Drama Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Drama Analysis Humanities Assignment Help. Drama Analysis Humanities Assignment Help.

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Complete your final draft of your Drama Analysis Essay by revising and editing your first draft (4D). Your final draft should present a compelling argument clearly stated in a complete thesis statement, include a complete introduction, at least three support paragraphs, and a complete conclusion, should be well-organized and supported, should include plenty of thoughtful analysis and concrete support details and should follow all of the expectations of the course rubric.

The final draft should be a two page assignment (Times New Roman 12 point font) and should include your name, date, etc., as you would on any other assignment.

Drama Analysis Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECOM PROJECT ‘jarir bookstore’ Business Finance Assignment Help

Its a group work project and that is my part and i hope you solve it with unique words your own words without copying from other resources without referencing it Because plagiarism isn’t allowed. Also the project length should be around 3500 words so i hope my part exceed 700 words And we Choose “Jarir Bookstores Company”

My part questions : -What type of conflicts might occur between members? When it’s happened how will you solve it?

-As a manager how you will manage the outsourced projects? –

-What techniques that you will apply to encourage and motivate your team for improvement?

References: Use APA style.  


Wk6 cal assgnnnnnnnn Health Medical Assignment Help


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Data can be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data is helpful to generate a hypothesis and gather information if little is known about an expected association. Focus groups, key informant interviews, and case studies are types of qualitative data collection methods used to identify common themes from which to build a hypothesis. Quantitative data collection and analysis is used to test a hypothesis and make comparisons to determine the direction and strength of a potential association. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is cross-sectional panel survey used to collect quantitative data on adult behaviors and risk factors. It is one of the largest U.S. health data collection efforts. The data can be used to analyze associations on a state or country level. Follow the steps to obtain a 2×2 contingency table (also known as a “cross tabulation”) crossing binge drinking with depression.

  • Retrieve the “BRFSS Web-Enabled Analysis Tool” resource provided in the Topic Materials.
  • Select “Cross Tabulation.”
  • Select “2015” for the year.
  • Select “Arizona” for the state.
  • Select “Alcohol Consumption: Binge drinkers (males having five or more drinks on one occasion, females having four or more drinks on one occasion)” for Step 2 Select Row.
  • Select “Chronic Health Conditions: Ever diagnosed with a depressive disorder, including depression, major depression, dysthymia, or minor depression” for Step 3 Select Column.
  • Skip Steps 4 and 5.
  • Select “Sample Size” for Step 6 Select Statistics and run the report for the cross tabulation.

Part 1

Using the data from the cross tabulation results, calculate the odds ratio for depression among those exposed to binge drinking. Interpret the odds ratio and discuss if the odds ratio is a good estimate of the relative risk in this situation. Why or why not? Show your 2×2 table and all calculations. Present or describe the formula you used to arrive at your answer.

Part 2

Use the Material, “BRFSS Web-Enabled Analysis Tool,” located on the CDC website, and run a report for two variables of interest to you. Create a 2×2 table and calculate the odds ratio for this association. Interpret the odds ratio and discuss the public health importance of the association. Show your 2×2 table. Present or describe the formula you used to arrive at your answer.

Refer to the “Creating a 2×2 Contingency Table” resource for guidance in creating 2×2 contingency tables.

General Requirements

You are required to cite at least FOUR sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the discussion question criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

While APA style is required, solid academic writing is expected as well, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

PLEASE make sure APA citation and permalink for articles are complete and correct.

PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.


Review Chapter 14, and read Chapters 11-13 in Gordis Epidemiology.



Read “Causation in Epidemiology: Association and Causation,” located on the Health Knowledge website.



Read “Section 5: Measures of Association,” from Lesson 3 of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) self-study course, Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health Practice: An Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics (2012), located on the CDC website.



Use the “BRFSS Web Enabled Analysis Tool,” located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, to complete the topic assignment.



Review “Multicausality: Confounding,” by Schoenbach (2004), located on the Epidemilog.net website.



View “How to Calculate Relative Risk,” by Shaneyfelt (2012), located on the YouTube website.



View “How to Calculate an Odds Ratio,” by Shaneyfelt (2012), located on the YouTube website.



MUSThave at least 4 citations with the page numbers and 4 references in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.)

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



Organic Chemistry 130 Meme Science Assignment Help

Create only one meme from what I am learning right now in Organic Chem.

Chapter 8- Alcohols, ethers, and thiols

1) Name simple alcohols, ethers and thiols using IUPAC rules and understand the characteristic physical properties of each.

2) Understand the reactivities of alcohols, ethers and thiols.

3) Understand the basic properties of an epoxide (a special cyclic ether).

Chapter 9- Benzene and its derivatives

1) Understand the concept of aromaticity and be able to predict if a compound is aromatic.

2) Be able to name simple aromatics using IUPAC rules and predict their physical properties.

3) Understand the characteristic reactions of aromatics, particularly electrophilic aromatic substitution.

4) Understand the basic mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution and how substituents effect the reaction outcome


week2 discussion psy3530 Writing Assignment Help

The age of onset and gender are factors that describe the prevalence of certain types of mental illnesses. While the onset of some mental illnesses is related to genetic or physiological factors, that of others is influenced by factors such as environment and lifestyle choices. Socioeconomic factors also increase the risk for certain health conditions. Finally, in humans, cognitive abilities, such as problem solving and memory, change with age and a number of factors influence how these abilities change.

  • Research a specific mental disorder. Describe the symptoms considered for the diagnosis, the age of onset, and prevalence, if any, by gender. Explain some of the factors that may influence the onset and prevalence of the disorder.
  • Describe the most common conditions influenced by socioeconomic factors on the basis of correlative evidence. Explain some of the ways in which the prevalence of these conditions can be decreased.
  • Describe some factors that can have a negative influence on and some factors that can improve or maintain a person’s problem-solving ability and memory with age. Support your answer with relevant, real-life examples from your personal observations.

Justify your answers with relevant, real-life examples, appropriate reasoning, and research from your text and course readings. Comment on the postings of at least two peers and analyze each peer’s posting, suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.



business continuity plan Writing Assignment Help

Project on by Using The template

Students will create a Disaster Recovery Plan for either the organization they work for or one they wish to work for in the future. The plan will follow the template/example provided.

The student should request prior authorization of the company to be addressed to ensure that all students are working on unique companies.

**Even though this is a technical document, for academic purposes, all sources should be cited and referenced.

*** Students may modify some of the sections per the company they have selected but all students will need to complete a DR Plan for the Portfolio Requirement.



business continuity plan Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

algorithms around us Computer Science Assignment Help

For the Algorithms Around Us assignment, each student will create their own reference guide to explain a particular use of algorithmic decision making in contemporary society by integrating student-written text and carefully chosen multimedia (images, articles, video, etc.) using Google Sites (Links to an external site.), to create a cohesive explanation of the positive and negative aspects of that use of algorithms using the description of algorithms provided by Cathy O’Neil in the book Weapons of Math Destruction.

Students’ reference guides will be graded based on the Algorithms Around Us Assignment Rubric. Please familiarize yourself with this rubric so you will understand the instructor’s expectations and how you will be graded. A sample of this kind of web page has been mocked up at https://sites.google.com/scarletmail.rutgers.edu/algorithms-around-us/home (Links to an external site.) – this is approximately the same length and contains the same headings and incorporates the same APA citation standards as the assignment.


Choose one of the news items listed below to work on.

Read through the news item carefully and thoroughly, keeping an eye out for evidence related to O’Neil’s three components of “Weapons of Math Destruction” as discussed in chapter one.

Research the specific use of algorithmic decision making discussed in the article you selected. Your goal in this research is to provide a full explanation of:

  • What is algorithmic decision making and why is it important to understand its use?
  • The use of this type of algorithmic decision making tool described and why it is significant.
  • How this type of algorithmic decision making would line up with each of O’Neil’s three components (transparency, damage or potential for damage, and scale).

Your research used for your reference guide should include at least eight sources that you identified (not counting the original news item from the assignment’s list or Weapons of MathDestruction)of which at least two must be audio or video and at least two must be peer reviewed sources from scholarly journals. In your write-up you will also need to cite the news item and the Weapons of Math Destruction book, for a minimum of ten sources in total for the assignment.

All sources used should be credible as assessed by a test such as the CRAAP test and should be cited using APA citations. The original news item should also be listed among the sources for the assignment.

Synthesize your research to develop a one page reference guide for readers to have their questions related to the news item answered. Word count for this guide should be approximately 1200-1500 words excluding references.

Sources for information on the site must be listed in APA style using full citations for the sources at the bottom of the page in a separate section. See the OWL APA guide (Links to an external site.) for help if needed. When preparing the “Sources” section be sure to also cite the Weapons of Math Destruction book as well as the original news item that you’ve been researching for the assignment! In all, you should wind up with at least ten sources.

Build a one page site with this information using the free “Google Sites” web-based tool. Videos and images should be embedded to clarify or illustrate your points. Design choices for the web page should prioritize clarity of content, specifically ease of reading.


STEP 1: Follow the steps outlined on the “Get Started with Google Sites” page: https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/products/sites/get-started/ (Links to an external site.)

STEP 2: Begin creating your reference guide by adding the following to your new site:

  • Site document name
  • Banner title/header: Short title of your reference guide.
  • Description: Full title of your reference guide.
  • Banner image


Your work must be completely visible without clicking on any interface elements when the URL loads. If you’re uncertain if your selected template presents this kind of problem be sure to check with your IA at least 48 hours before submitting your work.

Your reference guide will be made public and visible on the open web when you publish it. To maintain your privacy, it’s recommended that you do not use your full name for the “Username” – rather use a first initial and last name or first name and last initial (e.g., msmith; or marys) or some other generic identifier.

STEP 3: Add six subheadings titled “Overview of Algorithmic Decision Making”, “Transparency”, “Potential for Problems”, “Scale”, “Conclusions”, and “Sources” to your Google Sites page. Each of these subheadings should include a discussion supported by source(s) you have found to be helpful in understanding that aspect of the reference guide’s topic.

Images and video are often helpful for explaining different aspects of the use of this technology and should be embedded appropriately. Captions explaining the image/video’s context and identifying its source are strongly encouraged where-ever possible.

  • Important notes!:
    • Provide substance in your analysis that demonstrates critical thinking! Engaging in lengthy summaries of your sources without discussing why this information is enlightening or useful in understanding the topic will not result in a good grade.
    • DO NOT copy/paste content from the source word-for-word. This is plagiarism and will result in an automatic zero for this assignment and possible further consequences.
    • Be sure to paraphrase others’ thoughts in your own words! Lengthy direct quotes from your sources will not be viewed as a strong indication of your own understanding of the material.

STEP 4: Preview your Google Sites digital story

  1. To see how it will look when published, click on the preview icon. Google Sites Preview Icon.png
  2. Proofread and edit/revise, as needed, before publishing your Google Sites digital story.

Step 5: Publish Your Google Sites digital story.

STEP 6: Copy your Google Sites URL at the top of the page and then follow the Assignment Submission Instructions below to submit your work


Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

Now that you have considered how to recruit and retain the employees you want in your organization, create a compensation and benefits package using this business proposal format. The package must be consistent with the objectives of job satisfaction for the valuable employees in an organization of your design.

Include the following:

Please review the Word 2010 create and edit tables (Links to an external site.) video. Closed captioning and transcript of the video is provided in the tool bar of the video player

Your business proposal must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, must include a separate reference page, and must include citations from the text and at least four scholarly sources, one of which must be from the Ashford University Library.


Read carefully Textbook Chapter 10 and the Power Points ,then Answer the following Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Around 800 words

  1. Read carefully Textbook Chapter 10 and the Power Points; then Answer the following Questions:
    • Discuss, in-depth, Reasons for Product Standardization in Global Markets. What are some Benefits and Challenges in Product Standardization? (see textbook p 397 – 404)
    • Discuss, in-depth, Reasons for Product Adaptation in Global Markets. What are some Benefits and Challenges in Product Adaptation?
  2. The Textbook (-. 390 – 391) explains how Starbucks’ Introduced Coffee to Chinese Marketsusing Product Adaptation Strategies. Select a Product (possibly/assume New to the Chinese markets; give Name and Picture of the Product). Discuss, in-depth, How you would Introduce that Product (you have Selected/Identified) to Chinese Markets.


Drama Analysis Final Draft Humanities Assignment Help

Complete your final draft of your Drama Analysis Essay by revising and editing your first draft (4D). Your final draft should present a compelling argument clearly stated in a complete thesis statement, include a complete introduction, at least three support paragraphs, and a complete conclusion, should be well-organized and supported, should include plenty of thoughtful analysis and concrete support details and should follow all of the expectations of the course rubric.

The final draft should be a two page assignment (Times New Roman 12 point font) and should include your name, date, etc., as you would on any other assignment.


Drama Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Drama Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

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