Develop an infographic, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Develop an infographic, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help. Develop an infographic, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help.

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Develop an infographic for the research topic “

Businesses that are product oriented tend to be more successful than those who are market oriented”

I will be able to answer any questions you may have and can provide examples of infographics.

Infographic Portfolio

Sources: 8 minimum: at least 6 scholarly sources and 2 or more of any reputable publication, all documented in MLA

-The purpose is to develop a visual representation of the various points of view inherent in your chosen research question.

in this infographic, you will present both the scholarly conversation and forms a visual argument using an infographic

-In a sense, you will tell a story about your research topic using a variety of modes, including—but not limited to—words, image, color, and number.

-The audience for the infographic is non-specific; therefore, this assignment requires you to compile data related to your research project and then to present that data to a general audience.

Infographic can be hand drawn or completed using digital image editing software

-Infographic will represent multiple perspectives and significant data on your research. This infographic should portray a visual summary of your sources, so you might consider pinpointing a particular research question and creating your infographic as a response to that question.

For example, if you used a pie chart in your infographic to visualize data from a source, you should explain how and why you made that decision and how it supports the purpose of your infographic overall. Or, if you were writing about religion and political parties, you might choose to incorporate a donkey and an elephant, along with various religious symbols in your infographic. If so, you would need to explain why you chose those symbols and what they represent in terms of your argument.

-The Works Cited page should include all of the sources you drew from to create your Infographic and be formatted correctly according to MLA Style.

Will Include Examples!

Develop an infographic, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Listening paper (Music from the Heart of Japan and the Spirit of India), art & design homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Listening paper: 300 words included introduction, and one body paragraph–Music Analysis

Music from the Heart of Japan and the Spirit of India–YO weaves these ancient traditions into the music of today

Information from:

in the paper, please answer the follow questions:

1. What kinds of instruments are being played and how do they interact?

2. How do the performers talk about what they do? (i.e. what kind of language do they use in describing their work?)

3. In what specific ways to they blend Japanese and Indian musics?

4. Can you identify any similarities to other styles of musics we’ve discussed so far this semester?

5. Can you identify the meter, form, or pitch structure of any of their pieces?

I will email you the recording of the performance.


A Mixed Method Study of the Implications of High Stress among Caregivers for Patients with Alzheimer’s disease, assignment help Other Assignment Help


i can only pay$3.00

I just got the feedbacks from the Chair for my dissertation and she wants me to make some more changes and resubmit it . So,here are some of the with some instructions.

These are the instructions from the Chair:

1. The topic of the dissertation is way too broad

2. focus on the family caregivers only

3. focus and show the impact of stress on family caregivers

4. Use and explain the quantitative inventory that measures stress

5. What aspects of specific qualitative interviews are you going to use.

6. You must show the gap you are writing about.

7. Please read the comments from the chair in the attached paper.

A Mixed Method Study of the Implications of High Stress among Caregivers for Patients with Alzheimer’s disease

Ph.D. Psychology Program – Clinical Psychology

Introduction and Background of the Study

The problem and burden of high stress among the caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease is paramount. This is due to the adverse economic impact and negative social changes on the families of the afflicted individuals and the society as a whole (Cuéllar-Flores et al., 2014The condition remains the only one among the top 10 causes of death in the United States of America that is not preventable. Moreover, Alzheimer’s disease cannot be cured, and its progression cannot be controlled.Citation? Over 5 million American of different ages suffered from this disease in 2015.Citation? This population includes over 5 million individuals between the age of 65 and above and an estimated 300,000 under the age of 65 with early-onset of Alzheimer’s disease (Hebert et al., 2013). Alzheimer’s disease ranks as one of the most costly and expensive chronic illnesses to the family of the afflicted as well as to the society. In 2015 alone, the immediate cost to the United States of America for providing care to individuals who have Alzheimer’s disease is projected to be over $228 billion, with over half of the cost expected to be paid by Medicare. Such a scenario is a crisis that requires immediate intervention; otherwise, this disease is already projected to cost the American society over $1.5 trillion in 2050.

Millions of family member of individuals who have Alzheimer’s disease provide caregiving services to their loved ones citation?and by so doing complement the efforts of the health care providers in the delivery of health care services. This project underscores the high level of stress, financial difficulties and economic hardships associated with providing care to these Alzheimer’s disease patients during their treatment phase. It is imperative to note that these family members or friends who act as caregivers to their loved ones are not professionals like physicians and nurses. According to Kemp (2015), they lack adequate coping and stress management skills necessary for the type of strains, devastating economic tolls and a variety of other unforeseen conditions to which they are exposed as caregivers. It has been strongly pointed out that, caregiving without the required training and skills are deleterious to the caregivers’ health to the extent that their continued safety and daily well-being need to be taken very seriously (Zehner Ourada & Walker, 2014). Compared to non-givers, they often experience psychological, behavioral, and physiological effects that can contribute to impaired immune system function, coronary heart disease, and early death ((Medrano et al., 2014; Ornstein & Gaugler, 2012). Need to include the number of individual caring for these patients……demonstrate the scope of the issue.

Problem Statement and Justification of the Study

It is essential to note that the process of care delivery is complicated. The process of disease management, especially in terminal cases, is associated with burnouts and psychological effects for nurses based on the environment of operation for the practitioners while interacting with patients.Citation? Little literature exists regarding the association between the Alzheimer’s disease and possible effects such as devastating hardship, suffering, stress, and financial difficulties for the caregivers of the patients with the disease.How do you know this? The research literature should support this claim. Other notable facts about the disease depict that in 2014 alone, there was over $10 billion in additional health care costs attributed directly to the physical and emotional problems associated with caregiving by the caregivers to those who have Alzheimer’s disease (“2014 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures”, 2014). [RB1] Furthermore, Alzheimer’s disease has been identified as one of the top six leading cause of death across all ages in the United States of America. It is astonishing to realize that personal care to those with Alzheimer’s diseases is provided by family members and untrained caregivers, thereby resulting in enormous health and economic burdens and very high stressful lifestyle to those caregivers (Mioshi et al., 2013). [RB2]

Over 60 percent of the caregivers to those who have Alzheimer’s disease believe that the emotional stress of caregiving is very high. Over 40 percent believe that caregiving is responsible for their diagnoses of anxiety disorder, depression, and financial woes; however, a succinct evaluation of such sentiments is not comprehensive (Uren & Graham, 2013). Uren and Graham outlined the existence of high-level stress among the nurses but did not evaluate the implication on the professionalism and competence levels among the said nurses as they execute their duties. Besides, their study did not include the perspective of the victims regarding the quality of care they receive from the nurses (Uren & Graham, 2013). Therefore, this study is focused in filling this literature gap[RB3] .

Purpose of the Study

There is a need for a scientific study that will examine the relationship between the disease and the stress implications witnessed among the caregivers involved in care delivery among the patients suffering from the condition. Working with speculations and perspectives may not reveal the reality surrounding this notion. Therefore, this study seeks to carry out a qualitative and quantitative evaluation to ascertain the relationship between prevalence of high stress among caregivers and the care delivery process for patients with the Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, the objective stressors include physical disabilities of the patient, their problem behaviors, cognitive impairment, and the intensity of care given. In caregivers, the objective stressors result in impaired health behaviors, psychological stress, and excite physiological responses which lead to illness and mortality. It is not clear if you are focused on perceptions of the caregivers regarding the experiences of their patients or if you are focused on the experiences of the caregivers themselves. You need more literature support for your purpose.

Research Questions

Two primary questions will guide the study process. The first question will investigate the existence and nature of the association between the stress levels of the nurses and the manner in which they adhere to professionalism and competence in care delivery process. The second question will evaluate the existence and nature of relationship existing between the high-stress levels among nurses and the quality of care that the Alzheimer’s disease patients receive. Therefore, the following questions will guide the study.

RQ1 – What is the relationship between the prevalence of high-stress levels among nurses providing care to Alzheimer’s disease patients and their competence in care delivery process?

RQ2 – What is the relationship between the prevalence of high-stress levels among nurses providing care to Alzheimer’s disease patients and the quality of care services the patients receive?

[RB4] Significance of the Study

The evaluation of the scenarios existing within the healthcare delivery systems is a complicated process; however, the knowledge emanating from such findings is critical for the decision-making process and transformational changes in the provisions of services. It is essential to note that the adverse consequences of caregiving strain on caregivers [RB5] such as anxiety, isolation, anger, and many other emotional and psychosocial problems that influence negatively on the caregiver’s lifestyle (Roth, Fredman & Haley, 2015). Adverse economic impact (Feinberg, 2011) and the devastating toll of caregiving on the immune system and mortality (Lovell & Wetherell, 2011) have also been associated examined through research and offered practical solutions. These problem areas range from objective data that offer a big picture of personal care and activities of daily living (Lynn & Montgomery, 2015) to more standardized activities that prescribe caregiving for those who are afflicted with various diseases (Rokach et al., 2014). The understanding of the existing association between the stress levels of the nurses and the manner in which they adhere to professionalism and competence in care delivery process will help in creating intervention measures that will assist in generating corrective measures. The analysis of the quality of care that the Alzheimer’s disease patients receive will assist in creating new approaches that will enhance their experiences while receiving care.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework for this study will be the Social Exchange theory. According to Mitchell, Cropanzano & Quisenberry (2012), Social Exchange theory is a psychological theory, which states that as human beings, we make all life social decisions depending on what we perceive to be the costs and benefits of the decisions to us. Regarding social relationships, this theory points out those individuals carefully consider all potential social interactions with respect to what they can get or lose by getting into them. Social exchange theory ascertains that the benefits and dividends associated with human relationships are anything positive that helps to elevate our ego or value such as gaining access to power, money, status, gratification, pleasure, and sex. Social Exchange theorists argue that equitable exchange minimizes informal caregiver stress and burden. It is their opinion that when care recipients return kindness or gratitude for the aid they are receiving, balance is created and caregivers will experience more satisfaction and less caregiver stress (Savage & Bergstrand, 2013). Hill’s theory has some relevance and applies to individual’s current situation, and circumstances (Peterson & Steinmetz, 2014). Nevertheless, the association with the social environment may also alter perceptions, the level of competence, and emotional stability based on the individual’s understanding and experience. The theory has been selected for this study since the research process seeks to investigate the implication of the interaction between nurses and patients with the Alzheimer’s disease while delivering their mandates based on the stress factor.

Methodology of the Study

The research will involve a mixed study approach. A quantitative design will incorporate research that will be based on providing answers to narrow questions objectively to arrive at a suitable conclusion. The method will mainly involve the collection of raw data through questionnaires and observation among other techniques. The quantitative part of this study will assist in getting the field information regarding the subject of the study, which will be expressed in the form of numerical representations. The study requires a higher level of validity and reliability since it involves a subject of global interest. Therefore, the approach will mainly depend on the application of statistical techniques to add value to numerical data existing in within the scope of the study. On the other hand, the qualitative method will be essential in getting the perceptions of stakeholders such as the nurses, the patients, and facility managers involved in the study where necessary based on their personal experiences. The mixed approach is essential in social research whenever the study seeks to present a wider perspective on the problem in question.[RB6]

Sources of Data

The study will involve a variety of techniques that will be used to gather data from the identified stakeholders. The use of interviews will be essential in collecting firsthand information such as the number and appraisal performance of nurses working with the Alzheimer’s disease patients. The interviews with the nurses will gather their views and perceptions regarding their working environment. The representative of the Alzheimer’s disease victims [RB7] will also be interviewed to reveal their opinion relating to the quality of care services their patients receive from the practitioners. The use of questionnaires will be substantial when gathering information from a larger sample. The surveys, which will incorporate the site seeing of the areas selected for the study, will be used to collect the information that the researcher will observe across the scope related to the study. Furthermore, this research will examine the available secondary sources to evaluate the correspondence of the study with previously discussed concepts related to practitioners’ competence and care delivery.[RB8]


2014 Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. (2014). Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 10(2), e47-e92.

Cuellar-Flores, I., Sanchez-Lopez, M., Liminana-Gras, R., & Colodro-Conde, L. (2014). The GHQ-12 for the Assessment of Psychological Distress of Family Caregivers. Behavioral Medicine, 40(2), 65-70.

Feinberg, L. (2011). Valuing the Invaluable. Washington, D.C.: AARP Public Policy Institute.

Hebert, L., Weuve, J., Scherr, P., & Evans, D. (2013). Alzheimer disease in the United States (2010-2050) estimated using the 2010 census. Neurology, 80(19), 1778-1783.

Kemp, C. (2015). Caregiving as a Public Health Issue: Framing Policy Discussions. Healthcarepapers, 15(1), 28-33.

Lovell, B., & Wetherell, M. (2011). The cost of caregiving: Endocrine and immune implications in elderly and non elderly caregivers. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 35(6), 1342-1352.

Lynn, J., & Montgomery, A. (2015). Creating a Comprehensive Care System for Frail Elders in “Age Boom” America. The Gerontologist, 55(2), 278-285.

Medrano, M., Rosario, R., Payano, A., & Capellan, N. (2014). Burden, anxiety and depression in caregivers of Alzheimer patients in the Dominican Republic. Dementia & Neuropsychologia, 8(4), 384-388.

Mioshi, E., Foxe, D., Leslie, F., Savage, S., Hsieh, S., & Miller, L. et al. (2013). The Impact of Dementia Severity on Caregiver Burden in Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer Disease. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 27(1), 68-73.

Mitchell, M. S., Cropanzano, R. S., & Quisenberry, D. M. (2012). Social Exchange Theory, Exchange Resources, and Interpersonal Relationships: A Modest Resolution of Theoretical Difficulties. Handbook of Social Resource Theory Critical Issues in Social Justice, 99-118. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-4175-5_6

Ornstein, K., & Gaugler, J. (2012). The problem with “problem behaviors”: a systematic review of the association between individual patient behavioral and psychological symptoms and caregiver depression and burden within the dementia patient–caregiver dyad. Int. Psychogeriatr., 24(10), 1536-1552.

Peterson, G., & Steinmetz, S. (2014). Pioneering Paths in the Study of Families. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Rokach, A., Miller, Y., Shick, S., Abu, R., & Matot, I. (2014). Surgery and Caregiving: Loneliness of the Patients and Those Who Care for Them. OJMP, 03(03), 222-234.

Roth, D., Fredman, L., & Haley, W. (2015). Informal Caregiving and Its Impact on Health: A Reappraisal From Population-Based Studies. The Gerontologist, 55(2), 309-319.

Savage, S., & Bergstrand, K. (2013). Negotiating the Unknown: The Role of Uncertainty in Social Exchange. Sociology Compass, 7(4), 315-327.

Uren, S., & Graham, T. (2013). Subjective Experiences of Coping among Caregivers in Palliative Care. OJIN: The Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing, 18(2).

Zehner Ourada, V., & Walker, A. (2014). A Comparison of Physical Health Outcomes for Caregiving Parents and Caregiving Adult Children. Family Relations, 63(1), 163-177.


Thank you for submitting your revised prospectus. Please refer to the prospectus template and make sure you are in complete alignment with how the prospectus should be formatted and with what sections.

Regarding the research itself, we really need to talk. I’m not sure what you are really doing based on the prospectus. Each section needs to be in alignment. I’m not finding the real gap in the research literature that you are addressing and the methods section is way too vague.

I want to have a phone call with you ASAP to get you back on track. We need to get your prospectus out for official review this quarter to keep you on track.


[RB1]This is not in APA format

[RB2]This paragraph seems mostly redundant with what you have already stated above.

[RB3]Now I am confused…..are you researching the family non-professional caregivers or nurses?

[RB4]These questions will need to be revised. They are too vague and each question contains multiple parts.

[RB5]The term caregivers usually refers to family/friends who are caring for a patient. Use the word nurses if that is what you are studying.

[RB6]The methodology is entirely too vague. It must be complete. What exactly are you going to do, to whom, using what specific data collection instruments.

[RB7]Really bad word to use……use patients……why are you using a representative…..what about using the patients themselves?

[RB8]I don’t know what this means. Too vague and non descript.


Methodology paper, political science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

I also added(uoload) my literature review because you will need to summarize it for this paper


Drawing upon your puzzle, devise a strategy for collecting data as defined by your operationalized variables. In doing so you will need to demonstrate why your chosen methodology is best suited to testing your hypothesis. This will entail a discussion of your Literature Review and its implications for your research project, the identification of specific research questions, specifying the type of research you are conducting, and in the end, justifying the appropriateness of your methodology on both theoretical and practical terms. The following is presented as a guide to help you through this process.

Discussion of the Literature Review and the Formation of Research Questions

Summarizing your Literature Review develop the argument that a significant and important hole exists in our understanding of the “state of the field” and it is your intention to fill this void by proffering an answer to the resulting research question(s).

Example:As illustrated in the preceding review of the literature concerning (subject X), some believe that Democratic Peace Theory is _____, while other’s claim it is ______. Despite these various explanations, we are still left with the question(s) =Research Questions. In the pages that follow the hypothesis that (restate your hypothesis) will be tested by/with an eye towards answering these questions.

(Research questions are stated in a manner in which you intend to test the hypothesis: i.e. as testable questions)

Development of a Theoretical Framework

A theoretical framework is a collection of interrelated concepts. It is like a theory but not necessarily as well worked-out. This framework guides your research, determines what things you will measure, and what statistical and/or qualitative relationships you will look for. Hence the task is for you to reflect upon your hypothesis and the research question(s) derived above and to ask yourself what is the best explanation for the expected or observed behavior. Is it because people always act in their best interest? Because all people have a desire to help others? Because the specific people involved are responding to particular pressures? The formation of a good theoretical framework requires you to rely on your intellect as well as your gut instincts.

Once you have established a theoretical explanation for the observed (or hypothesized) behavior, develop your framework by drawing upon others who have used such an explanation and relate such explanations directly to your own project. This section should not only justify why the chosen theoretical framework is relevant to answering the research question(s), but also how it will be implemented (i.e. how it will guide the research and measurement of variables).

Example: In order to understand why people do X it is prudent to view man as an economic animal…an instrumentally rational being pursuing self interest. Rational Choice Theory clearly illustrates this behavior by demonstrating that —-. For example in Title of the Study Smith shows that ____. In much the same way it is herein hypothesized that ____ and therefore, as this study will reveal ____. [ßTheoretical Assumption]

Demonstrating this hypothesized relationship the independent variable (choice) will be held constant by making the assumption that all choices are guided by rationality. This is justified on the basis of _____ and in turn this dictates that the relationship between the IV and DV must be measured on the basis of ____ while always making sure to _____. [ß Methodological Guidance]


Taking into account the posture laid out in your Theoretical Framework, the specific data points you are seeking to measure (as identified by the operationalization of your established variables with reference to the derived research question[s]), as well as the particular type of research you are conducting (see below); identify a specific research method that is most suitable to your study and explain why this is so. To do this your Methodology section should include a discussion of the specific method to be employed and how it conveys the relationship between your theoretical framework and hypothesis. It should also include a discussion of how this method has been used in the past—demonstrating similarities to your own study in order to justify its use—and why it is appropriate for collecting and analyzing the data points your are seeking. Moreover, your Methodology section should include a discussion of why and how the chosen methodology will guard against reliability and validity problems—or should such issues still exist, how such problems will be controlled for. Finally, you should include a discussion of the pragmatic reasons for choosing the specific methodology: such as cost considerations, convenience, or particular problems related to your hypothesis and the availability of data.

Types of Research

Quantitative vs. Qualitative

Quantitative studies measure variables with some precision using numeric scales. For example, you might measure a person’s height and weight. Or you might construct a survey in which you measure how much respondents like President Clinton, using a 1 to 10 scale.

Qualitative studies are based on direct observation of behavior or on transcripts of unstructured interviews with informants. For example, you might talk to ten female executives about the decision-making process behind their choice to have children or not, and if so, when. You might interview them for several hours, tape-recording the whole thing, and then transcribe the recordings to written text, and then analyze the text.

Applied vs. Basic research

Applied research is research designed to solve a particular problem in a particular circumstance, such as determining the cause of low morale in a given department of an organization.

Basic research is designed to understand the underlying principles behind human behavior. For example, you might try to understand what motivates people to work hard at their jobs.

Exploratory vs. Confirmatory

Exploratory research is research into the unknown. It is used when you are investigating something but really don’t understand it all, or are not completely sure what you are looking for. It’s sort of like a journalist whose curiosity is peaked by something and just starts looking into it without really knowing what they’re looking for.

Confirmatory research is where you have a pretty good idea what’s going on. That is, you have a theory (or several theories), and the objective of the research is to find out if the theory is supported by the facts

*As a general rule (but there are many exceptions), confirmatory studies tend to be quantitative, while exploratory studies tend to be qualitative.

Types of Methods

(This is a Very, Very Abbreviated List)

Case Study




Document/Archival Analysis

Field Experiment Inductive (theory development) Interviews



Participant Observation




Time allocation


Steps to an interview, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Steps to an interview

  • Contact the business to make an appointment to meet with the owner or to talk with them by phone if in person is not possible. In person is best if this can be arranged.
  • Prepare in advance a list of questions- be mindful of their time as they are busy. Example- it is not a good idea to try to interview a restaurant manager at lunch. Suggest a time when they are not as busy.
  • If interviewing in person; please dress appropriately
  • Always thank them for taking the time to speak with you, even if you interview a family member.

Suggested Questions

  1. How did you decide on what business you wanted to start?
  2. How did you decide on a location for your business?
  3. How did you finance the start up of your business?
  4. If you are comfortable sharing, how much initial investment did you have in your business?
  5. What obstacles or problems did you encounter when you started your business?
  6. How did you decide on how many people to hire for your initial start-up?
  7. What challenges have you faced with your employees?
  8. What advice would you give others that might be interested in starting a business?



Profile Paper, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

The purpose of a profile paper is to provide you with the opportunity to not only learn more about a topic, but to get an “inside perspective” which in turn gives you insight into a specific issue or place in time. This could include the job they have chosen, how they were raised or are raising their family, a unique experience in life they have had, or an organization they are involved in. The life of this person will, in turn, suggest a gender related issue that you will explore through research. You will then share what you have learned about not only the individual you have interviewed, but the larger issue which he or she represents. The objectives of the Profile Paper are to:

  • Learn about an individual’s experiences and/or perspective (Interview) and present them in the paper
  • Place the individual’s experiences and/or perspective within a larger issue involving gender roles in society and identify that issue in the paper
  • Use the individual’s experiences and/or perspective to make an argument about that issue
  • Obtain additional information about that gender issue (Research) and use the information obtained to support the argument

This paper will need to include the following:

  • An introduction, a hook to grab your reader’s attention. It should also introduce your person and why he or she is noteworthy. It should be clear from your introduction what gender issue you wish to explore in your paper.
  • Your thesis statement.
  • An interview as part of this assignment (see the assignment for due date). The interview should be written up in traditional interview style, Q and A. However, your final paper will not use this style but should interweave quotes from your interviewee with outside information and your own ideas about the charity or persons at the charity.
  • A conclusion that sums up the major ideas in your paper. You might consider revisiting the introduction to help you wrap things up.
  • At least three pictures, illustrations, graphics, etc. You may have any combination of these items, as long as you have three items.
  • Three outside sources that provide reliable information about your gender issue, referenced and cited in your paper.

Your paper should be 6 to 7 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman. Follow APA format for heading, running head, page number, in-text citation of sources and References page.

Another article you can incorporate in the paper is…

This this paper should be on gender and not mostly on ethnicity…..

You have to use a this periodical database below :


Title: ‘You don’t see many Black women pilots, but this is an option.”
Authors: Wright, Hope
Source: Essence. Jun2005, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p36-30. 1/2p. 1 Color Photograph.
Document Type: Article
Subject Terms: *African American women air pilots
*Stealth aircraft
Company/Entity: United States. Air Force
NAICS/Industry Codes: 928110 National Security
People: David, Merryl
Abstract: Reveals that Major Merryl David became the first Black female pilot of a U-2 legendary stealth planes the U.S. Air Force deploys for reconnaissance missions such as identifying terrorist activities in foreign countries. Career background.
Full Text Word Count: 269
ISSN: 0014-0880
Accession Number: 17060394
Persistent link to this record (Permalink):
Cut and Paste: <a href=”“>’You don’t see many Black women pilots, but this is an option.”</a>
Database: Academic Search Complete


When it comes to stories of espionage and intrigue, Hollywood rarely casts a sister in the starring role. But in real life one Black woman has accomplished what once seemed like mission impossible: Last October Major Merryl David, 34, became the first Black female pilot of a U-2–the legendary stealth planes the U.S. Air Force deploys for risky reconnaissance missions, such as identifying terrorist activities in foreign countries.

David, a former naval officer, is one of only five women and three African-Americans to be accepted into the Air Force’s elite First Squadron, where U-2 pilots get their training. Now she’ll have to withstand the pressure–literally. Solo flights can exceed 70,000 feet and last nine hours, and U-2s, with their tremendous wingspan, are one of the toughest crafts to land.

But David has had her sights set high since childhood. Growing up in The Bronx, New York, the Star Trek fan dreamed of being an astronaut. Since then she has boasted an impressive flying career, operating combat helicopters and airplanes for the Navy in the Middle East and South America. In July she’ll leave her Lincoln, California, home and be deployed as part of the Ninety-Ninth Squadron to Korea. “You don’t see many Black females flying in any service,” she says. “I hope this will show young girls that this is an option they can have.”

36n1.jpgCaptain Merryl David, the first and only Black woman to fly in the Air Force’s elite spying unit of U-2 planes.


By Hope Wright

© Essence Communications Inc., 2005. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be duplicated or redisseminated without permission.

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Profile Paper, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Monsters in America Project, essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Hi I would like you to do a new essays about Monsters in America Project Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 each one essay from ( 1.5 to 2) pages .Make sure each chapter is separate. in two days by 50$

Assignment : Monsters in America Project Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6and7
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Monsters in America Project

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in AmericaPresentationsassignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treatMonsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.


Monsters in America Project, essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Monsters in America Project chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6, and7 (one essay for each chapter the book has 7 chapters) make sure each essay from 1.5 to 2 pages

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.


Response to a discussion in relation to evolution, biology homework help Science Assignment Help

Please read and make a 1 paragraph comment to this post. References would be welcomed with the response.

The first step in bringing paleontology to the level of respect it has today was when it began considering fossils to be organisms rather than just dead things that were documented and then dismissed. Paleontology did not always ask questions regarding the fossils that were found but really just described their anatomy. With the publication of the textbook Principles of Paleontology, this all changed because for the first time a book about paleontology did not include any descriptions of fossilized vertebrates (Prothero, 1992).

Punctuated equilibrium challenged Darwin’s theory of evolution by arguing that evolution did not occur gradually but in sudden spurts following stasis. The gaps that are seen in the fossil record contribute to this theory because due to the lack of transitional fossils. The argument regarding this was that the gaps were not actually gaps but evidence for punctuated equilibrium. Goulde and Eldredge argued that the gaps are simply stasis until the next burst of evolution occurred which gave us the next set of fossils.

An example of gradualism that was found to be well documented was with protistans. The argument to this was that it happened because they are mostly asexual, have populations containing trillions of individuals and that their populations live in massive environments with no isolation such as the ocean (Prothero, 1992). There was also discovery of stasis among most species lasting millions of years. It was found that even in extreme environmental change, such as Ice Age, that species were able to remain stable despite this change. This research began the idea of species selection which is natural selection of species rather than of the individuals making up those species (Prothero, 1992).

The key ideas that emerged from this research would be stasis and hierarchy. Science began to try explaining why organisms were not seen evolving and put an importance on this subject. Russel Lande addressed these patterns of stasis by developing quantitative genetic models and was able to prove that these periods of stasis do not actually provide enough conflict with Darwin’s theory in order to actually challenge it. The other key idea that came from this research was hierarchy. This was an argument on what the cause of speciation was. The argument became that evolution was not occurring gradually and continually with the result of species but that due to extreme environmental change or isolation resulted in new species. This resulted in the idea that maybe environment played a larger role in evolution than science had originally believed (Lyons,).

References in addition to Prothero’s Article:

Lyons, S. L. (2011). Evolution. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


Developing Online Collaborative Activities, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Module 5 Discussion

Print Page

Developing Online Collaborative Activities

Assignments that require students to work together collaboratively are a challenge in the best face-to-face courses. The challenges are compounded when requesting that online students work together to develop a product within a virtual environment. For this Discussion, you will explore a specific collaboration issue and invite your colleagues to provide potential solutions.

To prepare:

Read Capdeferro and Romero (2012), Chung-Hsien and Shy-Jen (2011), and Shepard (2012). Search the Walden Library for one other recent journal article related to collaboration experiences for eLearners. From these articles, determine a “best practice” theme regarding how to design engaging, yet fair, collaborative experiences within an eLearning course. For example, you may choose to address how groups might be organized, how roles might be used, how groups should be assessed, or how tools can be used to promote online collaboration.

By Day 7 of Week 9:

A best practice theme related to the design of engaging and fair collaborative experiences within an eLearning course. Provide examples and cite from the articles you read. Then, post a prompt related to your theme, regarding collaboration issues in an eLearning course.



Profile Paper, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Monsters in America Project, essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Hi I would like you to do a new essays about Monsters in America Project Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 each one essay from ( 1.5 to 2) pages .Make sure each chapter is separate. in two days by 50$

Assignment : Monsters in America Project Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6and7
Category :
Due Date :
Detail :

Monsters in America Project

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in AmericaPresentationsassignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treatMonsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.


Monsters in America Project, essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Monsters in America Project chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6, and7 (one essay for each chapter the book has 7 chapters) make sure each essay from 1.5 to 2 pages

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.


Response to a discussion in relation to evolution, biology homework help Science Assignment Help

Please read and make a 1 paragraph comment to this post. References would be welcomed with the response.

The first step in bringing paleontology to the level of respect it has today was when it began considering fossils to be organisms rather than just dead things that were documented and then dismissed. Paleontology did not always ask questions regarding the fossils that were found but really just described their anatomy. With the publication of the textbook Principles of Paleontology, this all changed because for the first time a book about paleontology did not include any descriptions of fossilized vertebrates (Prothero, 1992).

Punctuated equilibrium challenged Darwin’s theory of evolution by arguing that evolution did not occur gradually but in sudden spurts following stasis. The gaps that are seen in the fossil record contribute to this theory because due to the lack of transitional fossils. The argument regarding this was that the gaps were not actually gaps but evidence for punctuated equilibrium. Goulde and Eldredge argued that the gaps are simply stasis until the next burst of evolution occurred which gave us the next set of fossils.

An example of gradualism that was found to be well documented was with protistans. The argument to this was that it happened because they are mostly asexual, have populations containing trillions of individuals and that their populations live in massive environments with no isolation such as the ocean (Prothero, 1992). There was also discovery of stasis among most species lasting millions of years. It was found that even in extreme environmental change, such as Ice Age, that species were able to remain stable despite this change. This research began the idea of species selection which is natural selection of species rather than of the individuals making up those species (Prothero, 1992).

The key ideas that emerged from this research would be stasis and hierarchy. Science began to try explaining why organisms were not seen evolving and put an importance on this subject. Russel Lande addressed these patterns of stasis by developing quantitative genetic models and was able to prove that these periods of stasis do not actually provide enough conflict with Darwin’s theory in order to actually challenge it. The other key idea that came from this research was hierarchy. This was an argument on what the cause of speciation was. The argument became that evolution was not occurring gradually and continually with the result of species but that due to extreme environmental change or isolation resulted in new species. This resulted in the idea that maybe environment played a larger role in evolution than science had originally believed (Lyons,).

References in addition to Prothero’s Article:

Lyons, S. L. (2011). Evolution. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


Developing Online Collaborative Activities, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Module 5 Discussion

Print Page

Developing Online Collaborative Activities

Assignments that require students to work together collaboratively are a challenge in the best face-to-face courses. The challenges are compounded when requesting that online students work together to develop a product within a virtual environment. For this Discussion, you will explore a specific collaboration issue and invite your colleagues to provide potential solutions.

To prepare:

Read Capdeferro and Romero (2012), Chung-Hsien and Shy-Jen (2011), and Shepard (2012). Search the Walden Library for one other recent journal article related to collaboration experiences for eLearners. From these articles, determine a “best practice” theme regarding how to design engaging, yet fair, collaborative experiences within an eLearning course. For example, you may choose to address how groups might be organized, how roles might be used, how groups should be assessed, or how tools can be used to promote online collaboration.

By Day 7 of Week 9:

A best practice theme related to the design of engaging and fair collaborative experiences within an eLearning course. Provide examples and cite from the articles you read. Then, post a prompt related to your theme, regarding collaboration issues in an eLearning course.



Profile Paper, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Monsters in America Project, essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Hi I would like you to do a new essays about Monsters in America Project Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 each one essay from ( 1.5 to 2) pages .Make sure each chapter is separate. in two days by 50$

Assignment : Monsters in America Project Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6and7
Category :
Due Date :
Detail :

Monsters in America Project

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in AmericaPresentationsassignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treatMonsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.


Monsters in America Project, essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Monsters in America Project chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6, and7 (one essay for each chapter the book has 7 chapters) make sure each essay from 1.5 to 2 pages

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.


Response to a discussion in relation to evolution, biology homework help Science Assignment Help

Please read and make a 1 paragraph comment to this post. References would be welcomed with the response.

The first step in bringing paleontology to the level of respect it has today was when it began considering fossils to be organisms rather than just dead things that were documented and then dismissed. Paleontology did not always ask questions regarding the fossils that were found but really just described their anatomy. With the publication of the textbook Principles of Paleontology, this all changed because for the first time a book about paleontology did not include any descriptions of fossilized vertebrates (Prothero, 1992).

Punctuated equilibrium challenged Darwin’s theory of evolution by arguing that evolution did not occur gradually but in sudden spurts following stasis. The gaps that are seen in the fossil record contribute to this theory because due to the lack of transitional fossils. The argument regarding this was that the gaps were not actually gaps but evidence for punctuated equilibrium. Goulde and Eldredge argued that the gaps are simply stasis until the next burst of evolution occurred which gave us the next set of fossils.

An example of gradualism that was found to be well documented was with protistans. The argument to this was that it happened because they are mostly asexual, have populations containing trillions of individuals and that their populations live in massive environments with no isolation such as the ocean (Prothero, 1992). There was also discovery of stasis among most species lasting millions of years. It was found that even in extreme environmental change, such as Ice Age, that species were able to remain stable despite this change. This research began the idea of species selection which is natural selection of species rather than of the individuals making up those species (Prothero, 1992).

The key ideas that emerged from this research would be stasis and hierarchy. Science began to try explaining why organisms were not seen evolving and put an importance on this subject. Russel Lande addressed these patterns of stasis by developing quantitative genetic models and was able to prove that these periods of stasis do not actually provide enough conflict with Darwin’s theory in order to actually challenge it. The other key idea that came from this research was hierarchy. This was an argument on what the cause of speciation was. The argument became that evolution was not occurring gradually and continually with the result of species but that due to extreme environmental change or isolation resulted in new species. This resulted in the idea that maybe environment played a larger role in evolution than science had originally believed (Lyons,).

References in addition to Prothero’s Article:

Lyons, S. L. (2011). Evolution. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


Developing Online Collaborative Activities, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Module 5 Discussion

Print Page

Developing Online Collaborative Activities

Assignments that require students to work together collaboratively are a challenge in the best face-to-face courses. The challenges are compounded when requesting that online students work together to develop a product within a virtual environment. For this Discussion, you will explore a specific collaboration issue and invite your colleagues to provide potential solutions.

To prepare:

Read Capdeferro and Romero (2012), Chung-Hsien and Shy-Jen (2011), and Shepard (2012). Search the Walden Library for one other recent journal article related to collaboration experiences for eLearners. From these articles, determine a “best practice” theme regarding how to design engaging, yet fair, collaborative experiences within an eLearning course. For example, you may choose to address how groups might be organized, how roles might be used, how groups should be assessed, or how tools can be used to promote online collaboration.

By Day 7 of Week 9:

A best practice theme related to the design of engaging and fair collaborative experiences within an eLearning course. Provide examples and cite from the articles you read. Then, post a prompt related to your theme, regarding collaboration issues in an eLearning course.



Profile Paper, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Monsters in America Project, essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Hi I would like you to do a new essays about Monsters in America Project Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 each one essay from ( 1.5 to 2) pages .Make sure each chapter is separate. in two days by 50$

Assignment : Monsters in America Project Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6and7
Category :
Due Date :
Detail :

Monsters in America Project

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in AmericaPresentationsassignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treatMonsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.


Monsters in America Project, essay, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Monsters in America Project chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6, and7 (one essay for each chapter the book has 7 chapters) make sure each essay from 1.5 to 2 pages

As W. Scott Poole’s text will serve as the conceptual framework for the course, this assignment seeks to promote regular critical engagement with the text.

Part 1: Chapter by Chapter Engagement. For each chapter of the text, students will maintain comprehensive, written dossiers separated into three components as follows.

Component 1: Annotated Reflections. (1.5-2 pages) Students will compose written reflections on the material covered, using annotation as a strategy to highlight their perspective and response to the readings. Keeping the principles outlined in Adler’s “How to Mark a Book” in mind while reading, students should seek to identify moments/passages in the text that were illuminating, confusing, instructive, dubious, biased, fascinating, problematic, and so forth.

The written reflection itself should be both specific and representative of the whole range of the required reading, and not simply be from the first few pages of the reading. This piece is a reflection of how the reader interacts with the text; there is no right or wrong, only different levels of academic curiosity and critical thought.

The reflection should include a series of insightful, well-developed entries of select annotations the student has made. Each entry should begin by citing the first few words of the relevant phrase or passage, followed by the page number. The remainder of the entry should examine the significance of the passage. Entries can clarify a reference and explain its significance, explore something that is unclear, or explain why something resonates with the reader, etc. (There is a reason that you made the annotation, and each individual will annotate something different.)

Reflections will be submitted according to the due dates outlined in the weekly schedule. Those students scheduled to present for a given chapter are not required to submit a reflection (see Monsters in America Presentations assignment). An individual grade is not assigned to each reflection; however, reflections will be graded collectively upon the completion of the project. Failure to submit a reflection will result in a 10 point reduction from the overall project grade.

Component 2: Summary. (1 page) Students will compose a summary of the chapter, highlighting the key elements of Poole’s text. These summaries should not exceed one page in length.

Component 3: Vocabulary. Students will maintain a list of unfamiliar words they come across in the chapter. The list should also include the page on which the word was found. Once completing the chapter, students will define these words using a college dictionary and observing the definition appropriate for the word’s usage in context.

Part 2: Comprehensive Reflection. The comprehensive reflection will be a culminating work composed at the end of the semester. Prior to the class, students will have their chapter reflections returned to them for review. The comprehensive reflection will call upon students, using their chapter reflections as their only reference, to treat Monsters in America in its entirety, focusing on their overall impressions of the work as well as anything learned from the text with long ranging applicability beyond the context of the course.

The comprehensive reflection will be graded in conjunction with the previously submitted chapter reflections to determine the final grade for the project.


Response to a discussion in relation to evolution, biology homework help Science Assignment Help

Please read and make a 1 paragraph comment to this post. References would be welcomed with the response.

The first step in bringing paleontology to the level of respect it has today was when it began considering fossils to be organisms rather than just dead things that were documented and then dismissed. Paleontology did not always ask questions regarding the fossils that were found but really just described their anatomy. With the publication of the textbook Principles of Paleontology, this all changed because for the first time a book about paleontology did not include any descriptions of fossilized vertebrates (Prothero, 1992).

Punctuated equilibrium challenged Darwin’s theory of evolution by arguing that evolution did not occur gradually but in sudden spurts following stasis. The gaps that are seen in the fossil record contribute to this theory because due to the lack of transitional fossils. The argument regarding this was that the gaps were not actually gaps but evidence for punctuated equilibrium. Goulde and Eldredge argued that the gaps are simply stasis until the next burst of evolution occurred which gave us the next set of fossils.

An example of gradualism that was found to be well documented was with protistans. The argument to this was that it happened because they are mostly asexual, have populations containing trillions of individuals and that their populations live in massive environments with no isolation such as the ocean (Prothero, 1992). There was also discovery of stasis among most species lasting millions of years. It was found that even in extreme environmental change, such as Ice Age, that species were able to remain stable despite this change. This research began the idea of species selection which is natural selection of species rather than of the individuals making up those species (Prothero, 1992).

The key ideas that emerged from this research would be stasis and hierarchy. Science began to try explaining why organisms were not seen evolving and put an importance on this subject. Russel Lande addressed these patterns of stasis by developing quantitative genetic models and was able to prove that these periods of stasis do not actually provide enough conflict with Darwin’s theory in order to actually challenge it. The other key idea that came from this research was hierarchy. This was an argument on what the cause of speciation was. The argument became that evolution was not occurring gradually and continually with the result of species but that due to extreme environmental change or isolation resulted in new species. This resulted in the idea that maybe environment played a larger role in evolution than science had originally believed (Lyons,).

References in addition to Prothero’s Article:

Lyons, S. L. (2011). Evolution. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


Developing Online Collaborative Activities, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Module 5 Discussion

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Developing Online Collaborative Activities

Assignments that require students to work together collaboratively are a challenge in the best face-to-face courses. The challenges are compounded when requesting that online students work together to develop a product within a virtual environment. For this Discussion, you will explore a specific collaboration issue and invite your colleagues to provide potential solutions.

To prepare:

Read Capdeferro and Romero (2012), Chung-Hsien and Shy-Jen (2011), and Shepard (2012). Search the Walden Library for one other recent journal article related to collaboration experiences for eLearners. From these articles, determine a “best practice” theme regarding how to design engaging, yet fair, collaborative experiences within an eLearning course. For example, you may choose to address how groups might be organized, how roles might be used, how groups should be assessed, or how tools can be used to promote online collaboration.

By Day 7 of Week 9:

A best practice theme related to the design of engaging and fair collaborative experiences within an eLearning course. Provide examples and cite from the articles you read. Then, post a prompt related to your theme, regarding collaboration issues in an eLearning course.


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