DISC 300 University of Missouri Ethnic Diversity & Poverty Research Paper Revision Writing Assignment Help

DISC 300 University of Missouri Ethnic Diversity & Poverty Research Paper Revision Writing Assignment Help. DISC 300 University of Missouri Ethnic Diversity & Poverty Research Paper Revision Writing Assignment Help.

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See the comments throughout the paper and edit the paper.

please add in-text, or parenthetical citations throughout the paper.

This is one of the professor’s comments about the part of the solutions.

Solutions: This final section of the essay should focus on solutions to resolve the issues that you’ve explored. Consider how a particular innovation, art form, program, or education might improve or lessen this problem. What solutions are in place to address these needs? What solutions haven’t yet been implemented? How does you solution address the final stage of the civic engagement process—advocacy, or action, and change. Describe how your solution becomes actionable—e.g., a plan or strategy that will lead to change.

DISC 300 University of Missouri Ethnic Diversity & Poverty Research Paper Revision Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

EGG 123 GMU Why Do We Need to Match the Load to The Transmission Line Report Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering report and need support to help me understand better.

This report has 20% of Plagiarism, please fix it into the 0% Plagiarism, also please answer these question below :

Level 1: Why do we need to match the load to the transmission line? What are the equations that govern this? You should include a discussion of power transfer and reflection in this section

Level 2: What sort of elements do we use to achieve matching and what are the advantage of each? How would we use a shorted stub to achieve matching? – 10%

Level 3: Calculate the stub elements that will match your load to the line. Will this work at all frequencies? – 10%

Level 4: Amend conclusions – 10%

Please high-light your answer in the report.


ISOL 531 ACE Knowledge Skills And Theories in Access Control Application Reflection Engineering Assignment Help

Provide a reflection of at least 1000 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.



2. Provide a 1000 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

3. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

4. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course – ACCESS CONTROL.

5. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

6. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace


HWC Health Education Nutrition ENVT Emotional and Social School Climate Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Description: You will read about and reflect on the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) framework and the connections between its components and academic outcomes. Next, you will make connections to a classmate’s post.

Purpose: In order to be an advocate for a healthy school environment, one must have a solid understanding of the WSCC framework.

Directions: Obtain the following resources:

  • The ASCD WSCC website
  • The CDC WSCC website
  • This article: Michael, S.L., Merlo, C.L., Basch, C.E., Wentzel, K.R., & Wechsler, H. (2015). Critical connections: health and academics. Journal of School Health, 85, 740-758.

For your initial post, review these resources and then respond to the discussion prompts below:

1. Using the CDC website, the ASCD website and the Michael et al. (2015) article as resources, provide a brief example for each WSCC component.

2. Citing research from the Michael et al. (2015) article, justify the inclusion of each WSCC component. [Note: If you are citing research that wasn’t Micheal et. al’s research, but appears in their article, cite it like this: (Smith, 2010 as cited in Michael et al., 2015).]

3. If you were a school health coordinator and you were limited to phasing in only five WSCC components over a three-year period (and the remaining in the following three years), for which five components would you advocate for first and why? Provide an explanation for each.

4. As a current or future teacher/educator, about what two (2) WSCC components would like to gain more knowledge and skills? Explain why.

5. If you had the opportunity to learn more about your two (2) selected topics, how could you use your learning to help promote a healthier school environment and to reduce health and academic disparities?

For your response post, connect with a classmate by a) indicating what you learned from their post, citing specific examples; b) sharing a personal experience that relates to what they wrote; or c) asking a specific clarifying question


Cuyamaca College Covid-19 & Disability Disability Paper Writing Assignment Help

Covid-19 & Disability

Artistic Expression

5 points

For this extra credit assignment, you are required to apply the concepts covered in this course and CREATE (NOT COPY) a poster, flyer, or art piece on the topic of Covid-19 & Disability.Be intentional and thoughtful with your explanation. If you choose to create a poster or art piece by hand, make sure to take a photo of it and include the photo with your explanation.


  • Poster, flyer, art piece submitted in Microsoft Word format| 4 pts.
    • Demonstrating artistry and creativity
    • Representing advocacy for disability rights, dignity, access, and/or life quality
  • Paragraph Explanation | 1 pt.

Explain what your image represents and why you chose to create this piece.



Texas A&M University Collecting and Utilizing Job Analysis Information Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Please view Section 3, The Landscape of Job Design of Emerging Trends (LinkedInLearning.com, 02:42) (Links to an external site.) to gain an understanding of the ever-changing landscape of job design. In the first portion of Section 3, course author Catherine Zundel speaks on innovative methods employed by organizations to make work more attractive and comfortable for those in various roles in organizations. If you were a Human Resource Manager of an organization, what methods would you employ to collect job analysis information, which could be used to improve job descriptions and roles in an organization?

You should also discuss how the nature of jobs are changing and provide specific examples of how companies are adjusting working conditions to accommodate today’s employees.

Identify at least two scholarly references to support your position and develop a post that describes at least four methods of collecting job analysis information.

Texas A&M University Collecting and Utilizing Job Analysis Information Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Competitive Companies Project Management Simulation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You only should be click in the play same scenario


Review the description of the two simulation options in the Module 8 folder. This week, complete Scenario A.

Part 1: Perform the simulation multiple times and try changing the input parameters to obtain a better score and complete the scenario with better results. In doing so, you will benefit from running the sessions using different options and trying different action items to experience various project challenges. After completing the simulation session, save a screen shot of the confirmation page showing your best total score.

Part 2: Write a two- to three-page paper describing the scenario you completed, the intent of the simulation, and your lessons learned. Identify a minimum of four what-if assessments that resulted in obtaining a better score and completing the scenario with better results. Use scholarly resources to support your findings.

Be sure to organize your writing properly and include the following:

  • Cover page
  • Introduction
  • Body of your work with headings and subheadings
  • Analysis and recommendations
  • Conclusion
  • List of references
  • Appendix A – Screen shot of confirmation page showing your best simulation score.

Consult the Sample Paper template (Links to an external site.) for more information on how to organize the paper.

Support your assignment with a minimum of three scholarly references. The CSU Global Library is a good place to locate these sources. The written section should follow the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).


Review the description of the two options in the Module 8 folder. This week, you need to complete Scenario A.

Part 1: Perform the simulation multiple times and try changing input parameters to obtain a better score and complete the scenario with better results. In doing so, you will benefit from running the sessions using different options and trying different action items to experience various project challenges. After completing the simulation session, save a screen shot of the confirmation page showing your total score.

Part 2: Write a two- to three-page paper describing the scenario you completed, the intent of the simulation, and your lessons learned. Identify a minimum of four what-if assessments that resulted in obtaining a better score and completing the scenario with better results. Use scholarly resources to support your findings.

Be sure to organize your writing properly and include the following:

  • Cover page
  • Introduction
  • Body of your work with headings and subheadings
  • Analysis and recommendations
  • Conclusion
  • List of references
  • Appendix A – Screen shot of confirmation page showing your best simulation score.

Consult the Sample Paper template (Links to an external site.) for more information on how to organize the paper.

Support your assignment with a minimum of three scholarly references. The CSU Global Library is a good place to locate these sources. The written section should follow the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).


Analysis of The African Natives During the Colonial Era the Old Chief Mshlanga Essay Humanities Assignment Help

you will examine how the writer is reflected through that piece of writing. How does the author communicate his or her view of the world through the piece of writing? Look at how the piece of writing portrays the setting, the characters, and the theme. Examine the writing style. Look for a stance on a topic based on the time and place in which the author lived and compare it to where and when the story is set. Observe how the author’s own experiences are reflected in the writing. Decide whether or not the writer is using the story as a vehicle for social commentary. If so, what is the author’s stance on the social issues of the time? How is this idea communicated to the reader?

1. Research the period in which the story is set to learn more about the historical background and why it is important. Use the author information in the textbook and lessons as a place to start. How is the time period reflected in the story?

2. Review the information provided about the author in the textbook and lessons. Go beyond this information to learn more about the particular author that you have selected. What did you learn about the background of the author that is reflected in his or her writing?

3. Examine the characters, setting, plot, and theme of the story to draw some conclusions about how the story reflects the information about the author’s purpose and background. Find specific evidence from the story to support your ideas. What evidence in the story did you find that shows the author’s purpose and background?

4. Write a well-developed essay that analyzes how the author’s purpose and background are reflected in the story. A brief summary of the story will be part of the essay. However, the essay is to be an analysis of the author’s background and purpose, not just a summary of the story. Be sure that all of the questions above are addressed in your essay.

Follow these guidelines for organizing your essay:

Thesis Statement

Develop a thesis statement, which will be the basis for your essay. The thesis statement will answer these questions:

  • What is the subject of my essay?
  • What is my opinion on this subject?

Your thesis statement must include:

  • the name of the author
  • the name of the work about which you are writing
  • a statement that is a clear response to the questions being asked


The introduction to your essay will include your thesis statement, an attention getter or a hook to get the reader interested in the topic, and general background information necessary to inform the reader and provide a context for the remainder of the paper.

Main Body

Your essay must include information about the author’s background, the time period, and specific evidence from the story to prove the thesis and answer the questions.

  • Ensure each point is given a new paragraph.
  • Write a well-developed topic sentence for each body paragraph that covers one topic and supports the thesis.
  • Explain the topic and use evidence from the text or your outside sources to support the topic.
  • Write a concluding sentence to finalize your discussion of that topic.
  • Use transitional words or phrases at the start of each paragraph and within the paragraph that will guide the reader through the paper and show how each topic relates to the previous paragraph or topic. A few examples of transitional words are “however,” “in addition,” “for this reason,” “nevertheless,” and “moreover.”


The concluding paragraph for your essay should wrap up and draw the essay to a close. You should restate your main points in a new and refreshing way. Then, you should draw the essay to a graceful conclusion by finalizing your thoughts on the topic.


My Thesis:

  • Does it directly respond to the assigned topic?
  • Is it an opinionated statement?
  • Do I introduce the writer and the title of the piece of writing?
  • Does my paper cover everything that I promised I would in my thesis? (If not, revise the thesis or develop the body portion of the essay.)

My Topic Sentences:

  • Are each of my topic sentences broad topic statements?
  • Does each statement relate directly to the thesis?

My Evidence:

  • Do I have enough evidence to prove each of my topic sentences?
  • Is my evidence specific?
  • Have I cited direct quotations? Be sure to create in-text citations as well as a bibliography page for your sources. Use MLA formatting for these citations. (Review the formatting page in the appendix of this course.)

My Conclusion:

  • Have I restated my overall point and made a final statement about what my essay shows?

Editing and Proofreading

Print a hard copy of your draft. Read it aloud and check for the following:

  • no skipped words
  • complete sentences
  • correct spelling
  • correct words (for example “there” or “their”)
  • appropriate use of apostrophes
  • appropriate use of commas
  • appropriate use of semicolons
  • appropriate use of colons
  • appropriate use of quotation marks

The paper will be at least 600 words in length (two typed, double-spaced pages) and will be worth 50 points. The essay will be scored according to the criteria in the following rubrics.


PSY 315 Southern New Hampshire University Solution Focused Therapy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Choose a problem or issue that you would like to resolve. Of course, only share what you are comfortable sharing. Address the following items about your problem or issue:

  1. Describe a problem/issue.
  2. As a solution-focused therapist treating a client with this same issue, describe what techniques you would use.
  3. Describe possible goals for this client.
  4. Describe possible interventions for this client.
  5. Identify the possible outcome with this client.

Please include in your answer some of the following “solution-focused therapy” terminology: alternative story, coauthoring a new story, deconstruction, dominant story, exception questions, externalizing conversations, miracle question, not-knowing position, problem-saturated story, re-authoring, scaling questions, storied lives, problem talk, change talk, narrative letters.


Ashford University Cosmetology Business Plan Summary Paper Writing Assignment Help

Feedback from the instructor:

1. Looking at the paper on the conclusion part, you restated each sentence that was already in the paper. Was that your intentions? Each sentence, like for each line, is in the paper already, you rewrote it in the conclusion. You need to revise the conclusion to summarize The Whole idea of the paper not just copy and paste sentences

2. There is a lot of repetitiveness throughout the paper and this needs to be eliminated and changed with new information regarding the topic

3. Again no plagiarism it will be checked


DISC 300 University of Missouri Ethnic Diversity & Poverty Research Paper Revision Writing Assignment Help

DISC 300 University of Missouri Ethnic Diversity & Poverty Research Paper Revision Writing Assignment Help

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