Differences of Long Range Planning and Strategic Planning Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

Differences of Long Range Planning and Strategic Planning Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help. Differences of Long Range Planning and Strategic Planning Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help.

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  1. Distinguish between long-range planning and strategic planning. Provide examples to illustrate your point.
  2. Identify the pitfalls in strategic planning for which management should watch out, then pick any five and discuss, in detail, the strategic implications of this risk.
  3. Compare and contrast vision statements with mission statements. Describe why a mission statement is so important in the strategic-management process.
  4. Identify and discuss 10 external forces that must be examined in formulating strategies: economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political, governmental, legal, technological, and competitive. Give examples of each.
  5. Define Competitive Intelligence (CI) and discuss three ways that CI can be gathered.
  1. Explain Porter’s Five Forces Model and its relevance in formulating strategies. For each competitive force, discuss one condition that is likely to increase the threat of that force.
  2. Explain how to develop and use an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix. Discuss the five steps needed to develop an EFE Matrix.
  3. Explain how to develop and use a Competitive Profile Matrix.
  1. Identify the five basic functions of management, and describe each function with an emphasis on their relevance in formulating strategies.
  2. First, discuss the importance of financial analysis in strategic management. Next, discuss the three separate fronts on which an effective financial ratio analysis is conducted. Then, discuss the limitations of financial ratio analysis.
  3. Describe the purpose and importance of an Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix. Then, discuss the five steps involved in performing an IFE.
  1. What are the characteristics of effective strategic objectives? Discuss why it is important to clearly state objectives.
  1. The textbook lists eleven types of strategies. Describe and give examples of each.
  1. Define the three types of integration strategies. Give examples and guidelines for when each is strategically appropriate.
  1. Define the three intensive strategies. Give examples and guidelines for when each is strategically appropriate.
  1. Discuss, in detail, the SWOT Matrix. Describe each component of the matrix and discuss its strategic implication. Discuss the use of the SWOT Matrix in strategic analysis.
  1. Compare and contrast the BCG Matrix and the IE Matrix. What are the benefits and limitations of each?
  1. Diagram and explain the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM). Describe the positive features and limitations of this analytic tool.
  1. Discuss the differences between strategy formulation and strategy implementation.
  2. Compare and contrast the different types of organizational structures: functional, divisional, and matrix. Describe each and discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Although there are many marketing activities that impact the success or failure of strategy-implementation efforts, three activities are indicated in the text as being especially important. What are these three activities? Discuss why they are so important.
  4. Discuss the major R&D approaches for implementing strategies. Discuss guidelines used to determine whether a firm should conduct R&D internally or externally.
  1. Discuss Rumelt’s four criteria for evaluating strategies. List and describe each of the three strategy-evaluation activities.
  1. Discuss the four different perspectives related to the Balanced Scorecard and explain what the Balanced Scorecard attempts to balance. Identify and explain the questions that must be asked when using Balanced Scorecard Analysis.
  2. Discuss how business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability are interrelated.
  1. Discuss the reasons why preserving the environment should be a permanent part of doing business. Describe a sustainability report.
  2. Discuss the potential advantages to initiating, continuing, and/or expanding international operations.
  3. Explain the concept of protectionism. Discuss the role that protectionism plays in global commerce.

Differences of Long Range Planning and Strategic Planning Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HRM6632 Average Range of Employee Salary Assignment Other Assignment Help

Salary Structure Exercise — HRM6632
Show all calculations!
Given salary grades SG3 and SG4 shown below, which are part of a 6-step salary structure for exempt, salaried employees:
A. Calculate:
1. the range spreads for SG3 & SG4
2. the degree of overlap between SG3 & SG4
3. the midpoint-to-midpoint progression or increase (in percent) between SG3 and SG4
4. Given the data in Part A above, what is your assessment of this pay structure?
5. Could this organization do anything to improve its salary structure? If so, what?
B. Assume that there are six employees in SG3 with the following salaries:
$38,000; $42,000; $46,000; $48,000; $70,000; $72,000.
6. What is the average salary for employees in SG3?
7. What is the median salary for employees in SG3?
8. Why is the average salary so different from the median salary? What are the implications of this difference?
9. What is the group compa-ratio for employees in SG3?
10. What do you conclude from the compa-ratio you calculated for SG3?
All questions are worth 5 points each.


Car Rental Maintenance and Administrative Expenses Excel Project 2 Writing Assignment Help

Excel Project 2 – MS Excel (Spring 2019)

Use the project description below to complete this activity (all the details are included in this document). For a review of the complete rubric used in grading this exercise, click on the Assignments tab, then on the title “Excel Project 2.” Click on Show Rubrics if the rubric is not already displayed.


Create a Microsoft Excel workbook with four worksheets that provides extensive use of Excel capabilities including charting, and written analysis and recommendations in support of a business enterprise.

A large rental car company has two metropolitan locations, one at the airport and another centrally located in downtown. It has been operating since 2015 and each location summarizes its car rental revenue quarterly. Both locations rent four classes of cars: economy, premium, hybrid, SUV. Rental revenue is maintained separately for the four classes of rental vehicles.

The data for this case resides in the file spring2019rentalcars.txt and can be downloaded by clicking on the Assignments tab, then on the data file name. It is a text file (with the file type .txt).

Do not create your own data. You must use the data provided and only the data provided.

Default Formatting. All labels, text, and numbers will be Arial 10, There will be $ and comma and decimal point variations for numeric data, but Arial 10 will be the default font and font size.

Tutorials Note: Tutorials that address activities used in this project have been assigned in Week 1, 2 and 3.




Open Excel and save a blank workbook with the following name: a. “Student’s First InitialLast Name Excel Project 2” Example: JSmith Excel Project 2. b. Set Page Layout Orientation to Landscape.

Use Print Preview to review how the first worksheet would print.

2 Change the name of the worksheet to Analysis by.

In the Analysis by worksheet: a. Beginning in Row 1, enter the four labels in column A (one label per row) in the following order: Name:, Class/Section:, Project:, Date Due: b. Place a blank row between each label. Please note the colon : after each label. c. Align the labels to the right side in the cells.

It may be necessary to adjust the column width so the four labels are clearly visible within Column A (not extending into Column B).
Format for column A:

• Arial 10 point • Normal font • Right-align all four labels in the cells




In the Analysis by worksheet with all entries in column C:

a. Enter the appropriate values for your Name (in cell C1), Class and Section (cell C3), Project (cell C5), and Date (cell C7) across from the appropriate label in column A. b. Use the formatting in the Comments column (to the right).

It may be necessary to adjust the column width so the four labels are clearly visible within Column C (not extending into Column D).
Format for column C:

• Arial 10 point • Bold • Left-align all four values in the cells

a. Create new worksheets: Data, Initial Analysis, and Profit Analysis Upon completion, there should be Analysis by as well as the three newly created worksheets.

b. Delete any other worksheets.

Note: The three new worksheets might not have Arial 10 point as the default type so it may be necessary to change the font and point to Arial 10 for the new worksheets.

If necessary, reorder the four worksheets so they are in the following order: Analysis by, Data, Initial Analysis, Profit Analysis.

After clicking on the blank cell A1 (to select it) in the Data worksheet, import the text file spring2019rentalcars.txt into the Data worksheet. The data should begin in Column A, Row 1.

It will be necessary to change Revenue data to Currency format ($ and comma (thousands separators) with NO decimal points, and to change NumCars data to number format, with NO decimal points, but with the comma (thousands separator). Note: in the Currency format there is NO space between the $ and the first numeric character that follows the $.

Though the intent is to import the text file into the Data worksheet, sometimes when text data is imported into a worksheet, a new worksheet is created. If this happens, delete the blank Data worksheet. Then change the name of the new worksheet with the imported data as “Data”. Make sure worksheets are in the correct order per Item 6.


all data (field names, data text, and data numbers)

• Arial 10 point • Normal font

The field names should be in the top row of the worksheet with the data directly under it in rows. This action may not be necessary as this is part of the Excel table creation process. The data should begin in column A.




In the Data worksheet:

a. Create an Excel table with the recently imported data. b. Pick a style with the styles group to format the table (choose a style that shows banded rows, i.e., rows that alternate between 2 colors). c. The style should highlight the field names in the first row. d. Ensure NO blank cells are part of the specified data range. e. Ensure the table has headers. f. Ensure that Header Row and Banded Rows are selected in the Table Style Options Group Box, but do NOT select a Total row.

Some adjustment may be necessary to column widths to ensure all field names and all data are readable (not truncated or obscured).

In the Data worksheet:

a. Sort the entire table by Year (ascending) b. Delete all 2017 rows and data. There should be one row for titles and sixty-four rows of data after the 2017 data is deleted. c. There should be no column or data truncation.

Copy the contents of the Data worksheet to both the Initial Analysis and Profit Analysis worksheets, with cell A1 as upper left-hand corner in for both worksheets.

a. The two worksheet Excel tables should meet the formatting requirements of the Data worksheet specified in step 7 above. b. There should be no column or data truncation. c. Each of the destinations should have an Excel table.




In the Initial Analysis worksheet, using the Excel table just copied there:

a. Create a Pivot Table using all 2015 and 2016 data. b. Locate the top edge of the Pivot Table at the top edge of Row 1 and a few columns to the right of the data. c. Display the total revenue for all four types (CarClass) of vehicles in four columns with no breakdown by quarters. (Put CarClass in the columns area of the PivotTable fields) d. Display the total revenue for both Airport and Downtown locations in two rows with no breakdown by quarters. (Put Location in the rows area of the PivotTable fields). e. Row and column calculations (sum) are required so that the total revenue for EACH location and the total revenue for EACH CarClass are visible in the pivot table. There must be a grand total that represents the sum of ALL revenue. f. Ensure that the formatting is as listed in the Comments column. g. Left justify both locations and Grand Total below both and right justify four car classes and Grand Total to the right of the four car classes in the pivot table. h. Final step: Adjust column widths, if necessary, to eliminate title and data truncation of the pivot table.
Format (for pivot table label, text, data as appropriate):

• Currency (leading dollar sign) with no space between the $ and the first number • No decimal places • Arial 10 point • Normal font • No title or data truncation in the pivot table. • Right-align the column labels.

In the Initial Analysis worksheet, using the pivot table:
a. Create a column or bar type of chart that shows the total revenue for each of the four vehicle types at each location. b. Add a title that reflects the information presented by the chart. c. The upper left corner of the chart should be one or two rows below the above referenced pivot table and left-aligned with the pivot table. d. The chart should clearly indicate location and type of car.

The chart should allow a viewer to determine approximate revenue totals for each vehicle total revenue at each location.
The chart should have no more than 8 bars or columns.

For the two questions that follow, present your answers in the Initial Analysis worksheet in a very readable format. These answers should be placed on the page below the pivot table and chart Do not let the answers be “split” over more than one page. You can type your answer in one cell, then highlighting and selecting several rows and columns, selecting merge cells and selecting Wrap Text. Do NOT widen the columns as this will adversely impact the appearance of the pivot tables above. You will want to change the text from Center to Left justification. Play with this a bit. If you simply type your answer on a single line, that will also be ok. Be sure the entire answer can be read without the reader having to change any formatting, scroll horizontally, or view the results in the cell contents box. Use Currency (leading dollar sign) with no space between the $ and the first number format for dollar figures.




Question 1: Based on the pivot table above, which location for 2015 and 2016 combined produced the most revenue? How much revenue was it?

a. Label your response Question 1. b. Answer this question in 1 or 2 sentences.
Use the following text format:

• Arial 10 point • Normal/Black • Left-align text in the cell

Question 2. Based on the pivot table above, which combination of location and car class for 2015 and 2016 combined produced the most revenue? How much revenue was it?

a. Label your response Question 2. b. Answer this question in 1 to 2 sentences.
Use the following text format:

• Arial 10 point • Normal/Black • Left-align text in the cell

In the Profit Analysis worksheet:

a. In Row 1 and in the column to the immediate right of NumCars label, add the following labels in the following order: Expenses, Profit, ProfitperCar (three labels, each at the top of a column) b. If necessary, adjust column widths to eliminate truncation.

c. The Excel table should be extended three columns to the right after adding these three new columns.

Use the following text format:

• Arial 10 point • Normal/Black • Left-align text in the cell

In the Profit Analysis worksheet:

a. In Row 1, two columns to the right of the Profit per Car label add the label: Hybrid Expense per Car. b. In Row 2, in the same column as Hybrid Expenses add the label Non-Hybrid Expense per Car. DO NOT adjust column widths for these two labels. The blank column to the left of these two labels will prevent these two labels from becoming a right extension of the Excel table.
Use the following text format:

• Arial 10 point • Bold • Left-align text in the cell

In the Profit Analysis worksheet:

In the next totally visible cell (no content bleed over from label) in Row 1 add 100 for Hybrid Expense per Car in Row 1 and in Row 2 add 50 for Non-Hybrid Expense per Car. The absolute cell addresses of these two numeric values will be used to calculate Expenses in the Excel table for each row.


• Currency (leading dollar sign) with no space between the $ and the first number • No decimal places • Arial 10 point

• • Normal font




In the Profit Analysis worksheet:

Expenses costs include maintenance, cleaning, and administrative expenses associated for a car rental. The Expenses for one rental transaction will be determined from the values specified in the worksheet. DO NOT enter the values in this column on a cell by cell basis. a. In the first cell directly under the Expenses label, calculate the total Expenses that corresponds to the number of cars rented IN THAT ROW (NumCars) using an “IF” statement to as part of the formula to determine the value of Expenses for one vehicle. b. First, use the “IF” statement to determine the single vehicle Expenses and second, edit the cell contents to multiply it by the NumCars so that the Expenses value represents the total Expenses costs for the Number of Cars (NumCars) rented that row. Expenses = Numcars * Expense per Car c. Use the absolute cell address for the numerical Expenses value for ONE vehicle which should then be multiplied by the number of cars in each row. d. Adjust column width as needed to eliminate truncation after format adjustments. Note: the use of absolute cell addresses allows those Expenses values to be changed and then by recalculation, update the entire Excel table. It can be helpful to double-check a hybrid and a nonhybrid row with a calculator for calculation accuracy.

• Currency (leading dollar sign) with no space between the $ and the first number. • No decimal places • Arial 10 point • Normal font

In the Profit Analysis Worksheet: a. In the first cell directly under the Profit label, calculate total profit by subtracting Expenses from revenue (should be a positive number). (Revenue – Expenses). Then repeat the formula for each row below. b. In the first cell directly under the ProfitperCar label, divide Profit by NumCars (Profit/Numcars). Then repeat the formula for each row below. c. Adjust column widths as needed to eliminate truncation after formatting. Verifying the accuracy of a few cells calculation with a calculator can be helpful.


• Currency (leading dollar sign) with no space between the $ and the first digit. • No decimal places for Profit and two decimal places for ProfitperCar data • Arial 10 point • Normal font





In the Profit Analysis worksheet:

a. Create a Pivot Table using all 2015 and 2016 data. b. Locate the top edge of the Pivot Table in Row 4 and leftaligned with the left edge of the Hybrid Expenses label. c. Display the total profit for all four types (CarClass) of vehicles in four columns with no breakdown by quarters. (Put CarClass in the columns area of the PivotTable fields). d. Display the total profit for both Airport and Downtown locations in two rows with no breakdown by quarters. (Put Location in the rows area of the PivotTable fields). e. Row and column calculations (sum) are required so that the total profit for EACH location and the total profit for each CarClass are visible in the pivot table. There must be a grand total that represents the sum of all profit. f. Format required listed in the Comments column. g. Left justify both locations and Grand Total below and right justify four car classes and the Grand Total to the right of the four car classes in the pivot table. h. Final step: Adjust columns widths, if necessary, to eliminate title and data truncation of the pivot table.

Row and column calculations (sum) are required so that the total profit for EACH location and the total profit for EACH carclass are visible in the pivot table. There must be a grand total (sum) that represents the sum of ALL profit. e. Position the upper left corner of the Pivot Table in the same column as the Hybrid Expense per Car label begins and two rows below it. f. Use format as defined in the Comments.

Locate the top edge of the Pivot Table in Row 4 and left aligned with the Hybrid Expenses label.
Format (for pivot table labels, text, data as appropriate):

• Currency (leading dollar sign) with no space between the $ and the first number. • No decimal places • Arial 10 point • Normal font


In the Profit Analysis worksheet:

a. Create a Pivot Table using all of the 2015 and 2016 data. b. Position the upper left corner to left align with the pivot table above and two rows below the pivot table above. c. Display the average profit for all four types (carclass) of vehicles in four columns with no breakdown by quarters. (Put CarClass in the columns area of the PivotTable fields). d. Display the average profit for both Airport and Downtown locations in two rows with no breakdown by quarters. (Put Location in the rows area of the PivotTable fields). e. Row and column calculations (average) are required so that the average profit for EACH location and the average profit for EACH CarClass are visible in the pivot table. There must be a composite average (average) that represents the average of all profit values. f. Format required listed in the Comments column. g. Left justify both locations and Grand total below and right justify four car classes and the Grand Total to the right of the four car classes in the pivot table. h. Final step: Adjust column widths, if necessary, to eliminate title and data truncation in BOTH pivot tables.

Please note: This pivot table displays average NOT total.

Format (for pivot table labels, text, data as appropriate):

• Currency (leading dollar sign) with no space between the $ and the first number. • No decimal places • Arial 10 point • Right-align pivot table column labels • Normal font

For the questions below, in the Profit Analysis worksheet, present your answers in a very readable format left-aligned with and one or two rows beneath the lower pivot table. You can type your answer in one cell, then highlight and select several rows and columns, selecting merge cells and selecting Wrap Text. Do NOT widen the columns as this will adversely impact the appearance of the worksheet items above. You will want to change the text from Center to Left justification. Play with this a bit. If you simply type your answer on a single line in that will also be ok. But be sure the entire answer can be read without the reader having to change any formatting. Reading the answer in the cell editor is NOT acceptable, the answer must be visible in the worksheet itself. Use Currency (leading dollar sign) with no space between the $ and the first number format for dollar figures.


Question 1: Based on the upper pivot table, which of the two locations produces the greater profit (include the profit figure) and which vehicle class of the four produces the least profit (include the profit figure)?

Label your response Question 1. Answer this question in 2 to 3 sentences one or two rows below and left-aligned with the lower pivot table.

• Arial 10 point • Normal/Black • Left-align text in the cell

Question 2: Based on the lower pivot table, which combination of location and carclass is MOST profitable on a quarterly basis and which combination is least profitable on a quarterly basis car (include the average quarterly values with the answer).

Label your response Question 2. Answer this question in 2 to 3 sentences in a new row left-aligned with the Question 1 response and one or two rows beneath it.


Child Sex Trafficking Exploitation and Social Media Research Methods Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’ve attached several documents to assist with this. Including the thesis proposal, thesis proposal with instructor feedback and two thesis that are examples of what I am looking for. I have also included the methodology formatting example. Please review these and look at the instructions below.

This section of your paper provides the reader with a description of how you are planning to conduct research. It explains what research approach you have chosen, and why. It describes any special considerations and defines any limitations and terms specific to this project, if necessary. If you are using any specific research measures (like interview or survey questions) you would include these as an appendix. This section will range from 5-8 pages.

This section should go beyond the unhelpful description of “this research paper uses a qualitative/quantitative/mixed research method.” You will need to clearly describe and explain the research method in use, how you chose any cases under investigation, how you intend to measure your variables, how you will carry out your research (including both the collection and assessment of data), and how you will draw your conclusions. You will draw from you research proposal as a starting point since this should have been briefly covered in your week 4 submission.


The ISIS Files by the New York Times Article Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

  1. Read the article “The ISIS files” from the New York Times at https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/04/04/world/middleeast/isis-documents-mosul-iraq.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  2. Analyze the article in terms of the features of Authoritarianism shown below. In other words, for each of the twelve features presented you have to show how each specific feature is evident in the ISIS article. Write a document where you list one feature at time, followed by your analysis of how that feature is exemplified in the article. Be concrete and specific in your answer, and write the analysis for someone who has not read the article.

Important Features of Authoritarianism:

A.R. Ball, specifies the following features of Authoritarianism or Authoritarian state:

  1. Limitations on Political Process: Important limitations are imposed on open political process, political parties and elections.
  2. Use of an Ideology: Ideological principles like racialism or fundamentalism or nationalism often provide some basis for the exercise of state power over the people.
  3. Rulers determine all decisions: The rulers and not the people determine all decisions.
  4. Dependence on Coercion and Force: Authoritarian rulers mostly use force and coercion to command political uniformity and obedience.
  5. Less importance to Rights and Liberties: Civil liberties enjoy a low priority. Governmental control over judiciary and mass media is direct and considered justified in the interest of public good.
  6. Authoritarianism can involve Family rule or Military rule: The basis for rule is found either in traditional family elite or in a new modernizing group, often the army, which seizes power by a coup.
  7. A Small Group uses all the powers: Under authoritarianism, one group monopolies political power and control.
  8. Based on Power and Manipulations: Manipulations, suppressions and coercion constitute the basis of the power of the rulers.
  9. Bureaucracy as the main tool of the rule of the rulers: The rulers use bureaucracy and police as the instruments of their control over the people.
  10. Centralization of authority in a few hands: Centralization of authority is practiced and very often an attempt is made to cover this centralism with the cloak of power-sharing among several political groups who are, however, totally loyal to the ruling group/leader.
  11. Use of Propaganda: Legitimacy for the rulers’ authority is secured through declarations, manipulations and propaganda or by the use of the ideology of peace, development and security.
  12. Rulers Control Public Opinion: In an authoritarian system, public opinion is controlled. Only that opinion is allowed to move in society as is deemed favorable for the authority of the ruling group or rulers. In an authoritarian state, the individual and social life is largely controlled by the state i.e. by the government of the state and which is formed by one party or group.



ACT405 Inclusions and Exclusions of Gross Income Accounting Research Paper Other Assignment Help

Inclusions and Exclusions of Gross Income

Prepare a research paper on the major inclusions and exclusions from gross income. Your research should include:

  1. An explanation of the concept of gross income.
  2. A description of tax items that are included in gross income.
  3. Analysis of the items that are excluded from gross income.


Your paper must meet the following requirements:

  • Your written paper should be 3-5 pages in length not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include.
  • Use terms, evidence, and concepts from class readings.
  • You need to cite at least three sources for this assignment.
  • Your paper must be formatted according to the APA format.

ACT405 Inclusions and Exclusions of Gross Income Accounting Research Paper Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

2020 Presidential Candidates Grounds Warrant and Claim Assignment Writing Assignment Help

I realize the 2020 election is a ways off and we don’t yet know who all the candidates will be, but the

presedential selector lists all possible candidates (and identifies which are likely to run, and which

have officially announced their candidacy. Please use the President Selector to choose a candidate for

U.S. President in 2020.


I am sorry about all the ads 🙁

You can either use the candidate that matches up with your views, or you can choose a candidate that

you want to argue for.

For the candidate you choose, you need to:

A. Write an argument for why the students in class should vote for that particular candidate.

Include Grounds Warrant and Claim and a source citation.

B. For that candidate, write three resolutions: one fact, one value and one policy. You do not

need to cite any sources for part B, but you should have a source for part A.


Rasmussen Mean Girls Verbal Message & Non Verbal Message Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Re-watch the movie from your Communication Practicum Project then select three 10 minute scenes (different from the previous week, where you looked at listening) and evaluate one 10 minute scene and focus on the Verbal Messages. Then focus on the second 10 minute scene and focus on the Non-Verbal Messages. Finally, evaluate the third scene and compare and contract Verbal Messages vs. Non-Verbal Messages.

Use the following hints to help you organize your work:

  1. Briefly describe the scene, the characters and the situation.
  2. Using quotes from the movie, analyze the language used. Use material from the book to help you break down the use of language.
  3. Evaluate the body language, or non-verbal communication from the characters. Utilize at least 3 non-verbal elements from the reading.
  4. Cite each element, and then explain how the non-verbal behavior was either effective or ineffective.


Do Schools Kill Creativity by Sir Ken Robinson TED Talk Analysis Paper Other Assignment Help

TED Talk Analysis

TED talks are organized and highly-vetted public speeches that give normal people—people like you and me—a chance to spread their message to the world. Visit TED.com and watch several TED speakers. Note that you can sort by topic, speaker, and a host of other criteria. You can watch any TED talk you wish. If you’re looking a more concentrated list, you might also wish to visit this link, which highlights the 25 most popular TED talks of all time.

After watching a TED talk (or a few!), write a short 300-500 word (1.5-2 page) analysis of that talk. Please ensure that you cite the talk you watched in appropriate APA formatting. You should answer the following questions in your analysis:

What is the topic and who is the speaker?

How does the speaker get the audience’s attention in the introduction?

What are the main points of the talk? Are they easily identifiable?

What techniques of delivery does the speaker use effectively (e.g., emotion, vivid language, nonverbals, humor, etc.)? Please be sure to provide examples.

How does the speaker conclude the speech? Does it echo the themes in the introduction and “tie the knot” or does it go in a different direction?

Is the speech effective? Did it leave an impact on you? Tell us why or why not.

What did you learn about speech delivery after listening to this speech?


Reimagining My Social Self: Application of Sociological Imagination Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Reimagining My (Social) Self

Introduction to Sociology

Final Essay

DUE: Thursday, May 2nd2019

20% Final Grade

In this critical reflection essay, you will write about yourself. Don’t describe your whole life. Rather, recall a particular moment or event in your life, such as your childhood, or something happening in your life right now.

Critically reflect on yourself through consciously making use of the sociological imagination, as well as sociological concepts and principles learned in class. Why is your life meaningful, and how can you make sense of your life sociologically? This is your opportunity to put sociology into practice.

Be creative, and don’t be shy. Express yourself! Please look beyond the personal and into the social.

When composing your essay, consider how your self has emerged through social interaction during a particular historical and cultural era. How are youunique? How does your life emerge through your experience of others? Have you been affected by modern society, consumer culture, television and the media, gender and racial inequality, personal stigma, belonging, the Great Recession, The #MeToo Movement, the 2016 Election, or the War in Syria? Whatever it may be, your self has emerged through personal creativity and relations with others. Trace those steps, and show your self!

This 4page essaywill exercise your critical thinking skills and will also require you to think creatively about your life, social interaction, social history, and culture Keep your writing short and to the point. This essay is formal, so please use proper spelling and grammar, and citations from course materials.


The intention of this essay is:

to apply course concepts to the real world experiences of your life;

to apply a sociological perspective;

to help you cultivate self-awareness and critical thinking skills;

to discover your personal and socially shared vulnerabilities;

to reimagine your past;

and to muster the courage to understand yourself and others.

The goal of this assignment is to understand contemporary social reality through the examination of one’s life experience. Please definethe sociological imagination and/or sociological mindfulness, and use it to connectyour personal life to larger public issues.

To complete this essay, you must also use at least two additional citations from other readings throughout the semester, including Braving the Wilderness, The Sociologically Examined Life, or Man’s Search for Meaning. Contextualize your story and make your arguments. Be specific and use examples to relate back to the readings.

Grading Rubric

Grammar, Writing Quality, Style, Length(Approximately 4 pages, Typed, Double Spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. Font)

Does the student write clearly, fulfill the page requirement, and use proper grammar and spelling?

Application of the Sociological Imagination

Does the student define the sociological imagination? Does the student use the sociological imagination to connect personal experience with the social conditions discussed in their essay?



After watching a TED talk (or a few!), write a short 300-500 word (1.5-2 page) analysis of that talk. Please ensure that you cite the talk you watched in appropriate APA formatting. You should answer the following questions in your analysis:

What is the topic and who is the speaker?

How does the speaker get the audience’s attention in the introduction?

What are the main points of the talk? Are they easily identifiable?

What techniques of delivery does the speaker use effectively (e.g., emotion, vivid language, nonverbals, humor, etc.)? Please be sure to provide examples.

How does the speaker conclude the speech? Does it echo the themes in the introduction and “tie the knot” or does it go in a different direction?

Is the speech effective? Did it leave an impact on you? Tell us why or why not.

What did you learn about speech delivery after listening to this speech?


Reimagining My Social Self: Application of Sociological Imagination Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Reimagining My (Social) Self

Introduction to Sociology

Final Essay

DUE: Thursday, May 2nd2019

20% Final Grade

In this critical reflection essay, you will write about yourself. Don’t describe your whole life. Rather, recall a particular moment or event in your life, such as your childhood, or something happening in your life right now.

Critically reflect on yourself through consciously making use of the sociological imagination, as well as sociological concepts and principles learned in class. Why is your life meaningful, and how can you make sense of your life sociologically? This is your opportunity to put sociology into practice.

Be creative, and don’t be shy. Express yourself! Please look beyond the personal and into the social.

When composing your essay, consider how your self has emerged through social interaction during a particular historical and cultural era. How are youunique? How does your life emerge through your experience of others? Have you been affected by modern society, consumer culture, television and the media, gender and racial inequality, personal stigma, belonging, the Great Recession, The #MeToo Movement, the 2016 Election, or the War in Syria? Whatever it may be, your self has emerged through personal creativity and relations with others. Trace those steps, and show your self!

This 4page essaywill exercise your critical thinking skills and will also require you to think creatively about your life, social interaction, social history, and culture Keep your writing short and to the point. This essay is formal, so please use proper spelling and grammar, and citations from course materials.


The intention of this essay is:

to apply course concepts to the real world experiences of your life;

to apply a sociological perspective;

to help you cultivate self-awareness and critical thinking skills;

to discover your personal and socially shared vulnerabilities;

to reimagine your past;

and to muster the courage to understand yourself and others.

The goal of this assignment is to understand contemporary social reality through the examination of one’s life experience. Please definethe sociological imagination and/or sociological mindfulness, and use it to connectyour personal life to larger public issues.

To complete this essay, you must also use at least two additional citations from other readings throughout the semester, including Braving the Wilderness, The Sociologically Examined Life, or Man’s Search for Meaning. Contextualize your story and make your arguments. Be specific and use examples to relate back to the readings.

Grading Rubric

Grammar, Writing Quality, Style, Length(Approximately 4 pages, Typed, Double Spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. Font)

Does the student write clearly, fulfill the page requirement, and use proper grammar and spelling?

Application of the Sociological Imagination

Does the student define the sociological imagination? Does the student use the sociological imagination to connect personal experience with the social conditions discussed in their essay?



After watching a TED talk (or a few!), write a short 300-500 word (1.5-2 page) analysis of that talk. Please ensure that you cite the talk you watched in appropriate APA formatting. You should answer the following questions in your analysis:

What is the topic and who is the speaker?

How does the speaker get the audience’s attention in the introduction?

What are the main points of the talk? Are they easily identifiable?

What techniques of delivery does the speaker use effectively (e.g., emotion, vivid language, nonverbals, humor, etc.)? Please be sure to provide examples.

How does the speaker conclude the speech? Does it echo the themes in the introduction and “tie the knot” or does it go in a different direction?

Is the speech effective? Did it leave an impact on you? Tell us why or why not.

What did you learn about speech delivery after listening to this speech?


Reimagining My Social Self: Application of Sociological Imagination Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Reimagining My (Social) Self

Introduction to Sociology

Final Essay

DUE: Thursday, May 2nd2019

20% Final Grade

In this critical reflection essay, you will write about yourself. Don’t describe your whole life. Rather, recall a particular moment or event in your life, such as your childhood, or something happening in your life right now.

Critically reflect on yourself through consciously making use of the sociological imagination, as well as sociological concepts and principles learned in class. Why is your life meaningful, and how can you make sense of your life sociologically? This is your opportunity to put sociology into practice.

Be creative, and don’t be shy. Express yourself! Please look beyond the personal and into the social.

When composing your essay, consider how your self has emerged through social interaction during a particular historical and cultural era. How are youunique? How does your life emerge through your experience of others? Have you been affected by modern society, consumer culture, television and the media, gender and racial inequality, personal stigma, belonging, the Great Recession, The #MeToo Movement, the 2016 Election, or the War in Syria? Whatever it may be, your self has emerged through personal creativity and relations with others. Trace those steps, and show your self!

This 4page essaywill exercise your critical thinking skills and will also require you to think creatively about your life, social interaction, social history, and culture Keep your writing short and to the point. This essay is formal, so please use proper spelling and grammar, and citations from course materials.


The intention of this essay is:

to apply course concepts to the real world experiences of your life;

to apply a sociological perspective;

to help you cultivate self-awareness and critical thinking skills;

to discover your personal and socially shared vulnerabilities;

to reimagine your past;

and to muster the courage to understand yourself and others.

The goal of this assignment is to understand contemporary social reality through the examination of one’s life experience. Please definethe sociological imagination and/or sociological mindfulness, and use it to connectyour personal life to larger public issues.

To complete this essay, you must also use at least two additional citations from other readings throughout the semester, including Braving the Wilderness, The Sociologically Examined Life, or Man’s Search for Meaning. Contextualize your story and make your arguments. Be specific and use examples to relate back to the readings.

Grading Rubric

Grammar, Writing Quality, Style, Length(Approximately 4 pages, Typed, Double Spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. Font)

Does the student write clearly, fulfill the page requirement, and use proper grammar and spelling?

Application of the Sociological Imagination

Does the student define the sociological imagination? Does the student use the sociological imagination to connect personal experience with the social conditions discussed in their essay?



After watching a TED talk (or a few!), write a short 300-500 word (1.5-2 page) analysis of that talk. Please ensure that you cite the talk you watched in appropriate APA formatting. You should answer the following questions in your analysis:

What is the topic and who is the speaker?

How does the speaker get the audience’s attention in the introduction?

What are the main points of the talk? Are they easily identifiable?

What techniques of delivery does the speaker use effectively (e.g., emotion, vivid language, nonverbals, humor, etc.)? Please be sure to provide examples.

How does the speaker conclude the speech? Does it echo the themes in the introduction and “tie the knot” or does it go in a different direction?

Is the speech effective? Did it leave an impact on you? Tell us why or why not.

What did you learn about speech delivery after listening to this speech?


Reimagining My Social Self: Application of Sociological Imagination Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Reimagining My (Social) Self

Introduction to Sociology

Final Essay

DUE: Thursday, May 2nd2019

20% Final Grade

In this critical reflection essay, you will write about yourself. Don’t describe your whole life. Rather, recall a particular moment or event in your life, such as your childhood, or something happening in your life right now.

Critically reflect on yourself through consciously making use of the sociological imagination, as well as sociological concepts and principles learned in class. Why is your life meaningful, and how can you make sense of your life sociologically? This is your opportunity to put sociology into practice.

Be creative, and don’t be shy. Express yourself! Please look beyond the personal and into the social.

When composing your essay, consider how your self has emerged through social interaction during a particular historical and cultural era. How are youunique? How does your life emerge through your experience of others? Have you been affected by modern society, consumer culture, television and the media, gender and racial inequality, personal stigma, belonging, the Great Recession, The #MeToo Movement, the 2016 Election, or the War in Syria? Whatever it may be, your self has emerged through personal creativity and relations with others. Trace those steps, and show your self!

This 4page essaywill exercise your critical thinking skills and will also require you to think creatively about your life, social interaction, social history, and culture Keep your writing short and to the point. This essay is formal, so please use proper spelling and grammar, and citations from course materials.


The intention of this essay is:

to apply course concepts to the real world experiences of your life;

to apply a sociological perspective;

to help you cultivate self-awareness and critical thinking skills;

to discover your personal and socially shared vulnerabilities;

to reimagine your past;

and to muster the courage to understand yourself and others.

The goal of this assignment is to understand contemporary social reality through the examination of one’s life experience. Please definethe sociological imagination and/or sociological mindfulness, and use it to connectyour personal life to larger public issues.

To complete this essay, you must also use at least two additional citations from other readings throughout the semester, including Braving the Wilderness, The Sociologically Examined Life, or Man’s Search for Meaning. Contextualize your story and make your arguments. Be specific and use examples to relate back to the readings.

Grading Rubric

Grammar, Writing Quality, Style, Length(Approximately 4 pages, Typed, Double Spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. Font)

Does the student write clearly, fulfill the page requirement, and use proper grammar and spelling?

Application of the Sociological Imagination

Does the student define the sociological imagination? Does the student use the sociological imagination to connect personal experience with the social conditions discussed in their essay?


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