Discusion board 200 words APA respond to two students 100 each Other Assignment Help. Discusion board 200 words APA respond to two students 100 each Other Assignment Help.
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Explore some ways in which our economies are dependent on environmental services and resources.
Discuss ways in which policies are created, specifically those that pertain to environmental issues that impact the economy.
Explain how international issues such as oil spills, nuclear accidents or air pollutions are handled via policies by inter governmental agencies.
Provide researched and current examples of policies and their impacts in your first posting.
Requirement: the first response by Tuesday of the academic week and two more substantive responses must be posted at least other classmates on 2 different days
- I think that most of us just care more about our standard of living than we do about the health of some species we seldom if we ever see. It’s even harder to admit, is that most of us care more about our own welfare than we do about that of persons living three or four or five generations ago. Protecting the environment constitutes a net expense to our economy, this days is that environment concern have faded from the political radar. The environment has two fundamental ways we draw resources like, renewable and non-renewable from the environment to produce good and services. So we must strive to obtain more goods and services from our finite supply of no-renewable resources, and we must protect from both extraction and waste impacts of the natural productivity of our forests, fisheries, agricultural and range land, other renewable resources. International effort to control pollutions are complex but the two major sources of international law are customs and treaties. For customs policies countries engage in certain practices in the belief that those practices are required by international laws. And the treaties, it’s often referred to as conventions or protocols legally binding agreements between countries or intergovernmental organizations.
Antonio Sutton
Reading chapter I found out that our country heavily depends on environmental services. Our country wouldn’t survive without our environmental services. There would be so many deaths because of polluted water and air. The services help us to stabilize the problem and try to figure out a better way to get rid of the problem. The policies that are created have put regulations on how much jobs can release polluted air and water. I’m guessing each country has a set of regulations for polluted air and water that was set by the United Nations. I guess the country has to abide by the rules because they have other citizens from different countries. Everyone needs clean air and water. As of 14 Dec 2016 the EPA is finalizing the revisions to requirements state must follow in preparing and submitting implementation plans and progress reports for visibility repairments.
Discusion board 200 words APA respond to two students 100 each Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
IT Trends, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
IT Trends
A key challenge to Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and their staff is the ever-changing landscape in the Information Technology world. CIOs must be concerned not only with overseeing the current operation of the IT Department and how it best supports the business strategy, but they must also be focused on the years ahead. This is important, first to ensure that today’s technology decisions will likely align and be compatible with future requirements, and secondly, that the CIO is well versed in the trends so he or she can advise the business of the potential of technology advancements and concerns. This will help the organization, overall, to make good business decisions. Other members of the organization should have a general idea of these IT trends and be able to identify those that may help their particular area of the business.
Please take a look at what has been posted and respond to the discussion question in a reasonable way, making sure you cite/reference any resources used.
Posts 1 and 2 are attached for $5 each.
Arrests and Searches CJ 3 D, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
There are 3 parts to this assignment each part needs a small paragraph discussing about each assignment.)
1. Arrests and SearchesCJ 3 D
In your main post:IN THE UNITED STATE
Explore justifications for each of the things an officer is allowed to do after an arrest without the need for a warrant.
Establish how certain actions go beyond what you would consider to be acceptable were you the arrestee.
Lay out measures to ensure compliance with legal parameters when working in the criminal justice field.
Establish how courts have interpreted the parameters involved in a search after an arrest, incorporating two cases as points of reference.
2. Canine SearchesCJ 4 D
Certain circumstances must exist for a search to be constitutional. For example, contemporaneous searches must occur at the time as, or very close in time and place to, the arrest. Searches citing exigent circumstances may involve some kind of an emergency that makes getting a search warrant impractical, useless, dangerous, or unnecessary. There is generally a reasonable expectation of privacy that exists when a person exhibits an actual expectation of privacy, and the expectation is one that society is prepared to recognize as reasonable. That aside, the U.S. Supreme Court held in United States v. Place, that there is no search within the meaning of the 4th Amendment if police use narcotics detection dogs to smell closed containers for drugs, as long as police are on the premises legally.
Consider that there is no need for a search warrant or for probable cause to conduct dog sniffs.
In your main post:
Express your position on the Court’s decision in United States v. Place, using an additional case to support your opinion.
Describe the constitutional requirements that apply, or do not apply, in canine searches.
Differentiate between the constitutionality of canine searches versus other searches that require probable cause.
United States v. Place, (81-1617) 462 US 696 (1983).
3.Student Drug Testing CJ 4 D
Drug testing elementary and high school students taking part in athletics and other school programs is valid. In the case Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton (1995), the Court upheld random drug testing of high school athletes. In the subsequent case Board of Education of Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie County et al. v. Earls (2002), the Court extended that ruling to middle and high school students participating in any extracurricular activity.
Locate a case dealing with random drug testing of elementary or high school students.
In your main post:
Explore the Court’s reasoning that drug testing is a minimal intrusion to students.
Assess whether the interests of the government in this line of cases are important enough to override the individual privacy protection.
Articulate whether you, as a criminal justice professional, believe these rulings should also extend to college students.
Discussion Objectives
The competencies addressed in this discussion are supported by discussion objectives, as follows:
Competency 1: Articulate how the rules of criminal procedure apply to a criminal justice practitioner.
Assess whether government interests are important enough to override individual privacy protections.
Articulate whether elementary and high school search rulings should apply to college students.
Competency 3: Apply the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments in a criminal justice context.
Explore the Court’s reasoning that drug testing is a minimal intrusion to students.
Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton, (94-590), 515 US 646 (1995).
Board of Education of Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie County et al. v. Earls, (01-332) 536 US 822 (2002).
ece315 week 1 discussion 2, psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help
In Chapter 2, you will explore the complete system of language as well as the various levels of language structure. Using your knowledge of the whole structure, as well as the individual levels, create a poster you can display in your classroom that explains the different levels. This poster can be created using Microsoft Word, or it can be hand drawn and scanned to share for this discussion. The content of this poster should be a minimum of 150 words and it should be presented on one page. It can contain text and visuals such as pictures and/or graphics. At a minimum, please provide a brief summary of the three main levels and use your creativity as you break these down. Support the content of your poster with information from the textbook and at least one outside source. Citations must be properly formatted in APA style and be included on your poster.
Please use the chapter attached and use in-text citations to complete the assignment.
Piper, T. (2012). Making meaning, making sense: Children’s early language learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.
Discussion – Data Security, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
****Only 1- 2 Paragraphs Needed****
Cyber security involves protecting information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks. Read these two articles:
Your Medical Records are Worth More to Hackers than your Credit Card
Next, comment on the following:
- What are your thoughts on cyber criminals stealing healthcare records?
- What do you think is causing this sudden increase in medical record theft?
- In your opinion, what are some of Anthem’s security weaknesses?
- Should Anthem be held responsible for damages? Why or why not?
- Be specific! Then provide thoughts and feedback on one other student’s post. How were your thoughts similar and different? What additional insight can you provide?
****Only 1- 2 Paragraphs Needed****
Read “Space Age Furniture Company”, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Read “Space Age Furniture Company” in Chapter 9 of your text. Respond to the following and include any Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) calculations:
- Develop an MRP for Space Age Furniture Company using the information in the case including the production of sub-assemblies in lot sizes of 1,000.
- The lot size of 1,000 for sub-assemblies has produced a lumpy demand for part 3079. Suggest ways for improvements over sub-assemblies in lot sizes of 1,000.
- Analyze the trade-off between overtime costs and inventory costs.
- Calculate a new MRP that improves the base MRP.
- Compare and contrast the types of production processing—job shop, batch, repetitive, or continuous—and determine which the primary mode of operation is and why.
- Describe ways that management can keep track of job status and location during production.
- Recommend any changes that might be beneficial to the company and/or add value for the customer.
The final case study should demonstrate your understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge. The paper should integrate readings, scholarly sources, and class discussions into work and life experiences. It may include explanation and examples from previous events as well as implications for future applications.
The purpose of the final case study is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of operations management.
Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:
- Must be 10 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Must include a title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
- Must use at least five scholarly sources.
Read “Space Age Furniture Company”, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Psychological Research and Public Policy/Law Humanities Assignment Help
Psychological Research and Public Policy/Law
Psychological research is and has been applied to many areas of daily life. From television commercials to a first grade classroom, you can see the effects of research in action. When psychological research is used to influence and shape public policy, in general, and specific laws, trained forensic psychologists and forensic psychology professionals typically are behind the scenes. Individuals who understand psychological research and the legal/political/legislative process are excellent candidates to help meld these two seemingly dissimilar areas.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review the article, “Washington’s Sexually Violent Predator Law:Legislative History and Comparisons With Other States.” Think about how historical and forensic psychological research contributes to the establishment of law and policy. http://www.wsipp.wa.gov/ReportFile/1244
- Review the article, “Stalking: Lessons From Recent Research.” Pay particular attention to how research is used to influence community action and thereby affect public policy. https://www.nij.gov/about/speeches/past-directors/…
- Review the article, “Sexually Violent Predator Evaluations: Empirical Evidence, Strategies for Professionals, and Research Directions.” Consider how the findings described in this article might be helpful in influencing or setting public policy.(attached)
- Identify and review a psychological research study that you believe has influenced a change in public policy or law.
- Reflect upon the population studied, the key data and results, and other important takeaways of the research study.
- Think about how this research study might influence public policy and/or law in forensics or in forensic settings.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post a brief summary of the research study you selected. Be sure to include the population studied, key data and results, and other important takeaways of the article. Then, explain how a forensic psychology professional might use the results of the study to influence public policy and/or law in forensics or in forensic settings.
APA format ONLY, 500 word Minimum, at least 1 cite
Application to Crime Types, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
650 words and two references apa format for EACH question
- Typically criminal profilers are utilized on high profile cases and not the “typical” crime(s) that impact(s) the vast majority of victims. Should the role of the criminal profiler be expanded to include the normal incidents that occur day in and day out? Why or why not?
- The general public’s perception seems to be the role of the criminal profiler is essential in capturing serial killers. Research indicates this perception is not accurate. How can this perception be changed to accurately reflect the realities of both serial killer investigations and criminal profilers?
African American Literature, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help
1. First fully define each of the following term in your own words
Slave, Master, Slave Cabins, Negro, Nigger
2. Then explain, in a paragraph of at least 5 sentences and no more than 7 sentences, how the term is used in one of the readings in the text. By used I mean how your definition of the term connects to how the author uses it in the literary work and how the definition of the term illuminates your understanding of the text (why is the term essential to your understanding of the piece of literature?). You can only use literature that we have read in Modules 3, 4, and 5
African American Literature, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help
1. First fully define each of the following term in your own words
Lynching, Black, Civil War, Africa, African Americans
2. Then explain, in a paragraph of at least 5 sentences and no more than 7 sentences, how the term is used in one of the readings in the text. By used I mean how your definition of the term connects to how the author uses it in the literary work and how the definition of the term illuminates your understanding of the text (why is the term essential to your understanding of the piece of literature?). You can only use literature that we have read in Modules 3, 4, and 5
Discusion board 200 words APA respond to two students 100 each Other Assignment Help
Discusion board 200 words APA respond to two students 100 each Other Assignment Help