the Mission Vision and Values Link. Use a pdf or .doc file to record your answer.

Next watch the following video discussion on intrinsic motivation.

RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (Links to an external site.)RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

2) After watching the video imagine a perspective employee at your new organization. Come up with 3 SMART goals for the employee and discuss how you will incorporate Autonomy, Purpose, Mastery into your motivational schemes or performance management. On the same document you produced to answer question 1 record your answer to question 2. Answers can be succinctly completed in a page or less, maximum 2 pages.



PSY 428 National University Week 3 adolescents of La Jolla Shores Park Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Week 3 Assignment: Get Off Your Computer

Social Situation: Go to a location where teens/adolescents are present and in social groups. Sit and observe them while paying attention to the following questions. Your write-up should address each of these major areas. The write-up should be 3-5 pages in length and written in APA format. You should consult at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles to support your observations and assessments/conclusions.

Write-Up: Required Elements

  1. Please give all appropriate demographic information including:
    1. Location
    2. Date/time of observation
    3. Number of adolescents observed
    4. Estimated age range
    5. Male to female ratio
    6. Ethnic/cultural information
  2. Biological Issues
    1. Did the adolescents appear comfortable in their own skin/bodies? Describe how you could tell.
  3. Cognitive Development
    1. Try and listen to conversation.
    2. What kinds of cognitive skills seem to be present? (i.e. abstract thought, reasoning, decision-making…)
  4. Social Issues
    1. What social situations did you observe?
    2. Did you notice any differences in SES?
    3. What kinds of social roles did you see being played out by these adolescents?
    4. Did you notice any observable emotions? Peer pressure? Gender stereotypes?
  5. Peer Groups
    1. What types of cliques/crowds did you observe?
    2. How important did friendship appear?
    3. How important did popularity appear?
    4. Did you notice any kind of power struggle?
  6. Communication
    1. How were the adolescents communicating?
    2. What types of non-verbal communication did you observe?
    3. Did you observe any technological forms of communication?
  7. Identity
    1. Did adolescents do anything that leads you to believe they are searching for identity? Explain.
    2. Did some adolescents appear to be more confident than others? Explain.
  8. Moral Development
    1. Did you learn anything about adolescents’ moral development? From what?
    2. Do you have any opinion on their knowledge or interaction with “right vs wrong”?
    3. What kinds of values did you see in their communication and/or behavior?
  9. Problems
    1. Did you observe any dangerous, illegal, self-injurious or anti-social behaviors? Describe.
    2. How severe did these problems appear to be?
  10. Conclusion
    1. What was the most valuable lesson learned from this field assignment for you?
    2. What assumptions/stereotypes of yours regarding adolescence and adolescent culture were challenged or affirmed? Explain.

Click on the “Week Three Assignment” link above to submit your assignment, as well as to get more information regarding the due date and grading rubric.


ACG 5075 Keiser University Cost Volume Profit Relationships Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a 2-page paper on Cost Volume Profit Relationships (using APA 7th ed formatting) and include a cover page and a reference page. You should have a minimum of three references (and remember to use citations in the text to match the references). Find the paper template in the Getting Started menu under Course Resources.

If you submit this assignment to the free Keiser University Writing Studio by midnight on Sunday, then you can have 2 days after you get feedback to revise your work before you submit to be graded. It will be considered submitted on time.

Articles from 2009 – present only. Use your online library. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo, UK Essay, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is accepted.


Effective Work Group Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Imagine you have each been promoted as part of a new management team for a long-term care facility. During the past two months, you have noticed an increase in conflicts between your co-workers and other departments, such as pharmacy or dietary. Your boss sees this as an issue and has asked your management team to find a solution.

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes (Minimum 100 words per speaker notes) that answers the following questions:

  • What elements are found in an effective health care work group?
  • How does a leader’s leadership style influence the work group?
  • What tools are available to help motivate and empower the work group?
  • Do these tools differ by environment?
  • Why do you think those tools and techniques would work or not work given your specific environment?
  • What are 2 to 4 examples of financial versus non-financial tools to motivate your staff?

Cite a minimum of 3 references according to APA guidelines.


Description of Purpose Practice Team Compositions & Care Practices Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Description of Purpose Practice Team Compositions & Care Practices Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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