Discussing the work of four writers and their work, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Discussing the work of four writers and their work, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help. Discussing the work of four writers and their work, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help.

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  • For your final essay, you will be looking at general
    topics/themes—ideas that connect the stories and poems in Volume
    E: American Literature since
    1945. All reading
    selections must come from the textbook. Here is a link to the
    table of contents (in case you don’t have the book): http://media.wwnorton.com/cms/contents/NAAL8_VE_TOC.pdf
  • Before writing your essay,
    please read either the introduction to Volume E or the briefer
    online introduction (copied below). You will find the part
    called “Literary Developments” and the timeline very useful.
  • In your essay (750-1000 words or more), you will trace one of
    these general ideas through at least four pieces of literature by different writers (poets,
    playwrights, fiction writers–no essays, speeches, or
    non-fiction prose
    ) from this time period.
  • In other words, you will be discussing the work of four writers; you
    may include more than one work by each of the four writers.
  • The paper should be in essay form with an introduction, body
    paragraphs, and a conclusion rather than a collection of reading
    responses. Please do not use sub-headings.
  • You must use quotations from the reading selections as
    support for your general ideas.
  • You should not use the same works that you used in your
    reading responses for Volume E or the novel or short story
    that you wrote about in your research paper. 
  • Please do not choose long reading selections for this
  • If you have questions or need suggestions, please let me know.

The final should show me that you have read selections from various
parts of Volume E.

  1. Reading selections that reveal something about relationships
    between parents and children during this time period (especially
    adults looking back on their relationships with their parents)l events.)

The final is a test of your ability
to use critical thinking skills as you discuss the stories and
poems, so you should use sources sparingly. Also, if you are
quoting, even from the textbook, please use quotation marks or
block (indent 10 spaces from the left margin) quotations of more
than three lines. As always, you should follow MLA format. If you
don’t use secondary sources (sources other than the textbook), you
do not need a works cited page.

If you use the textbook as your only source, just include
page numbers. Do not repeat the authors’ names over and over in
parentheses. The authors’ names should be in sentences in the
text of the paper, not in parentheses

Discussing the work of four writers and their work, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Assignment 2: LASA 1: IQ Testing , psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help

take a practice IQ test (although not a valid or reliable measure of
your intelligence) and read the sample report generated. Notice the
adjusted score and where your score falls on the bell curve, the range
and percentile score as well as the descriptor. Be sure to convert your
scores to the Catell and Stanford Binet scales and notice if there are
any differences. Use the link to the IQ Testing Lab provided:

Please note that
should the practice IQ test be not available simply use the sample IQ
results for this assignment. Click on the “Check out the sample report” hyperlink!

Prepare a brief overview (1 page in length; you may put
this in a table or paragraph form) of your results, the conversions,
and any differences that occur. Then respond in a 3-5 page, APA
formatted paper to the following:

  • In your opinion, was this a fair measurement of
    your intelligence? Why or why not? Support your answer with what you
    have learned about IQ tests.
  • Discuss possible limitations with interpretation of
    your results within the context of what you have learned about
    psychometric test properties. How would you explain the reliability and
    validity of this test to someone who has not taken this course?
  • Explain whether you felt this test minimized cultural bias, based on what you have learned so far.
  • What ethical limitations might prevent the use of
    this type of test in major decision-making (e.g., entrance to college,
    identifying disabilities, etc.)?
  • Analyze the possible influence of the format of the
    test (e.g., computer versus manipulatives or paper, timed versus
    untimed, standardization, multiple choice, etc.) on your results, based
    on what you have learned about various testing instruments so far.


How does our current party system impact elections, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

DB 1*. William
Galston of the University of Maryland and the Brookings Institution
notes that some democracies, including Australia and Italy, require
citizens to vote or pay a fine. These countries have exceptionally high
turnout levels. “Our low turnout rate,” Galston says, “pushes American
politics toward increased polarization.”
you favor a law requiring Americans to vote or pay a fine if they fail
to do so? What are some other incentives that might encourage more
people to vote? If the United States had such a policy do you think, as
William Galston does, that it would significantly reduce the level of
party polarization? 150 words

1.How does our current party system impact elections? How can a minor party play a part in an election? 200 words

2.Explain the evolution of political parties from the Federalists and
Democratic-Republicans to the political parties that exist today. 200 words

3.There has been a great deal of controversy over the Affordable Care Act,
also known as ObamaCare. In your textbook, there are three methods
described that most Americans use to evaluate political developments
such as ObamaCare. Using those three methods, describe how someone could
come to the conclusion that he or she is against ObamaCare. 200 words

4.Do you feel that it is important that every person that is legally
allowed to vote does so? Why or why not? Do you feel that it is easy for
most people to go and vote? Why or why not? Describe some common trends
that keep people from voting. Describe other methods besides voting
that people can use to participate in the political process. Have you
every participated in any of these methods? If so, what did you do? 200 words

do you think politically active citizen groups are generally more
ideological—whether conservative or liberal—than is the society as a
whole? Are citizens with strong views somehow more attracted to
organized political activity than those with more moderate opinions?
Explain your answer. 150 words

6.Describe the difference and similarities between inside lobbying and
outside lobbying. Discuss laws and regulations that apply to each. 200 words

has the news media evolved from the nation’s founding to what it is
today? Discuss the various functions the news media has in American
society. How well do you feel the media carries out these functions?200 words

8. Discuss
how the news audience has changed from the 1970s until now. Do you feel
that Americans can still find unbiased news anywhere today? Why or why
not? 200 words

9. Do
you feel that special interest groups have too much power in politics
today? Why or why not? Do you think we should allow these interest
groups to continue to function as they currently do? Why or why not?
What do you think would happen to our nation if we did not allow
interest groups to continue to operate? 200 words


Macroeconomic viewpoints, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

three discussions, one page for all.

1. Macroeconomic viewpoints

What role do
monetarists believe the government should play in the economy and why? 
After that has been discussed, What do Keynesian and New classical
economists believe about macroeconomic policy.  Which role of thinking
do you think you would fit in?

2. Economic Growth

What factors account for U.S. economic growth in the post-World War II period? 

3. Course Comments

Provide some
comments on taking this course online. I am particularily interested in
your thoughts and comments on the following:

1. How much time did you spend on the class? Was it comparable to the time spend in a normal 3 credit hour on-campus course?

2. Course grading system, Assignments, Quizzes, Exams, and Threaded Discusssions.

3. Specific ways to improve the course.

4. General thoughts on you bartonline experience.

You will receive full threaded discussion credit for this assignment.


Early Childhood Education, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help


Proper health and nutrition is of
critical importance to the growth and development of young children, yet
many American children suffer from nutrition issues. Choosing either
malnutrition or obesity, address the following:

Discuss the short- and long-term impacts of this nutrition issue on children’s growth and development.

Describe a specific child (within the
early childhood age range of birth to age eight) who has this nutrition
issue. This may be a child you know or you can describe a fictitious

In your description, address how the
child’s school day is affected by the issue and describe three specific
ways the early childhood teacher addresses the issue in the school or
center setting.

Describe three specific ways to combat
this nutrition issue that involve collaboration among school, family,
and community (e.g., parent education, school breakfast, and lunch
programs, etc.).

The paper should be three  pages in length, in addition to the title page and the reference page. 

Use at least two scholarly sources in
addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to
APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.



Discuss government issued T-bills and munis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Prompt: Discuss government issued T-bills and munis. Consider
in your paper the following criteria:

Would you invest
in government issued T-bills? Why or why not?

Are there
specific munis you would or would not invest in? What factors affect your
choices? Discuss in detail.

What is the current
status of government securities? Evaluate and explain.

of submission
: Short paper assignments
must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations (APA format).
Page length requirements: three-five pages. Incorporate at least two scholarly

Discuss government issued T-bills and munis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Evaluating Web Sources and Identifying the Audience, assignment help Other Assignment Help

No more than 200 words needed. This is just for a discussion thread.

Evaluating Web Sources and Identifying the Audience”  Please respond to the following:

  • Identify three (3) Websites that you plan to use for your research
    on a paper to convince. When evaluating, think of yourself as an
    investigative reporter who is checking the claims of a politician who
    used the sources in his or her proposed bill. Identify the Website and
    its URL.  Evaluate each Website regarding the following:
    • Targeted audience
    • Updating of information
    • Use of professional peer reviews
    • Information’s accuracy, relevance, and thoroughness


Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

Complete labs 2-5 using Visual Logic in which you:

  1. Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output. For full credit, the program must function correctly, produce the correct answer, and be logically succinct.
  2. Write a short answer (four to five [4-5] sentences) in the comment text box located with the assignment submission link to the following:
    1. A summary of the technical experiences that you used in completing this lab.
    2. The commands that were of greatest benefit to you.
    3. Your general comments on the overall lab experience.

Note: This is an academic writing assignment. Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling are necessary. Points will be deducted for poor writing.


Describe the specific purposes of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and discuss why conducting the FBA prior to the development of a behavior intervention plan is important. Humanities Assignment Help

As a practicing independent Behavior Analyst, you have received an email from a staff member representing a provider of education and/or human services requesting your services. Specifically, this staff member has asked you to meet with other staff and/or administrators to develop a behavior intervention plan for a third grade student at a local elementary school. This student is demonstrating significant problem behaviors in the form of disruptive behaviors in his classroom and in other settings within the school (lunch, recess, specials, etc.). Disruptive behaviors have been termed “aggressive” and “non-compliant” by school staff.

Please detail responses to the following:

Specify the referral problem. Be creative and describe the type of provider that has requested your services, the client, and provide operational definitions for the problem behaviors indicated in the scenario.

In a script or narrative format, provide information to the members of the “planning” meeting including the following:

  • Describe the specific purposes of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and discuss why conducting the FBA prior to the development of a behavior intervention plan is important.
  • Describe, in specific detail, how Antecedent stimuli and conditions could be potentially important for the assessment of the target behaviors in the scenario. Please include discussion of the influence of Discriminative Stimuli and Motivating Operations in triggering the target behaviors.
  • Describe, in specific detail, how Consequence stimuli and conditions could be potentially important for the assessment of the target behaviors. Be sure to indicate the influences of Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, and Automatic Reinforcement in maintaining the target behaviors.
  • Describe three (3) Indirect Functional Assessment procedures that you may be implementing during the process of the Functional Behavioral Assessment. Be sure to specify how they will be used and what the purpose of each tool is.
  • Describe three (3) Direct Descriptive Assessment procedures you may be implementing during the process of the Functional Behavioral Assessment. Be sure to specify how they will be used and what the purpose of each tool is.
  • Describe, in specific detail, at least two (2) ethical obligations and/or concerns that would be necessary to address within the current case scenario. (You may use either or both APA and BACB guidelines as reference).

Tips for developing your responses:

The staff that you are presenting to think that, as a Behavior Analyst, you will be able to develop a behavior plan on the spot during this meeting that is both easy to administer and effective at modifying the behavior of the client in question. The staff clearly knows nothing about behavioral assessment processes. It is your job to assist them in understanding the process of Functional Behavioral Assessment and its necessity before any interventions can be developed and implemented.

Be sure to discuss antecedent stimuli and consequence stimuli based on the function (purpose) that the target (problem) behavior serves and not the choice of intervention. The goal is to identify variables that are related to the occurrence of the problem behavior, not to develop an intervention.

Be mindful of making solid choices of the procedures you will be highlighting based on the scenario presented as well as a rationale for your choices.

Indirect Assessment Tools / Procedures (Unit 6):

The Functional Behavioral Assessment Screening Form

The Behavioral Stream Interview

The Antecedent Variables Assessment Form

The Individual Variables Assessment Form

The Consequence Variables Assessment Form

Directive Descriptive Tools / Procedures (Unit 7):

Task Difficulty Antecedent Analysis Form

The Conditional Probability Record

The Functional Behavioral Assessment Form

Interval Recording Procedures

Task Analysis Recording Procedure

Project Assignment Guidelines

  • Assignment should be a minimum of 3-5 pages not including the title and reference pages.
  • Use APA Format.
  • Utilize the readings and other course material from Units 4-7.
  • If you feel you must find outside resources for assistance, please utilize academically legitimate resources. (DO NOT use websites and Wiki’s that are not peer-reviewed)
  • DO NOT focus on the use of diagnoses or labels.
  • Be specific and detailed; do not just list items and facts.
  • You may take creative license and add to the scenario by fleshing out the student’s history or presenting problems if you choose.


IS THE UK DOING ENOUGH TO PROMOTE TOURISM IN THE COUNTRy, communications help Business Finance Assignment Help

I need this paper edited according to the remarks therein.  Topic:


The key thing is that there must be a Thesis statement evident in the paper. I have chosen to argue in favour of the fact that the UK is not doing enough to promote tourism in the country. But the essay is disjointed. The tutor says that I need to start with a counter-argument to this claim by the thesis, followed by refutting of these counterarguments, and then the main argument to follow. total word count restricted to 1200.


https://anyessayhelp.com/” hyperlink!

Prepare a brief overview (1 page in length; you may put
this in a table or paragraph form) of your results, the conversions,
and any differences that occur. Then respond in a 3-5 page, APA
formatted paper to the following:

  • In your opinion, was this a fair measurement of
    your intelligence? Why or why not? Support your answer with what you
    have learned about IQ tests.
  • Discuss possible limitations with interpretation of
    your results within the context of what you have learned about
    psychometric test properties. How would you explain the reliability and
    validity of this test to someone who has not taken this course?
  • Explain whether you felt this test minimized cultural bias, based on what you have learned so far.
  • What ethical limitations might prevent the use of
    this type of test in major decision-making (e.g., entrance to college,
    identifying disabilities, etc.)?
  • Analyze the possible influence of the format of the
    test (e.g., computer versus manipulatives or paper, timed versus
    untimed, standardization, multiple choice, etc.) on your results, based
    on what you have learned about various testing instruments so far.


How does our current party system impact elections, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

DB 1*. William
Galston of the University of Maryland and the Brookings Institution
notes that some democracies, including Australia and Italy, require
citizens to vote or pay a fine. These countries have exceptionally high
turnout levels. “Our low turnout rate,” Galston says, “pushes American
politics toward increased polarization.”
you favor a law requiring Americans to vote or pay a fine if they fail
to do so? What are some other incentives that might encourage more
people to vote? If the United States had such a policy do you think, as
William Galston does, that it would significantly reduce the level of
party polarization? 150 words

1.How does our current party system impact elections? How can a minor party play a part in an election? 200 words

2.Explain the evolution of political parties from the Federalists and
Democratic-Republicans to the political parties that exist today. 200 words

3.There has been a great deal of controversy over the Affordable Care Act,
also known as ObamaCare. In your textbook, there are three methods
described that most Americans use to evaluate political developments
such as ObamaCare. Using those three methods, describe how someone could
come to the conclusion that he or she is against ObamaCare. 200 words

4.Do you feel that it is important that every person that is legally
allowed to vote does so? Why or why not? Do you feel that it is easy for
most people to go and vote? Why or why not? Describe some common trends
that keep people from voting. Describe other methods besides voting
that people can use to participate in the political process. Have you
every participated in any of these methods? If so, what did you do? 200 words

do you think politically active citizen groups are generally more
ideological—whether conservative or liberal—than is the society as a
whole? Are citizens with strong views somehow more attracted to
organized political activity than those with more moderate opinions?
Explain your answer. 150 words

6.Describe the difference and similarities between inside lobbying and
outside lobbying. Discuss laws and regulations that apply to each. 200 words

has the news media evolved from the nation’s founding to what it is
today? Discuss the various functions the news media has in American
society. How well do you feel the media carries out these functions?200 words

8. Discuss
how the news audience has changed from the 1970s until now. Do you feel
that Americans can still find unbiased news anywhere today? Why or why
not? 200 words

9. Do
you feel that special interest groups have too much power in politics
today? Why or why not? Do you think we should allow these interest
groups to continue to function as they currently do? Why or why not?
What do you think would happen to our nation if we did not allow
interest groups to continue to operate? 200 words


Macroeconomic viewpoints, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

three discussions, one page for all.

1. Macroeconomic viewpoints

What role do
monetarists believe the government should play in the economy and why? 
After that has been discussed, What do Keynesian and New classical
economists believe about macroeconomic policy.  Which role of thinking
do you think you would fit in?

2. Economic Growth

What factors account for U.S. economic growth in the post-World War II period? 

3. Course Comments

Provide some
comments on taking this course online. I am particularily interested in
your thoughts and comments on the following:

1. How much time did you spend on the class? Was it comparable to the time spend in a normal 3 credit hour on-campus course?

2. Course grading system, Assignments, Quizzes, Exams, and Threaded Discusssions.

3. Specific ways to improve the course.

4. General thoughts on you bartonline experience.

You will receive full threaded discussion credit for this assignment.


Early Childhood Education, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help


Proper health and nutrition is of
critical importance to the growth and development of young children, yet
many American children suffer from nutrition issues. Choosing either
malnutrition or obesity, address the following:

Discuss the short- and long-term impacts of this nutrition issue on children’s growth and development.

Describe a specific child (within the
early childhood age range of birth to age eight) who has this nutrition
issue. This may be a child you know or you can describe a fictitious

In your description, address how the
child’s school day is affected by the issue and describe three specific
ways the early childhood teacher addresses the issue in the school or
center setting.

Describe three specific ways to combat
this nutrition issue that involve collaboration among school, family,
and community (e.g., parent education, school breakfast, and lunch
programs, etc.).

The paper should be three  pages in length, in addition to the title page and the reference page. 

Use at least two scholarly sources in
addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to
APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.



Discuss government issued T-bills and munis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Prompt: Discuss government issued T-bills and munis. Consider
in your paper the following criteria:

Would you invest
in government issued T-bills? Why or why not?

Are there
specific munis you would or would not invest in? What factors affect your
choices? Discuss in detail.

What is the current
status of government securities? Evaluate and explain.

of submission
: Short paper assignments
must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations (APA format).
Page length requirements: three-five pages. Incorporate at least two scholarly

Discuss government issued T-bills and munis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Evaluating Web Sources and Identifying the Audience, assignment help Other Assignment Help

No more than 200 words needed. This is just for a discussion thread.

Evaluating Web Sources and Identifying the Audience”  Please respond to the following:

  • Identify three (3) Websites that you plan to use for your research
    on a paper to convince. When evaluating, think of yourself as an
    investigative reporter who is checking the claims of a politician who
    used the sources in his or her proposed bill. Identify the Website and
    its URL.  Evaluate each Website regarding the following:
    • Targeted audience
    • Updating of information
    • Use of professional peer reviews
    • Information’s accuracy, relevance, and thoroughness


Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

Complete labs 2-5 using Visual Logic in which you:

  1. Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output. For full credit, the program must function correctly, produce the correct answer, and be logically succinct.
  2. Write a short answer (four to five [4-5] sentences) in the comment text box located with the assignment submission link to the following:
    1. A summary of the technical experiences that you used in completing this lab.
    2. The commands that were of greatest benefit to you.
    3. Your general comments on the overall lab experience.

Note: This is an academic writing assignment. Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling are necessary. Points will be deducted for poor writing.


Describe the specific purposes of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and discuss why conducting the FBA prior to the development of a behavior intervention plan is important. Humanities Assignment Help

As a practicing independent Behavior Analyst, you have received an email from a staff member representing a provider of education and/or human services requesting your services. Specifically, this staff member has asked you to meet with other staff and/or administrators to develop a behavior intervention plan for a third grade student at a local elementary school. This student is demonstrating significant problem behaviors in the form of disruptive behaviors in his classroom and in other settings within the school (lunch, recess, specials, etc.). Disruptive behaviors have been termed “aggressive” and “non-compliant” by school staff.

Please detail responses to the following:

Specify the referral problem. Be creative and describe the type of provider that has requested your services, the client, and provide operational definitions for the problem behaviors indicated in the scenario.

In a script or narrative format, provide information to the members of the “planning” meeting including the following:

  • Describe the specific purposes of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and discuss why conducting the FBA prior to the development of a behavior intervention plan is important.
  • Describe, in specific detail, how Antecedent stimuli and conditions could be potentially important for the assessment of the target behaviors in the scenario. Please include discussion of the influence of Discriminative Stimuli and Motivating Operations in triggering the target behaviors.
  • Describe, in specific detail, how Consequence stimuli and conditions could be potentially important for the assessment of the target behaviors. Be sure to indicate the influences of Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, and Automatic Reinforcement in maintaining the target behaviors.
  • Describe three (3) Indirect Functional Assessment procedures that you may be implementing during the process of the Functional Behavioral Assessment. Be sure to specify how they will be used and what the purpose of each tool is.
  • Describe three (3) Direct Descriptive Assessment procedures you may be implementing during the process of the Functional Behavioral Assessment. Be sure to specify how they will be used and what the purpose of each tool is.
  • Describe, in specific detail, at least two (2) ethical obligations and/or concerns that would be necessary to address within the current case scenario. (You may use either or both APA and BACB guidelines as reference).

Tips for developing your responses:

The staff that you are presenting to think that, as a Behavior Analyst, you will be able to develop a behavior plan on the spot during this meeting that is both easy to administer and effective at modifying the behavior of the client in question. The staff clearly knows nothing about behavioral assessment processes. It is your job to assist them in understanding the process of Functional Behavioral Assessment and its necessity before any interventions can be developed and implemented.

Be sure to discuss antecedent stimuli and consequence stimuli based on the function (purpose) that the target (problem) behavior serves and not the choice of intervention. The goal is to identify variables that are related to the occurrence of the problem behavior, not to develop an intervention.

Be mindful of making solid choices of the procedures you will be highlighting based on the scenario presented as well as a rationale for your choices.

Indirect Assessment Tools / Procedures (Unit 6):

The Functional Behavioral Assessment Screening Form

The Behavioral Stream Interview

The Antecedent Variables Assessment Form

The Individual Variables Assessment Form

The Consequence Variables Assessment Form

Directive Descriptive Tools / Procedures (Unit 7):

Task Difficulty Antecedent Analysis Form

The Conditional Probability Record

The Functional Behavioral Assessment Form

Interval Recording Procedures

Task Analysis Recording Procedure

Project Assignment Guidelines

  • Assignment should be a minimum of 3-5 pages not including the title and reference pages.
  • Use APA Format.
  • Utilize the readings and other course material from Units 4-7.
  • If you feel you must find outside resources for assistance, please utilize academically legitimate resources. (DO NOT use websites and Wiki’s that are not peer-reviewed)
  • DO NOT focus on the use of diagnoses or labels.
  • Be specific and detailed; do not just list items and facts.
  • You may take creative license and add to the scenario by fleshing out the student’s history or presenting problems if you choose.


IS THE UK DOING ENOUGH TO PROMOTE TOURISM IN THE COUNTRy, communications help Business Finance Assignment Help

I need this paper edited according to the remarks therein.  Topic:


The key thing is that there must be a Thesis statement evident in the paper. I have chosen to argue in favour of the fact that the UK is not doing enough to promote tourism in the country. But the essay is disjointed. The tutor says that I need to start with a counter-argument to this claim by the thesis, followed by refutting of these counterarguments, and then the main argument to follow. total word count restricted to 1200.


https://anyessayhelp.com/” hyperlink!

Prepare a brief overview (1 page in length; you may put
this in a table or paragraph form) of your results, the conversions,
and any differences that occur. Then respond in a 3-5 page, APA
formatted paper to the following:

  • In your opinion, was this a fair measurement of
    your intelligence? Why or why not? Support your answer with what you
    have learned about IQ tests.
  • Discuss possible limitations with interpretation of
    your results within the context of what you have learned about
    psychometric test properties. How would you explain the reliability and
    validity of this test to someone who has not taken this course?
  • Explain whether you felt this test minimized cultural bias, based on what you have learned so far.
  • What ethical limitations might prevent the use of
    this type of test in major decision-making (e.g., entrance to college,
    identifying disabilities, etc.)?
  • Analyze the possible influence of the format of the
    test (e.g., computer versus manipulatives or paper, timed versus
    untimed, standardization, multiple choice, etc.) on your results, based
    on what you have learned about various testing instruments so far.


How does our current party system impact elections, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

DB 1*. William
Galston of the University of Maryland and the Brookings Institution
notes that some democracies, including Australia and Italy, require
citizens to vote or pay a fine. These countries have exceptionally high
turnout levels. “Our low turnout rate,” Galston says, “pushes American
politics toward increased polarization.”
you favor a law requiring Americans to vote or pay a fine if they fail
to do so? What are some other incentives that might encourage more
people to vote? If the United States had such a policy do you think, as
William Galston does, that it would significantly reduce the level of
party polarization? 150 words

1.How does our current party system impact elections? How can a minor party play a part in an election? 200 words

2.Explain the evolution of political parties from the Federalists and
Democratic-Republicans to the political parties that exist today. 200 words

3.There has been a great deal of controversy over the Affordable Care Act,
also known as ObamaCare. In your textbook, there are three methods
described that most Americans use to evaluate political developments
such as ObamaCare. Using those three methods, describe how someone could
come to the conclusion that he or she is against ObamaCare. 200 words

4.Do you feel that it is important that every person that is legally
allowed to vote does so? Why or why not? Do you feel that it is easy for
most people to go and vote? Why or why not? Describe some common trends
that keep people from voting. Describe other methods besides voting
that people can use to participate in the political process. Have you
every participated in any of these methods? If so, what did you do? 200 words

do you think politically active citizen groups are generally more
ideological—whether conservative or liberal—than is the society as a
whole? Are citizens with strong views somehow more attracted to
organized political activity than those with more moderate opinions?
Explain your answer. 150 words

6.Describe the difference and similarities between inside lobbying and
outside lobbying. Discuss laws and regulations that apply to each. 200 words

has the news media evolved from the nation’s founding to what it is
today? Discuss the various functions the news media has in American
society. How well do you feel the media carries out these functions?200 words

8. Discuss
how the news audience has changed from the 1970s until now. Do you feel
that Americans can still find unbiased news anywhere today? Why or why
not? 200 words

9. Do
you feel that special interest groups have too much power in politics
today? Why or why not? Do you think we should allow these interest
groups to continue to function as they currently do? Why or why not?
What do you think would happen to our nation if we did not allow
interest groups to continue to operate? 200 words


Macroeconomic viewpoints, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

three discussions, one page for all.

1. Macroeconomic viewpoints

What role do
monetarists believe the government should play in the economy and why? 
After that has been discussed, What do Keynesian and New classical
economists believe about macroeconomic policy.  Which role of thinking
do you think you would fit in?

2. Economic Growth

What factors account for U.S. economic growth in the post-World War II period? 

3. Course Comments

Provide some
comments on taking this course online. I am particularily interested in
your thoughts and comments on the following:

1. How much time did you spend on the class? Was it comparable to the time spend in a normal 3 credit hour on-campus course?

2. Course grading system, Assignments, Quizzes, Exams, and Threaded Discusssions.

3. Specific ways to improve the course.

4. General thoughts on you bartonline experience.

You will receive full threaded discussion credit for this assignment.


Early Childhood Education, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help


Proper health and nutrition is of
critical importance to the growth and development of young children, yet
many American children suffer from nutrition issues. Choosing either
malnutrition or obesity, address the following:

Discuss the short- and long-term impacts of this nutrition issue on children’s growth and development.

Describe a specific child (within the
early childhood age range of birth to age eight) who has this nutrition
issue. This may be a child you know or you can describe a fictitious

In your description, address how the
child’s school day is affected by the issue and describe three specific
ways the early childhood teacher addresses the issue in the school or
center setting.

Describe three specific ways to combat
this nutrition issue that involve collaboration among school, family,
and community (e.g., parent education, school breakfast, and lunch
programs, etc.).

The paper should be three  pages in length, in addition to the title page and the reference page. 

Use at least two scholarly sources in
addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to
APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.



Discuss government issued T-bills and munis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Prompt: Discuss government issued T-bills and munis. Consider
in your paper the following criteria:

Would you invest
in government issued T-bills? Why or why not?

Are there
specific munis you would or would not invest in? What factors affect your
choices? Discuss in detail.

What is the current
status of government securities? Evaluate and explain.

of submission
: Short paper assignments
must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations (APA format).
Page length requirements: three-five pages. Incorporate at least two scholarly

Discuss government issued T-bills and munis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Evaluating Web Sources and Identifying the Audience, assignment help Other Assignment Help

No more than 200 words needed. This is just for a discussion thread.

Evaluating Web Sources and Identifying the Audience”  Please respond to the following:

  • Identify three (3) Websites that you plan to use for your research
    on a paper to convince. When evaluating, think of yourself as an
    investigative reporter who is checking the claims of a politician who
    used the sources in his or her proposed bill. Identify the Website and
    its URL.  Evaluate each Website regarding the following:
    • Targeted audience
    • Updating of information
    • Use of professional peer reviews
    • Information’s accuracy, relevance, and thoroughness


Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

Complete labs 2-5 using Visual Logic in which you:

  1. Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output. For full credit, the program must function correctly, produce the correct answer, and be logically succinct.
  2. Write a short answer (four to five [4-5] sentences) in the comment text box located with the assignment submission link to the following:
    1. A summary of the technical experiences that you used in completing this lab.
    2. The commands that were of greatest benefit to you.
    3. Your general comments on the overall lab experience.

Note: This is an academic writing assignment. Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling are necessary. Points will be deducted for poor writing.


Describe the specific purposes of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and discuss why conducting the FBA prior to the development of a behavior intervention plan is important. Humanities Assignment Help

As a practicing independent Behavior Analyst, you have received an email from a staff member representing a provider of education and/or human services requesting your services. Specifically, this staff member has asked you to meet with other staff and/or administrators to develop a behavior intervention plan for a third grade student at a local elementary school. This student is demonstrating significant problem behaviors in the form of disruptive behaviors in his classroom and in other settings within the school (lunch, recess, specials, etc.). Disruptive behaviors have been termed “aggressive” and “non-compliant” by school staff.

Please detail responses to the following:

Specify the referral problem. Be creative and describe the type of provider that has requested your services, the client, and provide operational definitions for the problem behaviors indicated in the scenario.

In a script or narrative format, provide information to the members of the “planning” meeting including the following:

  • Describe the specific purposes of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and discuss why conducting the FBA prior to the development of a behavior intervention plan is important.
  • Describe, in specific detail, how Antecedent stimuli and conditions could be potentially important for the assessment of the target behaviors in the scenario. Please include discussion of the influence of Discriminative Stimuli and Motivating Operations in triggering the target behaviors.
  • Describe, in specific detail, how Consequence stimuli and conditions could be potentially important for the assessment of the target behaviors. Be sure to indicate the influences of Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, and Automatic Reinforcement in maintaining the target behaviors.
  • Describe three (3) Indirect Functional Assessment procedures that you may be implementing during the process of the Functional Behavioral Assessment. Be sure to specify how they will be used and what the purpose of each tool is.
  • Describe three (3) Direct Descriptive Assessment procedures you may be implementing during the process of the Functional Behavioral Assessment. Be sure to specify how they will be used and what the purpose of each tool is.
  • Describe, in specific detail, at least two (2) ethical obligations and/or concerns that would be necessary to address within the current case scenario. (You may use either or both APA and BACB guidelines as reference).

Tips for developing your responses:

The staff that you are presenting to think that, as a Behavior Analyst, you will be able to develop a behavior plan on the spot during this meeting that is both easy to administer and effective at modifying the behavior of the client in question. The staff clearly knows nothing about behavioral assessment processes. It is your job to assist them in understanding the process of Functional Behavioral Assessment and its necessity before any interventions can be developed and implemented.

Be sure to discuss antecedent stimuli and consequence stimuli based on the function (purpose) that the target (problem) behavior serves and not the choice of intervention. The goal is to identify variables that are related to the occurrence of the problem behavior, not to develop an intervention.

Be mindful of making solid choices of the procedures you will be highlighting based on the scenario presented as well as a rationale for your choices.

Indirect Assessment Tools / Procedures (Unit 6):

The Functional Behavioral Assessment Screening Form

The Behavioral Stream Interview

The Antecedent Variables Assessment Form

The Individual Variables Assessment Form

The Consequence Variables Assessment Form

Directive Descriptive Tools / Procedures (Unit 7):

Task Difficulty Antecedent Analysis Form

The Conditional Probability Record

The Functional Behavioral Assessment Form

Interval Recording Procedures

Task Analysis Recording Procedure

Project Assignment Guidelines

  • Assignment should be a minimum of 3-5 pages not including the title and reference pages.
  • Use APA Format.
  • Utilize the readings and other course material from Units 4-7.
  • If you feel you must find outside resources for assistance, please utilize academically legitimate resources. (DO NOT use websites and Wiki’s that are not peer-reviewed)
  • DO NOT focus on the use of diagnoses or labels.
  • Be specific and detailed; do not just list items and facts.
  • You may take creative license and add to the scenario by fleshing out the student’s history or presenting problems if you choose.


IS THE UK DOING ENOUGH TO PROMOTE TOURISM IN THE COUNTRy, communications help Business Finance Assignment Help

I need this paper edited according to the remarks therein.  Topic:


The key thing is that there must be a Thesis statement evident in the paper. I have chosen to argue in favour of the fact that the UK is not doing enough to promote tourism in the country. But the essay is disjointed. The tutor says that I need to start with a counter-argument to this claim by the thesis, followed by refutting of these counterarguments, and then the main argument to follow. total word count restricted to 1200.


https://anyessayhelp.com/” hyperlink!

Prepare a brief overview (1 page in length; you may put
this in a table or paragraph form) of your results, the conversions,
and any differences that occur. Then respond in a 3-5 page, APA
formatted paper to the following:

  • In your opinion, was this a fair measurement of
    your intelligence? Why or why not? Support your answer with what you
    have learned about IQ tests.
  • Discuss possible limitations with interpretation of
    your results within the context of what you have learned about
    psychometric test properties. How would you explain the reliability and
    validity of this test to someone who has not taken this course?
  • Explain whether you felt this test minimized cultural bias, based on what you have learned so far.
  • What ethical limitations might prevent the use of
    this type of test in major decision-making (e.g., entrance to college,
    identifying disabilities, etc.)?
  • Analyze the possible influence of the format of the
    test (e.g., computer versus manipulatives or paper, timed versus
    untimed, standardization, multiple choice, etc.) on your results, based
    on what you have learned about various testing instruments so far.


How does our current party system impact elections, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

DB 1*. William
Galston of the University of Maryland and the Brookings Institution
notes that some democracies, including Australia and Italy, require
citizens to vote or pay a fine. These countries have exceptionally high
turnout levels. “Our low turnout rate,” Galston says, “pushes American
politics toward increased polarization.”
you favor a law requiring Americans to vote or pay a fine if they fail
to do so? What are some other incentives that might encourage more
people to vote? If the United States had such a policy do you think, as
William Galston does, that it would significantly reduce the level of
party polarization? 150 words

1.How does our current party system impact elections? How can a minor party play a part in an election? 200 words

2.Explain the evolution of political parties from the Federalists and
Democratic-Republicans to the political parties that exist today. 200 words

3.There has been a great deal of controversy over the Affordable Care Act,
also known as ObamaCare. In your textbook, there are three methods
described that most Americans use to evaluate political developments
such as ObamaCare. Using those three methods, describe how someone could
come to the conclusion that he or she is against ObamaCare. 200 words

4.Do you feel that it is important that every person that is legally
allowed to vote does so? Why or why not? Do you feel that it is easy for
most people to go and vote? Why or why not? Describe some common trends
that keep people from voting. Describe other methods besides voting
that people can use to participate in the political process. Have you
every participated in any of these methods? If so, what did you do? 200 words

do you think politically active citizen groups are generally more
ideological—whether conservative or liberal—than is the society as a
whole? Are citizens with strong views somehow more attracted to
organized political activity than those with more moderate opinions?
Explain your answer. 150 words

6.Describe the difference and similarities between inside lobbying and
outside lobbying. Discuss laws and regulations that apply to each. 200 words

has the news media evolved from the nation’s founding to what it is
today? Discuss the various functions the news media has in American
society. How well do you feel the media carries out these functions?200 words

8. Discuss
how the news audience has changed from the 1970s until now. Do you feel
that Americans can still find unbiased news anywhere today? Why or why
not? 200 words

9. Do
you feel that special interest groups have too much power in politics
today? Why or why not? Do you think we should allow these interest
groups to continue to function as they currently do? Why or why not?
What do you think would happen to our nation if we did not allow
interest groups to continue to operate? 200 words


Macroeconomic viewpoints, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

three discussions, one page for all.

1. Macroeconomic viewpoints

What role do
monetarists believe the government should play in the economy and why? 
After that has been discussed, What do Keynesian and New classical
economists believe about macroeconomic policy.  Which role of thinking
do you think you would fit in?

2. Economic Growth

What factors account for U.S. economic growth in the post-World War II period? 

3. Course Comments

Provide some
comments on taking this course online. I am particularily interested in
your thoughts and comments on the following:

1. How much time did you spend on the class? Was it comparable to the time spend in a normal 3 credit hour on-campus course?

2. Course grading system, Assignments, Quizzes, Exams, and Threaded Discusssions.

3. Specific ways to improve the course.

4. General thoughts on you bartonline experience.

You will receive full threaded discussion credit for this assignment.


Early Childhood Education, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help


Proper health and nutrition is of
critical importance to the growth and development of young children, yet
many American children suffer from nutrition issues. Choosing either
malnutrition or obesity, address the following:

Discuss the short- and long-term impacts of this nutrition issue on children’s growth and development.

Describe a specific child (within the
early childhood age range of birth to age eight) who has this nutrition
issue. This may be a child you know or you can describe a fictitious

In your description, address how the
child’s school day is affected by the issue and describe three specific
ways the early childhood teacher addresses the issue in the school or
center setting.

Describe three specific ways to combat
this nutrition issue that involve collaboration among school, family,
and community (e.g., parent education, school breakfast, and lunch
programs, etc.).

The paper should be three  pages in length, in addition to the title page and the reference page. 

Use at least two scholarly sources in
addition to your text. Your paper should also be formatted according to
APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.



Discuss government issued T-bills and munis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Prompt: Discuss government issued T-bills and munis. Consider
in your paper the following criteria:

Would you invest
in government issued T-bills? Why or why not?

Are there
specific munis you would or would not invest in? What factors affect your
choices? Discuss in detail.

What is the current
status of government securities? Evaluate and explain.

of submission
: Short paper assignments
must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations (APA format).
Page length requirements: three-five pages. Incorporate at least two scholarly

Discuss government issued T-bills and munis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Evaluating Web Sources and Identifying the Audience, assignment help Other Assignment Help

No more than 200 words needed. This is just for a discussion thread.

Evaluating Web Sources and Identifying the Audience”  Please respond to the following:

  • Identify three (3) Websites that you plan to use for your research
    on a paper to convince. When evaluating, think of yourself as an
    investigative reporter who is checking the claims of a politician who
    used the sources in his or her proposed bill. Identify the Website and
    its URL.  Evaluate each Website regarding the following:
    • Targeted audience
    • Updating of information
    • Use of professional peer reviews
    • Information’s accuracy, relevance, and thoroughness


Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

Complete labs 2-5 using Visual Logic in which you:

  1. Submit the .vls file you create in Visual Logic as well as a screenshot of the output. For full credit, the program must function correctly, produce the correct answer, and be logically succinct.
  2. Write a short answer (four to five [4-5] sentences) in the comment text box located with the assignment submission link to the following:
    1. A summary of the technical experiences that you used in completing this lab.
    2. The commands that were of greatest benefit to you.
    3. Your general comments on the overall lab experience.

Note: This is an academic writing assignment. Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling are necessary. Points will be deducted for poor writing.


Describe the specific purposes of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and discuss why conducting the FBA prior to the development of a behavior intervention plan is important. Humanities Assignment Help

As a practicing independent Behavior Analyst, you have received an email from a staff member representing a provider of education and/or human services requesting your services. Specifically, this staff member has asked you to meet with other staff and/or administrators to develop a behavior intervention plan for a third grade student at a local elementary school. This student is demonstrating significant problem behaviors in the form of disruptive behaviors in his classroom and in other settings within the school (lunch, recess, specials, etc.). Disruptive behaviors have been termed “aggressive” and “non-compliant” by school staff.

Please detail responses to the following:

Specify the referral problem. Be creative and describe the type of provider that has requested your services, the client, and provide operational definitions for the problem behaviors indicated in the scenario.

In a script or narrative format, provide information to the members of the “planning” meeting including the following:

  • Describe the specific purposes of a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and discuss why conducting the FBA prior to the development of a behavior intervention plan is important.
  • Describe, in specific detail, how Antecedent stimuli and conditions could be potentially important for the assessment of the target behaviors in the scenario. Please include discussion of the influence of Discriminative Stimuli and Motivating Operations in triggering the target behaviors.
  • Describe, in specific detail, how Consequence stimuli and conditions could be potentially important for the assessment of the target behaviors. Be sure to indicate the influences of Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, and Automatic Reinforcement in maintaining the target behaviors.
  • Describe three (3) Indirect Functional Assessment procedures that you may be implementing during the process of the Functional Behavioral Assessment. Be sure to specify how they will be used and what the purpose of each tool is.
  • Describe three (3) Direct Descriptive Assessment procedures you may be implementing during the process of the Functional Behavioral Assessment. Be sure to specify how they will be used and what the purpose of each tool is.
  • Describe, in specific detail, at least two (2) ethical obligations and/or concerns that would be necessary to address within the current case scenario. (You may use either or both APA and BACB guidelines as reference).

Tips for developing your responses:

The staff that you are presenting to think that, as a Behavior Analyst, you will be able to develop a behavior plan on the spot during this meeting that is both easy to administer and effective at modifying the behavior of the client in question. The staff clearly knows nothing about behavioral assessment processes. It is your job to assist them in understanding the process of Functional Behavioral Assessment and its necessity before any interventions can be developed and implemented.

Be sure to discuss antecedent stimuli and consequence stimuli based on the function (purpose) that the target (problem) behavior serves and not the choice of intervention. The goal is to identify variables that are related to the occurrence of the problem behavior, not to develop an intervention.

Be mindful of making solid choices of the procedures you will be highlighting based on the scenario presented as well as a rationale for your choices.

Indirect Assessment Tools / Procedures (Unit 6):

The Functional Behavioral Assessment Screening Form

The Behavioral Stream Interview

The Antecedent Variables Assessment Form

The Individual Variables Assessment Form

The Consequence Variables Assessment Form

Directive Descriptive Tools / Procedures (Unit 7):

Task Difficulty Antecedent Analysis Form

The Conditional Probability Record

The Functional Behavioral Assessment Form

Interval Recording Procedures

Task Analysis Recording Procedure

Project Assignment Guidelines

  • Assignment should be a minimum of 3-5 pages not including the title and reference pages.
  • Use APA Format.
  • Utilize the readings and other course material from Units 4-7.
  • If you feel you must find outside resources for assistance, please utilize academically legitimate resources. (DO NOT use websites and Wiki’s that are not peer-reviewed)
  • DO NOT focus on the use of diagnoses or labels.
  • Be specific and detailed; do not just list items and facts.
  • You may take creative license and add to the scenario by fleshing out the student’s history or presenting problems if you choose.


IS THE UK DOING ENOUGH TO PROMOTE TOURISM IN THE COUNTRy, communications help Business Finance Assignment Help

I need this paper edited according to the remarks therein.  Topic:


The key thing is that there must be a Thesis statement evident in the paper. I have chosen to argue in favour of the fact that the UK is not doing enough to promote tourism in the country. But the essay is disjointed. The tutor says that I need to start with a counter-argument to this claim by the thesis, followed by refutting of these counterarguments, and then the main argument to follow. total word count restricted to 1200.


Discussing the work of four writers and their work, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Discussing the work of four writers and their work, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

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