discussion Writing Assignment Help. discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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- How important is First Line Supervisory Training?
- Do you agree with the manner in which Sergeant Rick handled this situation?
- How would you have handled this situation?
case study:
- Correctional Sergeant Craig Rick was a seasoned veteran of the department of corrections. He had begun his career shortly after his discharge from the military. After spending his first ten years on the “line” and in various prisons as a correctional officer, he was promoted. Gone were the days of working back-to-back shifts as an officer and being forced to take overtime when other officers phoned in sick. His family was feeling the strain of him working as an officer, so he looked forward to the days when his shift schedule was more regular and predictable.
- Sergeant Rick began his supervisory career on nights at the old Sampson Correctional Institution (SCI). SCI was one of the older prisons in the department of corrections. Sergeant Rick knew he was going to have to work nights for the first few years, given that he was a new sergeant in the institution. He didn’t mind this; he was glad that he was not going to have to experience any more double shifts, and the routine was very predictable. What he didn’t know was what the expectations of officers were on how he was to supervise them and what expectations his boss, the lieutenant, had for him as a supervisor.
- In his first week on the job, he realized the difficulty of being a sergeant. He knew some of the officers from other prisons during his career as an officer. Some of these officers never got promoted and resented the fact that he got promoted, even though he had ten years of line experience in various prisons within the department. There were other officers who had fewer than five years as a correctional officer but were still promoted. Those officers caught more grief than other sergeants with more experience. The problem for the new sergeant was how to supervise someone he considered to be a friend.This question became an issue for Sergeant Rick when he had to tell one of his close friends, Officer Johnson, that he could not have a day off outside the regular sequence of days off for officers. He tried to explain to his friend that the policy was there for a reason; if Rick violated it for Johnson, he opened himself up to criticisms of showing favoritism and would “catch shit” from his boss, Lieutenant Murray, with whom he’d had a difficult relationship in the short time he had been a sergeant. “But Craig, my kid is playing in the state baseball championship. How do I explain it to him that I can’t make the game?” Sergeant Rick said if he could get someone to switch days with him, then there would be no problem. The fact was, however, that Officer Johnson had already made numerous requests to other officers for a switch in days off, even to the point of sweetening the pot by offering to pay $100 extra to the officer who switched with him.Despite all his attempts, no one was going to switch with him, so his final appeal rested with Sergeant Rick. For Sergeant Rick, the decision was tough, but he stood his ground, not allowing Johnson to take the day off. When Officer Johnson did not show up for work, it was assumed that he had taken a sick day, but department policy required that a visit be made to the homes of officers who had “abused” the sick leave policy. Johnson was categorized as a sick leave abuser based on his previous year’s usage of sick leave. If he was not home during the visit, he faced disciplinary charges for not reporting to work and for filing a fraudulent sick leave request form.Sergeant Rick knew that if he went to the officer’s home he would not be there. What should he do? He empathized with the officer because he had experienced similar issues with his children when they were growing up. However, Rick knew that his integrity and ability to effectively supervise all officers was being called into question. He also knew that other officers were watching how he was going to react in this situation; his boss, Lieutenant Murray, could be brought into the situation. As Rick expected, Officer Johnson was not at home when he visited, so when he did show up for work on his next working day, Sergeant Rick confronted him.He informed Johnson that he was going to recommend that disciplinary action be taken against him by Lieutenant Murray. The officer, upon hearing the news, was infuriated and filed a union grievance against Sergeant Rick, stating that his actions were to “single” him out and that it was common practice in the prison to give people days off for “special circumstances.” The lieutenant got involved in the dispute only as the person who would have to formally react to the allegations and mete out discipline to Johnson if justified. The lieutenant decided in favor of Officer Johnson and recommended no action be taken against him. Sergeant Rick was dismayed by the decision; he approached Murray to determine why his recommendation for discipline of Johnson was overturned. Rick felt he was being undermined by his immediate supervisor. He also felt that he was being tugged by two different loyalties: one to his former officers and one to his new supervisor. The lieutenant ended the matter by stating to him in confidence, “If you knew how to supervise officers you would not have gotten into this trouble. Before you bring this type of bullshit case to me again and it blows up in your face, like this one did, think of the consequences you will pay.”This experience made Sergeant Rick consider whether or not being a supervisor was worth all the hassles. He had spent days documenting how his actions were correct and consistent with departmental policy, only to have it all fall apart when reviewed by the lieutenant. He learned from the experience that keeping a low profile is what needed to be done. Don’t rock the boat and don’t make the lieutenant look bad. Supervision was about “covering your ass” and not holding line officers accountable.Sergeant Rick rose to the rank of correctional lieutenant and retired under a cloud after serving twenty years with the department. He never was able to resolve the dilemma of serving two sometimes-competing interests as a correctional supervisor. Other supervisors labeled him as “mushroom Rick.” Similar to a mushroom, he wanted to be kept in the dark, especially regarding officer improprieties. This supervision style finally blew up on him when some officers were caught holding “gladiator games” among rival gangs in the prison and betting huge sums of money, all on his watch. An external investigation by the state’s watchdog group for prisons found that mismanagement and poor supervision were at the heart of problems in SCI prison. They recommended that all first-line supervisors be given more training on how to supervise and that accountability standards be implemented. Sergeant Rick’s supervisory practices were offered as examples of how not to supervise correctional officers.
Case Study Questions
discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Making Sense of the Census Science Assignment Help
*Reminder: Write your responses to each question in a blank Word document and number your answers. Turn in by uploading Word document or PDF to the Homework Assignment 1 Submission Folder in the Week 1 Module. View rubric on Rubrics page or in submission folder and consider viewing the SafeAssign report to check for plagiarism.
Do NOT copy the questions below and insert them in your document; this interferes with the plagiarism checker SafeAssign.
Visit the following website which holds an index of questions asked on the Census over time, https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/index_of_questions/. Use the column on the left to navigate to different years and complete the following (you MAY copy/paste answers from the website only for questions 1-7 below):
- List the questions asked on the 1790 census.
- For the 1860 census, name the options listed for question 6, “Color.”
- For the 1870 census, name the options listed for question 6, “Color.”
- For the 1870 census, what do questions 11 and 12 ask?
- For the 1900 census, name the options listed for question 5, “Race.”
- For the 1900 census, what do questions 13-18 ask?
- For the 2000 census, what does question 11 ask?
- View the image below which is from the 2010 census and answer the following: What is different about this question than past Census questions that asked about race? Be specific.
*Taken from Humes, Jones, & Ramirez, 2011
Visit https://datamapper.geo.census.gov/map.html (you must allow Flash to run).
Play around with this application by displaying several maps. Select data theme of “Population and Race;” data table of “Percent White;” choose any color palette you like; set number of classes to 5; select “Equal Interval” for classification type; click “Create Your Map.” Then change the data table to “Percent Black of African American,” then “Percent Hispanic or Latino,” and lastly “Percent Asian.” Hover over counties for more information as needed. Use the +/- zoom button in the top right corner of the map to navigate.
- Which county appears to have the highest percent Asian population?
- Which states (LIST IN ALPHABTICAL ORDER) have at least one county with 34.4% or higher percent Black or African American population?
- Click “Display Data Table” at the top of the map and a window will open. Scroll to find the counties that have at least 99% White population (don’t do any rounding yourself—just select counties that are listed at 99% or more). List the counties IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER with their respective states.
Visit the following 3 links to learn about events going on in US history, 1850-1900.
https://www.nlm.nih.gov/nativevoices/timeline/317.html (*Note: click the advance button to examine information spanning 1851-1870).
https://demography.cpc.unc.edu/2015/04/27/u-s-immigration-flows-1820-2013/ (*Note: may take a while to load)
- Combining knowledge of how census questions about race changed over time and historical background information gained from ALL 3 links above, hypothesize why there were chan
Reaction to a recent topic regarding international relations. Writing Assignment Help
Write a one-page, single-spaced reaction paper (approximately 600 words; minimum 550 words, maximum 650 words; I will not accept a paper that is over 650 words) pertaining to a topic in international relations. By a reaction paper I mean that I want you to engage some topic in a thoughtful, analytical, and argumentative way, and write an essay on that topic. Remember that essays are always argumentative, and argumentative papers should be anchored with a thesis statement early in the paper. The topic may pertain to any area of international relations, and may include such things as one or more theories or concepts from class, and/or current events. I like papers that include a theoretical or conceptual point from class, though that is not required (simply repeating major parts of lecture is typically ineffective). Note that I am interested in reaction, perhaps even personal reaction based upon experience. The paper is not to be a summary. The central objective of this assignment is to enhance your critical thinking skills. And, I want you to really care about the topic, engage it, make it come alive for you — react!
Since this is an argumentative essay, be very careful to make a central, normative argument in your thesis statement (typically marked by words like should/should not or ought/ought not), and put your thesis statement early in the essay. Here is an example of a thesis statement: “I think Israel should bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities.” (Since I am providing this topic as an example, do NOT use the topic of Iran’s nuclear facilities.) Also, be very careful that your thesis statement is not simply a description (which is sometimes called a “positive argument,” though it really is not an argument at all). Here is an example of a descriptive thesis that is not good: “I believe Iran has dangerous nuclear weapons.” Many students will make this kind of mistake, so beware! Here is the problem: it kind of sounds like you are making an argument against Iran, in part because of the words “I believe,” but really all you are doing is providing a description: you are simply stating your opinion about a factual matter, and that is not a normative argument. Think of it this way: I could say, “I believe it is raining outside.” That is not an argument; it is simply a description. It could be a correct description or an incorrect one, but it is still nothing more than a description. It is exactly the same with the statement, “I believe Iran has dangerous nuclear weapons.” You may think it sounds like an argument, but it is really just a description (which may be right or wrong, but it is still just a description). Make sure your thesis statement is NOT just a description!
Once you have written a clear, normative thesis statement, then the rest of your paper should include supporting arguments for that specific thesis statement. So, back to the Iran example, here is an outline of a good argumentative essay:
Paragraph one: provide an introduction to the topic and specify a thesis statement: I think Israel should bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. (I suggest you underline your thesis statement, so you are clear about it.)
Paragraph two: Provide supporting argument number one, something like: “If Iran gets nuclear weapons, it will be a direct threat to the existence of Israel.” Then discuss that argument and explain it in the rest of the paragraph.
Paragraph three: Provide supporting argument number two, something like: “Eliminating Iran’s nuclear potential will make the Middle East and the world a safer, more peaceful place.” Then discuss that argument and explain it in the rest of the paragraph.
Paragraph four: Provide supporting argument number three, something like: “Demonstrating its power and resolve against threatening enemies follows the doctrines of realism.” Then discuss that argument and explain it in the rest of the paragraph.
You may recognize this format as one you learned in freshman writing courses for an argumentative essay, frequently called a five-paragraph essay (with the fifth paragraph tying everything together). If you follow the guidelines here, and include a good level of reaction/feeling, and your writing mechanics are very good, you will have a great paper!
Your paper will be graded using the following rubric:
1. Analytical content and critical thinking skills: 25 points
2. Quality of argumentation: 25 points
3. Quality of structure and organization: 25 points
4. Quality of writing (including grammar, punctuation, spelling, paragraph construction, and cohesiveness): 25 points
You must turn the paper in by 11:59 pm on Thursday, May 30. Turn your paper in by using the Assignments tool in Webcourses for this class. My preference is for you to write the paper in a word processor (such as Word), and turn it in as an attached file. Put the total number of words in the document at the bottom of the page. (Word will give you this information.)
History discussion questions one through seven Humanities Assignment Help
Primary sources provide us a fly-on-the-wall glimpse of history in the making by those who witnessed that history.
For this Eyewitness to History discussion, please be sure to have read the assigned reading for this week. That reading that will give you the context or backstory to this source. That backstory will provide important clues to your understanding of this source. When I come to grade your work, I will look to see if you used 1.) the source itself and 2.) the assigned reading in your primary source analysis.
In this Week-15 Module you will find several primary sources. Look for them.
Please choose ONE of these primary sources and read it carefully. If you are reading carefully, each reading will reveal to you more than you saw before.
Then in light of your reading the primary source and drawing on it almost entirely, answer the questions in the Primary Source Question Set (below). Submit your answers by the deadline in your Initial Post. Then critically (questioningly) respond to the posts of your fellow students before the Response Post deadline.
The Primary Source Question Set
Here are the questions to be answered after you’ve carefully read and assessed the primary document you’ve chosen of those offered in this week’s module:
- Identify and date your source. That is, who (or what) wrote or produced this source? How do you know? Find a separate, independent source to confirm the date. Give us the link to it.
- What type of source is this — a primary or secondary source? What makes it one or the other — or both? Explain. Next, identify what type of source it is — a letter, speech, journal entry, article….and tell us why identifying the type of document might be important to historians.
- Using your textbook, list three important events covered in our assigned work that occurred at about the same time that this source was created. Choose events that may have been influenced by, or influenced, the maker of the source. Date each event and tell us something about it. This question is about context.
- In 250 words or more, summarize the key parts of the source — what is most vital to know if you were relating the content of the source to someone who hadn’t read it. Put your answer entirely in your own words. Quote nothing. In your summary, stick to the source, not its context, your view of the source, or what it makes you feel. Infer nothing in your summary, nor editorialize or philosophize or guess at the motives of the person who wrote the source. That is, see the source itself, all of it, and summarize only what you find there.
- Using only this source and our assigned reading, who was the probable audience for this source? That is, to whom was this source aimed at? Using the source and its context, justify your answer. Give us more than your guess: back your guess with logic and the historical context. (Ask yourself: Why might knowing the target audience for source be important?)
- You’ve sourced the source, dated it, contextualized it (a little). You’ve summarized it — we hope fairly, accurately. What questions might this source help us — as historians — answer about the past?
- Finally, what is most memorable about this source for you – you personally? What stands out?
HCM481 Colorado State Dave Foundation Hospital Strategic Business Plan Paper Infographic Writing Assignment Help
Stand-Alone Hospital or Another Healthcare Organization
For this project, you are to evaluate an existing strategic initiative, or program (e.g., addition of a hospital wing, opening of a new location, closing of an existing branch) for an actual/real stand-alone hospital or other independent healthcare organization (you may select a hospital, large medical group, nursing home, or an ambulatory care facility) within your community.
For the purpose of the assignment, assume that you are the Director of Strategic Planning for this organization, and the CEO has assigned you the responsibility for assessing (1) where the program is in its life cycle and (2) making an informed decision as to the best way forward strategically; i.e., should the organization expand the program, continue the current strategy it employs, change certain aspects of operational strategy, fully maintain the program as is, merge the program with an existing one, or close the program? The summary of your assessment will be presented to the Board of Directors, CEO, COO, and CFO.
Write a paper that proposes the process you would implement for assessing this project.
The paper should include the following:
- Executive Summary
- Introduction:
- A brief description of the current program.
- Alignment with the organization’s mission, vision, and goals that support the project.
- Assessment: An evaluation of various factors that affect the feasibility and project development.
- Justification for the project via a robust assessment of the internal and external environment, using at least two tools discussed in our course; such as SWOT+PEST, Five Forces, BCG, etc.
- Consideration of organizational restrictions and constraints, mission, vision, values, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
- Consideration of organizational issues, context, and multiple perspectives and dimensions are considered.
- Implementation: Provide a summary of your recommendations and strategies for implementation.
- Realistic strategies and tactics identified with sufficient detail.
- Articulates the who, what, when, where, and why.
- Considers organizational restrictions and constraints, mission, vision, values, capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
- Relevant forces are adequately considered.
- Program Evaluation: A brief discussion of how you will evaluate and benchmark the project post-implementation.
- Specifies measures that would be tracked and trended post-implementation to ensure the action was effective and efficient.
- Organizational issues, context, and multiple perspectives and dimensions are considered.
- Infographic depicting the various strategic development stages you will employ, as learned in Module 5
- Conclusion: This brief summary should pull together your assessment and recommendations and leave the audience with a clear sense of your results and the next steps in light of the overall vision of the organization.
The paper should be:
- 8-12 pages (not including the required cover and reference pages),
- Be supported with a minimum of seven recent (within the past three to six years), scholarly sources to substantiate your position in the matter,
- Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.), and
- The Infographic should be on one page. It should have notes within or an addendum highlighting the various aspects of strategic analysis that you undertook.
Concept essay 2 Humanities Assignment Help
Write a five paragraph essay discussing one concept from one chapter (from pages 91-209).
What do I mean by “concept”? Open to one of the instructional chapters. Let’s say chapter 3. Look through the chapter. As you look through it you will see that it’s divided in to many small sections with title in all caps. Each of these sections is 1-3 pages long. These sections are what I’m calling “concepts.”
You’ll read the section carefully. You’ll take notes. When you think you understand it very well, write a five (or so) paragraph essay explaining it to me. One important thing you should do is to create your own examples, so that you aren’t just summarizing, but showing me that you can apply the concept.
You will need to do one of these essays for a B, and two for an A.
This is the book they say I say
This is a concept essay I previously did.
Concept essay 2 Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Final Reflection Writing Assignment Help
Please reflect on the following questions in a well-developed 750-1,000
word essay, including an introduction and conclusion.
Consider addressing each question in its own body paragraph.
#1: Looking back at previous assignments and feedback you were
given by the instructor, what do you perceive as your strengths and
areas that need improvement as a writer? Provide examples to
support your assertions.
#2: What were the 2-3 most valuable learning experiences for you
In this course and why? (A particular activity, discussion, lecture,
assignment, conference, group project, etc.)
#3: Which essay helped you grow the most as a writer, and why?
#4: What helpful advice would you give an incoming student who is
taking English 124 online?
While Loop Computer Science Assignment Help
I was having trouble in my checkBalances method (in the BSTY.cpp folder) for some reason the while loop is causing the code to crash even though I’ve already placed a break statement. An if I move the break statement out of the else statement the code fully runs but doesn’t output correctly. It could be something as simple me misplacing the break statement. I’ve also commented in where I think that is possible crashing as a result of. The code’s language is C++ on Eclipse. I’ve also attached a copy of what the output should look like
Peer Review Business Finance Assignment Help
Step 1: Read your partner’s paper and insert track change comments that address the key section in the rubric on the Nature of a Peer Review. Then, by the end of the day Saturday or Sunday, return your partner’s paper with your comments so your partner can benefit from your critique and make final improvements. Be sure to return the paper by posting it as an attachment on the Discussion Topic 3 Board.
Step 3: Finally, carry on a debriefing Discussion (by Monday or Tuesday) with each other, debriefing what you discovered about the peer review process in preparing a research paper for publication or presentation.
Incivility In the Healthcare Workplace Other Assignment Help
This was suppose to have already been completed for me but that tutor has no longer responded. I now only have until MIDNIGHT tonight to turn this in. SO MAY 26th BY 1130PM is the latest so I can make edits and turn it in for plagarizism.
For this assignment, you will write a 4-5 page APA Style formatted paper on incivility within the healthcare metaparadigm.
According to the American Nurses Association (ANA):
Nurses are required to create an ethical environment and culture of civility and kindness, treating colleagues, co-workers, employees, students and others with dignity and respect. Similarly, nurses must be afforded the same level of respect and dignity as others. Thus, the nursing profession will no longer tolerate violence of any kind from any source. (ANA, 2015)
Please make sure your 4-5 page paper includes the following:
- A paragraph or two (2) introducing incivility within the healthcare metaparadigm.
- A few paragraphs identifying how incivility impacts an individual nurses’ ability to use high level clinical judgement. (Think about the emotional factors, stress, and patient care needs, etc.)
- A few paragraphs analyzing and identifying the issues that occur with workplace or clinical site incivility (Think about patient care outcomes, policies and procedures, injuries, etc.)
- A few paragraphs discussing how the workplace or clinical site communication is/was affected due to incivility. (Did patients suffer? Were patient treatments missed?)
- A few paragraphs identifying current initiatives that organizations are implementing to decrease incivility within the workplace or clinical sites (Review relevant information from the ANA, ONA, and/or Joint Commission, your organization’s policies and procedures, etc.)
- Provide a closing or conclusion paragraph that ties the paper together.
- Include two (2) APA Style formatted references and citations. For more information on how to cite and reference in APA Style, visit the APA Resources page at the Hondros Online Library.
- Evaluate spelling, grammar, and make sure the paper is in APA Style format.