Distinguish between a Mega-Event and hall mark event Business Finance Assignment Help

Distinguish between a Mega-Event and hall mark event Business Finance Assignment Help. Distinguish between a Mega-Event and hall mark event Business Finance Assignment Help.

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LENGTH: 2,000 Words

DUE: 5pm, Monday 10 April

QUESTION: Distinguish between a Mega-Event and a Hallmark Event, focussing on their defining characteristics and their role in encouraging tourism. Illustrate your essay through a detailed discussion of one example of a Mega-Event and one example of a Hallmark Event.

Your essay must be substantially based on journal articles or book chapters of your choice. Each example must be based on your research of such academic sources. You are not to use internet sites or newspaper/magazine articles as references, though these may provide you with some background material.


  • NO APPENDIX all relevant material must be incorporated into the main body of the essay.
  • Must use comprehensive Harvard in-text referencing.
  • ALL in text references should include page numbers (eg Wood, 2006: 54 – clearly showing that the information was sourced from that page). This applies to all references, not just quotes.
  • You should only reference what you have read. If you read about an IOC report in Allen, reference Allen – that’s what you read.
  • Do not reference internet sites, magazines or newspapers. There are no exceptions. They can be used as background research, but are not to be referenced.
  • Base your essay on academic sources, eg journal articles, books, chapters in books. Only reference these sources.
  • There is a maximum of five sources per essay. Choose wisely what is worth including. Remember, no internet references, magazines or newspapers.
  • Many journals are now online and it’s okay to use these. Don’t give the URL, use the title, volume and issue no etc.
  • Communication skills are important. Proofread carefully. The standard of your expression will affect your mark.
  • A completed statement of authorship must appear as the first page of your assignment.
  • The choice of case studies is up to you. Making an informed choice is part of the essay process and require you to demonstrate skills in research and using the library. Lecturing and tutoring staff will not provide examples, nor will they approve your choice.

Distinguish between a Mega-Event and hall mark event Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business and society homework Business Finance Assignment Help

My home country is Morocco (North Africa), please read carefully the instructions and it has to between 1 and 2 pages


Oxford dictionary defines culture as “The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.” Each society, country, and culture have numerous nuances that can be difficult for the others to understand. Managers in today’s multicultural global environment constantly encounter cultural differences, which may create barriers in communication and eventually lead to business failures. To become a successful global manager, you need to equip yourself with necessary knowledge to develop your culture competence. For years, scholars have been studying country cultures. Several theories were developed, such as Geert Hofstede’s culture dimensions (https://geert-hofstede.com/national-culture.html) and Edward T. Hall’s cross-culture theory (http://halltheory.wikia.com/wiki/Hall’s_Cross-Cultural_Theory_Wiki). Besides the websites mentioned above, you can get yourself further familiarized with those theories by checking out the following video clips:

    • Hofstede’s culture dimensions
    • Hall’s low-context and high-context theory

    Your task is to utilize Hofstede’s website at https://geert-hofstede.com/national-culture.html to first identify the scores for the six cultural dimensions of your home country. Then, choose another foreign country of your interest and compare the cultural dimensions of your select country to those of your home country.


Complete Penology Assignment, law homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Retribution is the belief that offenders should be punished by inflicting the same amount of pain on the offender as was inflicted onto the victim. Rehabilitation is the belief that social, spiritual, and biological influences should be addressed for each offender to make him or her a productive member of society. In this assignment, it is your responsibility to prepare an analysis of 5–7 pages on the arguments for treatment or punishment of offenders in dealing with the social problem of crime.

Assignment Guidelines:

  • Address the following in your analysis of 5–7 pages on the different rationales for various treatments and punishments.
    • What are 3 specific differences between the arguments for rehabilitation and retribution? Explain.
    • What are 3 specific similarities between the arguments for rehabilitation and retribution? Explain.
    • Examine 2 of the social arguments used to support both positions.
    • What are 3 specific philosophical or social issues that could be used to support your analysis?
    • Your analysis must contain at least 4 references using APA style.
  • Compile your findings, analysis, and references into a Word document of 5–7 pages, and submit the file to your instructor.


an explanation of one moral development theory and its connection to the act of bullying, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

an explanation of one moral development theory and its connection to the act of bullying. Be sure to frame your explanation within the context of cyber and other bullying that persists in social media and communication technologies used by adolescents. Also explain how bullying has changed and how it has remained the same in light of modern technology. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

  • Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 8 (pp. 376-422)
  • Glasser, L., & Keller, M. (2009). Are the competent the morally good? Perspective taking and moral motivation of children involved in bullying. Social Development, 18(4), 798–816. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


Psychology Paper Humanities Assignment Help


The strong dualism position of Descartes suggests that the mind is fully separate from the brain, and that, therefore, there may be no detectable manifestation of representations in the brain. What some note as manifestations are called traces, and their existence has been argued over time. Brain scans suggest that nothing we remember can be physically pinpointed in the brain and that there is no geometrical location for the meaning of the word “baby,” nor is there a pinpoint location for the image of a baseball. Yet, fMRI scans note changes in the brain when an individual is memorizing new words. However, the changes are gross, smeared images with no pinpointing, relative to the scale of neurons or small groups of them. In this assignment, you will make a statement on whether the mind and brain are fully separate or whether they are one entity.


Write an essay (2,000-2,500 words) in which you make a statement and provide support for whether the mind and brain are fully separate or whether they are one entity.

  1. Compare differing conceptualizations of the mind and how the mind is studied.
  2. Address the influence of internal and environmental conditions on what is recalled from certain kinds of memory/representations (e.g., things remembered rote, such as one’s phone number vs. interpreted things like a mother’s affect last time she was seen).
  3. Determine the necessity for a one-to-one correspondence between a specific representation in the mind and a physico-chemical condition in some specific neurons/synapses in the associated brain.
  4. Analyze fundamental differences between representations from: (a) Visual stimuli vs. those from speech stimuli; (b) Experienced stimuli (instantiated; things that happened externally, the last pizza you ate) vs. imagined stimuli (uninstantiated; anticipating-imagining something for dinner that you’ve never had before).



Object Analysis Paper, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Choose one object currently on view at either the Brooklyn Museum or the Metropolitan Museum of Art (or elsewhere in New York, with my approval) and write a 3-5 page object analysis based on the object itself. The object may come from any period or culture.

View the object as it is currently displayed and take pictures of the object. While you are in the museum/gallery, take notes on how the object is displayed, what information the museum/gallery provides on the object, and how the object is situated in relation to other objects.

Then, choose two scholarly peer-reviewed pieces of writing that either directly address the object chosen or the artist/culture that made it.

Write a 3–5 page essay engaging your formal and contextual analysis and the views taken by the authors that you have read.

Object Analysis Paper, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

I have a Reflection Paper, 2 pages essay Writing Assignment Help

Reflection Paper (no more than 2 double-spaced pages in length and no less)

In the Reflection Paper (2 pages each, no more, no less), you will write about your feelings/thoughts/concerns regarding readings, discussions, films, and guest speakers; rubrics provided.

4-5 Points

2-3 Points

1-2 Points

Class Material Reflection

Be able to describe and reflect on 2 or more class materials (film and/or reading) that helped you develop new perspectives about others.

Be able to describe and reflect on one class material (film and/or reading) that helped you develop new perspectives about others.

Vague statement about class material that helped you develop new perspectives about others.

Class Participation Reflection

Describe and reflect on two significant class events that helped you reflect on others.

Describe and reflect on one significant class event that helped you reflect on others.

Vague statement about class event that helped you reflect on others.

Emotion and Thought Reflection

Be able to describe and reflect on different emotions and thoughts when you are thinking about others.

Be able to describe and reflect on one emotion and thought when you are thinking about others.

Vague statement about your emotions and thoughts when you are thinking about others.

Summary and Next Steps

Be able to summarize what you have learned when thinking about others, and address several areas of what else you need to learn about others (next steps)

Be able to summarize what you have learned when thinking about others, and address one thing you need to learn about others (next steps).

Vague summary of what you have learned when thinking about others and self and no next steps addressed

First guest name is a student who represent the Disability Services, and she is disable too. She live in the dorm and facing difficulties to attend in person classes and most of the time she is taking online classes. She can not use the stairs and walk to the class, because she has a Hypotension.

Second guest is LGBTQIA Office: They were 5 students and they were 3 gays and 2 lesbians. They talked about what makes them feel that they attracted to same gender and what people look to them. Also, they talked about how they told their families, most families responded negatively, but they found other people who helped them.

Make sure to write about positive emotions.


what is healthy people 2020, health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help

The SLP assignment for this course will entail becoming familiar with Healthy People initiative. To the end, you will be asked to view a series of videos presenting the key components of Healthy People 2020, illustrating how these are being implemented, noting data sources available to monitor progress toward achievement of Healthy People goals objectives, and recommending strategies for incorporating Healthy People into the work we do as health educators.

View the first of these videos. After watching the video, address the following questions:

  1. What is Healthy People 2020?
  2. Where can one go to obtain information on this initiative? [Hint: The video mentions the relevant web site.]
  3. What are the “Leading Health Indicators?” Where can information on these be found?
    • Identify three of these that are of greatest interest to you.
    • Choose the one that concerns you most.
      • What are the goals and objectives associated with this indicator?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Length: 2-3 pages

Required Reading

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (n.d.) Healthy Community Design. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/healthyplaces/healthy_comm_desi…

[Please watch the Healthy Community Design Streaming Video linked at the top and read the Healthy Community Design Fact Sheet linked under “Additional Resources.”]

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Determinants of health. Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/DOHAbout.a…

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016). Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Indicators. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/LHI/default.aspx

[Please watch the 5-minute video linked on the right side of this HP2020 page.]

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014). Public Health Learning Modules-Module 1: Using Healthy People 2020 to Improve Population Health. Part Two: What is Healthy People? Retrieved from https://vimeopro.com/aptrmodules/phlm/video/754207…

[Note: Video runtime is just over 7 minutes]

World Health Organization [WHO] (1997). The Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/pre…

World Health Organization [WHO] (1986). Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from http://www.who.int/healthpromotion/conferences/pre…

[Note: the WHO readings are landmarks in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion, so they provide a historic perspective to the field]


Travel, Culture and Negotiation, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Foreign Travel Plan and Budget

Task: Plan the Itinerary & estimate the cost of a business trip from your location to the country where you plan to expand and explain what you plan to evaluate on the 3 day exploratory trip. (Note: transit time is not included in the 3 days) Although this trip is hypothetical, I expect that you would be able to pick up your plan and successfully execute your proposed itinerary. Your travel plan must be executable as you have written


1. Introduction: A brief description of the location, purpose, and the intended result of your proposed business trip.

2. Door to Door Itinerary (a table or list describing departure all transit points from Home/ Business to airport, Airline/Flight Numbers, Departure /Arrival Times, local transportation, Lodging Location, meeting location, & return trip home)

3. Itemized Budget for all trip Costs in $US and Local Currency based on where the specific currency is calculated/used (Travel to Airport, Parking, Airfare, hotel, local transportation, food, etc). Do not translate locally paid expenses in the foreigh currency. A spreadsheet, table or an Itemized list of Daily Costs is required so “Package Deals” are not acceptable. Calculate final Total Costs in $US (be sure to specify Exchange rate used).

4. Identify Travel Documentation required by US & Destination Governments.

5. Describe cultural norms for business practices, meetings negotiations and having dinner at the home of a colleague from the host country.

6. Cut and paste the rubric to the end of your paper.

> Potential information Sources: www.State.GOV, CountryWatch, Culturegram (Use the library). Your research assignment for the course has listed sources as well.

Format your paper according to APA standards. A spreadsheet may be used for the budget preparation but put it in the paper, not as a separate attachment. Insert the grading rubric at the end of the paper.


CANRIGHT, “White Paper Basics”, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Please download the following documents. They are both located in the e-reserves section of our class.

  • CANRIGHT, “White Paper Basics”
  • Amazon Web Services, “Introduction to AWS Economics: Reducing Costs and Complexity”

To access the documents, please take the following steps:

  • Select Content
  • Select Course Resources
  • Select eReserves
  • Click on the eReserves icon in the middle of the interface
  • Select the paper, “White Paper Basics.”
  • Click View this item.
  • Download the document
  • Select the AWS paper
  • Click View this item.
  • Download the document

Then, please watch the following video. The video takes you through some highlights of the CANRIGHT document.

After watching this video, please peruse the white paper, “The need for specialty curricula based on core competencies.”

This white paper is structured quite differently from the structures that you have seen in the Purdue OWL lecture and in other materials. It does not have an executive summary or a table of contents. It is set up more like a journal article.

Please answer the following questions:

1. The CANRIGHT document discusses various types of white papers on pages 10-11. As you examine the AWS white paper, what type of white paper would you argue is the AWS white paper?

2. What is the problem that the AWS white paper is identifying? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

3. What is the proposed solution? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

4. Examine the graphics in this white paper. Do they enhance the message being delivered? Why or why not? You might choose two or three graphics in this white paper and analyze them in defending your answer.

5. In his lecture on white papers, Mak Pandit noted that white papers can “market” services but that the marketing should be “subtle.” Is the AWS white paper subtle in its approach when it discusses AWS services? Write a few sentences in answering this question.




[Note: the WHO readings are landmarks in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion, so they provide a historic perspective to the field]


Travel, Culture and Negotiation, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Foreign Travel Plan and Budget

Task: Plan the Itinerary & estimate the cost of a business trip from your location to the country where you plan to expand and explain what you plan to evaluate on the 3 day exploratory trip. (Note: transit time is not included in the 3 days) Although this trip is hypothetical, I expect that you would be able to pick up your plan and successfully execute your proposed itinerary. Your travel plan must be executable as you have written


1. Introduction: A brief description of the location, purpose, and the intended result of your proposed business trip.

2. Door to Door Itinerary (a table or list describing departure all transit points from Home/ Business to airport, Airline/Flight Numbers, Departure /Arrival Times, local transportation, Lodging Location, meeting location, & return trip home)

3. Itemized Budget for all trip Costs in $US and Local Currency based on where the specific currency is calculated/used (Travel to Airport, Parking, Airfare, hotel, local transportation, food, etc). Do not translate locally paid expenses in the foreigh currency. A spreadsheet, table or an Itemized list of Daily Costs is required so “Package Deals” are not acceptable. Calculate final Total Costs in $US (be sure to specify Exchange rate used).

4. Identify Travel Documentation required by US & Destination Governments.

5. Describe cultural norms for business practices, meetings negotiations and having dinner at the home of a colleague from the host country.

6. Cut and paste the rubric to the end of your paper.

> Potential information Sources: www.State.GOV, CountryWatch, Culturegram (Use the library). Your research assignment for the course has listed sources as well.

Format your paper according to APA standards. A spreadsheet may be used for the budget preparation but put it in the paper, not as a separate attachment. Insert the grading rubric at the end of the paper.


CANRIGHT, “White Paper Basics”, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Please download the following documents. They are both located in the e-reserves section of our class.

  • CANRIGHT, “White Paper Basics”
  • Amazon Web Services, “Introduction to AWS Economics: Reducing Costs and Complexity”

To access the documents, please take the following steps:

  • Select Content
  • Select Course Resources
  • Select eReserves
  • Click on the eReserves icon in the middle of the interface
  • Select the paper, “White Paper Basics.”
  • Click View this item.
  • Download the document
  • Select the AWS paper
  • Click View this item.
  • Download the document

Then, please watch the following video. The video takes you through some highlights of the CANRIGHT document.

After watching this video, please peruse the white paper, “The need for specialty curricula based on core competencies.”

This white paper is structured quite differently from the structures that you have seen in the Purdue OWL lecture and in other materials. It does not have an executive summary or a table of contents. It is set up more like a journal article.

Please answer the following questions:

1. The CANRIGHT document discusses various types of white papers on pages 10-11. As you examine the AWS white paper, what type of white paper would you argue is the AWS white paper?

2. What is the problem that the AWS white paper is identifying? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

3. What is the proposed solution? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

4. Examine the graphics in this white paper. Do they enhance the message being delivered? Why or why not? You might choose two or three graphics in this white paper and analyze them in defending your answer.

5. In his lecture on white papers, Mak Pandit noted that white papers can “market” services but that the marketing should be “subtle.” Is the AWS white paper subtle in its approach when it discusses AWS services? Write a few sentences in answering this question.




[Note: the WHO readings are landmarks in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion, so they provide a historic perspective to the field]


Travel, Culture and Negotiation, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Foreign Travel Plan and Budget

Task: Plan the Itinerary & estimate the cost of a business trip from your location to the country where you plan to expand and explain what you plan to evaluate on the 3 day exploratory trip. (Note: transit time is not included in the 3 days) Although this trip is hypothetical, I expect that you would be able to pick up your plan and successfully execute your proposed itinerary. Your travel plan must be executable as you have written


1. Introduction: A brief description of the location, purpose, and the intended result of your proposed business trip.

2. Door to Door Itinerary (a table or list describing departure all transit points from Home/ Business to airport, Airline/Flight Numbers, Departure /Arrival Times, local transportation, Lodging Location, meeting location, & return trip home)

3. Itemized Budget for all trip Costs in $US and Local Currency based on where the specific currency is calculated/used (Travel to Airport, Parking, Airfare, hotel, local transportation, food, etc). Do not translate locally paid expenses in the foreigh currency. A spreadsheet, table or an Itemized list of Daily Costs is required so “Package Deals” are not acceptable. Calculate final Total Costs in $US (be sure to specify Exchange rate used).

4. Identify Travel Documentation required by US & Destination Governments.

5. Describe cultural norms for business practices, meetings negotiations and having dinner at the home of a colleague from the host country.

6. Cut and paste the rubric to the end of your paper.

> Potential information Sources: www.State.GOV, CountryWatch, Culturegram (Use the library). Your research assignment for the course has listed sources as well.

Format your paper according to APA standards. A spreadsheet may be used for the budget preparation but put it in the paper, not as a separate attachment. Insert the grading rubric at the end of the paper.


CANRIGHT, “White Paper Basics”, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Please download the following documents. They are both located in the e-reserves section of our class.

  • CANRIGHT, “White Paper Basics”
  • Amazon Web Services, “Introduction to AWS Economics: Reducing Costs and Complexity”

To access the documents, please take the following steps:

  • Select Content
  • Select Course Resources
  • Select eReserves
  • Click on the eReserves icon in the middle of the interface
  • Select the paper, “White Paper Basics.”
  • Click View this item.
  • Download the document
  • Select the AWS paper
  • Click View this item.
  • Download the document

Then, please watch the following video. The video takes you through some highlights of the CANRIGHT document.

After watching this video, please peruse the white paper, “The need for specialty curricula based on core competencies.”

This white paper is structured quite differently from the structures that you have seen in the Purdue OWL lecture and in other materials. It does not have an executive summary or a table of contents. It is set up more like a journal article.

Please answer the following questions:

1. The CANRIGHT document discusses various types of white papers on pages 10-11. As you examine the AWS white paper, what type of white paper would you argue is the AWS white paper?

2. What is the problem that the AWS white paper is identifying? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

3. What is the proposed solution? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

4. Examine the graphics in this white paper. Do they enhance the message being delivered? Why or why not? You might choose two or three graphics in this white paper and analyze them in defending your answer.

5. In his lecture on white papers, Mak Pandit noted that white papers can “market” services but that the marketing should be “subtle.” Is the AWS white paper subtle in its approach when it discusses AWS services? Write a few sentences in answering this question.




[Note: the WHO readings are landmarks in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion, so they provide a historic perspective to the field]


Travel, Culture and Negotiation, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Foreign Travel Plan and Budget

Task: Plan the Itinerary & estimate the cost of a business trip from your location to the country where you plan to expand and explain what you plan to evaluate on the 3 day exploratory trip. (Note: transit time is not included in the 3 days) Although this trip is hypothetical, I expect that you would be able to pick up your plan and successfully execute your proposed itinerary. Your travel plan must be executable as you have written


1. Introduction: A brief description of the location, purpose, and the intended result of your proposed business trip.

2. Door to Door Itinerary (a table or list describing departure all transit points from Home/ Business to airport, Airline/Flight Numbers, Departure /Arrival Times, local transportation, Lodging Location, meeting location, & return trip home)

3. Itemized Budget for all trip Costs in $US and Local Currency based on where the specific currency is calculated/used (Travel to Airport, Parking, Airfare, hotel, local transportation, food, etc). Do not translate locally paid expenses in the foreigh currency. A spreadsheet, table or an Itemized list of Daily Costs is required so “Package Deals” are not acceptable. Calculate final Total Costs in $US (be sure to specify Exchange rate used).

4. Identify Travel Documentation required by US & Destination Governments.

5. Describe cultural norms for business practices, meetings negotiations and having dinner at the home of a colleague from the host country.

6. Cut and paste the rubric to the end of your paper.

> Potential information Sources: www.State.GOV, CountryWatch, Culturegram (Use the library). Your research assignment for the course has listed sources as well.

Format your paper according to APA standards. A spreadsheet may be used for the budget preparation but put it in the paper, not as a separate attachment. Insert the grading rubric at the end of the paper.


CANRIGHT, “White Paper Basics”, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Please download the following documents. They are both located in the e-reserves section of our class.

  • CANRIGHT, “White Paper Basics”
  • Amazon Web Services, “Introduction to AWS Economics: Reducing Costs and Complexity”

To access the documents, please take the following steps:

  • Select Content
  • Select Course Resources
  • Select eReserves
  • Click on the eReserves icon in the middle of the interface
  • Select the paper, “White Paper Basics.”
  • Click View this item.
  • Download the document
  • Select the AWS paper
  • Click View this item.
  • Download the document

Then, please watch the following video. The video takes you through some highlights of the CANRIGHT document.

After watching this video, please peruse the white paper, “The need for specialty curricula based on core competencies.”

This white paper is structured quite differently from the structures that you have seen in the Purdue OWL lecture and in other materials. It does not have an executive summary or a table of contents. It is set up more like a journal article.

Please answer the following questions:

1. The CANRIGHT document discusses various types of white papers on pages 10-11. As you examine the AWS white paper, what type of white paper would you argue is the AWS white paper?

2. What is the problem that the AWS white paper is identifying? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

3. What is the proposed solution? Please write one sentence in giving this answer.

4. Examine the graphics in this white paper. Do they enhance the message being delivered? Why or why not? You might choose two or three graphics in this white paper and analyze them in defending your answer.

5. In his lecture on white papers, Mak Pandit noted that white papers can “market” services but that the marketing should be “subtle.” Is the AWS white paper subtle in its approach when it discusses AWS services? Write a few sentences in answering this question.



Distinguish between a Mega-Event and hall mark event Business Finance Assignment Help

Distinguish between a Mega-Event and hall mark event Business Finance Assignment Help

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