Discussion Post #1 – Holocaust Humanities Assignment Help

Discussion Post #1 – Holocaust Humanities Assignment Help. Discussion Post #1 – Holocaust Humanities Assignment Help.

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1 First, answer, based on your readings/videos/content completion (click and read/watch) these questions after you have read 1. Persecution (may take a moment to load) and 2. have (click open in new window when the next screen pops up) completed content unit one* Then answer: Could anything have been done to stop the Nazis or were they merely seen as another political fringe party?

2. Comment on these two readings. Consider: Would there have been a Holocaust without Adolf Hitler? What was Hermann Goring’s role? The Holocaust was not inevitable. Please read the articles I wrote on: Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goring

3. How did the Nazis come to power? What did (from question 1) the website Rise of and the film reveal? Be specific.

4. First, read: History of the Holocaust by Professor W.pdf Then, after reading the article on German Cultural Icons and the Nazis (You will need to have read the PDF file answer the following:

a. Explain the specific definition of the Holocaust taken from the content units, and the History of the Holocaust article.

b. In your opinion, were radical German cultural icons such Richard Wagner and Friedrich Nietzsche critical in the development of Nazism? Defend your response well, and cite passages from the reading to support your argument.

c. Comment on what you learned after viewing: EchoesAndReflections_Lesson_Two_Definition-AntisemitismDefinition

5. Consider: the Holocaust was not inevitable. Discuss.

6. Review/read entire article and comment on 2-4 specific passages from (e.g. on page 3, I learned that) Mobilising Women for Hitler.

7. Read: EchoesAndReflections_Lesson_Two_Definition-AntisemitismDefinition (1) and then, Who are the Jews? Comment briefly on both readings. Be sure to review

8. Read and discuss some specifics from the Richard of Devizes 1189 primary source document (this comes from the coronation of Richard I of England)1189: First use of the word Holocaust (read just the very first page where the word Holocaust is used to describe the murder of the Jews of London) – there are two different file formats for you below as well if Google Books does not work for you)- click here: Richard of Devizes: in 1189, the first use of the word Holocaustum (holocaust)

9. Review the 1920 Nazi party programme. This was a plan, developed in part by Hitler, after the Nazi party was “reshaped” into the NSDAP (Nazi). Your task is to read the entire document, and develop a short 3-4 sentence commentary on one line item. Please follow this link 25 points programme (caution graphic narrative)

10. From the Niewyck book (your main textbook): If your last name ends with A-G, answer a. If your last name ends with H-R, answer b. If your last name ends with S-Z answer c.

a. List the five major causes for anti-Semitism from the Weiss chapter in Niewyck, listing page #s.

b. Explain one of the five causes in detail, citing specifics from the text.

c. In your opinion, which of the five causes most closely aligned with Nazi ideology or did all five apply?

11. How were the Nazis so successful at convincing a populace of their credibility and why were people so willing to accept anti-Semitism as a part of daily life mandated by legal norms? Comment on 1-2 specific points from the readings, and from these images (*warning* disturbing/graphic and upsetting images/discussion contained below from The Poisonous Mushroom):

a. Illustration-WomanAndChildrenLookingAtCrucifix.pdf

b. Illustration-ComparisonOfJewAndAryan.pdf

c. Illustration-CaricatureofaJewWithAryanChildren.pdf

d. Reading: PrimarySource-Nazi Ideology.pdf

e. Now, review this site and provide one comment on why you think the Nazis targeted children in their propaganda: (***WARNING*** graphic), which has examples of children’s books that were published by the Nazis: Trust no fox …

12. Then, discuss 1-2 points from The History of the Holocaust article (found on the course main page under news (marked Holocaust 1 – and also here: HOLOCAUST.pdf ) that you found compelling or interesting.

13. Who was Hermann Wilhelm Göring and why is a study of him essential to understanding the rise of the Nazis? Please see: Hermann Wilhelm Göring

14. What was the function of early Nazi propaganda? Review: Propaganda (this is a very extensive site. Take some time to scroll down and go through the various images and other forms presented here. Select a few to comment on and include the link for your image so that your classmates can review these as well.

15. Be sure to also include analysis from the content unit three as well, additionally commenting on at least two images from the unit. You are expected to review and flip through the photo albums contained within the unit and the films at the end of the unit).1. First, answer, based on your readings/videos/content completion (click and read/watch) these questions after you have read 1. Persecution (may take a moment to load) Then answer: Could anything have been done to stop the Nazis or were they merely seen as another political fringe party?

2. Comment on these two readings. Consider: Would there have been a Holocaust without Adolf Hitler? What was Hermann Goring’s role? The Holocaust was not inevitable. Please read the articles I wrote on: Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goring

3. How did the Nazis come to power? What did (from question 1) the website Rise of and the film reveal? Be specific.

4. First, read: History of the Holocaust by Professor W.pdf Then, after reading the article on German Cultural Icons and the Nazis.pdf (You will need to have read the PDF file answer the following:

a. Explain the specific definition of the Holocaust taken from the content units, and the History of the Holocaust article.

b. In your opinion, were radical German cultural icons such Richard Wagner and Friedrich Nietzsche critical in the development of Nazism? Defend your response well, and cite passages from the reading to support your argument.

5. Consider: the Holocaust was not inevitable. Discuss.

6. Review/read entire article and comment on 2-4 specific passages from (e.g. on page 3, I learned that) Mobilising Women for Hitler.

7. Read: EchoesAndReflections_Lesson_Two_Definition-AntisemitismDefinition.pdf and then, Who are the Jews? Comment briefly on both readings.

8. Read and discuss some specifics from the Richard of Devizes 1189 primary source document (this comes from the coronation of Richard I of England)1189: First use of the word Holocaust (read just the very first page where the word Holocaust is used to describe the murder of the Jews of London) – there are two different file formats for you below as well if Google Books does not work for you)- click here: Richard of Devizes: in 1189, the first use of the word Holocaustum (holocaust)

9. Review the 1920 Nazi party programme. This was a plan, developed in part by Hitler, after the Nazi party was “reshaped” into the NSDAP (Nazi). Your task is to read the entire document, and develop a short 3-4 sentence commentary on one line item. Please follow this link 25 points programme (caution graphic narrative)

10. From the Niewyck book (your main textbook): If your last name ends with A-G, answer a. If your last name ends with H-R, answer b. If your last name ends with S-Z answer c.

a. List the five major causes for anti-Semitism from the Weiss chapter in Niewyck, listing page #s.

b. Explain one of the five causes in detail, citing specifics from the text.

c. In your opinion, which of the five causes most closely aligned with Nazi ideology or did all five apply?

11. How were the Nazis so successful at convincing a populace of their credibility and why were people so willing to accept anti-Semitism as a part of daily life mandated by legal norms? Comment on 1-2 specific points from the readings, and from these images (*warning* disturbing/graphic and upsetting images/discussion contained below from The Poisonous Mushroom):

a. Illustration-WomanAndChildrenLookingAtCrucifix.pdf

b. Illustration-ComparisonOfJewAndAryan.pdf

c. Illustration-CaricatureofaJewWithAryanChildren.pdf

d. Reading: PrimarySource-Nazi Ideology.pdf

e. Now, review this site and provide one comment on why you think the Nazis targeted children in their propaganda: (***WARNING*** graphic), which has examples of children’s books that were published by the Nazis: Trust no fox …

12. Then, discuss 1-2 points from The History of the Holocaust article (found on the course main page under news (marked Holocaust 1 – and also here: HOLOCAUST(1).pdf ) that you found compelling or interesting.

13. Who was Hermann Wilhelm Göring and why is a study of him essential to understanding the rise of the Nazis? Please see: Hermann Wilhelm Göring

14. What was the function of early Nazi propaganda? Review: Propaganda (this is a very extensive site. Take some time to scroll down and go through the various images and other forms presented here. Select a few to comment on and include the link for your image so that your classmates can review these as well.

15. Be sure to also include analysis from the content unit three as well, additionally commenting on at least two images from the unit. You are expected to review and flip through the photo albums contained within the unit and the films at the end of the unit).

Discussion Post #1 – Holocaust Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Stock and Investment Evaluation -Portfolio Business Finance Assignment Help

you will submit a selection of stocks totaling $100,000.

1.You may select as few as 4, or as many as 6 investments.

2.Because we will be tracking the change in the Value of the Investments, it will be your advantage to complete your selection as soon as possible.

3.Create a spreadsheet. For each selection, list the stock name, the stock symbol, the stock price earnings ratio, the Beta, the number of shares you want to purchase, share value the day of your purchase, and total investment.

4.Any balance that you choose not to invest is in cash and is Money Market, assuming a 5.5% (annual) return.

5.Note – You can trade once. Once you have made your selections, you should consider carefully the costs of trading. You will be subject to a fee of $125 for making the trade. The loss you have sustained must also be considered. You can now reinvest only the amount of the stock at the time of the trade, minus the fee.


1.Set up a spreadsheet with the information indicated in #3 above.

2.Your spreadsheet should have an additional series of columns (or rows) so you

can enter the price of your stock each week. Put in the stock price each Monday.

3.Your spreadsheet should be able to calculate the value of your portfolio after you have

updated the stock prices weekly.

4.In the beginning of the 8th week, submit your spreadsheet and a recap indicating

the ending portfolio value and the percent return, annualized. Be sure to submit the

spreadsheet that shows the portfolio value for each week.

5.You will be submitting a Final Report. Here are the Final Report Guidelines:

There are to be three analytical and discussion areas of the report:

Financial Analysis of the Company

Market Performance of the Investment (stock, bond, money market fund)

Diversification (Risk and Return) of the Portfolio

The Financial Analysis of the Company will include:

1. A brief description of the business that the company is in, including the size of

the company—you may copy/paste the pertinent information into your report—

graphs, etc., company information—but it must be commented on and analyzed

by you.

2. The CEO with his or her strengths (if you know them)

3. The financial condition of the company: ratios, profitability, etc.

Include Graphs.

4.Future plans of the company that you feel are relevant.

Market Performance of the Investment:

5.Explain the particular investment qualifications such as the Beta, EPS, Dividend

policy, etc.

6.How did your investment perform? What was the return? Include your final

spreadsheet in this Section.

7.What do you predict for its future performance? Would you reinvest in it?

Submit your spreadsheet and recap on your portfolio.
Submit your Final Report following instructions for the Final Term Project – Portfolio Project.


its a writing assignment please let me know for questions. Writing Assignment Help

Congratulations! You have made it to fifth week! Time to start thinking in a more complex way about how our experiences are shaped. Each of us is impacted differently based on a whole array of factors. These factors include but are not limited to our:

  • Intersectional identities (age, race, gender, sexuality, ability, class, etc.)
  • Personalities, preferences, and idiosyncrasies
  • Habits and rituals
  • Personal, family, and social structures, experiences, and histories
  • Demographic makeup/descriptors
  • Geographical, regional, national, affiliations and experiences

These listed here and many more factors make us who we are and enable us to understand our every changing individual and cultural worlds. Of course, an individual does not exist separate from their environment. Understanding and analyzing the self (often referred to as autoethnography) means thinking critically about the role of the self in larger cultural structures.

This EA is designed to help you think through intersectionality and intersectional and metaphorical analysis in preparation for your final essay. Hopefully this type of analysis will additionally serve you well in life and in your college career as you move through more COMS and humanities courses.

Consider the following course materials as you do the activity and as you compose your EA Report, which is worth 50pts per essay:

Course Materials:

  • All readings available in the module for the week!
  • All videos available in the module for the week!
  • Short video describing metaphors and metaphorical thinking/analysis

Engagement Activity:

Intersectional Metaphor: Taking inspiration from the course materials for the week, you will explore an original metaphor that explains your own intersectional identity and experience. What metaphor poetically, creatively, or critically explores your own particular mesh of identities? What will help you and others to understand your individual makeup and experience? Once you have come up with an appropriate metaphor, you will explore that metaphor to unearth ideas around the bullet points in the first section of this assignment. You will write your EA Report based on the activity.

Follow these steps:

  1. After doing all of the assigned reading, think of a metaphor that aptly explains intersectionality as you view it operating in your own life. Come up with an original metaphor. For example, Kimberle Crenshaw uses a street intersection as a metaphor in her discussion in the video you watched to describe Black Women’s experiences. As another example, I once had a student explain his mixed-race experience is a class performance using a hyphen (-) as a metaphor).
  2. By hand, write down or draw your metaphor in the center of a piece of paper.
  3. As a brainstorming session, word associate, draw, write, freewrite, highlight, outline etc. what comes to mind that helps you understand your own intersectional experience through this metaphor. If you have never completed a brainstorming exercise before, it looks kind of like this:
  4. Present your brainstorming sheet to someone. If you live alone, zoom or facetime someone. Explain your metaphor and show your brainstorming sheet to whoever you speak with. Write down any feedback they give you.
  5. In your EA Report, following the DIET formula, include your experience of 1-4 above and include an embedded photograph of your brainstorming sheet. Paste the image/photo into the word file before uploading it to the appropriate EA 5 Report assignment tab on canvas.

What do I do when I complete the creative portion of my EA assignment?

  • Take a picture of your brainstorming sheet
  • Embed the picture into your EA Report at the end of your report. Do not forget your works cited page should still come after this image.
  • For your written report this time around, please make the connections to the readings and videos very clear. Continue using the DIET formula to guide your essay, but also include the metaphorical analysis of your own experience (steps 1-4 above). You can do this wherever you feel appropriate in your essay, and do not forget to include what message you are attempting to convey through your usage of the metaphor you have selected.

Remember, EA reports should be the result of concentrated application of course materials to a specific activity. The report simply illustrates that you understand how and why this activity is important to your growing knowledge of Performance, Language and Cultural Studies.

*I will be deducting 5pts from essays with no correctly formatted MLA Works Cited page. You DO NOT have to complete a video on VT for your EA this week.

Below is all the webiste/videos





I just need 1 page outline Writing Assignment Help

I need outline 1 page. I will upload the book for you

Write an essay focused on Raymond Carver’s short story collection, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love. What is a central theme you see working throughout the stories in the book? Explain how that theme is present through the elements of Character, Setting, Point of View and Imagery. Draw from at least four stories from the collection.

– Remember that the elements of a short story include the following: Plot, Character, Setting, Point of View, Imagery, Language, and Theme. – One strategy for determining a theme is to look at the stories that drew a strong response from you; not necessarily the ones that you liked, though that’s fine, but also the ones you found confusing or strange or that resonated with you. – When drawing up a theme for Carver’s stories, avoid overly broad and vague statements like “The stories are about love” or “The stories are about the problems of adultery.” A theme should be a specific claim about a topic the stories present. – Draw from the stories themselves for specific textual support, namely quotes. you are critically analyzing the work and need to support any claims, observations, and interpretations you make with concrete evidence from the stories. – Avoid summaries of the stories; assume your reader is already familiar with the stories themselves, so what you are responsible for it explaining and supporting your argument about Carver’s collection


Discussion: Confidentiality Humanities Assignment Help

One of the most important concepts in clinical practice and group work is confidentiality. All members of the group sign an informed consent form in order to address the rules and parameters of the group sessions. The rules regarding confidentiality are stated in one section of the form. Although every member must sign this agreement, ensuring that all information shared in the group remains confidential can be difficult. As the group leader, the clinical social worker is responsible for developing strategies so that all members feel safe to share.

For this Discussion, review the “Working With Groups: Latino Patients Living With HIV/AIDS” case study.

By Day 3

Post strategies you might prefer to use to ensure confidentiality in a treatment group for individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Describe how informed consent addresses confidentiality in a group setting. How does confidentiality in a group differ from confidentiality in individual counseling? Also, discuss how you would address a breach of confidentiality in the group.



answer these 5 discussion board questions Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment answer theresa’s 5 discussion board questions below. I have attached the information on dicscussion board post.

answer these 5 discussion board questions

1.) When is the initial post due by?

2.) When are your responses due by?

3.) Do you do MLA format or APA format for discussion posts?

4.) How much are discussion post worth?

5.) Do you read the chapter first or the topic first?

Information on Writing Discussion Board Posts

The main component of this online course is the discussion board. It helps take the place of in class discussions, which are so important in child development coursework. At the beginning of each week, I will be posting several Topics on the Discussion Board. These topics will relate to the chapter readings. The goal of the discussion board is to help you relate what you are learning in this class to “real life.” I also use the discussion board as an assessment tool to determine how thoroughly you read, processed, and integrated the week’s required readings into your knowledge base.

1. Read the topic to be discussed before you read the chapter (the instructions are on the Discussion Board) so you know what information to look for as you read.

2. Read the chapter (keeping in mind your discussion topic). Remember to get your readings done early on in the week so that you can post to the discussion board by the due date.

Initial posts due by the end of the day Thursday (11:59PM)

Responses due by the end of the day Sunday (11:59PM)

3. Write down any notes related to the topic as you read.

4. Write your Discussion Post

a. Remember to break your answer into paragraphs based on the instructions for that discussion topic.

b. Find relevant information from the text (anywhere in the text). Ideally, put it in your own words. Avoid using direct quotes. A direct quote is where you take information from the text word for word. If you must use a direct quote (even if it is a small part of a sentence), put quotation marks around the words quoted.

c. Include your APA formatted in-text citation directly after the information from the text (or any other source you used). See examples of format below.

d. You should put a “reference” at the end of your post where you list all information related to the source.

e. PROOFREAD – read what you have written out loud. Remember, you are not typing a text message – grammar and spelling count.

f. When you respond to the post(s) of your peers – it is always nice to complement their posts; however, doing only this will not earn you any posts. You must add something that we have learned in the course – move the discussion forward.


Remember to break each discussion board topic down into its individual pieces. Most discussion topics require you to answer several questions. I suggest crossing off each question as you complete it. Also, unless otherwise noted, you are required to address all topics that are posted for the week

When you can connect the information in your discussion post to a variety of other pieces of information (from multiple sections of the chapter or textbook), it shows that you have a more complex understanding of the material. There is a big difference in understanding when you can go beyond “summarizing” what you have read, to “applying the information to real life” and “relating it to information you have read in the text”.

APA Format

In-text citation using textbook

Place this right after the information you have taken from the text:

(Author(s) last name, year of publication, page number required if direct quote).

Example of direct quote: (Martin & Fabes, 2009, p. 31)

Example if you put in your own words: (Martin & Fabes, 2009) or (Martin & Fabes, 2009, p.31)

*Do not include the title of the text… that would be listed in the reference at the end of your post.

Reference Format (to be placed at the end your post:

Martin & Fabes (2009). Discovering Child Development 2nd edition. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Example of secondary citation (when you use information from your textbook that the authors of your textbook cited from somewhere else):

Stringer (1998) found that caregivers play an important role in helping children develop cognitive skills (as cited in Martin & Fabes, 2009).

The citations in your textbook are written in APA format –

use your book as an example to help you.


If you have to look anywhere for a piece of information (except your own head and you are not an expert on the subject), you must provide the source (in-text citation). Not doing this is plagiarism and can get you in big trouble.

There is additional information under the APA Citation tab on our course site.

See the rubric below – it is VERY important that you follow this rubric!


Below Expectations

0 to 2

Meets Basic Expectations


Exceeds Expectations



The degree to which the student’s post is relevant, detailed, shows critical thinking, and complete (addressing all prompts)

5 points

May not address all prompts within topics or may skip topics altogether. Post demonstrates little knowledge of the subject. It is not apparent from the post that the student has carefully read the text or other source of information. Does not express ideas clearly. Posts are rudimentary and superficial. No analysis or insight is displayed.

Addresses all topics and prompts with relevant information, but lacks significant depth and detail. Posts demonstrate a basic understanding of the topic. Posts are generally competent, but information is commonplace

Consistently addresses all topics and prompts with relevant and detailed information; demonstrates high level of knowledge on subject as well as high level of critical thinking; rich in content; full of thought, insight, and analysis.

0 points

1 point

2 points

Quality of Writing:

The degree to which the student’s post has been proof-read and edited for spelling, grammar, punctuation, formatting

2 points

Utilizes poor spelling and grammar in most posts; posts appear “hasty.” Never cites sources. Lacks formatting.

Some errors in spelling and grammar evidenced in posts. May forget to cite sources. May separate into paragraphs, but does not clearly delineate between prompts.

Consistently uses grammatically correct posts with rare misspellings. Expresses ideas in a clear and concise manner; Cites sources using APA format. Clearly delineates responses to various prompts within post.

0 points

1 point

2 points

Integration of Textbook or other material:

The degree to which the student integrates information from the textbook or other sources.

2 points

Material of textbook or other source is rarely or never included.

Textbook or other source is integrated in some post and responses to classmate. There is 1 citation per initial post and an occasional citation in the response to a classmate.

Textbook or other source is integrated in each post and response to classmate. There are at least 2 citations per post and at least 1 citation per response.

0 points

.5 point

1 point

Response to Classmates’ posts:

The degree to which the student posts meaningful comments that contribute to the dialogue and learning community.

1 point

Student may fail to make responses to classmates, or if responses are made, it is just a weak compliment that does not contribute to the learning community.

Student takes the time to respond to at least one classmate per topic, when assigned. Responses will be complimentary in nature, and will sometimes offer additional information for reflection.

Student takes time to respond to at least one classmate when assigned, but may respond to several classmates. Responses are meaningful; compliments might be given, but additional information for reflection is included.

answer these 5 discussion board questions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

After the post, I need two replies to two different students please Humanities Assignment Help

For your assignment please create (make up) one or more situations involving at least one adult, one child, and feelings which need to be addressed. Using the techniques explained in the Chapter, give a DETAILED description of how the situation could be handled BOTH in a (#1) a negative way (exactly what should an adult NOT do or say) and (#2) in a positive way (exactly what an adult SHOULD do or say). Please include exactly what the adult should say and/or do – state the actual words of what they would say, utilizing quotation marks. Be very specific. You can use the same situation for each addressing technique or you can create a different situation for each technique. Please CLEARLY LABEL your entries with the number/technique (1-4) and “negative” or “positive”. If done correctly, you will have explained one or more situations and have 8 PARAGRAPHS – a “negative” and a “positive” for each of the four “addressing” techniques.

For this discussion board assignment students need a minimum of three postings on at least two different days. The first (or original) post you enter will be in response to the assignment (please be sure and answer all parts of the assignment fully), and then respond to at least two classmates by sharing insights, experiences, or information. Please remember that you can offer as many “Great job” or “I agree” responses to your classmates as you like, but those do NOT count towards your needed three postings. Please make sure your postings are substantial in length. Postings of a couple sentences will not receive full credit.


Choose 2 stocks to do long short analysis. Programming Assignment Help

Choose two stock or company do short long analysis, and please include paris treading

please do step by step by step in the Pairs Trading Lecture that i sent to you

And below is the instruction. This assignment include 2 parts. (Deliverable 1 (Report) AND Deliverable 2 (Presentation))

Deliverable 1 (Report)

For full credit, you will provide: the economic rationale for the link, cointegration test(s) with output, rolling Beta output, moving average visuals, decision criteria, etc. plus the code for all of the Deliverable (can be in word, etc.).

Deliverable 2 (Presentation) Similar content of Report but the presentation form to talk in class.

For the presentation, graphs, tables, output, charts, (i.e., few words) etc. with the key being the decision criteria chart …. the presentations are at most 5 minutes

And for deliverable 2 this presentation need to with a speech. Put under each slide

Thank you.


Analyzing an Ethical Decision Writing Assignment Help

Analyzing an Ethical Decision

In your role as a PMHNP, you will encounter several situations that will require your ability to make sound judgments and practice decisions for the safety and well-being of individuals, families, and communities. There may not be a clear-cut answer of how to address the issue, but your ethical decision making must be based on evidenced-based practice and what is good, right, and beneficial for patients. You will encounter patients who do not hold your values, but you must remain professional and unbiased in the care you provide to all patients regardless of their socio-demographic and ethnic/racial background. You must be prepared to critically analyze ethical situations and develop an appropriate plan of action. For this Assignment, you review the literature and discover the various ethical dilemmas PMHNPs encounter and how these issues are typically addressed in your state.

To prepare:

  • Review literature for moral/ethical issues encountered by a PMHNP.
  • Select one of the articles you found that was published within the last 5 years to use as a focus for this assignment.

Write a 2-page paper in which you do the following:

  • Summarize the moral/ethical issue in the article (no more than 1 paragraph).
  • Describe the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the issue.
  • Analyze the ethical issue and compare them to the state health laws and regulations in your state.
  • Outline the process of ethical decision making you would use to address this ethical dilemma


essay geography Humanities Assignment Help

you will need to write a 1-2 page paper describing and explaining your own family migration history; you may also want to map the migration patterns. To simplify the project, trace only one side of your family back at least three generations. You need only to identify the persons by relationship, such as great-grandmother, grandmother, or mother. Begin your family migration with your great-grandparent, or earlier if you wish, and include your grandparents, parents, and yourself. If known, please include your ethnic heritage. The object of this project is to not only to determine where your ancestors have lived, but why they may have decided to migrate (or not migrate in the case of some families). See if you can find out what were the push and pull factors involved in the various migration decisions. How was information about the intended destination gathered? Did your family members experience any problems adjusting to their new social and cultural surroundings? Finally, did your family’s movement patterns represent any of the regional, national, or international movements that have occurred in the past century


Discussion Post #1 – Holocaust Humanities Assignment Help

Discussion Post #1 – Holocaust Humanities Assignment Help

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