do an 1 hour power point presentation in chemistry Science Assignment Help

do an 1 hour power point presentation in chemistry Science Assignment Help. do an 1 hour power point presentation in chemistry Science Assignment Help.

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I need a power point presentationa it should be one hour long

1. the slides should be clear easy to understand

2. make sure to use all the reference I have attached below

3. make sure its 36 slide with 10 figures make sure to use the most important figure

4. make sure dont write to much use a key point on slides

5. make sure to write the reference at the bottom of each slide for example you took information from paper one on slide no2 make sure to write the reference of paper one on the slide

6. the main paper is Development of Redox-Switchable Resorcin[4]arene Cavitands while the other papers( attachments ) are the support papers make sure to use all of the

7. this power point presentation is do it perfect please I will present it in front of all my prof. and my future depends on this presentation please please please make it perfect please

8. I have attached a power point presentation sample

do an 1 hour power point presentation in chemistry Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

To feel confident that all of the employees in your strategic planning team Business Finance Assignment Help

To feel confident that all of the employees in your strategic planning team understand all that you have taught them, you require each to prepare a streamlined version of the key elements of a strategic plan. You require each employee to prepare the following sections of a strategic plan for the corporation’s next 3-5 years:

  • Mission and Vision Statements (Simply copying from an existing real company is unacceptable.)
  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound (SMART) Goals and Objectives
  • Industry Analysis
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends (SWOTT) Analysis
  • A Perceptual Map
    • Choose any criteria that you think are important to plot.
    • Explain why you picked the criteria.

Your task is to create a plan, following the same parameters, which will be the sample standard that your employees’ submissions should match.


WBS Cost and Resources Computer Science Assignment Help

In Microsoft Excel, the team is to duplicate the Work Breakdown Structure and the resources (USE TASK FROM PDF ATTACHED). Assign costs (units and extensions) to all resources and then to all tasks. So, for example, if your task is to buy the paint, your resources might include:

Task Manager (Project Team Member) – 4 hours @ $20.00 = $80.00

Paint (5 gallons @$40/gallon = $200)

Brushes (3 wall brushes, 3 trim brushes each at $4.00 = $24)

Gas to get to paint store (12 miles is ½ gallon of gas @ $4.00 per gallon = $2.00)

Don’t forget to include equipment you might need (copiers, printers, carts to transport equipment), maybe facilities (such as a storage unit for staging equipment), and, of course the people who are doing the work. If you include a vendor/contractor on a contract or purchase order that has ONE price for the entire effort, you will include ONE contractor@ $xx,xxx.xx (contract price). Think about how you will address this contractor in the Resource Sheet – labor or non-labor? Remember that the contractor is NOT likely to charge by the hour…! You must include EVERYTHING it takes to do every task at every level.


  • Enter resources and costs for each task. Remember that ALL tasks must have resources; major level tasks must have a project team member assigned some small percentage of time to monitor and track the task.
  • For all cost categories provide the unit costs or rates (e.g., for labor costs, supplies, etc.), then for each line item, make sure to include the unit costs (e.g., labor rates, costs per each, etc), and the quantities used (e.g., hours, quantities ordered or used, etc), and the extended costs (rates or unit costs times quantity).
  • Don’t forget to include expendable materials and supplies (e.g., paint, brushes, construction materials, etc), non-expendable equipment you might need (copiers, printers, carts to transport equipment, computer furniture, etc.), maybe facilities (such as a storage unit for staging equipment), and, of course the people who are doing the work along with their labor rates, hours, and costs per person. A rough example is below:



Hours x Rate


Unit x cost


4.2.5 Install computers in gymnasium

1 Installer

1 Software tester

20 hrs x $40.00

6 hrs x $20.00

4 computers

4 USB cables

4 each x $1500

4 each x $30.00


  • If you include a vendor/contractor on a contract or purchase order that has ONE price for the entire effort, you will include ONE contractor@ $xx,xxx.xx (contract price). Think about how you will address this contractor in the Resource Sheet – labor or non-labor? Which makes sense?
  • You must include EVERYTHING it takes to do every task at every level. The project sponsor and project manager should be able to see how much EACH task (and lower level tasks) costs individually.
  • Make sure that the spreadsheet includes a clear bottom line total of all project costs so that you and your stakeholders can tell whether your plan is within the project budget or not. And make sure that all required data are included. In Excel, there is an expectation that the math will be accomplished by the use of formulas.
  • You may want to determine subtotals by cost type (labor, supplies, equipment, etc); and/or by person if a person is assigned to work on than one task. But you still must show the cost of each major task plus the total cost of the project.
  • The Cover Sheet text document should include the SOURCES of your costs. For example, if you used a Department of Labor category, the discussion should include why you used this source and the appropriate citations.

The TEAM WBS should have corrections made to durations and predecessors as a result of sharing and looking at fellow classmates’ MS Project team efforts and in response to comments from the instructor. Durations, predecessors and resources are assigned for all tasks. Resources include all people, facilities, supplies, materials, facilities, and contractors, etc. required to accomplish EACH task at EVERY level. Anything that will be needed to accomplish the task is included as a resource for that task. The RESOURCE SHEET View shows labor and non-labor. Non-labor resources are properly categorized as expendable material resources and supplies, or as non-expendable equipment and other costs. The RESOURCES GRAPH shows no red bars for over-allocations. The accompanying Word document or text answers all questions, explaining how the team determined the appropriate resources, whether or not some work was contracted out and why, what vendors might be involved in the project and what products or services they would provide.

Additionally, all costs are included for expendable materials and supplies, non-expendable equipment, facilities, and contractors or vendors. All people assigned to do the work of the tasks are identified, along with their labor rates, hours, and costs per person. Include EVERYTHING it takes to do every task at every level. Make sure that there is a clear bottom line total of all project costs. Include costs for each lowest level leaf node task. Add them up for higher level roll-up summary tasks or phases. Do not assess costs against such summary tasks individually except by adding up the costs of the lower level tasks subordinate to the summary task. Include subtotals by cost type (labor, supplies, equipment, etc); and/or by person if a person is assigned to work on than one task


250 words ( your response) Humanities Assignment Help

Read Donald Murray’s “Teach Writing as a Process Not a Product” (1972)View in a new window. As you participate in your conference meetings this week, think about times in your life when “process” was more important to you than “product.” For example, consider a young child who attempts to make breakfast for a parent. The process of making the breakfast is a gesture that shows patience, dedication, and love–even if the product is ultimately burnt toast and raw bacon.

Post a response that reflects on “process” and “product” as they relate to you. Your response can take the form of structured paragraphs (around 250 words) or it can be more creative (personal narrative, poetry, comics, music, video, collage, etc). Use whatever genre best makes your point. Be sure to connect your ideas to Murray’s with effective quotes, paraphrasing, or other citation strategies. Try to also connect your post with the current writing process you are participating in with regards to the context of this class.


Make my paper very academic. Writing Assignment Help

Hey everyone,

I have this paper that is 6 page-long, i want you to make it 2-3 pages and choose the best ones and make it more academic and correct every mistake in there. plz. also, i have a peer review from my partner please look at it below. Please no plagiarism. please on time.

peer review from partner:

Your analysis draft is well done. The analysis of the entire webpage is very thorough with much detail about every section of the page. However, while there is much analysis about each section of the page, the analysis is missing analysis of the entire page as well as any kind of analysis of why the author or webpage designer may have decided to do what they did. In simpler terms, there’s a lot of analysis of the design and layout of the webpage, but it would be nice to see a bit more analysis as to why the author or designer designed the page in that specific way. Also try to avoid being too repetitive with the beginning of your sentences. There are certain sections of the memo where many sentences begin with the phrase “each section.”

The only other thing that concerns me is the format of the draft document. Just as a reminder, the assignment is required to be 2-3 pages single spaced. The assignment tab on UTC Learn contains many more details about the assignment which could help if its needed. Other than the things mentioned, it is a really good analysis to read.



Kristen‘s cookie company Business Finance Assignment Help


The analysis will address the case questions and be limited to four pages, printed double-spaced, plus exhibits. I will be grading your papers using the attached grading sheet with particular attention being paid to your application of course reading material and concepts to the case analysis.. The cases can be analyzed individually or as a group (no more than two). If you decide to submit as a group, you have to stay with the group for the entire course. Your grade on the cases will depend on the peer evaluation of your group.

(1) Papers should be printed, double-spaced, with normal margins. The name of the case should be on the first page of the text with your names, date, and course number. An executive summary is not required nor expected.

(2) The page limit for each paper is four pages of text, plus exhibits. Note that these are maxi­mum limits. Papers should be concise and coherent.

(3) Exhibits should contain specific types of analyses (application of a framework, table of comparisons, cost analysis, competitive features, etc.) and information (web page of firm) that supports and is relevant, but would be too detailed for the body of the paper.

(4) Please proofread/spell check your paper before turning it in. Papers for this course should be of the same quality that you would provide to the management of the business.

(5) Please use an essay format for the report. Do not use a Q&A format. The questions are provided to serve as a starting point for your report. You should address the questions as part of your report and also add other issues you considered.

here is an example:…

Kristen‘s cookie company Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sexuality at the different life stages Humanities Assignment Help

I have to write a research paper using 5 research articles that are peer reviewed from the website proquest. The topic is ‘Sexuality at the different life stages’. To be more specific on the term sexuality, it is referring to sexual behavior and not sexual orientation. The articles have to include researches with method, results, and discussions. MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT LITERATURE REVIEWS!!!

I already have the first two articles which has to do with early childhood sexuality, adolescent women’s sexuality, and adolescent male’s sexuality, so I only need 2 more articles.


Need help with my macroeconomics question! Business-Macroeconomics202 Other Assignment Help

Q1: Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, the value for this economy’s GDP Deflator in year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, then the percentage growth rate of real GDP between year 1 and year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. The value for this economy’s nominal GDP in year 3:

Q4: Refer to Table 5.2. Suppose this economy produces only the three goods A, B, and C. If we use year 1 as the base year, then real GDP in year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.4. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, the value for this economy’s GDP Deflator in year 3 is:


problems using SAS Statistical Analysis System program Mathematics Assignment Help

I need the solution for these problems using SAS (Statistical Analysis System) program.

The solution should include the code, SAS output, and the analysis.

General Instructions: For all problem you should create appropriate graphs to evaluate all assumptions and provide a visual comparison of the treatment effects. Since the computer is doing the computations, it is important that you clearly interpret all result in the context of the problem. Don’t just say the F test is significant. Explain what that means in term of treatments being studied

1) A manufacturer conducted a small pilot study of the effect of the price of one of its products on sales of this product in hardware stores. Sixteen stores used in the study with four in each of the four geographic regions and one of each size in each region. Four price level were used in the study and were assigned to the stores so that each price level was assigned to each combination of region and store size. Identify the type of design used and analyze the data in file T1P2.csv to see if there is an impact on sales and if there is, identify the nature of the impact

2) A physiologist studied the effects of three reagents on muscle tissue in dogs. Ten litters of three dos each were randomly selected and the three reagents were randomly assigned to the three dogs in each litter. The data from the to see if there is a difference between reagents. If there is a difference, conduct an appropriate multiple comparisons procedure to identify the differencesexperiment are in file T1P3.csv. Identify the type of model and analyze the data

3) A rehabbilitation center was interestedin the impact of fitness level at the start of therapy to the time in physical therapy required to complete rehabilitation. Data were collected for 24 patients who had undergone a similar corrective knee surgery and the individual was racked on their fitness level as 1-below average, 2-average, 3-above average. The number of days required for physical therapy for each individual is in TpP4.csv. Prepare a comparative graphical analysis of the data and conduct an ANOVA to test if there is a difference in mean recovery time.

4) An engineer is studying the mileage performance characteristics of five type of gasoline additives. In the road test cars are to be used as blocks, there is only enough time to run four of the five additives in each car. The mileage data for this experiment are in file T1P5.csv. What type of design in this?

Conduct an analysis to identify whether some additives are better than others.


Miss and Mrs, because they are always followed by the family name of a father or husband Business Finance Assignment Help

the titles Miss and Mrs, because they are always followed by the family name of a father or husband, are historical reminders of a time when women were regarded as the responsibility, or indeed the property , of their fatherland husbands. While women’s political and economic rights have changed considerably in many countries, the English language still allows us to mark the marital status of women in ways that do not exist for men. Is women’s marital status marked in other languages? If so, how? It’s important to examine language you know well or to have a consultant who speaks that language natively. Do people try to avoid title and surname conventions when they get married? How can they do this with their language? You might investigate the use of titles and surnames in same-sex civil partnerships, which is frequently referred to as ‘marriages’. One resource might be wedding announcements in newspapers or coverage of celebrity sam-sex partners to gather the data here. How might labels for these new types of partnerships affect the language system?


Kristen‘s cookie company Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sexuality at the different life stages Humanities Assignment Help

I have to write a research paper using 5 research articles that are peer reviewed from the website proquest. The topic is ‘Sexuality at the different life stages’. To be more specific on the term sexuality, it is referring to sexual behavior and not sexual orientation. The articles have to include researches with method, results, and discussions. MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT LITERATURE REVIEWS!!!

I already have the first two articles which has to do with early childhood sexuality, adolescent women’s sexuality, and adolescent male’s sexuality, so I only need 2 more articles.


Need help with my macroeconomics question! Business-Macroeconomics202 Other Assignment Help

Q1: Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, the value for this economy’s GDP Deflator in year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, then the percentage growth rate of real GDP between year 1 and year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. The value for this economy’s nominal GDP in year 3:

Q4: Refer to Table 5.2. Suppose this economy produces only the three goods A, B, and C. If we use year 1 as the base year, then real GDP in year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.4. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, the value for this economy’s GDP Deflator in year 3 is:


problems using SAS Statistical Analysis System program Mathematics Assignment Help

I need the solution for these problems using SAS (Statistical Analysis System) program.

The solution should include the code, SAS output, and the analysis.

General Instructions: For all problem you should create appropriate graphs to evaluate all assumptions and provide a visual comparison of the treatment effects. Since the computer is doing the computations, it is important that you clearly interpret all result in the context of the problem. Don’t just say the F test is significant. Explain what that means in term of treatments being studied

1) A manufacturer conducted a small pilot study of the effect of the price of one of its products on sales of this product in hardware stores. Sixteen stores used in the study with four in each of the four geographic regions and one of each size in each region. Four price level were used in the study and were assigned to the stores so that each price level was assigned to each combination of region and store size. Identify the type of design used and analyze the data in file T1P2.csv to see if there is an impact on sales and if there is, identify the nature of the impact

2) A physiologist studied the effects of three reagents on muscle tissue in dogs. Ten litters of three dos each were randomly selected and the three reagents were randomly assigned to the three dogs in each litter. The data from the to see if there is a difference between reagents. If there is a difference, conduct an appropriate multiple comparisons procedure to identify the differencesexperiment are in file T1P3.csv. Identify the type of model and analyze the data

3) A rehabbilitation center was interestedin the impact of fitness level at the start of therapy to the time in physical therapy required to complete rehabilitation. Data were collected for 24 patients who had undergone a similar corrective knee surgery and the individual was racked on their fitness level as 1-below average, 2-average, 3-above average. The number of days required for physical therapy for each individual is in TpP4.csv. Prepare a comparative graphical analysis of the data and conduct an ANOVA to test if there is a difference in mean recovery time.

4) An engineer is studying the mileage performance characteristics of five type of gasoline additives. In the road test cars are to be used as blocks, there is only enough time to run four of the five additives in each car. The mileage data for this experiment are in file T1P5.csv. What type of design in this?

Conduct an analysis to identify whether some additives are better than others.


Miss and Mrs, because they are always followed by the family name of a father or husband Business Finance Assignment Help

the titles Miss and Mrs, because they are always followed by the family name of a father or husband, are historical reminders of a time when women were regarded as the responsibility, or indeed the property , of their fatherland husbands. While women’s political and economic rights have changed considerably in many countries, the English language still allows us to mark the marital status of women in ways that do not exist for men. Is women’s marital status marked in other languages? If so, how? It’s important to examine language you know well or to have a consultant who speaks that language natively. Do people try to avoid title and surname conventions when they get married? How can they do this with their language? You might investigate the use of titles and surnames in same-sex civil partnerships, which is frequently referred to as ‘marriages’. One resource might be wedding announcements in newspapers or coverage of celebrity sam-sex partners to gather the data here. How might labels for these new types of partnerships affect the language system?


Kristen‘s cookie company Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sexuality at the different life stages Humanities Assignment Help

I have to write a research paper using 5 research articles that are peer reviewed from the website proquest. The topic is ‘Sexuality at the different life stages’. To be more specific on the term sexuality, it is referring to sexual behavior and not sexual orientation. The articles have to include researches with method, results, and discussions. MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT LITERATURE REVIEWS!!!

I already have the first two articles which has to do with early childhood sexuality, adolescent women’s sexuality, and adolescent male’s sexuality, so I only need 2 more articles.


Need help with my macroeconomics question! Business-Macroeconomics202 Other Assignment Help

Q1: Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, the value for this economy’s GDP Deflator in year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, then the percentage growth rate of real GDP between year 1 and year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. The value for this economy’s nominal GDP in year 3:

Q4: Refer to Table 5.2. Suppose this economy produces only the three goods A, B, and C. If we use year 1 as the base year, then real GDP in year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.4. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, the value for this economy’s GDP Deflator in year 3 is:


problems using SAS Statistical Analysis System program Mathematics Assignment Help

I need the solution for these problems using SAS (Statistical Analysis System) program.

The solution should include the code, SAS output, and the analysis.

General Instructions: For all problem you should create appropriate graphs to evaluate all assumptions and provide a visual comparison of the treatment effects. Since the computer is doing the computations, it is important that you clearly interpret all result in the context of the problem. Don’t just say the F test is significant. Explain what that means in term of treatments being studied

1) A manufacturer conducted a small pilot study of the effect of the price of one of its products on sales of this product in hardware stores. Sixteen stores used in the study with four in each of the four geographic regions and one of each size in each region. Four price level were used in the study and were assigned to the stores so that each price level was assigned to each combination of region and store size. Identify the type of design used and analyze the data in file T1P2.csv to see if there is an impact on sales and if there is, identify the nature of the impact

2) A physiologist studied the effects of three reagents on muscle tissue in dogs. Ten litters of three dos each were randomly selected and the three reagents were randomly assigned to the three dogs in each litter. The data from the to see if there is a difference between reagents. If there is a difference, conduct an appropriate multiple comparisons procedure to identify the differencesexperiment are in file T1P3.csv. Identify the type of model and analyze the data

3) A rehabbilitation center was interestedin the impact of fitness level at the start of therapy to the time in physical therapy required to complete rehabilitation. Data were collected for 24 patients who had undergone a similar corrective knee surgery and the individual was racked on their fitness level as 1-below average, 2-average, 3-above average. The number of days required for physical therapy for each individual is in TpP4.csv. Prepare a comparative graphical analysis of the data and conduct an ANOVA to test if there is a difference in mean recovery time.

4) An engineer is studying the mileage performance characteristics of five type of gasoline additives. In the road test cars are to be used as blocks, there is only enough time to run four of the five additives in each car. The mileage data for this experiment are in file T1P5.csv. What type of design in this?

Conduct an analysis to identify whether some additives are better than others.


Miss and Mrs, because they are always followed by the family name of a father or husband Business Finance Assignment Help

the titles Miss and Mrs, because they are always followed by the family name of a father or husband, are historical reminders of a time when women were regarded as the responsibility, or indeed the property , of their fatherland husbands. While women’s political and economic rights have changed considerably in many countries, the English language still allows us to mark the marital status of women in ways that do not exist for men. Is women’s marital status marked in other languages? If so, how? It’s important to examine language you know well or to have a consultant who speaks that language natively. Do people try to avoid title and surname conventions when they get married? How can they do this with their language? You might investigate the use of titles and surnames in same-sex civil partnerships, which is frequently referred to as ‘marriages’. One resource might be wedding announcements in newspapers or coverage of celebrity sam-sex partners to gather the data here. How might labels for these new types of partnerships affect the language system?


Kristen‘s cookie company Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sexuality at the different life stages Humanities Assignment Help

I have to write a research paper using 5 research articles that are peer reviewed from the website proquest. The topic is ‘Sexuality at the different life stages’. To be more specific on the term sexuality, it is referring to sexual behavior and not sexual orientation. The articles have to include researches with method, results, and discussions. MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT LITERATURE REVIEWS!!!

I already have the first two articles which has to do with early childhood sexuality, adolescent women’s sexuality, and adolescent male’s sexuality, so I only need 2 more articles.


Need help with my macroeconomics question! Business-Macroeconomics202 Other Assignment Help

Q1: Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, the value for this economy’s GDP Deflator in year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, then the percentage growth rate of real GDP between year 1 and year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.1. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. The value for this economy’s nominal GDP in year 3:

Q4: Refer to Table 5.2. Suppose this economy produces only the three goods A, B, and C. If we use year 1 as the base year, then real GDP in year 2 is:


Refer to Table 5.4. Assume that this economy produces only two goods: Good X and Good Y. If year 1 is the base year, the value for this economy’s GDP Deflator in year 3 is:


problems using SAS Statistical Analysis System program Mathematics Assignment Help

I need the solution for these problems using SAS (Statistical Analysis System) program.

The solution should include the code, SAS output, and the analysis.

General Instructions: For all problem you should create appropriate graphs to evaluate all assumptions and provide a visual comparison of the treatment effects. Since the computer is doing the computations, it is important that you clearly interpret all result in the context of the problem. Don’t just say the F test is significant. Explain what that means in term of treatments being studied

1) A manufacturer conducted a small pilot study of the effect of the price of one of its products on sales of this product in hardware stores. Sixteen stores used in the study with four in each of the four geographic regions and one of each size in each region. Four price level were used in the study and were assigned to the stores so that each price level was assigned to each combination of region and store size. Identify the type of design used and analyze the data in file T1P2.csv to see if there is an impact on sales and if there is, identify the nature of the impact

2) A physiologist studied the effects of three reagents on muscle tissue in dogs. Ten litters of three dos each were randomly selected and the three reagents were randomly assigned to the three dogs in each litter. The data from the to see if there is a difference between reagents. If there is a difference, conduct an appropriate multiple comparisons procedure to identify the differencesexperiment are in file T1P3.csv. Identify the type of model and analyze the data

3) A rehabbilitation center was interestedin the impact of fitness level at the start of therapy to the time in physical therapy required to complete rehabilitation. Data were collected for 24 patients who had undergone a similar corrective knee surgery and the individual was racked on their fitness level as 1-below average, 2-average, 3-above average. The number of days required for physical therapy for each individual is in TpP4.csv. Prepare a comparative graphical analysis of the data and conduct an ANOVA to test if there is a difference in mean recovery time.

4) An engineer is studying the mileage performance characteristics of five type of gasoline additives. In the road test cars are to be used as blocks, there is only enough time to run four of the five additives in each car. The mileage data for this experiment are in file T1P5.csv. What type of design in this?

Conduct an analysis to identify whether some additives are better than others.


Miss and Mrs, because they are always followed by the family name of a father or husband Business Finance Assignment Help

the titles Miss and Mrs, because they are always followed by the family name of a father or husband, are historical reminders of a time when women were regarded as the responsibility, or indeed the property , of their fatherland husbands. While women’s political and economic rights have changed considerably in many countries, the English language still allows us to mark the marital status of women in ways that do not exist for men. Is women’s marital status marked in other languages? If so, how? It’s important to examine language you know well or to have a consultant who speaks that language natively. Do people try to avoid title and surname conventions when they get married? How can they do this with their language? You might investigate the use of titles and surnames in same-sex civil partnerships, which is frequently referred to as ‘marriages’. One resource might be wedding announcements in newspapers or coverage of celebrity sam-sex partners to gather the data here. How might labels for these new types of partnerships affect the language system?


do an 1 hour power point presentation in chemistry Science Assignment Help

do an 1 hour power point presentation in chemistry Science Assignment Help

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