DNP 955 GCU The 10 Strategic Points Transformational Leadership Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. DNP 955 GCU The 10 Strategic Points Transformational Leadership Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.
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The 10 Strategic Points, the Prospectus, and the DPI Project Proposal together comprise the progressive set of documents that lead to completion of the learner’s Final DPI Project. Each of these documents incorporates a set of strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the proposal and final DPI project each learner submits throughout the project development process will be achievable, valuable, and credible.
Note: This completed assignment will also be submitted as Appendix A in the DPI Project Proposal in Topic 7 and Topic 8. These points must be submitted in a table formatted according to this template.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
- Locate your “10 Strategic Points for the Prospectus, Proposal, and Direct Practice Improvement Project” document submitted in DNP-840. Or download the template from the DC network.
- While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
- This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to completing the assignment to become familiar with the criteria and expectations for successful completion.
- You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
- If not already completed, make any revisions and incorporate all remaining instructor feedback from prior courses into your revised working draft of the 10 Strategic Points document.
- Submit the newly amended document of the 10 Strategic Points to your DPI Committee to the Topic 1 assignment. The committee will review the amended draft to ensure the strategic points are aligned and that you will be able to develop a clear, defined, and achievable project.
- Once the DPI Chair/Committee has returned the 10 Strategic Points to you with feedback, retain this document to submit as Appendix A in the DPI Proposal assignment submitted in Topic 7 and in the Benchmark – DPI Project Proposal: Draft Proposal, due in Topic 8.
DNP 955 GCU The 10 Strategic Points Transformational Leadership Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HCMT 490 Arizona State University Implementing seamless EMR Adoption Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
TOPIC- Implementing seamless EMR adoption
Paper should be APA STYLE
This course will be unlike any others you have taken during your enrollment here at Champlain. This is a hybrid course that combines the mutual learning of a seminar while immersing you in a challenging, work-related field experience / project.
Note that this is an experience requiring some level and combination of management responsibilities, possibly including research, decision-making, problem solving, project management, leadership, and other management responsibilities.You will also be working on goals and activities that develop the Program and College Competencies, noted in a separate document.
In essence, this is a capstone to your educational career that will draw on all your learning to-date – your other courses, your job roles, and the relationships you have built.This is your chance to test your learning, to focus on your career interests and to demonstrate and develop your skills and what you have learned here at Champlain College.
Course Goals
- You will demonstrate self-initiative and develop independent learning skills by choosing, planning, developing and completing a challenging, real-world healthcare management experience.
This culminating project will showcase your acquired management skills and demonstrate your business-ready professionalism.The course does not rely on a traditional instructor-led format.It is an independent project-driven course that requires senior students to function in a relatively autonomous environment.It encourages and requires self-initiative, independence, time management and communication.
- You will exercise self-analysis and introspection by identifying a customized Capstone Field Experience that supports individual career goals and interests.
To ensure this happens, you will have reasonable latitude in the form that this culminating project may take.However, your project must fit into one or more of the designated project categories.Projects will be refined and approved via individual consultation and dialogue between you and your course faculty.
- You will apply your formal classroom training and utilize your accumulated business knowledge in the execution of your projects.Your project should give you the opportunity to apply, learn and grow in areas such as: project management, research, problem solving, critical and creative thinking, decision making, technology applications, teamwork, organizational analysis, interpersonal communication, professional writing, global awareness, time management and other business skills, all in the healthcare environment you will select.
- You will gain new insights into how work really gets done in modern organizations by meeting, observing and interacting with other healthcare professionals.
A successful experience should provide you with a better understanding of the overall business environment, expose you to new work experiences that enhance your resume, provide you with valuable employment references and expand your networking contacts within the local business community.
- You will undertake career exploration, identify professional development opportunities and prepare for life-long learning by gaining first-hand knowledge of an industry and a professional career track.
You will assemble a career-building portfolio that includes self-analysis exercises, potential job opportunities, graduate school and professional development alternatives, information on relevant professional organizations, and a complete resume with work samples.
- You will enhance your critical thinking and communication skills through the analysis, reflection and discussion of current articles or books that relate to your projects, identify best business practices and demonstrate how work gets done in modern healthcare organizations.
If you are new to business work, familiarity with these issues will support your career transition from student to healthcare management practitioner.If you already work in an organization, developing and enhancing your skills in these areas will enhance your opportunities for advancement.Analysis and discussion of your learning will take place via online class meetings, papers and update reports.
You will enhance your potential to become effective managers and healthcare leaders by developing and applying in a “real world setting” many of the Essential Competencies that have been identified by the College.These competencies are vital for your career success in the complex and rapidly changing world of healthcare and business.
Each of you will fulfill common requirements such as:
- Submitting the Project Proposal
- Preparing and submitting weekly progress reports
- Completion of regular project-related work and updates
- Participating in online seminar discussions
- Present a final written report.
And of course, every student is expected to demonstrate self-initiative, independence, time management, communication and critical and creative thinking!
Your experience can be a mix of Independent Learning Activity and/or Employer-sponsored/ task-focused Work-based Learning Activity and/or Career Exploration experience.
The Independent Learning Activity is a flexible learning experience that allows students considerable latitude to design a significant project that meets their unique aspirations and needs.It is appropriate for students who have a special professional interest that they want to pursue, or career interest they want to develop.Typically this will involve conducting field-based research.For example, you might want to prepare a comprehensive business plan for a new start-up service line; perhaps there is a new internal quality initiative you want to develop; or maybe there is a new approach to finance or insurance issues you want to pursue.One tangible outcome of this effort will be a well-documented professional report that describes your work, includes perspectives from as many of the previous HCMT course topic areas as possible, and documents the results, probably in the range of 25 pages in length.
Another alternative within this track is a research-based thesis.This would be ideal for students who have identified a very specific, focused aspect of healthcare management they would like to explore more deeply via significant independent research.These topics are expected to have a practical, applied focus (real problem solving and decision making), not just an abstract, theoretical one.Perhaps you want to know more about the real challenges healthcare organizations face when they try to serve new markets or implement new service lines; maybe you are curious to know what financial issues arise from certain regulatory initiatives; or perhaps you want to trace the history and evolution of the delivery of healthcare in a different country.Using sound primary and secondary research methods, you will investigate your topic and prepare a fully documented, comprehensive, detailed research or strategic analysis, including the perspectives from as many of the previous HCMT course topic areas as possible, probably in the range of 25 pages in length.
AnEmployer-sponsored, task-focused work-based learning activity is a traditional alternative and is for students who want to gain significant work experience within a particular organization or career track.You will enter an organization with the goal of helping to identify, analyze, address and resolve a problem situation that the organization is aware of, but has not yet been able to resolve.Or you will help to design and implement a plan to capitalize on an opportunity situation of which the organization is aware, but has not been able to take advantage of.Maybe a healthcare organization needs help setting up a community development event; maybe a physician practice needs help to design a marketing research survey; or perhaps an organization needs to have job descriptions created for its employees to address an identified organizational change process.
This work-based learning activity alternative is available for students who are currently employed full- or part-time and who wish to make a significant additional contribution to that workplace.You will undertake an employer-specified assignment that provides significant new learning experiences, which go well beyond your regular workplace duties. For example, your employer may need an employee handbook created; perhaps there is a marketing brochure or website that needs to be designed; or maybe your employer needs your assistance opening a new clinic or office, or selecting and installing a new computer system.The employer must be willing to provide you with the resources and support to pursue the project.A tangible outcome of this effort will be a well-documented professional report that describes your work and documents the results, and includes perspectives from as many of the previous HCMT course topic areas as possible, probably in the range of 25 pages in length.
The Career Exploration & Development work-based learning activity is designed for students with a specific job or career field in mind but who lack the experience or contacts to break into it or to move to management opportunities.It tries to address the timeless dilemma many of you face:you can’t get that first job because you lack experience; you can’t get the experience because no one will give you that first job.Perhaps you want to enter the healthcare insurance industry, but you lack any knowledge of this field; maybe you want to be a communications/media relations manager for a hospital, but you have never written professionally; perhaps you want to be a healthcare entrepreneur, but you are not sure if you can handle the stressful lifestyle.After careful preliminary exploration of the career field, you will find an appropriate employer who will provide a work-based learning activity.A “learning agreement” will be negotiated with that employer that will ensure your exposure to significant aspects of the career, including possible promotion.
During the term you may follow a planned rotation through various tasks, participate in workplace meetings, and attend career-related workshops, trade association meetings and other events.You will complete a variety of analytical exercises, interviews and self-assessment projects all designed to expose you to the realities of the career field you have chosen.A tangible outcome of this effort will be a well-documented professional report that describes your experience and documents the results, and includes perspectives from as many of the previous HCMT course topic areas as possible, probably in the range of 25 pages in length.
Chabot College Communication and Accounting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I need help to answer theses questions (at least 200 words per question) – total 5 questions
Please read chapter 1 file to answer questions 1 and 2
1. How would you build your credibility in your personal and professional life?
2. How would you build your credibility in your personal and professional life?
Topic Questions related to Accounting for Small Business
1. The debit and credit system doesn’t seem to fit with my personal experience with a checking account. The system says debit Cash for deposits (increases) and credit Cash for checks (decreases). However, when I make a deposit, the bank says they have credited my account. When I write a check or use my debit card, the bank says they have debited my account with the decrease. Is the bank using the same system? How do you explain this?
2. Many of you know people who own small businesses that do not use the journal and ledger, but instead rely on the checkbook and file folders for financial information. Whether you know someone like this or not, what advice would you give to a small business owner about the advantages of using the procedures you learned in chapter 4?
3. What would be the impact of NOT making the adjusting entries at the end of the period? Use specific examples.
ENDT 321 APUS Case Models IT Online Training Application Case Diagram Worksheet Computer Science Assignment Help
Assignment 3 – Use Case Models
The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to create use case diagrams, a detailed use case, use case mockups, and an activity diagram for the detailed use case Manage Shopping Cart using the ITOT Case Study. The steps in the detailed use case should be consistent with the mockups and activity diagram. These activities are complementary and should be developed in tandem.
Course Objective(s)
CO3: Describe interaction UML models and their concepts
CO9: Apply your knowledge of object oriented and UML concepts by designing and developing UML models
In this assignment you will create a use case diagram with use cases and actors, a detailed use case for Manage Shopping Cart use case using the table version of the Use Case Template, a use case mockup (sketch or design) with dialog (see p. 226 in your textbook for a “mockup” for an ATM interface), and an activity diagram for the detailed steps of the use case. The Use Case Template describes the contents of the template in part A and provides a form for the detailed use case in part B. The detailed use case table template is already in your Analysis Specification. You will complete this assignment and add it to your Assignment 2 submission from last week. You will submit an updated analysis specification. See the Quick Resources at the end of this assignment for relevant links.
For each of your diagrams, include your name and course number directly in the diagram.
You will complete the following sections in your Analysis Specification:
Sections 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4
You will need the following documents:
1 .IT Online Training Project Requirements 2018R2
2 .Use Case Template (Section A explains the sections in the template. Definitions of each item in the template is included in Section A. Section B. Use Case Detailed Template has a copy of the template but note that it has already been placed in the analysis specification.)
3 .Your Assignment 2 renamed as ENTD321Assignment3_FirstNameLastName
1. In addition to your textbook and lessons, review and read the examples and guidelines in the Quick Resources at the end of this assignment. The Quick Resources are also part of your readings in the lessons but are listed here to make it more convenient.
2. Identify, list, define, and describe all actors and all use cases for the IT Online Training application. See items 1-6 in the Requirements document. The name of the use case is listed as well as the details.
2.1 Section 2.3. Identify and define each actor (a role a person or group will play in interacting with the system) who will use the application. Use the definition template for your actors: “A nameOfActor is a ….” and complete the sentence. For example an actor for the case study would be Customer, Schedule Administrator, etc. Try to identify who will actually use this system. Place your actors in a table format as illustrated in Section 2.3 of your analysis specification. Insert your table in Section 2.3.
2.2 Section 2.4. Create a list of use cases for the application. See the Week 3 Lessons for how to identify use cases. Use cases are named as verb + object. Do not use nouns. Use cases are action oriented and need to be named accordingly like giving a command. See items 1-6 in your Requirements document for use cases including the name and details. For example a use cases might be Manage Course, Manage Shopping Cart, Maintain Customer, etc. In addition, you will need a description of each use case. The description needs to clearly identify what the use case accomplishes and any data required to complete the use case. The better description you have, the easier it will be. Place your use cases and descriptions in a table form as illustrated in Section 2.4 of your analysis specification. Insert your table in Section 2.4.
3. Sections 2.1, and 2.2. Create a UML use case diagram with your CASE tool. It must be in UML format. A use case diagram includes symbols for actors and use cases. A line is used to connect your actors to the use case they use. Insert your use case diagram in Section 2.1 of your analysis specification. Create a description of your use case diagram and insert it in Section 2.2.
4. Section 2. Complete Section 2. System Use Case Diagram (an introduction to the contents of the section) in your analysis specification.
5. Sections 3, 3.1.1. , 3.1.2. For the use case Manage Shopping Cart, complete the detailed use case introduction, use case name, use case description, and Use Case Detailed Steps table in your specification.
5.1. For Section 3 add an introduction to the contents of the section.
5.2. For Section 3.1 add the name of the use case Manage Shopping Cart. You do not have any choices here.
5.3. For Section 3.1.2 complete the Use Case Detailed Steps table for the Manage Shopping Cart Use Case. Read the discussion about the Shopping Cart in the Requirements document. See REQF6.1-REQF6.2 for Manage ShoppingCart. This use case includes several other use cases which you should have included in your use case diagram already. The the detailed use case description provides the details for your use case. Make certain that you complete the entire template for your one use case. Also make certain that you number your use case steps sequentially. The actor starts with step #1, then the System responds with step #2, etc. Continue this alternating pattern between actor and system. You are essentially defining a procedure so the steps must be numbered and make sense logically. Make certain that your detailed steps are complete. Start your detailed steps with the phrase “This use case begins when….” and complete the sentence. This essentially defines a trigger for the use case. Remember to state where the includes use cases are to be performed. See the Lessons for a discussion and link to an example. Also include “Login” only as a precondition for your use case–it should not be a step in the Normal path. This means that your use case starts after the actor has logged in. This is a good practice since login would be a prerequisite for almost any activity on the web site. You also do not want or need to deal with login in each use case. See the Medical Calculator SRS Excerpts for an example of a detailed use case and mockups of the screens for this mobile application example. See also Maintain Instructor Use Case Example in the Quick Resources at the end of this assignment for another example.
Note:Change the <Use Case 1 Name> lines in Section 3 in your analysis specification to include the name of your use case. This occurs in Section 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.1.4.
6. Section 3.1.3. For your detailed use case Manage Shopping Cart, create mockups (sketches or designs) of forms/screens required for your use case and a dialog demonstrating the steps i the use case with the mockups. Assume that you have to present your use case to your sponsors and must use a presentation that has the form mockups. The dialog is just text you would use to explain each form. It must follow your detailed steps of your use case. This will serve to validate your use case and you may make changes to your detailed use case steps as you develop the dialog. The mockup serves as a guide in developing your use case steps. You can use any software for this like or even PowerPoint or Word. Our CASE tool does not support mockup diagrams. A mockup is just a prototype of a form like p. 226 in your textbook Insert your mockup and dialog in Section 3.1.3 in your analysis specification.
7. Section 3.1.4. For your detailed use case Manage Shopping Cart, create an activity diagram and add it and a discussion to Section 3.1.4.
Passaic County Community College The Cost of Online Shopping Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I already have written the first draft of this essay, and professor already graded , so can you write based on my first draft and use the following too.
Five body paragraph Esasy
Introduction, Three body paragraph, and conclusion.
in the introduction, author name, article, thesis, your position( agree or disagree), and three main points.
On the body paragraphs. start with strong topic sentence, three reasons, Explanation and supporting points. In text citation /quote. For each body paragraph either one quote or paraphrase, don’t have to put both in one body paragraph.
In conclusion, according to the professor, he don want us to completely summarize or repeat same idea insted “Don’t merely repeat your thesis and key ideas. Wrap-up your essay with a concluding strategy and leave your reader with some important idea that will keep resonating.”
Prompt: How has the coronavirus impacted traditional brick and mortar retailers’ ability to survive online retailing?
Saudi Electronic University Risk Assessment Plan for Hospitals Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Read the following article:
Banawas, S., Abdel-Hadi, A., Alaidarous, M., Alshehri, B., Dukhyil, B., Aziz, M., … Aboamer, M. (2018). Multidrug-resistant bacteria associated with cell phones of healthcare professionals in selected hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology.
Create a risk assessment plan for hospitals of the Ministry of National Guard in Saudi Arabia to protect healthcare workers and patients from multi-drug resistance bacteria associated with cell phones.
The risk assessment plan should contain the following:
- Statement of purpose,
- Authority and responsibility for implementation,
- Goals and objectives,
- Scope and functions, and
- Monitoring and quality evaluation of the program.
- Your plan should be five to six pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
Saudi Electronic University Risk Assessment Plan for Hospitals Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UC Baldwin Corporation Efficient Capital Markets & Capital Structure Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
CFO of Baldwin Corporation, Gregg Williams is meeting with the
company’s board of directors to discuss the possible effect of the
company’s capital budgeting project on the stock price. Gregg believes
that when the NPV of $159,624 is released in conjunction with existing
information on the company, the stock price will increase by $0.15 given
that the company has 1,000,000 shares outstanding. Gregg believes that
all investors are rational and will make investment decisions after
analyzing all available information. Gregg’s belief is consistent with
the theory of efficient capital markets, which he studied at the graduate school.
theory of efficient capital markets holds that stock prices reflect all
available information. Gregg gave the implications of the theory as
- Because
information is reflected in prices immediately, investors should
expect to obtain a normal rate of return. Information reflects so
quickly in stock prices that no investor can gain competitive advantage
over other investors.
- Prices of stocks will only change if new information becomes available.
- There are many market participants such that no one participant controls the market
- Firms
should expect to receive fair value for securities that they sell. Fair
means that the price they receive from selling securities is the
present value of cashflows that the asset is expected to generate. Thus,
valuable financing opportunities that arise from fooling investors does
not exist in efficient markets.
A board member, Jon Milosvoski has drawn Gregg’s attention to three forms of market efficiency namely weak form efficiency, semi-strong efficiency, and strong form efficiency. Mr. Milosvoski explains that under each form, different types of information are assumed to reflect in stock prices.
Another board member, David Jefferson, says that new research studies are emerging in behavioral finance that
question the rationality of investors. Mr. Jefferson explains that
investors do not act rationally all the time in the investment decision
making process so the market cannot be efficient. The results of the
studies indicate that investors are prone to heuristics-driven biases
such as overconfidence, decision regret, familiarity, conservatism, representativeness and house-money effect.
The meeting was postponed to next week when the board will meet to finish the discussion on the efficient markets and consider capital structure of Baldwin Inc.
The board chairman wants you to address the following questions before the next meeting.
1. What different types of information are
assumed to reflect in the company’s stock price? Explain the different
types of information under each form of market efficiency.
An individual investor, Ms. Jones wants to invest in Baldwin
Inc. She has gathered data on the company from the current issue of the
company’s annual financial report, newspapers and press release of the
capital investment project. Assuming the market is semi-strong efficient, can Ms. Jones earn above-average returns using this material public information?
Ms. Jones is consulting with her financial advisor, Robert Carl. Robert
believes that stock prices move in trends. He also believes that new
information does not quickly get to all investors and that it takes time
to analyze and act on the new information. He tells Ms. Jones that if
investors take time to analyze the information and react, and possibly
overreact to it, prices may always deviate from fair market values. Does
Robert Carl believe in market efficiency? Explain why.
4. Determine whether the following statements by Gregg are correct or incorrect about efficient market hypothesis:
a. it implies perfect forecasting ability (correct or incorrect)
b. it implies that prices reflect all available information (correct or incorrect)
c. it implies an irrational market (correct or incorrect)
d. it implies prices do not change (correct or incorrect)
e. it results from keen competition among investors (correct or incorrect)
f. investors can reap abnormal profit consistently (correct or incorrect)
5. Explain how behavioral biases of overconfidence, regret, representativeness, and familiarity can affect investment behavior of investors of Baldwin Inc.
Given the board meeting next week on capital structure of the company,
what are some of the agenda to be discussed at the meeting?
7. Baldwin Inc. wants to determine the optimal capital structure that will maximize the value of the company. Various capital structures have been analyzed as follows:
Debt |
Equity |
0% |
100% |
15.80% |
4.60% |
20% |
80% |
12.50% |
4.80% |
30% |
70% |
10.50% |
5.80% |
40% |
60% |
9.20% |
6.10% |
50% |
50% |
12.30% |
8.20% |
60% |
40% |
8.50% |
15.30% |
70% |
30% |
12.85% |
10.10% |
80% |
20% |
13.50% |
12.00% |
100% |
0% |
14.00% |
13.60% |
What optimal capital structure do you recommend for Baldwin Inc. and why?
Colorado Technical University Singapore International Business Practices Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
This is a continuation of what you began last week in the discussion board. Use that as your base and build on it here for your final paper. The total word count for this assignment will be about 1400 to 1800 when you combine the week 4 and week 5 assignments. A regional bank has decided to open an office overseas for serving those businesses that are expanding internationally. Choose a country with a large financial center that you believe would be helpful to your customer base.
- Will your presence in this country be helpful in your attempts to invest in other developing countries?
- Is this country involved in any regional integration efforts? How so?
- Why did you choose this location for your bank?
- As a manager, what would be your overall assessment about whether you want to pursue opening an office there?
- Are the financial risks worth taking?
- Will it be beneficial to all of the stakeholders?
In pursuing this, what type of presence do you think would be best suited to your objectives?
- How should the plant be financed?
- Keep in mind that the country that the plant is in does not necessarily have to be where the financing is done.
- What is your final decision on the financial center you chose to work with? Write about the logic and reasoning for your decision?
This is the last week
Singapore is the economic jewel of Southeast Asia. One example of a global financial center is Singapore, a logics hub, and original trade. It encompasses a consequential economy. They are one of the most comfortable areas to work in Asia. As English is an official language, few entry barriers, with a powerful pro-business legal framework. Singapore is clean, efficient, and primed for enormous growth in the next decade.
Some challenges I will face in opening up in Singapore is the general logistics cost of moving to Asia. It is expensive to move entire operations to a new market at the onset, but the transactional costs that are saved by the regional proximity to clients, cheap labor, and localized control. Singapore has a diverse history, with Indian, Chinese, and European roots. It was once a small fishing village and trading port colonized by the British and then crushed in World War II. As a former British colony, Singapore has a standard law legal system, and the government is a republic with a parliamentary system. Both the political and economic systems indicate stability and reinforcing the justification to invest in Singapore.
According to the Index, “Singapore is the only country in the world that is considered economically free in every Index category” (Heritage 2020). The government is pro-business and plays little role in intervening in the market with burdensome regulations and proposals. However, the government has imposed certain restrictions on importing foreign labor to ensure that the domestic labor force is protected. Thus, in the labor freedom index category, it dropped just slightly. Singapore is a free-market capitalist system that encourages the free-enterprise and entrepreneurship that Western countries can embrace. It is a highly-developed free-market economy that has seen immense growth due to the favorable investment and foreign business climate.
Individual tax rates are capped at twenty-two percent. The corporate tax is seventeen. Concerning an international market, China, along with the U.S. and Malaysia, is their main trading partners. The biggest challenge that they expect to see is the ongoing trade tensions between China and the U.S. Other than that, Singapore is an import and export machine, with friendly trade policies. For example, “the average applied tariff rate is 0.1 percent, and 182 nontariff measures are in force” (Heritage 2020). Irrespective of foreign ownership, Singapore treats all companies, big and mall, to the same standards and equally under the law.
Lastly, and arguably an essential component to the relocation to Singapore, is the necessity to engage in Singapore’s culture. To be successful in these markets, one must understand the region’s social, political, and economic culture. In Singapore, domestic businesses and government officials cherish the ability to create a friendship, face-to-face, with the foreign company looking to come in. They provide a friendly business climate, but they also ensure that the business is the right fit for their contemporary business culture.
Foundation, Heritage. Singapore. 2020,
Intext citation and reference please
Post University Baldrige Principles and Introduction to Quality Paper Writing Assignment Help
In your paper, you will address the following points:
Which (internal or external stakeholders), if either, is more important?
Why do you feel this to be true?
Research and describe one organization that does a great job treating internal stakeholders.
Research and describe one organization that does a great job treating external stakeholders. a great job treating iexternal stakeholders
Length: a minimum of pages two, not including title or reference pages
Must use a minimum of two resources
The final product will be a paper that is double-spaced, APA formatted pages.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
BUS211 – Baldrige Principles and Introduction to Quality
Unit 4 Assignment: Treating Internal and External Customers
Harvard University Combating Terrorism Paper Humanities Assignment Help
How should the United States government deal with the heightened concern about homegrown violent extremism and the growing concern for the preservation of civil liberties? What are the political and constitutional consequences of counter-terrorism? Lastly, how do we assess the tradeoffs between freedom and security?
Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your
response. Please respond to at least two other students and provide substantive comments
that contribute something new and important to the discussion. You may challenge, support or
supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the
required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as
this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level
200-250 words for discussion; 100-150 per student response
Required Readings:
Civil Liberties and Law in the Era of Surveillance:…
Balancing Security and Liberty: The Challenge of Sharing Foreign Signals Intelligence:…
Executive Order 13636 Privacy and Civil Liberties Assessment Report:…
Student Responses:
Student #1 Joshua
Good Afternoon Class & Prof.,
For this weeks discussion we are talking about how the United States Government (U.S.G.) should respond to the heightened concern about homegrown violent extremism and the need to preserve and protect our civil liberties.
This topic is very complex, thus it requires a comprehensive breakdown of its different influencers. One avenue worth taking to combat homegrown violent extremism is through legitimate and actionable national intelligence. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004 revised and broadened the definition of of national intelligence to include “threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests; the development, proliferation, or use of weapons of mass destruction; or any other matter bearing on United States national or homeland security” (U.S.G., 2004). Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs) have access to the same technology as we do such as the internet, where these individuals exploit its uses to recruit, train, and plan their operations. Therefore, intercepting and analyzing these information streams might provide important clues regarding the nature of the terrorist threat…eventually moving through a version of the Intelligence Cycle (IC) and transforming into intelligence that can be used to mitigate their threat(s) to the homeland.
As discussed in our lesson this week, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (F.B.I.) had basically zero oversight and accountability when it came to surveillance and intelligence collection efforts until Edward Snowden came along. This exposure of the F.B.I. sparked a national public outcry for civil liberties to be considered and respected by federal agents. In this case, I believe that an increase in transparency in regards to the policies being drafted and implemented by these agencies is required. Also, direct communication with individuals and their communities whose civil rights and civil liberties may be affected by department activities is necessary (DHS, 2016).
Counter-Terrorism consequences can include adverse consequences for the economic and social development of states, it may jeopardize friendly relations among states, and also threaten the territorial integrity and security of states. The tradeoffs between freedom and security include relieving some of your freedoms in exchange for security. For example, not everyone in America favors a federal requirement that makes it necessary for every American to carry a national ID card. However, this security measure has proven effective to mitigate the effects of illegal persons in the U.S.
DHS. (2016, July). Executive Order 13636 Privacy and Civil Liberties Assessment Report. Retrieved September 21, 2020, from
U.S.G. (2004). The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (IRTPA) of 2004. Retrieved September 21, 2020, from
Student #2 Jude
Homegrown violence is a very real and lethal also known as domestic terrorism is the unlawful use or threatened use of violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the population or anything thereof. (The FBI, 2002) Homegrown terrorism is as much a threat as international terrorism if not more, not being able to properly assess the threat and counter it would be most dire for any nation. With millions of avenues of broadcasting and platforms to emit information or recruit, it is next to impossible to keep track without powerful avenues of tracking and surveillance. Due to the threat of terrorists and attacks there has been many issues dealing with the overstepping of the government such as the political spying, abuse of material witness statute, REAL ID, No Fly and Selectee Lists and Government Secrecy to name a few. (ACLU, 2006)With these homegrown terrorists being able to move with relative ease and assume different forms and identities the barrage of tracking and surveilling all are subject to data being gathered and contained painting facts that even the state couldn’t previously collect. (Civil Liberties, 2014) Finding a balance between national security and civil rights is an incredibly hard concept to maintain when one overshadows the other and national security must be maintained and achieved. Civil liberty issues arise when you engage in the mass tracking of hundreds of millions of Americans, most of whom are completely innocent of wrongdoing. (Civil Liberties, 2014) Civil liberties is a blessing within the boundaries of the United States, in many instances without citizens realizing that. Many nations do not allow their citizens the same privacy and protection as we here in the United States get to experience. Civil liberties means or is the state of being subject only to laws established for the good of the community, especially with regard to freedom of action and speech, individual rights protected by law from unjust governmental or other interference. With the growth of technologies, the relationship between citizen and state are changing drastically. (Civil Liberties, 2014) The political consequences are managing means to surveillance credible threats and maintain civil liberties, recreating a new and modernized Patriot Act, NSA and all other intelligence agencies. Constitutional consequences are infringing of privacy towards the citizens of the United States, infringing on the information protections of major companies and their clients and customers. The trade-off between freedom and security is a relative sense of peace and protection from those from abroad. Security is done by the surveillance and constant tracking of people and those who are deemed security threats. There hasn’t been a massive difference because the threat is still as real as it was then.
This nation has come a long way and continues to progress and grow, with the revamping of current acts and laws we are one step closer to bridging this gap
Dale L. Watson, ( 2002) Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Division FBI,
Anthony D. Romero, ACLU, (2020),
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