Design a classifier that can accurately predict the website of origin for an article, Programming Assignment Help

Design a classifier that can accurately predict the website of origin for an article, Programming Assignment Help. Design a classifier that can accurately predict the website of origin for an article, Programming Assignment Help.

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– A description of the dataset can be found here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

– It’s a dataset of news articles. It includes the text and the website of origin for each article.

– Design a classifier that can accurately predict the website of origin for an article, given its text.

– evaluated based on the achieved accuracy, and the number and type of mechanisms (algorithms, parameter tuning, feature engineering) that you implemented.

(I am using Spyder for Python).


One the website, near the top of the page to the right is a button that says Download (253MB) next to the blue button “New Kernel”. The file ( article 1; article 2; article 3) will be in there with excel worksheets.

Design a classifier that can accurately predict the website of origin for an article, Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Please read instructions clearly! Business Finance Assignment Help

  • First question should integrate key terms and concepts from the assigned chapters and should put these terms and concepts in bold font text. All answers should be numbered, and answers should demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the assigned reading material. The DB is an opportunity to earn points for attending class (posting) and for showing that you have an in-depth understanding of the ideas, concepts, and processes discussed in the assigned chapter for that week.

    Second question post should include at least 3 outside references (APA format) and should be a deep dive on the subject. Your second post must demonstrate advanced knowledge of the assigned chapters and case study. Higher order thinking and graduate level writing should be key components of your 2nd post. Your 2nd post should be creative and might answer a question like: “What more do I want to know about this marketing concept? Or “What more do I want to learn about this company as it relates to marketing” Or, “What more do I want to know about this marketplace or consumer?” Or “What more do I want to know about this company’s competitors?”

I will attach the 4 questions that must be answered. I need a bag for each questions so its a total of 8 pages. Again please follow instructions.


How instruction was differentiated to meet the needs of all students? Other Assignment Help

Attached is the response for these question and the three additional question required ask on my own.

  1. What does differentiated instruction mean to you?
  2. Why should curriculum be modified to address the diverse needs of young learners?
  3. What is the difference between accommodations and modifications?
  4. What are some of the methods you use for differentiating instruction for students with special needs and special talents?
  5. What do you find most difficult about differentiating your instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners?
  6. How do you assess students that need differentiated instruction?
  7. Ask three additional questions of your own about differentiated instruction.

In 750-1,000-words, include the following:

Summary of the lesson observed

  1. How instruction was differentiated to meet the needs of all students; and

Analysis of the lesson observed

  1. Effectiveness of the differentiated instruction; and
  2. How you would differentiate instruction for the children with special needs and talents.

Summary of teacher interview responses (ATTACHED)

Include all questions and responses.

Analysis of teacher interview responses

  1. What you have learned from the responses; and
  2. How what you learned will affect your future classroom.


Statistical Process Control Analyze Business Finance Assignment Help

Complete SPC Project (Submit before the identified deadline date) – See details below:

There are two cases in this project.

Below are the details on the two cases in the SPC Project (Based on Chapter 6S Statistical Process Control). In this module, there is an Excel spreadsheet labeled SPC Project – BLANK New_2019 that has the sample data and includes spaces to add your SPC Control Chart data (for Case 1 Frito-Lay) and includes the data to build the SPC Charts (for Case 2 Stensil Fertilizer and Chemical Company). Make sure to substitute your name for the word BLANK when you save the Excel file.

Case 1: Frito-Lay Salt Test

  1. Read the first case (Frito-Lay) description is below.
  2. Watch the video in this module for the Frito-Lay case.
  3. You must also submit a Word document containing a memo to Angela McCormack and answering the additional two questions.

Case 1 Description

Frito-Lay, the multi-billion-dollar snack food giant, produces billions of pounds of product every year at its dozens of U.S. and Canadian plants. From the farming of potatoes in Florida, North Carolina, and Michigan to factory and to retail stores, the ingredients and final product of Lay’s chips, for example, are inspected at least 11 times: in the field, before unloading at the plant, after washing and peeling, at the sizing station, at the fryer, after seasoning when bagged (for weight), at carton filling, in the warehouse, and as they are placed on the store shelf by Frito-Lay personnel. Similar inspections take place for its other famous products, including Cheetos, Fritos, Ruffles, and Tostitos.

In addition to these employee inspections, the firm uses proprietary vision systems to look for defective potato chips. Chips are pulled off the high-speed line and checked twice if the vision system senses them to be too brown.

The company follows the very strict standards of the American Institute of Baking (AIB), standards that are much tougher than those of the U.S Food and Drug Administration. Two unannounced AIB site visits per year keep Frito-Lay’s plant on their toes. Scores, consistently in the “excellent” range, are posted, and every employee knows exactly how the plant is doing.

There are two key metrics in Frito-Lay’s continuous improvement quality program: (1) total customer complaints (measured on a complaints per million bag basis) and (2) hourly or daily statistical process control scores (for oil, moisture, seasoning, and salt content, for chip thickness, for fryer temperature, and for weight).

In the Florida plant, Angela McCormack, who holds engineering and MBA degrees, oversees a 15-member quality assurance staff. They watch all aspects of quality, including training employees on the factory floor, monitoring automated processing equipment, and developing and updating statistical process control (SPC) charts. The upper and lower control limits for one checkpoint, salt content in Lay’s chip, are 2.22% (UCL) and 1.98% (LCL), respectively. To see exactly how the limits are created using SPC, watch the Frito Lay Control Charts video in the Module below that accompanies this case.

In the Excel document (below in this Module) you are going to create a new set of UCL and LCL measurements based on the below sample data and using the provided population parameter for standard deviation. Calculate the measurements and show your work.

Angela is evaluating a new salt process delivery system and wants to know if the upper and lower control limits at 3 standard deviations for the new system will meet the upper and lower controls specifications currently used (2.22 and 1.98). The population standard deviation is s = .07 and each sample is n=4. In a Word document, write a memo to Angela explaining whether or not the new salination process (from which we obtained the sample data) is delivering a new set of UCL/LCL measurements that is within the specifications set by the current set of control limits. In other words, does the new set of UCL/LCL measurement exceed the prior limits (meaning it is unacceptable) or equals or is less than the current specifications?

Additionally, in the same Word document, answer the following two critical thinking questions about Frito-Lay’s current quality process.

Question 1: How much of an improvement in variability did Frito-Lay make by implementing SPC?

Question 2: What are the steps Karen Engels and Barbara Boudreau go through as part of a testing cycle?

The data (in percent) from the initial trial samples using the new salting process are:

Sample 1:





Sample 2:





Sample 3:





Sample 4:





Sample 5:





Case 2: Stensil Fertilizer and Chemical Co. Inorganic Fertilizer Testing

  1. Read the second case (Stensil), the description is below (also found in the Excel file, second tab).
  2. Watch the second video in this module which explains how to build an SPC chart in Excel.
  3. You must also submit a Word document containing a memo to Bill Evans, Quality Control Manager for Stensil.

Case 2 Description

Stensil Fertilizer and Chemical Company produces both organic and inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are generally safe, but inorganic fertilizers are carefully monitored by the EPA due to the presence of hazardous waste materials (hazmat). Most bags contain some hazardous content, but theoretically, there should be none. The EPA allowable specification is 90 parts per million (PPM). The quality control department at Stensil feels that there is no problem with hazardous material content, which has been averaging just over 50 PPM. The production department estimates that a substantial investment would be required to lower the amount of this contaminant. These two departments, after consulting with the marketing department and the EPA, suggest that a control chart should be set up to monitor hazmat content. Five samples will be tested per day and plotted as one point on the chart. Use the data in Table 1 to set up the control limits. Then, after the limits are in place for this process, use Table 2 to determine whether or not the process remains in control for the week of September 6—10.

The Excel file includes a second tab for the Stensil Fertilizer Case (Case 2). This is the data you need for the problem. Build an appropriate SPC X-bar Chart and R-chart for the Table 1 data on this tab of the Excel worksheet.

Then, test to determine whether the Table 2 data indicates the process is under control for that period. Show your work for this part in the same Excel worksheet and submit it.

Assuming the role of Quality Control Analyst, write a memo (using Word) to the Manager of Quality Control for Stensil Fertilizer & Chemical Company (Bill Evans) explaining the process you went through and making a recommendation regarding current hazmat levels in Stensil’s fertilizer.


Tweets Promoting Online Collaborative/Professional Development Tools Paper Writing Assignment Help

Review the information below. Come up with 5 tweets and a one sentence summary!

Use online resources such as popular trade (educational technology) journals or organizational sites (such as Edutopia, ASCD, Technology & Learning, THE Journal, ISTE, etc.) to research various web tools related to communication and collaboration in education.

  • Articles, studies, etc. from restricted online databases or journals that require membership or enrollment will not be accepted for this assignment.
  • Create five separate tweets promoting online collaborative / professional development tools. Each tweet should include a brief phrase /hook with the link to your recommended resource using the hashtag #edtechknow.
  • One of your tweets may be a retweet from someone (other than a classmate) you are following. Retweets from classmates will not be accepted for credit on this assignment.

The other four tweets must be content that you’ve located online. Retweets from classmates will not be accepted for credit on this assignment.



classes and methods Programming Assignment Help

You are the lead trainer for the software development team at a large telecommunications company. You have been tasked with preparing a training document that explains the principles of polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Research these principles and provide examples for each principle, showing how they would be used in software development. Be sure to answer the question of how each principle would be employed in the software development process.

Java programmers use class hierarchies for the purposes of inheritance. For example, given a Tree class, you could define Conifer and Deciduous subclasses that inherit from the parent Tree class, as follows:

In your training document explanations regarding inheritance, depict inheritance by using a computer memory hierarchy in a class hierarchy diagram.


Prepare a 6-8-page document that provides detailed explanations for polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation. Research computer memory hierarchy and the topic to use in your inheritance explanations at this link, making sure to cite it in APA style if you use specific information from the article. Develop a class hierarchy diagram for the memory hierarchy found at the URL. Include in your class hierarchy diagram at least three subclass levels. Each class and subclass must include at least one variable and one method.v

classes and methods Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Design Your Professional Presence Humanities Assignment Help

in this project, you will create a professional presence on LinkedIn (a professional social media network that is widely used by professionals and employers in most industries). If your profession or personal beliefs prevent you from establishing a LinkedIn site, ask about an alternative to building a live LinkedIn profile. As part of this project, you will conduct research into your present or desired industry, you will create a branding statement, and finally, create or revise an existing LinkedIn profile, using what you have learned about the industry and yourself.

There are four steps in this project that will lead you through each deliverable. Most steps of this project should take no more than two hours to complete. Begin by watching the video above, which introduces the project as it might occur in the workplace, and then continue with Step 1: Engage in Analysis and Reflection.

When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.

  • 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.
  • 1.2: Develop coherent paragraphs or points so that each is internally unified and so that each functions as part of the whole document or presentation.
  • 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.
  • 1.5: Use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.
  • 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.
  • 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.
  • 2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.
  • 2.3: Evaluate the information in a logical and organized manner to determine its value and relevance to the problem.
  • 2.4: Consider and analyze information in context to the issue or problem.


Module 3 Message Board: Applying Value Innovation Techniques to the SBA Business Finance Assignment Help

-The first question :

You must choose 3-4 terms and compare them, you can compare the universities through this site but you will not find information about Wharton University, so you should look for Wharton University Information.…

-or you can use other website.

-Do not make concepts like my friend’s concepts,

– You must make it drawn through the Excel file.

-Look at PowerPoint.


-Second question :

I want you to make it like my friend answers but in a completely different way.

– I will fall the class if you make it like my friend answers.

– Edit and add in answers.

-Look at PowerPoint.

-Easy language.


San Diego County) issue Writing Assignment Help

Essay 4: Argument/Persuasive Assignment


Write an essay that effectively argues your position on the prompt and presents evidence

from the texts as support. Evaluate and utilize outside sources, effective quoting and clear

analysis. Use and apply rhetorical strategies learned in your own argument.

Required Research/Readings:

This essay will require a minimum of

four (4)

outside sources, which you will need to

find. These source need to be reliable, credible and correctly cited in MLA. You need to

introduce these sources as you use them in the essay and correctly cite them in a Works

Cited page.



6-7 pages (not including Works Cited)


If you have ever had to convince your parents to let you borrow the car or

stay out late, or convince a friend or a partner that you should get pizza tonight and not

sushi, you have (possibly subconsciously) used argumentative/persuasion tactics to

convince the other person to agree with you. One of the greatest tools that we have as

writers is the power to persuade others, a skill that will be useful to you far beyond

English class.

The main purpose of an argument/persuasive essay is to convince your audience to

take your side on an issue by presenting a logical idea and supporting it with specific

and appropriate researched evidence.


For this assignment, you will develop an argumentative essay that establishes a clear

claim, supports it with researched sources and refutes at least one counter argument.

You will have two options:

A. Choose a controversial local (San Diego County) issue and argue in favor of one

side.Previous topics have included issues such as:

What should be done with Children’s Pool in La Jolla?

Should a new Chargers stadium be built? (over now)

How should the pollution in San Diego be controlled?

Should there be a casino in Jamul? (over now)

When choosing a topic for this option, a good idea would be to turn on

your local nightly news or open the newspaper to the local news section.

B. Choose a California based educational issue. These issues can deal with budgets,

student populations, classroom practices or anything else that impacts education

in statewide California classrooms.

With either option, you must argue for a specific course of action, meaning you

shouldn’t only say it is a problem. You should argue what we should do about it/what

changes should be made.

Your essay must also include a minimum of four (4) reliable scholarly sources used with

proper MLA citation and a Works Cited page.

Your essay should consider and refute at least one counter argument. You can address the

counter argument anywhere in the essay. Remember to present a possible counter and

respond to it with a logical refutation.


Help creating 10 strategic points and essay Science Assignment Help

With the construction of the 10 Strategic Points for your dissertation study, you began to draft the literature review (Point 2) of the study to illuminate an identified gap in the literature to be filled by your dissertation study. While the literature review ultimately requires more than simply summarizing studies in some logical order, summarizing and paraphrasing are the beginning points of a solid literature review. In this assignment, you will summarize several studies from Point 2 (Literature Review) of your 10 Strategic Points document and the references to studies related to your dissertation topic that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850. From those summaries, you will describe how the studies form the gap that your dissertation will fill. Remember, to illuminate a gap in the research, the articles surveyed must have been published within the last 5 years

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Refer to the draft of the 10 Strategic Points that you developed for your dissertation study in Topic 5 of RES-850. You may also use a more recent version of this document if one is available.
  • Refer to the list of 10 references to studies related to your dissertation topic that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850.
  • Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Locate the draft of the 10 Strategic Points from Topic 5 of RES-850 (or a more recent version if one is available) and the 10 references to studies that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final topic of RES-850.

Choose five articles from your draft of the 10 Strategic Points and 5 articles from those you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850. The articles you choose must have been published within the last 5 years.

Write a narrative (3,750-4,000 words) that summarizes the important information about the 10 articles you selected and describes how the studies form the research gap that your dissertation will fill. Your narrative should include the following:

  1. A summary of the key points of each article (purpose, research method, research design, sample, data collection instrument, results).
  2. A description of how these studies individually lead to the research gap that your dissertation study will fill








Design a classifier that can accurately predict the website of origin for an article, Programming Assignment Help

Design a classifier that can accurately predict the website of origin for an article, Programming Assignment Help

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