discussion 2 Health Medical Assignment Help. discussion 2 Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Paolo Vega
RE: Discussion – Week 8
I work at a Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU) of Stanford Children’s Health, —one of the few in the country exclusively dedicated to pediatric and obstetric care. Our patients present with several cases that are very challenging. Children undergoing congenital heart surgery are particularly vulnerable to many complications and adverse events, including sepsis (Jacobs et al., 2017). Smith, Wells, Friese, Krein and Ghaferi (2018) recommend that use of early warning sign indicators in order to improve nursing practice and provide good catch events prevent occurrences of failure to rescue events. Our work in the pediatric CVICU has been greatly facilitated by use of patient monitoring system called EPIC that helps us immediately identify and correct critical patient conditions.
New EPIC system
Postoperative complications of cardiac surgical patients have devastating complications associated with increased morbidity, mortality, and cost (Clau-Terré, Rodriguez-Lecoq, Hernandez-Montero, Fuentes & Torrents, 2016). Failure to rescue – which includes failure to recognize changes in patient condition, failure to communicate changes, and failures in clinical decision making, is a nurse‐sensitive indicator (Mushta, Rush & Andersen, 2018). The EPIC system helps us monitor laboratory markers like Procalcitonin, WBC and CRP that indicate that a child is developing sepsis (Alqahtani et al., 2016). This has also led to a better coordination and monitoring system for our pediatric patients and reduced the need to constantly update physicians on patient status.
Leadership Strategies
The use of EPIC system indicates application on nursing informatics in patient care. The American Nurses Association outlined the functional areas of leadership in nursing informatics, which include system analysis and design, coordination facilitation and integration, educational and professional development, research and evaluation, and quality and performance improvement, among others (Bickford, 2015). For this discussion post, emphasis of management and leadership competencies will be on the cited functional areas leadership in nursing informatics.
In the area of system analysis and design, considerations on technology use must take importance when setting up systems. For example, while proven as helpful tools in patient care, patient monitors can be perceived as restrictive (above level noise alarms) to downright without clinical significance (potential for false alarms) (Tainter et al., 2016). As such, management of noise alarms and including patient information in the charting requirements will help design use of patient monitors. The automated system also requires competency in the process of data collection, presentation and communication of the processed data as information or knowledge bringing in the need for research and evaluation competency of a leader (Marquis & Huston, 2017). Lastly, providing an opportunity for safe practice — such as through the use of demo-return demo approach in training the nursing staff of the protocol application helps nursing skills training to validate the achievement of learning a concept and applying it to an actual skill performance. This enable the manager to calibrate for any need for skills improvement and need for more practice and demonstrate competency in training the nursing staff (Fent, Blythe, Farooq & Purva, 2015).
Nurses as frontline carers are in the best position to utilize health informatics and locate its practical use in patient care. Nursing leaders can look at informatics as one aspect of leadership to help them achieve their goal of providing nursing care that is safe and effective.
Alqahtani, M. F., Smith, C. M., Weiss, S. L., Dawson, S., Ranaivo, H. R., & Wainwright, M. S. (2016). Evaluation of new diagnostic biomarkers in pediatric sepsis: Matrix metalloproteinase-9, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1, mid-regional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide, and adipocyte fatty-acid binding protein. PloS one, 11(4), e0153645.
Bickford, C. J. (2015). The specialty of nursing informatics: New scope and standards guide practice. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 33(4), 129-131.
Clau-Terré, F., Rodriguez-Lecoq, R., Hernandez-Montero, E., Fuentes, A., & Torrents, C. (2016). The cost of the pump. Economic implications to avoid cardiopulmonary bypass. The cost of the pump. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 30, S9.
Fent, G., Blythe, J., Farooq, O., & Purva, M. (2015). In situ simulation as a tool for patient safety: a systematic review identifying how it is used and its effectiveness. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(3), 103-110.
Jacobs, J. P., Mayer Jr, J. E., Mavroudis, C., O’Brien, S. M., Austin III, E. H., Pasquali, S. K., … & Pizarro, C. (2017). The Society of Thoracic Surgeons congenital heart surgery database: 2017 update on outcomes and quality. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 103(3), 699-709.
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2017). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Mushta, J., L. Rush, K., & Andersen, E. (2018, January). Failure to rescue as a nurse‐sensitive indicator. In Nursing forum (Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 84-92).
Smith, M. E., Wells, E. E., Friese, C. R., Krein, S. L., & Ghaferi, A. A. (2018). Interpersonal And Organizational Dynamics Are Key Drivers Of Failure To Rescue. Health Affairs, 37(11), 1870-1876.
Tainter, C. R., Levine, A. R., Quraishi, S. A., Butterly, A. D., Stahl, D. L., Eikermann, M., … & Lee, J. (2016). Noise levels in surgical ICUs are consistently above recommended standards. Critical care medicine, 44(1), 147-152.
discussion 2 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Conflict Resolution Maps Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to begin thinking about your approach to conflict and the interwoven pieces connected to conflict you have experienced. As we have seen, conflict resolution moves beyond working towards a solution but also includes interpersonal (trust, reconciliation, relationship building) and structural (organizational) factors. The following assignment asks you to take a holistic approach to examining conflict you have been a part of.
Create and use a concept map, examine the interconnections of the interpersonal and structural side of conflict resolution. Use a specific conflict situation (current or past) from a conflict you have experienced in an organization. A concept map should resemble of a flowchart of the conflict experience and include all pieces of the conflict not limited to the people, places, decisions, barriers and part of the conflict. Start with the conflict situation and build out all factors that have influenced the situation. The website www.Lucidchart.com provides samples of concept maps for a visual reference. Bring in supporting evidence from the texts you have read, and 3-5 outside sources to further explore your experience. Use of sources should demonstrate knowledge gained in the course and further application from new sources found. Both a visual depiction (conflict map) and paper should be submitted. The map does not count as part of the paper count.
Consider the following questions as you process the conflict experience in the paper. The questions are only used as a starting point – explore in more depth the how, why, and outcomes of the experience.
- How did conflict style and/or people involved factor into the outcome of the conflict?
- Did the different parties involved in the conflict use different approaches?
- How did structures within the organization affect the process of conflict?
- Identify key elements and/or behaviors contributing to the dysfunction and conflict including behavior patterns associated with interpersonal conflict and organizational conflict, involving socio-cultural, personal, and organizational issues where appropriate.
- Compare and contrast these behaviors and conflict factors to look for patterns. Use the findings from this analysis and concepts from the readings to propose an alternative resolution for each dysfunctional or conflict situation. Or, consider how the conflict experience should be approached in the future.
***you already did the mapping part. just follow those question and expand. it has to be 3-4 pages. APA format, 3 references atleat
Build a board game in C++ which goal is to fill out the cell board with the corresponding number. Computer Science Assignment Help
Build a board game in C++ which goal is to fill out the cell board with the corresponding number. The program doesn’t need to have a GUI like the one shown below; it is just a visual representation. Indeed, it should be run in the terminal. The following are the game rules:
- Consecutive numbers must be adjacent, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
- For the 5×5 grids there are 25 positions and all those positions need to have a number on it. All numbers must be placed in the corresponding row, column, or diagonal in which they appear around the border of the board grid. Images of the game instructions and additional details are shown in uploaded files.
Explain the current Canadian political / government climate in relation to the role of the state Writing Assignment Help
Students are to provide documented evidence in the form of at least six third party citations taken from text books, academic journals, government sources, the news media or other literature to support their work. The word limit is inclusive of quotations and students should present their ideas thoughtfully and succinctly. The bibliography is not counted as part of the word limit.
Please read the question carefully and the please provide me your understanding of the question/topic then work on it, and the essay must have a clear and detailed thesis statement.
The essay should be around 1000 words.
I need help with my project Business Finance Assignment Help
For these project assignments throughout the course you will need to reference the data in the ROI Excel spreadheet. Download it here.
In this data set – the ROI data set – for 2 different majors (Business and Engineering), you are given a sample of the 20 best colleges according to ROI (ROI = Return on Investment) and their ‘School Type’, ‘Cost’, ’30-Year ROI’, and ‘Annual % ROI’.
- Explain the concept of ROI. Why is ROI important to people?
- For each of the 2 majors create a pie chart using the column ‘School Type’.
- For each of the 2 majors create a frequency distribution table and a histogram using the column ‘Annual % ROI’. Group with starting at 6% (0.06), ending at 11% (0.11), and go by 0.5% (0.005). Make sure that no two ranges overlap.
- Make sure that all graphs and charts have labels on each axis. Make sure pie graphs have a key so that we know what each section represents. For the histograms, you could title your charts “Histogram Business Major: Annual % ROI” for Business majors and “Histogram Engineering Major: Annual % ROI” for Engineering Majors.
- The final project for this course has you giving advice to someone who does not know which is the better ROI – business or engineering. Each week, we will examine the data in this same spreadsheet from a different angle. Look at the graphs that you have constructed. In an area that is highlighted in yellow, interpret these graphs. What is the data telling you about ROI and each major? What conclusions can you draw from these charts. Be as specific as possible. Your final project for this course puts each week’s “main ideas” together to form one massive project. Your specificity now will save you time during Week 8.
For these project assignments throughout the course you will need to reference the data in the ROI Excel spreadheet. Download it here.
Using the ROI data set:
- For each of the 2 majors calculate the mean, median, minimum, maximum, range, and standard deviation for the columns ‘Cost’ and ’30-Year ROI’.
- By hand or with Excel, for each of the 2 majors calculate the probability that a college picked from the column for ‘School Type’ is ‘Private’.
- By hand or with Excel, for each of the 2 majors find the probability that a college with the ‘School Type’ ‘Private’ has a ’30-Year ROI’ between $1,500,000 and $1,800,000.
- Add a box at the bottom of the assignment that is highlighted. This is the main idea box. Write a paragraph of main ideas found in this exercise. Remember that your final project is about ROI. Compare the means, medians, etc. along with interpreting the calculations you did on probability.
APA Grammar Paper, Any specific resarach about Diabete type 2 Health Medical Assignment Help
R 500 APA-Grammar-English Paper Rubric
- Choose a topic you are considering doing your research.
- Find 3 articles on your chosen topic.
- Write a one to two-page paper on why this topic is important to the nursing profession.
- Notice, I did not ask for your opinion. The paper will have how the problem is impacting nursing, it will have quantitative or qualitative evidence and it will not have your opinion.
- This paper will require a title and reference page in addition to the body of the paper.
- This paper will include a minimum of six in-text citation, and three references.
- The references accepted are peer-reviewed. I will not accept web md, blogs, or opinions. We will have reviewed APA, English and proper grammar in class, I take off one point for every APA, English, and grammar error.How does this impact your grade? You might get a 100% on content and lose 50 point on errors.
- My suggestion is you pair up with a fellow student in class and they become your peer-review buddy. My suggestion is you tear each other’s papers apart. Otherwise, I will. When I tear your paper apart, you can earn a failing grade.
Grading Rubric is :
R500 First APA, Grammar and English Paper
Title and Reference
Page formatted
correctly. See
sample paper in
your APA book
starting on page 40.
No errors in
formatting the title
and reference page
1-3 errors
formatting the title
and reference page
4 or more errors
formatting the title
and reference page
Introduction of the
Introduction states
what the paper will
be discussing
Clearly states what
the paper will be
Left out 1
component of the
Left out 2 or more
components of the
Body of the paper
discusses the
chosen problem in
an informative
Supports the
chosen problem
with referenced
Gives an opinion,
Direct Quotes
Has 1 direct quote
in the paper
Has 2 direct quotes
in the paper
Has 3 or more
direct quotes in the
Clearly summarizes
what the paper has
just stated. Does
not introduce a new
Left out 1
component of the
paper, or is not
clear. Does not
introduce a new
Left out 2
components of the
paper, or is not
clear. A new subject
was introduced in
the conclusion.
Paper is clearly
written and flows
Paper reads clearly
and flows logically
Paper has 1 section
that does not read
clearly or flows
Paper has 2 sections
that do not read
clearly or flows
Every APA, English,
and grammar error
is -1 point, Every
time you make an
error is it -1. If you
forget to put a
comma in a citation
5 times, that is 5
Paper Points–
Minus Errors —
Total Points /150
APA Grammar Paper, Any specific resarach about Diabete type 2 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Research and give a practical example of the first step of the kill chain. Writing Assignment Help
1. Define the terms Authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
2. Describe the following terms used for attackers:
Black hat hacker
White hat hacker
Gray hat hacker
3. Research and give a practical example of the first step of the kill chain.
4. An organization that purchased security products from different vendors is
demonstrating which security principle? Explain.
a. obscurity
b. diversity
c. limiting
d. layering
5. Consider an automated teller machine (ATM) in which users provide a personal
identification number (PIN) and a card for account access. Give examples of
confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements associated with the system. In
each case, indicate the degree of importance of the requirement.
6. Read the article “Aspects of Internet Security.” Compose a paper of no more than 2
pages that summarizes the key concepts that emerge from the paper.
eng315 week 4 discussion and response Humanities Assignment Help
“Delivering Bad News”
Select ONE of the following:
- Consider the methods discussed in Chapter 7: Delivering Bad News Messages in BCOM9 (pages 116-136). Armed with this knowledge, make a recommendation for which method (inductive or deductive) is the best way to deliver bad news. Defend your answer.
- Locate a bad-news message somewhere on the internet and share a link here. Discuss which method (inductive or deductive) it most closely resembles and explain why the author chose to deliver the bad news. What change(s) would you make if you were required to deliver the same message to someone else?
iana Acevedo
RE: Week 4 | Discussion
In my opinion the best was to deliver bad news in in person, not in writing but if I had to deliver bad news in writing I would choose deductive reasoning.
Deductive reasoning starts with generalized principles that are known to be true, given additional facts and statement as to the bad news and finish up with the bad news. This reasoning does not give room for leading the receiver up to the bad news. Inductive reasoning is quite the opposite, is starting the deliver specific to more general message. Deductive methods sum’s the bad news in the opening paragraph providing the reader with a clear understanding of what is happening.
The story chose was a recent message from Mr. Tump in regards to the current US shutdown, covered by CBS and can be located https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-major-announcement-today-humanitarian-crisis-southern-border-mexico-twitter/.The story talks about how Mr. Trump wants to negotiate and immigration proposal for the wall funding.The message doesn’t not share facts, Mr. Trump proposes a temporary fix for immigration in the US but has specific amount on what he will get as far as funding for no permanent fix.This is a message goes on to provide speculations.Mr. Trumps talks about a crisis in the boarder but provides no facts. The then goes to threaten the politicians that if they don’t come to an agreement he has the power to and is considering declaring national emergency. Reading this message nothing states Mr Trump looking to come to an agreement, the message states we have a crisis, I need to fix it my way and I want my funding, my way or the highway.
Carefully read the paragraphs from the persuasive essay “Learn to Earn” on page 65 of your text. Humanities Assignment Help
Carefully read the paragraphs from the persuasive essay “Learn to Earn” on page 65 of your text. Thoroughly answer each of the questions below (these are the questions below the essay in your textbook). Each of your responses should address all questions asked. Your responses should be written in complete sentences, and if you’re asked to explain, you should write at least three sentences for your explanation.
1. What is the topic of the essay? Is the topic relevant and interesting? Explain.
2. What is the focus or the thesis of the essay? Is the focus or thesis of the essay clear? Explain.
3. Does the essay contain a variety of specific details? Explain.
1. Does the first paragraph include the key elements of an effective opening? (Review pages 54-55 of your text if necessary.) Explain.
2. Do these paragraphs follow a logical pattern of organization? If so, which one? (See pages 46-49 of your text if necessary.)
1. Does the writer sound informed and interested in the topic? Explain.
2. Does the writer sound sincere and honest? Explain.
Submit this assignment to the dropbox “LP7 Assignment: Learn to Earn.” You can navigate to this dropbox by clicking the “next” arrow at the top right of your screen. This assignment is worth 40 points and will be graded according to the scoring guide below.
Fill out the worksheet table Business Finance Assignment Help
We want you to practice a business summary style – writing in a clear, structured manner, but not in paragraph form. If you feel you must write in a paragraph, then address the question at hand in bullets or tables (as appropriate) and then summarize your points in an executive summary-type paragraph. In general, you are attempting to efficiently and effectively make your arguments for a particular solution, describe the associated implementation tasks (“to dos”), identify the benefits and costs of the undertaking, and then drive your point home with additional considerations (risk management).