discussion paper Computer Science Assignment Help. discussion paper Computer Science Assignment Help.
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You are currently working in a research wing for a standard SOC (Security Operations Center). The SOC keeps analytics on the current trends within the network. Your team will be assigned a current issue that has been seen at the border of the network, trying to infiltrate the organizations network/systems. Upon being assigned your item, it will be your job to go out and search OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) for more information on the attack being observed. This could be a single port number, a series of attacks that has been identified, or an IP address to research and identify; your professor will assign this. Your deliverable will be a 5 page APA style research report with your findings. Discover current attacks being performed through this port, or current state of a known scanning suite. Find sources, if possible, source code of attacks that are known to exploit this weakness and break down the code. List known services on the affected ports that are associated and current attacks being performed on these services (list any CVE findings and briefly list and explain). Look at SNORT rules that watch for these attacks and list that SID.
Finally, to wrap-up your research, present the current risk level associated with this threat. Use the FAIR methodology to derive your threat assessment. The attached FAIR PDF will walk you through your analysis. To complete the FAIR document:
- Step 1: Asset at Risk will be the organization’s primary e-commerce web server.
- Step 2: You will provide this answer based on your research.
- Step 3: You will provide this answer based on your research; however, keep in mind how many times per day this is scanning the network, which will be given to your when you receive your topic.
- Step 4: You will provide this answer based on your research.
- Step 5: Assume the e-Commerce server is fully up-to-date and running the following base software: Red Hat Linux, Apache, MariaDB, Drupal, PHP and is hardened based on base NIST recommendations for operations.
- Step 6-7: Calculate
- Step 8: Assume Moderate
- Step 9: Assume Moderate
- Step 10: Calculate and create this chart in excel with the appropriate item highlighted. Include this chart in your paper and presentation.
You can choose 1 of the following topics:
- China Chopper Scans
- Peppa Pig Scans
- WannaCry
- Port 3389
- Port 9530
- C99 Web Shell
- Petya and PetyaWrap
- Wicked (Mirai Variant)
- Miori (Mirai Variant
discussion paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The world is not running out of the water. The real challenge is to provide enough fresh water to a rapidly growing global population (with growing demands for growth: more energy, more food, more industry and more consumption). Engineering Assignment Help
The world is not running out of the water. The real challenge is to provide enough fresh water to a rapidly growing global population (with growing demands for growth: more energy, more food, more industry and more consumption). More and more irregular weather conditions and natural disasters only exacerbate the situation. All regions of the world often struggle with severe water scarcity. This is a tough nut that even breaks in relatively rich, developed countries. But in developing countries with no basic infrastructure, inadequate financial resources are combined with rapid urbanization and increased industrialization to create a crisis. The lack of treatment options leads to two problems: waste water is not treated before it is discharged into waterways contaminating the source, which often makes water unusable for drinking. In this context conduct a research on any one process industry in Middle East region/globally and explain the approaches/applications/strategies/methods of following with suitable examples & justification?
(Hint: Refer research journals/data in the area of water and wastewater treatment process/operations).
1. Abstract, Introduction,Conclusions & Recommendations
3. Key elements/components involved in design, construction, start-up & operation of a wastewater treatment plant
4. Suitable and cost-effective wastewater treatment process technology to treat certain wastewater stream given its composition and characteristics and taking into account the required effluent standards
5. Costing and comparison of different treatment alternatives
6. Optimization of the applied treatment processes
The answer will be
Please refer different books and journals which you can use for answer this question.
Complete Literacy Assignment (TIGER) Humanities Assignment Help
ASSIGNMENT 1: Clinical Field Experience A: Classroom Observations and Data Collection
- Part 1: Observation
- You’ve selected your classroom which may be your own to observe (for the next six weeks)
- You’ll select one literacy standard as the primary focus for the next six weeks.
- You’ll observe and document the students’ learning for at least two class periods where the chosen standard is being addressed.
- You’ll Use pseudonyms for all students throughout this course.
- NOW DOCUMENT ON YOUR LWS: “Observation Notes” section of the Literacy Work Sample (LWS):
- Learning styles observed
- Literacy strengths and weaknesses
- Behaviors
- Challenges
- Social interactions
- Distractions
- Perseverance and motivation
- Discuss the specific literacy needs of the students in your field experience classroom.
- Discuss IEP/504, social-emotional needs, previous assessment data, strategies that have previously been used with the student, etc.
- Choose a small group of 3-5 students needing literacy support as your focus for the rest of this course. Collaborate with your mentor to discuss student strengths and any concerns you may have observed.
- Complete the “Mentor Discussion Summary” section of the LWS.
Part 2: Mentoring (with your mentor)
- Choose a teacher within the school to provide literacy support throughout this course. (maybe a first/second year teacher)
- Observe your mentee teacher teaching a literacy skill to students and collaborate with him or her to determine a small group of struggling students who need extra literacy support.
- Discuss any similarities or differences between your students and the mentee’s students, as well as the importance of observation. Plan together how to move forward in assisting these students.
- Complete the “Mentee Discussion Summary” section of the LWS.
Now in the “Reflection” section of the LWS, write a 250-500 word explanation of your understanding of learning theory, human development, cultural diversity, and individual differences and how each affect ongoing planning based on your observations and discussions.
Support your reflection with 2-3 scholarly resources
critique discussion post below-half page only Science Assignment Help
To prevent an enemy
The United States should put a travel restriction from terror sponsor countries; Also, despite everything, the U.S. needs to figure out how to discredit the violent as well as twisted beliefs of the extremists. This learning will empower the USA to decrease its dependence on law enforcement, which approaches which are not, at this point, a viable measure to counterterrorism.
To deter an enemy
The government should pay close attention to the cyberworld as half of the terror things and plans executed through the internet. High security should be given to public transport as it is the most dangerous place where everyone can quickly get and do anything.
To respond to an enemy.
There is a saying that says, “If you want peace, prepare for war.” At the point when we know about the adversary who is going to attack us, we can continue ahead with the solutions for it, such as military airstrike on the enemy to eliminate the threat he/she poses to our country.
Explain the challenges, opportunities, and obstacles, and how would you think we should tackle it.
As a matter of first importance, a lone-wolf terrorist is a lone actor, whose intentions are difficult to recognize since they, for the most part, avoid contact with others. This makes identifying, monitoring, and capturing a lone wolf tough. Contrasted with conventional forms of a group of terrorism or network- supported terrorists, the lone operator has an essential preferred position in staying away from I.D. and identification when their attacks since the vast majority of them do not discuss their plans with others.
I think the FBI should keep on conduct domestic intelligence. In any case, a Domestic Intelligence Agency (DIA) ought to be made and ought to carefully be centered around domestic intelligence. To keep up the trustworthiness of this agency, it ought not to have the authority to make an arrest; however, the agency should work closely with local law enforcement so arrest, might be made through local law enforcement. The adjustment of the present threat has made it progressively hard for agencies to surveillance potential threats and not violate the citizen’s rights.
Burch, J. (2007) A Domestic Intelligence Agency for the United States? A… Retrieved April 21, 2020, from https://www.hsaj.org/articles/147
Paper revision Business Finance Assignment Help
Kindly improve the literature review. A literature review should bring out the findings of previous studies in general. You can’t review literature about Qatar because this study has not been conducted.
Also, the literature review should be backed by a theoretical and conceptual framework. What theory is the literature review/research based on? The conceptual framework should be presented in the form of a diagram and a paragraph explaining the variables or components of the framework.
Kindly improve these chapters. The research should be purely general, applicable in other setting, only that it should reflect the findings in relation to Qatar.
Most of the information in chapter 2 can be used after data analysis because it shows what is happening in Qatar, which can be understood after data collection.
Thank You
You will have to re-work on literature review. I asked you to include a theoretical framework which you have not. Also, the conceptual framework you have provided does not fit the study. A conceptual framework should include variables of the study as stipulated in your objectives and linked to the outcome of the study (Infrastructural development. Also, when doing the literature review, don’t focus on how the study was done but the findings of the study in line to the topic of your review. And I want you to remain focused on infrastructural development not tourism, unless it is associated with infrastructural development. Also, whatever is happening in Qatar should not be part of literature review. So conducted a literature review. And send me the two chapter once you are sure you have done the best because I wont request any further revisions. i have also included a sample theoretical framework. You have to identify a relevant theory in relation to your topic and link it with the study.
I want you to proceed with chapter 3 and the data collections once you have done all the revisions I requested. Than send me chapters 1-3 and data collections instrument
Chapter Three: Research Methodology
In this chapter, you will be expected to provide the following
- The research Design
- Sources of Data and Data collection method
- Method of Data Analysis
- The research Hypothesis
- Research models that you employed to attain all the research Objectives
- Ethical considerations
- Research Limitations.
ENG 316 Technical Writing Week 4 Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Please respond to the following:
- Think of a relevant topic for your current or future career for
which you have been asked to create an informative social media post
with an appropriate graphic (this can be a visual from the internet—just
makes sure it is appropriate and cited correctly).
- State the social media platform the post is for and the topic:
- Explain why you chose the social media platform that you did.
- Explain why this specific audience was selected.
- Create the text of the social media post.
- Provide a link to the visual you located to go with your post
(This may be one of the visuals that you located in the Discussion
- Explain why you think the visual you provided enhances the written communication of your social media post.
Please cite your resources
- State the social media platform the post is for and the topic:
ENG 316 Technical Writing Week 4 Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NURS 6050: WK 10 Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Health Medical Assignment Help
Assignment: Assessing a Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation
Program/policy evaluation is a valuable tool that can help strengthen the quality of programs/policies and improve outcomes for the populations they serve. Program/policy evaluation answers basic questions about program/policy effectiveness. It involves collecting and analyzing information about program/policy activities, characteristics, and outcomes. This information can be used to ultimately improve program services or policy initiatives.
Nurses can play a very important role assessing program/policy evaluation for the same reasons that they can be so important to program/policy design. Nurses bring expertise and patient advocacy that can add significant insight and impact. In this Assignment, you will practice applying this expertise and insight by selecting an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation and reflecting on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program/policy.
To Prepare:
- Review the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template provided in the Resources.
- Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.
- Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.
The Assignment: (2–3 pages)
Based on the program or policy evaluation you selected, complete the Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template. Be sure to address the following:
- Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes.
- How was the success of the program or policy measured?
- How many people were reached by the program or policy selected?
- How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?
- At what point in program implementation was the program or policy evaluation conducted?
- What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?
- What specific information on unintended consequences was identified?
- What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy? Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.
- Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not?
- Would you recommend implementing this program or policy in your place of work? Why or why not?
- Identify at least two ways that you, as a nurse advocate, could become involved in evaluating a program or policy after 1 year of implementation.
Issues on the waste managment in Lagos, Nigeria Business Finance Assignment Help
“Stuff” seems to be the root of many of our contemporary problems. Yet most of us seem to want more and more of it. Bigger, better, and nicer stuff! The problem? Eventually all of this stuff or all of these products break down, wear out, or fail to be of use or keep our interest. Sometimes we simply want the new model. So we wade ankle deep through our accumulated stuff, and when we’ve finally had enough, we pack it into our large garbage cans and recycling receptacles and someone takes it away. But it doesn’t simply “go away,” as we might think or hope, so where it goes is worth examining.
In this research essay we will be exploring the problem of waste or garbage: how much we produce and what we do with it. We will explore the various ways people in six countries deal with it: dumping it in landfills, burning it in incinerators, and/or recycling or re-using it. Since there is no perfect solution for dealing with waste, we will also consider how we can learn to reduce it. Here is your assignment, step by step.
The link to the following Washington Post essay/video on this problem will be our starting point. After seeing the introductory video, you will need to scroll down that page so you can see the commentary and additional videos about the cities: New York City, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Sao Paulo, Lagos, Jakarta.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/global-waste/?utm_term=.7a69b52c9245 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)
Read the article on the waste problem in Lebanon.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/world/middleeast/trash-lebanon-beach.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)
After viewing the videos and commentary on the six cities, and the article on Lebanon, select one of these seven cities to research. You will need to add to your knowledge by searching out articles and commentaries that further discuss the waste problem in “your” city.
Many good articles about these contemporary problems can be found in the New York Times and The Washington Post. You can go to those sites and use their search engines to look for articles on “your” city and its waste problem. You should also use other data bases as well. Even Google may help you find some good information. Or try National Geographic. Or the data bases at any library.
Your essay on the waste problems of the city you choose, should do all of the following:
discuss the extent of the problem(s): its severity, its effects, etc.
discuss the history (e.g. growth) of the city that has led to the severity of the waste problem(s)
discuss the ways in which government officials are trying to deal with the waste problem(s)
discuss the ways (if any) individuals are trying to deal with the waste problem(s)
discuss the obstacles in the way of successfully dealing with the waste problem(s). For example, are the incentives to change stronger than letting the waste conditions continue? Who benefits or at least isn’t harmed by the waste problem(s)? In other words, follow the money? Who profits from so much waste?
discuss how the waste problems of cities and countries are not isolated but related to the lifestyles and actions of other people in other cities and countries.
Please note: This is not a “solution” paper in which you are asked to recommend a way of solving these waste problems. You are merely reporting on the issue.
Use accredited secondary source material to find your information, which should be cited in your essay. Few if any quotations should be used. Instead put the information into your own words.
Above all, your essay should be an interesting and relaxed (meaning non-stilted) discussion in your own words of these issues.
Your essay should be 5-7 pages in the MLA format. Twenty-five point deductions will be given if the essay (including the first page–see below) is not presented in the MLA format and the citations–both in text and one the Works Cited page–do not follow the MLA format.
Use the following link to see the MLA format:
https://mlaformat.org/the-format-of-the-research-paper/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)
Ethical Project Business Finance Assignment Help
Ethical Team Project
You should choose an organization that has been in one of the following situations:
· It has been involved in an ethical challenge (either from a single person or at the organizational level).
· It consistently models exemplary ethical decision making or has modeled that behavior in a very difficult environment.
· It presents itself as an ethical entity, but evidence to the contrary exists.
· It has a reputation as being an unethical organization, but facts indicate the reality is more nuanced.
In all cases, you should examine the organization from three perspectives, to the degree each is possible and relevant to your case:
· Ethics and the Individual. What do we know about the people inside the organization who are/were involved in the decisions under scrutiny? Relating to the first part of this course, what are their values? Are their values related to the ethical question under study?
· Ethics in the Organization. What is the ethical culture of the organization? To the degree possible, explore this from a formal and an informal perspective. Use the organization’s website, its public statements, its legal history and other elements such as those from the ethical culture audit you performed on your own organization.
· Organizational Ethics. What is the organization’s relationship and record with regard to its stakeholders? Does it operate in a global environment? To what degree does it take into account global stakeholders in its decision making?
Formatting Details
· Use a 12 point font, 1 inch margins, double spaced 12-15 Pages long.
· Use headings to lead your reader through your train of thought.
· Do not have paragraphs that are a full page long.
· Use APA citation methodology. See Purdue’s OWL website if you are unfamiliar with this. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/
You should choose an organization that has been in one of the following situations:
· It has been involved in an ethical challenge (either from a single person or at the organizational level).
· It consistently models exemplary ethical decision making or has modeled that behavior in a very difficult environment.
· It presents itself as an ethical entity, but evidence to the contrary exists.
· It has a reputation as being an unethical organization, but facts indicate the reality is more nuanced.
In all cases, you should examine the organization from three perspectives, to the degree each is possible and relevant to your case:
· Ethics and the Individual. What do we know about the people inside the organization who are/were involved in the decisions under scrutiny? Relating to the first part of this course, what are their values? Are their values related to the ethical question under study?
· Ethics in the Organization. What is the ethical culture of the organization? To the degree possible, explore this from a formal and an informal perspective. Use the organization’s website, its public statements, its legal history and other elements such as those from the ethical culture audit you performed on your own organization.
· Organizational Ethics. What is the organization’s relationship and record with regard to its stakeholders? Does it operate in a global environment? To what degree does it take into account global stakeholders in its decision making?
networking Computer Science Assignment Help
Switching is practically invisible (and occurs at layer 2 of the OSI model) and generally not an issue unless you want to create a vlan, or alter the flow of data traffic for some reason. But hey, we gotta cover it because it’s a part of networking, and the switch has greatly improved networking speeds. Also, because there really isn’t much to switching (there shouldn’t be for an IT professional) we squeeze in protocols this week!
Learn to switch and protocol
·Watch the LinkedIn Learning video on switches:
Exploring the switch and the network topology in the course: Learning Cisco CLI Switch Configuration
·Research the terms: NetBIOS, WinSock, HTTP, Port 21, TFTP, Port 443, Local Area Network, VLAN
·Find a list of all of the most commonly used ports and find out which services they are linked to. You can usually search for this and find images that should lay it out for you very nicely.
·Plan on which services you would expect to find running in your project.
Select a switch for the project
Search for some major switch manufacturers and find the differences between models. Select several models depending on where they go in your project.
oHint – You don’t want to pay for a 24-port Gigabit switch if a room only has two computers that are used for browsing purposes! Similarly, you don’t want to put a 4-port switch in a room that is expected to be turned into a computer lab. Include some expandability into the project, but be realistic.
Open Packet Tracer and place some switches down and start playing with them.
oAdvanced students – Pretend you are networking in the late 1990s and switches were not yet common. Try to network a bunch of computers using hubs, and then try a number of different layouts to try and reduce collisions.
§Thankfully collisions are not an issue like they used to be. If you are interested in learning more about it check out the following link:
Network Basics Overview Article and this one Network Switching Tutorial
Update your project using switches configured correctly. This is really just making sure you drag and drop something more suitable then what you guessed at before and started with, don’t panic as it is easier than it sounds.
For your task, submit a list of protocols that would be running on your project network, and if you decided to change the ports, please specify.
·Name the switch in your project layout as the one you found, if it not available in Packet Tracer.