Discussion and Response to friend post Computer Science Assignment Help

Discussion and Response to friend post Computer Science Assignment Help. Discussion and Response to friend post Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Hello, I need help with one Task?

Task :

Discussion: Choose one of the real-world exercises from the attached PDF Week 9 (7-1 through 7-3). Perform the exercises and write the response to that exercise. Your post should be at least 250 words and include at least one citation and reference formatted using APA 6 requirements.

Note : I am attaching the 304 PDF page so that you can refer the exercises questions

Response: You should give response to attached document name (response to my friend post)which is posted by my friend, You need to go through his post and give response to that post. your response must be professional, courteous, substantive, add to the conversation, a minimum of 100 words, and more than a statement of agreeing or accolades.

Note: In your responses to other students, please do not just write responses which are long strings of describing how good they did with their post. A single sentence thanking them for their information is sufficient. Then focus on driving the conversation forward, similar to what you would do if you were speaking to them in person. You would likely ask questions, relate to something you have seen before, or go in to greater depth on what you found in your own readings. Please focus on topics such as ‘Why’ this information is important for these discussions. Why is having these resources important? Why is it good to know about these vulnerabilities? Why does having this information help IT professionals in security and business continuity?

Final: I need total 2 word documents

1. Discussion Post in 250 words and keep the file name as “Discussion 9”.

2. Response to my friend post in 100 to 150 words and keep the file name as “Response to my friend discussion”


one month ago

Discussion and Response to friend post Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations. Business Finance Assignment Help

4-5 pages

ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located it in Tennessee. As members of the senior management team of ToolsCorp Corporation, your group has been asked to prepare a neat and organized report for the Strategic Officers Steering Committee (SOS-C) of ToolsCorp Corporation. The purpose of this paper is to obtain permission from them to go forward with the next step (developing a full-blown business plan) for ToolsCorp’s strategic initiative to break into the global marketplace.

Discuss the following:

  • A complete strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis (including at least 5 factors from each category and full explanations of why each factor is important and why it was placed in the category) of the environment that exists within ToolsCorp and the environment that ToolsCorp is proposing.
  • Background Information
  • ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located it in Tennessee. It builds power tools, lawn mowers, lawn furniture, microwaves, and ranges. All products are manufactured locally and sold through large retailers. They have sale papers inserted in every Friday and Tuesday paper. Although they have a thriving business in the United States and Canada, ToolsCorp is trying to break into the global marketplace.


8-2 Global Scientific Society and 8-3 presentation Writing Assignment Help

8-2 ( 1 page )

It is important to think about your obligation as a citizen in today’s society. You need to understand the science behind issues that impact you and other people on this earth every day. Answer the following questions:

1.How can being a more scientifically informed member of society benefit you and your community?

2.Include the title of the TED Talk that you chose to watch in this learning block as well as one point made by the speaker to support your response. (Or watch Paul Gilding discuss how the earth’s capacity is nearing a tipping point, and how innovation is the answer, in the TED Talk “The Earth Is Full.” ) https://www.ted.com/talks/paul_gilding_the_earth_i…

3.Why do you think there is value in understanding and studying the natural sciences when considering not only the impact of science on the global community, but to each of us individually?

8-3 Presentation Wrap-Up ( 3 pages/ power point )

In this learning block, you will use what you have learned to complete your third and final project, a presentation. In this project, you will organize the work you have done throughout Themes 3 and 4 and assemble a presentation that discusses why the question you developed in your Project 2 question development worksheet is important and communicates the value of studying the natural sciences. In this learning block, you will submit your Project 3 presentation. This will bring Theme 4 to a close. Be sure to carefully review the assignment instructions and rubric so you can address all of the important pieces of this assignment and earn maximum points. Pay specific attention to the “Supporting Work and Resources” section, which identifies where you have already made progress to address the critical elements of the presentation prompt throughout the course. These are the same items you have been flagged to save and make note of throughout Themes 3 and 4

See Rubic…


Week 5 Discussion 1 and 2 Mathematics Assignment Help

Must make 8 post in 3 days time; a post at least two or three per day which is on Saturday, Sunday and Monday and should total to 8

Practice: Week 5 Discussion Question 1

What are you doing to save for retirement?

If you are not currently saving for retirement, how should you get started?

Practice: Week 5 Discussion Question 2

  • Have you ever created a sinking fund to help you with a large purchase? If so, what was the purchase and how did you create your sinking fund? Would you do anything differently after reading this week’s chapters? Why or why not?

If you have never created a sinking fund for a large purchase, discuss this week’s topics related to how you would create one. Be sure to indicate what you would be purchasing with your fund.


sagacious writing (world society/ world history) Humanities Assignment Help

Answer the three questions below (no word limit). Do read them properly

Question 1

Scenario: The Spanish arrived in 1522 with Francisco Pizarro leading approximately 600 men who took over the Inca Empire. Europeans were then able to control the wealth and this conquest also gave them a market for their own goods.

Question: What is one other sagacious consequence that you can describe that shows why the world society/history class is mandatory?

Question 2

What is the denotative meaning of the word ‘harambee’ and What is the connotative meaning of the word harambee?

Question 3

Scenario: After the European powers left, African leaders believed democracy threatened to destroy the existing states and would prevent social progress. Therefore, leaders maintained a strong authoritarian control they had learned from the Europeans.

For example, after Ghana won independence, Kwame Nkrumah threw his opponents in jail just like the Europeans did in earlier years. He also outlawed opposition parties, and in time, nearly bankrupted the nation.

Question: Link these historical events to sagacious themes you would learn in a world society class (some files attached to help you with). How do these historical events show why the world society class is mandatory?

some files are atttached that should be used as they are helpful



project part 2 Computer Science Assignment Help

Project Update Meeting 1: You should have at least three pages of your
site completed by this time. If you have not done so already, your instructor will help you to
publish your pages to your web site. Unless prior arrangements to meet are made, the Project
Update Meetings will be held during class lab time. Bring the following items to discuss with and
hand in to your instructor:
 The URL of your web site.
 Your FrontPage web (the source files of your web pages and images)
 A sketch of your page(s) that will utilize a table.
 Your Site Flowchart (revise as needed).

project part 2 Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Discussion question Economics Assignment Help

Please read the article and all documents needed that I have attached, then answer the questions below: (This is a discussion group, so you just need to answer the questions, then I can post it in discussion forum. NO PLAGIARISM!!)

  1. What is happening to the demand for US-produced cheese? Why?
  2. NOT in the article: How would you argue that the producers of cheese (and meat and poultry) are perfectly competitive?
  3. NOT in the article: How would you argue that some small cheese producing firms, like Meister Cheese Company LLC in Muscoda, Wis., are monopolistically competitive?


reflection paper Business Finance Assignment Help

you will need to do 5 reflections which the 5 topic is below. 1.5 page doubled- space per one. you will need book the book and listen to the recording of the topic.

– Preemptory Challenges:

book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SUV9_HI3_qWbt77n1…

recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R-eGoSR_DVZU3U_4V…

– Evidence: Rap Music:

book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qv9XPLjX1fjHm_xvV…

recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HAVVs-EyqKaMIzaAf…

-Felony Murder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EWc5TC1T_xQs9mdCc…

-Assisted Suicide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mXC98H9IbznTLdfwH…

-Chemical Endangerment: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICgCCEcsR6UuRouHS…

I already uploaded the textbook and the voice recording from my classmate down below.

you must submit a reflection (approx. 1/2 – 1 page single space) for each reflection. There are 5 in total (0.5-1 page for each). Use the information from the discussion to answer the “You Decide” (only one “You Decide” question).

You must reflect on whether you agree or disagree with your classmates’ positions. It cannot say simply, “I agree” or “I disagree.” For points, you opinion must be supported by specifically cited references to the materials and the discussion from your classmates.

Since this is a Reflection of today’s Discussion, if you were absent, you cannot submit this reflection. Any submission more than 24 hours late, will receive a reduced grade.

Upload here the Reflection Papers for the recitation in doc. or docx. No format requirements (font, etc.). There is no minimum or maximum length. But your grade is based on you providing a substantive reflection. A meaningful effort should be around 1/2 – 1pg (if single-spaced) for each case.

Any material you get from the book or the in-class discussion must be cited. No specific citing format is required. But Canvas runs a check for plagiarism, and also, you are earning points by showing your use of the class materials.


writing assignment Writing Assignment Help

Literary Terms & Techniques of Fiction assignment (15 pts, to be graded with a 5 pt. assignment TBA for credit in the D2L GRADES) TYPED, SINGLE-SPACED. Read Gutkind essay (posted in D2L).

From Lee Gutkind’s definitions and from our class lectures, create a list of a minimum of 35 terms that usually apply to fiction writing, yet are well used for creative non-fiction. List each term, give a brief definition; provide an example of use from the assigned essays posted in D2L for each of the terms to show the terms in use. Your example can be a quote or paraphrase, but indicate the author and page of the source for example. Provide the page number in MLA format. (Please find your own example from the readings.) You may find other lit terms from other sources to include in your list. The 35 or more lit terms are due in class. A partial list of terms is pasted here; you will need to add an additional terms from the readings and from lecture. Please type, double-space or single-space (your choice), use MLA style to indicate author/page, at minimum. You might find this website helpful: http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072405228/s… When you use terms that are not in Gutkind’s essay, please aim for lit terms that are new to you!

  1. From Gutkind: please define the following–aim for 35 terms. HERE’S A START!
    1. a. techniques of fiction
    2. liberties
    3. truth
    4. parameters
    5. truth
    6. objectivity
    7. compression
    8. flesh out
    9. fabrication, falsification
    10. personal reflection
    11. journalism, journalistic
    12. substance, style, research
    13. new journalism
    14. fact & narrative
    15. genre, reporting, memorir
    16. to 19. Gutkind’s 4-point checklist, his “bottom line” and goal of creative nonfiction



One page memo Business Finance Assignment Help

  • First Read the case.
  • Assume the role of upper management presenting their recommendations to the Board of Directors. You are to focus exclusively on the problem and the recommendations you suggest remedying the problem Provide the best possible, most logical and well justified solution(s). Do not offer a list of possibilities; instead offer a prioritized list of best possible actions.
  • You will submit a typed one-page, single spaced analytical memo of the case. In the memo, you will assume the role of management presenting your recommendation to the Board. Please use the following format for this assignment:
  • Case name
  • Your name and date
  • Key issue or problem
  • Recommendations that address the problem. Number each recommendation, as many as you feel are appropriate and write a thoughtful paragraph detailing each recommendation.
  • Write a second paragraph, immediately following the recommendation, that provides the support and rationale for your recommendation.
  • You may write up to 2 pages if you feel warranted but please do not exceed 2 pages.
  • REMEMBER: Your recommendations must answer the key issue.

In 2012, in the small mountain town of Boone, North Carolina, an entrepreneur launched a premier coffee shop called Local Lion. Boone was both a home to a state university and a popular tourist destination and Local Lion provided a unique coffee experience. This experience included responsibly grown coffee, homemade doughnuts, and locally made artwork and jewelery; however, customers were heading to the recently opened outlet of the global coffee chain Starbucks. The Local Lions owner wondered what he could do to preserve his business and retain his current customer loyalty. What options should he explore?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ When you use terms that are not in Gutkind’s essay, please aim for lit terms that are new to you!

  1. From Gutkind: please define the following–aim for 35 terms. HERE’S A START!
    1. a. techniques of fiction
    2. liberties
    3. truth
    4. parameters
    5. truth
    6. objectivity
    7. compression
    8. flesh out
    9. fabrication, falsification
    10. personal reflection
    11. journalism, journalistic
    12. substance, style, research
    13. new journalism
    14. fact & narrative
    15. genre, reporting, memorir
    16. to 19. Gutkind’s 4-point checklist, his “bottom line” and goal of creative nonfiction



One page memo Business Finance Assignment Help

  • First Read the case.
  • Assume the role of upper management presenting their recommendations to the Board of Directors. You are to focus exclusively on the problem and the recommendations you suggest remedying the problem Provide the best possible, most logical and well justified solution(s). Do not offer a list of possibilities; instead offer a prioritized list of best possible actions.
  • You will submit a typed one-page, single spaced analytical memo of the case. In the memo, you will assume the role of management presenting your recommendation to the Board. Please use the following format for this assignment:
  • Case name
  • Your name and date
  • Key issue or problem
  • Recommendations that address the problem. Number each recommendation, as many as you feel are appropriate and write a thoughtful paragraph detailing each recommendation.
  • Write a second paragraph, immediately following the recommendation, that provides the support and rationale for your recommendation.
  • You may write up to 2 pages if you feel warranted but please do not exceed 2 pages.
  • REMEMBER: Your recommendations must answer the key issue.

In 2012, in the small mountain town of Boone, North Carolina, an entrepreneur launched a premier coffee shop called Local Lion. Boone was both a home to a state university and a popular tourist destination and Local Lion provided a unique coffee experience. This experience included responsibly grown coffee, homemade doughnuts, and locally made artwork and jewelery; however, customers were heading to the recently opened outlet of the global coffee chain Starbucks. The Local Lions owner wondered what he could do to preserve his business and retain his current customer loyalty. What options should he explore?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ When you use terms that are not in Gutkind’s essay, please aim for lit terms that are new to you!

  1. From Gutkind: please define the following–aim for 35 terms. HERE’S A START!
    1. a. techniques of fiction
    2. liberties
    3. truth
    4. parameters
    5. truth
    6. objectivity
    7. compression
    8. flesh out
    9. fabrication, falsification
    10. personal reflection
    11. journalism, journalistic
    12. substance, style, research
    13. new journalism
    14. fact & narrative
    15. genre, reporting, memorir
    16. to 19. Gutkind’s 4-point checklist, his “bottom line” and goal of creative nonfiction



One page memo Business Finance Assignment Help

  • First Read the case.
  • Assume the role of upper management presenting their recommendations to the Board of Directors. You are to focus exclusively on the problem and the recommendations you suggest remedying the problem Provide the best possible, most logical and well justified solution(s). Do not offer a list of possibilities; instead offer a prioritized list of best possible actions.
  • You will submit a typed one-page, single spaced analytical memo of the case. In the memo, you will assume the role of management presenting your recommendation to the Board. Please use the following format for this assignment:
  • Case name
  • Your name and date
  • Key issue or problem
  • Recommendations that address the problem. Number each recommendation, as many as you feel are appropriate and write a thoughtful paragraph detailing each recommendation.
  • Write a second paragraph, immediately following the recommendation, that provides the support and rationale for your recommendation.
  • You may write up to 2 pages if you feel warranted but please do not exceed 2 pages.
  • REMEMBER: Your recommendations must answer the key issue.

In 2012, in the small mountain town of Boone, North Carolina, an entrepreneur launched a premier coffee shop called Local Lion. Boone was both a home to a state university and a popular tourist destination and Local Lion provided a unique coffee experience. This experience included responsibly grown coffee, homemade doughnuts, and locally made artwork and jewelery; however, customers were heading to the recently opened outlet of the global coffee chain Starbucks. The Local Lions owner wondered what he could do to preserve his business and retain his current customer loyalty. What options should he explore?


https://anyessayhelp.com/ When you use terms that are not in Gutkind’s essay, please aim for lit terms that are new to you!

  1. From Gutkind: please define the following–aim for 35 terms. HERE’S A START!
    1. a. techniques of fiction
    2. liberties
    3. truth
    4. parameters
    5. truth
    6. objectivity
    7. compression
    8. flesh out
    9. fabrication, falsification
    10. personal reflection
    11. journalism, journalistic
    12. substance, style, research
    13. new journalism
    14. fact & narrative
    15. genre, reporting, memorir
    16. to 19. Gutkind’s 4-point checklist, his “bottom line” and goal of creative nonfiction



One page memo Business Finance Assignment Help

  • First Read the case.
  • Assume the role of upper management presenting their recommendations to the Board of Directors. You are to focus exclusively on the problem and the recommendations you suggest remedying the problem Provide the best possible, most logical and well justified solution(s). Do not offer a list of possibilities; instead offer a prioritized list of best possible actions.
  • You will submit a typed one-page, single spaced analytical memo of the case. In the memo, you will assume the role of management presenting your recommendation to the Board. Please use the following format for this assignment:
  • Case name
  • Your name and date
  • Key issue or problem
  • Recommendations that address the problem. Number each recommendation, as many as you feel are appropriate and write a thoughtful paragraph detailing each recommendation.
  • Write a second paragraph, immediately following the recommendation, that provides the support and rationale for your recommendation.
  • You may write up to 2 pages if you feel warranted but please do not exceed 2 pages.
  • REMEMBER: Your recommendations must answer the key issue.

In 2012, in the small mountain town of Boone, North Carolina, an entrepreneur launched a premier coffee shop called Local Lion. Boone was both a home to a state university and a popular tourist destination and Local Lion provided a unique coffee experience. This experience included responsibly grown coffee, homemade doughnuts, and locally made artwork and jewelery; however, customers were heading to the recently opened outlet of the global coffee chain Starbucks. The Local Lions owner wondered what he could do to preserve his business and retain his current customer loyalty. What options should he explore?


Discussion and Response to friend post Computer Science Assignment Help

Discussion and Response to friend post Computer Science Assignment Help

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