Diablo Valley College Impact of Yellow Fever on American Trade Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help. Diablo Valley College Impact of Yellow Fever on American Trade Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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“Yellow Fever in the Early American Republic”
Step 1: Listen to “Yellow Fever in the Early American Republic” (https://benfranklinsworld.com/episode-174-thomas-apel-yellow-fever-early-american-republic/ (Links to an external site.))
Step 2: Summarize the story clearly and thoroughly. Discuss specific people, dates, events and major historical ideas or issues.
Step 3: Provide historical context for the episode. Make connections, between the contents of the episode, and what we’ve been reading in this course.
Textbook: Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!, Volume 1, Seagull Sixth Edition
Foner, Eric. Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History, Sixth
Edition, Volume 1.
Diablo Valley College Impact of Yellow Fever on American Trade Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ECON 201 Saudi Electronic Benefits for Borrowers & Lenders in Business Questions Economics Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment 2 Question-Chapters: 12, 13, 14 & 15:
For your information
Textbook & Learning Materials:
Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Macroeconomics, 6th ed. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. ISBN: 9780538453066 (hard copy); ISBN: 9781115468523 (eBook)
NUR 411 St Thomas University Mod 1 Transition to Professional Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Share your perceptions based on your current work environment: Is nursing perceived as a professional partner with other disciplines?
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
- You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
- All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
- Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
- You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date
- . Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric |
Criteria |
Ratings |
Points |
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts |
5 points DistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
4 points ExcellentIdentifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
2 points FairIdentifies and demonstrates an acceptable understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
1 point PoorIdentifies and demonstrates an unacceptable understanding of most issues, problems, and concepts. |
5 points |
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines |
3 points DistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
2 points ExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
1 point FairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail. |
0 points PoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention. |
3 points |
Response to Posts of Peers |
2 points DistinguishedThe student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal to each. |
1 point FairThe student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal. |
0 points PoorThe student provided no response to a peer’s post. |
2 points |
NUR 421 Indian Community College Mod 1 Nursing in Multicultural Society Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Describe your acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession. How is it similar or different from the acculturation experience of a new nursing colleague who joined your team within the past year?
Submission Instructions:
Francine Shopping in A K Mart Store Having Stolen Something Case Study Law Assignment Help
Francine, carrying a large purse, was shopping in a K-Mart store. A security guard observed her looking at various small items such as stain, hinges, and antenna wire. On occasion she bent down out of sight of the guard. The guard thought he saw Francine put something in her purse. Francine removed her glasses from her purse and returned them a few times.
After she left, the guard approached her in the parking lot and said that he believed she had store merchandise in her purse but was unable to say what he thought was put there. Francine opened the purse, and the guard testified he saw no K-Mart merchandise in it. The guard then told Francine to return to the store with him. They walked around the store for approximately one hour, while the guard said six or seven times that he saw her put something in her purse. Francine left the store after another store employee indicated she could go. Francine sued and won the lawsuit. DON’T ADD ANY FACTS.
1. What is/are the name (or names, if more than one) of the tort(s) that would give Francine the win in her lawsuit, and explain your answer while applying all of the elements as taught in LAW2001. Do not include any torts that would not be successful.
(70% of your grade, divided by the number of correct torts chosen and correct elements discussed in your answer. You will lose points for choosing incorrect torts.)
2. Specify at what point in the fact pattern (or timeline) that the conduct of the guard created liability and why. (30% of your answer)
COM 325 Capella University Autonomous and Positive Face & Forgiveness Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Discussion 1
Supporting an autonomous and positive face can be challenging. There are times when an autonomous and positive face can create conflict.
Provide an example of a time that this has happened to you or someone you know in your professional and personal experience. What did you do to resolve the issues of autonomous and positive face? Are the strategies you used for each different? Your initial response should be 250 – 300 word
Discussion 2
Forgiveness can be an integral part in conflict resolution and even a strong factor in psychological and physical health. Some philosophers state that forgiveness is a gift to the person doing the forgiving, not necessarily for the forgiven.
In a minimum of 250 words, discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement? Should forgiveness and reconciliation be the ultimate goal for all conflict resolution? Support your answer with appropriate resources.;
COM 325 Capella University Autonomous and Positive Face & Forgiveness Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of the Potomac Hate Crimes Analysis & Group or Population Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Select one group or population that has been the target of a hate crime.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis in which you do the following:
- Provide a brief description as to what specific factors serve as the basis for victimization; for example, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
- Identify applicable specific case examples.
- Discuss the prevalence of state laws that criminalize various types of hate crimes.
- Describe how you would collect data measure the victimization of your chosen group. Provide rationale for your choice.
- Identify which of the criminological theories discussed in the course explain the victimization of this individual, group, or population. Provide rationale for the selection.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Carlos Albizu University Strategic Planning & Organizational Management Responses Writing Assignment Help
Week 2
Strategic Planning and Organizational Management in Healthcare APA Style Reply
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply to each Peer about their post.
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply 1 to Tom:
When looking at this breakdown it is truly important to understand the breakdown of data when it comes to these two separate locations. It also is extremely important to understand the overall demographics of these locations. From this information, it is not clear which percentage of this population is currently using Kaiser Permanente health services. From a strategic planning perspective, it would be vital to look at this data and determine a breakdown by the payor as well. Remember that socioeconomic class and adjusted gross income could have a serious impact on reaching certain populations (Watson, 2018). For example, lower-income families may not have access to the same health insurance plans that are accepted by Kaiser’s health care centers, or the admission costs are extremely high because these patients are out of network. There are so many societal factors that could play a role in the overall environment that is impacting Kaiser’s business endeavors. In Oakland, since there is a more diverse community, it would be helpful to do a community assessment and do community outreach to see what the patients would value most and improve their experience (Watson, 2018). It would be interesting to do a subset analysis of the population that needs care by age and gender as well. This would help with the marketing approach and being able to structural incorporation of the organization to support their patient demand and differentiate from their local competition. In Marlboro, MD it is important to find out what the customers prefer and evaluate how the organization provide the highest quality access to care to patients. Again doing community outreach and education will be helpful In evaluation and strategy. One thing that important to note in a community like this, is that there may be distrust of healthcare or by different socioeconomic classes. Having staff that is racially sensitive or culturally diverse can help improve inclusion and improve the patient experience and instill more trust. Optics are huge from an external perspective for all organizations and providing the best quality of service begins externally and flows internally.
Watson S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply to Priscilla:
Organizational structure and strategy is important for healthcare organizations. When it comes to organizational structure, it plays a significant role in how communication and operation works in healthcare organizations. In order to be successful, healthcare organizations must be able to understand their external environment when creating a strategic direction. The external environment is composed of many parts, but its influences fall into two categories. One of the categories is societal factors. Watson (2018) states that “the societal environment encompasses general economic conditions, population demographics, cultural values, governmental regulations, and technology” (p. 27).
Based on the information provided, Kaiser Permanente has medical centers located in both Oakland, CA and Upper Marlboro, MD. However, the race and ethnicity of these two locations vary dramatically. In Upper Marlboro, Maryland, it is composed of 34.3% white, 62.3% black, and the rest, whereas Oakland, California is composed of 27.3% white, 27% Hispanic, 23.6% black, and the rest. In these two locations, the ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care. When it comes to ethnic and racial minority groups, they “tend to use healthcare services differently and experience higher rates of disease” (Watson, 2018, p. 27). Furthermore, ethnic and racial minority groups have different preferences regarding lifestyle and culture; for example, their food choices, use of tobacco, openness talking about disease, and participation level in sports are different (Watson, 2018, p. 27). Because of the different preferences in lifestyle and culture, this can have an effect on the occurrence of disease or illness and the amount or quantity in the use of healthcare. Therefore, in order to provide care for ethnic and racial minority groups, Kaiser Permanente will need to be able to understand the differences in the utilization of healthcare in this population. By doing so, it can help Kaiser Permanente to evaluate their external environment in order to provide care that will be suitable for the needs of this population.
Watson S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.
MGT 321 SEU Type of Economic System Implemented by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Regulation:
- All students are encouraged to use their own word.
- Assignment -2 should be submitted on or before the end of Week-09 in Black Board only.
- This assignment is an individual assignment
- Textbook (add it in the refrences)
- Hill, C. W. L. & G. T. Hult (2018). International business: Competing in the global marketplace (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Carlos Albizu Positive Organizational Values in Healthcare Organizations Responses Writing Assignment Help
Week 2
Leadership in Healthcare APA Style Reply
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply to each Peer about their post.
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply to Tom:
At the end of the day, the values of the people in the organization at Sunrise General Hospital must coincide with the values that the company sets forth. As a leader, it is truly important to be self-aware of the behaviors you are setting forth but also understanding how you are performing as a leader. It is important to be self-aware and realize how your actions are impacting the other people on your team and organization. Ensuring that the quality of care is provided, but at the same time making sure that all staff is engaged while promoting educational development and being cost-effective are key facets of senior leadership. From a values-based standpoint, it is important that the values your team follows include integrity, patient centricity, trust, and conflict resolution (Dye, 2017). If the company’s values are not met by the employees there must be a serious conversation on the future of the employee with the organization especially if that individual is representing the company in poor light or being dishonest. Some things that can help encourage team bonding is open lines of communication and leading by example. Doing team events or having team lunches is extremely beneficial for discussions and team interaction. It also helps people from different backgrounds connect and express who they are. Engagement is important and making everyone feel valued and heard is incredibly important. As a leader in my position, I host daily co-operative workshops for my team, as we are all virtual being able to work together and huddle up and answer real-time questions is extremely helpful with providing best practices and making sure that everyone is cared for. If the staff at sunrise can come together and bond but realize that everyone has the same goal and wants to benefit the organization, personal differences can be put aside for the mission and the overall success of the company.
Dye, C. F. (2017). Leadership in healthcare: Essential values and skills (3rd ed.). Health Services Administration Press.
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply Georgina:
This week’s discussion: Imagine that you are the new senior leader for the emergency department at Sunrise General Hospital. After three months on the job, you realize that your values and the values exhibited by your doctors and other professional staff are very different. How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with?
A leader is most influential when his/her followers know what he stands for because followers are clear on whether they can relate to the leader’s ideas, values are established principles that guide behaviors and thoughts. (Dye, 2017). To establish values that everyone can engage with the leader, a leader must build an understanding of leadership that includes a sense of how their behavior influences the environment around them, (Dye, 2017). Values are different with every individual, but when it comes to the workplace all employees must follow the rules and procedures that have been put in place with a company or the managers.
As a leader, you have to find out what motivates each individual not everyone has the same motivation. It takes a little time but as you get to know your people it comes pretty quick and then you can set the stage for them seeing that the actions that you want them to take are going to complete what they hold valuable. This is a team effort, and everyone plays a part, but everyone needs to use their part effectively so that whatever is needed to be done collectively will accomplish the common goal. Many times, you will have people that will stray from their duties and they need to be reminded respectfully, the scope of their position. As a manager you have to oversee every aspect to be sure that your resources are being used adequately, when people stray and begin to do other things, they minimize the effectiveness of the resources.
Dye, C. (2017). LEADERSHIP IN HEALTHCARE Essential Values and Skills. Chicago: The Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Step 2: Summarize the story clearly and thoroughly. Discuss specific people, dates, events and major historical ideas or issues.
Step 3: Provide historical context for the episode. Make connections, between the contents of the episode, and what we’ve been reading in this course.
Textbook: Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!, Volume 1, Seagull Sixth Edition
Foner, Eric. Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History, Sixth
Edition, Volume 1.
Diablo Valley College Impact of Yellow Fever on American Trade Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ECON 201 Saudi Electronic Benefits for Borrowers & Lenders in Business Questions Economics Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment 2 Question-Chapters: 12, 13, 14 & 15:
For your information
Textbook & Learning Materials:
Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Macroeconomics, 6th ed. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. ISBN: 9780538453066 (hard copy); ISBN: 9781115468523 (eBook)
NUR 411 St Thomas University Mod 1 Transition to Professional Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Share your perceptions based on your current work environment: Is nursing perceived as a professional partner with other disciplines?
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
- You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
- All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
- Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
- You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date
- . Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric |
Criteria |
Ratings |
Points |
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts |
5 points DistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
4 points ExcellentIdentifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
2 points FairIdentifies and demonstrates an acceptable understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
1 point PoorIdentifies and demonstrates an unacceptable understanding of most issues, problems, and concepts. |
5 points |
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines |
3 points DistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
2 points ExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
1 point FairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail. |
0 points PoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention. |
3 points |
Response to Posts of Peers |
2 points DistinguishedThe student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal to each. |
1 point FairThe student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal. |
0 points PoorThe student provided no response to a peer’s post. |
2 points |
NUR 421 Indian Community College Mod 1 Nursing in Multicultural Society Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Describe your acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession. How is it similar or different from the acculturation experience of a new nursing colleague who joined your team within the past year?
Submission Instructions:
Francine Shopping in A K Mart Store Having Stolen Something Case Study Law Assignment Help
Francine, carrying a large purse, was shopping in a K-Mart store. A security guard observed her looking at various small items such as stain, hinges, and antenna wire. On occasion she bent down out of sight of the guard. The guard thought he saw Francine put something in her purse. Francine removed her glasses from her purse and returned them a few times.
After she left, the guard approached her in the parking lot and said that he believed she had store merchandise in her purse but was unable to say what he thought was put there. Francine opened the purse, and the guard testified he saw no K-Mart merchandise in it. The guard then told Francine to return to the store with him. They walked around the store for approximately one hour, while the guard said six or seven times that he saw her put something in her purse. Francine left the store after another store employee indicated she could go. Francine sued and won the lawsuit. DON’T ADD ANY FACTS.
1. What is/are the name (or names, if more than one) of the tort(s) that would give Francine the win in her lawsuit, and explain your answer while applying all of the elements as taught in LAW2001. Do not include any torts that would not be successful.
(70% of your grade, divided by the number of correct torts chosen and correct elements discussed in your answer. You will lose points for choosing incorrect torts.)
2. Specify at what point in the fact pattern (or timeline) that the conduct of the guard created liability and why. (30% of your answer)
COM 325 Capella University Autonomous and Positive Face & Forgiveness Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Discussion 1
Supporting an autonomous and positive face can be challenging. There are times when an autonomous and positive face can create conflict.
Provide an example of a time that this has happened to you or someone you know in your professional and personal experience. What did you do to resolve the issues of autonomous and positive face? Are the strategies you used for each different? Your initial response should be 250 – 300 word
Discussion 2
Forgiveness can be an integral part in conflict resolution and even a strong factor in psychological and physical health. Some philosophers state that forgiveness is a gift to the person doing the forgiving, not necessarily for the forgiven.
In a minimum of 250 words, discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement? Should forgiveness and reconciliation be the ultimate goal for all conflict resolution? Support your answer with appropriate resources.;
COM 325 Capella University Autonomous and Positive Face & Forgiveness Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of the Potomac Hate Crimes Analysis & Group or Population Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Select one group or population that has been the target of a hate crime.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis in which you do the following:
- Provide a brief description as to what specific factors serve as the basis for victimization; for example, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
- Identify applicable specific case examples.
- Discuss the prevalence of state laws that criminalize various types of hate crimes.
- Describe how you would collect data measure the victimization of your chosen group. Provide rationale for your choice.
- Identify which of the criminological theories discussed in the course explain the victimization of this individual, group, or population. Provide rationale for the selection.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Carlos Albizu University Strategic Planning & Organizational Management Responses Writing Assignment Help
Week 2
Strategic Planning and Organizational Management in Healthcare APA Style Reply
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply to each Peer about their post.
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply 1 to Tom:
When looking at this breakdown it is truly important to understand the breakdown of data when it comes to these two separate locations. It also is extremely important to understand the overall demographics of these locations. From this information, it is not clear which percentage of this population is currently using Kaiser Permanente health services. From a strategic planning perspective, it would be vital to look at this data and determine a breakdown by the payor as well. Remember that socioeconomic class and adjusted gross income could have a serious impact on reaching certain populations (Watson, 2018). For example, lower-income families may not have access to the same health insurance plans that are accepted by Kaiser’s health care centers, or the admission costs are extremely high because these patients are out of network. There are so many societal factors that could play a role in the overall environment that is impacting Kaiser’s business endeavors. In Oakland, since there is a more diverse community, it would be helpful to do a community assessment and do community outreach to see what the patients would value most and improve their experience (Watson, 2018). It would be interesting to do a subset analysis of the population that needs care by age and gender as well. This would help with the marketing approach and being able to structural incorporation of the organization to support their patient demand and differentiate from their local competition. In Marlboro, MD it is important to find out what the customers prefer and evaluate how the organization provide the highest quality access to care to patients. Again doing community outreach and education will be helpful In evaluation and strategy. One thing that important to note in a community like this, is that there may be distrust of healthcare or by different socioeconomic classes. Having staff that is racially sensitive or culturally diverse can help improve inclusion and improve the patient experience and instill more trust. Optics are huge from an external perspective for all organizations and providing the best quality of service begins externally and flows internally.
Watson S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply to Priscilla:
Organizational structure and strategy is important for healthcare organizations. When it comes to organizational structure, it plays a significant role in how communication and operation works in healthcare organizations. In order to be successful, healthcare organizations must be able to understand their external environment when creating a strategic direction. The external environment is composed of many parts, but its influences fall into two categories. One of the categories is societal factors. Watson (2018) states that “the societal environment encompasses general economic conditions, population demographics, cultural values, governmental regulations, and technology” (p. 27).
Based on the information provided, Kaiser Permanente has medical centers located in both Oakland, CA and Upper Marlboro, MD. However, the race and ethnicity of these two locations vary dramatically. In Upper Marlboro, Maryland, it is composed of 34.3% white, 62.3% black, and the rest, whereas Oakland, California is composed of 27.3% white, 27% Hispanic, 23.6% black, and the rest. In these two locations, the ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care. When it comes to ethnic and racial minority groups, they “tend to use healthcare services differently and experience higher rates of disease” (Watson, 2018, p. 27). Furthermore, ethnic and racial minority groups have different preferences regarding lifestyle and culture; for example, their food choices, use of tobacco, openness talking about disease, and participation level in sports are different (Watson, 2018, p. 27). Because of the different preferences in lifestyle and culture, this can have an effect on the occurrence of disease or illness and the amount or quantity in the use of healthcare. Therefore, in order to provide care for ethnic and racial minority groups, Kaiser Permanente will need to be able to understand the differences in the utilization of healthcare in this population. By doing so, it can help Kaiser Permanente to evaluate their external environment in order to provide care that will be suitable for the needs of this population.
Watson S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.
MGT 321 SEU Type of Economic System Implemented by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Regulation:
- All students are encouraged to use their own word.
- Assignment -2 should be submitted on or before the end of Week-09 in Black Board only.
- This assignment is an individual assignment
- Textbook (add it in the refrences)
- Hill, C. W. L. & G. T. Hult (2018). International business: Competing in the global marketplace (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Carlos Albizu Positive Organizational Values in Healthcare Organizations Responses Writing Assignment Help
Week 2
Leadership in Healthcare APA Style Reply
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply to each Peer about their post.
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply to Tom:
At the end of the day, the values of the people in the organization at Sunrise General Hospital must coincide with the values that the company sets forth. As a leader, it is truly important to be self-aware of the behaviors you are setting forth but also understanding how you are performing as a leader. It is important to be self-aware and realize how your actions are impacting the other people on your team and organization. Ensuring that the quality of care is provided, but at the same time making sure that all staff is engaged while promoting educational development and being cost-effective are key facets of senior leadership. From a values-based standpoint, it is important that the values your team follows include integrity, patient centricity, trust, and conflict resolution (Dye, 2017). If the company’s values are not met by the employees there must be a serious conversation on the future of the employee with the organization especially if that individual is representing the company in poor light or being dishonest. Some things that can help encourage team bonding is open lines of communication and leading by example. Doing team events or having team lunches is extremely beneficial for discussions and team interaction. It also helps people from different backgrounds connect and express who they are. Engagement is important and making everyone feel valued and heard is incredibly important. As a leader in my position, I host daily co-operative workshops for my team, as we are all virtual being able to work together and huddle up and answer real-time questions is extremely helpful with providing best practices and making sure that everyone is cared for. If the staff at sunrise can come together and bond but realize that everyone has the same goal and wants to benefit the organization, personal differences can be put aside for the mission and the overall success of the company.
Dye, C. F. (2017). Leadership in healthcare: Essential values and skills (3rd ed.). Health Services Administration Press.
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply Georgina:
This week’s discussion: Imagine that you are the new senior leader for the emergency department at Sunrise General Hospital. After three months on the job, you realize that your values and the values exhibited by your doctors and other professional staff are very different. How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with?
A leader is most influential when his/her followers know what he stands for because followers are clear on whether they can relate to the leader’s ideas, values are established principles that guide behaviors and thoughts. (Dye, 2017). To establish values that everyone can engage with the leader, a leader must build an understanding of leadership that includes a sense of how their behavior influences the environment around them, (Dye, 2017). Values are different with every individual, but when it comes to the workplace all employees must follow the rules and procedures that have been put in place with a company or the managers.
As a leader, you have to find out what motivates each individual not everyone has the same motivation. It takes a little time but as you get to know your people it comes pretty quick and then you can set the stage for them seeing that the actions that you want them to take are going to complete what they hold valuable. This is a team effort, and everyone plays a part, but everyone needs to use their part effectively so that whatever is needed to be done collectively will accomplish the common goal. Many times, you will have people that will stray from their duties and they need to be reminded respectfully, the scope of their position. As a manager you have to oversee every aspect to be sure that your resources are being used adequately, when people stray and begin to do other things, they minimize the effectiveness of the resources.
Dye, C. (2017). LEADERSHIP IN HEALTHCARE Essential Values and Skills. Chicago: The Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Step 2: Summarize the story clearly and thoroughly. Discuss specific people, dates, events and major historical ideas or issues.
Step 3: Provide historical context for the episode. Make connections, between the contents of the episode, and what we’ve been reading in this course.
Textbook: Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!, Volume 1, Seagull Sixth Edition
Foner, Eric. Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History, Sixth
Edition, Volume 1.
Diablo Valley College Impact of Yellow Fever on American Trade Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ECON 201 Saudi Electronic Benefits for Borrowers & Lenders in Business Questions Economics Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment 2 Question-Chapters: 12, 13, 14 & 15:
For your information
Textbook & Learning Materials:
Mankiw, N. Gregory. Principles of Macroeconomics, 6th ed. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. ISBN: 9780538453066 (hard copy); ISBN: 9781115468523 (eBook)
NUR 411 St Thomas University Mod 1 Transition to Professional Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Share your perceptions based on your current work environment: Is nursing perceived as a professional partner with other disciplines?
Submission Instructions:
- Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
- You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
- All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
- Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
- You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date
- . Grading Rubric
Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.
Discussion Rubric |
Criteria |
Ratings |
Points |
Identification of Main Issues, Problems, and Concepts |
5 points DistinguishedIdentify and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
4 points ExcellentIdentifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
2 points FairIdentifies and demonstrates an acceptable understanding of most of the issues, problems, and concepts. |
1 point PoorIdentifies and demonstrates an unacceptable understanding of most issues, problems, and concepts. |
5 points |
Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines |
3 points DistinguishedEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Exceptional use of citations and extended referencing. High level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
2 points ExcellentEffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. Moderate level of APA precision and free of grammar and spelling errors. |
1 point FairIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Moderate use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need more precision and attention to detail. |
0 points PoorIneffectively uses the literature and other resources to inform their work. Unacceptable use of citations and extended referencing. APA style and writing mechanics need serious attention. |
3 points |
Response to Posts of Peers |
2 points DistinguishedThe student constructively responded to two other posts and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal to each. |
1 point FairThe student constructively responded to one other post and either extended, expanded, or provided a rebuttal. |
0 points PoorThe student provided no response to a peer’s post. |
2 points |
NUR 421 Indian Community College Mod 1 Nursing in Multicultural Society Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Describe your acculturation experience as a new graduate to the culture of the nursing profession. How is it similar or different from the acculturation experience of a new nursing colleague who joined your team within the past year?
Submission Instructions:
Francine Shopping in A K Mart Store Having Stolen Something Case Study Law Assignment Help
Francine, carrying a large purse, was shopping in a K-Mart store. A security guard observed her looking at various small items such as stain, hinges, and antenna wire. On occasion she bent down out of sight of the guard. The guard thought he saw Francine put something in her purse. Francine removed her glasses from her purse and returned them a few times.
After she left, the guard approached her in the parking lot and said that he believed she had store merchandise in her purse but was unable to say what he thought was put there. Francine opened the purse, and the guard testified he saw no K-Mart merchandise in it. The guard then told Francine to return to the store with him. They walked around the store for approximately one hour, while the guard said six or seven times that he saw her put something in her purse. Francine left the store after another store employee indicated she could go. Francine sued and won the lawsuit. DON’T ADD ANY FACTS.
1. What is/are the name (or names, if more than one) of the tort(s) that would give Francine the win in her lawsuit, and explain your answer while applying all of the elements as taught in LAW2001. Do not include any torts that would not be successful.
(70% of your grade, divided by the number of correct torts chosen and correct elements discussed in your answer. You will lose points for choosing incorrect torts.)
2. Specify at what point in the fact pattern (or timeline) that the conduct of the guard created liability and why. (30% of your answer)
COM 325 Capella University Autonomous and Positive Face & Forgiveness Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Discussion 1
Supporting an autonomous and positive face can be challenging. There are times when an autonomous and positive face can create conflict.
Provide an example of a time that this has happened to you or someone you know in your professional and personal experience. What did you do to resolve the issues of autonomous and positive face? Are the strategies you used for each different? Your initial response should be 250 – 300 word
Discussion 2
Forgiveness can be an integral part in conflict resolution and even a strong factor in psychological and physical health. Some philosophers state that forgiveness is a gift to the person doing the forgiving, not necessarily for the forgiven.
In a minimum of 250 words, discuss whether you agree or disagree with this statement? Should forgiveness and reconciliation be the ultimate goal for all conflict resolution? Support your answer with appropriate resources.;
COM 325 Capella University Autonomous and Positive Face & Forgiveness Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of the Potomac Hate Crimes Analysis & Group or Population Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Select one group or population that has been the target of a hate crime.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis in which you do the following:
- Provide a brief description as to what specific factors serve as the basis for victimization; for example, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
- Identify applicable specific case examples.
- Discuss the prevalence of state laws that criminalize various types of hate crimes.
- Describe how you would collect data measure the victimization of your chosen group. Provide rationale for your choice.
- Identify which of the criminological theories discussed in the course explain the victimization of this individual, group, or population. Provide rationale for the selection.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Carlos Albizu University Strategic Planning & Organizational Management Responses Writing Assignment Help
Week 2
Strategic Planning and Organizational Management in Healthcare APA Style Reply
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply to each Peer about their post.
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply 1 to Tom:
When looking at this breakdown it is truly important to understand the breakdown of data when it comes to these two separate locations. It also is extremely important to understand the overall demographics of these locations. From this information, it is not clear which percentage of this population is currently using Kaiser Permanente health services. From a strategic planning perspective, it would be vital to look at this data and determine a breakdown by the payor as well. Remember that socioeconomic class and adjusted gross income could have a serious impact on reaching certain populations (Watson, 2018). For example, lower-income families may not have access to the same health insurance plans that are accepted by Kaiser’s health care centers, or the admission costs are extremely high because these patients are out of network. There are so many societal factors that could play a role in the overall environment that is impacting Kaiser’s business endeavors. In Oakland, since there is a more diverse community, it would be helpful to do a community assessment and do community outreach to see what the patients would value most and improve their experience (Watson, 2018). It would be interesting to do a subset analysis of the population that needs care by age and gender as well. This would help with the marketing approach and being able to structural incorporation of the organization to support their patient demand and differentiate from their local competition. In Marlboro, MD it is important to find out what the customers prefer and evaluate how the organization provide the highest quality access to care to patients. Again doing community outreach and education will be helpful In evaluation and strategy. One thing that important to note in a community like this, is that there may be distrust of healthcare or by different socioeconomic classes. Having staff that is racially sensitive or culturally diverse can help improve inclusion and improve the patient experience and instill more trust. Optics are huge from an external perspective for all organizations and providing the best quality of service begins externally and flows internally.
Watson S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.
discuss how ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care to its members in these two locations Reply to Priscilla:
Organizational structure and strategy is important for healthcare organizations. When it comes to organizational structure, it plays a significant role in how communication and operation works in healthcare organizations. In order to be successful, healthcare organizations must be able to understand their external environment when creating a strategic direction. The external environment is composed of many parts, but its influences fall into two categories. One of the categories is societal factors. Watson (2018) states that “the societal environment encompasses general economic conditions, population demographics, cultural values, governmental regulations, and technology” (p. 27).
Based on the information provided, Kaiser Permanente has medical centers located in both Oakland, CA and Upper Marlboro, MD. However, the race and ethnicity of these two locations vary dramatically. In Upper Marlboro, Maryland, it is composed of 34.3% white, 62.3% black, and the rest, whereas Oakland, California is composed of 27.3% white, 27% Hispanic, 23.6% black, and the rest. In these two locations, the ethnicity and race of Oakland and Upper Marlboro affects Kaiser Permanente in providing care. When it comes to ethnic and racial minority groups, they “tend to use healthcare services differently and experience higher rates of disease” (Watson, 2018, p. 27). Furthermore, ethnic and racial minority groups have different preferences regarding lifestyle and culture; for example, their food choices, use of tobacco, openness talking about disease, and participation level in sports are different (Watson, 2018, p. 27). Because of the different preferences in lifestyle and culture, this can have an effect on the occurrence of disease or illness and the amount or quantity in the use of healthcare. Therefore, in order to provide care for ethnic and racial minority groups, Kaiser Permanente will need to be able to understand the differences in the utilization of healthcare in this population. By doing so, it can help Kaiser Permanente to evaluate their external environment in order to provide care that will be suitable for the needs of this population.
Watson S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Health Administration Press.
MGT 321 SEU Type of Economic System Implemented by Hugo Chavez in Venezuela Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
Assignment Regulation:
- All students are encouraged to use their own word.
- Assignment -2 should be submitted on or before the end of Week-09 in Black Board only.
- This assignment is an individual assignment
- Textbook (add it in the refrences)
- Hill, C. W. L. & G. T. Hult (2018). International business: Competing in the global marketplace (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Carlos Albizu Positive Organizational Values in Healthcare Organizations Responses Writing Assignment Help
Week 2
Leadership in Healthcare APA Style Reply
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply to each Peer about their post.
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply to Tom:
At the end of the day, the values of the people in the organization at Sunrise General Hospital must coincide with the values that the company sets forth. As a leader, it is truly important to be self-aware of the behaviors you are setting forth but also understanding how you are performing as a leader. It is important to be self-aware and realize how your actions are impacting the other people on your team and organization. Ensuring that the quality of care is provided, but at the same time making sure that all staff is engaged while promoting educational development and being cost-effective are key facets of senior leadership. From a values-based standpoint, it is important that the values your team follows include integrity, patient centricity, trust, and conflict resolution (Dye, 2017). If the company’s values are not met by the employees there must be a serious conversation on the future of the employee with the organization especially if that individual is representing the company in poor light or being dishonest. Some things that can help encourage team bonding is open lines of communication and leading by example. Doing team events or having team lunches is extremely beneficial for discussions and team interaction. It also helps people from different backgrounds connect and express who they are. Engagement is important and making everyone feel valued and heard is incredibly important. As a leader in my position, I host daily co-operative workshops for my team, as we are all virtual being able to work together and huddle up and answer real-time questions is extremely helpful with providing best practices and making sure that everyone is cared for. If the staff at sunrise can come together and bond but realize that everyone has the same goal and wants to benefit the organization, personal differences can be put aside for the mission and the overall success of the company.
Dye, C. F. (2017). Leadership in healthcare: Essential values and skills (3rd ed.). Health Services Administration Press.
How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with? Reply Georgina:
This week’s discussion: Imagine that you are the new senior leader for the emergency department at Sunrise General Hospital. After three months on the job, you realize that your values and the values exhibited by your doctors and other professional staff are very different. How will you build a team and establish values that everyone can engage with?
A leader is most influential when his/her followers know what he stands for because followers are clear on whether they can relate to the leader’s ideas, values are established principles that guide behaviors and thoughts. (Dye, 2017). To establish values that everyone can engage with the leader, a leader must build an understanding of leadership that includes a sense of how their behavior influences the environment around them, (Dye, 2017). Values are different with every individual, but when it comes to the workplace all employees must follow the rules and procedures that have been put in place with a company or the managers.
As a leader, you have to find out what motivates each individual not everyone has the same motivation. It takes a little time but as you get to know your people it comes pretty quick and then you can set the stage for them seeing that the actions that you want them to take are going to complete what they hold valuable. This is a team effort, and everyone plays a part, but everyone needs to use their part effectively so that whatever is needed to be done collectively will accomplish the common goal. Many times, you will have people that will stray from their duties and they need to be reminded respectfully, the scope of their position. As a manager you have to oversee every aspect to be sure that your resources are being used adequately, when people stray and begin to do other things, they minimize the effectiveness of the resources.
Dye, C. (2017). LEADERSHIP IN HEALTHCARE Essential Values and Skills. Chicago: The Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Step 2: Summarize the story clearly and thoroughly. Discuss specific people, dates, events and major historical ideas or issues.
Step 3: Provide historical context for the episode. Make connections, between the contents of the episode, and what we’ve been reading in this course.
Textbook: Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty!, Volume 1, Seagull Sixth Edition
Foner, Eric. Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History, Sixth
Edition, Volume 1.