Design a survey Humanities Assignment Help

Design a survey Humanities Assignment Help. Design a survey Humanities Assignment Help.

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Design a Survey


You will design a survey (maximum of 1 page) with the purpose of answering research questions that came up as a result of your literature reviews. You will also conduct a brief write up. See below for further information on these two tasks.

This task is meant to be serve as a portion of the methodology section of your final research proposal paper. It is not mandatory you do so, but you can, to make it easier on yourself.


APA formatting does not apply to surveys and the project write-up.

The Assignment

The goal is to demonstrate your knowledge of measurement and surveys and the principles which apply, as taught through this course. I would make sure you are familiar with at least chapters 5-7 of the textbook before beginning this activity.



You are to design one survey in a Word document. There are no other limitations. Be creative. Utilize examples from research articles you have read and examples that are in the textbook. Google survey measures/instruments you have read about in articles, like the PHQ-9 for depression, GAD-7 for anxiety, etc. as examples.

Given there is creativity involved here, there is no rubric, grading will in part be subjective. Clearly demonstrate to me your knowledge of measurement and surveys.

Some steps to writing a good survey (just helpful questions for you to think about)

1. Establish the goals of the project/survey – What do we want to learn?

2. Determine your sample – Whom do we want to take the survey? How will we choose who we ask? How many people should we survey?

3. Choose methodology – How will we conduct the survey? Will the survey be oral? Written?

4. Create your questionnaire – What kinds of questions should we ask? How many questions should we ask? Will they be face valid? Closed or open ended? Double-barreled? Etc…

5. What are the response options going to be? Likert scale? Forced choice true/false? Something else? How will you account for “fence-sitting?” What are the strengths and weaknesses of each option?

6. Think about how you need to analyze the data to answer your question. Are you going to run correlations? Do you need to run a T-Test to look at differences between two groups? Will your questions and your response options get you the data you need to run those types of tests?


A.Survey Process Write-up (2-3 paragraphs)

In addition to the survey, you will complete a brief write-up to explain your thought process and decision making. This is another opportunity for you to clearly demonstrate to me you understand concepts from chapters 5-7 and could apply them to your survey. This will be the most heavily graded portion of this assignment.

Discuss things relevant to your study like:

-ordinal vs. interval scales


-Likert scales vs. multiple choice

-categorical responses vs. numerical responses

-leading questions

-double-barreled questions

-observation data vs. self-report data

-using individual item scores, total scores, and/or composite scores

-having face valid questions or not

-observer bias

-will you be needing the survey to be given at multiple time points and if so how will you account for test-re-test reliability?

-will you be assessing inter-rater reliability?

-how will you account for content validity in your questions?

-how will you incorporate or account for ‘fence-sitting,’

-will you use double negatives?

-open vs closed ended questions

-how will you account for observer bias, etc…

B.Reflection (1 paragraph)

Please reflect on this assignment and the process of learning how to design a survey. Some example questions you may answer in your write-up:

What was this like for you?

Was this easier or harder than you expected?

What did you learn?

What was surprising?

Does not have to be APA format.

Design a survey Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Final Assignment : Principles of Public Admin Writing Assignment Help


Final Term Paper

There are two options to choose from for the final term paper assignment.

Option 1: Build an ideal government agency or non-profit organization using perspectives learned throughout the semester. Include clear connections between all course learning objectives and module perspectives while engaging in analysis in your paper.

Option 2: Take an already existing government agency or non-profit organization using perspectives learned throughout the semester and provide suggestions on how the organization could fix perceived or real problems that it is having. Include clear connections between all course learning objectives and module perspectives while engaging in analysis in your paper.

Paper Requirements:

This paper should be double spaced, size 12 point, Times New Roman font, include a title page, and follow APA guidelines. This paper should also be 15 – 20 pages in length.

Note 1: You should consider creating a thesis statement in introduction of term paper, regardless of aforementioned option selected. In essence, the thesis introduces the main

perspective of your term paper. Additionally, students should consider explaining the purpose and reasoning for research and analysis pertaining to aforementioned option selected.

Note 2: You are encouraged to use secondary resources in the term paper. You must also properly cite sources when using secondary data. For information on APA guidelines

including proper in-text citations,

I have attached the paper from a previous assignemnt so you can see an example.


Leadership Course Humanities Assignment Help

Week Three Case: Devereaux-Dering Group, Chapter 10, starts on Page 320 (bottom of page)


  • Write a summary of the case, and then answer all of the questions at the end of the case.
  • Always use 7th Edition APA references and in-text citations (Wikipedia is not a reliable source, and cannot be used in this class)
  • The assignment must be written in 7th Edition APA format with header page numbers, Title page, no more than 12 pt font, double spaced and indented paragraphs, 7th Edition APA citations inside and at the end of every paragraph to support what is shared throughout, and a complete 7th Edition APA reference page.
  • The summary portion should be one page.
  • Please read the case about three times before attempting to answer any question and you will find you get a better understanding of what is being asked of you.
  • Please be sure to back up your answers with facts from the textbook, and put together complete and well thought out responses. I am looking for original input so, please integrate your thoughts and ideas in each case assignment.
  • Also make sure that you support and reinforce your answers and replies with factual information from the textbook, research, work/life experiences, etc.

Also, answer the questions completely. Quality counts, so be brief, but thorough and to the point.

Here is an example of EXACTLY how to set up your assignment in APA format: (Be sure to utilize this template in order to avoid losing points on APA formatting):

Leadership Assignment Example wk 1 & 3.docx Leadership Assignment Example wk 1 & 3.docx – Alternative Formats


Two discussion Writing Assignment Help

  • Posts: Create a thread and answer one of the following questions in your post. Copy the short title phrase you are answering (e.g. Comparing Adults’ Development) and paste it at the top of your post in bold (use the formatting options at the top of your composition box). Your own post should be at least 250 words. Integrate your views with those of the textbook and the optional articles; use APA style citations.
  • Replies: Seek to extend the Discussion by asking good questions or sharing an illustration that furthers (or contradicts) another student’s point. Two replies are required, you may reply to anyone’s post.

Chapter 11

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Create your own map to answer your own questions here: National Violent Death Reporting System

Chapter 14

Chapter 11 | Mental Health Issues and Treatment

Breinholt, T. (Director), & Breinholt, T. (Producer). (2012). Soul & Science: The Power of the Mind (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Filmakers Library. Retrieved January 1, 2015, from Filmakers Library Online.

PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Links to an external site.) (2007). Films Media Group

Chapter 14 | Successful Adulthood and Aging

Accepting Life’s Transitions (Links to an external site.) (1998) Films Media Group


Essay (2 complete paragraphs minimum per essay with text and contract references to support your answers) focus on grammar and please include references . Business Finance Assignment Help

The contract you will be using is in the Contracts Module.

You will be given a contract with questions to be answered for the contract. I am looking for the ability to read and comprehend the contract so the appropriate contract clause can be applied to the questions connected with the contract. In order to answer the contract fact scenario, you will also need to be able to identify the legal concept that is applicable to the situation described. This is an analysis so please treat it as such. Your personal opinion is not appropriate.

There are correct answers for each question. If a student discusses a different legal theory for answering the questions, partial points will be given. In cases of complete or partial answers, text references are mandatory to support the remedy proposed by the student. A text reference that has no bearing on the remedy or legal arguments will be counted as “no text”. For example, if any contract has an issue of risk of loss, referencing the text on contract formation will not meet the requirement.

Please remember to reference the applicable parts of the contract that you are using to answer each question.

This analysis is worth 21 points. Within each question, a student will be given 2 points for the text reference, 3 points for the contract reference, with 8 points for the analysis.

The remaining 3 points will be given as an a spelling/grammar score. Following are the prompts.

UCC Sales Contract

The following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions. Remember, this is a contract under the UCC.

  • Essay (2 complete paragraphs minimum per essay with text and contract references to support your answers)

You contend that you received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking you would get a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters. That was the original oral communication when you first contacted the selling merchant. You both talked about and agreed on Razor scooters. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller just used the phrase scooters. The seller prepared a written contract. The contract was signed by both parties. The selling merchant then shipped scooters that are in perfect condition but they are not Razor scooters. The selling merchant believes the goods are conforming. Upon receipt and inspection of the goods, what are all your merchant options under the contract and at law?

Why are text references important? Contract language does not exist in a vacuum. It is written based on the law. It is critical, therefore, to cite to the text and the contract to support your analysis.



Module 1 Discussion: Principles of Public Admin Writing Assignment Help

Discussion Documents

The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States and Rediscovering Principles of Public Administration will help guide you in this discussion.

Instructions for this Discussion

Think about your previous interactions with the bureaucracy. Describe a good experience you or your family has had with a public agency or with public services. In doing so, discuss the connection between the meaning and application of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution and principles of public administration pertaining to public policy programs and public service delivery. Also, identify and assess at least two principles of public administration discussed in module reading “Rediscovering Principles of Public Administration: The Neglected Foundation of Public Law” that you believe are significant to the role of public administrators and public administration in the 21st century.

Your initial response to this discussion should be at least 500 words in length. Be careful to cite sources appropriately.

You will also need to post a response to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Also, make sure that your response(s) are substantial and at least 250 words. In your responses, you must include connections to course learning objectives.

I will send classmates post that i need replies (2) for once tutor is picked


Module 1 Discussion: Principles of Public Admin Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

3 questions only Science Assignment Help

only 3 questions quiz. physics 3 covers 3 chapters.

1. A positive charge moving horizontally to the right. As it enters a region with uniform magnetic field, which is directed upward, the charge deviates
a. Upward;

B. Downward;

C. Outward;

D. Inward;

E. It will not deviate because the magnetic field is uniform.

2. A long straight wire carries a current creating magnetic field. A positive charge is moving parallel to the wire with the direction opposite to the current. The force exerted by the magnetic field on the charge is directed:

A. Parallel to the wire, the same direction as the current;

B. Parallel to the wire, direction opposite to the current;

C. Perpendicular to the wire, toward it;

D. Perpendicular to the wire, away from it;

E. There is no magnetic force at this configuration.

3. A circular conducting loop is lying on the desk in the area with the uniform magnetic field directed downward. If magnitude of the magnetic field is decreasing in time, the induced current:

A. Is directed clockwise;

B. Is directed counterclockwise;

C. Current is not induced because the loop doesn’t move;

D. Since the magnitude of the magnetic field is not given, we cannot determine the current direction;

E. Since the area of the loop is not given, we cannot determine the current direction;

F. D and E.


chand-assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

What’s the Worst That Could Happen? (25 points)

This is a question you should (and will be) asking yourself as you take on a security officer role. Quite honestly, this statement could become your undoing if you do not think it through or try to avoid answering such a question; however, the extreme “voice of doom” is not one you will be visiting very often. You should be evaluating the possible circumstances and ask yourself the above question as it pertains to something that could happen, such as a fire or user error.

For this exercise, you should think about a local company (one which you work or have worked) or a fake marketing firm in Kansas City Missouri. Ask yourself this question as you think through what they have and what could be lost. Think of a minimum of 7 threats to this network (one for each of the 7 IT Infrastructure Domains [pg.7]) and describe “What’s the Worst That Could Happen?” if these threats came true. For the threats, you should think of 5 within the realm of possibility and 2 on the fringe of possibilities.

Organize this response as an APA formatted paper. For each threat, you should write at least one paragraph responding to the question to each threat.

1. Identify and define risk and risk management techniques.Course Outcomes Assessed:

5. Identify and evaluate threats, vulnerabilities, countermeasures, and mitigation recommendations.


shan-COSO-paper Computer Science Assignment Help

The COSO framework of internal controls is practiced within companies around the world. The objectives of the COSO framework are closely related to its five components. For this week’s activity, please discuss these five components of the COSO framework. Be sure to include each components’ impact on each of the COSO framework objectives. What do you feel an auditor would most be concerned with during an IT audit? Lastly, discuss suggestions for integrating COSO framework compliance into a company in which you are familiar. Your paper should meet the following requirements:• Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an ABSTRACT introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques.


sand-assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

Project Based Midterm

You have been asked by management (manufacturing, healthcare, retail, financial, and etc. ) to create a demo using a data analytic or BI tool. It is your responsibility to download and produce outputs using one of the tools. You will need to focus your results on the data set you select.

Ensure to address at least one topic covered in Chapters 1-5 with the outputs. The paper should include the following as Header sections.

History of Tool [Discuss the benefits and limitations]
Review of the Data [What are you reviewing?]
Exploring the Data with the tool
Classifications Basic Concepts and Decision Trees
Classifications Alternative Techniques
Summary of Results

Ensure to use the Author, YYYY APA citations with any outside content.

Types of Data Analytic Tools
Excel with Solver, but has limitations
R Studio
Tableau Public has a free trial
Microsoft Power BI
Search for others with trial options

Examples of Dataset





Design a survey Humanities Assignment Help

Design a survey Humanities Assignment Help

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