Discusssion has assignment has 4 parts. Business Finance Assignment Help

Discusssion has assignment has 4 parts. Business Finance Assignment Help. Discusssion has assignment has 4 parts. Business Finance Assignment Help.

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This assignment has 4 parts.

  1. What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment?
    Although not due until the end of the class, it is important that you
    begin planning for this project early in the course. What are your
    initial thoughts about how you will approach this assignment? Explain.
  2. Using the product you chose in Unit 1 discussion board, List
    two features of the product and assess how they transform into benefits
    for you; determine consumer behavior towards your product as compared to
    their current behavior towards your competitor’s product. Discuss how
    the product fits your lifestyle or psychographic.
  3. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, what level of need will your ‘improved’ product meet? Explain.
  4. Draft a mission statement for your product and set three (3)
    specific applicable marketing goals which you would like to meet in your
    marketing strategy.

Discusssion has assignment has 4 parts. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Statistical Process Control Methods Business Finance Assignment Help

urpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to apply Statistical Process Control Methods to a business process.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Microsoft® Excel® and PowerPoint®

Quality control process in aircraft inspection flowchart. How to improve the inspection time

Complete the following:

  • Use Microsoft® Excel® to calculate the defined process metrics including variation and process capability.
  • Use Microsoft® Excel® and PowerPoint® to develop and display a control chart for the process.

Evaluate the control chart and process metrics using Statistical Process Control (SPC) methods.

Evaluate whether the process could benefit from the use of Six Sigma tools.

Develop a 525-word executive summary in which you describe your Statistical Process Control project and include the control chart with SPC.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Note: In additions to the charts, this assignment will include a title page, a 525-word summary, and references. You may insert the required charts or include as separate attachments. However, they must be discussed and explained in the paper.


ACCT 2102 homework Business Finance Assignment Help

Question 1: Special order

Sales volume in units 90
Revenue $8,100
Variable costs $1,800
Contribution margin $6,300
Fixed costs $1,600
Profit $4,700

Special order: A client wants to buy 20 units at a discounted price of $30 per unit. This is a one-time deal (i.e., a short-term decision). You have enough spare capacity to fulfill this special order without cutting back on your regular sales.

a) Use the gross approach to decide whether you should take the special order:

status quo (no special order) total amounts after adding the special order
Revenue $8,100 Correct: Your answer is correct.
Variable costs $1,800 Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect.
Contribution margin $6,300 Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect.
Fixed costs $1,600 Correct: Your answer is correct.
Profit $4,700 Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect.

b) Use the incremental approach to decide whether you should take the special order.

how much each amount changes after adding the special order
Incremental revenue Correct: Your answer is correct.
Incremental variable costs Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect.
Incremental contribution margin Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect.
Incremental fixed costs Correct: Your answer is correct.
Incremental profit Incorrect: Your answer is incorrect.

Question 2: Should you reduce the price or increase advertising?

The selling price is $20/unit, variable costs are $10/unit, and fixed costs are $3,000 in total. Sales volume decreased to 200 units because of a recession.
You are considering two options to stimulate sales:
(1) Reduce the price to $18/unit. This will increase sales volume by 20%.
(2) Buy additional advertising for $300 and keep the original price. This will increase sales volume by 20%.

Use the gross approach to decide whether you should do nothing (the status quo), reduce the price, or increase advertising.

status quo (1) reduce the price (2) increase advertising
Volume in units
Revenue $ $ $
Variable costs $ $ $
Contribution margin $ $ $
Fixed costs $ $ $
Profit* $ $ $

* enter losses as a negative number: e.g., a loss of $500 should be entered as -500, not as (500) or ($500).

What should you do?

Question 3: Make versus buy

You make refrigerators. Currently, you manufacture compressors for your refrigerators in-house. An outside supplier has offered to sell you equivalent compressors at a wholesale price of $95 per unit. You need 1,000 compressors per month. The internal production costs per compressor are as follows:

cost per unit
direct materials $40
direct labor $40
variable overhead $10
fixed overhead $20
total $110

If you outsource the production of compressors (the “buy” option) in the short term, how will this choice affect your costs and profit?

First, compute variable costs under MAKE versus BUY:

unit VC
total VC

If you outsource (BUY), the incremental revenue, costs, and profit are:

how much each amount changes if you outsource
Incremental revenue
Incremental VC
Incremental CM
Incremental FC
Incremental profit

Enter negative amounts with a minus sign, i.e., -1,000 not ($1,000).

Should you outsource?

Question 4: Choosing the product mix when capacity is in short supply

You have three product lines: Basic, Premium, and Supreme. You have limited capacity of 300 machine hours. You face excess demand for all three products (assume unlimited demand for simplicity).

Basic Premium Supreme
Price per unit $3,000 $7,000 $10,000
Unit variable cost $1,000 $2,000 $3,000
Machine hours per unit 1 2 4

Compute the CM per unit of capacity (i.e, per machine-hour) for each product:
Basic = $ per hour
Premium = $ per hour
Supreme = $ per hour

Which product(s) should you make?

How many units of each product should you make? (enter 0 for products that you do not want to make)
Basic = units
Premium = units
Supreme = units

Hint if you get stuck: You have 300 machine hours.


What is a research project 2? Writing Assignment Help

I need help finding a article from my school database on a question that I pick.

Please go to the right database and pick an article

Instructions: Work through each step of this log, answering each question as the directions indicate. Step 1 is not graded. Steps 2 through 5 will each receive a grade, and the sum of these grades will constitute your total grade for Research Log Project Part 2. Refer to the section on how each step of the log will be graded for detailed grading information.

Step 1: Thinking Back to Research Log Project Part 1

A. Research Question

Record your research question from Research Project Log Part 1 (Step 1)

B. Original Boolean Search Statement

Record your original search statement from Research Log Project Part 1 (Step 3)

How will Step 1 be graded?

Step 1 will not receive a grade.

Step 2: UMUC Library Database Search

A. Database Search

Use the search statement you recorded in Step 1, Part B to search in one of the following UMUC library databases:

  • Academic Search Complete
  • MasterFILE Premier

Which database did you search? Select the Database Searched… Academic Search Complete MasterFILE Premier

Hint: Refer to Week 2 for a review of UMUC library databases.

B. Review Search Results

Review the search results from the database search you performed in Step 2, Part A and answer all of the following questions:

Were you able to successfully use the search statement from Step 1, Part B in the database, or did you receive an error/search failed message when trying your search?

If you received an error/search failed message from the database, were you able to identify the problem with your search statement?

Did you have to revise the search statement you created in Step 1, Part B in order to retrieve search results in the database search you performed in Step 2, Part A?

Identify and list additional keywords that you may use to search further on this topic by reviewing article titles, article abstracts, subject headings, and the articles themselves.

Hint: Refer to Week 2 for a review of databases, including subject headings in databases.

C. Revised Search Statement

Review your instructor’s comments from Research Log Project Part 1 for ways to improve your search statement. Review the additional keywords you identified in the box above (in Step 2, Part B). Based on this information, enter a revised search statement in the box below, using more effective search terms and techniques.

Hint: The revised search statement must be different in some way than the search statement that you used in Research Log Project Part 1 (Step 3) and recorded above in Step 1, Part B. Review the hints and examples in Research Log Project Part 1. For example, you might add, subtract, or change alternative search terms, or you might alter your use of truncation to discover more focused, relevant results. Refer to Week 1 for a review of Boolean operators, search statements, and advanced searching techniques.

How will Step 2 be graded?

Unsatisfactory (0–2 points): Does not list alternative relevant keywords, or the search statement is not revised, or both.

Satisfactory (3–4 points): The revised search statement is adequate and demonstrates some appropriate advanced searching techniques correctly, but does not incorporate instructor feedback from Research Log Project Part 1 or choice of alternative keywords does not reflect careful review of search results.

Excellent (5 points): Lists alternative relevant keywords that demonstrate the student reviewed article titles, abstracts, subject headings, and articles. The search statement is effectively revised based on both instructor feedback from Research Log Project Part 1 and database search results from Step 2 and expertly demonstrates advanced searching techniques.

Step 3: Research Guide Search

Try your search statement in a different UMUC library database than the one you searched in Step 2, Part A. Consult a research guide on the UMUC Library website appropriate to your research question to help you identify the relevant databases in which to research your topic. Do not use UMUC OneSearch for this project.

A. Research Guide

What is the name of the research guide you used to locate an appropriate database in which to search?

Example: Guide to Economics and Finance

Hint: Refer to Week 2 for a review of research guides.

B. Database Name

What is the name of the database in which you searched?

Example: PubMed

Hint: This must be a different database than Academic Search Complete or MasterFILE Premier.

C. Boolean Search Statement

Enter the search statement you used to successfully search the database.

Hint: You can use the revised search statement that you recorded above (Step 2, Part C) or a new, further revised search statement. This must be the statement that you used to get the results recorded in Step 5 below.

How will Step 3 be graded?

Unsatisfactory (0–2 point): The selected database is not new or from an appropriate research guide; the search statement did not work in the selected database.

Satisfactory (3–4 points): The selected database is from an appropriate research guide, and the search statement is adequate and produces results in the selected database.

Excellent (5 points): The selected database is from an appropriate research guide, and the search statement is effectively revised and produces results in the selected database.

Step 4: Select a Relevant Article

A. Citation Information

From the search results you retrieved in Step 3, select a full-text, in-depth article that is relevant to your research question. The article should not just be a brief overview of the topic but rather should address the key concepts of your research question and be as in-depth as possible, preferably written by an expert or credentialed author(s) in the field. Record the citation information in the spaces below.

Hint: Do NOT select newspaper or popular magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, or very brief journal articles (including editorials or letters to the editor), that would be useful only for background research. The article must be an in-depth article on your topic.

Article Title

Periodical/Publication Title (e.g., Harvard Business Review).

B. Article Type

Is the source (periodical/publication) of the article scholarly, trade, or popular?

Hint: Refer to table 2.4 in Week 2 for a review of periodical literature types. Consult the database Ulrichsweb Global Serial Directory for assistance if needed.

Select the Source… scholarly trade popular

How can you tell?

Hint: Review the article itself to describe the characteristics of the periodical type in more detail.

C. Database

In which UMUC library database did you find the full text of the selected article?

How will Step 4 be graded?

Unsatisfactory (0–2 point): The selected article is not relevant or is too brief to be useful for the topic, or the article type is not correctly identified.

Satisfactory (3–4 points): The selected article is relevant to the topic, and the article type is correctly identified.

Excellent (5 points): The selected article is both in-depth and highly relevant to the topic, and the article type is correctly identified and fully evaluated.

Step 5: Article Evaluation

A. Evaluate the Article Content

Using the general evaluation criteria described in Week 3, explain in the boxes below how the article you selected meets each of the criteria (authority, reliability, coverage, and currency). Describe each aspect of your selected article in detail.

Hint: Refer to the table 3.2, which describes authority, reliability, coverage, and currency.





B. Article Relevancy

Explain why you selected this particular article (Step 4) and how it is relevant to your research question. What are some specific points the article made that would assist you in writing a paper that addresses your research question? Your response must be at least two complete sentences.

Hint: Refer to Week 3 for information on analyzing sources and evaluating content.

How will Step 5 be graded?

Unsatisfactory (0–2 points): Does not answer all of the evaluation criteria questions, or satisfactorily answer the article relevancy question, or both.

Satisfactory (3–6 points): Minimally answers the evaluation criteria questions, or minimally answers the article relevancy question, or both.

Very Good (7–9 points): Answers evaluation criteria questions adequately but with little detail, or answers article relevancy question with little detail, or both.

Excellent (10 points): Thoroughly responds to the evaluation criteria questions with details about the selected article’s authority, reliability, coverage, and currency, and thoroughly responds to the article relevancy question.

To save a draft of your work on this project to return to at a later time, use the Save Draft button below. The next time you return to Research Log Project Part 2, the fields you have entered will be retrieved and entered in the project form.

Note: Most fields require text entry. If a required field is left blank, your work will not be submitted. The empty fields will be marked with asterisks to make it easier for you to supply the missing information and resubmit the form. If there is no information to provide in a specific field, simply type N/A.

When you have completed this project, you can submit your work to your instructor by using the Submit Research Log Project Part 2 for Grading button below. Review your work before you do this; you will be unable to edit it further after submitting it.

Click the Submit button only once. The server may take some time to process your answer.

Copyright © by University of Maryland University College.


Excel Statistics Mathematics Assignment Help

You are the manager of a retail store and want to investigate how various metrics can improve the way you manage your business.

Use the Week 5 Data Set to create and calculate the following in Microsoft® Excel®:

  1. Conduct a goodness of fit analysis which assesses orders of a specific item by size and items you received by size.
    • Conduct a hypothesis test with the objective of determining if there is a difference between what you ordered and what you received at the .05 level of significance.
    • Identify the null and alternative hypotheses.
  2. Generate a scatter plot, the correlation coefficient, and the linear equation that evaluates whether a relationship exists between the number of times a customer visited the store in the past 6 months and the total amount of money the customer spent.
    • Set up a hypothesis test to evaluate the strength of the relationship between the two variables.
    • Use a level of significance of .05.
  3. Use the regression line formula to forecast how much a customer might spend on merchandise if they visited the store 13 times in a 6-month period.
  4. Use the average monthly sales of 2014 ($1,310) as your basis to:
    • Calculate indices for each month for the next two years.
    • Graph a time series plot.
  5. In the Data Analysis Toolpak, use Excel’s Exponential Smoothing option in order to:
    • Apply a damping factor of 0.5 to your monthly sales data.
    • Create a new time series graph that compares the original and revised monthly sales data.




Assignment 2 Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment is designed for you to practice looking at and analyzing data from the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). For this assignment you will look at UCR data for 2016. The link is provided below. You will also look at the data from the NCVS report that is attached to this assignment.

  1. Look at the UCR data for 2016.


  • What patterns do you see?
  • What image of crime and delinquency is the data presenting?
  • What information is included?
  • What information is excluded?
  1. Look at the NCVS data in the attached criminal victimization report.
  • What patterns do you see?
  • What image of crime and delinquency is the data presenting?
  • What information is included?
  • What information is excluded?
  1. Incorporate the readings from Week 5 on measuring crime and victimization into your discussion/analysis of what you find when looking at the UCR and the NCVS. What information did you get from looking at the two data sets? Did you see any similarities in the data? Did you see any differences in the data?
  2. Your assignment must be 1-2 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman Font.

Assignment 2 Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Analysis Assignment Engineering Assignment Help

? Please bid for this assignment only if you can adhere to the following:

• Stick to the given deadline, NO extension will be given.

• Be responsive, communicate with us regularly.

• Send us the assignment progressively on the 50% mark and when it has been completed.

• No copy and pasting work, DO NOT plagiarise. We use the Turnitin system to check for plagiarism, we do not recognise any other plagiarism checking tool.

• No using of fake references. References used must tally with content written.

• Do not take up any assignments from us if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Hi i would need the analysis to be done on either working model or auto cad. there a sample assignment of how it should look like i need the file in softcopy. All the drawing done need to come with the dimension. the data file is the given for this assignment. please do give it a check

I need the file be it autocad or working model file to be send to me as well.

The scope of the assignment is Question 1-4.

Please make sure you use the data on the “Data File” and do not copy the sample Essay. The report and the sample are just a guide.


physical security project Engineering Assignment Help

work on the topic physical security trends

with slides and documentation

Submit a group research proposal and topic in the area of Physical Security.

Proposal Requirements: #######################################################################################

Make sure to follow APA style. Please make sure your submission is 1 pages in length and meet the minimum APA formatting guidelines:

• 12-pt, Times New Roman font
• Double-spaced
• 1” margins on all sides
• Please provide a title page including your Name, Course Number, Date of Submission, and Assignment name.
• Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.
• Reference Section (A separate page is recommended.) Please cite the source using APA formatting guidelines. If you need guidance or a refresher on this, please visit: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/10… (link is external) Be sure to include at least three reference sources.
• In-text citations – If you need additional guidance, please visit: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02… (link is external)


Nursing Pediatric Assessment Paper Writing Assignment Help

Conduct a developmental assessment met in a home setting to identify factors influencing a child’s development. The goal is to facilitate learning of the multiple, predictable aspects of a child’s growth and development.The student will also assess the child’s home environment to identify some of the factors influencing the child’s development.Following the visit, this paper will include physiologic and psycho-social assessment data, goals for the child and family, interventions, and recommendations. Overall, you choose an age of well child (1 month – 10 years of age) either in a home or school environment and assess specific parameters (e.g. nutrition, physical growth, family and environment, etc.), analyze the data, and develop goals and recommended interventions. Attached is the guidelines and developmental background information. This paper must be APA format (Abstract)

Suggested parameters to include:

Some suggested parameters to include:


a)birth date, age, and gender

b)growth parameters – use growth charts based on the

  • For children < 2 years, use the Birth to 36 months 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
    • length for age
    • weight for age
    • head circumference for age
    • weight for length
  • For children > 2 years, use the 2-20 years 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
  • Stature for age
  • Weight for age
  • BMI for age

c) Nutritional status

d) Development – remember the different aspects of development

e) Family

  • Who lives in the home and what are their roles with the child?
  • What influences do they have on the child’s development?
  • Is the child cared for outside of the home and what impact does that have on the child and his/her family?

f) Home environment or school assessment–

  • Include safety issues that may not be covered by this tool, i.e.: guns in home, helmets w/ bikes, harmful chemicals within reach, etc.


  • Interpret the child’s growth percentiles.
  • Describe and interpret child developmental findings. Select at least two developmental theorists and compare the child’s development.
  • Assess the child’s environment in the areas of cognitive and social emotional support, safety, nutrition, and list factors that facilitate or inhibit the child’s growth and development. Or, if school based, describe environmental factors you have identified that are stimulating the child’s development
  • Discuss problems to be addressed, nursing diagnoses, and needs. If there are no problems, discuss anticipatory guidance needs.

3) GOALS – For child and family

4) INTERVENTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS – To maintain and promote growth, development and health of the child.Include documented rationale.


Threat​ ​Modeling Writing Assignment Help

Topic needs to be Banking or Health Care preferable. APA format with reference is mandatory. Need PPT and Report

The assignment should include a research/case analysis/industry scenario that students should complete collaboratively in groups.

The deliverable of the project should include the research paper and a group presentations.

Typically the research paper is a 10-15 pages, however there was more time spent on the assignment because there weren’t other assignments each day.

In regards to this section select topic that the students can research based on the topics discussed in the course or use cases. It can be a topic combined with the most recent weeks up to the week of the residency.

Presentations should be around 15-20 minutes for each group. Make sure to set the time limit accordingly to ensure that everyone can present.

Threat Modeling

Here I am going to discuss only the pertinent info. But you should think about the other
architectural components such as distributed architecture, performance and scalability impact
your design with respect to security. For example, scalability: physical or virtual
(vertical/horizontal or scale-in/scale-out).

This document does not provide you all the details but just the highlights and some information
with respect to implementation of an application.

Case Study: You are searching for products online and placing the orders
1. Before you place the order a product(s) you have to create an account (ie., your mailing
address to deliver products/goods)

2. You place the order using the credit card

So based on this case study now think about what has to happen for you to place the order.

1. You access to Intranet as well as the Internet

2. Authenticate on the Web (create credentials: UID/Passwd)

3. This info is saved on the backend database

4. Maintain the session and transactional processing

5. Search and place the order (if you decide to purchase)

6. Provide credit card info and a third party validate this information (Clearing House).
Think about Payment Card Industry/Data Security Standards (PCI/DSS) and why it is
import as to when you design the architecture)

7. The product order you placed is saved on the database

1. Define your security objectives? Example: is it providing secure service?

2. Profile the application.
a. Identify physical, logical topology
b. Determine the components
c. Services, protocols, ports etc….

3. Decompose the application
a. Identify the trust boundaries
b. Identify the entry points: ports 80/443/22 etc….

4. Identify exit points
a. Example: Display the product catalog
b. Other products on the Web page etc…..

5. Identify DFD

6. Documents all the security profile information

7. Identify threat and vulnerabilities (use STRIDE Threat List) and document

8. Finally, you prioritize the threats
Logical Architecture


Discusssion has assignment has 4 parts. Business Finance Assignment Help

Discusssion has assignment has 4 parts. Business Finance Assignment Help

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